9 minute read

Spice It Up

Fresh herbs are in season at farmers’ markets and produce stands

Story by Shannon Serpette Photos by David Cook

While fruits and vegetables generally get all the glory in the summer, herbs are also an important part of any home kitchen. And with warm weather hitting, now is the time to explore the world of herbs. The Illinois Valley has plenty of places to get them – you can grow your own in your backyard or buy fresh herbs at grocery stores, produce stands, or farmers’ markets.

If you’re looking for some farmers’ markets that have fresh herbs for sale, here are a few possibilities to explore:

The LaSalle farmers’ market is from 3 to 6 p.m. every Tuesday until the end of September. It’s located at the intersection of Route 351 and Maple Road at the northwest corner of Hegeler Park.

The Mendota farmers’ market is from 8 a.m. to noon every Saturday at the downtown Main Street next to the Amtrak station.

The Ladd farmers’ market is from 4 to 6 p.m. every Monday except Labor Day from June 14 to September at Ladd Memorial Park on Main Street.

The Princeton farmers’ market is open from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays through October at Soldiers and Sailors Park in Princeton.

The Spring Valley farmers’ market will be from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays, from June 23 until Oct. 6, at the corner of Route 6 and Cornelia St. in Spring Valley.

If you decide to grow your own, herbs require little care and often do well in the ground or in containers. Mint is best planted in containers since it tends to spread easily.

And if you need some recipes using fresh herbs, we’ve included a few of our favorites for inspiration.

Basil, Tomato, and Feta Salad


Six diced roma tomatoes 1 small cucumber, peeled and chopped 3 green onions or 1/2 of a red onion 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons crumbled feta cheese Salt and pepper to taste


In a big bowl, gently toss the tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, olive oil, basil, vinegar, and feta cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Basil: Basil is the key ingredient in pesto, but it’s also tasty when used on pizza, shrimp, and when paired with tomatoes. Lemon balm: Lemon balm can be used to make tea, but it also works well as an addition to meat marinades or for salads. Oregano: Oregano shines when used in pizza sauce, and it pairs beautifully with olive oil. It also works well in marinades for beef, chicken, and lamb. Sage: Sage is a rockstar ingredient in stuffing, and it also is often used with poultry or sausage.

Basil Tortellini


19 ounces frozen tortellini, cheese or beef 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 pound skinless chicken breasts cut into cubes 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning, divided 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 large onion, chopped 3 cloves of minced garlic 14 and 1/2 ounces of diced tomatoes, drained well 2 cups heavy whipping cream 1 small can of mushrooms, drained well 1/2 cup shredded Italian cheese blend 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil


Cook tortellini and drain. As it is cooking, heat one tablespoon of oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken, one teaspoon of Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. Cook until the meat is not pink. Remove the meat from the pan. In that pan, add the onion, mushrooms, garlic, and the rest of the olive oil and Italian seasoning, keeping the heat on medium. Cook until the onion is soft, and then add the tomatoes. Keep cooking until it starts to thicken a bit. Then add the cream and bring to a boil. Finally, add the tortellini, cheese, chicken, and basil, until it is all heated.

See more recipes on pages 22 & 23.

Mint: Mint leaves can be used to make a sauce to serve with lamb. It’s also refreshing when leaves are muddled and added to lemonade. Mint leaves can be delicious when used in chocolate desserts or for making mojitos. Chives: Chives are wonderful when used to top a baked potato or with eggs and salads.


10 mint leaves Four lime wedges 2 tablespoons white sugar

A Classic Mojito

1 cup ice cubes 1 and 1/2 ounces of white rum 1/2 cup club soda


Put the mint and three lime wedges in your glass. Muddle the mint and lime together. Add the sugar and muddle once more. Add ice, pour the rum and top the glass with the club soda. Stir and add more sugar if needed. Place the last lime slice on the rim of the glass. This makes one serving.


2 cups sugar 2 cups water 2 cups chopped fresh mint

Easy Mint Juleps

Bourbon Ice


Put the water, sugar, and mint in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Keep cooking and stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Take off the heat and allow it to cool until close to room temperature. Strain the syrup so the pieces of mint are removed. Refrigerate the syrup for a minimum of two hours. For each glass, put in the desired amount of ice. Then pour 1/4 cup of the mint syrup and the desired amount of bourbon in the glass. Stir well and enjoy.


1 cups of water 15 to 20 fresh lemon balm leaves

Lemon Balm Tea

2 teaspoons of honey


Boil the water and pour it over the lemon balm in either a teapot or infuser. Let it steep for 10 to 20 minutes before straining and adding the water. If you want some extra zip to your tea, you can add a few mint leaves in as well.

Oregano Grilled Potato Salad


6 medium Yukon Gold potatoes, cut in half lengthwise 1/4 cup olive oil, divided 1 and 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons chopped fresh oregano leaves 1 tablespoon chopped capers 1/2 teaspoon red chili flakes 1/2 cup pitted olives 1 and 1/2 cups halved cherry tomatoes 1/2 cup parsley leaves


Heat grill to medium, anywhere from 350 to 450 degrees, with a spot left for non-direct heat on the grill if possible. Coat potatoes in 1 tablespoon of oil. Grill flat until marks appear, which takes about 8 minutes. Turn over, moving to the non-direct heat area of the grill. Cook until soft, or about 10 minutes. Let the slices cool, and then cut them into chunks. Whisk the rest of the oil, mustard, vinegar, oregano, capers, and chili flakes in a large bowl. Gently mix in the remaining ingredients.


