17 minute read
Property Transfers
John Searl graduates from University of Illinois
John Searl, son of Mark and Karen Searl of Port Byron, graduated Dec 17, 2021, from University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, College of ACES.
He obtained a Bachelors of Science degree in 3-1/2 years in Crop Sciences with a concentration in Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. Searl worked in the research lab under Dr. Anthony Studer, was a James Scholar, a Jonathan Baldwin Tourner Scholar, and on the Dean’s List. John also interned for three years at Beck’s Hybrids in Indiana. He spent winter break 2019 in Hawaii working in their research plots.
Searl is pursuing his PhD in Crop Sciences at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
John Searl
Black Hawk College releases Honors lists
East Campus (Galva/Kewanee)
High Honors – GPA 3.75 to 4.00 for the semester
Albany: Gunnar Wuebben
Erie: Brooke Chandler
Port Byron: Kelsey Doty
Tampico: Haley Sebby
Honors – GPA 3.50 to 3.74 for the semester
Fenton: Carson Wiebenga
Hooppole: Cassidy Miller
Tampico: Gracy Lindsey, Jasmyn VanHorn
Quad-Cities Campus (Moline)
High Honors – GPA 3.75 to 4.00 for the semester
Albany: Olivia Henry, Ashley Livingston
Cordova: Ashley Hall, Clara Lonergan, Matthew Lowe, James Moorhusen
Erie: Christina Ayers, Jadyn Collis, Emma Davis, Jaden Johnson, Jade Nickerson, Kelsey Stichter, Jaylee Stortz
Fenton: Emily Decker, Malory Eggers, Cadance Hawk, Ella Heyvaert, Shea Winters
Morrison: Tyler Glover
Port Byron: Jordan Bull-Welch, Jessee Pinson, Sarah Prigge, Preston Searl, Molly Sharp, Madison Wallace
Prophetstown: Koby Brooks, Adysson Scott
Rapids City: Carrie Riley
Honors – GPA 3.50 to 3.74 for the semester
Erie: Macy Ashdown, Lynette Foree, Sara Gaskill, Emily Herzmann, Parker Holldorf, Aylah Jones, Mya Jones, Mikayla Morrissey, Isabelle VanOosten, Noah Wiseley, Bailey Youngberg
Fenton: Erin Ashdown, Bryce Jepson
Fulton: Paige Dykstra
Port Byron: Jasmine Bell, Lauren Day, Parker Friant, Emma Hart
Local students on Carthage College Dean’s List
More than 600 students have been named to the Carthage College dean’s list for the fall 2021 semester.
Dean’s list honors are accorded to Carthage students who achieve a minimum 3.5 grade-point average while carrying at least 14 credit hours during a semester.
Brett VanDeWostine and Abigail Stichter of Erie, earned this achievement.
Palicki makes Dean’s List at Monmouth College
Alivia Palicki, an art education major from Fulton, has made the Dean’s List at Monmouth College for the Fall 2021 semester. Students on the list achieved a grade-point average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale while taking at least three full academic credits.
Holldorf on UW-Whitewater men’s track and field roster
Tyler Holldorf, a native of Erie, and graduate of Erie High School, will compete for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater men’s track and field team during the 2022 season, which began Saturday, Jan. 22.
Holldorf, a sophomore at UW-Whitewater, is majoring in human performance.
Chenoweth named to fall 2021 Dean’s List
Northern Illinois University announces its fall 2021 Dean’s List students. To earn this distinction, students must meet a minimum semester grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or a minimum of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale in the colleges of Business, Education, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts.
Kylie Chenoweth, College of Business Dean’s List, Human Resource Management, of Erie, earned this honor.
Whiteside County
Warranty deeds
Amy L. Eifel, formerly Johnson, to Timothy J. and Patricia A. Bush, one parcel on Hill Road, Erie, $80,000.
Keith E. and Lydia B. Crady to Dru R. and Tess M. Crady, 500 Highland Ave., Erie, $95,000.
Craig E. and Phyllis A. Graham to Lisa and John Barger Sr., 8999 Wilmont Road, Fenton, $132,500.
Sterling SNF Management LLC to Dirks Family Trust, Linda S. Dirks, trustee, 803B Coventry Lane, Sterling, 90,000.
Gregory S. Fullman to Cal Jarrett, 405 Second Ave., Rock Falls, $120,000.
