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Serving Ogle County since 1851

OREGON Republican Reporter

January 2, 2014 Volume 164, Number 3 - $1.00

Dixon Tourney

A New Year

Altered Records

The Lady Hawks finished seventh at Dixon by playing 2-2 basketball last week. B1

2013 has come and gone—have a Happy New Year!

Some Ogle County credit card statements were altered. A7

Park district waiting for study results Archaeological survey is part of IDNR rules By Vinde Wells Editor Oregon Park District officials are awaiting the results of an archaeological survey before making any definite plans for newly acquired property along the Rock River near Daysville. Executive Director Erin Folk said Monday that the survey is part of the requirements set by the Illinois Department of Natural Resource (IDNR). The survey results, she said, will determine exactly what can be done on the 10 wooded acres recently donated to the park district by Craig and Bette Williams. The transaction was official on Nov. 25. The area will be kept as natural as possible, Folk said, to preserve the native plants, trees, and wildlife in the area. “We’re hoping to preserve the land and make it a natural space rather than a developed park,� she said. “We’re very fortunate to have this piece

of property. We don’t have anything like it.� Preliminary plans calls for walking trails, a fishing pier, and possibly a canoe launch. The gift was an answer to the park district’s search for just the right piece of property. Park district officials learned sometime ago that they were required by the IDNR to replace the 6.3 acres on 10th Street that they sold several years ago to the Rock River Center because that property was originally purchased by the City of Oregon using an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant from the IDNR. The park district sold the property to the Rock River Center for $1 in 2007. The land must be replaced with property of equal or greater value, Folk said, and the property near Daysville will fulfill that requirement. “We had been looking for property and when this became available it was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up,� Folk said. The property will be called Jack’s Landing, in keeping with the wishes of the Williamses, she said.

Two fires in Oregon cause little damage By Vinde Wells Editor

Bald Eagle Watching The Ill. 64 bridge over the Rock River in Oregon was a popular location Saturday to view bald eagles. Above top, a mature bald eagle flies off a perch in a tree near the bridge. Above left, an immature bald eagle soars over the bridge. Above right, a group of bird watchers have cameras and binoculars at the ready. Photos by Chris Johnson

Oregon School District employees to pay less for insurance premiums By Vinde Wells Editor Unlike most private and public employers, the Oregon School District will pay less for employee health insurance premiums in the coming year. The Oregon School Board approved a plan with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Dec. 16 that means the overall cost to the district will be 1.4 percent less than last year. “That doesn’t happen very often,� said Superintendent Tom Mahoney. “I was very pleased we were able to do this.� He said the decrease was accomplished through a competitive bidding process with Blue Cross Blue Shield

and another company. The district shares the cost of insurance with employees. In some cases, employees will also see a decrease in their premiums, while others will have a modest increase. The district’s portion of the health insurance cost will be $1.1 million under the new plan. For Oregon Education Association (OEA) members, the district pays 88 percent of the premium cost for an eligible employee, 84 percent for the employee and spouse, 84 percent for the employee and children, and 77 percent for family coverage. For Oregon Education Support Personnel Association (OESPA) members, the district pays

In This Week’s Edition...

92.5 percent of the premium cost for an eligible employee, 60 percent for the employee and spouse, 60 percent for the employee and children, and 60 percent for family coverage. In another matter, the board approved spending $671,560 for additional Health & Life Safety work to the school’s building. Mahoney said the amount is within the $7.5 million approved Oct. 21 for Health & Life Safety projects. The additional projects include more security cameras at various school entrances, repairs to the doors of the band room at Oregon High School, additional electrical outlets and upgrades to transformers at OHS and

Church News, A5 Classifieds, B5-B8 Entertainment, A6 Library News, A3

Two fires in Oregon early this week resulted in no major damage to structures. Oregon Fire Chief Don Heller said a skid loader caught on fire Sunday morning in a building at Blackhawk Lumber, 800 E. Washington St. (Ill. 64) and a conveyor belt caused a fire Monday morning at Unimin Corporation, 1446 W. Devil’s Backbone Rd. No one was injured in either fire, Heller said. The cause of the skid loader fire has not yet been determined. The business has been closed for sometime. “No one was around. It may have been a mechanical malfunction in a block heater,� Heller said. “It’s under investigation.� The skid loader was destroyed, but the building

Oregon Elementary School, removing and replacing existing phone cables, and adding air-conditioning in six server rooms. The majority of the Health & Life Safety work — an estimated $7.1 million — will be for the new heating and cooling system. In October, the board hired Chevron Energy Solutions, Chicago, to oversee the projects, which will include installing geothermal By Chris Johnson systems to heat and cool Reporter Oregon High School and Oregon Elementary School, A house in the 100 block improving security at all the district’s buildings and of North Sixth street, owned by the Oregon Public Library repairing a water main. Estimates show that District, was demolished in mid December. Turn to A2 “The house had some

Marriage Licenses, A4 Oregon Police, B3 Public Voice, B2 Property Transfers, B4

housing it was not damaged. The fire was reported around 9 a.m. Stillman Valley Fire Department was called for mutual aid. Firefighters remained on the scene for approximately an hour. A conveyor belt used to move sand got stuck and caught on fire at Unimin around 8:30 a.m. Monday, Heller said. The only damage was to the belt, he said. Mt. Morris, Byron, and Franklin Grove Fire Departments assisted at the scene. Heller said several more departments were called for mutual aid, but were turned back before they arrived. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire, Heller said, and remained on the scene for and hour and 15 minutes.

Oregon Library District demolishes home on N.6th

Sheriff’s Arrests, B3 Social News, A4 Sports, B1 State’s Attorney, B4

damage including water damage,� said board president Scott Stephens. “We decided it made better financial sense to demolish the structure.� Stephens said the costs to repair the property were cost prohibitive for a rental Turn to A2

Deaths, B2 John D. Basler, Danny Beck, Helen M. Erdmier, Dorothy M. Hartje, John R. Heckman, Theodore R. Norris, Joan R. Strauss


Oregon Republican Reporter, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A2

Oregon Beat


Ogle gets $150,000 grant for water, sewer projects Ogle County has been awarded a $150,000 state grant for water and sewer work where systems are at risk of failure. A press release from Governor Pat Quinn Dec. 26 said the county will receive an emergency set-aside fund grant. The money is earmarked for the design of a sewage treatment plant in White Rock Township to address sewage flowing into a creek that feeds the Rock River. Quinn announced $299,000 in state investments in northern Illinois to Rebel, now 12 weeks old, makes himself at home during a recent visit to the Ogle support critical public works County Newspapers office in Oregon. Photo by Vinde Wells improvements, part of nearly $2 million statewide to help rural communities improve their water and sewer systems. Carroll County will receive $149,000 for design sewer line and lift station improvements in Savanna.

Pup helps man over holidays

by direct application to the federal government. Most of the money is for design work on water and sewer lines, with a portion dedicated to emergency needs. The funds originate from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and are administered by the DCEO. “These investments are crucial to healthy water services in communities statewide,� DCEO Director Adam Pollet said. “Investing in sanitary public works projects will not only directly benefit health and quality of life, it will also help create job opportunities in these communities.� Statewide, investments totaling $1.996 million were made in 17 rural low-income communities, and with the required local matching funds the total expenditure will be $2.095 million.

Unemployment rates increase

By Vinde Wells Editor

By Pam Eggemeier Sauk Valley Media

An empty spot in a Mt. Morris man’s heart was unexpectedly filled a few weeks before Christmas. Chris Corcoran keenly felt the loss several months ago of his 13-year-old golden retriever, Rusty. A rescue dog from a Rockford shelter, Rusty had been Corcoran’s constant companion for a decade when he died last June. “He was my best friend,� Corcoran said during an interview in August. A new furry friend came into his life on Nov. 11 when he adopted Rebel, an eightweek-old Labrador retriever puppy. “He doesn’t take Rusty’s place, but he sure helps,� Corcoran said. “He’s a really good dog.� As if in response, the friendly pup snuggled into his new owner’s arms and nuzzled his face. Rebel was the last puppy in a locally-bred litter. The owner was moving and couldn’t take the pup with her.

