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VOLUME 166 • NO. 37

Fulton, Illinois

T U E S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 2 1 • $ 1 .0 0


Earleen Hinton/Shaw Media

John and Val Mollo of Bellevue, Iowa stand by their 1962 Volkswagen “Moon Bug” at the Hot Rods for a Cure Car& Bike Show at King Pin in Fulton on Saturday. John said the VW bug was an original Baja Bug before being transformed.



Gateway History Club Members tour the de Immigrant Windmill. / 2

Working Farm Show

Harvest Hammer

AETA returns this weekend in Geneseo. / 9

Morrison Rotary’s annual duathlon is back. / 9

WHAT’S INSIDE Police Reports.................................... 5 Glimpses of the Past......................... 7 Property Transfers............................14 Published every Tuesday by Sauk Valley Media, a division of Shaw Media Illinois 24 pages • One section

Sports......................................... 15-17 Church News.............................18-19 Classifieds ..............................21-24



Darlene Rathje, Marilyn J. Foster, Michael Allen Keith, Marcia Lynn Stralow, Carole A. Minnsen, Becky Lynn DeVanWostine, Lois A. Comer, Anita Wiebenga, Allen P. Dornbush, Pages 8, 10

Fulton Journal • Tuesday, September 14, 2021




History Club tours de Immigrant Windmill OFFICE 113-115 Peoria Ave. Dixon, IL 61021 SUBSCRIPTIONS In Whiteside County 24 months - $50 12 months - $30 Remainder of Illinois, Iowa 24 months - $68 12 months - $41 Remainder of United States 24 months - $79 12 months - $48 Single-copy price is $1 To subscribe, make a payment or discuss your delivery, call 815-632-2520 Monday through Friday or send an e-mail to wnsnews@shawmedia.com. CLASSIFIED SALES 815-220-6942 apicco@shawmedia.com Classified Ad Deadline: Thursday at 4 p.m. OBITUARIES 815-632-2534 phartman@@shawmedia.com Deadline for obituaries is Monday at 9 a.m. NEWS Sarah Ford wnsnews@shawmedia.com Advertising Sales 815-632-2554 PUBLISHER Jennifer Heintzelman 815-632-2502 jheintzelman@shawmedia.com

The FULTON JOURNAL (USPS No. 211-940) is published weekly by Sauk Valley Media, Shaw Media. Periodical postage paid at Fulton, Illinois, 61252 POSTMASTER Send address changes to: The Fulton Journal P.O. Box 31, Morrison, Illinois, 61270 All rights reserved. Copyright 2021

The Clinton History Club has changed its name to the Gateway History Club. The name change will more accurately reflect the history club’s outreach as they continue exploring the historic sites, historic properties, and historic buildings in Fulton, Camanche, Lyons, and the Clinton area. Club members visited the Fulton Windmill and the Fulton Windmill Cultural Center on Tuesday, Sept. 14. Fulton’s authentic Dutch Windmill, “de Immigrant,” was prefabricated in the Netherlands and erected by Dutch craftsmen on the banks of the Mississippi River. The windmill sits on the flood control dike, right in the heart of the city and is across the street from the Windmill Museum & Cultural Center. Standing nearly 100 ft. tall, the massive timbers are assembled by wooden pegs. Dedication of the new Dutch Windmill took place during the Dutch Days Festival 2000. This authentic Dutch windmill was constructed on the flood control dike in the heart of Fulton. The windmill was engineered and pre-fabricated in the Netherlands and shipped to the United States in containers by ship, rail, and truck. Dutch millwrights and masons traveled to the United States on three separate occasions and rebuilt the

Earleen Hinton/Shaw Media

On Sept. 14, the Gateway History Club traveled to Fulton to visit the Fulton Windmill and the Fulton Windmill Cultural Center. windmill in Fulton. The windmill is fully operational. The entire head (or cap) can turn and the sails move by wind power. The mill is also fully functional with a set of blue basalt millstones that can produce a variety of flours. Stone-ground buckwheat, corn, rye, and wheat flours are all manufactured at “De

IN BRIEF Registration open for Fulton’s Fittest Competition

Fulton’s Fittest Competition will be held at 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, by KT3 Fitness, 912 4th St. in Fulton. Registration will begin at 7 a.m. The competition is functional fitness, meaning a lot of bodyweight movements, cardio, and a little weight lifting. Each team will consist of either two males or two females. The top three teams in each division will win a prize. The first event for both the beginner and advanced groups will be the Calvary Hill Run which starts at KT3 Fitness. Participants should arrive between 7 and 7:45 a.m. In the ‘scaled’ group movements will include running, jumping rope, and general cardio. Movements can be modified for participants although they won’t be eligible to win a top three prize. The ‘intermediate’ group participants should be able to do pull-ups, handstand holds (against the wall, thrusters (95/65), and box jumps (24″/20″). The minimum age for the competition is 16. Registration will be open until Sept. 22.

Immigrant” and are for sale in the gift shop at the Windmill Cultural Center. The stones take up three floors with various machineries, and millers can grind approximately 1 bushel of grain every 10 minutes, wind permitting. The Windmill Cultural Center houses an extensive collection of 22 European windmills that vary in size between three feet and six feet tall and are from ten European countries. Informative interpretive exhibits provide unique information on the products produced by windmills, country of origin, windmill specifications, and the cultural impact of windmills. The Education Area features video presentations of the windmill countries and an education area contains children’s activities including coloring, puzzles, and toys promoting scientific concepts. The gift shop sells fresh stone-ground flour, Delft pottery, and souvenirs of Fulton, the Windmill Cultural Center, and the windmill. Special exhibits are featured throughout the year. Membership in the History Club is free. Tell a relative, friend, or neighbor. They now have about 200 members on their weekly historic photo and email list. If you know of anyone that wants to join the history club and email list, contact Gregg Obren at gobren74@live.com or John Rowland at jrow242@gmail.com.

Timken Drives, employees donate to Fulton/Thomson Food Pantry

Submitted photo

Fulton Red Hats to meet Sept. 22

The Fulton Red Hats will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 22 at Rastrelli’s in Clinton at 11:30 a.m.. Members will have a Show and Tell after lunch.

Heather Wubben, center, Human Resource director for Timken Drives in Fulton, presents a $1,000 check to Ron and Nancy Shear, left, and Betty and Harlan Wiebenga, volunteers from the Fulton/Thomson Food Pantry. The employees at Timken Drives also contributed over 700 pounds of food to the pantry.


SAUK VALLEY MEDIA MORRISON – A Pooch Picnic fundraiser featuring activities for dogs and people will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 18 at the future site of the Bark Park, which is two blocks north of Northside Elementary School, 520 N. Genesee St. There will be a Strutt Your Mutt

event featuring a dog trick contest, which costs $5 for participants to enter; a silent auction of the disco ball that formerly sparkled at the Morrison skating rink; an auction of three handmade dog houses of various sizes; bags, Jenga, giant Connect 4, badminton and other games; and hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks available for a donation.

Attendees can meet Copper, the Whiteside County Sheriff Department’s new comfort dog. Music will be provided by DJ Trent Bush. Friendly dogs can attend on a leash. Plans are to build a new dog park on the north side of Morrison. The project will be implemented in three phases. Phase 1 will be fencing, estimated to

cost $50,000. Phase 2 will be a walking path with engraved bricks that can be bought in memory of pets. Phase 3 will include the parking lot. Call Karla Burn at 815-535-6591 for information on the fundraiser. Find On the Move with Parks and Rec on Facebook for information on efforts to bring a dog park to Morrison, including ways to donate.

Erie Fire Protection District holds 9/11 memorial service The Erie Fire Protection District held a moving, early morning memorial service on Saturday, Sept. 11 to remember those lost in the attack on the nation 20 years ago. The ceremony started at the fire station at 6:30 a.m. and lasted nearly an hour, with bagpipes, remarks, flag planting, spiritual reflection, prayers, a moment of silence, and a First Responder salute. Pictured is an aerial photo of the ceremony submitted by Mark Wiseley.


Best Shot TRUST. PROTECT. MOVE FORWARD. When you get vaccinated, you make your community a safer place. Getting vaccinated will help stop the spread of COVID-19. Protect yourself and those around you so we can defeat this virus that has taken so much from so many. Be part of the solution – get vaccinated – and let’s move forward together. It’s our best shot. Learn more at osfhealthcare.org/vax. Brought to you by the Pandemic Health Navigator program, a joint effort of OSF HealthCare and the Illinois Department of Public Health. Funding provided in whole or in part by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Tricks, treats and disco ball auction on tap at dog park fundraiser


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Two appointed to Economic Illinois game top prize for Masons’ raffle Development Committee BY SARAH FORD For Shaw Media

The Port Byron board approved the appointment of two new members to the Economic Development Committee during their meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 7. Laura Arnold and Chris Bradshaw will be joining the committee that plans and promotes events in the village. Mayor Barb Cray thanked the women for volunteering to serve, and said any resident interested in being on one of the village committees can contact her at the Village Hall. Upcoming events in Port Byron include the annual Nick Teddy 5K on Sept. 18, Oktoberfest on Oct. 2 from 5-10 p.m., the “Will to Ben” bike tour kick-off on Oct. 2-3, and the Zombie

Legion flag-burning ceremony Sept. 26 in Morrison; worn flags being collected

American Legion Post 328, which col-

Crawl on Oct. 30. Baby Blues Fest was on Monday, Sept. 6 with a good turnout for the live music on Main Street. In other action, the board approved a $4,670 quote from Vermeer for a new locator, approved spending up to $900 for a tree removal on Cherry St. Ct., and approved stamped concrete work for the corner next to Duey’s for $2,500 and in front of the Village Hall for $1,500. They approved a new e-pay system for billing and online payments, with an $894 set-up charge and $209 yearly cost, plus the purchase of two hand sanitizer stations for $825. They also approved a $585 payment to DMI Plumbing for repairs to a water line that was drilled through, plus two invoices for repairs after a water main break on Briarwood Lane.

lects unserviceable American and other flags in a drop box at 306 E. Main St., will hold its annual flag-burning ceremony at 12:30 p.m. Sept. 26 at Morrison Veterans Memorial Park, 150 E High St., weather

Prophetstown Masonic Lodge #293 is selling raffle tickets to raise funds for the group after their regular fundraisers have been canceled due to COVID-19. First place is four tickets to the Illinois vs. Rutgers football game on October 30, gifted to the lodge from University of Illinois football coach Bret Bielema; second is a round of golf at Prophet Hills for four, good through 2022; and third place is $100 of meat from Shaw’s MarketPlace in Prophetstown. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20, with the drawing to be held on Oct. 15, and you need not be present to win. Tickets can be purchased in Prophetstown at Country Insurance & Financial Services, Shaw’s MarketPlace, FNB, Hometown Hardware, or by contacting a Mason lodge member.

