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Holiday traditions
By Shaw Media Staff
Although the pandemic may interrupt holiday traditions this year, Shaw Media staff members and correspondents reflected on some of their personal favorites. From cookie-baking to Christmas lights driving tours, many families look forward to not just the activities, but the time spent with friends and family.
Jeanette Smith, Advertising Director
The Holidays are special to me because they are spent with family and friends. Spending Christmas Eve day with two of my best friends at a local restaurant has been a tradition that we started several years ago and it is something we look forward to every holiday. We have even made a point to take a photo posed in the same spot each year to mark the occasion (I don’t think we have aged a bit) It’s not about gifts, it’s about catching up and spending time together. Unfortunately, due to this crazy year we may not be able to get together this Christmas but I know come Dec. 24, 2021, we will be back to our yearly outing for many more years to come because... “It’s the tradition!”
Ali Braboy, Correspondent
At a time when so much has been canceled, I’m glad knowing one of my favorite holiday traditions will be around — Christmas lights. My love for the bright, flashing decorations was instilled at a young age. Our five-person family drove every year to view the Festival of Lights display in East Peoria. Driving in a packed car to Peoria is magical (the trip seemed longer back then). We were oohing and aahing at the prettiest displays, and my siblings and I most likely shouted which ones were the best displays (bigger is better, right?) I have a new favorite display as an adult: Celebration of Lights in La Salle. There are so many area businesses, organizations and individuals who care for our home and helped grow the display to what is today. Those twinkling lights make for some memorable dark, winter nights with people I love.
Goldie Rapp, Associate Editor
One of my favorite holiday traditions is getting together with a dear friend the week before Christmas to bake Christmas cookies to take to our family gatherings. With work, kids and busy everyday life in general, we don’t get to see each other as often as we like, but for the past five years, we’ve always ensured no matter how busy we get around the holidays, we will always set time aside for this special tradition. Each year we coordinate what cookies we’re going to make and plan an afternoon/ evening of baking and catching up on life. We try new cookie recipes each year, and I have to admit some years the recipes have been better than others. But no matter how awful or how great the recipe, the getting together, talking away about life and getting into the holiday spirit with one another is what makes this tradition worth it every year.
Tammie Sloup, Regional Editor
A relatively new tradition in my family is an annual bake-a-thon every December. The aunts and cousins (I’m in the cousins group) meet at my aunt’s house early in the morning in our pajamas and spend the morning baking and decorating cookies. (The cousins do more of the decorating and sipping mimosas while the aunts bake). As the aunts bring tray after tray of sugar cookies to us to decorate, sprinkles and frosting wind up on our shirts, in our hair, on the floor and the table. We proudly hold up our creations, soliciting compliments on our cookies decorated like reindeer and snowmen. There’s about a dozen of us, and after about five years we’ve got the process down to a science (at least the aunts do). By lunchtime, we’re ready to pack up our containers with the freshly-baked treats, including kolaczkis, sugar cookies, gingerbread, and peanut butter blossoms, among others, and head home for a much needed nap.
Kim Shute, Reporter
Since my oldest was a toddler, we have a tradition of driving around town on Christmas Eve to look at the Christmas lights. The first time we went I think she must have only been about 2 or 3 and I told her we could get an eggnog milkshake. My husband made the fatal error of assuming she’d wait until the end of the drive so we spent the entire time listening to her lose it over getting her milkshake instead of enjoying the lights. After that rookie error, he learned the treats have to come first. She’s old enough to drive this year (!) so maybe it’s time to turn over the keys and enjoy the lights as a passenger.
Annette Barr, Correspondent
Traditions can be funny as they sometimes stem from seemingly random events. One Christmas Eve in the early 2000s my mom and I celebrated with a couple of cousins and my great-great aunt whom had found themselves without plans. We had so much fun together that the next year my cousin Kandis hosted what has become an annual Christmas Eve party. More family has joined the festivities throughout the years. Kandis makes lasagna. Brenda bakes and brings a tower of treats. Kerri always brings some yummy appetizer. My mom usually makes spinach dip. And once we’ve eaten, we gather in the living room and split into two teams for a game of Catch Phrase. There have been such memorable words and phrases such as scrimshaw and martial law. One of the most giggle inducing was delivered by an uncle, Marv. He looked at the game as the time ticked and sat silently. We all looked at him expectantly when finally he bellowed “horny!” Turns out he was describing a prickly pear. I don’t remember if anyone guessed it, but with a laugh like that, we were all winners.