The press release said the grants are part of Quinn’s agenda to create jobs and bolster the state’s infrastructure while improving health and safety in Illinois. “These projects are vital to central Illinois and support basic community needs,� Quinn said in the press release. “Investing in infrastructure in Carroll and Ogle Counties is creating jobs and providing a foundation for a healthier and safer Illinois.� The investments were made under the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO)’s Community Development Assistance Program, which targets areas with populations of less than 50,000 that are outside of urban counties. Larger towns and cities are eligible for similar funding

Chris Corcoran, Mt. Morris, holds Rebel, his new Labrador retriever puppy. Photo by Vinde Wells

An animal lover, Corcoran was more than pleased to help out and readily took Rebel home with him. The dog has settled in the routine at his new home, playing with the other dogs and gnawing on a few things he shouldn’t. “He likes to chew belts and cords,� Corcoran said with a rueful chuckle. Rebel goes most places with his new owner and even sleeps with him. “He likes to be rocked to sleep,� Corcoran said.

Besides Rusty, Corcoran has rescued numerous dogs and cats over the years and urges everyone to consider shelter animals when choosing a pet. “They’re good animals that are just waiting to go home with you,� he said. Pets are also a good solution for anyone who lives alone, Corcoran believes. “For people who are lonely, get a dog or a cat,� he said. “Animals are great companions. They lift your spirits.�

District demolishes one rental home From A1 east side of Sixth Street next to the Oregon Post Office. property. The Oregon Public Library Library officials had owns the vacant lots on the

planned to build a new library on the site, however a referendum last year was rejected by the voters.

Unemployment rates were up throughout the Sauk Valley in November, despite holding steady statewide and dropping nationally during that period. The jobless rate in Illinois was 8.3 percent last month, the same as it was in October. Nationally, the jobless rate dropped to 6.6 percent, from 7 percent, during that period. Bureau County saw the greatest increase in the area, jumping from 8.1 to 9.0 percent from October to November. Lee County’s jobless rate rose to 9.0 percent in November, up from 8.3 percent the previous month.

Ogle, Carroll and Whiteside counties all experienced a 0.5 percentage-point increase in November. Year over year, jobs were added in seven of the 12 metropolitan areas tracked by the Illinois Department of Employment Security. The Rockford and Peoria metro areas were among those that lost jobs since November 2012. The IDES attributed the November job losses to “a temporary slowdown in global manufacturing demand.� The metro areas experiencing the most significant job losses have large agriculture-related manufacturing employers such as John Deere, Caterpillar and ADM. Seasonal cutbacks in

manufacturing operations are not uncommon at the end of the year, and oftentimes ramp up again after the holidays. “Manufacturing, farm employers and construction can have big seasonal swings this time of year,� said John Thompson, president and CEO of Lee County Industrial Development Association. “They use seasonal shutdowns to adjust production schedules at the end of the year.� Local companies do not report layoffs to his office. County and city officials are notified if they are of the mass variety and require official public reporting under provisions of the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act.

Geothermal work to begin in Feb. From A1 operating the new system, even with cooling included, will cost less than what the district is now spending, Mahoney said. Digging the wells for the geothermal systems is expected to begin in February, with the other work scheduled to start after school is out.

The projects will be completed by the time classes start next fall, Mahoney said. The junior high in Mt. Morris cannot be included as part of a Health & Life Safety project, Mahoney said, because its heating system, installed in the early 2000s, is too new and still works. The Health & Life Safety process only allows for

replacement of equipment that has functioned for the duration of its useful life or has a catastrophic failure, he said. However, he said district officials are considering options for air-conditioning at the junior high and plan to install a cooling system in time for the beginning of the 2015-16 school year.

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Ogle County Newspapers

121A South 4th Street, Box 8, Oregon, IL 61061

Publisher of the Oregon Republican Reporter, Polo's Tri-County Press, Forreston Journal, and Mt. Morris Times


Republican Reporter


Serving the Oregon area since 1851 The Oregon Republican Reporter is published weekly by Ogle County Newspapers, a division of the B.F. Shaw Printing Co. The Oregon Republican Reporter was founded in 1851 as the Ogle County Reporter. In 1889, the Ogle County Republican, a competing newspaper, was started. In 1890, the Republican was sold to Ziba Landers. Upon his death in 1939, the newspaper was assumed by his son, Ernest D. In March 1951, Paul F. Behan, owner of the Reporter, and E.D. Landers and his son E.G. (Tim) Landers united the newspapers into the Republican Reporter. Ernest D. Landers died in 1966, and E.G. and Behan became partners. Eventually, E.G. Landers assumed sole ownership, and in 1985 he sold the newspaper to B.F. Shaw Printing of Dixon, publisher of the Sauk Valley Newspapers. Ogle County Newspapers also prints the Mt. Morris Times, Forreston Journal, and Polo's Tri-County Press.

Northern Illinois Newspaper Association

The Oregon Republican Reporter is produced every week by: General Manager: Earleen Hinton Senior Editor: Vinde Wells Advertising Sales: Lori Walker Reporters: Jason Hickman Chris Johnson

The Oregon Republican Reporter (USPS No. 411-420) is published weekly by B.F. Shaw Printing Co. Subscription rates are $39.00 in Ogle County, and $52.00 a year elsewhere in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Oregon, Illinois. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oregon Republican Reporter, P.O. Box 8, Oregon, IL 61061. Phone: 815-732-6166.

Oregon Beat


Oregon Republican Reporter, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A3

Boys of Co. M, 3rd Reg welcomed home in 1898 Editor’s note: Otto Dick, Oregon, has researched the people, places, and events important in Oregon’s history for the Ogle County Historical Society. The following is part of a series of the articles he has written. By Otto Dick This story titled, “Soldiers Banqueted”, is from the Nov. 24, 1898 Oregon newspaper. “Our boys banqueted and treated by their friends at home—They did it up brown—Splendid program enjoyed by nearly two hundred guests. “We feel that it is safe for us to assert that not since the erection of the Presbyterian Church, twenty years ago, has there been seated at well laden tables in the first floor of the church edifice a larger or jollier crowd that which assembled there last Thursday evening, intent upon extending a hearty welcome to our boys of Co. M., 3rd Reg. Ill., Vol., lately home from several months service in Puerto Rico”.

The guests of honor were Bert Newcomer, Charles Currier, George Currier, Fred Newcomer, Ed Myers, Fred Beaman, and Ralph Nye. The speakers included Col. B. F. Sheets, Rev. R. H. Nye, Attorney Horace Kauffman, and Judge J. B. Cartwright and others. Corporal R. F. Nye represented the returning soldiers addressing the crowd at the church. He was the son of Rev. R. H. Nye minister of the Oregon Presbyterian Church. Corporal Nye married Edith Hastings of Oregon in 1903. He was a cashier of the Ogle County State Bank and later was probation officer in Ogle County. Corporal Nye and Fred Newcomer are buried in Riverview Cemetery located across from Blackhawk. Kris Gilbert, in a report about military men buried in Ogle County stated, “To the best of my ability, I have determined there are eight Spanish American War veterans buried in Ogle County.”

Theodore Roosevelt & his Rough Riders. Photo supplied Judge J.B. Cartwright was This is a photo of B. F. a speaker at the event. Sheets, Oregon. Photo the Philippine Islands. young men from Rochelle Supplied by Otto Dick supplied by Otto Dick This was the location and Oregon.

Phil Nye is a grandson of Corporal R. F. Nye. Phil is a practicing attorney with the Fearer, Nye and Chadwick law firm located in Oregon and Rochelle. The Spanish American War was a result of Cuba’s struggle for independence. We had millions of dollars invested in businesses in Cuba and U. S. citizens lived in Cuba. In January of 1898 the U. S. sent the battleship Maine

to Havana Harbor to protect American interests. At 9 p.m. on the evening of Feb. 15, an explosion ripped the hull sending the ship to the bottom of the harbor and killing 266 of the 345 crew members. President William McKinley declared war on April 25, 1898. The first major battle of this war against Spain was fought in the Pacific in the harbor of Manila located in

of Commodore George Dewey’s heralded defeat of the Spanish Fleet. Most of the fighting against Spain took place in Cuba. Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders fought there giving him fame which elevated him to governor of New York and finally President of the United States. Company M Third Regiment recruited at Rochelle was composed of

They were sworn into service May 7, 1898 at the Exposition Building at the State Fairgrounds at Springfield. On July 27 their unit departed for Puerto Rico. This war lasted only four months. Four months after Company M departed for Puerto Rico “Our boys were banqueted and treated by their friends at home.”

