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Gerdes touted efforts to replace air fil tration systems in the district’s school buildings the past two to three years as playing an important part in the COVID19 mitigation plan.
“They are recommended given our high community transmission level, but it is not a mandate that anybody wear a mask in schools,” Gerdes said.
WHERE IT’S AT Amusements 22 Classified 25-26 Cover story 6 Looking Back 9
Test results from at-home rapid tests do not get reported and are not counted in the official total.
There will be some differences noted in the district’s mitigation plan compared with last year.
“We are going to continue with a lot of the things we did last year, which is encouraging hygiene, hand-washing, making sure that there’s access to hand sanitizer available to staff and students,” Gerdes said. “We’re going to continue with trying to provide not six feet of social distance, but three feet of social distance between students when possible, knowing that there are certain classrooms or spaces where that’s not a realistic expec tation, but when possible we are going to try and space our students and staff out as much as we can.”
According to Illinois Department of Public Health data, DeKalb County reports about 33.1 cases per every 100,000 residents, with 16% of ICU beds available in the county. As of Wednesday, 56.74% of DeKalb County residents are fully vacci nated, a status that health officials con tinue to stress offers the best chance at fighting the more severe cases of infec tion, and warding off hospitalization.
Gerdes said the biggest change is that the district is no longer abiding by the guideline that excluded students from school for being a close contact.
Kyle Gerdes, district director of stu dent services and homeless liaison, said there may not be a seismic shift in any of the district’s mitigation efforts.
Masks will remain optional in most school facilities, except those entering the district’s health offices when experienc ing virus-like symptoms.
The district is engaging in discussions with SHIELD Testing for a new optional testing program for staff and students.
Previously, all students participated in weekly SHIELD Testing, which was a weekly surveillance testing program funded through the state unless parents chose to opt out their children.
DeKALB – With high transmission rates of COVID-19 reported in the commu nity, DeKalb School District 428 officials want to ensure that students and staff start classes this fall in good health. Members of the school board were briefed Tuesday on the district’s COVID19 mitigation plan for the 2022-23 school year.The district plans to maintain a lot of the measures it employed last school year in response to the pandemic, now in its fourth impacted school year.
There are two options for school offi cials to choose from: One involves a cen tralized testing site and another relies on unobserved testing. No decision has yet beenGerdesmade. said the district is leaning toward unobserved testing, which logisti cally allows an individual to sign up for saliva testing, pick up a tube, collect a sample and bring it back the next day for analysis.Thedistrict will, however, continue to offer rapid antigen testing for those who may need it.
Understatus.thelatest district guidance, if a DeKalb student is positive for COVID-19, they will be excluded from school activi ties for five days, Gerdes said. Masking will then be required for days 6 through 10. School officials stress that the guid ance is subject to change as the situation around COVID-19 evolves.
As of Friday, DeKalb County was con sidered at high risk for community spread of the virus, according to the IDPH, prompting health officials to recommend indoor mask use for all regardless of vac cination
“This change is going to be pretty sig nificant for both students and teachers because it’ll be less students that are excluded from school, which means a con tinuation of in-person instruction,” Gerdes said. “With the exclusion date only being five days, as opposed to at one point in time we were looking at 10 days, any disruption to education will be less than it was before. And again, we’ll con tinue with remote learning during that time.”Contact tracing will not be performed by the school district should anyone test positive for COVID-19, school officials said.The district plans to keep consulting with the DeKalb County Health Depart ment for guidance.
2•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK WEEK IN REVIEW PUZZLE ANSWERS puzzlesonpage22 121 W Lincoln Highway DeKalb, IL 833-584-NEWS60115 Office hours: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday SUBSCRIBER SERVICES subscriptions@shawsuburban.com866-979-10536:30a.m.to4p.m.Monday-Friday7a.m.tonoonSaturday SUBSCRIPTIONS The MidWeek is delivered free of charge to households throughout DeKalb County every Wednesday. Those who do not wish to receive delivery may contact customer service at 866-979-1053, or,torequestadeliverystop. SUBMIT NEWS CLASSIFIED SALES HELP WANTED LEGAL NOTICES RETAIL ADVERTISING OBITUARIES midweekobits@shawlocal.comEditor Emily Ayers ShawLocal.comeayers@shawmedia815-526-4411.comTheMidweekandareadivisionofShawMedia.Allrightsreserved.Copyright2022 ON THE COVER DeKalb County Board member Steve Faivre reads an ordinance approving a special use permit for a solar garden on a property in Shabbona Township during the County Board meeting March 16 at the DeKalb County Legislative Center in Sycamore. See story, page 6. Mark Busch file photo–CORRECTIONS Accuracy is important to The Midweek and it wants to correct mistakes promptly. Please call errors to our attention by phone at 815-526-4411, or email readit@
DeKalb School District 428’s updated COVID-19 mitigation plan in place
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Megann Horstead –
A mansion, located at 411 College Avenue, is seen Aug. 16. It has been listed for sale for several weeks and is now under contract. The property was once home to Northern Illinois University’s first president, Dr. John Williston Cook.
4•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK 5K RUN & W A L K S a t u r d a y O c t o b e r 1 , 2 0 2 2 9 : 0 0 A M H O P K I N S P A R K , D E K A L B ( V I R T U A L O P T I O N A V A I L A B L E ) Runner Registration (includes t-shirt*) $34 Dog Registration (includes bandana*) $5 Run or walk a 5K to support the homeless pets at Tails Humane Society. Dogs welcome! L e a r n m o r e a n d r e g i s t e r a t w w w . T a i l s H u m a n e S o c i e t y . o r g *Register by September 1st to guarantee your gear Former mansion of NIU’s first president up for sale
“Old traditions, however, holds – and this has never been substantiated – that it cost $75,000 to build,” Bigolin said. Cook was succeeded as NIU presi dent by J. Stanley Brown. Bigolin said Brown lived in the mansion only a short time as his wife had a difficult time getting up and down the big staircase. Bigolin said Brown would be the last NIU president to live in the mansion. “They moved to a small apartment that was created for them on the first floor of the west wing of Williston Hall, which was Northern’s first dormitory,” Bigolin said. “They lived there for sev eral years until they moved to a private home of their own on Augusta Avenue, which is still standing and is now stu dent housing.”
A short time later, the Isaac Ellwood estate took possession of the house and put it up for sale.
The Raymond Family, who owned the Daily Chronicle, bought the house and lived there for 40 years from 1928 to 1968.Bigolin said the mansion has always been a private residence since the time it was originally built. Bigolin said that no one’s ever taken steps to register the property as a national historic landmark, even though the mansion is nestled in the city’s Ellwood Historic Neighborhood. In the early 1970s, when the state of Illinois began its National Historic Pres ervation program, state employees were sent around to various counties to look for potential properties eligible for his toric listing, Bigolin said. “They did list that house as being potentially eligible for National Register listing, but no one has ever attempted to file paperwork to have it listed,” Bigolin said. “It might well qualify for listing though.”AsofWednesday, Aug. 17, the man sion has been advertised on Zillow for 14 days and generated almost 14,000 views. A contract is pending for the poten tial sale of the property, according to Zil low.
DeKALB – A mansion with historical ties to Northern Illinois University’s first president, Dr. John Williston Cook, is on the local housing market for the second time in the past five years. The single-family residence is under contract to be sold with the asking price set about Located$389,900.at411 College Avenue, the mansion has five bedrooms and two bathrooms spread out over almost 4,000 square“Thefeet.architecture is Greek Revival,” said Stephen Bigolin, DeKalb area histo rian. “The two-story portico is really the architectural hallmark of the building.” Cook lived in the mansion with his wife from 1899-1919 as he assumed the role of president at NIU. Bigolin said poor health prompted Cook to retire from NIU as president and subsequently move out of the man sion.According to contemporary newspa per sources at the time including the Daily Chronicle, it cost somewhere between $10,000 and $40,000 to build the residence, which was paid for by Isaac Ellwood, a DeKalb rancher, business man and barbed wire entrepreneur.
Renegade Wildflower •
Six Pack • 5:30pm –
Renegade Wildflower •
Rockin’ Moxie • 2:30pm –
Renegade Wildflower • 7:00pm –
Party Doctors • 2:00pm –
SUNDAY AUGUST 28TH Project Nostalgia • 12:00pm – 1:30pm Party Doctors • 2:00pm – 3:30pm Mike & Joe • 4:30pm – 6:00pm SATURDAY AUGUST 27TH
Austin 26TH-27TH-28TH
Austin 6:30pm 8:00pm 11:00pm 6:00pm
Austin 1:00pm 2:15pm 3:30pm 5:30pm 8:00pm 10:30pm 26TH-27TH-28TH AUGUST 26TH 6:30pm 7:00pm – 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:00pm 1:30pm 3:30pm 6:00pm
Mary & Brian (Acoustic) • 1:15pm –
Hopkins (Solo Acoustic) • 12:00pm – 1:00pm Mary & Brian (Acoustic) • 1:15pm – 2:15pm Rockin’ Moxie • 2:30pm – 3:30pm American English • 4:00pm – 5:30pm Hi Infidelity • 6:30pm – 8:00pm The Voices of Classic Rock • 9:00pm – 10:30pm AUGUST
FRIDAY AUGUST 26TH 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 11:00pm
SUNDAY AUGUST 28TH Project Nostalgia • 12:00pm –
Hopkins (Solo Acoustic) • 12:00pm –
7th Heaven • 9:00pm –
The Voices of Classic Rock • 9:00pm –
Mike & Joe • 4:30pm –
7th Heaven •
SUNDAY AUGUST 28TH Project Nostalgia • 12:00pm – 1:30pm Party Doctors • 2:00pm – 3:30pm Mike & Joe • 4:30pm –
Six Pack • 5:30pm –
7th Heaven • 9:00pm –
American English • 4:00pm –
Hi Infidelity • 6:30pm –
Hopkins (Solo Acoustic) • 12:00pm – 1:00pm Mary & Brian (Acoustic) • 1:15pm – 2:15pm Rockin’ Moxie • 2:30pm – 3:30pm American English • 4:00pm – 5:30pm Hi Infidelity • 6:30pm – 8:00pm The Voices of Classic Rock • 9:00pm – 10:30pm FRIDAY AUGUST 26TH Six Pack • 5:30pm –
Resident John Lageman agreed, voic ing opposition to the County Board’s actions and saying he doesn’t believe county officials are taking his concerns into“Ourconsideration.concernis why are we taking productive farmland out of use when it could be, you know, used to continue to feed our country?” Lageman said. For some, however, solar land use can be beneficial for future crop growth, too. Under the 2018 Pollinator Friendly Solar Site Act, solar farmers in Illinois can establish a vegetation management plan for land used primarily for solar panels. It’s another way for farmers to rejuvenate land beyond seasonal crop rotation.Under the Act, native prairie grasses and pollinator plants are planted around solar panels that remain for decades, meant to encourage rest and rejuvena tion of the used land, bring back specific wildlife and habitat to the area. Other potential legislation up for County Board debate includes details on regulations for construction, DeKalb County officials look to codify local policy concerning land use
We are very concerned about the effects of solar installations on our community, on the ground underneath and the infrastructure around it.”