Richard Maronde, Worshipful Master of Lodge #293, sells raffle tickets during “Saturday in the Park” on Sept. 11. Raffle tickets will be sold through Oct. 15.

permitting. The public is invited to attend and also may bring unserviceable flags. Lawn chairs are encouraged for the short ceremony.

The Legion also sells flags for $20 and will assist in replacing and or installing if needed. Contact the post at 815-3100333 or 328@MorrisonAmericanLegion. org for more information.

Sarah Ford/For Shaw Media

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DIXON – Sauk Valley Community College is expanding testing and implementing updated COVID-19 restrictions after recent state mandates for higher education institutions. Access to the campus for all faculty, staff, students and guests will be limited to the north doors of the Dillon Mall and the West Mall. Individuals who are vaccinated and have proof of vaccination are encouraged to use the Dillon Mall entrance. The Dillon Mall entrance will be open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. All others are asked to use the West Mall entrance, which will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. Unless vaccinated, everyone must show a recent negative COVID-19 test result upon entry. Starting Tuesday, SHIELD testing will be available in the West Mall from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through

Rock Falls police raising money for Pink Heals SAUK VALLEY MEDIA

Alex T. Paschal - apaschal@shawmedia.com

Juliana Rotella of Dixon is handed a funnel and vial Aug. 25 at Sauk Valley Community College for COVID-19 testing. Unvaccinated students at the school need to be tested once a week. Rotella, who is a student-athlete, has been vaccinated but is required to be tested because of NJCAA regulations.

Thursday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday. Create an account at svcc.edu/shield to make a SHIELD test appointment.

ROCK FALLS – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to raise money and awareness, Rock Falls police officers will be wearing special pink RFPD shoulder patches in exchange for a donation to Pink Heals of the Sauk Valley, which benefits breast cancer survivors. Similar commemorative pink patches will be sold, with all proceeds going to Pink Heals. The patches cost a minimum of $10 each and are available at the department, 1013 Seventh Ave., during regular business hours or by contacting Chief Dave Pilgrim at dpilgrim@rockfalls61071.com or 815-622-1140. Find Pink Heals of the Sauk Valley on Facebook to learn about the nonprofit.

Submitted photo

In October, Rock Falls police will be selling commemorative pink patches for a minimum of $10 each to raise money for Pink Heals of the Sauk Valley.

POLICE REPORTS Fulton police


Joseph L. Shadle of Clinton, Iowa, was cited for speeding at Route 84 and 21st Avenue. He was released with a promise to comply.

Jamalla M. Scott, 27, Detroit, Michigan, driving while license suspended Rebekah J. Megill, 28, Sterling, expired registration

Sept. 4

Morrison police

Sept. 4

Sept. 5

Arrests On Friday, Sept. 3, about 3 p.m., Morrison police arrested Seth D. Peterson, 21, of Morrison, pursuant to an arrest warrant issued by Whiteside County charging Peterson with assault/aggravated battery (Class 3 felony). Peterson was taken to the Whiteside County Jail.

Elaine K. Cromwell, 67, Frederick, driving while license suspended

Sept. 9

Kym L. Given, 24, Morrison, no valid registration

The public is reminded these are charges and all people are presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law.

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5 WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

SVCC expands testing, implements updated COVID-19 restrictions

Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021



IN BRIEF Get Savvy series features free webinars

“Get Savvy – Grow Your Green Stuff” is a webinar series coordinated by the University of Illinois System Student Money Management Center and University of Illinois Extension with partners across the state, including the Illinois Division of Financial and Professional Regulation, Loyola University Chicago and DePaul University. The webinar series aims to inform, educate and empower viewers about important financial topics. Register for “Identity Theft and Fraud” at https://forms.uofi.uillinois.edu/sec/1279302. This free webinar takes place from noon to 1 p.m. Sept. 15. Email uie-clw@illinois.edu or go to go.illinois.edu/clw for more programs and information.

River Cities Quilters Guild to meet Sept. 21

The River Cities Quilters Guild will have their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 21, at Fulton

Presbyterian Church, 311 Ninth St. Featured speakers will be the owners of Helios Fabric Store in Mount Vernon, Iowa. Helios specializes in bright and colorful fabric. The owners of the store will be bringing items that can be purchased. Anyone interested in fabric arts is welcome to attend.

Quilting by the River quilt show set for Sept. 24-25

The Quilting by the River quilt show, sponsored by the River Cities Quilters Guild, will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 24 and 25 at the Fulton Presbyterian Church, 311 Ninth St. There will be more than 100 entries at the quilt show, along with a boutique, vendors, bed turning program and professional quilt appraiser Janette Dwyer. The bed turning program will feature the quilts of local quilter Dorothy Hook. Raffle tickets are available from guild members or at the show.

Submitted photo

Standing in front of the raffle quilt are Regina Dahl (from left), Nancy Hook, Deb Christopher, Laura VonThun and Kathy Stewart. Tickets for the raffle at the River Cities Quilters Guild quilt show are available from guild members or at the show.


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Sept. 13, 1961

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lockhart will have an open house in their new office building located at 1009 Fifth Street. The building, which houses Lockhart Enterprises, is a one-story structure 28-feet wide by 32-feet long. The annual Fulton Community Christian School Board picnic was held at Old Mill Park in Savanna.

50 Years

Sept. 15, 1971

Marlyn Faber was introduced as a new member of the board of trustees of the Fulton Public Library. He replaces David Flikkema, who resigned. Faber will serve until 1972 on Flikkema’s unexpired term. The lockmaster at Lock and Dam 13 reported the highest record for August was tallied last month. There were 818 lockages with 2,110,600 tons of freight passing through the locks.

40 Years

Sept. 16, 1981

Salary negotiations between the River Bend Board of Education and teachers in the district came to a con-

clusion when the board approved a schedule providing for a base salary of $11,750 for beginning teachers and an average increase of 8.21% for all of the teachers. A ribbon-cutting was held for the newly expanded Ben Franklin Store. Attending the ceremony were Ray Herron, store opening manager; Mrs. Charles Howes, store clerk; Martin Merema, store owner; Mrs. Kenneth VenHuizen, store clerk; Ron Lewis, store operations manager; J. Hennis, retail sales manager; Thad Gruchot, vice president; and Jim Kearney, director of store operations.

30 Years

Sept. 4, 1991

Edvard L.C. Gerega, D.C., is opening a chiropractic service in Fulton at 1013 Fourth St. He has practiced in Europe, Mexico, Michigan and Chicago. He and his wife felt the Midwest is the ideal place to raise their child. The Fulton City Council approved the purchase of two trucks that will be used by city street and maintenance crews. The vehicles are a oneton chassis with a 2- to 3-yard dumpster mounted on it and a half-ton pickup.

20 Years

Sept. 12, 2001

Martin House Museum recently was the recipient of a walnut pump organ given by an anonymous donor. The organ was manufactured in 1865 and is the perfect addition to the home that was built in the 1860s. Jeff Hammer officially started work for the city of Fulton as its newest police officer. He has two years of experience as a full-time officer for the Erie Police Department.

10 Years

Sept. 14, 2011

On Sunday, Sept. 11, the Riverbend Ministerial Association held a worship service at the Fulton fire station to remember Sept. 11, 2001. About 200 gathered to pay tribute to the men and women who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001, and to honor the first responders. Members of the Albany Fire Protection District would like to thank Jeff Zajicek and his business, Superior Bodyworks, located on Highway 136 in Fulton, for a recent donation to the department. Superior Bodyworks donated parts to aid in the renovation of the department’s brush truck.

Dr. Marcus Kehrli joins Agri-King board of directors

Marcus E. Kehrli Jr., DVM, Ph.D., was elected to the Agri-King board of directors during the company’s July meeting. Dr. Kehrli recently retired as the director of the National Animal Disease Center of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. From 2003 until his selection as center director in 2013, Dr. Kehrli was the research leader of the Virus and Prion Diseases Research Unit at the NADC. Dr. Kehrli’s research career primarily focused on improving immune health in livestock. “Dr. Kehrli’s distinguished career in government, academia, private business and our industry will bring a wealth of knowledge, insight and leadership to Agri-King’s board. Most of our officers and board members have known Marcus for many years and can vouch for his integrity and professionalism,” said Clark Curley, chairman of the board. Agri-King is a livestock nutrition and forage treatment company serving clients in 34 states, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada. Agri-King was founded in 1968 by Del Curley in Fulton. Today, Agri-King is an ESOP company with more than 200 employees in the U.S. and Europe.