Oregon Library News “If someone thinks a library is just a warehouse for books, it’s because they haven’t used it.” — Marion Moss Hubbard, San Diego Public Library Senior Public Information Officer December Distraction Update Congratulations to, Annette, Caleb, Pam,Terry, Candice, Heather, Donna and Wendy, the lucky recipients of the December Distraction Drawing. More than 526 entries were received. Thank you to all who participated. Enjoy reading.

Friends of the Library will be Sharon Atkins of Roscoe. The presentation will be on Monday, Jan. 13, 7 p.m. at the Oregon United Methodist Church. Atkins will present an unusual program regarding the elaborate and strict rules surrounding Victorian mourning customs. She has presented her program to historical groups, DAR groups, genealogical societies, National Cemetery Associations, as well as hundreds of students.

Library Book Clubs The Rock River Center Book Club will meet on Friends of the Library Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 12:30 Program p.m. at the Rock River Center The January program for to discuss At Home by Bill

Bryson. The Afternoon Book Club will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 1 p.m. at the library to discuss The Giver by Lois Lowry.

Decade Soaking in Great Books by Jess Walter Emotional First Aid by Guy Winch, Ph.D. Solve Your Money Troubles Debt, Credit and Bankruptcy by Robin Leonard

Preschool Story TIme A new story time session will begin on Thursday, Jan. Coping with Concussion 9 at 10:30 a.m. Story Time is and Mild Traumatic Brain designed for 3 to 6 year olds. Injury by Diane Roberts Registration is requested. Stoler New Non-Fiction Releases Inside the Dream Palace by Sherill Tippins What Will It Take to Make a Woman President? By Marianne Schnall All The Odes by Ilan Stavans Ten Years in the Tub: A

The Everyday Dash Diet Cookbook by Marla Heller, MS, RD The library is located at 300 Jefferson St. For more information and accessibility accommodations, call 815732-2724. Oregon Public Library is located at 300 Jefferson St. and is open Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Photo supplied

Reading Matters Strategies for understanding nonfiction text By Mary Gardner Reading Specialist Last month we looked at the benefits of encouraging our children and grandchildren to explore nonfiction books. These kinds of books offer a world of information about all kinds of topics, but they also present special reading challenges. This month we’ll look at some ways to improve understanding of nonfiction text. A fundamental difference between stories, or fiction, and nonfiction is the structure. Stories center on characters, setting, events, and usually a problem and a solution. Nonfiction texts focus on a topic and many details. They are generally packed with facts.

However, there are features of nonfiction texts that help the reader. There is often a table of contents that helps us locate specific topics. There may also be an index in the back that we can use to look up certain subjects. Very often there is a glossary that gives definitions of technical terms used in the book. As we read nonfiction books with our children and grandchildren we can look for these features. Explore them together and use them to increase understanding of the material. There are several other features of nonfiction text that help readers. Many nonfiction texts use bold print to highlight the more technical words that may be unfamiliar. Often the other words in the sentence help with the meaning of the new word. It is good to stop and talk about those words and what they might mean. Captions under photographs and illustrations also contain

important information. Sometimes there is information there that is not found in the text itself. Many times young readers choose to skip those captions. We can encourage our children and grandchildren to notice, read, and talk about what was learned from the captions. For books that have them, headings can also be helpful in several ways. Headings are also often in bold print. They tell what that section is going to be about. If a longer textbook reading has been assigned, it can help to break it down by reading the section that follows a heading, then stopping and talking about that part before going to the next section. Headings can also be turned into questions to help students study. For example, a heading in a science text might be Plants in the Pond. We can change it to a question like: What kinds of plants are there in ponds? Then we can try to answer our

questions using information from that section. One thing that often encourages reluctant readers is that you do not have to read an information book from cover to cover, depending on your purpose for reading. The reader can look through a book to find what is most interesting. Each time you look at a nonfiction book you can look at different pages and find new information, using these special features to increase our understanding. We can encourage our children’s and grandchildren’s natural curiosity about the world as we read nonfiction books with them. We can help them understand what is read by noticing and noting these special features of nonfiction books.



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Recycle Your Christmas Tree! Locations: Oregon: Park District Maintenance Dept., Hill St. Byron: Sunshine Park, Illinois Rte. 2 & So. Peru St. Forreston: 407 N. Locust St. Leaf River: 208 Railroad St., near sewage treatment plant Rochelle: Atwood Park, 10 th Ave. & 20 th St. Monroe Center: Lichty’s Landscaping, 309 Pacific St. Polo: 410 N. Prairie St., between storage units. Rochelle residents: The City Street Department will chip trees at the curb the first two weeks of January. Saturday, January 11th, trees will be picked up at the curb by local high school FFA groups in these areas: Village of Mt. Morris, City of Polo, Baileyville, City of Oregon, Village of Adeline, German Valley, Byron area, & Village of Forreston.

Trees must be at the curb by 8AM, January 11th Remove all Decorations. No Wreaths, Garland, or Plastic Bags. Free mulch at the chipping site. Drop Off Ends January 19th, 2014 Any questions call Ogle County Solid Waste Mgmt. Dept. 815-732-4020

Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A4

Social News


Gale is featured artist at Freedom Lutheran’s Meet the Artist Night Event is Jan. 9 from 5-7 p.m.

Stillman Bank officials pose by some of the food items that were collected in December. Pictured, left to right, are: Pat Donahue, Meaghan Ashworth, Brad Currens, and Suzanne Thompson. Photo supplied

Stillman Bank customers and staff donate 900 lbs. of food to charities Area food pantries received a nice Christmas present thanks to efforts of a local bank and its customers. In conjunction with Stillman Bank’s annual Christmas Open House, the bank also held a food drive to benefit area families this Christmas. Almost 900 pounds of non-perishable food items were collected during the

weeklong event. Now in its fifth year, the bank’s annual food drive has collected almost 6,000 pounds of food since it began. The Christmas Food Drive kicked off at all Stillman Bank locations on Friday, Dec. 6 and continued through Saturday, Dec. 14. Donations were made just in time for Christmas

Irma Pair

Donna Jean Wallgren to mark 80th Donna Jean (Wolber) Wallgren, Mt. Morris, will celebrate her 80th birthday on Jan. 4. Cards and well-wishes may be sent to her at P.O. Box 132, Mt. Morris IL 61054.

Donna Jean Wallgren

Teen volunteers sought Serenity Hospice and Home is looking for additional teens for its new “VolunTeen� Program. Volunteer coordinator Pam Salvador-Gould started this new program in early December to engage teens in several service areas, such as assisting at Angel Treasures Resale Shop, summer gardening, assisting with fundraisers, playing instruments for patients at the Serenity Home, and other

High school seniors looking for ways to help finance their college engineering education can apply for a scholarship available from the Rock River Chapter of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers. Applications are available now until the application deadline of Jan. 17. Applications are available from high school guidance Once again the Driven counselors of all public and Disciples Relay for Life team private high schools in the will host four fundraising Rock River Chapter area potato bars for the American Cancer Society. The first potato bar of 2014 will be Sunday, Jan. 5 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Disciples United Methodist Church on the corner of Hitt Wendell Poppen, left, Street (Ill. 64) and Maple presented the Ogle Avenue in the fellowship hall County Pomona Grange of the church. Public Service Award to Join in for a baked potato Dennis Alderks recently with assorted toppings, at the annual meeting relishes, beverage, and a slice of the Ogle County Fair of homemade pie for $6 per Board. The award was person. presented to Alderks and Children ages 10 and his wife Sharon for their under eat for $3. Carryout is many hours of volunteer available for $1 more. work throughout the year Future potato bars will be at the fair. Photo supplied held on Feb. 2, March 2, and April 6.

Karla J. Byrd, D.C. R. Keith Webb, D.C.

