VOLUME 166 • NO. 21
Fulton, Illinois
W E D N E S D A Y , M A Y 2 0 , 2 0 2 0 • $ 1 .0 0
LOVE SOMEONE, LOVE FULTON Jerry Lindsey/Shaw Media
Community contributions reflecting tributes for gratefulness have yielded a successful fundraising campaign for FACE. Article on page 2.
Whiteside County to be cited Violating stay-athome order. / 6 Published every Wednesday 20 pages • One section
Utility Rate Hike
Farm Bureau
Garbage handling to change. / 3
Members urged to respond. / 4
WHAT’S INSIDE Society News..................................... 3 Churches...................................... 14-15 Classifieds .............................. 17-18-19
Fulton Police....................................11 Glimpses..........................................11 School News ................................. 5
DEATHS Published every Wednesday by Sauk Valley Media, a division of Shaw Media
Samuel L. Dean, Clara Klavenga, Lois Ann Miller, Julie Vaughn, Frank C. Ward, Page 10
Fulton Journal • Wednesday, May 20, 2020
THE OFFICE 100 E. Main Street, Morrison, Illinois 61270 (815) 772-7244 Fax: (815) 772-4105 SUBSCRIPTIONS In Whiteside County 24 months - $50 12 months - $30 Remainer of Illinois, Iowa 24 months - $68 12 months - $41 Remainer of United States 24 months - $79 12 months - $48 Single-copy price is $1 To subscribe, make a payment or discuss your delivery, call 815-772-7244 Monday through Friday or send an e-mail to CLASSIFIED SALES 815-772-7244 OBITUARIES 815-772-7244 Deadline for obituaries is Monday at 9 a.m. SEND NEWS Editor Jerry Lindsey 815-772-7244, ext. 1024 Deadline for Society News: Friday at 3 p.m. Advertising Sales 815-772-7244 wnsadvertising Classified Ad Deadline: Friday at 10 a.m. The FULTON JOURNAL (USPS No. 211-940) is published weekly by Sauk Valley Media, Shaw Media. Periodical postage paid at Fulton, Illinois, 61252 POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Fulton Journal P.O. Box 31, Morrison, Illinois 61270 All rights reserved. Copyright 2020
“Love Someone, Love Fulton” exceeds goal Due to the gratefulness and generosity of so many, the Fulton Association for Community Enrichment’s (FACE) tribute challenge has been very successful. FACE, Fulton’s community foundation and a geographic affiliate of the Quad Cities Community Foundation, received a grant last year from the D.S. Flikkema Foundation that would provide $5,000 to bolster FACE’s fund for grant-making if the community donated at least another $5,000 in honor or in memory of friends, loved ones, events, etc. To date, almost 40 different tributes of $25 or more have been made. They have included tributes of gratefulness
for grandchildren, birthday wishes, remembering loved ones, and honoring community volunteers. The monetary gifts that accompanied the tributes to-date total just over $6,400 and were given by 25 different individuals or families. Including the D.S. Flikkema Foundation match that those gifts made possible, the FACE Community Impact Endowment now has $11,400 more at work to support grants to great community projects and services in the years ahead. All these tributes are on display right now in the Masonic windows in downtown Fulton. If you haven’t taken a look
through them, stop down and do so— and it is not too late to add a tribute of your own to the display—a Fulton High School grad you’d like to recognize, a first responder or essential worker you’d like to thank, a wedding day to remember, a vet you’d like to thank, or whatever it is that you are particularly grateful about. Donations can be mailed to FACE, PO Box 292, Fulton IL 61252, or by donating online ( will take you to the community foundation’s donation page for FACE’s granting fund). If you would like additional information, contact Connie Koehn at 815-589-2646.
Utility rate hikes, garbage handling to change
BY CODY CUTTER Shaw Media City water, sewer and garbage rates soon are going up. The City Council approved the changes at its April 27 meeting as part of the city’s 2020-21 annual budget. Rates will increase by 4% starting with readings from May 20 to June 20, which are applied to the July bill. Garbage rates will increase from $13.30 a month to $15.80 starting with the June bill. They were raised to continue to pay for repairs and improvements in water and sewer systems, City Administrator
Randy Boonstra said. “These are sophisticated systems and the equipment continues to increase in cost,” he said. The increase applies to variable water and sewer rates and the cost for debt Randy on past investments, BoonBoonstra stra said. Increased costs of recycling and worker compensation rates drove the garbage rate increase. “After these latest increases, the city rates are still in the lower half of over 20 other cities in the area,” Boonstra said.
Moring Disposal operates in Fulton, and it has announced changes to garbage collection. Hard plastic carts for garbage and recyclables that hold about 65 gallons are being delivered to homes; collection takes place at front curbs. Starting May 18, garbage collection north of 13th Avenue will be every Monday and south of 13th Avenue every Wednesday. Yard waste collection is Tuesday, and recyclables every two weeks. Elderly residents who may encounter trouble with the new garbage system can call Moring at 815-622-0500.
curbside pickup will be contactless. You will be asked to make an appointment for pickup, pull up in front of the 5th St. entrance, call the library to inform us of your arrival, and pop your trunk for a library staff member to place your holds in the trunk or asked to remain in your vehicle or on the sidewalk while a library staff member places your materials outside the 5th St. entrance for you to pick up. Please do not approach any library staff members making your curbside delivery. Staff members delivering items will be wearing masks and LATEX gloves. If you have an allergy to latex, please let us know when you call to place your holds. Patrons will be limited to 10 items from upstairs (adult and young adult materials) and 20 items from downstairs (children’s department) per week. Patrons will be limited to one curbside pickup per week per household. Patrons may check out up to 5 DVDs per library card. All materials, including DVDs, will be due back in four weeks. The book drop is now open for all materials to be returned, including DVDs. RETURNS WILL
ONLY BE ACCEPTED IN THE BOOK DROP. The library will not accept any in-person returns. Upon removal from the book drop, returns will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours. During this 72-hour quarantine, the items will remain checked out to you. When the items are checked in, they will be backdated and no fines will accrue. As we realize this has been a difficult time for many financially, the library board has elected to waive all late fees through the end of June. We have also waived all outstanding fines on materials that have been returned. Replacement fees for unreturned items and items returned damaged and billed will remain on patron accounts. If, however, unreturned items are returned before July 1, fines on those items will be waived as well. As this is a new service and we are unsure of the demands that this will have on the library, hours and terms of curbside service are subject to change due to demand. These terms are also subject to change based on health guidelines, state and federal mandates, and legal concerns.
SCHMALING LIBRARY Hours of service for the library at least through the end of May: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 1-4 p.m.: Library staff available at the library to answer phone and compile holds lists –no pickup at this time. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 4-7 p.m.: curbside pickup services. Saturday, 10-1: Library staff available at the library to answer phone and compile holds lists and curbside pickup. The library building will remain closed to the public until further notice. Curbside pickup needs to be prearranged. There will be three ways to place holds on library materials. The first and most efficient way is to call the library at 815-589-2045 during the hours listed above. You may also email to place holds. Finally, you will be able to place holds in the online catalog again. Please note, only Schmaling patrons will be able to place holds on Schmaling items in the online catalog. It is expected that Interlibrary Loan services will not be available again for quite some time. To best protect our patrons and staff,
Fidlar Technologies donates to April House April House Children’s Advocacy Center was the recipient of a donation through the Whiteside County Recorder’s Office. As a result of the Recorder’s partnership with Fildar Technologies, they made a $500 donation to April
three children and their spouses. Dionne (Scott) Sibley, Alex (Lauren) Verkruysse and Stacey (Jeff) Detra. They have four amazing grandchildren. Lauren, Erin and Ben Sibley and Mason Verkruysse. A celebration will be held at the couples home at a later date.
Pictured, left to right, are: Lisa Zacharski and Carrie Melton (April House Staff) and Whiteside County Recorder Dawn Young.
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
On May 16, Kent and Diana (Crandall) Verkruysse of rural Prophetstown, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married May 16, 1970 by Father Eugene Parker at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Tampico. They are proud parents of
House. Due to the ongoing pandemic, Fidlar Technologies offered a donation to all their county partners and our local official, Recorder Dawn Young, chose April House as the recipient. April House is grateful for the support!
LOCAL NEWS | Shaw Media Illinois / •
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Verkruysse to celebrate golden anniversary
Shaw Media Illinois /
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Farm Bureau members’ inputs are needed
Illinois Farm Bureau members are urged to respond to a federal legislative action request concerning agriculture issues in the next COVID-19 relief package. The action request asks members of Congress to prioritize the following: Increase funding for USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation; provide direct payments to all farmers impacted by COVID-19; allocate funding for the humane and safe disposal of depopulated hogs; provide flexibility to help farmers restructure USDA loans;
and provide assistance to the biofuel industry. “Members are encouraged to personalize the pre-written message when submitting,” said Adam Nielsen, IFB director of national legislation and policy development. “Personal stories are important now more than ever to show Congress why Illinois farmers need additional funding and assistance.” Text message and email notifications were sent to FB ACT members Tuesday. The action request will run until further notice.