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7 WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

1971: Lock and Dam 13 tallies record for August


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Born: April 10, 1944 in Morrison, IL Died: September 7, 2021 in Rockford, IL Darlene Rathje, 77, of Fulton, IL, died Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at OSF St. Anthony Medical Center in Rockford, IL. A private family funeral service will be held at the Fulton Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home, preceded by a private family visitation. Mr. Ken Renkes will officiate. Interment will be at the Fulton Township Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Darlene was born April 10, 1944 in Morrison, IL, to Jacob J. and Jeanette (Buikema) Schaver. Darlene was educated in the Albany Grade School and was valedictorian. She


Born: May 5, 1941 in Morrison, IL Died: September 11, 2021 in Bettendorf, IA Allen P. Dornbush, 80, of Bettendorf, IA, formerly of Albany, IL, died Saturday, September 11, 2021, at Bettendorf Healthcare Center. His funeral service will be held at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at the Fulton Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home with Mr. Ken Renkes officiating. A visitation will precede the service from 9:30 AM until the time of the service. Interment will be at Fulton Township Cemetery in Fulton, IL. A memorial has been established to the Wounded Warriors Project. Allen was born May 5, 1941, in Morrison, IL,


Born: November 1, 1955 in Morrison, IL Died: September 1, 2021 in Edwardsville, IL Marcia Lynn Stralow, 65, born and raised in Morrison, IL, died Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at River Crossing of Edwardsville, in Edwardsville, IL. Her funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, September 10, 2021 a St. Peter Lutheran Church in Morrison, preceded by a visitation starting at 9 a.m. Officiating is Rev. Anthony Appel, Pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church. The Morrison Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Interment will be in Oak Knoll Cemetery in Sterling, IL. Marcia was born November 1, 1955, in Morrison, to Arnold C. and Louise E. (Koester) Stralow. She was educated in the rural Woodside Grade School and later attended

attended Clinton Community College in Clinton, IA. Darlene married James R. Rathje on November 16, 1973, in Albany, IL. He died on March 7, 2021. She was employed by General Electric in Morrison, IL, and retired from Clinton Community College. She was a member of the Garden Plain Presbyterian Church. Darlene was a passionate reader and an avid shopper. Her greatest joy in life was spending time with her family. Survivors include two sons, Michael (Patti) Rathje of Cedar Rapids, IA and Jeffrey (Kathy) Rathje of Cincinnati, OH; two grandchildren, Alex and Julia Rathje; one sister, Carol Stash of Clinton, IA; four brothers, Kenneth W. (Barbara) Schaver of Morrison, IL, Donald J. (Marilyn) Schaver of Albany, IL, Harlan (Evelyn) Schaver of Fulton, IL and Robert W. (Deb) Schaver of Albany, IL; one brotherin-law, Bill Rathje of Phoenix, AZ; many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, James. to Henry and Effie (Brondyke) Dornbush. He was educated in Fenton Grade School and was a 1959 graduate of Erie High School. He served in the United States Army. He retired from General Electric in Morrison, IL, and he also farmed in the Garden Plain area. Allen was a 25 year member of the Albany Fire Department and was a member of the Morrison Sportsmen’s Club. He was an avid bowler where he participated in many leagues in Fulton. He enjoyed the outdoors and hunting. Survivors include one brother, Lester (Julia) Dornbush of Fulton; many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by six sisters, Phyllis A. Geerts, Sharon Ottens, Helen Port, Kathyrn Dornbush, Audrey Sikkema and Shirley Dornbush in infancy; two brothers, Eugene Dornbush and Harlan Dornbush. To send online condolences go to www. bosmarenkes.com

Morrison Grade schools. She was a graduate of Morrison High School, and also Sauk Valley Community College and IL State University with a Bachelor’s degree in computer programming. She worked as a programmer for United States Steel Corporation in East St. Louis, IL. She was a member of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School in Collinsville, IL. Survivors include her mother, Louise Stralow of Morrison; two brothers, Craig (Wendy) Stralow and Mark (Karen) Stralow, both of Morrison; and three nephews, Chad (Amanda) Beldin, of Ganado, TX, Nathan (Erica) Stralow and Justin (Angela) Stralow, both of Morrison. She was preceded in death by her father, Arnold Stralow; and her paternal and maternal grandparents. To send online condolences, go to www. bosmarenkes.com

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The 60th annual Antique Engine & Tractor Association’s Working Farm Show is set to return Sept. 17-19 in rural Geneseo. This year’s show will feature Minneapolis-Moline tractors and implements. The annual show features a variety of ag equipment, demonstrations, collector displays, food and craft vendors, and fun for the kids. Come and enjoy all the show has to offer, including a working sawmill and blacksmith shop, harvesting with vintage equipment, a pie auction, train rides, livestock, a daily parade, and more. The cost is $5 per day or $10 for the weekend, and kids 12 and under are free. The gates are open daily from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. AETA is located at 13451 IL Hwy 92, Geneseo, with free parking on the grounds. For more information, go to ae-ta.com.

Sarah Ford/For Shaw Media

During the 2020 AETA farm show tractors were lined up for display. The 60th annual Antique Engine & Tractor Association’s Working Farm Show will take place Sept. 17-19 in rural Geneseo.

Morrison Rotary readies for Harvest Hammer Morrison Rotary Club’s annual Harvest Hammer duathlon will be back on city streets on Saturday, Sept. 18 at Morrison High School. The event includes children and adult races plus a Color Run. Early packet pick-up will be on Friday, Sept. 17 at the Morrison High School cafeteria, and Race Day registration will open at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 18.

Online registration is open at harvesthammer.org. Children’s races include a 1/3 Mile Wee Run at 8:15 a.m. (reserved for children Pre-K – 2nd grade); 1/2 Mile Fun Run at 8:30 a.m. (2nd – 5th grade), and a 1 Mile Challenge Run at 8:30 a.m. (5th – 8th grade). Participants will receive a Harvest Hammer t-shirt and blue partici-

pation ribbon. Awards will be given to the top boy and girl in each race. Adult races include the 5K/Duathlon starting at 9 a.m., which includes a 3.1 mile run. Duathletes will complete an additional 21-mile bike ride through the countryside of Morrison. Participants must be 14 years or older and wear an ANSI helmet to participate in the duath-

lon. Awards will be by age group. A Color Run will be at 11:30 a.m. at the high school and is free to all Hammer participants. Cost is $12 for non-Hammer participants and includes a Hammer t-shirt. The course is 6/10th mile north to the railroad tracks. Colored powder will be tossed on the runners as they finish. No prizes, just a good time!

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WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

AETA Working Farm Show returns this weekend


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Born: March 16, 1944 in Manchester, IA Died: September 1, 2021 in Sterling, IL Carole A. Minssen, 77, of Prophetstown, IL, died Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at Rock River Hospice and Home in Sterling, IL. Her funeral service will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, at the First Lutheran Church in Prophetstown with Rev. Chelsey Olson-Weech officiating. Cremation rites will be accorded following services. Burial of cremains will be at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorials have been established to First Lutheran Church and Rock River Hospice and Home. Carole was born March 16, 1944 in Manchester, IA, to Karl and Cecil (Powell) Renken. She attended Manchester grade schools and was a graduate of West Delaware High School. She attended Wartburg College in

BECKY LYNN VANDEWOSTINE Born: September 6, 1946 in Morrison, IL Died: September 5, 2021 in Sterling, IL

Becky Lynn VanDeWostine, 74, of Morrison, IL, died Sunday, September 5, 2021 in Sterling, IL. There will be no services; cremation rites will be accorded. A celebration of life will be held at a later date. The Morrison Chapel of the Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Becky was born September 6, 1946 in Morrison, IL, to Arlyn “Shorty” and Kay Raser.


Born: November 18, 1944 in Shreveport, LA Died: September 5, 2021 in Prophetstown, IL PROPHETSTOWN – Lois A. Comer, age 76, died Sunday, September 5, 2021 at Allure of Prophetstown. Lois was born on November 18, 1944 in Shreveport, La. the daughter of Morris and Lenola (Egert) Franks. She was a homemaker. She is survived by one daughter, Kimberly Comer of Fla.; two sons, Bradley Comer of Denver, Colo. and Dewayne (Tina) Comer of Knoxville, Tenn.; one sister, Deborah Enright of Prophetstown; and four grandchildren. There are no services. Cremation rites have been accorded. Arrangements were completed by the McDonald Funeral Home in Prophetstown.

Waverly, IA, and later attended Rockford School of Business in Rockford, IL. She married Richard A. Minssen on May 16, 1965 in Manchester, IA. Carole drove bus for the Prophetstown School System, worked at Smith Bank and Trust in Morrison, IL and later worked for Fenn Drug in Prophetstown. However, she is best known for her job as “Nana,” watching her grandchildren. Carole was a member of the First Lutheran Church, where she taught Sunday school and where she served on several committees within the church. She took great joy in her flower garden, especially her roses and she enjoyed mowing the lawn. Carole cherished spending time with her grandchildren. Survivors include her husband, Richard; one son, David ( Heather) Minssen of Prophetstown; four grandchildren, Grant, Sydney, Jackson, and Mason Minssen; and one sisterin-law, Diane Jones. She was preceded in death by her parents; one brother, David Renken; and one brotherin-law, Richard Jones. To send online condolences. go to www. bosmagibson.com She attended rural schools and graduated from Prophetstown High School in 1964. She received her Associate’s of Business Degree from Moline Institute of Commerce. Becky worked 21 years at Country Companies in Morrison, and spent 27 years at the Schuneman Agency in Prophetstown. She married Lyle VanDeWostine on September 15, 1989. Their combined families include Julie (Russell) Strantz, Jeff (Jean) Arians, Michael Arians, and Darla (Marc) Arians, Craig Arians, Steve (Karen) Arians, Troy (Patti) VanDeWostine, Tina (Bob) Field and Tiffany (Ron) Coleman. Becky was blessed with 19 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. To send online condolences, go to www. bosmarenkes.com

ANITA S. WIEBENGA Anita S. Wiebenga, 71, of Pleasant Valley, IA, formerly of Albany, IL, passed on 09/11/2021. Arrangements entrusted to Bosma-Renkes Funeral Home, Fulton, IL. Additional information: www.bosmarenkes.com.

MARILYN J. FOSTER Marilyn J. Foster, 82, of Geneseo, formerly of Hillsdale, Illinois, passed on August 30, 2021. Arrangements entrusted to Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Port Byron, Illinois. Additional information: 309523-3151.

MICHAEL ALLEN KEITH Michael Allen Keith, 61, of Cordova, Illinois, passed on August 24, 2021. Arrangements entrusted to Gibson-Bode Funeral Home, Port Byron, Illinois. Additional information: 309-523-3151.


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IN BRIEF Timber Lake Playhouse continues its 60th anniversary season with the life story of one of rock ‘n’ roll’s early pioneers whose musical career lasted only two years but made a timeless impact. “The Buddy Holly Story” runs through Sept. 19. “The Buddy Holly Story” tells the true story of Holly’s meteoric rise to fame, from the moment in 1957 when “That’ll Be The Day” hit the airwaves until his tragic death less than two years later on “the day the music died.” The show features more than 20 of Holly’s greatest hits including “That’ll Be the Day,” “Peggy Sue,” “Everyday,” “Oh Boy,” “Not FadeAway,” “Rave On” and “Raining In My Heart.” Don’t miss TLP’s Fall Fest, which features pumpkin carving and games for the kids and craft beer from area breweries. The event is from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 25. Timber Lake Playhouse is at 8215 Black Oak Road in Mount Carroll. For information, visit the TLP website at www.timberlakeplayhouse.org or call the box office at 815-244-2035. The box office is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and until intermission on show days.