Computer classes offered at Rock River Center

laptop, tablet or IPhone is also available by appointment. New group classes have been scheduled for 2014, the first being a series of three sessions designed to help any adult from 18 to 81, learn what it takes to search for a job in today’s job market. These hands-on classes will cover searching for perspective employers, completing on-line applications, writing cover letters, resumes and thankyou letters. This series is scheduled for Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. Jan. 7, 14 and 21. Rock River Center will be offering a three-part Basic Computer Class series in January. The first session on Thursday, Jan. 9 will provide an introduction to computers, computer terminology and

Ogle County Newspapers ! 3 &OURTH 3T /REGON s

May 2014 exceed all of your greatest expectations!


which includes Bureau, Carroll, Lee, Ogle and Whiteside counties in northwestern Illinois. Applications for scholarships are judged from national standard test scores, essays, transcripts, and extracurricular activities. Scholarships are available only for students attending an accredited engineering program. In our 2013-2014 scholarship cycle, the Rock River Chapter will award

at least one scholarship of $1,000. Last year the chapter awarded three $1,500 scholarships. Local scholarships are made possible by the Rock River Chapter through its annual scholarship fund raisers. For more information call Rock River Scholarship Chairman, Russ Renner, at 815-772-7651 (days) or 815973-2100 (evenings).

Rock River Center News


A toast to our good friends and customers at the start of a brand-new year:

Freedom Lutheran is a mission congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). They worship at Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center (LOMC) just south of Oregon Sundays at 9:45 a.m. During the week they maintain their downtown Welcome Center where they have a small fair trade shop, the art gallery, a community gathering area, and a coffee pot that is just about always on.

Service Award

activities to enhance the lives of patients in their final days. Teens meet periodically and are encouraged to come up with their own suggestions on ways to help patients and families serviced by Serenity Hospice and Home. By Linda Duffy Teens will not be working Activities Director directly with patients, but will Rock River Center provide non-direct support to patients and families served by Our Community Serenity Hospice and Home. Technology Center is the For more information, place to learn! call 815-732-2499. Whether you would like to begin with the basics of using the computer or you are ready P.C. to advance to the next level, 3 &RANKLIN s 0OLO ), Rock River Center is here to help. For those looking for “one-on-one� style training, appointments are currently being taken for individual "ONNIE -C+EAN instruction covering Basic /FlCE -ANAGER Computer, Microsoft Word, or Introduction to the Mon. & Wed. 9-8 Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-12 Fri. 9-5 Sat. 8-11:30 Internet. Help with your new


Chole Gale

Applications for scholarships due Jan. 17

Disciples to host potato bar Jan. 5 at 11 a.m.

Irma Pair to celebrate 89 years Irma Pair, Mt. Morris, will celebrate her 89th birthday on Jan. 31. A memory card shower would be greatly appreciated. Cards and notes may be sent to her at Pinecrest Manor, 414 S. Wesley Ave 1-7, Mt. Morris IL 61054.

to several area food pantries including: Bread of Life pantry at the Stillman Valley Covenant Church, People Helping People in Byron, Lifeline in Oregon, Hand in Hand in Rochelle, Old Stone Church pantry in Rockton, and the Rockford Rescue Mission. Bank officials thanked everyone who stopped by Stillman Bank to contribute.

Freedom Lutheran will have a meet the artist night for Chloe Gale, their new feature artist at the Freedom Lutheran Welcome Center at 111 S. Fourth Street in downtown Oregon. On Thursday, Jan. 9, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Gale will be available to discuss and answer questions about her oil paintings. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome. Freedom Lutheran plans on featuring a different artist on a bi-monthly basis. Gale is the second show the center has hosted since the Welcome Center’s grand opening in late October. For Gale, this is the first time she’s had an opportunity at a solo show. She’s been part of contests and other art

shows, but never the feature artist. Gale is currently an art student at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. As a Studio Art and Art History Major, she hopes to complete her bachelor’s degree after four years and then get her MFA (masters of fine arts) at an art school and one day become a college art professor. She has become involved in the Oregon art community throughout the past few years working on various commission works and selling her paintings at Artifacts in downtown Oregon. She was the winner of the Big Northern Conference art show in spring of 2013. As an oil painter, she has a unique and expressive art style. Through the use of color and contrast, she creates a cohesive collection of paintings of various subject matters.


an explanation of how the Internet works. The second session on Thursday, Jan. 16 will introduce Microsoft Word 2010 and managing files and folders. The topic for the third session on Thursday, Jan. 23 will be “Using the Internet.� “Organizing Your Digital Photographs� will cover organizing your photographs from your digital camera. Learn the basic file management to help you organize and save your photos by using software that may come with your camera and/or free software online. You will become familiar with the work area and learn to explore several different tools to store photographs. This class will be held on Friday, Jan. 31 from 9:30 to11:30 a.m.

All classes are held in the Rock River Center’s Community Technology Center, 810 S. 10th St. Oregon. Because space is limited, reservations are required and may be made by calling 815732-3252. The Community Technology Center has been made possible by a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. The center is open for public use on Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No fee is charged for use of computers or classes. Kathe Wilson, Cindy Kulas, Pennie Stevens and Mary Steele give their time to make classes available to the community.

Marriage Licenses Ogle County Clerk Chana. Rebecca Huntley issued the Ian M. Nelson, and following marriage licenses: Elizabeth V. Herriott, both of Tacoma, Wash. Dec. 23 Brit S. Dyer and Debra l. Jason M. Harper and Eryn Goetz, both of Rochelle. M. McCulloch, both of Rochelle. Dec. 26 Christopher S. Bishop, and Andrew P. Folk, Dakota, Angela M. Bishop, both of Sara F. Davis, Freeport.


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Church News

Oregon Republican Reporter, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A5