Vickie L. Collins to Amber G. and James R. Walker, 22478 Mill Road, Tampico, $215,000.
Paulette Petersen and Richard P. Munz to Daniel Mitchell, 17178 Elston Road, Fulton, $150,000.
Michael B. Gabriel to Melissa K. and Phillip C. Gonterman Jr., 130 Main St., Erie, $130,000.
Thomas A. McCleary to Perry Wancket, 1215 W. 20th St., Rock Falls, $85,000.
Jeffrey A. Lenhart to Dyllan Willett, 311 Third Ave., Sterling, $100,000.
J. Darwin Olsen to Joshua W. and Keli C. Knuth, 16891 Hunters Ridge Road, Fulton, $304,500.
Terry L. and Penny J. Boseneiler to Amery Rentals LLC Lyndon, 504 W. Sixth St., Prophetstown, $40,000.
Quit claim deeds
Michael S. and Jennifer M. Rangel Kelly Trust to Anne Skibb, one parcel of farmland in Prophetstown Township, $0.
Seth M. and Kara B. Spooner to Anthony Renello, one parcel in Fenton Township, $0.
Roger K. and Susan A. Meiers to Anthony and Christopher Meiers, 15543 Bishop Road, Morrison, $0.
Trustees deeds
Richard H. Landheer Estate, Leta Ann VanZuiden, trustee, to Scott Alan and Todd Michael VanZuiden, two parcels in Mt. Pleasant Township, $0.
Dean A. Pierson Trust to Lelia D. Gibson Trust, 386 Perkins Road, Prophetstown, $584,000.
Sandra L. and Merle L. Grau Trust to Michael K. and Elizabeth M. Hamilton, 501 E. High St., Morrison, $230,000.
Executors deeds
Denny R. Fulfs Estate to Kurtis T. and Amy Downs, one parcel on Science Ridge Road, Sterling, $154,000.
Darlene Rathje Estate to Angela R. Dickau, 1110 Sixth Ave., Fulton, $120,000.
Mark D. Duchay Estate to Castle 2020 LLC, 302 W. Fifth St., Sterling, $23,000.
Source: Whiteside County Recorder’s Office
Alex T. Paschal/apaschal@shawmedia.com Enrollment at Sauk Valley Community College is up 15% in the 2022 spring semester from the 2021 fall semester.
A nony mous donor g ives $50,000 to Sauk Valley College’s Impact Program
DIXON – An anonymous donor has pledged $50,000 to the Sauk Valley Community College Impact Program, which will be launching across the college district this spring.
The donation was made to the We Are the Future endowment campaign, a multiyear campaign to raise $10 mill i o n i n f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t f o r t h e impact program, which will allow high schoolers to earn up to 3 years of tuition and fees at Sauk Valley by doing community service in the area.
T h e a n o n y m o u s d o n o r w a s described as “a longtime supporter of the college and a passionate advocate for the students and programs at SVCC.”
“When Sauk Valley Community College was created in the 1960s by Peter Dillon and the founders, other supporters realized that SVCC would answer the needs of our area for vocational training, medical care, initial studies for bachelor’s degrees, and basic education,” the donor said in a news release. “We must solidify our ability to provide for the next 60 years. Many people are proud of our contributions to SVCC, and we encourage others to become involved by giving their time, attention, and finances.”
The SVCC Impact Program is based on national promise programs, and it was designed to address the specific n e e d s o f t h e S a u k V a l l e y r e g i on including stemming out migration, growing the pool of skilled workers, and helping to strengthen the area’s community service organizations.
Sauk Valley Community College President Dave Hellmich said the program will be a game changer for growing the community.
P i l o t p r o g r a m s a r e c u r r e n t l y underway for students in Fulton and Prophetstown thanks to a $1 million donation from an anonymous Whiteside County resident last year, and the earned tuition program will be available across Sauk’s six-county footprint in the spring.
The first round of students who successfully complete the program requirements will be eligible to enroll at Sauk in 2026.
Since May, 60% of students in the impact pilot programs have participated in 122 different volunteer opportunities, totaling close to 800 hours of service.
Students would need to meet five criteria to qualify, consisting of registering for the program by Sept. 1 of their freshman year, graduate on time or early with their class, participate in 25 hours of community service a year totaling 100 hours, graduate from high school or an accredited home school program within the district, and apply for at least one other local/ state/national scholarship as well as complete FAFSA.