Submitted photo

The Erie High School Class of 1971 celebrated its 50th reunion by reminiscing at Harvest Bakery & More. Among the 26 classmates who attended were Sandy (Strohman) Hermes (front row, from left), Cindra (Fuller) German, Ruth (Johnson) Melton, Darlene (Taets) Rowe, Gloria (Hovey) Stubbs, Karen (Hoeler) Slabe, Deb (Leeds) Thormahlen, Melinda (Pettit) Arp and Ginny (Snyder) Knight; and Ted Blean (back row, from left), Mike Walbusser, Mike Wolf, Rex Young, Rich Martens, Kim Greenwood, Ron Brown, Mike Winckler, Rod Dye, Don Parvin, Kathy (VandeVorde) Mix, Terry Thorpe, Steve Ballard, Connie (Mickley) Tiffany, Ron Tiffany, Craig Wolf and Acel Lewis.

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WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

TLP kicks off fall programming with ‘The Buddy Holly Story’


Erie High School Class of 71 gathers for reunion

Serving Our

Submitted photo

Resthave staff member Kris Muur signals that four meals are needed during the free drive-thru meal event Aug. 31.

IN BRIEF Resthave hosts free drive-thru meals for community

Resthave Care & Rehabilitation, 408 Maple Ave., Morrison, hosted a free drive-thru meal Tuesday, Aug. 31, to thank the Morrison community for its support, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The meal consisted of a choice of hamburger or hot dog, chips, water and dessert. Desserts were donated by area churches. Each meal came with a note from Resthave stating, “Resthave believes we are all part of an amazing community. This free meal is a token of our appreciation for the love and support we felt during the pandemic. We could not have done it without you! Our community prayed for us and helped to keep our spirits up in so many ways and we want to give back. With sincere appreciation and thanks to you, our community – Resthave.” The event was scheduled from 5 to 6:30 p.m. However, all 300 meals were served by 5:50 p.m. “We just didn’t have any idea how many would once again come out and support us,” marketing director Karla Burn said. “It was such a fun and uplifting event for us, too.” A huge thank you from Resthave to the volunteers, churches and staff members who helped with the event.

Morrison High School Class of 1966 reunion set for Oct. 1

The Morrison High School Class of 1966 would like to invite all MHS alumni, former teachers and guests to stop in at the Double G Saloon, 115 W. Main St.,

Morrison, beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1. Drop in and reminisce with the class during its 55th reunion celebration. If you are a member of the Morrison High School Class of 1966 and did not receive an invitation, contact Stephanie (Busing) Heflin at sheflin48@comcast. net or 815-441-4836 or Andrea (McDougall) Dalton at dltn67@yahoo.com or 815-499-5138.

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Senior Care Moments

Christ Lutheran to host Fall Mom2Mom Market Sept. 25

The Christ Lutheran School Boosters will host a Fall Mom2Mom Market. The event will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at Christ Lutheran School’s gym, 2000 18th Ave., Sterling. The sale is for families who want to get rid of their gently used kids clothing (sizes newborn through teen size 18), maternity clothing, children’s books, games, toys, DVDs and children’s furniture. Booth registration is available now through Sept. 22 or until spaces sell out. Cost is $30 for a single booth (two 8-foot tables in an L) or $60 for a double booth (four 8-foot tables in a U). Tables and chairs will be provided. Sellers price and sell their own items. The sale is targeted toward moms and families who are shopping for children. The gym will open at 8 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, with a $1 suggested donation to enter. Concessions will be available. For information on the Fall Mom2Mom Market, call Christ Lutheran School at 815-625-3800 or visit the Facebook page, www.facebook.com/ sterlingmom2mommarket/.


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Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021






Common warning signs of arthritis Arthritis has name recognition, even among people who are not suffering from it. But despite that recognition, arthritis is not as well understood as one might think.

occurs during or shortly after a body is at rest. However, arthritis-related pain can occur while the body is at rest and is not always triggered by an activity that incorporates a part of the body affected by arthritis. In addition, pain from arthritis can be According to the Arthritis Foundation, arthritis is isolated to one area of the body or affect various not a single disease, but rather an informal way of parts of the body. referring to joint pain or joint disease. In fact, the term “arthritis” is so wide-ranging that it actually 2. Swelling Skin over the joints affected by arthritis may become refers to more than 100 types of conditions. red and swollen. This skin also may feel warm to the Despite that complexity, arthritis often produces four touch. The Arthritis Foundation advises anyone who important warning signs, regardless of which type of experiences this swelling for three days or longer arthritis a person may have. or more than three times per month to contact a physician. 1. Pain The Arthritis Foundation notes that arthritis-related 3. Stiffness pain may be constant or intermittent. One common This warning sign is, along with pain, the one that is misconception about arthritis pain is that it only most often associated with arthritis, even by people

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who don’t suffer from the condition. Stiffness when waking up in the morning or after long periods of being sedentary, such as sitting at a desk during the workday or taking a long car ride, can be symptomatic of arthritis, especially if the stiffness lasts an hour or longer. 4. Difficulty moving a joint The Arthritis Foundation notes that people should not experience difficulty moving, such as when getting out of bed. People who experience such difficulty may have arthritis. People who recognize any of these warning signs should report them to their physicians immediately. Be as specific as possible when describing these symptoms, as specificity can help physicians design the most effective course of treatment.

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WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021



Whiteside County

Warranty deeds Kyle J. Demarlie to Castle 2020 LLC, 204 S. Grape St., Morrison, $30,000. Cory J. Kramer to Patricia K. Susan, 18132 Chase Road, Fulton, $23,000. JPMorgan Chase Bank to David Cochran, 712 Lincoln St., Rock Falls, $61,008. Karen K. Lindquist Estate and Robert E. Carl E. and Troy E. Lundquist to Anna M. and Charles J. Arnold IV, 1301 Holland Drive, Rock Falls, $96,000. Carloss A. Gregory to Douglas Schwenk, 706 Ave. B, Sterling, $28,000. Laura Denning to Gerlad W. Sharp II, 2608 Spruce St., Rock Falls, $7,500. Maureen E. Francque, now Whitcombe, to Juan Estrada, 1205 13th Ave., Sterling, $94,900. Eric and Stephanie Neas to Ian E. and Melissa Lynne Perry, 408 W. Lincolnway, Morrison, $170,000. Karen L. Masscho to Shaun M. and Erica Meier, one parcel on Fifth Ave., Erie, $20,000. Reannon M. and Richard E. Nailor II to Dannon Sherich, 306 S. Genesee St., Morrison, $78,000. Connor J. and Dakota E Olson to James

M. Lunch and Wayne J. Knockel, 309 E. Seventh St., Rock Falls, $103,000. Ralph S. Weaver to CHB Properties LLC, one parcel on Spring Hill Road, Erie, $21,000. Miguel G. and Martha V. Reyes to Daniel Reyes, 601 W. 14th St., Rock Falls, $95,000. Richard Johnson and Lee Anne Todtz to Douglas A. Johnson, 5285 Yorktown Road, Prophetstown, $282,000. Edward F. and Patricia A. Vondra to Jeremy E. Vondra and Jasmine V. Garza, 1300 Minkel St., Rock Falls, $120,000. Quit claim deeds Debra S. Whitman to Charles E. Lawrence, 26714 Penrose Road, Sterling, $10. Silvia and Anna Rudzinski to Henry Rudzinski, four parcels on Kenton Road, Morrison, $0. Richard Johnson and Lee Anne Todtz to Douglas A. Johnson, 5285 Yorktown Road, Prophetstown, $282,000. Marlene Johnson to Tammy Allbritton, 929 13th Ave., Fulton, $0. Rotary Airlock LLC, formerly Three Partners LLC, to Rotary Airlock LLC, 707 E. 17th St., Rock Falls, $0. Trustees deeds Howard L. and Louise E. Bielema Trust,

Darrell A. Bielema Subtrust to Robert and Amanda Brechon, one parcel on Albany Road, Albany, $80,000. Mary L. Temple, trustee to Jacob A. and Priscilla J. Ritzema, 1227 Second Ave., Fulton, $265,000. Todd P. and Teresa A. Dellitt to Nathan A. and Nicole L. Petersen and Jere R. Wood, 4950 Holly Road, Fulton, $299,000. Linda L. Hagemann Trust to Jo A. Fisher, 2305 22nd Ave., Sterling, $253,000. Dianna G. Larson Trust, Yonda K. Casten, trustee to Eric W. and Guadalupe Larson, one parcel in Sterling Township, $0. Executors deed James L. Teachout Estate to Jodi K. Maksl, 407 W. Ninth St., Sterling, $51,000. Deeds Michael and Kathleen A. Barsema to Gerald A. and Pamela K. Phillips, 19029 Elston Road, Fulton, $2,000. Nationstar Mortgage DBA Mr. Cooper to Kalyan Enterprises LLC, 8 N. 10th St., Fulton, $84,000. Sheriff of Whiteside County, Jonas and Rebeca Hoobs and Freedom Mortgage Corp. to Manreet Kalyan, 203 N. 12th St., Fulton, $97,000.

OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, September 18th from 10:30am to 12:00pm



Motivated Seller! This single story home offers Eatin kitchen, full bath, 3/4 bath, living room, bonus room (currently used as dining room, 3 bedrooms and laundry, all on main floor. The many updates include: Furnace and A/C 4 yrs, Newer windows, newer garage door, washer and dryer 1 yr old, some newer floorings, exterior of home painted 1 yr ago. All rooms repainted, Basement offers a family/rec area. 1 car attached garage. Nice sized yard. Stop by and see all this home has to offer. Price recently reduced to $90,000. Open House will be hosted by listing agent, Jackie Woodman. MLS #11129581

KOPHAMER & BLEAN REALTY 118 E. Main St., Morrison | 815.772.2728 | www.kenkoprealty.com

I-84 resurfacing near Fulton and Albany begins Sept. 16

The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that construction on Illinois 84 in Whiteside County will begin Thursday, Sept. 16, weather permitting. The work will be between U.S. 30, near Fulton and Albany. Work includes patching, milling and resurfacing of Illinois 84. One lane of traffic will be open and controlled by flaggers when workers are present; the road will be open to two-way traffic at other times. Valley Construction Co. of Rock Island is the contractor of the $2,757,014 project, which is expected to be completed by Oct. 31. Motorists can expect delays and should allow extra time for trips through this area and be prepared for slow and stopped traffic. To avoid the work area, when feasible, use of alternate routes should be considered. Drivers are urged to pay close attention to changed conditions and signs in the work zones, obey the posted speed limits, refrain from using mobile devices and be alert for workers and equipment.