ADELINE ZION DISCIPLES UNITED EVANGELICAL METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH Hitt and Maple Streets, 9106 Cedar St. in Adeline Mt. Morris Leaf River 61047 Phone 815-734-4853 Phone 815-541-4863 Dwight Stewart, Pastor Sunday Services: Sunday, Jan. 5—9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship; 10:30 a.m. Coffee Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Hour; 10:45 a.m. Sunday School BAILEYVILLE Monday, Jan. 6—5:30 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Chime Choir; 6:45 p.m. 303 W. Franklin St., Chancel Choir Baileyville, 815-232-6222 Pastor Alan Cassel EAST JORDAN UNITED www. METHODIST CHURCH baileyvillebaptistchurch. 22027 Polo Rd., Sterling org 815-626-0104 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. Fellowship for all ages 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:40 a.m. Morning 10:45 a.m. Worship Worship Dave Jungnickel, Pastor 6:30 p.m. Evening service. Wednesday, 7 p.m. EAST OREGON CHAPEL Midweek Bible Study CHURCH OF GOD 107 N. Daysville Rd. BAILEYVILLE East Edge of Oregon REFORMED CHURCH Off Ill. 64 400 W. Center St. 815-732-2960 or Baileyville, 815-235-1201 815-732-6569 9 a.m. Sunday School Pastor Guthrie Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 10 a.m. Morning Worship Church 10:30 a.m. BETHEL UNITED EBENEZER REFORMED METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH 217 S. Hickory St., 2997 N. German Church Shannon Rd. Traditional Worship Two miles east of Oregon Service 9 a.m. on Ill. 64, then three miles Contemporary Worship north. 11:15 a.m. Pastor Brion Brooks Church Office BROOKVILLE and Phone: 815-732-6313 ELKHORN UNITED Director of Ministries METHODIST CHURCHES for Youth and Christian Brookville: Adult Sunday Education School 9:30 a.m. David Bordy Worship 10:30 a.m. 9 a.m. Sunday School 17725 W. Chamber St. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship in Brookville Roots Youth Ministry— Elkhorn: Worship 9 a.m. Wednesday 6:30-7:45 p.m. Adult Sunday School 10 Kids Clubs & Men’s & a.m. Corner of Wilson Mill & Women’s Bible Study— Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 Brick Church Roads p.m. CHANA UNITED EMMANUEL METHODIST CHURCH EVANGELICAL 606 Main St., Chana LUTHERAN CHURCH 61015 Office: 815-732-2424 815-732-7683 764 N. Stillman Road, chanaumc@gmail.com Oregon Pastor Javier Martinez (Payne’s Point) Adult & Children’s Pastor Andrew Kayes Education 9 a.m. Worship Service 9 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion Celebrated the First Sunday EVANGELICAL FREE of Each Month CHURCH OF MT. MORRIS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR 102 S. Seminary St. LUTHERAN CHURCH Mt. Morris 2035 Ill. Rt. 26, Dixon 815-734-4942 815-284-4554 Senior Pastor David Andermann, Pastor Bruce McKanna 815-632-6767 Associate Pastor 9 a.m. Worship Service Lance Mennen 10:20 a.m. Education Hour Thursday, Jan. 2—1:30 p.m. Women’s Bible Study CHURCH OF THE Saturday, Jan. 4—7 a.m. OPEN BIBLE Men’s Accountability Group 302 S. Franklin St., Polo Sunday, Jan. 5—8:30 Monte J. Cox, Pastor a.m. Sunday School; 9:30 815-946-2848 a.m. InnerMission; 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Worship Service (June, July, August 9:30 Tuesday, Jan. 7—9 a.m. a.m.) Ladies Prayer Circle; 5:30 We include children in our Sunday Worship experience p.m. Tutoring Club Wednesday, Jan. 8—6 “Kids are People, too� a.m. Mt. Morris Men’s Prayer Ages 3-10 are dismissed right after Praise & Worship. Meeting; 7 p.m. Concert of Prayer Casual, Contemporary, Log onto our website Non-Traditional at http://www.efcmm. Passion for God org to check out our latest Compassion for People opportunities and updates Visit Our Website: PoloOpenBible.org FAITH DISCOVERY CHURCH CROSSROADS 801 W. Oregon St., Polo COMMUNITY CHURCH, 815-946-3588 WHITE PINES CAMPUS Jeremy Heller, Pastor 205 N. Jefferson Ave., Polo 9 a.m. Sunday School Saturdays at 6 p.m. 10 a.m. Worship Service Sundays at 10 a.m. Nursery Available 815-837-5255 We are an independent nonwhitepines@crossroadscn. denominational Christian com church. Campus Pastor Visitors are always Chad Keeteman ext. 302 welcome. Youth Pastor Jose Garcia ext. 303 FAITH EVANGELICAL We offer contemporary LUTHERAN CHURCH worship and relevant Bible 402 Second Ave., teaching through Forreston engaging messages, and Church 815-938-3203 powerful video Pastor Scott Ralston Join us after the service “ A Church with a in our for coffee, snack & Heart — In the Heart of fellowship Forreston� Kidzlink Children’s Ministry Sunday, Jan. 5—9 a.m. (infant-5th grade)-during Worship Adult Services Crave Youth Group (6thFAITH UNITED 12th grade)- Wednesdays at METHODIST CHURCH 7 p.m. Mission Statement: Loving, Visit our website: www. Growing & Serving in Faith crossroadscn.com Handicapped Accessible 702 E. Dixon St., Polo 815-946-3212

Website: faithumcpolo Rev. Derek Rogers, Pastor 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Fellowship

CHURCH Church and Main Streets David Decker, Pastor 8:30 a.m. Worship Service

LEAF RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH 6941 N. Mt. Morris Rd., Leaf River - 815-738-2205 Email LRBC@lrnet1.com Pastor Randy Newton Sunday Praise and Worship Service at 9:30 a.m. (Nursery FIRST BAPTIST provided) PINE CREEK CHURCH Sunday School 11 a.m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH 505 Hill St., Oregon Wednesday Prayer/Bible 5076 S. Lowell Park Rd. www.fbcoregon.org Studies 6 p.m. Gregg Downs, Pastor 800-335-5065 Prayer Chain 738-2205 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 815-732-2642 or 738-2991 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Rev. Jerry Clark Sunday Night Prayer “A Christ-centered, meeting 6 p.m. POLO CHURCH OF THE Bible-believing, familyWednesday—Various BRETHREN oriented ministry.â€? Activities 5:30-8:30 p.m. Congress Ave. & Webster Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; St. Sunday Worship Service LEAF RIVER UNITED (The church is handicapped 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening METHODIST CHURCH accessible) Service 6 p.m.; Prayer Pastor David Poust Pastor Leslie Lake Meeting, Wednesday 7 p.m.; 104 E. Rt. 72, Leaf River 9:30 a.m. Family Worship transportation and nursery Sunday, Jan. 5—10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Time provided for all services. Worship Service & Children’s 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Church FIRST CHRISTIAN PRAIRIE DELL CHURCH LIGHTHOUSE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 609 S. 10th St., Oregon METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH 815-732-2359 4938 S. Daysville Rd., 16031 W. Coffman Rd., Grail Storm, Minister Oregon Shannon 815-732-7411 Pastor Javier Martinez Pastor Donna Gericke, Worship Service—10 a.m. Handicapped Accessible CLP If you haven’t found a Worship Service 9 a.m. 815-864-2448 church home, we invite you Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. to First Christian Church in Age Three through Worship 10 a.m. Oregon, where we accept Sixth Grade. 11:15 a.m. Fellowship one another just as Christ Everyone is Welcome Sunday, Jan. 5—Worship accepted us. Come as you are. with Communion MT. MORRIS Wednesday, Jan. 8—6-7 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE p.m. Hour of Prayer CHURCH (USA) BRETHREN Thursday, Jan. 9—5:45 200 S. Fifth St., Oregon Pastor Ginny Haney p.m. Worship Meeting; 6 p.m. Pastor Dave Bateman 409 W. Brayton Road Session; 6:30 p.m. Deacons; 815-732-2894 P.O. Box 2055 6:45 p.m. Trustees; 7:30 p.m. www.fpcoregon.com Mt. Morris, IL 61054 Corporate Handicapped Accessible Phone: 815-734-4573 Worship 10:30 a.m. Office hours Monday REVIVE COMMUNITY Holy Communion is served Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon CHURCH the first Sunday of each Friday, Jan. 3—9-10:30 8 E. Front Street; Mt. month. a.m. Women’s Fellowship Morris Sunday, Jan. 5—8:15 follow@revivemtm.com FIRST UNITED a.m. Prayer Service; 9:30 815-994-0428 METHODIST CHURCH a.m. Worship; 10:30 a.m. Southern Baptist 402 First Ave., Forreston Fellowship Time; 10:45 a.m. Saturday Night Revive Pastor David Poust Sunday School for All Ages Service 815-938-2380 Tuesday, Jan. 7—Quilting 5:30 p.m. Saturday Thursday, Jan. 2—6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Trustees Committee NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY 6-8 p.m. Monday Sunday, Jan. 5—9 a.m. OF GOD Worship, Children’s Program; 401 S. Eighth St., Oregon ST. BRIDE’S 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Pastor David Demmer EPISCOPAL CHURCH Monday, Jan. 6—8 a.m. AA 815-732-7404 1000 Ill. 64 West Open Meeting; 3-4:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. New Life Cafe Oregon Good News Club 10 a.m. Worship Service 815-732-7211 or Tuesday, Jan. 7—7 p.m. Girl 815-732-3328 Scouts NORTH GROVE www.saintbrides.org EVANGELICAL Email:saintbrides@ FLORENCE UNITED CHURCH verizon. net METHODIST CHURCH 10384 W. Coffman Rd., Services 2649 W. Florence Rd., Forreston Sunday-Holy Freeport Pastor Tim Hotchkiss Communion-8 and 10 a.m. Kathleen Brinkmeier, Church: 815-938-2194 Wednesday Healing Pastor Pastor’s Cell: 815-209Service-6 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 6838 Classes Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4—9 a.m.Children’s Sunday 12 p.m. Food Pantry & Thrift School-9 a.m. FORRESTON GROVE Shop Open at New Life Adult Sunday School-9 CHURCH Community Center a.m. 7246 N. Freeport Rd., Sunday, Jan. 5—9 a.m. (2nd & 4th Sunday) Forreston Sunday School; 10:05 a.m. St. Bride’s follows Presbyterian Church in Worship traditional AnglicanAmerica Tuesday, Jan. 7—9 a.m.- Episcopal church practices; 815-938-3605 12 p.m. Food Pantry & Thrift is biblically based and Jeremy Cheezum, Pastor Shop Open at New Life both family and individual 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Community Center oriented. 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Sunday, Jan. 12—Potluck Visitors are always Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. & Annual Meeting welcomed. Pioneer Club Thursdays, 7 p.m. Adult OREGON ST. JAMES LUTHERAN Study; 7:45 p.m. Choir CHURCH OF GOD CHURCH 860 W. Oregon Trail Rd. West Grove Road at FORRESTON Pastor Michael Hoffman Columbine Rd. REFORMED CHURCH 815-732-6847 Pastor Steve Erickson 501 Third Ave. You and your family are Sunday, Jan. 5—9:15 a.m. Tim Fry, Pastor invited to join us in worship Prayer Ministry Team; 9:30 9:30 a.m. Worship on Sunday, Jan. 5 at 10:30 a.m. Congregational Bible 10:45 a.m. Sunday School a.m. Study; 10:30 a.m. Divine Pastor Hoffman will give FREEDOM LUTHERAN the morning message, titled Worship with Communion; 11:45 a.m. Confirmation WORSHIPPING “A New Year, A New‌.â€? Lunch & Instruction COMMUNITY, ELCA During morning worship an Monday, Jan. 6—9:30 Pastor Jeff Schlesinger exceptionally fine Children’s a.m. WELCA Work Day 815-222-7270 Church is offered for children Saturday, Jan. 11—2 p.m. Sunday School 9 a.m. & 3 years old through Grade 5. WELCA Meeting Sunday Service 9:45 The Sunday School a.m. at Lutheran Outdoor Christmas Program has been ST. MARK’S Ministries Dining Hall rescheduled for this Sunday LUTHERAN 1834 S. IL Rt. 2 and will take place at 9:30 a.m. CHURCH (a mile south of Oregon) followed by refreshments. 201 N. Division Ave., Polo Welcome Center All are welcome. 815-946-2919 111 S. Fourth St, Oregon January’s Bible Book of Pastor Terrie Wilder the Month is Deuteronomy. Communion Served the GRACE VALLEY 1st & 3rd Sundays of Each CHRISTIAN OREGON UNITED Month REFORMED CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Thursday 8210 E. Edwardsville Rd. 200 S. Fourth, Oregon Prayer Group 3 p.m. German Valley 815-732-2994 Adult Confirmation 4 p.m. 815-362-6601 Barb Good, Pastor Sunday Jake Ritzema, Pastor Saturday Worship 5 p.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday School for All Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Ages 9 a.m. Activities during the Week: Worship Service 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 2—7 p.m. ST. MARY CHURCH Habitat 301 N. Fourth St., Oregon GERMAN VALLEY Monday, Jan. 6—10 a.m. Father Joseph P. Naill UNITED METHODIST Bible School; 7 p.m. Deborah Office Phone 815-732-7383