Those who meet those requirements and who enroll in a career or transfer program would be given up to 3 years of tuition and fees.
For information about the Sauk Impact Program or the We Are the Future campaign, go to svcc.edu/ impact or email foundation@svcc. edu.
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Morrison High School releases second-quar ter honor roll
4.00 and above
Class of 2022: Clara Bush, Kendra Fisher, Tanna Frederick, Aaron F r e e m a n , F a i t h G r e e n , H a i l e y Kozovic, Rongxuan “Mae” Li, Evelyn L i r a , S a m u e l R i c h a r d s , L i l l i a n Weston, Bailey Williams, Macy Williamson, Brady Wolf
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 3 : Zayden Boonstra, Mark Cyphers, Taylor Swanstrom, Shelby Veltrop, Hannah Zinke
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 4 : Madison Banks, Carly Boonstra, Madison Krum, Gracelyn Streets Wood, Ethan Taylor
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 5 : Austin Boonstra, Landon Cook, Blake Huizenga, Paige L e i g ht on , I s a i a h M c D e a r m on , Hunter McNeece, Sarah Stralow
3,500 to 3.999
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 2 : Teyana ArroyoMiller, Beau Brackemeyer, Sidney Cook, Katherine Henson, Quinn James, Noah May, Michaela Millard, Adam Neumann, Kristen Peters, Keaton Still, Trey Strating, Allison T a y l o r , C a d i e U n g e r , F a i t h VanderVinne, Ethan Wiersema
Class of 2023: Carter Behrens, Jerrica Bormann, Cheyenne Callan, Anlynn Dykstra, Katherine Eggemeyer, Marissa Folkers, Nelly Gil, Landri Harmon, Jalyn Johnson, E r i k a K i n g , G i n a L e e , J o r d a n Luhrsen, Owen Mussmann, Nevaeh Strobbe, Jenna Tichler, Jace Wagner, Lexi Wilkens
Class of 2024: Blake Adams, Dylan Anderson, Alyvia Behrens, Caden Bielema, Emery Brewer, Cambell Buikema, Cooper Bush, Geneva Conn e l l y , T h e r o n D e c k e r , H a i l e y E d w a r d s , B r i a n n a G r o e n e w o l d , Madison Houzenga, Katie Hutchison, Jayden Kershaw, Karalynn Kirkpatrick, Cameron McDonnell, Madeline Milnes, Emma Oldham, Kaleb Randall, Allen Rumfelt, Viola Schmidmeier, Nicholas Wagenecht II, Sarah Weston, Steven Zhang
Class of 2025: Madilyn Armitage, Colton Bielema, Katie Bush, Olivia Dauphin, Jett Decker, Isabella Duncan, Airiana Frederick, Brooklynn Knouse, Emma Mackum, Makenzie Neas, Danica Pfister, Kaylee Pruis, Lau ren Rubright, Gavin St reets Wood, Camryn Veltrop
3.200 to 3.499
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 2 : Chloe Austin-Roeder, Kayla Carpenter, Thomas Dauphin, Payton Decker, Mason Dykstra , Carver Findley , Floridalma Garcia Izaguirre, Owen Hayenga, Braxton Houzenga, Dakota Houzenga, Isaac Melton, Aracely Pineda, Xona, Lindsey Schroeder, Layne Stephenson
Class of 2023: BayLeigh Brewer, Schyon Drolema, Kendall Leighton, M a K e n n a M o o n , D a n i e l M o u w , Molly Riffle, Leah Scott, Demery Smith, Marissa Wadsworth, Jario Xono Lucero, Ava Yates
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 4 : Kaylynn Alfrejd, Dailey Damhoff, Jordan Eads, Peyton Emerson, Afton Eyrich, Brayden H o u z e n g a , K e e g a n M a y b e r r y , Abbagail McClain, Chase Newman, Carson Strating, Marissa Tichler, Hailey Wiersema
C l a s s o f 2 0 2 5 : Ilmeta Dzeladini, Kenadi Hinrichsen, Zachary Milder, Violet Mills, Daniella Morgan, Zoey Patterson, Reynolds Reavy IV, Emily Roggy, Kaleb Schroeder
Erie Middle School second-quar ter students On-A-Roll
Erie Middle School has announced the second quarter On-A-Roll. Students on the list have a B average, with * denoting all A’s. Congratulations to the following students:
F i f t h G r a d e: Luna Addis, Jaxon Alls, Chance Anderson, *Micah Bach, Cooper Beaver, *Noah Berk, *Caleb Brown, *Brady Burns, Hunter Bush, Taylie Cope, *Sydney Dornbush, * H a i l e y E y r i c h , * A id an G a r c e a , *Kingston Gehrking, Zoey Horton, T a y t u m J a c o b s , * A v a J o h n s o n , *Grayson Johnston, Levi Knudtson, Averee Lukehart, Ethan Meier, *Lia Milem, Adah Mills, *Lillian Misf e l d t , * P e y t o n M i s f e l d t , D o n i v a n Monkus, Wyatt Oszfolk, *Dawson Pool, Alyssa Pratt, Addison Roupe, Keegan Ryan, Reese Ryan, *Atreyu Shramek, Robin Stephens, Charlotte S t r o p e s , K e r i n T u r n e r , * El la h Weaver, Maddison Weaver, Walker Wright, and Caleb Zaagman.