Kathrine Andraski, Kingston Township resident
Lion and Andraski advocated for larger setbacks between solar gardens and residential areas in opposition to the approved Kingston solar garden. Lion said he didn’t want his grandson to have 15-foot solar panels 100 feet from his property policy drafts not yet approved by the county board, an amended solar ordinance includes a minimum setback of 100 feet from prop erty lines or right-of-ways. Components of a solar panel, except for the intercon nection points, would need to be at least 300 feet “from the nearest outer wall of an occupied structure,” according to county documents. That setback requirement could be waived, however, if the solar energy developer entered into a written and notarized agreement with the adjacent property owner, according to documents.
As the topic comes again to the fore front of public debate, several more solar gardens were approved Aug. 17 by County Board: A pair of 2-megawatt solar gardens on the northeast corner of Genoa and Melms roads in Kingston and a 2-megawatt garden for Whiskey Acres on the southeast corner of Crego and Keslinger Roads in Afton Town ship.Separately, Jamie Walters, owner of Whiskey Acres Distilling Co. in DeKalb, was one of many area farmers who leased hundreds of acres of land to bring in the Leeward Energy solar develop ments last year. At the time, Walters told the Daily Chronicle solar energy was imperative to help move away from fossil fuels “to a more sustainable energy production,” and that his solar business was separate from the distill ery.As county officials again begin to parse out whether to codify more spe cific regulations on solar energy use and land, some residents continue to rail against the efforts. “At this point we’ve already been devastated by the county but we want to protect other residents in the county,” resident John Lion said.
“We are very concerned about the effects of solar installations on our com munity, on the ground underneath and the infrastructure around it,” Kingston Township resident Kathrine Andraski said during an Aug. 18 special Planning and Zoning Committee meeting for the county.Andraski was one of several resi dents who came to multiple public gov ernment meetings this month to declare her concerns over DeKalb County’s future in the solar energy business. Not everyone shares Andraski’s views,Royhowever.Plote,aRepublican from District 11, said residents will be unhappy whether neighbors on farm land invest in solar or sell to a developer to build residential development.•Wednesday,Aug24,2022
Mary Nelson, president of the League of Women Voters in Dekalb County spoke up in support of existing solar reg ulations.“I’mjust here again tonight to say don’t change the setbacks,” Nelson said. While the setbacks are a worry for some, Lion said he’s more concerned by the changing land use.
“That guy that owns that ground can do what he wants with it,” Plote said. “But if you’re happier with houses or happier with solar, that’s not the point. The point is the person that owns the property gets to do what he wants with it, and that’s my standing.”
Camden Lazenby –
See SOLAR ENERGY, page 19
“There’s no more agriculture, we currently live in farmland,” Lion said. “The best farmland in the world is now going to be industrial and to me it doesn’t make sense.”
By CAMDEN LAZENBY DeKALB – It’s been less than a year since three industrial solar energy proj ects were approved for 6,000 acres of land in DeKalb County, and conversa tions on the future of more renewable energy projects in the area continues. The topic was at the center of two recent DeKalb County Board and com mittee meetings, meant to further con versation on the growth of the county’s solar industry whole fielding a slew of questions – many not new – by neigh boring residents on preferred land use. It’s not a new conversation at the county government level. In 2021, two industrial solar farms by Texas-based Leeward Energy and one by cellular company Samsung spurred months of public debate. Together, the trio of major solar development will claim 6,000 acres of land. Weeks after the November 2021 vote to approve the solar farms, the DeKalb County Board declared a 12,000-acre cap on the amount of land that could be des ignated for commercial solar projects in theForarea.some, the now approved projects brought opposition, with many con fronting local leadership about worries over potential impacts on farmable land use, visible impediments for neighbors, proximity to residential property and the size of solar energy panels. For oth ers, including supporters of the projects and area farmers who entered into agreements with solar developers to lease their land for the energy conduits, the debate was simple: Private landown ers had a right to designate what their acreage could be used for. Many farm ers touted the benefits of renewable energy as the future, and an alternative use for corn production. For the DeKalb County Board, solar energy provided another path to produce more taxable property revenue, officials have said. It’s an ongoing pot that’s been stirred up yet again, as county officials look to codify local policy which would more specifically desginate what land could be used for solar energy production.
Katherine Andraski spoke to the County Board during a meeting on Aug. 17. Andraski also attended the special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Committee on Aug. 18.
‘The sky is the limit’
MIDWEEK7 202224,AugWednesday,• 3654 N. IL Rte 71, Sheridan, Illinois 815.496.2669 NorwayStore Monday- Saturday 6am - 7 pm Sunday 8am- 4pm SALE 8/23/2022DATES – 8/28/2022 Store Restaurant OPEN FOR LUNCH 10AM-2PM EVERYDAY! BROASTED CHICKEN & RIBS EVERY THURSDAY 11AM-6PM Norway Store Jogging Pants: All Sizes On Sale!! Thank You to the Two Norwegian Beauties for Stopping in for Lunch & Shopping! Allegiant Compliance Service, Inc. (630) 768-5234 | Lisa's Services are by Appointment Only Body Armor 12pks. ............................................................................................................. $2450 Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt Dew 12pks. ....................................................................................... $449 Hawaiian Punch, Polar Blast, Orange Ocean 1-Gallon 2/$700 Gatorade - Big Bottles 64oz ............................................................................................ 2/$500 Starkist Tuna 5oz .............................................................................................................. 2/$250 Chef Boyardee 2/$300 Spaghetti-O's 2/$250 Best Yet Corn Flakes or Bran Flakes 2/$500 Best Yet Pancake - Buttermilk or Original Mix 2/$550 Pop Tarts 135oz. ................................................................................................................ 2/$550 Zatarain's Rice .................................................................................................................. 3/$600 King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls 12ct .................................................................................. 2/$700 Abba Fish Balls 132oz ........................................................................................................... $549BeerGrocery Kit Kupfer - Devils IPA - Locally Brewed 6pk .................................................................. $1099 Star Union - Whiskey - Locally Distilled 750ml ............................................................... $3799 Table Wine - Opic - Chianti 750ml .................................................................................... $1299 Coors Banquet Beer 24pk ................................................................................................. $1599 Mississippi Mud - Black & Tan Beer 946ml ........................................................................ $479 Busch Light & Busch - Farm Rescue 30pks. ..................................................................... $1499 Deli Limburger Cheese 8oz $599 Homemade Cheese Curds Yellow, White, Garlic, Dill, Cajun, & Ranch 1lb .......................................................................................... $599 Pickled and Creamed Herring 1lb ..................................................................................... $549 Meat Marinated (In a Bag) 3lb each ................................................................................... $339 Aged Swiss 1lb ....................................................................................................................... $609 Malones Hot Head Cheese 1lb........................................................................................... $1299 MeatHamburger Patties 1/4 lb or 1/3 lb 1lb ............................................................................ $499 Homemade Bratwurst - Cajun - Garlic- Italian - Kangaroo Brats On Sale! Lobster Tails (All Sizes) 1lb................................................................................................ $5999 Boneless Pork Butterfly Chops 1lb ..................................................................................... $389 Boneless Americas-Cut Pork Chops 1lb ............................................................................. $389 Boneless Whole Pork Loin 1lb............................................................................................. $269
Phil Montgomery of Kirkland is one of the northern Illinois farmers who planted hemp after its legalization in 2018. Seen here at the McHenry County Fair on Aug. 6, Montgomery has left his day job off the farm to run their AM and PM Hemp Farm, making CBD-infused products.
Growing hemp, a plant that was ille gal in the U.S. for more than 70 years, is now akin to the Wild West, two northern Illinois farmers said. Once the 2018 federal farm bill legal ized hemp, farmers across the state and country rushed to plant it. Growers were getting several hundred dollars per pound of biomass to produce canna bidiol oil, said Stacy McCaskill of Wood stock.She and her wife run Hempstock Pharm on West South Street Road and began farming hemp in 2019. With too many farmers planting hemp at first “the market crashed … and it crashed bad,” McCaskill said. “Overnight, it became worthless.” There are not enough processors for growers and not enough buyers for crude CBD oil, she said. Neither are there many processors turning hemp fiber into some of its uses – textiles, biodegradable plastic, rope or paper – Phil Montgomery of Kirkland said.He runs AM and PM Hemp Farm with his wife, Amanda Montgomery. Always a researcher, Montgomery said he got into hemp and CBD “for the health benefits” and decided to plant a few acres of hemp on their DeKalb County corn and soybean farm. How many farmers have given hemp a try? According to a February 2022 USDA report, in 2021 there were 255 acres of hemp planted in Illinois. Of that, 210 acres were harvested. Across the country, 54,152 acres were planted in 2021, with 33,480 acres har vested, according to the USDA. Some have had more success than others.Since the Montgomerys planted their first 20-acre crop, Phil Montgomery has given up his day job to run their hemp business.Hehopes that Amanda also can leave her day job soon, Montgomery said. McCaskill spends her days touting her line of CBD-infused products at county fairs, farmers markets and com munity festivals. On Saturdays, the Hempstock Pharm store is open at 4023 W. South Street Road. A former executive director of the Sauk Valley Community College Small Business Development Center, McCaskill started researching how to promote and grow hemp shortly after legalization. She found workshops to learn about the plant and potential mar kets, becoming an evangelist for CBD and its Bothuses.Montgomery and McCaskill were selling products made from hemp grown on their farms during the Area producers making CBD products, hope to expand manufacturing
See HEMP, page 8
Janelle Walker –
Visit us at for our weekend specials. Post Late Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning. August 25th, 26th, 27th, 2022 Hours: Mon–Sat 8am–7pm; Closed Sundays & Major Holidays Gourmet Meats and Specialty Food Store 1106 N. 1st, 815-756-5852DeKalb INBODEN’S MARKET - MEATBoneless Short Ribs ....................................................................... $5.89 lb Honey Hot Wings .......................................................................... $3.89 lb Dill Burgers ...................................................................................... $5.99 lb Chicken Taco Meat ......................................................................... $3.89 lb - DELI/BAKERY4-Bean Baked Beans $4.39 lb Chunk Mozzarella ........................................................................... $2.89 lb Cucumber & Onion Salad ............................................................. $2.99 lb Bavarian Cream Filled Eclairs ....................................................... $1.99 ea Mini Boule Rounds......................................................................... $2.79 ea Jumbo Salted Carmel Cookie ...................................................... $1.29 ea Local Zucchini ...................................................................................... 99¢ lb Idaho Potatoes .................................................................................... 99¢ lb Cantaloupe ...................................................................................... $2.49 ea - PRODUCEAtlantic Cod Loins ............................................................................... $8.39 lb Jumbo Coconut Breaded Butterfly Shrimp .................................. $8.99 lb Gulf of Thailand Swai Fillet ................................................................ $6.39 lb - FRESH SEAFOOD- BEER/WINEAgviverde Vegan Friendly Italian Pecorino ............................ $14.99 btl Lasala Del Torriano Chianti Classico ...................................... $24.99 btl Wine Tastings from Noon till 3 pm on Saturdays.