Monday, Jan. 6—9 a.m. Disciples Bible Study; 4 p.m. Prayer Shawl Tuesday, Jan. 7—9 a.m. Prayer Group


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ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 213 N. Franklin Ave., Polo 815-946-2535 Rev. Father Louis Tosto Sunday Masses 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Saturday Confession 4:30 p.m. Saturday Night Mass 5:30 p.m. Weekday Masses Tuesday through Friday 8 a.m. Religious Education Youth Program 1st & 2nd Wednesdays 6-7:15 p.m. Adult Bible Study 1st Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Adoration & Benediction 1st Friday & Saturday Immediately after Mass ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 114 S. Fifth St., Oregon 815-732-2367 Sunday Activities: Worship Services 8:30 & 11 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. Other Activities Include: Men’s & Women’s Groups, Confirmation Class, High School Youth Group, Grieving Ministry, Outreach Ministry with Rockford Rescue Mission & HOPE Pregnancy Center, Adult Choir For More Information Call the Church Office ST. WENDELIN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Michael Bolger 18 S. Linn St., Shannon Masses—Saturday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m. Confessions-Sunday 7:30 a.m. TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 308 E. Brayton Mt. Morris 815-734-6354 Pastor Josh Ehrler Friday, Jan. 3—8:30 a.m. Coffee Saturday, Jan. 4—5:30 p.m. Worship Sunday, Jan. 5—8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship; Fellowship Time Following Worship; 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m. Praise Worship Monday, Jan. 6—6:30 p.m. Committee Night; 8 p.m. Executive Committee Wednesday, Jan. 8—5:30 p.m. Choristers; 6 p.m. Chime Choir; 6:30-8 p.m. Chancel Choir; 7 p.m. Confirmation Class WEST BRANCH CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4014 West Branch Road Southeast of Forreston Pastor Richard Bright 815-734-4411 Sunday School—9:30 a.m. Worship—10:35 a.m.

Church News Deadline

The deadline is 3 p.m. on Fridays for information for the Church News to be turned in at the Oregon office at 121 A S. 4th St. Items can be emailed to vwells@oglecountynews. com, faxed to 815-7324238, or dropped off at our office. For more information call Vinde Wells at 815-732-6166 ext. 32.

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Office FAX 815-732-4742 Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 & 9:30 a.m. Tuesday thru Friday 8 a.m. Third Wednesday of Month at Pinecrest 3 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m. St. Mary Prayer Network Lois Lints 815-703-9699 Nancy Kerwin 815-732-3351 Darlene Bauer 815-732-2238

Ogle County Newspapers


Circle; 7 p.m. Field’s Project Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7—10:30 a.m. Catch Meeting; 6:30 p.m. Pack Committee Meeting; 7 p.m. Trustees Wednesday, Jan. 8— Naomi Ruth Circle; 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Night Alive; 6:15 p.m. Catch Thursday, Jan. 9—7:30 p.m. Choir



The Oregon Republican, Mt. Morris Times, Forreston Journal and Tri-County Press Your Hometown Newspapers 121 A. South 4 th

Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A6


Events & Entertainment

Oregon dog featured in 2014 Pet Idol calendar An Oregon dog is one of 12 featured in Sauk Valley Media’s Pet Idol 2014 calendar. Daisy Lu, a BostonTerrier owned by Clint and Fran Strouse, Oregon, is the

featured photo for July. The Strouses entered Daisy in the Pet Idol contest held by Sauk Valley Media & River Ridge Animal Hospital this summer. With the support of family

and friends, Daisy came in as one of the top 12 pets to appear on the calendar. The 2014 Pet Idol calender can be purchased at the office of the Oregon Republican Reporter for $10.

Live music at VFW Jan. 3 Daisy, owned by Clint and Fran Strouse, Oregon, is the photo for the month of July on the 2014 Pet Idol calendar. Photo by Earleen Hinton

Alumni games at FHS Forreston girls and boys basketball will hold an alumni game on Saturday, Jan. 11 in the Forreston High School gym with the girls game beginning at 3 p.m. and the boys at 3:30 p.m. Following the alumni game the Forreston boys will play Milledgville with the fresh-soph game at 5:30 p.m. and the varsity game to follow at 7 p.m. All alumni, including past coaches and their immediate families, will be admitted

free to the game and are invited to catch up with fellow alumni for pizza in the high school media center after the alumni game. Game match-ups will be determined by the number of alumni participating. Twenty minute games will be played with decades playing against each other based on alumni’s graduating year falling on an even or odd year. Anyone interested in attending and/or

playing in the alumni game is asked Coach Jonathan Schneiderman at jschneiderman@ fvdistrict221.org or 815275-1827 for the boys game, and Jane Slick jeslick3@ yahoo.com or 815-266-1095 for the girls game. Each caller will need to provide his or her name, phone number, graduating year, t-shirt size, and names of family members who will be attending.

Support groups to meet Serenity Hospice and Home bereavement support group, Serenity Lunch Bunch will meet Thursday, Jan. 2 from 12 to 1 p.m. at KSB Hospital, Dixon, in the private dining room next to the cafeteria. Participants will share a meal with others who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Bring a lunch or purchase one from the hospital cafeteria. For reservations or more information, call the Serenity Hospice and Home office by 10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 2

at 815-732-2499. First Steps and Beyond... For Survivors, a meeting of fellowship and sharing for those who have survived the death of a family member, will be held on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 11:30 a.m. at Sunrise II Family Restaurant, 101 W. Second St., Byron. Each person will be responsible for ordering his or her own lunch from the menu. For reservations or more information, call the office by 10 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. C.A.F.E. (Coffee and Friends etc.) will meet

Friday, Jan. 10 from 9 to 10 a.m. at Serenity Home, Oregon. This group is open to all adult bereaved persons in the community. Anyone planning to attend is asked to call the office by 4 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 9. If no one calls, the group will not meet.