8 tablespoons butter 8 cups toasted bread cubes 3 tablespoons chopped sage 1/2 cup chopped parsley 1 teaspoon salt

Sage Stuffing

1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 and 1/2 cups chicken broth 1 and 1/2 cups chopped celery 1 and 1/2 cups chopped onion


Heat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 13x9 baking dish. Melt two tablespoons of butter in a large skillet. Add celery and onion and cook until soft. Mix the bread cubes, sage, parsley, salt, and pepper in a big bowl. Add the onion mixture and 6 tablespoons of melted butter. Add the chicken broth slowly, tossing as you go along. Add just enough to make it moist. Put the mixture in the baking dish, cover the dish, and bake for about 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 15 minutes more.

Chive-Covered Goat Cheese Log


1 cup chopped fresh chives 1 fresh goat cheese log


Chill the goat cheese log for at least two hours in the refrigerator. It will be easier to work with and will hold its shape. After washing and chopping the fresh chive, place it on a dry cutting board and slowly roll the goat cheese on it, working it until all the chives are covering the cheese. You can serve the cheese with crackers, apple slices, or crostini.

ADVERTISEMENT HowFillerintheMidfaceCanMake You Appear YoungerandMore Rested

When we thinkofcosmetic filler, we oftenthink ofit for fillingwrinklesandchangingthelookoflips. Cosmetic fillerinthemidfaceisuncommonlydiscussed but iscrucial is restoring a more youthfuland rested appearancetothefaceas we age. We decidedtoaskDr. NicoleNorrisofNicoleNorrisMDMedical Spain Peru, ILto“fill” usinon filler forthemidface. First, whatiscosmetic filler? “Cosmeticdermal filleris a cleargel-like substancemadeof hyaluronicacid. Itisinjectedwithaneedleorplacedstrategicallywitha cannulatolifttheskin where there isdroopingintheface, filllinesintheskin,orchangetheshapeandcontourof thelips. Hyaluronicacidis what our own collagenismade ofsoourbodiestendtobeacceptingofitand evenwill crosslinkour owncollagenwithit” , explainsDr.Norris. How is fillerusedinthemidface? “When a patient’smainconcernisthechangesintheirface related to aging,oneofthe firstthingsIdoisassessthemiddle oftheirface. When we meetanotherperson,themidface isoureyes’ focus. Whenthemiddleofthefaceiswider andfullerthanthelowerpartoftheface,ourbrainsays that person appears youngerandmore pleasingtothe eye. I love togive patientsliftintheirface by placing fillerinthelateral cheek and a more rested appearance by liftingtheanteriorcheek which reflectsmorelightunder theeye. Sometimespatients alsohave what Icallatear trough, whichisgeneticandcancausethemto appear verytired. Itisacomma-shapeddepressionunderthe eye that iscaused by thinskinsittingon a bony rimunder theeye. Itcauses a dark shadow. Fillingteartroughs with fillerisoneofthemost rewardingproceduresthat Idobecauseit veryquicklytakes away thattiredlook!” describesDr.Norris.

Whatistheprocedureliketohave fillerinjectedin themidfaceandwillpatientshave downtime?

“This fillerprocedureis relatively painlessusing my injectionmethod. I have beeninjecting filler for9 yearsandhave really gottoapoint where evenpatients withneedlephobiadogreatwiththeprocedure!Iutilize manydifferentmodalitiesto keeptheneedlesticksand discomforttoabareminimum.Itisstillpossibletogeta bruiseduringtheprocedure, sopatientsshouldbe aware ofthis, sotheydonotplantheprocedure rightbefore abig event.Bruisescanbehardtocoverunless youare a make-upartist,andtheytypically take 7-14daysto resolve. Itis alsopossibletohave alittle swellingpostprocedure, but nothingthat wouldcausedown-timefrom work”,addsDr.Norris.

Howlongdoestheproceduretakeandhowlong withthe resultslast?

Dr. Norriscontinues, “In my office, theprocedure takes aboutthirtyminutesdependingontheamountof fillerneededtocorrectthe volumelossofthecheeksand howdeeptheteartroughsare. Priortotheprocedure, I take picturesofthepatient’s faceanddiscussthe procedure withthepatienttomake sure we are onthe samepageasfarasthe resultstheyareseeking.I apply a topical numbingcreamtotheareas we are goingto treat,andthepatientusuallysitswiththiscreamon for tentotwentyminutes.Thetotaltimeintheofficeis6090minutes.Consideringthe resultswilllast at leastone year,thatisagreatuseofanhourofapatient’stimeto look youngerandmore rested! There isanimmediate improvementseenonthedayoftheprocedure, butthe final resultistwo to four weeks away asthe fillerwill expand a littlemore andany bruisingor swellingwill resolve overthattime.I alwaysask my patientstocome backtwo weeksaftertheproceduretoassesstheir results anddecideifanymoreisneeded.I alwaysprefertoerror onthesideof“underfilling” asInever want my patients tolook overdoneand we can alwaystweak their result with a littlemore filler. Mymidface fillerpatientsare amongstthehappiest whentheyleave.Can youimagine hearing“youlooktired” everydayof yourlifeandthen suddenlynotanymore!” If you are interestedinlearningmore, contact NicoleNorrisMDMedicalSpa foraconsultationwith their experiencedcosmeticphysicianinjectortoplan your ownmidface rejuvenation at 815-780-8264. Follow them onInstagram@nicolenorrismdor Facebooktoseebefore andafterpicturesofthisprocedure.



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