USDA Announces grants for Urban Agriculture The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of $3 million for grants through its new Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categories, Planning Projects and Implementation Projects. USDA will accept applications on Grants. gov until midnight July 6, 2020. “These grant opportunities underscore USDA’s commitment to all segments of agriculture, including swiftly expanding areas of urban agriculture,” Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey said. “Such projects have the potential to address important issues such as food access and education and to support innovative ways to increase local food production in urban environments.” “We are proud to be able to offer support through this cross-agency effort,” said Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Greg Ibach. “In creating this grant opportunity, USDA will build upon its years of experience providing technical support, grant funding and research to help farmers and local and urban food businesses grow.” USDA is making available $1 million for Planning Projects that initiate or expand efforts of farmers, gardeners, citizens, government officials, schools and other
stakeholders in urban areas and suburbs. Projects may target areas of food access, education, business and start-up costs for new farmers and development of policies related to zoning and other needs of urban production. USDA is making available $2 million for Implementation Projects that accelerate existing and emerging models of urban, indoor and other agricultural practices that serve multiple farmers. Projects will improve local food access and collaborate with partner organizations and may support infrastructure needs, emerging technologies, educational endeavors and urban farming policy implementation. A webinar, which will be held on June 3, 2020, from 2 to 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, will provide an overview of the grants’ purpose, project types, eligibility and basic requirements for submitting an application. Information on how to register for and participate in the webinar, or listen to the recording, will be posted at urban. The Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production was established through the 2018 Farm Bill. It includes representatives from many USDA agencies, including Farm Service Agency and Agricultural Marketing Service, and is led by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. More information is available at
Gus Linke Jr. removes the extracurricular name banners mounted along Genesee Avenue near Morrison High School.
MHS spring banners removed The recognition of the 2020 spring students participating in extracurricular activities was initiated as banners on the utility poles along Genesee Avenue and unfortunately most of the students never participated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The name banners were removed recently and are available
from Mary Jane Linke. Interested parties need to contact Mary Jane at 815-499-4215 and she will distribute them on a first-come basis. Pendng City Council approval, the banners listing all fall students will again be mounted on the poles for recognition of their participation in fall extracurricular activities.
James Jerome Memorial Scholarship - Hannah Stralow Jane K DeBeer Memorial Scholarship - Shanna Hudson John Phillip Sousa Award - Hannah Wallander Katie Zuidema Memorial Scholarship - Shanna Hudson Kiwanis Club - Lindsey Houldson Kris Bielema Yours in Service Award - Grace Steines and Taylor Stratton Lions Club - Kolten Sage and Shanna Hudson Make Teal Real/Pam Bush Memorial - Hannah Stralow and Jade Stock Maynard Trevelt Hall of Fame Grace Steines and Nathan Mickley Morrison Chamber of Commerce Scholarship - Gracen Harmon Morrison Education Association Shanna Hudson Morrison Education Foundation Clinton Community - Bryan Jiminez Morrison Education Foundation - Sauk Valley Community College Gracen Harmon
Morrison Hospital Auxiliary Taylor Stratton National Choral Award - Hannah Stralow Quad Cities Salute to Academic Humanities - Nathan Mickley Quad Cities Salute to Academic Leadership - Taylor Stratton Quad Cities Salute to Academic The Arts - Gracen Harmon Quad Cities Salute to Academic - Math/The Sciences - Hannah Stralow Quad Cities Salute to Academic Academics - Lindsey Houldson Quad Cities Salute to Academic - Vocational Education - Sophie Prombo Virginia Rastede Memorial Scholarship - Shanna Hudson Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center - Gracyn Schmidt Rotary Good Citizen - Lindsey Houldson Rotary Sauk Valley - Jade Stock Rotary Vocational Tech - Jenna Scott
Rotary Agriculture - Ian Hutchison Rotary ALL AROUND FemaleHannah Stralow Rotary ALL AROUND Male - Kolten Sage Sauk Scholars - Hannah Stralow, Lindsey Houldson, Gracen Harmon, Sophie Prombo, Grace Steines, and Nathan Mickley US Marine Corps- Scholastic Excellence Award - Hannah Stralow US Marine Corps- Semper Fidelis Award - Grace Steines US Marine Corps Best Athlete Nick Allen and Grace Steines Department Awards Math - Lindsey Houldson Agriculture - Ian Hutchison Science - Collin Roberts English - Hannah Stralow Art - Gracen Harmon History - Nathan Mickley Foreign Language - Taylor Stratton Business - Sophie Prombo Technology - Sophie Prombo
Local student earns Impact Award Gracyn Schmidt, a 2020 graduate of Morrison High School will, has earned the Student Impact Award from Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center (MVRBC). The Blood Center established the Student Impact Award to honor students who show exemplary support of their blood supply. To earn the award, students completed one of the following activities: donated blood at least eight times, recruited at least eight
new blood donors, or hosted a blood drive in their community. Students are eligible to begin donating blood at age 16 (with a signed parental permission form, provided by the Blood Center) and most began donating blood at a blood drive hosted by their high school. “Gracyn has done something really special,” said Sharee Hoegerl, Recruitment Development Coordinator for MVRBC. “As a dedi-
cated blood donor, she provided a resource that helped save lives at hospitals throughout our region.” Student Impact Award recipients receive an award certificate and a Red Cord that signifies the connection between the blood donor, the Blood Center, and patients who have been helped by the student’s support of our community’s blood supply. With permission from their school, students may choose to wear the Red Cord in their high school graduation ceremony.
Pictured is MHS senior Gracyn Schmidt who received the Student Impact Award from the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center.
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
The Morrison High School has prepared a YouTube video (at home edition) that recognizes the 2020 student award winners selected by local and school organizations. Viewing is available by visiting The 38 minute video gives special presentations for each of the organizational winners as listed : American Legion- Post 328 - Sophie Prombo CAPA- Gracen Harmon Clinton Community College Red and Gold - Hannah Wallander Community State Bank - Shanna Hudson and Hannah Stralow Dan Drosopoulos Award - Koby Brackemeyer DAR Recognition - Nick Allen Dunlap Masonic Lodge #321 Scholarship - Hannah Wallander EM Bud Cole Award - Nathan Mickley Illinois State Scholar- Hannah Stralow, Sophie Prombo, Lindsey Houldson, and Griffin Vos
SCHOOL NEWS | Shaw Media Illinois / •
YouTube video recognizes MHS award winners
Shaw Media Illinois / • Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Whiteside, Ogle sheriffs: Stay-at-home violations not for law enforcement to deal with By Cody Cutter and Jeff Helfrich Shaw Media
Whiteside County will be cited or arrested for violating Gov. JB Pritzker’s stay-at-home order, Sheriff John Booker said Saturday. The order is in place for at least 2 more weeks, and with a rising number of people seeking to get around it, the governor took a stance this week that law officers will be fining and arresting people who violate it – and if they don’t, they also will face the consequences. Not so fast, Booker said. Enforcing the order, “that’s more of a judicial thing than a law enforcement order, I believe, the way I interpret it, as its interpreted in Whiteside County,” he said. “It’s a very gray area, and it needs to be settled in the courtroom, not in a sheriff’s office or a police department.” So far, his department has handled only a few issues, and they were solved by. persuasion, Booker said. Ogle County Sheriff Brian VanVickle took to Facebook Thursday to make his position clear: His office also will not fine or arrest any indi-
Morrison Police Report
the threat of viduals and retaliation from business ownthe governor’s ers violating office. the stay-at-home “Apparentorder. ly, these conVanVickle sequences now said he fielded include the calls this week threat of litigafrom area pastion and loss of tors asking if funding, includhe’ll arrest them ing funding that if people gather has been desigfor church sernated through vices. the Federal Cares “As a constiAct that was destutional officer, ignated to units I never expectof local governed to take a call ment,” the ISA like that in my statement said. career.” “Illinois sherHis post Alex T. Paschal/ iffs have been came after the Whiteside County Sheriff John Booker. elected by their Illinois Sherlocal citizens iff’s Association said on its Facebook page that to keep their communities safe, a the Democratic governor’s idea of trust that every sheriff and sworn punishment is “outrageous” and law enforcement officer holds dear. “insulting,” and that he did not It is outrageous that the governor consult with the association before is threatening retaliation against these leaders and the men and making his remarks. VanVickle is on the ISA executive women of their offices. “He is insulting heroic police offiboard. The association did not take well cers, corrections officers and local
Morrison Chief of Police Brian Melton reports the following arrests made and citations issued since Friday, May 8. Arrests: On Monday, May 11, Morrison Police arrested Britt R. Spangler,
50, of Morrison, pursuant to a Body Attachment / Order of Commitment issued by Whiteside County. Spangler was released on a Notice to Appear with a court date of Aug. 4. Citations: May 12, Joseph R. Hearst, 57,
voters.” VanVickle said his office will continue to stress that people practice social distancing, hand washing and wearing a mask when social distancing is not possible. “I am in no way advising you to defy the order currently in place,” VanVickle said. “I’m explaining how the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office views the current order. Individuals holding professional licenses should consider potential revocation if they defy the governor’s order.” That said, the order is not a law, and so there is no mechanism in place to charge, arrest or fine someone who violates it, he said. Lee County Sheriff John Simonton could not be reached for comment Saturday. Booker is a Democrat, VanVickle a Republican. “The response from sheriffs has been bipartisan,” VanVickle said. “It’s not a political issue.” The ISA has reached out to the governor’s office for clarification on this issues and more, but received no response, he said. “It gets us to where we’re at today. People are confused. This could have been avoided.”