Nine Reindeer Recommended MedSpaProcedures
SoonSantaandhis reindeerwillbecoursingacrossthe worldand manyofuswillbecelebratingtheholidaysandtheendof2020! NicoleNorrisMDMedicalSpain Peru,IllinoisandSanta’s nine reindeerhave teameduptocreateninefabulousDecember promotionsonsomeoftheirmostpopularprocedures.
Dr.NicoleNorris explains,“Ourholidaygifttobothour currentandnewpatientsthis yearincludesnine waystoindulge inself-care whilesavingsignificantlyonsomeofourmost wanted medicalspaprocedures. Eachofferis Reindeer Recommended! Youcanchooseoneorchoosethem all, but yourprocedures mustbecompletedinDecemberand youmaynotchoosethe same Reindeer Recommendationtwice.Below, allthe Reindeer Recommendedproceduresarelistedwithabrief explanation. Did youknowSanta’s Reindeer were allfemales?Ofcourse,they were!”
Dasher’s Recommendation- Signature HYDRAFACIAL with
dermaplaning$220(save $30) Sincesheisthefastest reindeer, thefastest waytogetHoliday readyiswithaHydraFacial.No downtimeand yourskinwillglow for weeksafter!Thisprocedure combines hydradermabrasion, extractions, a chemical peel andstimulates your owncollagenproductionwithinfusionof hyaluronicacidandLED red-lighttherapy.
Dancer’s Recommendation-Co2LASERSKINRESURFACING
ofthe FacewithPRFandIPL$2500(save $800) Danceristhe mostsocialand extroverted reindeer.Sheusuallyhaslotsof social eventsto attendduringtheholidays butthis year,notas much! Fractional ablative skin resurfacingisourmostpowerful procedureto rejuvenatetheskinofthefaceintermsofsmoothing outwrinklesand buildingcollagen, butthereis3-5daysof downtimeaftertheprocedure. Applying your ownplasmaafter theprocedureimproveshealingtimeandamplifies results.IPL lasertargetsbrownspotsand red vessels.
Prancer’s Recommendation- CANDY CANE FACIAL with
dermaplaning$85(save $15) Sheisthe reindeer who always must lookherbest,soshe recommendsmonthlyfacialsandthisone, good for allskintypes,isherfav!
Vixen’s Recommendation-MICRONEEDLINGWITHPRF$450
(save $150) This reindeerismagicalandsoitthisprocedure which magicallyerases finelinesandwrinklesnaturallyby using your ownplasma(platelet-rich fibrin)afterapainless blood-draw and microneedlingprocedure.
Comet’s Recommendation-DRAWADISCOUNTonaONE-
TIMEPRODUCTPURCHASEinDecember Cometlovesgames andthisoneiseasy. Comein foranyprocedureandDraw a Candycanewithuptoa20%discountwrittenonitand receive thatdiscounton yourproductpurchasethatday!Make yourlist andcheckittwice! Cupidisthemostaffectionate reindeer,andshe wants everyoneto feelgood abouthowtheylookinthemirror! Warmsculptingvia ourSculpSurelaserisa25-minute procedurethatpermanently destroysan averageof25%oftheunwantedfatintroublesome areas.
Donner’s Recommendation- MICRONEEDLING $350 (save
$150) Donnermeansthunderand wasnamed forherthundering hooves. We willhearthunderingofshoes when allourpatients rushin forourmostpopularanti-agingprocedure forlines, looseskinandbrownspots.Microneedlingis alsocalledcollagen inductiontherapyandisanatural waytoturnbackthehandsof timeortreatscarringwithnopainordown-time.
Blitzen’s Recommendation-IPLPhotofacial$350(save $150)
Blitzenislightningfastandthisprocedureprovidesimmediate improvementinlesseningbrownspotsand red vesselsonthe face.IPLPhotofacialisalasertreatmentwithmild rednessand swellingimmediately aftertheprocedureandbestdoneinthe wintermonths whenpatientsarenottan.