S i x t h G r a d e : S o p h i e A n d e r s o n, *Faith Baar, *Nolan Bradley, Ivy Brooks, Kyla Crady, Carson Eyrich, A n d r e w F e n z e l , E l i j a h F r a n z e n , Chloe Hamilton, Addision Horton, *Lyla Johnson, Hunter Jones, *Laila Keeling, Addison Knapp, *Jacob Murphy, *Jennica Norman, Kelsi P a c k e r , A n t h o n y P a x t o n J r . , *Braeden Punke, Christopher Pyse, Kaycee Russell, *Ella Schipper, Carter Shepherd, Toby Tate, Jackson Tegeler, *Addilyn Temple, Cheyenne Terry, Craig Thompson, and Mia Trent.
Seventh Grade: Mara Ary, Boston Besse, Hailie Blumhoff, *Sarah Carls o n , * S a w y e r C o p e l a n d , D e a c on Dewulf, *Isabella Floming, Allie Frieberg, Karrie Hamm, *Holden Hawk, *Payton Holcomb, Tristan Hovey, Brice Howell, Cade Huisman, *Justin J a c o b s , * A l e x u s K a p p l e , A y d e n Klendworth, Navonna Lopez, *Ashton Miner, *Brayden Morell, *Isab e l l a O l v e r a , * L a u r e n P u n k e , *Nathan Punke, Caleb Reymer, *Taylor Robshaw, Dane Ryan, Hailey Ryan, Evan Steimle, Ryleigh Stephens, Kash Temple, *Elley Weidel, Nevada Wells, *Makayla Wetzell, *Roselyn Wickes, and *Lauryn Wunderlich.
Eighth Grade: Lauren Abbott, Aiden Almanza, *Stella Ashdown, *Victoria Ballard, Kaylin Brookhart, *Keigin Brookhart, *Brynn Brown, *Isaac Carlson, *Aurora Chriest, Braedyn Frank, Saige Froeliger, Abby Gabriel, Kennady Gehrking, Draven Graham, Ava Grawe, Jack Hockaday, Jalyn Hockaday, *Aubrey Huisman, Avery Jacobs, *Ashlyn Johnson, Elisabeth Johnson, *Isabella Johnston, Connor K e e g a n , K a y l e e K e e g a n , E t h a n Lavine, Layne Licklider, Max Milem, Aubrey Misfeldt, *Charleigh Misfeldt, *Michelle Naftzger, *Jonathan Norman, Iszabel Oszfolk, Isabella Pangrazio, Jessie Papineau, Amiah Stubblefield, Keegan Winckler, and *Savannah Wuebben.