Morrison Nuisance (Vehicle/Trailer) The public is reminded that these are merely charges and all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Northern Illinois Rockford Region – Currently, the local health departments (LHDs) in the Northern Illinois Rockford Region recognize that the region is operating in phase 2 of Governor Pritzker’s Restore Illinois framework and working toward phase 3. The LHDs are monitoring the public health metrics to progress toward phase 3. For information on public health metrics, go to the IDPH website here: https:// While in phase 2 of the Restore Illinois framework, having residents in our communities stay at home as much as possible is vital to reducing the number of people who become severely ill or die from COVID-19. At this time, there is no vaccine to prevent infection or widely available treatment for
progress to the next phase. All businesses and organizations will need to partner with their local health department to promptly identify potential infections in their environments including having policies and record keeping procedures in place to be able to notify their local public health department of potential close contacts when an employee, customer, or client tests positive for COVID-19. Some businesses may need to change the way they operate including offering curbside service. Restaurants may need to serve fewer customers inside, seated further apart, and by reservation only. The LHDs want the community to know that some changes to our lives will need to be made to safely coexist with COVID-19. These changes may include needing to continue to wear
facemasks, limiting the number of people we come in contact with each day, and limiting time spent in a location. In order to prevent setbacks, we need to move forward together, cautiously, and with purpose. While in phase 2, the public is asked to continue to spend time with only those in your household, only go out for essentials, and wear a mask when leaving your home, especially when a distance of 6ft from others cannot be maintained. For more information: Go to IDPH and CDC websites. covid19 For general questions about COVID-19, call the IDPH hotline at 1-800-889-3931
This Guidance outlines actions employers can take to help protect employee health, reminds employees not to work when ill and reminds employees what symptoms to be looking for. This guidance also lets employees know how to file a complaint if their workplace is unsafe, reminds employers to contact their local health
department if they believe they are experiencing an outbreak and notes whistleblower protections. IDPH: FAQ for Businesses Concerning Use of Face-Coverings During COVID19 This guidance discusses who is required to wear masks and how to properly wear them. If a business can turn individuals away, if they refuse
to mask. It covers exceptions and reasonable accommodations, including for medical conditions or disabilities, businesses and the individuals can pursue. Non-discrimination and and other contact resources if a business refuses to consider requests for a reasonable accommodation or have discrimintory masking policies.
WORK PLACE SAFETY Whiteside County Health Department offers a couple of resources for businesses, employees and the general public on staying safe in the workplace and stores. (Enter the underlined in a browxer of your choice) IDPH: Workplace Health and Safety Guidance for Employees and Staff of Businesses
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
those who get COVID-19. The best tool we have to reduce morbidity and mortality is social distancing and reducing the number of people interacting with each other in our community. Staying home helps to ensure continued adequate hospital capacity and preserve personal protective equipment for healthcare workers. In addition, local health departments can more easily and quickly identify and quarantine contacts to positive cases when the majority of those contacts are staying home. This helps to continue to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. The LHDs are working with local businesses, organizations, and other community stakeholders to plan how to safely and confidently re-open when our region is ready to
LOCAL NEWS | Shaw Media Illinois / •
Regional Health Department issues updates
Shaw Media Illinois /
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Consumer Confidence Report Annual Drinking Water Quality Report FULTON IL 1950250 Annual Water Quality Report for the period of January 1 to December 31, 2019 This report is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made by the water system to provide safe drinking water. The source of drinking water used by FULTON is Ground Water For more information regarding this report contact: Daniel Clark - Public Works Director Phone 815-589-2616 Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre el agua que usted bebe. TradUzcalo ó hable con alguien que lo entienda bien.
Source of Drinking Water The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from the presence of animals or from human activity. Contaminants that may be present in source water include: - Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife. - Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally-occurring or result from urban storm water runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. - Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses. - Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum pro duction, and can also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff, and septic systems. - Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally-occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More information about contaminants and potential health effects can be obtained by calling the EPAs Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. FDA regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and other microbial contaminants are available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791). If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. We cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or at Source Water Information Source Water Name WELL 2 (11900) WELL 3 (11901) WELL 4 (11902) WELL 5 (01975)
Type of Water GW GW GW GW
Report Status
Source Water Assessment We want our valued customers to be informed about their water quality. If you would like to learn more, please feel welcome to attend any of our regularly scheduled meetings. The source water assessment for our supply has been completed by the Illinois EPA. If you would like a copy of this information, please stop by City Hall or call our water operator at ___________. To view a summary version of the completed Source Water Assessments, including: Importance of Source Water; Susceptibility to Contamination Determination; and documentation/recommendation of Source Water Protection Efforts, you may access the Illinois EPA website at Source of Water: FULTON Based on information obtained in a Well Site Survey published in 1991 by the Illinois EPA, several potential sources are located within 1,000 feet of the wells. The Illinois EPA has determined that the Fulton Community Water Supply’s source water is not suspectibile to contamination. This determination is based on a number of criteria including; monitoring conducted at the wells; monitoring conducted at the entry point to the distribution system; and available hydrogeologic data on the wells. Furthermore, in anticipation of the U.S. EPA’s proposed Ground Water Rule, the Illinois EPA has determined that the Fulton Community Water Supply is not vulnerable to viral contamination. This determination is based upon the evaluation of the following criteria during the Vulnerability Waiver Process: the community’s wells are properly constructed with sound integrity and proper siting conditions; a hydraulic barrier exists which should prevent pathogen movement; all potential routes and sanitary defects have been mitigated such that the source water is adequately protected; monitoring data did not indicate a history of disease outbreak; and the sanitary survey of the water supply did not indicate a viral contamination threat. Because the community’s wells are constructed in a confined aquifer, which should prevent the movement of pathogens into the wells, well hydraulics were not considered to be a significant factor in the susceptibility determination. Hence, well hydraulics were not evaluated for this system ground water supply. 2019 Regulated Contaminants Detected Definitions: Action Level Goal (ALG): The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. ALGs allow for a margin of safety. Action Level: The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow. Date Sampled MCLG Action Level 90th # Sites Over Units Violation Likely Source of Contamination Lead and Copper (AL) Percentile AL Copper
Erosion of natural deposits; Leaching from wood preservatives; Corrosion of household plumbing systems. Corrosion of household plumbing systems; Erosion of natural deposits.
Water Quality Test Results The following tables contain scientific terms and measures, some of which may require explanation.
Regulatory compliance with some MCLs are based on running annual average of monthly samples.
Level 1 Assessment:
A Level 1 assessment is a study of the water system to identify potential problems and determine (if possi
Water Quality Test Results A Level 2 assessment is a very detailed study of the water system to identify potential problems and determine (if possible) why an E. coli MCL violation has occurred and/or why total coliform bacteria have been found in our water system on multiple occasions.
Maximum Contaminant Level or MCL:
The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible using the best available treatment technology.
Maximum Contaminant Level Goal or MCLG: The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. Maximum residual disinfectant level or MRDL:
The highest level of a disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants.
Maximum residual disinfectant level goal or MRDLG:
The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLGs do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contaminants.
not applicable.
millirems per year (a measure of radiation absorbed by the body)
micrograms per liter or parts per billion - or one ounce in 7,350,000 gallons of water.
milligrams per liter or parts per million - or one ounce in 7,350 gallons of water.
Treatment Technique or TT:
A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water. Regulated Contaminants
Disinfectants and Disinfection ByProducts
Collection Date
Highest Level Range of Levels Detected Detected
Violation Likely Source of Contamination
0.7 - 0.8
MRDL = 4
Water additive used to control microbes.
Haloacetic Acids (HAA5)
1.16 - 1.16
No goal for the total
By-product of drinking water disinfection.
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM)
14.6 - 14.6
No goal for the total
By-product of drinking water disinfection.
Inorganic Contaminants
Collection Date
Highest Level Range of Levels Detected Detected
1.7 - 1.7
Erosion of natural deposits; Runoff from orchards; Runoff from glass and electronics production wastes.
0.24 - 0.24
Discharge of drilling wastes; Discharge from metal refineries; Erosion of natural deposits.
0.745 - 0.745
Erosion of natural deposits; Water additive which promotes strong teeth; Discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories.
0.16 - 0.16
This contaminant is not currently regulated by the USEPA. However, the state regulates. Erosion of natural deposits.
18 - 18
This contaminant is not currently regulated by the USEPA. However, the state regulates. Erosion of natural deposits.
6.6 - 6.6
Erosion from naturally occuring deposits. Used in water softener regeneration.
0.02 - 0.02
This contaminant is not currently regulated by the USEPA. However, the state regulates. Naturally occurring; discharge from metal
Radioactive Contaminants
Collection Date
Combined Radium 226/228
Gross alpha excluding radon and uranium
Violation Likely Source of Contamination
3.76 - 3.76
Erosion of natural deposits.
2.86 - 2.86
Erosion of natural deposits.