The family of Paige Caroline Decker would like to thank everyone for the food, flowers, texts, cards and memorials we received on the passing of Paige.Your acts of kindness means a lot to all of us during this difficult time. We will miss her sweet smile. Fly high sweet girl.



Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021



Also a big Thank You to Joe McDonald and Ken Renkes for the beautiful graveside service. Love and Hugs, The family of Paige Caroline Decker SM-ST1917577

WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Introducing Kara Stoecker, Fulton 15 High School B.L.I.N.D. leader How has B.L.I.N.D. impacted your life?

B.L.I.N.D. has allowed me to meet people from other schools and become close with the freshmen. In the program, we have people I can be vulnerable with, which is a nice break.

What advice would you give to freshmen that would encourage them to pursue becoming a B.L.I.N.D. leader?

I 100% would recommend doing B.L.I.N.D. It allows you to form relationships you otherwise wouldn’t have and helps build leadership qualities.

If you were given $1,000, what would you do with it?

River Bend Bulldogs teams prevail over Spring Valley Hall The River Bend Bulldogs football teams traveled to Spring Valley Hall for a rare Sunday matchup with the Red Devils on Sept. 5. The Bulldogs headed home with two exciting wins. On a beautiful day for football, the Bulldogs 7th/8th grade team got out to a first-quarter lead on a touchdown pass from Braedon Meyers to Landen Leu. The 2-point conversion was successful on a run by Mason Kuebel. The Bulldogs’ CJ Struckman had a touchdown run in the second quarter. Leu added the 2-point conversion. Spring Valley Hall also scored in the quarter and trailed the Bulldogs 16-6 at halftime. Bulldogs turnovers helped the Red

Devils come back and tie the score at 22-22 late in the game. With 18 seconds left, the Devils kicked off to the Bulldogs hoping to come away with the tie. Leu had other plans. Leu returned the kickoff 68 yards for the winning score in an exciting 30-22 Bulldogs victory. The 5th/6th grade Bulldogs continued their impressive season with a 30-6 victory over Spring Valley. The Bulldogs are 3-0. Two touchdowns by Brayden Powell gave the Bulldogs a 14-0 halftime lead. A stellar defensive play and another Powell touchdown in the second half sealed the win.

IN BRIEF Hike the Hennepin Canal outing set for Sept. 19

The Friends of the Canal are hosting their monthly Hike the Hennepin Canal outing Sunday, Sept. 19. This month’s hike will be from Bridge 50 to Bridge 52 on the feeder canal. The hike is 4.1 miles in length and has been named the “Cottonwood.” Hikers will meet at Bridge 50 on the northwest side at 1:30 p.m. and will be shuttled to Bridge 52 to begin the hike. Directions to Bridge 50 are to take Route 40 north from Route 6 (or I-80) to Route 172, then west on Route 172 to where it

crosses the feeder canal. The monthly hikes were developed by the Friends of the Hennepin Canal as an opportunity for everyone to get to know the canal personally by hiking it from the Illinois River to the Mississippi River (including the feeder canal) in small legs. You need not be a member of the Friends to join in any of the hikes. There is no fee for the hikes. Come and join in the fun and bring a friend. Dress appropriately for the weather. For information, contact Ed Herrmann at hikes@friends-hennepin-canal.org or call 815-664-2403.

If there was something you could do to change the world, what would it be?

If I could change the world, I would do what I can to give people the courage they need to go after anything they want. A lot of people have the qualifications needed to be great but are hesitant based on the world’s standards.

Fulton High School senior Kara Stoecker What is your claim to fame?

My claim to fame is I ate applesauce everyday in seventh grade.

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Submitted photo

The River Bend Bulldogs’ CJ Struckman runs with the ball Sept. 5 against Spring Valley Hall.

The responsible thing to do is invest the $1,000 or use it for college, but I want to travel the world!

Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Du-Pec offensive line decisive in victory over Fulton BY TROY TAYLOR

ttaylor@shawamedia.com FULTON – Durand-Pecatonica running backs followed the holes created by their offensive line. Then the backs broke those open for some big runs in the second half, and DuPec defeated Fulton 38-24 on Friday night in Fulton. AJ Mulcahy had 189 yards rushing, including breakaway runs of 68, 39 and 29 yards. Trenton Taylor was a workhorse, with 124 yards on 25 carries. “We came out tonight knowing it was going to be a dog fight,” Mulcahy said. “I want to thank our boys up front. They made it a game. I can’t do anything without them.” Briaun Green, Jake Anderson and Drake Fortson were some of the linemen Mulcahy commended. In the fourth quarter, Du-Pec had a 12-yard touchdown run by Taylor with 7:42 left. Then Hunter Hoffman completed a 16-yard TD pass to Bo Seaton with 4:29 left to put the score out of reach. Fulton entered the game as the No. 4-ranked team in Class 1A. Du-Pec is expected to be a Class 3A school come playoff time. Fulton quarterback Patrick Lower Jr. started strong, hitting his first four completions. Then Du-Pec adjusted, and four of his next five passes were incomplete as he faced pressure. A lot of that pressure came from Green, a 245-pound junior, who got through Lower’s protection and forced him out of the pocket on several occasions. The third quarter ended with Du-Pec leading 24-17. DuPec took the opening drive 80 yards in 13 plays. Mulcahy carried it in from the 3 with 8:10 left in the first. Hoffman passed to Trent Hetland for the two-point conversion. “We got punched in the mouth early,” Fulton coach Patrick Lower said. “They came right at us. We made a couple of adjustments. Our kids did a nice job throughout after that, settling into the game.” Fulton answered with a big defensive play. Baylen Damhoff intercepted Hoffman at the Du-Pec 40 and returned it down the sideline for a touchdown at 4:51 of the first. Endi Qunaj had the kick for extra point. On a play from the Fulton 29, Mulcahy broke a tackle and skipped in to the end zone to put Du-Pec ahead 16-7 at 6:46 of the second, after

Photos by Troy Taylor/Shaw Media

Fulton quarterback Patrick Lower (5) prepares to hand off Friday night against Du-Pec.

Fulton defensive back Baylen Damhoff (22) lines up opposite a Du-Pec receiver on Friday, Sept. 10. Damhoff had an interception and returned it for a touchdown.

Fulton running back Jacob Jones (7) takes the handoff from quarterback Patrick Lower (5) on Friday against Du-Pec.

Taylor added the two-point conversion run. Then Fulton assembled its best drive of the second quarter. Starting on its own 22, the Steamers got five first downs. As the clock ticked

down, Qunaj hit a 15-yard field goal that made it 16-10 at halftime. On the ensuring kickoff, Qunaj booted it all the way to the goal line for a touchback. With 18 seconds left in the half,

Du-Pec looked like it would score once more. Hoffman hit Hetland on a 53-yard pass downfield to get to the 27. But Hoffman had two incompletions, one in the end zone to close the half.


LOCAL SPORTS ROUNDUP Monmouth-Roseville 43, Morrison 28: The Mus-

tangs got 124 rushing yards from Alex Anderson in a loss to Monmouth-Roseville. Morrison led early, getting touchdowns from Carson Strating and Anderson in the first quarter, Anderson’s on a 56-yard run, but the Titans jumped in front 22-14 in the second quarter. After a 40-yard touchdown pass from Danny Mouw got the Mustangs within two, Monmouth-Roseville added three second-half scores to jump out to a 43-20 lead before a late touchdown by Mouw.

second set of a Three Rivers loss. Kennedy Buck and Hailey Bush both spiked five kills. Buck added eight assists and three digs for E-P. Jaiden Oleson had eight assists and three kills. Emma Davis added seven digs and an ace, and Aylah Jones chipped in three kills and an ace for the Panthers. Forreston def. Fulton 25-15, 25-22: The Cardinals picked up a conference win over the Steamers. Kara Stoecker had four kills for Fulton. Jersey Boyson had 11 assists, and Teegan Germann had 16 digs.

runner-up honors. Chase Decker fired a 46, Dayton Young shot a 47, and David Stralow added a 48. Isaac Melton (52) and Adam Tichler (61) also played.

Girls golf

Marcos visit Fulton: Polo shot a 236 at Fulton CounEastland def. Fulton 25-14, 25-12: The Cougars downed try Club. The Steamers had only one golfer.


the Steamers on the road in NUIC play. Brooklyn Brennan’s three kills, three aces and three digs led Fulton. Gracie Sanderson and Ava Bowen also had three digs each. Kara Stoecker stuffed a pair of blocks, and Jersey Boysen dished three assists.

Kamryn Stockton led the Marcos with a 48. Braylyn Velez (60), Avery Faivre (63) and Kealie Wilcox (65) also counted toward the team score. Aliya Bueno shot a 65 for Fulton.

despite pushing Monmouth-Roseville in the second set. Kennedy Buck had five kills, five assists, eight digs and three aces for E-P. Emma Davis had seven digs. Hailey Bush had two kills and two blocks, and Madyson Bushaw and Jaiden Oleson also had two blocks each. Oleson dished five assists. Emma Davis added seven digs. Rockridge def. Erie-Prophetstown 25-23, 25-9: The Panthers battled in the first set, then struggled in the

NUIC dual at Fulton Country Club. Wiebenga shot 2-over-par 38, and Meyers was one stroke behind him with a 39. Aiden Day (44) and Kyle Meinema (47) also contributed to Fulton’s team score. Mendota 175, St. Bede 175, Morrison 182: The Mustangs lost a Three Rivers triangular at Spring Creek, with the Trojans taking the victory on a fifth-score tiebreaker, 47-56. Mason Dykstra led Morrison with a 41, good for

Boys golf

Fulton 168, Polo 277: Led by medalist Ian Wiebenga Monmouth-Roseville def. Erie-Prophetstown 25-14, 25-23: The Panthers lost a Three Rivers West match and runner-up Landon Meyers, the Steamers won an

Alex T. Paschal/apaschal@shawmedia.com

Morrison’s Dayton Young chips toward the green at a recent golf meet.

We Support Our Local Schools!


WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Albany United Methodist Church 502 N. 1st Avenue, 309-887-4781 Pastor Toni Lucas Faith Center Church 511 3rd Ave. North, Albany Senior Pastor Ray Gimenez Pastor Arlen VanZee Church Phone: 563-212-4032 St. Patrick Catholic Church Albany, Illinois Fr. Matthew Camainoi, Parochial Vicar

CORDOVA Cordova Baptist 602 Third Ave. South, Cordova Pastor Carmen Jordan 309-654-2501 - www.cordovafbc.com

EAST MOLINE Sycamore Baptist Church 5323 180th Street North, East Moline 309-200-2505 www.sycamorebaptistchurch.com Wildwood Baptist Church 18717 Hubbard Road, East Moline 309-496-9397 office@ wildwoodchurch.com Pastors Brian Smith, Andrew Robinson, Andy Thomaston and Matt Winquist Zion Lutheran Church 17628 Hubbard Road, East Moline Rev. Gary A. Wright - 309-496-3592

ERIE Erie Baptist Church 8th Ave. and 11th Street, Erie Call Ron Kimball for info: 309-230-3584 Erie Christian Church 715 6th Ave., Erie, 309-659-2561 Minister: Nathan Bright Youth Minister: Aaron Sweeney www.eriechristianchurch.com Erie Evangelical Free Church 1409 16th Ave., Erie, 309-659-7125 Website: erieefree.org Pastor Ron Eckberg

Pastor Jonathan Eckberg Erie United Methodist Church 811 8th Street, Erie Pastor Tiffany Garcea - 309-659-2541 www.erieumc.org Newton Zion Reformed Church 10465 Frog Pond Road, Erie Pastor Shannon Parrish - 309-659-2464 newtonzion@frontier.com St. Ambrose Catholic Church Corner of 5th and Main Father Toni Kretowicz Rectory Phone: 815-537-2077 Church Phone: 309-659-2781

FENTON Fenton United Methodist Church 10019 Main Street, Fenton Pastor Peter Kicheon Ahn - 224-580-5074 pastor.kitcheon@gmail.com

FULTON First Christian Reformed Church Pastor Michael Hooker 801 15th Ave., Fulton, 815-589-3790 First Reformed Church 510 15th Avenue, Fulton, 815-589-2203 Pastor Charles Huckaby Fulton Presbyterian Church 311 N. 9th St., Fulton, 815-589-3580 Pastor Rev. Catherine Martin www.fultonpreschurch.org email: fultonpres@mchsi.com. Garden Plain Presbyterian Church 14915 Sands Road, Fulton Gateway Faith Fellowship Church 701 11th Avenue, Fulton, 815-589-4283 Pastor Wayne Wiersema Immaculate Conception Church 703 12th Avenue, Fulton, 815-589-3542 Father Matthew Camaioni secretaryfulton@gmail.com Newton Zion Reformed Church 10645 Frog Pond Road, Erie, 309-659-2464 newtonzion@frontier.com Pastor Shannon Parrish

Spring Valley Reformed Church 10960 Spring Valley Road, Fulton Pastor Joe Crum 815-772-3554 Thrive Ministries-Bethel CRC Campus 1208 3rd Avenue, Fulton, 815-589-2501 www.thriveforchrist.com bethelcrc@juno.com Pastor Kevin Vanhoeven Thrive Ministries-First CRC Campus 801 15th Avenue, Fulton, 815-589-3790 www.thriveforchrist.com firstcrcfulton@live.com Pastor Michael Hook

HILLSDALE Hillsdale United Methodist Church 124 Butzer St., Hillsdale Church 309-658-2340 - Cell 309-373-5316 Pastor Connor Morrison youthpast56@gmail.com

HOOPPOLE Calvary Evangelical Congregational Church Rev. Eugene Baker, Pastor 815-948-2181 or 309-507-3283 Hooppole Zion Methodist Church Pastor Dan Wright - Church 815-948-7591 Parsonage 309-658-2145

LYNDON Dominion Christian Fellowship Center 104 4th St. W., Lyndon, 815-590-6971 Rev. Barbi E. Momolu Sr. Trinity Baptist Church 403 6th Ave North, Lyndon Pastor Alan Jahn - 563-242-0307 www.trinitybaptistchapel.com


CrossView Church 703 14th Ave., Fulton, 815-589-3425

Bethesda Evangelical Lutheran Church 301 W. South St., Morrison Pastor Tammy Anderson 815-414-1758 - Office: 772-4896

Farmers Elevator


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Senior Living Apartments Skilled Nursing Services Hospice Inpatient Outpatient Therapy Service 310 Mosher Drive, Prophetstown 815-537-5175

Brethren In Christ Church 207 E. Knox Street, Morrison Pastor Craig Sipes - 815-772-4871 FaceBook live at 10 a.m. Sundays Church Of St. Anne Episcopal 401 N Cherry St., Morrison, 815-772-2818 stannemorrison@frontiernet.net www.churchofstannemorrison.org Crossroads Community Church 201 W. Market, Morrison Pastor Jon Eastlick - 815-956-0090 morrison@crossroadscn.com Ebenezer Reformed Church 309 E. Park St., Morrison Pastor J. T. Bean 815-772-2472 - www.ercmorrison.com Emmanuel Reformed Church 202 E. Morris St., Morrison, 815-772-3890 www.emmanuelreformedchurch. org Rev. Luke Schouten, Senior Pastor Rich Criss, Ministry Coordinator First Baptist Church 406 E. Maple Ave. Morrison Pastor Dick Adams - Phone 772-2696 First Presbyterian Church Rev. Michael Selburg - 815-772-3510 100 East Lincolnway, Morrison Facebook live services Sundays 10:15 a.m. YouTube Channel: First Presbyterian Church firstpresmorrison@gmail.com www.firstpresmorrison.org Kingdom Life Community Church 11429 Ward Road, Morrison, 815-772-4098 www.kingdomlife.global Pastor Stephen Harmon Morrison Christian Church 201 S. Genesee, Morrison Larry Kidwell, Minister - 970-488-9651 lkidwell51@gmail.com Google YouTube Larry Kidwell for sermons. Morrison United Methodist Church 200 W. Lincolnway, Morrison Pastor Calvin Haines - 815-772-4030 St. Mary’s Catholic Church Rev. Slawomir Zimodro 13320 Garden Plain Road, Morrison 815-772-3095


Heating and Air Erie, Illinois

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Fulton Dental Associates

Dr. Scott Kunau Dr. Tina Kao-Reasoner 1130 17th Street, Fulton, IL 815-589-4007


Morrison Christian Reformed Church www.morrisoncrc.org 815-772-4657 300 W. South St. Pastor Kevin Verhoeven bethelrevkev@gmail.com

PORT BYRON Bethel Baptist 27308 108th Ave. N., Port Byron Church Phone: 309-523-3352 Pastor Lee Williams Church of the Cross United Methodist Church 22621 IL 2 and 92, Port Byron Pastor Angel Gomez Parish Office: 309-523-9101 Countryside Christian Church 3817 230th St. N., Port Byron Pastor Steve Allison Church Phone: 309-523-2834 Fairfield United Methodist Church 235th St. at 115th Ave. North, Port Byron Pastor Larry Misfeldt - 309-523-3767 Messiah Lutheran Church 302 11th St., Port Byron - 309-523-2421 Pastor David Efflandt Peace Lutheran Church ELCA 20828 Friedens Road, Port Byron Interim Pastor: Nancy Jaster www.peacelutheranil.org - 309-523-2295 Port Byron Congregational Church 200 N. High Street, Port Byron Rev. Michael Rubino - 309-523-2318 Port Byron First United Methodist Church 9412 228th Street North, Port Byron Church Office: 309-523-2396 Email: portbumc@frontiernet.net Jim Crozier, Pastor

Becky Butterfield Youth and Family Life Pastor Kathy Crozier - Spiritual Director

PROPHETSTOWN Advent Christian Church 200 Elm St., Prophetstown 815-537-5646 - ptownac.org First Lutheran Church Pastor Chelsey Weech Office: 815-537-2758 www.firstlutheran-ptown.org Leon United Methodist Church 17173 Lomax Road, Prophetstown Pastor Kicheon Peter Ahn - 224-580-5074 pastor.kicheon@gmail.com Prophetstown United Methodist Church 200 W. 2nd St., Prophetstown Pastor Joey Garcea - 815-537-2496 River Church 218 E. 3rd St., Prophetstown 815-876-6226 - www.riverchurchag.com St. Catherine Catholic Church of Prophetstown 815-537-2077

RAPIDS CITY St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 1416 Third Ave., Rapids City Fr. Glenn H. Harris Phone 309-496-2414

TAMPICO St. Mary Catholic Church 105 Benton St., Tampico Fr. Richard M. Russo, Pastor Phone 815-438-5425 Tampico Baptist Church 209 W. 3rd St., Tampico Pastor Ethan Horton Tampico First United Methodist Church Pastor Leanne Keate - 815-438-2530 Church phone - 815-438-6105

DENNIS ELECTRIC Tampico, Illinois 815-438-4402

Dykstra & Law Insurance Agency, Inc. Brent Dykstra, Agent In River City Mall


1426 10th Avenue, Fulton 815-589-2200

Erie Pastor holds book launch party Pastor Tiffany Garcea of Erie United Methodist Church held a book launch party on Friday, Sept. 10 at Corner Café in Erie, featuring a book reading, free sugar cookies, mini cupcakes, beverages, treat bags, and a special message for children. Garcea’s children’s book, “Because I’m Different,” is about “our Godgiven differences” and how everyone has been created unique and special. It’s a reminder to children that our differences are something to celebrate. The paperback book, officially published Sept. 1, is Garcea’s first. Jayden Ellsworth of Wisconsin is the book’s illustrator, and Orange Hat Publishing the publisher. The book is available to purchase online at Barnes & Noble, Orange Hat Publishing, and Amazon for $9.99. Pastor Garcea also has some signed copies available to purchase.

Sarah Ford/For Shaw Media

Pastor Tiffany Garcea of Erie UMC holds a copy of her book “Because I’m Different” at her book launch party at the Corner Café in Erie on Friday, Sept. 10.