River Bend Middle School f irst-semester honor roll
‘A’ Honor Roll
Eighth grade: Belle Curley, Alyssa Griffith, Lauren Guenther, Landen L e u , J e s s a R e ad , J a da Sc h a v e r , Brooklyn Thoms
S e v e n t h g r a d e : N a t a l i e A n t o n , Wiley Blasdell II, Madison Bolton, Liam Brubaker, Averi Bush, Trenton Dykstra, Paige Emerson, Evan Folk, Leo Frick, Lillian Frick, Ashton Morhardt, Maxwell Owen, Jasen Siglar, Logan Smither, Alicen Wiersema, Iris Williamson
Sixth grade: Noah Anton, Teague Bray, Addison Christiansen, Wrenn Coffey, Isaac Echebarria, Ella Folk, Lillian Hauck, Talon Meyers, Evan Speir, Easton Spooner
‘B’ Honor Roll
Eighth grade: Tyler Barsema, Noah B a u s c h e r , W y a t t B e c k er , L a n d o n Boonstra, Grace Bray, Isabella Bush, Zachary Clark, Paige Cramer, Chase Dykstra, Kaitlyn Foley, Cathryn Graham, Aidan Griser, Wesley Hackett, Gwendolyn Huizenga, Mason Kuebel, I s a b e l M e r e m a , B r a e d o n M e y e r s , Tarik Paisley, Brandon Petersen, Jake Pidde, Janell Preston, Dawson Price, Jordin Rathburn, Liam Robbins, Kody Schipper, Jaiden Shepherd, Aubry Smith, Haley Smither, Gavin Snyder, Aaron Stillings, CJ Struckman, Brookl y n V o g e l , J a c o b V o s s , H a n na h Wiersema, Caden Wilkin
Seventh grade: Addisen Barsema, Mason Bray, Kyley Burden, Gianna Carpenter, Matthew Connor, Landon Dykstra, Aidan Elder, Melissa Facio, Kara Griffy, Haylee Hamstra, Benjamin Huisenga, Makenna Kampe, Zoe Kunau, Sophie Lippens, Cammie Lubinski, Jonah Lutz, Kayleen Mendoza, Tate Norman, Amelia Ottens, Chloe Peter, Jaxon Resop, Madisyn Rynes, Megan Smith, Emma Tichler, Owen VanZuiden
Sixth grade: Kyleigh Allensworth, Kiah Baker, Jordan Brechon, Brianne Brennan, Meranda Butt, Brayleigh Cook, Blaze Damhoff, Sara Hodge, Teighlor Holesinger, Victor Jackson, J a m e s o n K i n g e r y , N o r a K i n g e ry , Claire Luskey, Kathryne McGovern, Evan McWilliams, Ashlee Meinema, Jacob Overkamp, Peterson Parisi, Daisy Peter, Leah Quick, Eduard Qunai, Kathleen Robbins, Bodey Stephenson, Katelyn Temple, Breleigh Terrock-Hayton, Keaton Thyne, Aiden VanZuiden, Chloe Wilkin, Armani Cooper, Michael Foley, Tucker Tiesman
Lil Steamer Open draws hundreds to high school
BY SARAH FORD For Shaw Media
For a few hours on Friday night, Fulton High School was packed as the Lil Steamer Open wrestling tournament returned after a year hiatus.
Around 250 boys and girls from 35 area wrestling clubs descended on the school on Jan. 28 for the annual tournament hosted by the River Bend Steamers Wrestling Club. The gym and bleachers were filled with wrestlers and spectators, and a constant line at the concessions stand kept volunteers busy.
Wrestling divisions were Tots (5 and under), Bantam (6-7), Intermediate (8-9), Novice (10-11), and Senior (1214). Every kid who participated got a medal, and champions of each bracket got a t-shirt. The top wrestlers of each division got their photos taken on a winners’ podium in the cafeteria.
Organizers thanked all the kids, parents, and coaches for their support of the tournament, as well as the River Bend Wrestling Club parents, the high school wrestling team, and the wrestling alumni.
River Bend Steamers Wrestling C l u b c o n s i s t s o f w r e s t l e r s a g e s 5 through 8th grade, and the club is a member of the Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation. River Bend School District had 67 kids competing on the mat, with Mason Kuebel of Fulton winning his 8th Lil Steamer Open Title.
Sarah Ford for Shaw Media LEFT: Ezekiel Walker, 6, of the Sauk Valley Wrestling Club and Pearl Long, 6, of the River Bend Steamers Wrestling Club, grapple on the mat Friday, Jan. 28, at Fulton High School while Gunnar Wuebben of Albany officiates the match. ABOVE: Grayson Meyers, 7, of Fulton and Victor Oehrlein, 7, of Clinton are pictured during their match at the Lil Steamer Open while coach Russ McCallister officiates. More photos on page 15.
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