Highest Level Range of Levels Detected Detected
Violation Likely Source of Contamination
May 20, 2020
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
9 Shaw Media Illinois /
Level 2 Assessment:
Shaw Media Illinois /
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Samuel L. Dean, 80, of Sterling, died Friday, May 15, 2020 at Resthave Home in Morrison. A private family visitation will be held at the Morrison Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home. Cremation rites will be accorded following the visitation and a memorial service will be held at a later date. Interment will be in the Grove Hill Cemetery in Morrison. A memorial has been established by the family. Sam was born March 12, 1940 in Chilhowie, VA to Leon and Martha (Childress) Dean. He was educated in the Virginia school system. On January 20 1986 he married Velma R. (Jansma) Wilkens in Morrison. Sam worked at Northwestern Steel in Sterling, IL, retiring in 1990. He enjoyed going on Caribbean cruises with his wife, fishing, working in his yard and sitting under his shade tree with his hillbilly air conditioning and fly swatter. He was an avid Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears fan. Most of all he enjoyed spending time with – and spoiling – his grandchildren. Survivors include his wife, Velma; one daughter, Lisa (Tim) Tegeler of Morrison; seven sons, Wayne Dean and Brian (Diane) Dean, both of Arizona, Bill (Roberta) Dean of Sterling, IL, Kevin Wilkens of Leaf River, IL, Doug (Sherry) Wilkens of Rock Falls, IL, Todd (Susan) Wilkens and Ryan (Shelley) Wilkens, both of Morrison; 12 grandchildren, Kyle and Emily Tegeler, Tim Dean, Sammy Dean, Calvin and Jeremiah Wilkens, Seth and Kahley Wilkens, Luke and Riley Wilkens, Justine (Eric) Deboer and Logan Wilkens; twelve great grandchildren; two sisters, Phyllis (Claude) Henderson
and Dorothy “Duke” (Roger) Hogston, both of Virginia; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Barbara Jean DeBord and Mary Ellis Holesinger. To send online condolences go to
great-nephews. Clara was preceded in death by her parents; three sisters, Bernice Klavenga, Angeline Miley, Anna Braun; four brothers, David, Martin, Ike and Henry Klavenga. To send online condolences go to
Lois Ann Miller, 87, of Parkway Center in Sterling, IL, formerly of Prophetstown, IL, died Sunday, May 17, 2020, at Allure of Prophetstown in Prophetstown, IL. A private family graveside service will be held at Riverside Cemetery in Prophetstown with family member, Pastor John Erickson, officiating. A private family viewing will be held at the Bosma-Gibson Funeral Home in Prophetstown followed by procession to the cemetery. A memorial has been established by the family. Lois was born January 3, 1933, in Tarpon Springs, FL, to John and Anna (Thomas) Gudgell. She attended Yorktown grade school and was a graduate of Tampico High School. Lois married Stanley John Miller on July 14, 1951, in Athens, IL. He died January 19, 2004. Lois was a rural mail carrier for Prophetstown until retiring and also helped her husband, Stanley, with their farm. She was a member of Trinity Baptist Church in Lyndon, IL, and later attended New Hope Baptist in Como, IL. Lois was a member of the National Rural Letter Carriers Association. She enjoyed spending time with her family. She helped care for her twin great-granddaughters, who adored her and always looked forward to her visits. Lois loved helping others; she truly had a servant’s heart.
Clara Klavenga, 101, of Fulton, died on Friday, May 15, 2020 at MercyOne Clinton Medical Center after a brief illness. The Fulton Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. A private Interment will be held at Fulton Township Cemetery. A memorial to Harbor Crest Home and Unity Christian Schools has been established. Clara was born February 24, 1919 in Fulton, to John and Fredreka (Zaagman) Klavenga. She was educated in the Fulton Christian Grade School. Clara enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1944 during WWII where she served as a member of U.S. Naval Reserve or WAVES for two years. She was a lifelong member of the First Christian Reformed Church in Fulton. She was also active as a leader in Fulton Christian School Excelsior Club and Tulip Club benefiting the Fulton Christian School. Clara had worked as a seamstress for many years at the Clinton Garment Company. She loved taking home movies of her many nieces and nephews in their early years for which they now cherish. Letter writing was her passion as she loved corresponding with family and friends. She held the title of “Family Historian”. Survivors include numerous nieces and nephews, great-nieces and
Survivors include one daughter, Deb (Doug) Schrader of Sterling; one daughter-in-law, Mary (Gordon) Swanson of Illinois City; one granddaughter, Rebecca (John) Baggett of Morton, IL; two grandsons, Philip (Pennie) Schrader of Deer Grove, and Eric Swanson of San Diego, CA; twin great-granddaughters, Leeann and Susan Baggett of Morton; and one great-grandson, Lukas Schrader of Deer Grove. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Stanley; one son, Mick Miller; three brothers, Leo, Lester, and Lyle Gudgell. To send online condolences go to
Julie D. Vaughn, 56, of Prophetstown, Illinois, died Friday, May 15, 2020 at Hammond-Henry Hospital, Geneseo. Due to the restrictions on social gatherings, the graveside service will be private. A drive-by visitation will be held Tuesday, May 19th from noon-1pm at the Erie Cemetery. Funeral home staff will direct attendees on the route through the cemetery as you arrive.A video recording of the Graveside Service will be available after Tuesday by visiting Julie’s obituary at
Frank C. Ward, 94, of Morrison, died Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at Resthave Home in Morrison. There will be a private family graveside service at Oak Knoll Memorial Park in Sterling, officiated by Pastor Carol Soderholm of First Lutheran Church of Jordan, Sterling. The Morrison Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Golf for Hospice Week slated for July 6-10 Rock River Hospice & Home, a United Way Agency, along with CGH Medical Center and The Cornerstone Agency presents Golf for Hospice Week Fundraiser, July 6-10 at Deer Valley Golf Club, Deer Grove, IL. This new format for 2020 offers registered golfers the flexibility to enjoy a round of golf any day of the week during July 6-10. “Due to the current pandemic and state regulations, we brainstormed
with Deer Valley Golf Club and came up with this new format for the 2020 RRHH Golf Outing Fundraiser, which we think will offer golfers the opportunity to support Rock River Hospice & Home, enjoy a day of golf and still adhere to regulations and social distancing protocols,” said Karen Voss, Marketing Director for Rock River Hospice & Home. Registration is $75 per golfer
and includes an 18-hole round of golf, cart, lunch and other goodies. Golfers must register and pay in advance with Rock River Hospice & Home by June 26. Upon completed registration, golfers will receive a voucher and must call Deer Valley to reserve their day and tee-time. Golfers will tee-off in two-somes spaced 15 minutes apart, according to current state guidelines (subject to change).
To register golfers, become a sponsor, make a general donation or for more information, call Rock River Hospice & Home at (815) 625-3858, visit or All proceeds benefit hospice services for patients and families of Rock River Hospice & Home. Rock River Hospice & Home serves Lee, Ogle, Carroll, Bureau and Whiteside counties in Illinois.
60 Years - May 26, 1960 Maurice Bolhous has been promoted to Specialist, Hourly Relations for the General Electric plant at Morrison, according to an announcement by J. H. Gauss, plant manager. In his new position he will be responsible for developing and administering department procedures and programs relating to hourly employees compenation and other working arrangements. George Vander Schaaf will be ordained into the ministry of the American Lutheran Church at the Zion Lutheran Church in Clinton. He is a graduate of the Fulton Community High School, Wartburg College and Wartburg Theological Seminary.
Three new school records for track and field were set by the Fulton track team. Alfred Abbott, two mile run, 10 min. 58.9 sec.; Dick Drury, high jump, six ft. one inch; and the mile medley relay team, composed
40 Years - May 21, 1980 Members inducted into the National Honor Society include: Pamela Tharp, Dixie Abbott, Monica Bly, Betsy Shear, Kim Wagner, Beverly Van Essen, Luanne Haan, Joy Pessman, Janel Faber, Laurie Tucker, Gina Kolk, Michael Sissing, Rose Leonard, Loren Ven Huizen, Michael Venema, Wendy Waddell and Randy Burkamper. Dave Hamstra and Irv foltz, qualify for State competition in discus. Angie Faber, Amy Giesler, Linda Wherry and Donna Kay took third place in the state mile relay.
30 Years - May 23, 1990
Fire destroyed a machine shed and did extensive damage to the barn on a farm at 5341 Holly Road east of Fulton. When firefighters arrived the shed was heavily engulfed in flames and had spread to the barn. Various motorcycles, three-wheel vehicles, snowmobiles and other equipment were lost in the fire. Estimate of the shed is at $15,000 and damage to the barn at $7,500. In a photo Howard VanZuiden inspects one of the small islands that will contain vacuums for the convenience of people washing cars when the new Super Wash in Fulton is completed. Construction has began and is processing rapidly. It is expected to be operational by June 15.
20 Years - May 24, 2000
Marquette Bank presented The Firends of the Windmill with a check for 45,000 . The Friends of the Widnmill is in the beginning stages of seeking tax deductible contributions to complete the windmill. The
group hopes to raise $90,000 to purchase the grinding stones to make it an actual working mill. Delb Housenga, who has been a member of the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department since 1960, has retired from active duty. He has been appointed as a trustee to the Fulton Fire Department Board of Trustees by Tony Arduini, president of Whiteside County Board.
10 Years - May 26, 2010 Five Fulton Veterans to take Honor Flight. They include: Stan Borgman, James Field, Robert Haan, Dwight Hoogheem, and Warren Wiersema. Local assistants for these gentlemen will be Jim Fish, Debra Schreiner and Darrell Hoogheem as they will participate as Guardians. The Morrison Christian Reformed Church will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in June. The theme: ‘Shining God’s Light for 75 years through Faith, Family and Fellowship’.