Rudolph’s Recommendation-RETINOLPEEL$200(save $100)
RudolphisSanta’sguidinglight.Thisdeeppeelis forthose whohave hadapeelbeforeandwishtolightenbrownspotsand brightentheirskin,as wellhassmoothout finelines.Lightpeeling maylast10days.Thispeelisonlydoneinphysician’s officesand you must avoidintensesun exposure foramonthafterwards. Dr.Norriscontinues,“Pleasecallormessageusif we canhelp you inany wayoranswer yourquestions.Enjoythisjoyoustimeofthe yearwiththeones youlove inpersonordigitally!MyteamandI wish youhappyholidays!” .
Cupid’s Recommendation- Get an additional SCULPSURE treatmentcycleonanareaofthebodythat youhave alreadytreated for$950oranadditionalsubmental(doublechin)treatment for $500!NewSculpSurepackagesare10%off!(save upto$850) Learnmoreabouteachprocedureat NicoleNorrisMD.comorby followingNicoleNorrisMDMedicalSpaon Facebook,Instagram or Twitter.Call815-780-8264toschedule yourappointmentornew patientconsultation.
IVCH Physiciansare AcceptingNewPatients
LASALLE LaSalleMedicalClinic 128BucklinSt. Phone:815-220-7170 RicardoCalderon,MD ElizabethStuart,FNP
HygienicInstitute 2970ChartresSt.,Lasalle Phone:815-223-0196 KaraFess,MD JamieBond,FNP LenaBeale,APN
OGLESBY/UTICA Oglesby/UticaMedicalClinics 520 West WalnutSt.,Oglesby 2937N.ILRoute178,Utica Phone:815-883-3588 KellyDeBoer,MD, PatriciaBlackburn, PA-C BritnaeLewis,FNP
PERU PeruMedicalClinic 920 WestSt.,Suite117 Phone:815-223-3500 MarioCote,MD, FACP ToddKuzma, PA-C Peru Primary Care Clinic 920 WestSt.,Bldg.B,lowerlevel Phone:815-223-9214 MarkFernandez,MD AnjuPatel,MD Michelle Vasquez,MD Hallie Koncieczki,FNP
Illinois ValleyOrthopedics 920 WestSt.,Suite211 Phone:815-223-2143 RobertMitchell,DO ConnorKasik,DO DebraPyszka, PA-C CatherineRenk, PA-C JordanRivett, PA-C
IVCH CareToday Walk-inClinic Locatednexttothe lllinois ValleyYMCA Phone:815-780-3855 Hours: Weekdays9a.m.–5p.m. Weekendsandmostholidays 10a.m.–4p.m.
IVCHENTandAllergy Center 920 WestSt.,Bldg.B, lowerlevel Phone:815-223-4400 JenniferSangston,AuD Angela Vezzetti, PA-C Maher Younes,MD IVCHOccupationalHealth 925 WestSt.,(insideIVCH), lowerlevel Phone:815-780-3202 Deb Tostovarsnik,APN
IlanBornstein,MD AnnaBida-Dudan,MD DanaHoffman,DNP, CNM Barbara Tieman,CNM,FNP BrittanyLange,CNM JacquelineMa,DNP, CNM
IVCH Woundand Hyperbaric Center 14036thSt. Phone:815-780-3834 MehulSoni,MD Nicholas Vogelsang,DPM
STREATOR IVCH StreatorMedicalClinic 104E.BridgeSt. Phone:815-672-0567 IndraPal,MD
areopen forallyourmedical needsduringthispandemic.
Sanitizingmeasures,social distancingandmask requirements arepracticedatallofourclinics.
Youmaycontinuetoseeyour healthcare providerinperson,orif appropriate,youmayschedulea telehealth visitviayourcomputeror (L to R): Barbara Tieman, Dana Hoffman, sees patients at mobiledevice.Contactustoday. Brittany Lange, and Jacqueline Ma provides Valley Or care thop at ed Illino ics. is the LaSalle Clinic. Medical .........................................................................................................................