CHURCH BRIEFS Free community meals at CrossView Church in Fulton

CrossView Church, formerly Second Reformed Church, in Fulton will host a free community meal. The Table at CrossView will begin serving at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 15. The Table will be available on Wednesdays from September through May. If the River Bend School District in Fulton cancels classes on a Wednesday because of a weather issue, The Table also will be canceled. CrossView Church is located at 705 14th Ave. in Fulton. Upcoming menus: Sept. 15: Chicken, pork and shrimp street tacos, Mexican corn and desserts Sept. 22: Baked spaghetti, garlic bread, tossed salad and watermelon Sept. 29: Maid-rites, baked beans, chips and desserts Oct. 6: Cheese, pepperoni and sausage mini pizza, coleslaw, apple slices and brownie sundaes

First Reformed Church worship at 9 a.m. Sept. 19

Join us at 9 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 19, for worship at First Reformed Church, 510 15th Ave. in Fulton. Pastor Chuck Huckaby will deliver the message and the choir will sing. Choir rehearsal begins at 8 a.m. Sunday morning.

Senior meals begin at 11:30 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at the church. Creative Crew meets at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 22. Football breakfasts are at 7 a.m. Fridays at the church. Services are live-streamed on Facebook. Go to www.facebook.com/groups/ firstfulton to join the group and see the services. The previous Sunday’s service is broadcast on WCCI 100.3-FM at 6 p.m. Sunday night. For information, go to the church’s website at www.firstrcafulton.org.

Stonecroft’s After Five to meet Sept. 21

Stonecroft’s After Five invites all women to “You Have Artistic Talent!” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 21, at Triple Play Banquet and Bowl, 1609 Ninth Ave. in Fulton. Cost of the dinner is $12. Masks will be required. Special feature for the evening will be Crafts by Denise. Denise Nordhoff will be showing her collection of beautifully painted crafts. Inspirational speaker will be Janice Price from Greencastle, Indiana. She will speak on the “A, B, C’s of Successful Living.” For reservations or cancellations, call Ruth at 309-659-2175 or Carolene at 309-887-4097 by Sept. 19.

WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 601 N. Jackson St., Morrison www.stpetersmorrison.com Pastor Anthony Appel


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021



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60TH ANNUAL ANTIQUE ENGINE & TRACTOR WORKING FARM SHOW SEPTEMBER 17TH, 18TH, & 19TH OF 2021 Demonstrations, Exhibits, Great Food, Flea Market Featuring Minneapolis- Moline Tractors & Implements _____________________________________________

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ANNOUNCEMENTS Resurfacing project Riverside Cemetery in Prophetstown is seeking bids on the repair and resurfacing on the cemetery driveways. 2 obtain details of the scope of the project please contact Jim Dennis 956-357-7410 bids will be accepted until September 30, 2021

Great Garage Sales Call

815-220-6942 EMPLOYMENT

GARAGE SALES Albony City Wide Garage Sale Sat. Sept 18th 8am-2pm $5 entry fee

WAREHOUSE / STORAGE Indoor Storage Boat & Camper 815-973-0058

REAL ESTATE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 14TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WHITESIDE COUNTY - MORRISON, ILLINOIS Quicken Loans Inc. PLAINTIFF Vs. James E. Donaldson; et. al. DEFENDANTS No. 2019CH78 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 01/08/2020, the Sheriff of Whiteside County, Illinois will on October 7, 2021 at the hour of 10:00 AM at Whiteside County Courthouse 200 E. Knox St, 3rd Floor Lobby


PARTS COUNTER PERSON Full Time – experience preferred but not necessary. Apply at: Sterling Chevrolet 1824 N. Locust St, Sterling




STRIVE - a division of Winning Wheels A Small Group Home Environment in Prophetstown. 11:00 pm - 7:00 am Increased shift differential to $3.00/hour and Sign On Bonus!!! Apply in person or online at www.winningwheels.com/careers.html 815-537-5358 EOE

REAL ESTATE , by Morrison, IL 61270, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Whiteside and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PIN 20-06-454-005 Improved with Single Family Home COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1118 8th Ave Erie, IL 61250 Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. The subject property is


REAL ESTATE ject property i subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). If the property is a located in common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condo-



TEACHER AIDES Bi-County Special Education has Teacher Aide openings in Rock Falls & Morrison. Must be 19 years of age, have a high school diploma or GED at a minimum. A Paraprofessional license is required, the Cooperative will assist with obtaining this. Entry salary is $12.21 per hour but could be higher based on potential credit given for college hours & past experience. Full-time (32.5 hours per week) with benefits. MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN CHILDREN'S LIVES! Apply online at: bi-county.org or apply in person at: 1900 W. Le Fevre Rd, Sterling

REAL ESTATE minium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further against recourse the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or Mortgagee's the attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser receive a shall Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting or any tenants other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of property. the Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE


REAL ESTATE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION OF 15-1701(C) THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-1906415. I3174963 August 31, 2021 September 7, 14, 2021 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 14TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS Quicken Loans Inc. PLAINTIFF Vs. Amanda Sersig; et. al. DEFENDANTS No. 2019CH226


Saturday Auction September 18 10 A M for Ryan Singler estate auction. Ryan own and operated a construction Business, this a complete liquidation of his equipment, there will be antiques, China hutch and dressers household, Tools, De Walt 20 AMP, air, Electric tools, Milwaukee 18 AMP, air, and electric tools, Bosch, Porter Cable, Rockwell, Drywall equipment, DE Walt 12”Compond miter saw and much more UXT 18x8 covered trailer with Ladder racks, shelving on the inside Doors open at 9A M, For pictures and complete listing go to Go to Web sites: Tipton Auction service.net to get pictures Auction Zip Auctioneer # 3815 to get pictures Tipton Auction House, 3001 IL. Rt.84 Thomson, IL. SM-ST1918153



Frank Tipton Auctioneer 815-590-8206 Lunch by Dustys, 815-259-5015 FFL Licensed, Visa, M/C, Discover accepted

REAL ESTATE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 02/21/2020, the Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois will on October 8, 2021 at the hour of 9:30 AM at Rock Island County Justice Center, Sheriff's Office 1317 Third Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Rock Island and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PIN 0835200013 444 Improved with Single Family Home COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1952 3rd St East Moline, IL 61244 Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real is estate and offered for sale

REAL ESTATE without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). If the property is a located in common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property ILCS Act, 765 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for inspection and

REAL ESTATE insp Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION OF 15-1701(C) THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-19-06905. I3174749 August 31, 2021 September 7, 14, 2021

CALL - 815 220-6942

WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021



LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 14TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WHITESIDE COUNTY - MORRISON, ILLINOIS Quicken Loans Inc. PLAINTIFF Vs. James E. Donaldson; et. al. DEFENDANTS No. 2019CH78 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 01/08/2020, the Sheriff of Whiteside County, Illinois will on October 7, 2021 at the hour of 10:00 AM at Whiteside County Courthouse 200 E. Knox St, 3rd Floor Lobby Morrison, IL 61270, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Whiteside and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: PART OF LOTS NO. 1 AND 2 IN BLOCK NO. 13 IN CARR'S ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF ERIE IN WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TOWIT: BEGINNING AT THE EAST CORNER OF LOT 1 ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF NORTH STREET; THENCE RUNNING SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY ENDS OF SAID LOTS 1 AND 2, 100 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2, 50 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH BROOKS STREET IN SAID ADDITION, 100 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF SAID NORTH STREET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, 50 FEET TO THE OF PLACE BEGINNING. PART OF LOTS

LEGAL NOTICES NO. 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK NO. 13 IN CARR'S ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF ERIE, IN WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 12 IN BLOCK 13 IN CARR'S ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF ERIE, RUNNING THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 12 AND OF LOT 11 IN SAID BLOCK, 100 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT FEET; 11, 50 THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A LINE PARALLEL TO SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 11 AND 12, 100 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 12; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT, 50 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. PIN 20-06-454-005 Improved with Single Family Home COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1118 8th Ave Erie, IL 61250 Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity

LEGAL NOTICES qu y o qu ty of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). If the property is a located in common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The shall Purchaser have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting or any tenants other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for and inspection Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION

LEGAL NOTICES 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-1906415. I3174963 August 31, 2021 September 7, 14, 2021 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOTICE OF THE DEATH AND CLAIM PERIOD IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GENE A. KLIMSTRA Case No. 2021 P 101 Notice is given to the creditors of the death of GENE A. KLIMSTRA., who died on June 8, 2021, and that letters of office as were issued on August 3, 2021, appointing Carol Kolk, of 1315 4th Ave., Fulton, IL 61252, as Independent Representative, whose attorney is named below. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Whiteside County, 200 E. Knox St., Morrison, IL 61270, or with the Independent Representative, or both, on or before March 14, 2022, or, if mailing or delivery of notice from the representative is required by Section 18-3 of the Probate Act of 1975, the date stated in that notice. Any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the Independent Representative or to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Dated this 14th

LEGAL NOTICES day of September, 2021 REBECCA L. HUIZENGA Attorney for the Estate PO Box 102 1011 4th Street Fulton, Illinois 61252 (815) 589-2859 September 14, 21, 28, 2021 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 14th CIRCUIT COUNTY OF WHITESIDE ESTATE OF JODI LYNN HOUSENGA, A deceased person. Case No. 2021P105 CLAIM NOTICE & NOTICE OF PROBATE Notice is hereby to credigiven tors of Jodi Lynn Housenga, deceased. Letters of Administration were issued on August 27, 2021 to Kenneth Housenga, 17360 Diamond Rd., Fulton, IL 61252, who is named as Independent Administrator. His attorney is named below.Claims against the estate may be filed in the Circuit Clerk's Office, Courthouse, 200 Knox St., East Morrison, IL, or with the representative, or both, on or before March 23, 2022, or if mailing or delivery of a notice from a representative is required by Section 18-3 of the Probate Act (ILCS 5/18-3), the date stated in the notice. Any claim not filed on or before that date will be barred. Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the representative's attorney within ten (10) days of being filed. Nicholas W. Heid Heid Law Offices, LLC 19670 Waller Rd. Fulton, IL 61252 815-589-9961 (phone) September 7, 14, 21, 2021 CARS815.com Search for local cars