Fulton history makes for attractive reading As the ‘Stay-at-Home’ restrictions remain in force, the offering of Fulton’s history, chronicled by Barb Mask, become an attracitive reading option. To select one of the articles, go to the city website In the upper right corner, click
on the word DOCUMENTS. Scroll down and click on the word, HISTORY. A list of articles will appear for selection. The following list is a part of the over 45 selection available for your reading. If questions arise, conttact Barb Mask at 563-321-0318. A small selection of the history
articles available follow: Fulton Union School Western Union College & Military Academy The Fulton Bank Building Civil War Chaplain from Fulton Fulton’s Post Office The Lincoln Highway Celebrates
its Centennial (1913-2013} Fulton’s First City Hall -Truly One of a Kind The History of the Site of Manny’s Too Linclon’s Grave Robbery linked to Boyd’s Arrest in Fulton Fulton has a Telephone Museum
released with a notice to appear. MAY 11 Officers responded to a single motorcycle accident in the 600 block of 10th Avenue. Officers assisted the Fulton Fire Department with a structure fire on Balk Lane. Officers responded to a traffic accident in the 1100 block of 14th Avenue. Justin E. Babers of Clinton, IA was cited for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. He was released with a notice to appear. MAY 12 Officers responded to a suspicious
activity call in the 300 block of 12th Avenue. MAY 13 Officers responded to a call on a suspicious subject in the 400 block of 16th Avenue. Officers responded to a call on a suspicious subject in the 20th and 21st Avenue areas. MAY 14 Officers responded to a suspicious subject call in the 1000 block of 12th Avenue. MAY 15 William J. Temple of Fulton, IL was arrested in the 200 block of 7th Street on
a Clinton County Warrant. He was transported to Whiteside County Jail. Officers assisted the Fulton Fire Department with a call in the 700 block of 20th Avenue. Officers responded to a criminal damage to property call in the 500 block of 21st Avenue. MAY 16 City ordinances were issued for unlawful consumption of alcohol in the 400 block of 14th Avenue. Individuals names in the above report have been merely accused of a charge, they are presumed innocent until proven guilty.
FULTON POLICE REPORT MAY 9 Wendy C. Van Pelt of Bettendorf, IA was cited for disobeying a stop sign at 10th Avenue and Waller Road. She was released with a notice to appear. Mitchell D. Lauber of Carpentersville, IL was cited for speeding at 10th Avenue and Route 84. He was released with a notice to appear. Daniel R. Dunham of Thomson, IL was cited for speeding at Route 84 and 10th Avenue. He was released with a notice to appear. Dylan J. Wilkens of Fulton, IL was cited for disobeying a stop sign in the 600 block of 23rd Avenue. He was
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
50 Years - May 27, 1970
of Mike Miller, Tad Mitchell, Steve Voss and Bob Snyder, three min. 47.3 sec. A salary schedule agreement providing for an average increase of 7.3 per cent in salaries for teachers in the next school year was approved by the Board of Education of River Bend Unit District at a special meeting. Payroll will increase by about $65,000 next year to a new high total of about $922,500.
LOCAL NEWS | Shaw Media Illinois / •
Bolhous promoted at General Electric in 1960
Shaw Media Illinois /
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Life of a health care worker during pandemic BY EMME DEBLAEY Riverdale 5th grade student We all know how hard it must be for healthcare workers, especially at this point and time during the pandemic. We must honor all healthcare workers. We all need to believe in them and have faith in them. They are working so hard for us all. We all appreciate them. If they aren’t backing down and they aren’t giving up, then we all need to follow their path. So, let’s help our healthcare workers for they help us all. I interviewed a healthcare worker to see what life is like for her now. 1. What is your name? Nina Slone 2. What is your occupation? I am a registered nurse. 3. How has your life changed because of Covid-19? Like most people, my life has changed greatly in the past few months. Some of it has been good. For example, I have enjoyed spending more time with my daughters, and it has been nice to slow down a little. However, some of the changes are very difficult. I really miss my
parents and other family members. I miss talking to them in person, giving them hugs and just being close. 4. How do you keep yourself from getting Covid-19 when you work with patients who have it? The best way that I decrease my chance of getting Covid-19 while caring for patients is to keep my hands away from my face, wash my hands before and after patient contact, and to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves, masks and eye protection are examples of PPE. We have a certain way that we put on and take off our PPE; if we don’t follow this, we increase our chance of getting sick or spreading the virus to others. 5. What is the hardest part of your job right now? The hardest part of my job right now is worrying about having enough PPE and seeing how stressful and scary this is for everyone. 6. What do you want future generations to know about what life is like for you right now? I would want future generations to know that humans are resilient and we can and will make it through
COLLEGE NEWS BHC free applications
The future doesn’t stop, and neither should you. If you’ve been considering your next steps at Black Hawk College but haven’t applied yet, now is the time. Prospective BHC students can apply for FREE online from June 1-7. Go use the code FREEAPP from 12:01 a.m. Monday, June 1 through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, June 7. Students planning to attend Summer 2020, Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 are eligible. The $20 application fee will be waived ONLY from June 1-7. For more admissions, virtual events and important dates, visit www.bhc. edu/go. For more information, email
WIU scholarships available
Western Illinois University’s Great River Teacher Corps (GRTC) program is meeting the need for more rural teachers by offering education student scholarships for the 2020-21 academic year. Thanks to the Tracy Family Foundation, Galesburg Community Foundation, the Quincy-based Community Foundation
of West Central Illinois and Northeast Missouri, The Fellheimer Trust, based in Macomb, area banks and individual donors, eight student scholarships are available. Students will receive between $8,000-14,000 in scholarship assistance through donations, and, in turn, commit to teaching in a rural or small school in a 22-county area in west central Illinois (Adams, Brown, Calhoun, Cass, Fulton, Greene, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Knox, Mason, McDonough, Mercer, Morgan, Peoria, Pike, Rock Island, Schuyler, Scott, Stark, Tazewell and Warren) for a minimum of three years after receiving their teaching licenses/certificates. “We are very proud to increase the number of scholarships this year,” said Greg Montalvo, assistant dean for educator preparation for the WIU College of Education and Human Services (COEHS). The deadline to apply for a scholarship is Saturday, Aug. 1. For more information, to donate to the scholarship fund or to apply for the scholarship and view all of the requirements, visit
difficult times. We have a long history of rising to the occasion and persevering. I would also want them to know that it is important to get involved. Many times when there are issues, we think that someone else is handling everything. Well, you are that someone! We need people from all areas and backgrounds to get involved. We need new ideas and new ways. We need to ask if there is a better way. 7. Anything else you would like to add? I would like to add that I am so thankful for the wonderful people in our community. It is no secret that our healthcare systems are facing a shortage of PPE. It is just completely amazing and moving that our community has helped to fix that. So many individual citizens have and are making masks, local companies have and are making face shields and isolation gowns. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. I tell my girls that when things seem scary…. look around. There are so many wonderful people willing to help. Healthcare workers are very courageous and that is how they stay
Nina Slone, RN confident. These amazing workers are VERY important people in our lives. Thank you Nina and all of the other healthcare workers who are working so hard each and every day! You all are a big help and we love you!
Nurses are everything! BY EVELYN ALBEE Riverdale 5th grade student In an interview with local nurse, Candace Chitwood, she shared her thoughts on the pandemic. Candace works at UnityPoint Health in Rock Island, Illinois. After being asked the question “How has your life changed because of Covid19?” she responded with “I am a lot more worried about getting my family sick.” Candace shared the equipment she uses when treating sick patients that include a mask, goggles, a face shield, plastic covers, and gloves. The hardest part of her job is not being sure how to help everyone that is sick. Candace wants future generations to know to take all precautions they can, be safe, and be prepared for something like this to happen again! If patients come to the hospital and have any symptoms they are treated as if they do have Covid-19. To confirm the virus, testing has to be done. Testing is done by swabbing the patient’s nose so far back that it can almost feel like they are
scratching the patient’s brain. Once that is done the swabs are sent to the State Testing Facility. Candace wants everyone to know how important it is to stay home! So please, please stay home unless you need to go out!