“The sky is the limit” for what hemp fiber, and future markets for it, can do, he “Butsaid. the infrastructure is not there. That is the biggest hinderance to the fiber side,” Montgomery said. The “lack of processing bottlenecked the market,” Phillip Alberti said. He is researching hemp for the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Con sumer and Environmental Sciences. That bottleneck is evidenced by the difficulty in finding companies to distill hemp biomass into crude CBD oil or process the fiber, he said. With the glut of CBD on the market, Alberti has seen a shift from the canna bidiol hemp – the plants processed as CBD oil – and toward grain and fiber plants of industrial, Alberti said. “There is more research and educa tion funneled into that avenue of pro duction,” he said. Fiber plants can be found in ditches around the country. During World War II, the federal gov ernment allowed hemp farming to make rope. Plants escaped their fields and began to grow wild. Often called “ditch weed,” states have spent decades trying to eradicate the plant, although it had very low to none of the THC that gives users a “Thathigh.isthe stuff that we want to hold onto and put it in our program – 70 years of natural selection and it thrived with out human interaction,” Alberti said.
The University of Illinois Extension service has planted variety trials to determine which plants do well here, and published a midwestern hemp data base to help farmers decide which vari etals to grow.
Continued from page 7 McHenry County Fair. McCaskill has 13 acres and just one planted with hemp, entirely for the CBD oil.Montgomery has less than three acres in CBD hemp, and 17 acres they are growing for fiber.
When CBD products began showing up in stores, there were “a lot of non-quality products” out there, he said. “They would claim to have CBD [in them] and don’t” that left a bad impres sion for Becauseconsumers.ofhemp’s formerly illegal status, there was little research into the effectiveness of CBD oils for any ail ments. FDA approval and additional research would change that, Montgom ery“Isaid.feel this is such a new thing, and there are a ton of questions. The war on drugs skewed perceptions and left it with a ton of stigma,” McCaskill said. “Fight the stigma … it is about heal ing and a better alternative,” she said.
Janelle Walker –
One potential use for hemp is animal feed, Alberti said. Growers are waiting on the Food and Drug Administration to rule on whether or not that will be an allowed use, he said.There are market estimates that sug gest “approval by the FDA for use as an animal feed would increase [hemp’s] scope by four-fold,” Alberti said. But still, Montgomery said, there is a lot of misinformation about hemp, CBD oil and its relation to marijuana.•Wednesday,Aug24,2022
Both he and McCaskill use thirdparty testing to ensure their CBD-only products – from roll-on lotions to pet treats – have 0.3% or less THC as man dated by the federal government.
A jar of pure crude CBD oil, grown on Stacy McCaskill’s Hempstock Pharm, is shown Aug. 6 at the McHenry County Fair. The oil is added to many CBD-infused products McCaskill sells.
1972 – 50 YEARS AGO
1947 – 75 YEARS AGO Wilbur Strawn of Malta and Harold Koltz of DeKalb were injured yesterday about noon when the plane piloted by Strawn crashed into telephone wires at the end of the field during a takeoff at an airport at Tuscola. The plane burned fol lowing the accident but the two men had been thrown clear of the wreckage by the impact. Both men are employed by the DeKalb Agricultural Association. Yesterday afternoon a helicopter being used in a crop-dusting experiment being conducted by the California Packing Cor poration and the Illinois State Natural His tory Survey made a forced landing in a corn field on a farm located a mile south of Rochelle. After remedying the difficulty, Jones took off again and continued dust ing corn fields at an altitude not exceed ing ten Circuitfeet.Clerk Ben Davy heaved a sigh of relief yesterday and said that he guessed his best customers were about all satisfied.
Sycamore’s Fire Department answered a call this morning at the State Street Café at 8 o’clock. Grease on the cooking range had blazed up but was quickly put out with a hand extinguisher. The new rural truck also made the call along with the Stutz fire engine.
1922 – 100 YEARS AGO Today is an anniversary for Michael Malone, not a wedding, not birthday, but a continuous service in one business that of selling dry goods. Twenty-six years ago “Mike” as he is known by his friends and business associates started to work for H. H. Wagner, one of the most popular busi ness men DeKalb ever boasted. Malone worked steadily while he was a boy and soon adapted himself to a better position which came to him unsolicited. He contin ued in his higher position, until even more honors were accorded him. At the time H. H. Wagner passed out of DeKalb’s busi ness life, Mr. Malone was one of his most faithful and efficient employees. He con tinued his employment with the store even in later years until the opportunity came to buy the Wagner stock and good will. With others this was accomplished and the firm has been known as M. F. Malone & Company. Today, Michael is “the boss,” as it were, of one of the most flourishing business enterprises in the city.Work begun on the foundation for the new bungalow that Lloyd Eychaner of Esmond will erect this fall. Mr. Sampson and men of Creston are doing the work. Twelve years and five months lacking one day was the time necessary, accord ing to reports today, for a postcard mailed from Sycamore to reach DeKalb. Mrs. Cle mens Kirchner yesterday received a post card from a friend in Sycamore, addressed to Miss Lucile Cusson, and post marked Sycamore, 7:30 p.m. March 24, 1910. The card was badly soiled and was of the old-fashioned Easter variety, and it is believed it may have been delayed in the Sycamore post office by having fallen down behind the racks or in some other manner. The post mark on the card was very plain, although the card itself looked as though it had been to the end of the world and back.
work began this morning for the new DeKalb-Ogle telephone build ing in Sycamore. The new structure will be located on the south side of Elm Street between Main and Maple streets. The building will cost approximately $150,000 when completed. It will be of the most modern type with the latest equipment available to be installed. It is expected that it will take several months before the 50 by 50 foot structure will be completed.
The East-West Tollway Extension is two to three months behind schedule because of the weather. The frequency, not the total rainfall, has caused the delay and held up construction.
9MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,•
Photo provided byDeKalb County History Center Archives
been cleaning from attic to cellar for several years at Ellwood House, ever since the restoration of the mansion began. And now the public is going to be given the opportunity to buy discarded items from the mansion at public auction.
Ben was referring to the tremendous num ber of personal military and naval records that his office has recorded for the former service men and women on the county’s Photostat machine. The Photostat machine was installed in October 1945. Forty years ago Saturday morning rural mail carrier service was started in the Clare community. The young man who carried the route the first day is still serving in the same capacity. The little enclosed mail buggy and horse yielded to modern auto delivery and the mud roads, impassable in wet weather are now paved or covered with crushed stone. The public servant is Joe T. Masterson who has been on the same route and has seen changes of a lifetime. He remembers birth of babies, has carried their wedding announcements and now brings mail to their children. He remembers young men leaving for two years and of most of them returning.Excavating
The Genoa American Legion Baseball Team which had a highly successful sea son, climaxed by taking second place in the Connie Mack State Tournament in Springfield, was honored Tuesday night at a Recognition Dinner held at the Genoa Veteran’s Home.
The city underwent its annual transfor mation this weekend as thousands of Northern Illinois University students came back to school. For longtime residents, the start of school means more people, more business for local merchants and more activity in general. There is a slight difference, this year, however. Recent efforts to boost enrollment at NIU appear to have paid off. University officials say preliminary figures show there are about 1,000 more students this year.
Commonwealth Edison officials made a series of concessions Thursday night to try and calm a group of citizen’s con cerned about the company’s controversial tree trimming methods. The residents are upset with the company’s plans to trim and eliminate some trees along a 138,000-volt line which stretches through the DeKalb Nature Trail, between North First Street and Sycamore Road in north ernWhenDeKalb.Jim Edgar launched his first campaign for governor, he contended Illi nois needed a chief executive who had the “guts to govern.” But as he made Wednesday’s announcement to retire at the end of his second term, Edgar is still defining what that statement means. So far, the hallmark of the Edgar administra tion is a record of caution and fiscal integ rity instead of the flamboyance and flashy projects of his predecessor, James R. Thompson.
A field trip to the DeKalb Toy Company highlighted the meeting of the DeKalb Rotary Club on Monday evening. The Sixth Street railroad crossing in DeKalb will probably be closed the rest of this week, and maybe some of next week, as work crews continue to work on the crossing, tearing out old lines and repair ing They’veothers.
1997 - 25 YEARS AGO
A Ford Trimotor Plane at the DeKalb County Airport opening near Waterman on May 30, 1929.
Teen Advisory Group to be held at the DeKalb Library DeKALB – The DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St., DeKalb, will host a Teen Advisory Group at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 25, in the lower-level Bilder Family Meeting Room of the library. The group will be open for teens ages 12 to 17, or youth entering sixth through 12thAttendeesgrade. will be able to tell the library’s teen librarian which books, games, programs and services they want at the library. Pizza will be pro vided. Because of limited space, regis tration is required to attend. To register, or help registering, contact Susan at or 815-756-9568, ext. 3400. Latin dance class being offered at the DeKalb Library DeKALB – The DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St., DeKalb, will host Latin dance lesson at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 27, in the lower-level Yusunas Meeting Room of the library. The event is open for adults. Attendees will receive a short history lesson about the popular Latin dance music, the Merengue. Afterwords, attendees will learn how to dance the Merengue with easy-to-follow steps. Because of limited space, participants must register to attend the class. To register, visit For information or help registering, contact Iris at or 815-756-9568 ext. 2150.