LEGAL NOTICES ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 20, 2021, a certificate was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Whiteside County, Illinois, setting forth the names and postoffice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as, Bryan Vogel Services located at 308 E. Knox St., Morrison, IL 61270 Dated this 20th day of August, 2021. Dana Nelson County Clerk August 31, September 7, 14, 2021 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Morrison School District #6 in the County of Whiteside, State of Illinois, that a budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection in the District Office, 100 E Knox St, Morrison, Illinois, after 8:00 am, CSDT on the 17th day of August, 2021. Notice is hereby given that a PUBLIC HEARING on said Budget will be held at 6:30 pm, CSDT on Monday, the 20th day of September, 2021, at District Office, 100 E Knox St, Morrison, Illinois, in this School District #6. Dated this 17th day of August, 2021. Board of Education of School District #6, in the County of Whiteside, State of Illinois. Scott Vance Superintendent Morrison CUSD #6 August 17, 24, 31, Sept. 7,14, 2021 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER

LEGAL NOTICES OF THE UNION DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 OF THE TOWNS OF HUME and PROPHETSTOWN, WHITESIDE COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND STATE OF ILLINOIS 02 TX 16 DRAINAGE ELECTION NOTICE IN RE: UNION DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 OF THETOWNS OF HUME and PROPHETSTOWN IN THE COUNTY OF WHITESIDE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on the 5th day of October, 2021, from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the residence of Curt Cruse at 8059 Blue Goose Road, Prophetstown, Illinois 61277, which is within the boundaries of said drainage district, for the purpose of electing a drainage commissioner of said drainage district for a threeyear term. Every adult owner of land in said district, whether residing within or without the district, is entitled to vote, and if a resident of the State of Illinois is eligible to the office of drainage commissioner. Dated: August 30, 2021 SUE R. COSTELLO Clerk of the Circuit Court Whiteside County, Illinois Ex officio clerk of said drainage district September 7, 14, 2021 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that a Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the ERIE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT in the counties of WHITESIDE and HENRY, in the State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2021, and ending April 30, 2022, will be on file and conveniently available to the public for inspection at the office of the said District at

LEGAL NOTICES the ERIE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING located in ERIE, ILLINOIS, from and after the 11th day of August, 2021. Notice is hereby further given that a public hearing on said Budget Appropriations Ordinance will be held at 7:00 o'clock P.M. CENTRAL SAVDAYLIGHT INGS TIME, at the ERIE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING, in the said FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT prior to a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held on the 13th day of October, 2021, at the said ERIE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING, in ERIE, ILLINOIS. By order of the Board of Trustees of said District dated this 11th day of August, 2021. September 14, 2021 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 14TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ROCK ISLAND COUNTY, ROCK ISLAND, ILLINOIS Quicken Loans Inc. PLAINTIFF Vs. Amanda Sersig; et. al. DEFENDANTS No. 2019CH226 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 02/21/2020, the Sheriff of Rock Island County, Illinois will on October 8, 2021 at the hour of 9:30 AM at Rock Island County Justice Center, Sheriff's Office 1317 Third Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201, or in a place otherwise designated at the time of sale, County of Rock Island and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate: A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE EAST HALF (E 1/2) OF THE



e, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/ expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals in presently possession of the subject premises. The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of property. the Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION OF 15-1701(C) THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Examine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876. Please refer to file number 14-19-06905. I3174749 August 31, 2021 September 7, 14, 2021 NOTICE The Garden Plain TWP Annual Supervisor's Report for the 2020-2021 Year has been audited by Winkel, Parker, & Foster in Clinton, IA. The report will be filed at the Whiteside County Clerks Office, and can be viewed at the Garden Plain TWP Building by calling 309-887-4489 for an appointment. LaVerne Sterenberg TWP Supervisor September 14, 2021 Need to place a Help Wanted ad? Call 815-526-4645 or Email: helpwanted@ shawmedia.com






ERIE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES – MODIFIED CASH BASIS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS For the Year Ended April 30, 2021 Total Ambulance Governmental General Fund Fund Funds REVENUES Property taxes $280,614 $187,076 $467,690 Replacement taxes $6,759 $8,780 $15,539 Illinois municipal fire tax $5,008 $5,008 Memorials and donations $9,876 $100 $9,976 Ambulance calls $102,834 $102,834 Refunds and claims $11,614 $3,674 $15,288 Interest $7,743 $3,602 $11,345 $3,035 $12,360 Grants $9,325 Total revenues $330,939 $309,101 $640,000 EXPENDITURES General government $9,789 $7,223 $17,012 Public safety $67,106 $219,876 $286,982 Capital Outlay $213,421 $8,757 $222,178 Total expenditures $290,316 $235,856 $526,172 Excess of revenues over expenditures $40,623 $73,245 $113,868 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Sale of fixed assets $27,900 $27,900 Net change in fund balances $68,523 $73,245 $141,768 FUND BALANCE, Beginning $640,858 $290,768 $931,626 FUND BALANCE, Ending $709,381 $364,013 $1,073,394 THE ABOVE AND FORGOING IS THE ANNUAL TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 2021. TODD DAIL, TREASURER STATE OF ILLINOIS-COUNTY OF WHITESIDE TODD DAIL, TREASURER OF THE ERIE FIRE PROTECTION DISTICT OF WHITESIDE AND HENRY COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN ON OATH, STATES THAT HE HAS READ THE FORGOING BY HIM SUBSCRIBED, AND THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND CORRECT ACCOUNTING OF ALL MONIES RECEIVED, THE SOURCE FROM WHICH RECEIVED, AND ALL MONIES EXPENDED, AND THE OBJECTS OF EXPENDITURE OF THE DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING APRIL 30, 2021. TODD DAIL, TREASURER

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est. 1851

WHITESIDE NEWS Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021

COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1952 3rd St East Moline, IL 61244 Sale terms: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twentyfour (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g) (4). If the property is a located in common interest community, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further against recourse the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale,


Shaw Media / ShawLocal.com • Tuesday, September 14, 2021





BALANCE ON HAND, JULY 01, 2020 CD Account—ESB Memorial/Gift Fund--Ist Trust & Savings Bank 1st Trust & Savings Bank--Grant Account 1st Trust & Savings Bank-Building--Checking Cash in Bank--Working Cash--OFMB Super NOW Account--OFMB Money Market Account--OFMB TOTAL RECEIPTS: Fees-Fines-Miscellaneous Copier-Supplies Reimb-Refunds Interest Earned--CD--ESB Interest Earned--Memorial Fund Interest Earned-1st Trust & Savings Interest Earned--Undistributed Re Tax Interest Earned--Working Cash Interest Earned - 1st Trust CD Memorial & Gift Account Real Estate Taxes Deferred Income--RE Taxes Replacement Taxes Per Capita Grant TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURES: SALARIES: Laurel Reiss Karen Reisenbigler Jeff Wirth Sherry Pilon Pamela Ashdown Susan Majeski Gina Epperly Sandra Gieson Kathy Kuhnen TOTAL SALARIES TUITION, MILEAGE, & MEMBERSHIPS: American Library Association IIIinois Library Association OTHER EXPENDITURES: 1 and 1.com Amazon.com Amtrust North America, Inc Annie’s Aramark Uniform Services Automatic Door Group Baker & Taylor BPI Cengage Learning Center Point Large Print Centurion Technologies Clinton Window Cleaning ComEd Demco, Inc. Dewey Decker Dimond Brothers Insurance Agency Dispatch-Argus Dollar General Dollar Tree Frontier Fyr-Fyter, Inc. Guideposts Haleprint Helene Schulze



RECEIPTS 48,240.18 3,620.11 21.00 16,034.95 8,481.79 145,293.20 1,397.84 37.30 243.80 1.20 535.20 6.96 365.00 54,570.41 91,467.40 11,058.20 4,180.00

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FINANCIAL REPORT OF ERIE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT FOR FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2020 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2021 EXPENDITURES TOTAL Hobby Lobby Illinois Library Association Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshall iRead Reading Programs J.L. Brady Company, LLC Jo-Carroll Energy LaborLawCenter LEAF Lesa Ryan LexisNexis Matthew Bender MagazineLine 221,691.23 Mow-n-Snow MPLC Nightwatch Security Services, Inc. NuTrend accessibility Systems, Inc. One Way Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Oriental Trading Company, Inc Overdrive, Inc. Partypalooz Petersen-Hagge Furniture PJ’s PrairieCat Publisher’s Weekly Reimbursements, Miscellaneous Reader’s Digest Large Print 163,863.31 Regalia Manufacturing Co Resource Mate RLI 32,968.56 Rutledge Electric 7,900.01 Sauk Valley Media 8,193.25 SBM Business Equipment Center 44.00 Shaheen’s 14,462.66 SHI 7,784.64 Staples 44.00 techsoup Stock 3,334.25 Tegeler Accounting Services 3,064.16 The Library Store, Inc 77,795.53 The Review Thriftbooks Tom Border 85.00 85.00 Troy VanDeWostine Two Rivers Lawn and Landscape Inc. 168.00 U.S. Cellular 2,365.61 U.S. Postmaster 870.00 United States Treasury - Employer Taxes 21.19 Vernon Library Supplies 913.13 Vernon Wankerl 131.66 Village of Erie 6,000.00 WalMart 404.46 Wisdom Heating & Air Conditioning 2,123.58 613.36 MEMORIAL & GIFT EXPENDITURES: 80.00 Christian Bookstore 300.00 GRANT EXPENDITURES: 5,312.59 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 104.26 BALANCE ON HAND, JUNE 30, 2021 70.00 Cash in Bank--CD--ESB 3,173.00 1st Trust--Memorial Fund 198.00 1st Trust--Grant Account 91.44 1st Trust--Money Market 37.80 1st Trust--Super NOW Account 2,558.33 1st Trust--W/C Fund 63.60 1st Trust--Building Checking 507.33 55.47 TOTAL 280.00





EXPENDITURES TOTAL 59.48 120.00 76.69 187.82 210.00 3,002.90 62.99 570.51 60.00 322.86 307.55 264.00 274.80 324.00 610.00 50.00 325.98 1,500.00 137.02 830.40 30.00 8,164.15 259.99 -399.68 29.96 30.24 155.00 205.00 1,491.35 1,306.50 490.00 37.74 2,062.00 1,032.09 12.00 2,393.25 399.26 52.00 6.56 190.00 335.00 90.00 200.15 150.00 5,951.37 136.42 150.00 650.69 92.47 542.16 62,071.38 0.00 0.00

48,854.12 2,948.31 21.00 176,109.15 1,613.14 16,041.91 245,687.63


0.00 0.00 139,866.91 245,687.63 -

September 14, 2021

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