First Fridays begins at 7 p.m. in Oregon Start a new year with a night of music at First Fridays at the Oregon VFW Club, 1310 W. Washington St. (Ill. 64) at the west edge of Oregon. Musicians in the region will gather for live music entertainment on Jan. 3 starting at 7 p.m. with each musician (or band) taking 15 minutes at center stage and continuing until each group has been featured. Musicians from across northern Illinois, and often neighboring states, appear on a regular basis. The music is varied and includes country, bluegrass, blues, folk, gospel, soft rock, and eclectic mixes of all of the above. Instruments are all acoustic and aprofessional sound system is supplied. Participation is encouraged so bring an instrument and join the show, or kick back and justenjoy the music. First Fridays is a part of northern Illinois’ Friday night music scene along with Second Fridays in Lanark, Third Fridays in

Tyler Gunderson will be the clinicians in charge. No medical referral is necessary for the clinic, but physicians are welcome to refer patients to the clinic for a specific reason or second opinion. School nurses are welcome to refer children and families to the clinic. The Elks organization has been working with physically challenged children since 1928 and this is one of the 17 clinic locations throughout Illinois. The clinic is an ideal time to have a child reviewed for bone and joint development.

extensive menu of food and beverage. Admission is by free will donation. Bring a friend and enjoy the music.

Oregon’s own Lowell Harp is one of many musicians who appear regularly at First Fridays. Harp is an accomplished guitarist and vocalist at First Fridays and numerous other music shows throughout northern Illinois. Photo supplied

Sheriff is guest at church

These groups are sponsored by Serenity Hospice and Home and funded in part by grants from United Way of Ogle County Ogle County Sheriff and the Ogle County 708 Michael Harn will be the Mental Health Board. speaker at the First Saturday Community Coffee in Chana on Saturday, Jan. 4 from 9 to 11 a.m.

Orthopedic clinic planned The Dixon Elks 779 Lodge, in cooperation with the Illinois Elks Children’s Care Corporation, will sponsor a free children’s orthopedic assessment clinic on Thursday, Jan. 23 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the KSB Foot & Ankle Center, 215 E. First St., Suite 310, Dixon. It is by appointment only. To make an appointment call the Illinois Elks Children’s Care office at 1-800-272-0074, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. No fees are charged for any services at this clinic. Dr. David Yeager and Dr.

FranklinGrove, Fourth Fridays in Polo, and special Fifth Friday (when they occur) shows in Franklin Grove. The VFW features an

A child whose feet are pointing out or in and who complains of back, knee, leg, ankle pain or has a back curvature can be seen at this clinic. The Elks will provide financial assistance to their best of their ability for children needing further treatment or specialty equipment when the family lacks sufficient resources to do so. In the past, the Elks have purchased therapy services, corrective shoes, braces, wheelchairs and augmentative communication devices to help children overcome a variety of physical challenges.

He will discuss department activities, explain policies of the department and answer any questions. This community gathering is held the first Saturday of each month from January

through March. The time is 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the church and the place is the Chana United Methodist Church, 606 S. Main St., Chana. Everyone is welcome.

Casino fest will be at SVCC The Sauk Valley College Foundation will hold its Wild West Casino Fest on Saturday, Jan. 18 from 5 to 11 p.m. at the college. The college’s east mall, second floor, and cafeteria will transform into a night of wild west fun including a chuck wagon, minislot corral, saloons, gold mine, and jail. Participants are invited to dress their cowboy best for this fundraiser. The entertainment will include casino-style games

(blackjack, craps, roulette, poker) where guests will earn “gaming chips” (chips have no monetary value) for an opportunity to win the big prizes later in the event. Guests do not have to be skilled gamers to attend the event. Professional dealers at all tables will keep everyone in attendance challenged. A silent auction will also be held, featuring unique items and gift baskets donated by local businesses and organizations. A caricature artist, photo

booth, and more are planned. All proceeds from the night go toward SVCC scholarships and student needs. Tickets are $35 per person and include $50 in gaming chips,” light cowboy buffet and dessert, and two drink tickets. This event is for ages 21 and older. Purchases can be made online at svcc.edu, by calling 815-835-6345, or at the door. Donation of items can be made by calling the number mentioned.

Two laws aimed to strengthen GDL begin Jan. 1 Two important pieces of legislation initiated this year by Secretary of State Jesse White will take effect as new laws on Jan. 1 and include measures that strengthen the state’s heralded Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) program as well as further restrict the issuance of court supervision. Other new laws effective Jan. 1 make significant changes to the Parking Program for Persons with Disabilities. Kelsey’s Law Public Act 98-0168, sponsored by state Rep. John D’Amico (D-Chicago) and state Sen. Martin Sandavol (D-Cicero), prohibits the issuance of a driver’s license to a driver under 18 who has an unresolved traffic citation. The new law also allows White’s office to cancel a GDL if it is determined that at the time of issuance the minor had a traffic citation for which a disposition had

not been rendered. Under current law, a GDL applicant is not required to report any pending traffic citations. The measure is named Kelsey’s Law in honor of Kelsey Little who in 2011 was seriously injured in an automobile crash by a young driver operating on a learner’s permit. The driver was issued a traffic citation for the incident, of which the Secretary of State’s office was unaware due to the lack of a reporting requirement. Three days later the teen driver applied for and was issued a driver’s license. “One of my top priorities as Secretary of State has been to continually strengthen our GDL program,” said White. “Since we implemented one of the nation’s most comprehensive GDL laws in the nation in 2008, teen driving fatalities have dropped by 60 percent. “But even the best

programs can be made better, and this legislation will help strengthen our state’s GDL program, and hopefully save even more lives.” Patricia’s Law Public Act 98-0169, sponsored by state Rep. John D’Amico (D-Chicago) and state Sen. Michael Hastings (D-Matteson), will ensure that drivers involved in fatal crashes are ineligible for court supervision unless they have maintained a clean driving history. The legislation, named Patricia’s Law in honor of Patricia McNamara who was killed in an automobile crash in which the driver received court supervision, originated from White’s Advisory Committee on Traffic Safety, which unanimously supported the measure at a meeting last September. “My mission as Secretary of State is to make the roads of Illinois as safe as possible,” said White. “Since I took office in

1999, I have continually worked to improve traffic safety laws, particularly those laws involving court supervision. This is an important next step, and one that makes sense.” Over the last decade, White’s office has initiated legislation to limit the issuance of court supervision, as well as establishing a central database to help judges and court personnel better track the dispositions of court supervision from county to county across the state. Parking Program for Persons with Disabilities Due to legislation passed by the General Assembly, beginning Jan. 1, only persons with specific types of disabilities with a valid Illinois driver’s license will be exempt from paying parking meter fees. Public Act 97-0845, sponsored by former state Rep. Karen May and state Sen. Maggie Crotty

(D-Oak Forest), requires the disability license plate or parking placard holder to meet more stringent eligibility requirements that must be approved by physicians in order to receive a yellow and grey permanent placard. The new placard will exempt the authorized holder from the payment of parking meter fees because their disability restricts them from physically feeding the meter. Those who do not meet eligibility requirements for the meter-exempt placard will still receive a permanent placard but will be required to pay meter fees. Out-of-state disability license plate and placard holders will also have access to disability parking spaces but will no longer be eligible for meter-exempt parking. Also beginning Jan. 1, the fine for drivers caught misusing a disability placard will increase from $500 to $600. Additionally,

if a physician, physician assistant or advanced practice nurse knowingly falsifies a disability application, they will face increased fines from $500 to $1,000 for a first offense and up to $2,000 for a second offense. If the holder of the disability placard or license plates knowingly allows someone else to use their placard or license plates, that person will face a $1,000 fine for the first offense and a $2,000 fine for the second offense. “All these changes in the law aim to help discourage the misuse and abuse of the Parking Program for Persons with Disabilities,” White said. “Our goal is to ensure that disability parking spaces are available for those who truly need that access to conduct their day-to-day activities. My message is simple: if you don’t belong there, don’t park there.”