• Cartooning Class from 4 to 6 p.m. Fri day, Aug. 26, will cost $35. This class, offered by KVAL illustration artist Wayne Roe, is geared for students ages 9 and older. Participants will learn how to sketch ideas and illustrate their cartoon to a finished piece. Parents must stay with their children. All supplies will be provided.
For information on Jazz in Progress, call 815-751-0006, like the band on Facebook, or visit
10•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK 800-373-5550 • ClearyBuilding.comDebt-Free,over122,000buildingssince1978buildingssince1978 SM-CL2008876 Specializing in CustomizedHigh-Quality,PostFrameBuildings • Search Our Buildings • Virtual Planning • Financing Available Discover The Cleary Advantage Get started at Sandwich, 815-786-9592IL104.002640 PRO SOUND productions Established in 1992 per hour. CorporateFunctions SM-CL2002423 FUNDRAISER CANCELLED? WEDDING POSTPONED? CALL US FOR ALL OF YOUR RESCHEDULED EVENT DATES! • Wedding DJ • Corporate Functions • Event Coordinating & Consulting CONTACT SHAWN LOWE 815.540.6173 Professional on-air radio personality providing quality music for your event! BRIEFS KVAL hosting summer classes for kids SYCAMORE – Summer art classes for kids at the Kishwaukee Valley Art League have begun, according to a news release. The classes will provide a variety of art experiences and range in cost from $5 to $35. All classes will be held at the Gallery On State, 322 W. State St. in Sycamore. The August classes include:
To enroll in any of the summer art classes offered by the Kishwaukee Valley Art League, registration forms can be picked up at the Gallery On State or found online at Jazz in Progress to perform free at band shell concert Aug. 30 DeKALB – Jazz in Progress will host a concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30, at the Dee Palmer Band Shell in Hopkins Park, 1407 Sycamore Road, DeKalb. Admission to the concert will be free.
• Alcohol Inks Class from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 25, will cost $35 a person. Join artist Nikki Yeomans to learn how alcohol inks are super simple and fun to watch as they change and interact when they are put down on a canvas. This class is great for ages 8 and older, and adults are welcome as well. Parents must stay with children during this class. All sup plies will be provided.
Early childhood music classes return to NIU DeKALB – The NIU Community School of the Arts will welcome back Prelude and Development music classes for young children beginning Saturday, Aug. 27, in the NIU Music Building. Classes will be taught by violist and music educator Laurie Rodriguez. Prelude music classes will be open for ages one through three and their par ents. The classes will feature singing, dancing, rhythm and music games and more. New songs and activities will be added every Developmentsemester.classwill be open for ages three through five. The classes will help prepare children to begin music les sons. Children and their parents will be able to enjoy songs, dances and rhythm games, basic music theory and musical instrument demonstrations. A parent or caregiver must attend every music class with their child. To register, visit
The 18-piece community jazz band will play a variety of music including classic jazz standards, swing-era, and funk from the 1960s and ’70s. The band also will feature a number of vocal and instrumental soloists from members of theJazzensemble.inProgress is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that raises funds for local community music programs, including the DeKalb, Sycamore, Genoa-Kingston, Hinckley-Big Rock, Indian Creek, Sandwich, Somonauk, Earlville and Leland school districts, St. Mary’s school in DeKalb and the DeKalb County Community Foundation.
Job workshops to be held at DeKalb Library DeKALB – The DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St., DeKalb, will host local job workshops at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 25, in the library’s lower-level Zimmer man Meeting Room. The workshops are free and open for teens and Participantsadults.will learn about free and local resources that connect jobseekers with employers in the DeKalb area. Par ticipants also will learn about new ways to reach employers with job openings and how to make themselves easily available to local businesses.
For information, call 815-753-1450.
For information, contact Samantha Hathaway at or 815-756-9568, ext. 1701.
11MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• SM-CL2008828 UP!LISTEN According to a recent study by the Better Hearing Institute, better hearing keeps people socially active and can improve: What Are the Real Facts About Hearing Wellness? · Relationships · Sense of humor · Mental, emotional and physical health · Self-confidence · Cognitive skills · And more Complete Hearing Wellness Check-up Free! Reserve your spot now! August 29th - September 2nd 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 1712 Sycamore Road | Dekalb, IL 60115 Save $300 on a pair HearingUnitronofAids CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE! (815) 758-0157 Get a comprehensive look at your hearing wellness: Medical and audiological history – Let’s discuss. Otoscopic exam – We’ll inspect your ear canal and ear drum— it may be just wax! Hearing test – You listen for the beeps. Speech test – Word recognition alone and in noise. Review your results – They are available immediately! Recommendations and demo – Hear the newest technology in action.645321
12•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 9AM-3PM25 Frank Van Buer Plaza | Downtown Dekalb
Thank you to the 2022 presenting sponsor: DeKalb County schools adapt as pandemic-era federal program ends
Performance by Tim1-3Gleasonpm Family activitiesfriendlyallday! local cuisine from DeKalb County food vendors, while enjoying live entertainment, family friendly activities, and a 50/50 raffle.
“We participate in the National School Lunch Programs so meals and snacks are required to meet their stan dards,” Wilder said.
For the month of August, students at Sycamore Elementary schools will have 11 different lunch entrees ranging from BBQ pork ribs to Italian meatball subs to fluffy pancakes and more. Fruit and Mark Busch – Lily Lippold arrives Tuesday, Aug. 16, in style for her first day of fourth grade on the back of her dad Neal’s motorcycle at Genoa Elementary School.
As a federal program enacted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to pro vide free school lunches for all comes to an end, DeKalb County area school dis tricts are preparing for the 2022-23 school year with plans of their own. The national program allowed public schools to universally provide lunch for free to all its students, meant to help alleviate financial burdens on families as a result of the pandemic. For the first time since 2020, most schools across the country will again require students liv ing above the poverty line to pay for theirAccordinglunches. to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, students who attend a school utilizing the National School Lunch Program are still eligible to receive a free lunch if their household income is at or below 130% of the federal poverty line. Students whose household income is between 130 and 185% of the federal poverty line can receive a reduced price lunch. For Sycamore School District 427, lunches during the 2022-23 school year will cost $2.70, breakfasts will cost $1.50, and milk – which is considered an add-on – will cost $0.55, school officials said.Sycamore schools participate in the National School Lunch Program, but Superintendent Steve Wilder said the district won’t know how many students are eligible for free or subsidized lunches until the school year begins Wednesday.“Themost recent percentage was approximately 24%, and I don’t expect that to change significantly,” Wilder said of the number of Sycamore stu dents expected to qualify for free or reducedSchoolslunch.that participate in the National School Lunch Program are required use foods that have a certain level of quality.
Classic race DJ,performances,Communityandlivemusic9am-1pm
See LUNCH, page 13
Entrance Fee: FREE Food & Beverage: Individual Vendor Prices Funds raised through sponsorships, donations, and 50/50 raffle proceeds from this event will support the Kishwaukee Sunrise Rotary Community Grant for Children, Youth and Families of DeKalb County.
Starts immediately after the DeKalb Corn
“I have not encountered students having trouble affording lunch,” Cham ness said, adding he’s privy to situations where affordability can act as a barrier to students being able to eat at school. Along with the lunch offerings, DeKalb schools have adopted ways to ensure a reduction of food waste over time.“We have share tables set up at each school,” Chamness said. “Share tables have baskets on them where students may return whole wrapped food they choose not to eat. These items are in compliance with state and local health and food safety codes. These food items are then available to other students who may want additional servings.”
All In-House, All Natural, Free Range, Hormone Free. WE CARRY STRICTLY AMISH CHICKEN! 815-899-BEEF(2333) 456NorthMainStreet•Sycamore,IL Sycamore CountryStore &Catering 23 years business Sycamore’s ButcherShopThatCooks!!! 815-899-BEEF(2333) 456NorthMainStreet •Sycamore,IL HOURS:Mon–Fri:10am–7pm Sat:11am–3pm Since1991 (no From our Whole or cut up Chickens to our seasoned/plain 7oz Chicken Breasts and Seasoned Chicken Sticks. SM-CL2002373 HOURS: Tue.- Fri. 10AM - 7PM · Sat. 10AM - 4PM BOOKING NOW FOR 2022 EVENTS WEDDINGS, COMPANY PICNICS, REUNIONS & OTHER EVENTS No Gas Needed! Dennis NORTHERNLeifheit ILLINOIS CARRY CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CALL TO REGISTER & FOR COURSE INFORMATION (815) 501-9421 | NORTHERNILLINOISCARRY@GMAIL.COMNORTHERNILLINOISCARRY.COM August 27 & 28, 2022 Concealed Carry/Home Defense Class 8a - 4p Both Days September 11, 2022 Concealed Carry Permit Renewal 9a-12p September 18, 2022 .................. Introduction to Handguns .......................................................... 9a-1p September 24 & 25, 2022 Concealed Carry/Home Defense 8a - 4p Both Days October 1, 2022 Concealed Carry Permit Renewal 8a-11a October 15 & 16, 2022 .............. Concealed Carry/Home Defense .............................. 8a-4p both days Private Concealed Carry/Home Defense classes can be arranged but a minimum of 5 students are required. We are offering “Countering The Mass Shooter Threat” classes which are designed for every House of Worship, School, Business and Family. Please contact us for further information and/or scheduling dates. These classes can be taught at any location. Please call or e-mail for further information. See website for detailed description of all classes SM-CL2002389
Nearly half, or 58%, of DeKalb Dis trict 428 families come from low-income backgrounds, Carpenter said. “So, a little more than half, close to 60% would have qualified for a free or reduced meal just naturally through the National School Lunch Program/Meal Program,” Carpenter said. “But now that we’re in this other program, all stu dents would eat for free regardless of theirFundingincome.”for the community eligibil ity program is also funneled through the federal government’s National School Lunch Program, at no cost to the local taxpayer and no fees.
“It’s all money that we will get reim bursed to pay from the federal govern ment,” Carpenter said. “Usually, it was about $2.75 for a lunch, and I believe $1.50 for a breakfast, so that’s about what it was pre-[COVID-19].”
13MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• of the day are offered with each meal. Peanut butter and jelly sand wiches and crispy chicken garden sal ads also are available every day, no mat ter the featured entree of the day. Arbor Management is responsible for sourcing the food provided to schools in the Syca more school district. Wilder says he thinks it’s hard to tell what the affect of the end of the national program providing universal free lunches will have on the ratio of stu dents buying lunches compared to packing lunches because the district doesn’t have good numbers on any actual“Theday.lunch counts vary for different reasons, but I expect that we will see more students bringing lunch this year as a result of the change,” Wilder said. DeKalb schools to still offer free lunches for all In DeKalb Community School Dis trict 428, plans to halt the national free lunch program aren’t expected to have much impact, said Mike Chamness, dis trict food services manager. That’s because a new program is expected to launch for the 2022-23 school year: a “Community Eligibility Provision” option for district students and families. “All students will continue to have the option to receive a free breakfast and/or lunch each day,” Chamness said. “Student participation in our breakfast and lunch program contin ues to increase each year. Our food ser vice team provides food sampling, engages with the students during meal times and sends out annual student surveys to gather feedback that we use to continuously improve our program.”
Any leftovers in the baskets are col lected after each lunch period and donated to area nonprofits, Chamness said.Cindy Carpenter, director of busi ness and finance for DeKalb District 428, said the district was headed toward adopting a universal lunch program even before the pandemic due in part to the growing number of families who would quality for free or reduced lunch anyway.“Butthis is being able to transition from that to this other program just made a whole lot of sense to us, so we were ready for it, so our parents would not see an impact,” Carpenter said.
Chamness said the district always records a high number of students using school-offered lunch programs, espe cially the district’s breakfast program since an option was implemented for breakfasts in the classroom.
In DeKalb schools, some schools at the elementary level don’t have an in-house kitchen, so meals are made elsewhere by the district’s food pro vider, Aramark, and then brought to the schools daily. As in Sycamore, daily offerings must fall within mandated nutritionCommonguidelines.childhood fare is often pop ular, Carpenter said. “I know the kids usually like the piz zas and the chicken nuggets, those type of things,” Carpenter said. “Stuff like that, you know, they’ll typically like to eat even at home. And with it comes with a milk whether white milk or choc olate.”Before the pandemic, DeKalb schools served about 4,000 meals per day, Car penter“Definitelysaid. since meals were free, we’ve seen really an uptick in participa tion where students are getting the meals in the schools,” Carpenter said. “And, actually, we’ve seen a really big increase in breakfast participation.”
• LUNCH Continued from page 12
Cindy Carpenter, DeKalb School District 428 director of business and finance
“Definitely since meals were free, we’ve seen really an uptick in participation where students are getting the meals in the schools.”
On July 15, Preckel departed from Valley Point Airport in Albright, West Virginia, flying an ultralight eGull by Earthstar Aircraft. On the way to the air show, Preckel made 24 stops to recharge her plane. She recalled the many sights and scenes along the way of the Chicago skyline, airports and clouds.
“I think mostly just being up where I could look straight down and see all the fields and farmhouses,” Preckel said. “On the way out, it rained a lot. The next day when I flew, then I could see all the fields and places where it flooded. So, it’s a very interesting per spective. That perspective of seeing everything from above. You don’t get that in a car or any other transporta tion on the ground.”
DeKALB – In the cockpit, Jean Pre ckel knows her way around the dash board controls like any pilot should.
So, when an opportunity arose to take an electric-powered trip to Air venture, one of the largest air shows in the world, Preckel couldn’t resist the urge to fly. “I thought it would be very educa tional, a lot of good experience, some thing challenging to do,” Preckel said. “I’ve tried gas-powered airplanes. The vibrations and the noise are too much for me. The electric airplane is much quieter. It doesn’t have the vibrations. It’s a lot less expensive to fly.”
Preckel said the highlights from her trip that most intrigued her are easy to pinpoint.
14•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK SandwichAntiqueMart Fall Festival Sept 3rd & Closed10am-5pm4thAug31st,Sept1st&2ndSeasonalAccents from Redbud Creek Farm Facebook: SandwichAntiqueMart 2300 E Rte 34, Sandwich • 815-786-6122 SM-CL2001370 *Limitof 5boxespervisit. Youmustremainwithyouritems.Heartland Bankwillnot shredorberesponsibleforitemsleftunattended, lost,orstolen. Saturday August 27 9:00am toNoon 1-844-HBT-BANK HeartlandBankisproudtoofferthisservice FREEOFCHARGE as awaytoserveourcommunities! Protectyourselffromidentitytheftbybringingyour personaldocumentsforsecure,onsite shredding. 327 W. MainSt. -Genoa SHRED withus! Pilot stops in DeKalb on electric-powered trip from West Virginia to Wisconsin
The Bruceton Mills, West Virginia, resident doesn’t lose focus, and she’s attentive to detail.
Renee Riani, airport manager for the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport, said Preckel was calling around look ing for airport locations capable of turning around a faster charge.
On Monday, July 25, Preckel arrived at the DeKalb Taylor Munici pal Airport to recharge her plane.
Preckel said she needed to have aPhoto provided by Jean Preckel Pilot Jean Preckel recently took an electric-powered trip from Bruceton Mills, West Virginia to Osh Kosh, Wisconsin and stopped in DeKalb. See PILOT, page 15
Riani said that around the time of the air show is when the DeKalb Tay lor Municipal Airport tends to see a great increase in the number of people coming in and taking advantage of the competitively priced fuel they offer. “[Preckel] was one among the many enjoying our customer service that we’re really well known for,” Riani said.Preckel said she’s glad she found the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport. All the while Preckel’s husband, Mark Beierle, was supporting her by driving from one airport to the next carrying the chargers in the car. Preckel said it meant a lot knowing that her husband was following her every step of the way. On the way back home from the air show, Preckel returned July 30 to the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport to charge her plane again. Preckel said she was impressed by both trips to the airport. “They were very nice,” she said. “They have a lot of traffic. A lot of air planes going to Oshkosh [Wisconsin], so they had free hot dogs and drinks. So, you could just come in there. Most the other airplanes, of course, would fill up with gas. They could have a hot dog and talk to people and be on their way.”En route home, Preckel had to stop only 18 times this time around to recharge.“Onthe return trip, I had a fair wind, so sometimes I could skip some of the airports,” Preckel said. “The prevailing winds are out of the west, so I had a head wind most of the time going to PreckelOshkosh.”saidithelped shorten the duration of the trip and the amount of time spent recharging the plane.
“Themanner.220[volt outlet] is much harder to find,” she said. “Generally at airports if they have a 220 [volt outlet], then it’s usually what they would use for a welder. So, I have an adaptor, so I can charge it, plug in my charger to the welder outlet.”
Jean Preckel Bruceton Mills, West Virginia, pilot
Photo provided by Jean Preckel Pilot Jean Preckel recently took an electric-powered trip from Bruceton Mills, West Virginia, to Osh Kosh, Wisconsin and stopped in DeKalb.
15MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,•
“I think mostly just being up where I could look straight down and see all the fields and farmhouses. On the way out, it rained a lot. The next day when I flew, then I could see all the fields and places where it flooded. So, it’s a very interesting perspective. That perspective of seeing everything from above. You don’t get that in a car or any other transportation on the ground.”
• PILOT Continued from page 14
SM-CL2006702 220 volt outlet in order to charge her plane and reach her destination in a timely
Preckel returned home from her trip Aug. 3.
The Chuck Siebrasse Corn Boil will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur day at the corner of Fourth Street and Lincoln Highway. Free steamed corn will be available to all until it runs out.
Six Pack will kick off the soundstage at 5:30 p.m. Friday, followed by Rene gade Wildflower at 7 p.m. and 7th heaven at 9 p.m. Austin Hopkins will perform a solo acoustic set to kick off Saturday’s soundstage at noon, followed by Mary & Brian at 1:15 p.m., Rockin Moxie at 2:30 p.m., American English at 4 p.m., Hi Infidelity at 6:30 p.m. and The Voices of Classic Rock at 9 p.m.
16•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK No Peeking! 2022 COUNTY’SDEKALBFINEST Readers’ Choice Awards Winners will be announced in our special section on August 27th only in your Daily Chronicle! See which local businesses were voted to be the Best or One of the Best in over 118 categories. We received over 27,500 votes this year! Available with your paid subscription or at a newstand near you!
BRIEFS Stamping event to be hosted by the DeKalb Library DeKALB –The DeKalb Public Library, 309 Oak St., will host a beginners workshop in tea towel fruit stamping from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27, in the lower-level Zimmerman Meeting Room of the library. The workshop is open to partici pants of all Attendeesages.will learn how to deco rate plain tea towels with fruit stamp designs. No previous experience is needed to attend. Because of limited seating, the workshop is first come, firstForserved.anyquestions, email graces@ or call 815-756-9568, ext. 2110. Applications open for DCCF Promise Grant SYCAMORE – The DeKalb County Community Foundation is accepting applications for the Promise Grant –Subvención de Promesa program. The deadline for eligible organiza tions to apply for the grant is Satur day, Oct. Promise1. Grants support the needs of underserved and dismissed popula tions in DeKalb County. The Promise Grant programs purpose is to inspire, educate, and empower individuals who may experience extraordinary challenges due to their ethnicity, immigration status, and abilities. Funds from the grant are provided by the Promise Fund-El Fondo de la Promesa and the Howard and Mildred Eychaner Fund. To apply for the grant, visit dekalb Grants, contact the Community Foundation at 815-748-5383 or grants@dekalbccf. org.
On Sunday, Aug. 28, Project Nostal gia will kick off the final day’s festival music at noon, followed by Party Doc tors at 2 p.m., and Mike & Joe at 4:30 p.m. For information, or to buy festival merchandise, tickets for the VIP Soundstage area or carnival rides, visit
Mark Busch file photo –
Here’s what you need to know Shaw Local News Network
Nate Walters of DeKalb enjoys some corn-on-the-cob Aug. 27, 2021, on Lincoln Highway at Corn Fest in downtown DeKalb. This year’s festival will take place from Aug. 26 to 28.