Candace Chitwood, RN
13 Shaw Media Illinois / • Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Shaw Media Illinois /
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
CHURCH LISTINGS ALBANY Albany United Methodist Church 502 North 1st Avenue, 309-887-4781 Pastor Toni Lucas
Erie United Methodist Church 811 8th Street, Erie Pastor Katie Voigt - 309-659-2541
Spring Valley Reformed Church 10960 Spring Valley Road, Fulton Rev. Ralph Beidler - 815-772-3554
Newton Zion Reformed Church 10465 Frog Pond Rd, Erie Pastor Shannon Parrish - 309-659-2464
Thrive Ministries-Bethel CRC Campus 1208 3rd Avenue, Fulton - 815-589-2501 Pastor Kevin Ver Hoeven
St. Patrick Catholic Church Albany, Illinois Fr. Matthew Camainoi, Parochial Vicar
St. Ambrose Catholic Church Corner of 5th & Main Father Toni Kretowicz Rectory Phone - 815-537-2077 Church Phone - 309-659-2781
Thrive Ministries-First CRC Campus 801 15th Avenue, Fulton - 815-589-3790 Pastor Philip Stel
FENTON Fenton United Methodist Church 10019 Main Street, Fenton Pastor Jan Shaulis 815-778-3789 Church - 708-717-3908 Cell
Cordova Baptist 602 Third Ave. South, Cordova, 309-654-2501 -
Faith Center Church 511 3rd Ave. North, Albany Senior Pastor Ray Gimenez Pastor Arlen VanZee Church Phone: 563-212-4032
Hillsdale United Methodist Church 124 Butzer Street, Hillsdale Church 309-658-2340 - Cell 309-373-5316 Pastor Connor Morrison
Sycamore Baptist Church 5323 180th Street North, East Moline 309-200-2505
First Christian Reformed Church 801 15th Ave., Fulton - 815-589-3207
First Reformed Church 510 – 15th Avenue, Fulton - 815-589-2203 Pastor Edie Lenz
Calvary Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. Eugene Baker, Pastor 815-948-2181 or 309-507-3283
Wildwood Baptist Church 18717 Hubbard Road, East Moline 309-496-9397 office@ Pastors Brian Smith, Andrew Robinson, Andy Thomaston & Matt Winquist Zion Lutheran Church 17628 Hubbard Road, East Moline Rev. Gary A. Wright - 309-496-3592
ERIE Erie Baptist Church 8th Ave. & 11th Street, Erie Call Ron Kimball for info: 309-230-3584 Erie Christian Church 715 6th Ave, Erie - 309-659-2561 Minister - Nathan Bright Youth Minister - Aaron Sweeney Erie Evangelical Free Church 1409 16th Ave., Erie - Phone 309-659-7125 Pastor Ron Eckberg Pastor Jonathan Eckberg
Fulton Presbyterian Church 311 N. 9th St., Fulton - 815-589-3580 Pastor Rev. Catherine Martin e-mail - Garden Plain Presbyterian Church 14915 Sands Rd., Fulton Gateway Faith Fellowship Church 701 11th Avenue, Fulton - 815-589-4283 Pastor Wayne Wiersema Immaculate Conception Church 703 12th Avenue, Fulton - 815-589-3542 Father Matthew Camaioni Newton Zion Reformed Church 10645 Frog Pond Road, Erie - 309-659-2464 Pastor Shannon Parrish Second Reformed Church 703 14th Ave., Fulton - 815-589-3425
Farmers Elevator
815-772-4029 - Morrison, IL
Rock River Lumber & Grain 815-537-5131 - Prophetstown
412 Lincolnway East Morrison
Frary’s Lumber & Supply
815-537-5151 - Prophetstown
Morrison Veterinary Clinic Insurance & Financial Services Ken L. Jansma, Agent office tel (815) 772-5658 100 E. Knox St. office fax (815) 772-8252 Morrison, IL 61270 Auto / Disability / Farm / Health / Home / Life
Jentry Fane, DVM, DVM, R.R. Zinke, DVM, S.E. Blair, DVM, S.J. Lawfer, DVM
Phone 815-772-4047 14993 Lyndon Rd., Morrison
Hooppole Zion Methodist Church Pastor Dan Wright - Church 815-948-7591 Parsonage 309-658-2145
LYNDON Dominion Christian Fellowship Center 104 4th St. W., Lyndon - 815-590-6971 Rev. Barbi E. E. Momolu, Sr. Trinity Baptist Church 403 6th Ave North, Lyndon Pastor Alan Jahn - 563-242-0307
MORRISON Bethesda Evangelical Lutheran Church 301 W. South St., Morrison Pastor Tammy Anderson 815-414-1758 - Office 772-4896 Brethren In Christ Church 207 E. Knox Street, Morrison Pastor Craig Sipes - 815-772-4871
Church Of St. Anne Episcopal 401 N Cherry St., Morrison - 815-772-2818 Crossroads Community Church 201 W. Marketm Morrison Pastor Jon Eastlick - 815-956-0090 Ebenezer Reformed Church 309 E. Park St., Morrison 815-772-2472 - Emmanuel Reformed Church 202 E. Morris St., Morrison - 815-772-3890 www.emmanuelreformedchurch. org Rev. Al Pruis, Interium Pastor Rich Criss, Ministry Coordinator First Baptist Church 406 E. Maple Ave. Morrison Pastor Dick Adams - Phone 772-2696 First Presbyterian Church Rev. Michael Selburg - 815-772-3510 100 East Lincolnway, Morrison Kingdom Life Community Church 11429 Ward Rd., Morrison - 815-772-4098 Pastor Stephen Harmon Morrison Christian Church 201 S. Genesee, Morrison Larry Kidwell, Minister - 970-483-9651 Google YouTube Larry Kidwell for sermons Morrison United Methodist Church 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison Rev. Noah Panlilio - 815-772-4030 Open Bible Fellowship 11429 Ward Rd., Morrison Pastor Chris Byrd St. Mary’s Catholic Church Rev. Slawomir Zimodro 13320 Garden Plain Rd., Morrison 815-772-3095 St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 601 N. Jackson St., Morrison Pastor Anthony Appel
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Erie, Illinois
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Allure of Prophetstown
Senior Living Apartments Skilled Nursing Services Hospice Impatient Outpatient Therapy Service 310 Mosher Drive, Prophetstown
Dr. Bill Wilkin Dr. Scott Kunau Dr. Tina Kao-Reasoner 1130 17th Street, Fulton, IL
CHURCH LISTINGS Email: Jim Crozier, Pastor Becky Butterfield Youth & Family Life Pastor Kathy Crozier - Spiritual Director
Advent Christian Church Pastor Michael Freeman
Bethel Baptist 27308 108th Ave. N., Port Byron Church Phone: 309-523-3352 Pastor Lee Williams
First Lutheran Church Pastor Chelsey Weech Office -815-537-2758 Leon United Methodist Church 17173 Lomax Rd., Prophetstown Pastor Jan Shaulis
Countryside Christian Church 3817 230th St. N., Port Byron Church Phone 523-2834
Prophetstown United Methodist Church Rev. Mark Meyers - (815) 537-2496
Fairfield United Methodist Church 235th St. at 115th Ave. North, Port Byron Pastor Larry Misfeldt - 309-523-3767
River Church 218 E 3rd St., Prophetstown 815-876-6226 -
Messiah Lutheran Church Port Byron - 309-523-2421 Pastor Wayne Melaas - Swanson Peace Lutheran Church ELCA 20828 Friedens Road, Port Byron Interim Pastor: Nancy Jaster - 309-523-2295 Port Byron Congregational Church 200 N. High Street, Port Byron Rev. Michael Rubino - 309-523-2318 Port Byron First United Methodist Church 9412 – 228th Street North Port Byron, IL61275 Church Office Phone: (309) 523-2396
Prophetstown Family Health Center
St. Catherine Catholic Church of Prophetstown 815-537-2077
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 1416 Third Ave., Rapids City Fr. Glenn H. Harris Telephone (309) 496-2414
TAMPICO St. Mary Catholic Church 105 Benton St., Tampico Fr. Richard M. Russo, Pastor Phone 815-438-5425 Tampico Baptist Church 209 W. 3rd St., Tampico Pastor Ethan Horton Tampico First United Methodist Church Pastor Leanne Keate - 815-438-2530 Church ph. 815-438-6105
Dykstra & Law
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Brent Dykstra, Agent In River City Mall 1426 10th Avenue, Fulton
Harbor Crest Home (A Non-Profit Corporation)
Fulton, IL • 815-589-3411
for the service, utilizing Patriotic music. There will also be a special time with the children, so be sure to have your children ready. Services each week will continue to be Livestreamed at 9 a.m. each Sunday until such time as restrictions are lifted and we excitedly meet together as family again! More information is readily available on the church’s website, www.emmanuelreformedchurch. org or by calling the church office at 815-772-3890.
Spring Valley cancels BBQ Spring Valley Church would like everyone to know that our annual Memorial Day Bar-B-Q meal and concert has been cancelled this
year due to Illinois being closed for the Coronavirus. If you have any questions, please call Randy Venema at 815-499-8843.
Dr. Matthew Wolf, MD 212 E. Railroad St., Prophetstown
Memorial Day Weekend will be celebrated at Emmanuel Reformed Church via Livestream this Sunday. Pastor Ken Zuithoff will be the guest in the pulpit as Pastor Al is at home in Minnesota for the week. Crosswalk will lead the contemporary worship set and special music will be provided by Mike McCoy on trumpet. Hymns will be “God of Our Fathers” and “America.” Ministry Coordinator Rich Criss will be the organist, providing the prelude, interlude and postlude
Tampico, Illinois
815-438-4402 Dave’s
Goldsmith Shop
Dave and Betty Habben Diamond Setting - Remounts Jewelry Sales & Repair • Watch Batteries
309-659-7147 7750 Kelly Court, Erie, IL
CGH to host blood drive As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, blood donors are needed now more than ever in our response to COVID-19. We are working to prevent shortages locally…and the time to donate is now! Although all blood types are needed, there is currently a critical shortage of O- blood in our area. CGH Medical Center, 100 E. LeFevre Rd, Sterling, will host a community blood drive from 9:30 am to 7 pm on Thursday, June 4 in the Ryberg Auditorium. For this blood drive, there are a few things to remember: Due to continued social distancing guidelines, no walk-ins will be allowed. You must have a prescheduled appointment time. To make an appointment, please contact Michelle at (815) 625-0400, ext. 6879 or Jill at ext. 5425; or visit donor/schedules/drive_schedule/84844. You will NOT be allowed to donate if: You are 80 years old or older. You have been diagnosed with or are being tested for COVID19. You have been within six feet of someone who has the virus or is being tested for the virus. You have fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Blood donation is safe! Blood drives are safe environments where staff and donors
are screened to be sure they are healthy and well and have not been exposed to the virus to be present. They are not mass gatherings for the purpose of social distancing. In addition, to help with social distancing, you may possibly be asked to wait in your car and be called/ texted to come in for your appointment. It’s the blood on the shelf from regular donors that saves lives. Blood is a critical resource for patients and the blood center must maintain 24/7 operations during this pandemic to ensure life-saving treatment can continue. The blood supply is safe! There are no reports of the spread of COVID19 by blood transfusion, and blood donation is permitted under the Shelter in Place directive in the State of Illinois. On the day of the drive, donors are asked to complete their health questionnaire prior to arrival by going to earlyq. Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available through and weigh more than 110 pounds. All donors must bring a Photo ID. Donors who last gave blood on or before 4/9/20 are eligible to give at this drive.
