5 minute read
from DC_Midweek_092822
by Shaw Media
Sheriff’s Office and St. Charles Police Department.
Byrd said the Illinois State Police will provide the DeKalb Police Department with a list of firearm owners in the city whose FOID cards have been revoked. Police officers will then make their rounds checking compliance.
The enforcement details are intended to focus on people who pose a significant threat to themselves or others, according to the ISP. That includes anyone who’s the subject of a firearm restraining order or received a criminal conviction, among other criteria, according to the release. Under Illinois law, those convicted of a felony cannot possess a firearm or ammunition.
Byrd said compliance checks aren’t about making arrests, but ensuring those in possession of a gun are doing so legally.
“You can make traffic stops and you can find out that someone has a revoked FOID card and they shouldn’t be in possession of that revoked FOID card,” Byrd said. “So a lot of times those compliance checks happen every day unexpectedly just through the police work that’s being done on a daily basis.”
According to the ISP, from 2020 through the end of August 2022, compliance checks and firearm eligibility procedures by state police halted more than 97,000 unlawful attempts to obtain a firearm.
A recent statewide firearms enforcement stint from July 16 through July 31 included 1,742 compliance checks, according to the ISP. During those checks 1,027 people surrendered their FOID cards, transferred all firearms from their possession and completed a Firearm Disposition Record, which under the Illinois FOID Card Act requires firearm owners to list each firearm they previously owned and to whom it was surrendered.
Funding for the compliance enforcement grants was distributed from the State Police Revocation Fund, according to the ISP, and made possible through Public Act 102-0237.
“The whole idea is not to remove firearms from people who can legally own them, but there are situations that might come up where your firearm’s card for whatever reason might be revoked or loses its active status, and we need to as a law enforcement agency try to get you back into compliance. So compliance is key.”
David Byrd
DeKalb police chief
Mark Busch file photo – mbusch@shawmedia.com DeKalb Police Chief David Byrd (right) hands a shield back to an officer at the scene of a shooting Aug. 24 at West Ridge Apartments in DeKalb.
Taizé Half Page 4.725 x 9.5 Half Page 4.725 x 9.5 AnAn Evening of Prayer, Meditation andEvening of Prayer, Meditation andAn Evening of Prayer, MeditaMusic.Music.tion and Music. Gath Friday, October 7th, 2022, 7:00 P.M. Sering Friday, October 7th, 2022, 7:00 P.M. Streamed via Zoom/YouTube [see church website for links] Friday, October 7th, 2022, 7:00 P.M. Streamed via Zoom/YouTube [see church website for links]
St. Paul’s Ep St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 900iscopal Church, 900 Normal Road,St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 900 Normal Road, DeKalbNormal Road, DeKalbDeKalb Office: (815) Office: (815) 756-4888 Email: parishoffice@stpaulsdekalb.org 756-4888 Email: parishoffice@stpaulsdekalb.orgOffice: (815) 756-4888 Email: parishoffice@stpaulsdekalb.orgWebsite: Website: www.stpaulsdekalb.org www.stpaulsdekalb.org Website: www.stpaulsdekalb.orgThe The Reverend Barbara A. T. Wilson, RectorReverend Barbara A. T. Wilson, RectorThe Reverend Barbara A. T. Wilson, Rector
Shaw Local News Network file photo Winnie, a four-to-five-week-old kitten, waits Oct. 4, 2013, to be personally blessed by Deacon Lee Deatherage at a blessing of pets in recognition of Feast Day by Saint Francis of Assisi at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Sycamore.
Sycamore church offering animal blessing Oct. 1
SYCAMORE – Mayfield Congregational United Church of Christ, 28405 N. Church Road, will host a Blessing of the Animals from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 1.
Animal owners can visit the church’s drive-thru to have their pets blessed. Any pet can be brought in to be blessed by the church. Mayfield Pastor Lauri Allen will be blessing the animals.
For information, email PastorLauri@ mayfieldchurchucc.org or call 815-7575917.
– Shaw Local News Network
known exposure, but can be administered up to 14 days after exposure,” said Gonzalez.
District 427 said it “will continue to work closely with the Dekalb County Health Department and provide updates to families if there are new developments or recommendations,” and is encouraging staff and students to stay home if ill.
Symptoms to watch for
Monkeypox is a virus commonly transmitted through intimate physical contact, close skin-to-skin contact, the sharing of objects, fabrics and materials, or being bitten or scratched by an infected animal.
People should watch for a rash that may be located on or near the genitals or anus, or could be on other areas such as the hands, feet, fast, chest or mouth, according to the CDC.
The rash will go through several stages, including scabs, before healing, and can initially look like pimples or blisters, and be painful or itchy. Other symptoms can include fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, exhaustion, muscle aches or backache, headache, respiratory symptoms such as a sore throat, cough or nasal congestion.
Some people may experience all or only a few symptoms, and vary in order of symptoms and rash, or develop a rash first. According to the CDC, symptoms usually start within three weeks of exposure, with a rash appearing within four days of flu-like symptoms. The illness typically lasts two to four weeks.
Gonzalez previously said washing one’s hands, avoiding contact with items that an infected person has used and isolating are some ways to keep oneself safe.
The health department plans to conduct case investigation and contact tracing for monkeypox in-house rather than leaving it up to the schools to handle, officials said.
If anyone comes down with symptoms, health officials advise that one get tested and isolate until the results are received and all rashes and scabs have healed. Tests are only conducted through a health care provider, according to the CDC, and usually consist of a swab of the lesion or rashes. The swab is then sent to a lab for testing, with results expected in a few days.
The CDC asks those awaiting tests results to take precautions until confirmation is known.
But if one tests negative, they are instructed to isolate for about two to four weeks and then be cleared by their physician.
Dr. Z has been in the area for 29 years 15 Minutes West of Somonauk