DeKalb Corn Fest 2022:
DeKALB – Thousands are expected to descend on the newly reconfigured downtown DeKalb strip in a week for DeKalb Corn Fest, the area’s largest summer music festival. Entry to the popular three-day festi val which will take place Aug. 26 through Aug. 28 is free, and fami ly-friendly. However, those wishing to partake in the VIP area that provides food and alcoholic drinks, or line up and enjoy some live music in the sound stage can purchase tickets at cornfest. com.The festivities begin at 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26, and continue through 6 p.m. Sunday in the city’s downtown. One of state’s last remaining free music festi vals in its 44th year, the festival also will feature carnival rides, artisan crafts for sale, a beer garden, family activities, a corn boil and more. New this year, the Kid Fest has moved to North Third Street. For a festival map, visit streets, next to the Egyptian Theatre, and free soundstage viewing right outside of the fenced in area. Free parking can be found at Fourth and Locust streets, along Lincoln High way and at Third and Grove streets.
–ShawLocalNewsNetwork Photo provided by the DeKalb County Community Foundation
The city of Genoa received a $20,000 Community Economic Development Implementation Grant check from the DeKalb County Community Foundation in June.
The DeKalb County Com munity Foundation recently awarded the city of Genoa $20,000 from the Commu nity Economic Development Implementa tion Grant.
• Buckle
The grant will allow the city of Genoa to conduct comprehensive and strategic planning processes. The processes will allow for insights into community views and ideas for the future of Genoa.
BRIEFS DeKalb police stepping up traffic enforcement through Labor Day DeKALB – The DeKalb Police Depart ment will partner with the Illinois State Police to enforce its “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” traffic safety campaign for Labor Day weekend. The campaign will run from Friday, Aug. 19, through the early hours of Tuesday, Sept.During6. the campaign period, law enforcement will be increasing its efforts to focus on stopping impaired, unbuckled and distracted drivers. Law enforcement tips for drivers and party hosts to remember: Hosts should ensure guests have a sober ride home If you don’t have a designated driver, call a cab or rideshare or stay where you are • Don’t let friends drive impaired up DCCF awards program grant to city of Genoa SYCAMORE –
Grant applications must reference a recently completed community economic development plan and connect to imple mentation projects within the plan or to support continued economic planning. For questions or additional information on the Community Economic Development Implementation Grant program, contact Community Engagement Director Teri Spartz at 815-748-5383 or t.spartz@ To learn more about the Community Foundation, visit
17MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• SM-CL1961982 WWW.TRICOUNTYVETERINARY.COM Dr. Z has been in the area for 29 years 15 Minutes West of Somo nauk SM-CL2002074
The Community Foundation developed the Community Economic Development Implementation Grant Program to provide communities additional opportunities for further growth and success. Communities in DeKalb County are eligible to apply for funding to support implementation proj ects that align with their economic plan or to support further economic planning. $300,000 is committed to the grant pro gram through donor support. Each commu nity is eligible to apply for a maximum of $20,000 over the three-year life span of the grant program.
18•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK DELANO’S Home Decorating Decorating Area Homes and Businesses since 1945 Choose from a fine selection of: We competitiveproductsqualityofferatPrices! Delano’s Home Decorating Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm • Saturday 8am-2pm 223 North Fourth Street, DeKalb • (815) www.DelanosHomeDecorating.com756-2951 SM-CL1964545 • Carpeting by Shaw, Dream Weaver, Tuftex, Mohawk • Merillat Cabinets • Laminate and Hard Surface Counter Tops • Ceramic Tile • Hardwood and Laminate Flooring • Vinyl Flooring and Luxury Vinyl Tile • Custom Picture Frames • Wallpaper and Borders • Paints by Pittsburgh
City of Sycamore
According to the existing service material inventory, the material used for water service lines at 1,017 addresses in the city of Sycamore still are unknown. The inventory also shows 239 addresses have lead lined water ser of Sycamore already has posted a survey on the project to its website and various social media accounts in hopes of learning what it can from city residents.
“Our goal is to replace as many ser vices as we can with the allotted fund ing,” Bushnell said.
which was created to minimize poten tial lead exposure caused by contami nated drinking water and aging pipe infrastructure, requires Illinois water systems to begin removal of lead ser vice lines no later than Jan. 1, 2027.
Local News Network file photo
Other areas in DeKalb County, including Genoa and DeKalb, also have begun efforts to replace lead service lines.The second round of IEPA funding for Sycamore uses a $4 million loan, which includes $4 million of principal forgiveness for the city of Sycamore.
According to the U.S. Centers for Dis ease Control and Prevention, any amount of lead exposure can be damag ing to a person’s brain. Some residents of the city of Syca more have used a Facebook group, Citi zens for Clean Water Sycamore, Illinois to advocate for local officials to address concerns about the water in Sycamore since at least 2020. A class action law suit also was filed in October 2020 against the city, with residents alleging “unlawful and wrongful conduct,” after some water test results showed elevated levels of lead in several Syca more homes. As a result, the IEPA has required Sycamore to undergo more regular water testing of area pipelines.
The Sycamore water tower rises over the barns on the grounds of the Sycamore History Museum.
gets $4M state loan for service line
By CAMDEN LAZENBY – The city of Sycamore has been awarded a $4 million loan by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for another round of lead water service line replacements planned for city“Thisresidents.issimilar to the first project,” City Engineer Mark Bushnell said. The IEPA provided the city of Syca more with a $1.6 million loan in Decem ber 2021 for the replacement of lead res idential service lines. The initial project, as well as the new one, will allow residents with lead water service lines to have the lines servicing their homes replaced at no cost. This effort comes on the heels of state legislation passed last year and a lengthy saga of water quality concerns documented by Sycamore residents. With the funding for the first project reaching its limits after replacement of about 120 service lines, the city now is seeking to get resident input for the new“Ininitiative.preparation for the project, we are asking residents to visit our website and complete a short survey in order to get added to the program,” Bushnell said.The survey can be found at mentsignedrials.canowners.replacementthoseleadlinestorial-survey,,citystaffwillassistresidentsinsigningupforatnocosttothehomeIfunknown,citystaffsaidtheyhelpidentifytheservicelinemateAboutayearago,Gov.JBPritzkertheLeadServiceLineReplaceandNotificationAct.Thelaw,
Continued from page 6 installation and operation of battery energy storage systems in unincorpo rated DeKalb County. County Board Chairman John Frie ders voiced support of pushing forward the proposed policy for a future vote, but said he wanted to save decisions on bat tery energy storage until more informa tion could be gathered.
Each room includes new, modern furniture and draperies, as well as large flat-screen TVs, mini fridges and microwaves.
“Because I would hate to see us go through this effort of updating our solar ordinance and then have to go right back and change the batteries. I’d rather research the batteries awhile and then come back,” said Frieders, a Republican from District 12. Steve Faivre, a Democrat represent ing District 4, disagreed with Frieders’ sentiment.“John,I think the staff has done a tre mendous amount of research on this, as have the places that they’ve done the research. I don’t think research specific to DeKalb County is going to add any thing,” said Faivre. “And in the mean time, we deny any company that wants to come in and do, put in a battery, they can’t put it in.” County officials declined to remove language on battery systems from the proposed ordinance, which will be up for vote at a future meeting. Board member Larry West, Republi can from District 1, voiced concerns over solar farm production’s fire risks. He said he didn’t support pushing the legislation forward without adding a safety provision.
“It shouldn’t be on the taxpayers or the county to provide the necessary equipment to battle these,” said West. “Having seen a lithium fire myself, and experienced it, it should be on the com panies to provide the training for the fireCountydepartments.”Director of Community Development, Derek Hiland, said a fire fighter training on solar panel emergen cies in Kirkland last month was the only training he’s aware of that has been con ducted in the area.
“It’s good that the conversations are happening,” Hiland said. “I think they’ll be more regular, but you know, from what I heard it was well attended from theAmendedarea.” language was added to the proposed solar policies which would require solar developers to help pay for and organize training and equipment for area fire departments in the event of a fire at a solar farm. Lageman said he and his peers aren’t against renewable energy.
“Our group is not against alternative energy, it’s not against solar power. Our group is for doing things responsibly and smartly and, you know, with logic,” saidTheLageman.DeKalb County Board is expected to vote on updated solar ordinances at a future meeting.
HINCKLEY – The Hinckley Police Depart ment announced that it will partner with Hinckley-Big Rock School District 429 to have a police officer assigned as a liaison between the schools and the police. The police officer will not only enforce the law in the schools, but also will serve as a resource for students and staff who have questions or are in need.
New hotel opens in Sycamore SYCAMORE – Best Western Hotels and Resorts recently announced the opening of a new hotel, the Best Western Sycamore Inn, Monday, July 18. The hotel is located at 1935 DeKalb Ave., Sycamore. The hotel recently underwent an almost $1 million renovation and now features 69 total guest rooms, including 16 suites. All guest rooms were designed with cus tomer convenience and comfort in mind.
BRIEFS Hinckley police announces liaison officer with local schools
The Best Western Sycamore Inn also offers a variety of amenities for business, leisure, and group travelers. The property features a heated indoor pool, a 24-hour fitness center and meeting space to accommodate 40 people. Guests will be able to enjoy a complimentary breakfast. For information, call the hotel at 815748-7400 or visit
The new police liaison, officer James Kerry, will be the contact person for things that pop up in the schools regarding secu rity, reports, training, referral services and being a helping hand. Officer Kerry will be visiting Hinckley-Big Rock Elementary, Mid dle School and High School once a week, as well as any extracurricular activities where he may be needed. Officer Kerry will officially begin in his new role by participating in a training semi nar for school staff and by stopping and introducing himself at each of the schools on opening day. To contact officer Kerry, call 815-2867465 or email
19MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• styleFITS YOUR Take advantage of our SPECIAL OFFER Registered trademark of Bath Fitter Franchising Inc. *Save 10% up to $450. Special offer good on the purchase of a bathtub, wall and faucet kit. One offer per customer. May not be combined with any other offer. Offer must be presented at the time of estimate. Previous orders and estimates excluded. Offer valid only at the above location. †Subject to certain limitations. Offer expires 03-31-2023. ‡Most Bath Fitter tub installations are completed in one day. Some exceptions apply. See location for full details. 855-993-3494 on a complete Bath Fitter system UP TO SAVE450*$ OUR BENEFITS One Installations‡Day Easy to Clean, Virtually Maintenance Free No Demolition
Back to campus for new school year
Photos by Mark Busch –
LEFT: NIU sophomore Gabby Gozdecki (middle) of Palatine gets help from volun teers from the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity unloading her van Thursday, Aug. 18. Aug. 18 was one of four move-in days for students attending the upcoming school year.
20•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK
ABOVE: Freshman Zoe Hougas moves into New Residence Hall.
21MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• OPENED IN 1988 - THE REVIEWS FROM OUR FAMILY OF CUSTOMERS WILL STEER YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!! *Add tax, title, lic. and $168.48 doc. fee. Offer good 4 business days from date of publication. Dealer not responsible for printed errors. The Little Store with Low Overhead and Low Prices! 815-739-1983 DANWE BUY USED SeCARSHabla Español 312-730-3607 RUBEN *Some filters extra. Please call for an appointment. Expires 8/31/2022 LUBE, OIL & FILTER WE OFFER CONTACTLESS DROP OFF $29.95* Must present coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 *Most Vehicles. Must present coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 $129.95 Includes up to 5 quarts conventional 5w30 or 5w20 oil. Plus air tires & top off fluids. SERVICETRANSMISSIONSPECIAL* Must present coupon. Expires 8/31/2022 MAINTENANCESCHEDULEDCHECK$44.95 INSPECT: Wipers, Brakes, Exhaust, Belts & Hoses, Battery, Axle Boots, Steering, Suspension, Tires, Fluid Levels TIRE ROTATION, WHEEL BALANCING & BRAKE INSPECTIONFOR $ 49.95 TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’S 19 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT #12877 51K, 3rd Row Seating, Back Up Camera, Rear Sliding Doors, Full Stow & Go, Aluminum Wheels, Bluetooth $27,995* 19 HONDA CRV EX #12893, 43K, Heated Seats, Power Sunroof, Back Up Camera, Aluminum Wheels, Lane Departure, Collision Alert, Power Seat Driver $31,995* 19 TOYOTA TACOMA SPORT #12891, 41K, Navigation, Running Boards, Driver Confidence Package, Back Up Camera, Aluminum Wheels $39,995* 19 JEEP TRAILHAWKCHEROKEE #12834, 25K, Sunroof, Navigation, Blind Spot Monitor, Back Up Camera, V6 Power, and More! $32,995* 21 SUBARU OUTBACK PREMIUM #12892, 17K AWD, Power Seat, Heated Front Seats, Lane Departure Warning, Lane Keeping Assist, Fog Lamps, Alloy Wheels $33,995* 19 BUICK ENCLAVE ESSENCE #12863 35k, 3rd Row Seat, Sunroof, Heated Leather, Premium Sound, Back Up Camera, Remote Start $37,995* View Our Cars 24/7 • Up To 30 Pictures 216 S. First Street, Dekalb, IL 60115 M-F 8-8 • Sat. 9-5 815-756-9500 CARS 17 HONDA ACCORD TOURING #12849, 88K, V6 Power, Sunroof, Navigation, Premium Sound, Heated Leather, Adaptive Cruise Control, Loaded $23,995* 2017 INFINITY Q50 2.0 TURBO #12854 60K AWD, Sunroof, Heated Leather Seats, Premium Sound, Navigation, One Owner & More $24,995* 2015 CHEVY CRUZE LT #12859, 81k, Aluminum wheels, cruise control, fog lamps, smart device integration, keyless entry $14,995* SELECT IMPORT LOT 21 SUBARU OUTBACK PREMIUM #12892, 17K, AWD, Heated Front Seats, Power Seat Driver, Lane Departure Warning, Lane Keeping Assistant, Fog Lamps$33,995* 16 TOYOTA RAV4 SE 4WD #12795, 18K, Power Sunroof, Navigation, Heated Leather, Aluminum Wheels, Running Boards, Keyless Start, Back-Up Camera & More $29,995* 19 TOYOTA AVALON XSE #12878, 32K, Sunroof, Heated Leather, Premium Sound, Collision Alert, Blind Spot Monitor, Rear A/C & More! $35,995* WE CAN NOW RENEW YOUR PLATES! SHOP 24/7 AT Includes New Filter, Gasket, and Transmisson Fluid Kelly Miller 815.757.0123 SRS, ABR, GRI, Certified New Home & Relocation Specialist Your Director of Real Estate Services 1534 SUNFLOWER DR, SYCAMORE | $785,000 2.59 acre retreat | Outdoor living at its finest | 6144 sq. ft. of Finished Living Space | Beautiful, custom brick home | 5 beds, 4 Baths | Stunning white quartz countertops | Full Lookout Deep-Pour Basement BRIEF DCCG announces September Grow Mobile food pantry dates DeKALB – The DeKalb County Commu nity Gardens released a list of September locations for the Grow Mobile, a mobile food pantry that offers free food and household items to all to come, no require mentsThenecessary.DCCGisworking hard to ensure the well-being of residents, staff and volun teers and ask that people practice good hand hygiene and stay home if you are sick.To receive Grow Mobile alerts, text @ a34cg4 to 81010. Grow mobile dates in September will be: • 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1, in the community center of University Village Apartments, 722 N. Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb•4to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, at the Clinton Township Community Building, 160 W. Lincoln Hwy., Waterman • 11 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 8, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 830 N. Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb • 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13, at the Cortland Lions Club Shelter, 70 S. Llanos St., •Cortland3:30to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13, at Family Service Agency, 1325 Sycamore Road, DeKalb • 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at Malta Township Public Library, 203 Adams St., •Malta8to9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at Kingston Friendship Center, 120 Main St., Kingston•3to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, in the community center of University Village Apartments, 722 N. Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb•11 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 22, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 830 N. Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb • 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, at St. Paul the Apostle Parish, 340 W. Arnold Road, Sandwich–ShawLocalNewsNetwork
“Both the county and city frequently receive phone calls with concerns related to property maintenance within individual units and the common areas,” Gregory wrote. “Broken win dows, broken pipes, water quality and pressure, heating and cooling issues, insects, and mold have all been among the issues raised by the tenants over the past five years.”
“Without being a home-rule county, DeKalb County is limited to adopting only the codes afforded by the State of Illinois,” Gregory wrote. “The very fact that the Suburban development remains in unincorporated DeKalb County is problematic to address con cerns raised by tenants, their family members and other concerned resi dents.”Aspart of the agreement, the county will use money received through the American Rescue Plan Act to connect the annexed property to the city of DeKalb’s water system.
SYCAMORE Another step was taken this week to help pave the way for a Chicago developer’s plan to buy and rehabilitate Suburban Estates and Suburban Apartments just outside DeKalb city limits. The DeKalb County Board unani mously voted Wednesday, Aug. 17, to approve a resolution for an intergov ernmental agreement with the city of DeKalb and Clear Investment Group LLC to buy the rental community, which officials said has fallen into dis repair over the years. Under new own ership, the complex could thrive and be safer and of higher quality for its ten ants, government officials have said. Under the agreement, the proper ties, sitting on North Annie Glidden Road and Twombly Road will be annexed from DeKalb County into the city of DeKalb, and connected to the city’s water main system for more effi cient“Thisutilities.isawin-win, win-win,” said Tim Bagby, a Republican representing District 3 during the board meeting. Steve Faivre, a Democrat from Dis trict 4, “It’sagreed.abouttime,” Faivre said. According to a letter written by County Administrator Brian Gregory to the DeKalb County Board, com plaints about the property are fre quently phoned in to local officials.
23MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• SM-CL2002429SM-CL2006712 Visit Take 5 Oil Change at 1245 DEKALB AVE, SYCAMORE, IL 60178 for a quick oil change, fluid top-off or wiper blade replacement. We’re open seven days a week! M-F 7am-7pm • Sat 7am-6pm • Sun 9am-5pm 10% BACK TO SCHOOL OFFSPECIALOILCHANGE *Must present student I.D. DeKalb County Board helps greenlight Chicago developer’s plan to buy Suburban rental complexes
Gregory wrote that the county doesn’t have many options when it comes to how it can address the con cerns raised by residents.
“Given that property being annexed to the City would need to be connected to the City’s water supply, the County will pledge American Rescue Plan Act Funds in an amount not to exceed $862,500 toward the installation and connection of watermain to the prop erty,” Gregory wrote. According to city of DeKalb docu ments released ahead of the DeKalb City Council meeting Aug. 8, Clear Investment Group LLC would buy, repair, rehabilitate and maintain ten ants in both complexes as new owners for $30 million.
Camden Lazenby – DeKalb County Board members look on at the conclusion of the meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 17.
“This agreement is an example of what government can do when they work together with a focus on what is best for the greater community,” Greg oryDuringwrote. the Committee of the Whole meeting Aug. 10, County Board Chair man John Frieders said it took a lot of people working together on the inter governmental agreement to get it ready for a “It’svote.very important for the residents at that facility and it’s something that’s been a long time coming,” Frieders, a
Republican from District 12, said. “And I’m very happy that we’re this far in this process.”Democratic board member Rukisha Crawford, who represents District 6, issued her gratitude for area govern ments working cooperatively toward the property’s progress. “Comment is, thank you, thank you, thank you,” Crawford said during the Committee of the Whole. “Thank you for guiding this process.”
SYCAMORE – It was full steam ahead Friday, Aug. 12, during day two of the annual Sycamore Steam Show, hosted by the Northern Illinois Steam Power Club.
Crawford also asked if county staff had a background on the company buy ing the property. As a result, Lindsay Rodriguez from Clear Investment Group LLC was at the Aug. 17 board meeting.“Wecertainly look forward to work ing with you,” said Suzanne Willis, vice chairman of the board. Willis, a Democrat from District 10, ran Wednesday’s meeting in Frieders’ absence. Rodriquez said the feeling is mutual and reaffirmed the company’s plans to help to facility. “You guys won’t hear from us. I promise,” Rodriguez said.
Full steam ahead
Lincoln Schneider, 7, of DeKalb takes a ride on a pony during the annual Sycamore Steam Show on Friday in Sycamore.
24•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK Located at 418 W. State st in Sycamore, we are a family owned restaurant that specializes in authentic Greek Food. Come in and see us or try us to go with pickup and delivery. We hope you will enjoy the foods we grew up on! Call us now at 815-991-5042 Times and Movies subject to change • 815-991-5112 Follow us on Top All(PG-13)MaverickGun:Seats $7 Beast (R) All Seats $7 3:30,8:506:10, 12:50, 3:30, 6:10, 8:50 12:50,6:103:30, 6:10 PM 4:25,8:406:30, 12:15, 2:20, 4:25, 6:30, 8:40 12:15, 2:20, 4:25, 6:30 6:30 PM THE VILLAGE Restaurant ClosedMon Wed 11:00 am – 08:00 pmClosedTue Thu 11:00 am – 08:00 pm Sat 11:00 am – 09:00 pm Fri 11:00 am – 09:00 pm Sun 11:00 am – 08:00 pm Fri 8/26 Sat 8/27 Sun 8/28 Mon 8/29 Tues 8/30 Wed 8/31 Thurs 9/1 Lincoln Inn at Faranda's 302 Grove St., DeKalb, IL • 815.756.2345 Come dine safely with us in our dining TuesdayHOURSroom!Monday:Closed–Sunday:7am– 3pm • RENTAL COMPLEXES Continued from page 23 For two years from the time of annex ation, or three years from the develop er’s closing, the DeKalb county Sheriff’s Office will retain jurisdiction over the property. In the meantime, the city of DeKalb Police Department will continue to provide assistance. After that time line the city of DeKalb will assume polic ing jurisdiction and the county will then provide assistance when needed.