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Church of the Cross United Methodist Church 22621 IL 2 & 92, Port Byron Pastor Chester McCoy Parish Office: 877-204-5654
Memorial Day weekend service at Emmanuel Reformed
LOCAL NEWS | Shaw Media Illinois / •
Thrive Ministries Christian Reformed Church Morrison Campus - 815-772-4657 300 West South Street Pastor of Ministry: Kevin VerHoeven
Shaw Media Illinois /
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Winning Wheels Spotlight: Adam Carr Adam Carr, 39, is from Bartlett, ning. In the winter, he enjoys outings. IL. His parents are Jeffrey and Jean Adam’s hobbies are drawing, collectCarr. His previous occupation was ing movies and computer work. His favorite food is “stuffed car sales at Woodfield shells that I make.” His Ford in Schaumburg, favorite movie is “The IL. He also worked Joker” and his favorite as a bartender at a TV Show is “American nightclub called Chopper.” Bamboo Room. Adam shared his Adam came to Winfavorite memory: ning Wheels after “When I was 17 my suffering traumatic father and I were vacabrain injury from a tioning during the car accident. After summer in Minnetherapy, he plans to sota and we drove to go to Frontier Holthe Canadian border low with his girland then drove north friend for two years. 12 hours into Canada If everything goes to Pickle Lake. While well, his parents are there a plane landed on going to build them Adam Carr the lake and we loaded a house after they get everything into the plane and flew a married. In the summertime, Adam’s favor- few hours to another lake that had a ite Winning Wheels activity is going motor boat and cabin. At this cabin off grounds by the river and sun tan- we ate what we caught and brought.”
ROAD WORK Construction on Rock River bridge
The Illinois Department of Transportation will begin construction work on the IL 78 bridge over the Rock River in Prophetstown on May 18, weather permitting. The project is anticipated to be completed by September 2020. Civil Constructors is completing repairs to the expansion joints and bridge deck surface on the $857,000 contract. For the duration of the project, the bridge will be reduced to one lane utilizing temporary traffic signals. The bridge will be posted with maximum width signs of 15 ft. 6” but will have a 17 ft. 0” clear opening across the bridge. The district has delayed the start of the project by two months to minimize impacts to the planting season. Any further delay in starting the project would increase the chance of negative impacts during the harvest season. Agricultural equipment and implements wider than 17 feet will need to find an alternate route or be staged to minimize adverse travel. Motorists can expect delays and should allow extra time for trips through this area. To avoid the work area, when feasible, use of alternate routes should be considered.
Drivers are urged to pay close attention to changed conditions and signs in the work zones, obey the posted speed limits, refrain from using mobile devices and be alert for workers and equipment.
I88 bridge painting on Sand Road
IDOT has also announced bridge painting and cleaning will begin May 18, on the bridge carrying Sand Road over I-88 located 2.5 miles northwest of Erie and the bridge carrying Moline Road over I-88 located 0.7 miles east of I-80. Civil Coatings and Construction will be completing the work on this $697,425 bridge painting project. Bridge painting will begin first at the Sand Road overpass location followed by the Moline Road bridge. During construction, I-88 will be reduced to one lane in each direction with temporary barrier wall at the bridge locations. The project is scheduled to be completed in early August. Motorists can expect delays and should allow extra time for trips through this area. To avoid the work area, when feasible, use of alternate routes should be considered. Drivers are urged to pay close attention to changed conditions and signs in the work zones, obey the posted speed limits, refrain from using mobile devices and be alert for workers and equipment.
101 , Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Rock Island, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT NUMBER ONE (1) IN ROCK ISLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ROCK ISLAND, SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF
Street Rock Island, IL 61201 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 2, 2020, I, Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois, will on June 23, 2020 at the hour of 9:00 AM at the Rock Island County Justice Center, 1317 3rd
ROCK ISLAND AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. COMMON ADDRESS: 403 10th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201 P.I.N.: 0734421001 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT AMOUNT WAS: $36,465.02 Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to
101 y i subje real estate taxes, assessspecial ments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "as is" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle
MULTI TOWNSHIP --- EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: ; TOIRMA – $500; All other disbursements; $6,460 TOTAL VENDORS: $6,960
MULTI TOWNSHIP --- COMPENSATION SUMMARY: Range: Under $25,000: Paulette Zaagman; Dan Kuehl; Rick Deter; Dave Mickley; Kathy Hogue. Range: $25,000 to $49,999: TOTAL COMPENSATION: $27,500 TOTAL REVENUES: $29,385
29,385 34,381
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GENERAL Revenues Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Transfers In Transfers Out Bond Proceeds Other Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance Previous Year Fund Balance Other Current Year Ending Fund Balance
Subscribed and sworn to this March 31, 2020 Paulette Zaagman - Supervisor I, Dave Mickley, Clerk of Mt. Pleasant/Union Grove MTAD, Whiteside County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Annual Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. Dave Mickley, Clerk May 19, 2020
the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701 (C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60606,
101 ago, 60606, telephone 312541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 18 6433. Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Email: Ph. 312-541-9710 / Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 18 6433 I3150605 May 13, 20 & 27, 2020 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, IL-JUVENILE DIVISION In the interest of C.C. A Minor NO. 2020 JA 08 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Notice is given to Curtis Claudin Sr. LKA: 2125 21St Avenue, Apt 3, Rock Island, IL 61201, and to any and all it may concern, that on 1/16/ 2020 a petition was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by Jeffrey S. McKinley in this Court and that in the courtroom of Judge Presiding in Juvenile Center, 525 18th Street, Rock Island, Illinois, on 5/29/20 at 11:00am. or as soon thereafter as this case may be heard, a hearing will be held upon the Petition to have the minor declared to be a Ward of Court and for other relief under that Act. THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS PROCEEDING TO TAKE FROM YOU CUSTODY THE AND GUARDIAN-
SHIP OF THE MINOR, TO TERMINATE YOUR PAREN-TAL RIGHTS, AND TO A APPOINT GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE PETITION REQUESTS TERMINATHE TION OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND THE APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN A WITH POWER TO CONSENT TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. Unless you appear you will not be entitled to further written notices or publication notices of the proceedings in this case, including the filing of an amended Petition or a Motion to Terminate Parental Rights. Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show cause against the Petition, the allegations of the Petition may stand admitted as against you and each of you, and an order or Judgment entered. Publish: 5/20/20 Dated: 5/14 44, Tammy R Circuit Cie By:TJJ May 19, 26 & June 2, 2020 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN RE THE ESTATE OF JOEL A. MEDEMA, Deceased. No. 2020 P 59 CLAIM NOTICE
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
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Notice is given to creditors of the death of Joel A. Medema. Letters of Independent Administration were issued on May 4, 2020 to Joyce I. Medema, whose attorneys of record are shown below.
• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020 Shaw Media Illinois /
The estate will be administered without court supervision, unless under Section 28-4 of the Probate Act (755 ILCS 5/28-4) any interested person terminates independent administration at any time by mailing or delivering a petition to terminate to the clerk.
Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk, Whiteside County Courthouse, 200 E. Knox Street, Morrison, Illinois 61270, or with the representative, or both, on or before 30, November 2020, or, if mailing or delivery of a notice from the representative is required by Section 18-3 of the Probate Act (755 ILCS 5/18-3), the date stated in that notice. Any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. A copy of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or
delivered by the claimant to the representative and to the attorneys within 10 days after it has been filed. JOYCE I. MEDEMA Independent Executor Ludens & Potter Attorneys for Executor 600 W. Lincolnway, P.O. Box 360 Morrison, Illinois 61270-0360 Telephone: (815)772-2161 Fax: (815) 772-7440 May 20, 27, June 3, 2020
TOWNSHIP --- EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: Beranek Painting- 3,942; Com Ed- 3,273 : EFPTS – 16,644: Five Star – 5,914: IDR-4,174: Kent Shepard – 11,254: Kent Stralow- 5,140; Mellott- 3,767; Morrison Blacktop-45,267; MP R&B-30,376; Nelson Elec- 16,722; Turnoth- 2,913; All other disbursements less than ($2,500) – 41,124 TOTAL VENDORS: $193,864
TOWNSHIP --- COMPENSATION SUMMARY: Range: Under $25,000.00: Paullette Zaagman; Dan Kuehl; Ken Swanson; Boone Brackemyer; John Dyke; Sue Scott Range: $25,000.00 - $49,999.99: Kent Shepard TOTAL COMPENSATION: $52,146 ROAD DISTRICT --- EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Alliance 6,162; Baraks 6,430; Bonnell 9,472;Car Quest 2,782; Determan 10,928; Gold Star 24,200; Greenfield 30,375; Harrys Tire 9,164; Krum 3,070; Prod Plus 3,174; Ryans 5,025; Wells Fargo 7,500; Whiteside County Highway – 76,211 All other disbursements less than ($2,500) – 28,442 TOTAL VENDORS: $227,580
ROAD DISTRICT --- REVENUE SUMMARY Property Taxes – 204,811; Replacement Tax –23,860; Miscellaneous – 18,682 TOTAL REVENUES: $247,353 ROAD DISTRICT --- COMPENSATION SUMMARY Range: Under $25,000.00: Daniel Deter; Dan Quick; James Otten; Michael Longanecker; Michael Brearton; Mark Young Range: $25,000.00 - $49,999.99: none TOTAL COMPENSATION: $47,641
281,454 193,864
247,353 227,580
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GENERAL Revenues Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Transfers In Transfers Out Bond Proceeds Other Net Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance Previous Year Fund Balance Other Current Year Ending Fund Balance
Subscribed and sworn to this 14th day of April, 2020 Paulette Zaagman - Supervisor I, Dan Kuehl, Clerk of Mt. Pleasant Township, Whiteside County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Annual Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020. Dan J Kuehl, Clerk May 19, 2020
LEGAL NOTICE A Public Hearing on the amended 2019-2020 budget for River Bend Community Unit District No. 2 will be held at 6:30 P.M., Monday, June 22, 2020, at the River Bend District Office, 110 3rd Street, Fulton, Illinois 61252. The budget will be on file and available to interested persons from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. each business day, Monday through Friday beginning May 19, 2020, in the River Bend District Office, 1110 3rd Street, Fulton, Illinois 61252. Eric Fish Eric Fish, Secretary Board of Education River Bend Community Unit District #25 May 20, 2020 ANNUAL TREASURER'S REPORT HUME TOWNSHIP, ROAD DISTRICT & GENERAL ASSIS STANCE FUNDS TOWNSHIPFISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31 2020 REVENUE SUMMARY: PROPERTY TAXES-35,432.51 REPLACEMENT TAX-893.19 OTHER-190.86 TOTAL REVENUES; 36,516.56 TOWNSHIP EXPENDITURESUMMARY: DUES-PUB1,742.94 TOIRMA-2,821.00 UTILITIES1,066.60 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE2,059.46 SUPPLIES OTHER- 780.74 TOTAL EXPENDITURES; 8,470.74 TOWNSHIPCOMPENSATION SUMMARY; RANGE UNDER 15,000.00; MATHEW CUNNIFF;CURT CRUSE; LAVONNE HELMS; LARRY HELMS; PAUL CUNNIFF; PAUL WETZELL; JEFFREY SCHULTZ TOTAL COMPENSATION; 26,760.00 ROAD DISTRICT-
REVENUE SUMMARY PROPERTY TAXES-30,145.76 REPLACEMENT TAX-2,836.96 OTHER 937.63 EQUIPMENT 10,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 43,920.35 ROAD DISTRICTEXPENDITURE SUMMARY LABOR-2,808.75; REPAIRS & SUPPLIES8,927.66; FUEL-3,945.75 TOIRMA-2,821.00; LOAN PAYMENT 9,835.77; DUES & PUBLICATIONS 758.00 ROAD DISTRICTTOTAL EXPENDITURES-29,096.93; GENERAL ASSISSTANCEREVENUE SUMMARY PROPERTY TAXES-950.99; INTEREST 52.80; TOTAL REVENUE; 1,003.79 GENERAL ASSIS STANCE EXPENDITURES; INSURANCE 650.00; TOTAL EXPENDITURES; 650.00; CURT CRUSE SUPERVISOR 05/05/2020 HUME TOWNSHIP May 19, 2020 The Village of Port Byron is currently accepting bids for the repairs of the wooden boat dock. All bids should have prevailing wage included into the price. Contractors must be licensed and insured. All measurements are estimates, contractor verify all must measurements. The Village of Port Byron has the right to refuse bids if it is deemed the contractor is not qualified, The bids shall be as followsReplacement of 107 LF of 2x6 treated lumber for the subframe of the dock, and 228 5.25 Deck Boards treated. Will need 19 2x10 inch boat cleats, Along with all hardware needed to complete the are project.Bids due back to Village Hall on June 1st by 2 p.m in a sealed envelope. All dock repairs need to be completed by July 1st. Unless river
levels go up and work cannot continue due to high water levels. Any questions contact Eric Sikkema 309-314-9114. May 20, 2020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CORDOVA TOWNSHIP PARK DISTRICTROCK ISLAND COUNTY, ILLINOIS (Rescheduled from March 25, due to COVID-19) Budget and Appropriation Ordinance FY 4/2020 to 3/2021 (Tentative) Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the Cordova Township Civic Center, 910 Third Avenue South, Cordova, IL May 27, 2020 at 6:15 p.m. to consider the tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of the Cordova Township Park District. All citizens of Cordova Township Park District present at said hearing desiring to be heard concerning the tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance will be given an opportunity to do so. Please note social distancing and mask will be required at this meeting. Notice is further given that the Park CommisDistrict sioners shall consider the adoption of the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance at the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board at 6:30 p.m. May 27, 2020; said Budget and Appropriation Ordinance has been posted since February 21, 2020, for public inspection at the Park District Message Center located outside the Cordova Township Building at 910 3rd Avenue South, Cordova, IL and available by calling the Secretary at 309-714-9650. Any questions contact the Cordova Township Park District at 309-7149650 or e-mail ctpd.secretary@
The estate will be administered without Court Supervision unless under Section 28-4 of the Probate Act (755 ILCS 5/28-4) any interested person terminates independent administration at any time by mailing or delivering a petition to terminate to the Clerk. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Whiteside County, 200 East Knox Street, Morrison, Illinois, 61270, or with the representative, or both, on or before November 19, 2020 or, if mailing or delivery of a notice from the representative is required by Section 18-3 of the Probate Act (755 ILCS 5/18-3), the date stated in that notice. Any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the representative and to the attor-
neys within 10 days after it has been filed. NELSON, KILGUS, BUCKWALTERSCHURMAN & STUBBLEFIELD Attorneys for said Estate, P.O. Box 111 209 East Main Street, Morrison, IL 61270-0111 Phone: 815/7722121 Fax: 815/7722026 E-mail: May 19, 26, June 2, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District #6 in the County of Whiteside, State of Illinois, that an amended budget for said School District for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection in the District Office, 300 Academic Drive, Morrison, Illinois, after 8:00 am, CSDT on the 19th day of May, 2020. Notice is hereby given that a PUBLIC HEARING on said Budget will be held at 6:30pm, CSDT on Wednesday, the 22nd day of June, 2020, via zoom teleconference. Dated this 19th day of May, 2020. Board of Education of School District #6, in theCounty of Whiteside, State of Illinois. Scott Vance Superintendent Morrison CUSD #6 May 19, 2020
GENERAL FINANCE INC.; CITY OF ROCK ISLAND; FELICIA PEARSON; KYLE COLLINS; RHONDA COLLINS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW AND LEGATEES OF BRUCE COLLINS; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, DEFENDANTS 19 CH 36 Judge Mark A. VandeWiele Address: 403 10th Street Rock Island, IL 61201 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on March 2, 2020, I, Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois, will on June 23, 2020 at the hour of 9:00 AM at the Rock Island County Justice Center, 1317 3rd Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Rock Island, State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: COMMON ADDRESS: 403 10th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201 P.I.N.: 0734421001 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. THE JUDGMENT WAS: AMOUNT $36,465.02 Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds; the balance, by certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "as is" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.
Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representations as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1512, the amounts of any surplus bid will be held by the sheriff until a party obtains a Court Order for its distribution, or for 60 days following the date of the entry of the order confirming sale, at which time, in the absence of an order directing payment of the surplus, it may be automatically forfeited to the State without further notice. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701 (C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, 230 W. Monroe St., Chicago, IL 60606, telephone 312541-9710. Please refer to file number IL 18 6433. Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois Johnson, Blumberg, & Associates, LLC 230 W. Monroe Street, Suite 1125
Chicago, Illinois 60606 Email: ilpleadings@john Ph. 312-541-9710 / Fax 312-541-9711 JB&A # IL 18 6433 I3150605 May 13, 20 & 27, 2020
Need help with elder gentleman. 8Am - 12pm, & 4pm - 6pm cleaning, cooking etc. Outside of Erie. 309-314-3488
WANT TO BUY 795 J & S Antiques 16713 IL Hwy 40 Sheffield, IL 61361 Antiques, collectbles, furniture, toys, fishing tackle, postcards, duck calls, decoys, and entire estates. Call Greg 815-303-6173
MISCELLANEOUS 796 FOR SALE SAWMILL Custom Sawing. Your logs to your lumber dimensions!! (815) 631- 4340
Need to 19 place an ad? Call us today!
625-3600 815-625-3600 or 815-284-2222 632-2554
APARTMENTSFURNISHED 305 FULTON ALBANY - Small 2 br. Rent $345. No pets. Rental Assitance available. Call 309-737-8140 for application and info.
Outside part time summer job available for mature hard working teenager or adult able to kneel for yard work. Easy various chores, no lifting. $7/hr. You choose your hours. References required. Social distancing and masks available. 815-499-1839
Job Posting Date: April 30, 2020 Erie Prophetstown High School Girls' Assistant Volleyball Coach Qualifications: ASEP Certified Base Salary: $3,377.00 Start Date: 2020-2021 Season Apply Via Email: Mr. Brian Howell Erie Athletic Director bhowell@ or Mr. Mark Lofgren Prophetstown Athletic Director mlofgren@ Deadline: May 14, 2020 Looking for responsible person to help in local construction business. Willing to train suitable candidate. Full time work. Good opportunity to learn a trade. For more information call 815-499-1755 or 815-989-6868
Find Crossword Answers in today’s classifieds
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020
Notice is given to creditors of the death of Jack H. Holcomb. Letters of Office were issued on May 5, 2020, to Rick Holcomb, 145 Center Road, Frankfort, IL 60423, whose attorneys of record are Nelson, Kilgus, Buckwalter-Schurman & Stubblefield, 209 East Main Street, Morrison, Illinois, 612700111.
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• Tuesday-Wednesday, May 19-20, 2020