The family-friendly event ran through Sunday, Aug. 14 at Taylor Mar shall Farm, 27707 Lukens Road in Syca more. Mark Black for Shaw Local News Network
25MIDWEEK 202224,AugWednesday,• place an ad OPENINGS INCLUDE: Ent ry Level Packer $14.50 $17.00 pe r hour MH / Tech Trainee 2 nd & 3rd shift open $17.00 to $18.00 per hour Quality Assuranc e Inspec tor 2n d or 3rd shift $17.00 to $18.50 per hour Competitive Pay for other positions depends on experience Tool Room Techni cian entry level and /or experienced 1st shi ft Maintenance Mechanic both entry le vel & ex peri enced 1st shift Flexible Pouchi ng Packer / Techni cian 1st shift Shipping / Receiving 1st shift Inject ion Molding Tech / Assistant Superv isor 3rd shift Full time, Part time, and Seasonal he lp Shift s: 1st 6:45a-3:15p 2nd 2:45p-11:15p 3rd 10:45p -7:15a Please print our ap plication from ou r we bsite Pick up & fill out an applicati on at ou r facilit y M-F 7: 30a-4:00p Emai l, mail, or dr op off your a pplication or resu me to: HQC Inc. 230 Kendall Point Dr., Oswego, IL 60543 630-820-5550 Noemployment@hqcinc.comagencies PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY & RELATED ITEM S Retired Farmer cleaning out his Barns & Sheds SAT URDAY, AUGUST 27th, 2022 STARTING @ 9:00 AM 2244 N 45th Road, Leland, IL 60531 (Take IL RT 34 to E 23rd Road 2.5 m iles south to 45t h Road th an go west 1/2 m ile to farm yard.) Lunch Available & Comf ort Stations John De ere Tractors, Back Ho e, Grain Truck - Gr ain Handling - Tillage & Implements Seed Signs - Barn Find s An tiqu e & Collectible It ems. 1978 C hev y C65 Gr ain truck Mi dwest 16' bo x, 366 Eng. 5/2s p. 68 000 mi les, 1979 JD 4440 7,370 hrs. newer ca b kit, newer ru bber, 2 remotes, quad range 460 85xR38 rears, upda ted AC JD 158 quick at ta ch l oader w 7' bucket w JD 4440 brackets, Quick at tach pa llet forks, Ford 550, Indu strial load er 7' bucket & backhoe, D. w cab, 1973 JD 4230 , 8,053 hrs., q uad Range, cab ki t, 18.4x34R re ar ti res, 1967 JD 4020, D.WF., open stat io n, ROPS, synchro range , 1956 JD 720, ne wer pai nt , NF Po wer steeri ng, Pa rade Tractor. 1955 JD 70, NF Po wer steeri ng, JD model 45 loader , 1954 JD 50, power steering, NF, JD A, NF, w/ 2 row cul tivat or, Al li s Chalmers FTP -40, fork li ft 2 stage gas side shif t, 4,000 poun ds Tr actors, Truck & Fork lift all in sound running or der ready to work, PLANTE R-WAG ONS-AUGERS- TILLAGES & OTHER JD 7100 spli tt er plan ter 11r- 30” plant er w Meteer, mnt. Kit, Herd 3p t 750 br oadcas t seeder, Kewanee 12' mu lcher, JD 400 15', rotary hoe, Glenco, 12r- 30” flat fo ld cult ivat or w sh ields & N eece levelers. JD 20' 3pt wing Fold cult ivat or, Fair 3pt snow bl ower, JD 425 6r -30” 3p t cult ivat or, Chem Farm Tug cart w (2) 250 gal St ainles s tanks w 4W D mounting kit, DM I 3p t NH3, appl icat or 27' t ool bar, Bush Hog 121-09 3pt 9' bl ade 3 way hydr aul ic, JD, 3p t 5.5' box scraper, (6) rubber- tired hay racks, (2) Kilbros 350 grav it y wago ns on 1065 JD gears, JD barge box wago n 6'x12' w ho ist, JD gear, Mann in g wood fl are wagon w stenciling, Suk up Grain cleaner, 3 phase motor, Mayrat h 60' x 10” au ger, PTO, swin g away ho pper w hyd. Lift , Feterl 55' x 10” aug er ,15hp. 3 phase Mo tor, Feterl 28' x 8” a uger w Kohl er ga s engi ne, Feterl 60' x 8” PTO au ger, IH 37 14' disc, Horse drawn JD & IH 2 & 4 r pl anters, Horse drawn 6' McCo rmick mode l 7, Sickle mower. Tools - Miscellaneous useful related items - coll ecti bl e & anti que , s everal sections various lengths & sizes of Bar gr ating 3' x 12', 10' x 1” thick, sect ions, (2) Pioneer seeds si gns metal & cloth seed ba gs Ot her metal seed si gns, Crows, Darlings, Texaco porcelain gas pump sign , several older & vintag e bi cycl es, Several JD suit case & wheel wei ghts, mounting brackets, Misc tractor duals, Sev. Chains & binders, Several feet of steel metal shelving, Ai r compressor & Forney weld er, Parts bins , Implemen t & tr actor hardw are parts & pi eces, Snowmobi les JD 500 & JD Sp it fi re “AS IS”, 3 place Lel and , snowmo bi le trai ler, Sev. pi pe Livest ock ga tes, Severa l farm related hats & caps, some vi ntage & NI B, Seed cl eaner. Kewanee elevator spouts, Colm an max A 5000-watt genera tor, Picnic ta bles, Gravity OH fuel barrels & t anks, (3) West ern sadd les, 6 waln ut mant els & other ba rn lumber variou s sizes lengths etc. , Se veral hay rack items tools etc., 2x2 heavy tubing 5' lengths, M any other it ems not yet discovered & too nu merous to menti on. C onsigne d by Ne ig hb or : (2) H& S BTR Power un loading ba le cage Wagon 9'x18' on JD 1065 gears, JD barge wagon 12'x 6' on JD Gear, Fickli n model 435, Gravit y wago n, 12 T Fickli n gear, 2012 Kia Ri o w GDI en g. O dometer sh ows 19,586 miles, tit le has be en bra nded. Terms: Cash, go od check, Most Cred it & Debit cards. Must ha ve proper photo Id to regi ster. All Items se ll to best an d hi ghest bidder No pr operty removed unt il set tled for prior to removing from prope rty. NO BUYE R' S PREMIU M for those attending live! No t resp onsible for items or accidents once sold all sales are final 5% buyer's premium for an y ON LI NE purchase On Line por tion of auction star ts at 11:00 am CST. See equ ipme nt fa x for details & catalog order. Loading available.Ronald “Ronnie” & Barb Johnson, Owners Questions abo ut machinery call Ron @ 815-228- 2198 or Randy @ 815-830-0820 AUCTI ONE ERS: Chris W egen er , Sand wich IL 815-451 2820 & Mike Espe , Elbur n 630-669-2667 www.Go2we ge ner au ctions .com ME TAL FABR ICATI ON J OBS Multiple positions including Fitter / Welder s an d Metal Prep (press brake, saw, shear, etc.) and Equipment Mainte nance jobs Harmony Metal Fabrication, Inc. 148 Indu stri al Dr, Gi lberts , IL 60136 Experience requi red. Excellen t pay and be nefit s. Apply in person or by email: harmonymetal@foxvalley.netorcall847-426-8900 $$ooking formoney?extraLL $These part-time jobs are perfect for that extra cash! Check out the classifieds to find one that fits you.
26•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK AT YOUR SERVICE Call to 630-802-1868Advertise Al's Electric Retired, but not tired. Licensed. Only 45 ye ar s ex perien ce. Just Call 630.514.6569Al 1017 Devonshire, Sycamore Krpan built 4BR, 2.5BA, Oversized 3 car garage, new r oof, HVAC, furnac e, and appliances, Half finished large bsmt $459,000 Call 815-762-0539 LA RGE PUBLIC AUCTION LI VE and ONLINE AUCTION Saturday, August 27th 9am Start 7070 South R t. 47, Yorkville, IL 60560 Autos, Equipment, Se mi Tracto rs, Anti que Tracto rs , Po wer & H and Tool s, Gas En gines, Collectibl es, Harley Davi dson Moto rcycle & Much More! Onli ne Biddi ng: www.equi s/auctions/ online/event/216 05053 1/list Owner: Illinois Truc k Maintenance I nc. See website for fu ll co ntent & term s. Brian DeBolt Auction Service, Inc. Since 1987 Brian DeBo lt, Plano, IL #440000595, Ph: 630-552-4247 Call me fo r all your Real Estate & Aucti on ne ed s! www.d ebo ltaucti onser MOTORCYCLES WANTED All Makes, Cash Paid, Reasonable. Will Pick-Up 630- 660-0571 DeKalb Yard SaleSuppDeTanzaniavelopmentortFundraiser!BethlehemLutheranChurch1915N.1stSt. Thurs., Aug. 25th- Sat., Aug. 27th 8-4pm Outs ide/Insi de Sale! Bring your friends and your wallets! DeKalb – Moving Sale 218 Sycamore Rd. Aug. 26th & 27th 8- 4 Downsizing items are priced to sell! Publisher's Notice: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housin g Act which makes it il legal to advertise "any preference, li mitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handic ap, familia stat us or nati onal origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation of discrimination." Familial stat us includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18 This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violat io n of the law. Ou r readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis To complain of discrimination call HUD 1- 800-669-9777 Hearing impaired number is 1-800-927-9275 Turn those unwanted items into cash. Sell them in the Classifieds! They may be just the thing someone else is looking for. EvCLMIDWEEKASSIFIEDeryWednesdayinTheMidWeekEverydayonline: www.MidWeekNews.comCLASSIFIED
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28•Wednesday,Aug24,2022 MIDWEEK