County News


Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A7

County credit card used for personal purchases By David Giuliani and Matt Mencarini Sauk Valley Media Both the Ogle County sheriff and coroner have used county credit cards for personal purchases, but they reimbursed the county right away, Ogle County Board Chairman Kim Gouker says.

On Dec. 31, 2011, Sheriff Michael Harn used his credit card to take his in-laws out for dinner at a restaurant in Peoria, where his in-laws live, Gouker said. He charged the card $267. “He didn’t have his [personal] card, so he used this one,� Gouker said. Harn didn’t return

numerous requests for card. He, too, sent a check it was a county card until until the charges were made comment. to the credit card company Gouker called him about it. public. Ortgiesen was let go Harn paid the county by the next month to cover that That was the only charge over that issue. sending a check directly to expense, Gouker said. Finch made on a county card, When Ortgiesen came the credit card company. The Finch denied knowing he said. under suspicion, Gouker next month’s bill reflected the purchase was on a Callant didn’t return a said, the sheriff realized the payment of that amount. county credit card. He and request for comment last he was doing a something On the January 2012 bill Larry Callant, the county’s week. similar, except that Harn given to Sauk Valley Media, geographic information Gouker stressed that no was paying for his personal the item listing the restaurant systems coordinator, were one on the County Board had purchases. charge appeared to have been away from work and Callant asked the sheriff to stop using “That raised a red flag whited out. But the one in the offered to help Finch with a his credit bills for personal for him,� Gouker said. “He county clerk’s office shows purchase, Finch said. purchases. figured he would discontinue the charge, Gouker said. Finch also denied that the Harn did so after hearing doing that.� Gouker said that when he purchase was for phones reports this past spring about Gouker said he had known looked at the original bills, he for his business, but instead then-Dixon City Engineer about the sheriff using his found that County Coroner was for computers for his Shawn Ortgiesen’s use of credit card for personal Louis Finch had charged the children, he said. his city credit card. He used purposes for a while, but Finch thought Callant that card for thousands in didn’t know about the along with several others, for purchase of $479 worth in $267.70. Gouker told Sauk telephones for Finch Funeral was using his personal card, personal expenses – most of coroner’s purchase until Valley Media that Harn had Home to his county credit he said, and didn’t find out which he didn’t reimburse examining the issue recently. paid the county by sending a check directly to the credit card company. The credit card bill received in May 2012 has several areas altered. The “purchases� field was changed to $3,766.09 and the “new balance� field was changed to $3,712.65. Additionally, the first charge on the bill, which appears under Harn’s name, has white out and lines drawn through it on the original bill. The June 2012 bill shows three payments made to the credit card company, one for $113.58 with “P.P.� written next to it. The other payments are for $2,631.26 with “OEMA� next to it; and $1,006.45 with “CCS + $49.73 (Larry)� written next to it. The county clerk’s office didn’t have the original credit card bill for June 2012. The clerk’s office also didn’t have the original bill from November 2012, which, in the copy received by Sauk Valley Media, shows two gaps in the listed charges under Harn’s name. Because the original bills showed account numbers and other sensitive information, Sauk Valley Media wasn’t allowed to photograph the A mature bald eagle flies over the Rock River in Oregon in search of food Dec. 28. Photo by Chris Johnson original bills. Huntley, the county clerk, said she informed Gouker and Rock of the bill altering this past spring. Anyone looking for an and cameras. 1000 Lincoln Blvd., Clinton, The American Bald Eagle On Monday, Rock opportunity to view bald Participants are encouraged Iowa. presented by the National confirmed that meeting, but he eagles is invited to attend to wear warm clothing to the The College in cooperation Eagle Center, Wabacha, would not discuss what action the 30th annual Bald Eagle viewing sites. with the Clinton County Minn, at 10 a.m. – if any – he took afterward. Watch at the Lock & Dam 1 Winter is a stressful time Convention and Visitors A Native American dance Any investigation or in Fulton. for bald eagles. It is important Bureau, US Fish and Wildlife in honor of the bald eagle at prosecution, Rock said, would The event will be held that resting eagles not be Service and US Army Corps 11:15 a.m. presented by Rudy be handled by an independent Saturday, Jan. 4 from 8:30 frightened to the point that of Engineers, present the Vallejo, Kickapoo Eagle agency. He declined to a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for eagle they fly off and burn up badly annual Bald Eagle Watch. Dancer, a member of the comment on whether that had watching at Lock & Dam 13 needed energy. The program is dedicated Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas. happened or what agency he and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Due to limited parking, to the understanding, Listen to the Eagles would refer that to, if needed, Clinton Community College participants are encouraged appreciation, and protection Message DVD produced by citing his role as the lawyer for for exhibits and programs. to use the free courtesy Bus of the national symbol. SOAR at 12:30 p.m. the Sheriff’s Department and The Lock & Dam is located Service, sponsored by local Naturalists and volunteers The American Bald Eagle County Board. 5 miles north of Fulton along businesses and provided will be on hand to share their presented by the National Lee County State’s Attorney Ill. 84. by Wiersema Charter Bus knowledge of these and other Eagle Center at 1 p.m. Anna Sacco-Miller said her Naturalists and volunteers Service, Morrison. birds of prey. The exhibit hall will feature first choice for an outside will be on hand at the Lock & The bus will travel between Programs will feature wildlife exhibits, door prizes, investigation would be the Dam 13 with spotting scopes the viewing site and the lectures, videos, songs, stories, food and drinks. state police. Her second choice, available to aid in viewing college, departing and arriving and live birds of prey. The Bald Eagle Watch is she said, would be a nearby the bald eagles. Participants every hour beginning at 10 Scheduled programs a free event that is operated sheriff’s department. are encouraged to bring a.m. and finishing at 2 p.m. include a welcome at 9:45 solely by donations from Without knowing all the binoculars, spotting scopes The college is located at a.m. businesses and the community. details of the Ogle County situation, Sacco-Miller wasn’t able to give a complete answer as to whether the alterations would violate public records laws. Sharon Atkins stopped her from people following her elaborate and strict rules hair such as shadow boxes. According to the Illinois clocks, covered her mirrors, presentation that they “didn’t regarding how the deceased She encourages people to State Records Act, it’s illegal and put on her black “widow’s know if they were going should be honored at death bring examples of hair art for anyone to “knowingly and weeds.� to like this topic,� but to and how they should be buried and funeral memorabilia to without lawful authority� alter She is in deep mourning their surprise they “found it and mourned for two years. discuss, as well as clothing or destroy a public record. during the years 1840 through fascinating.� She will also explore and other items that may be Doing so is considered a 1910, and she will respectfully Atkins, Roscoe, will be superstitions and folk tales, related to funerals. felony. and lightheartedly discuss dressed from head to toe in her tips for genealogists, social Refreshments will be served “I would say it’s in a gray these societal customs in a black mourning garb. restrictions placed on widows, at the end of the program. area, and you would need program on Monday, Jan. 13 She will explain how men and children’s mourning Donations will be accepted to know what the [county] at 7 p.m. at the Oregon United funerals used to be held in garb, how to tell if an old and proceeds benefit future practices are,� Sacco-Miller Methodist Church, courtesy private homes and how they photograph is of a person in library programs. said. “They’re the gatekeeper of the Friends of the Oregon transitioned to the funeral mourning, and how to date Bring a friend to experience for all the claims. Is it best Library. homes of today. a photo by the clothing, hair an unusual program of a lost practice? Probably not. She has often heard She will treat society’s jewelry and artwork made of tradition. Especially if it’s a county card.� Ogle County didn’t have a policy on credit card use until June 2013. Before then, each department with a credit card Dr.. Steve Baker Dr made its own policy. Dr. Nicole Marquardt

Alterations made to card statements By Matt Mencarini Sauk Valley Media In at least three instances since 2011, credit card statements from the Ogle County Sheriff’s Department have been altered to change the month’s balance or to remove charges. Copies of the credit card statements were obtained this month by Sauk Valley Media through a Freedom of Information Act request. A review of the three original statements in the Ogle County clerk’s office revealed white out and marker covering up items on the public documents. Ogle County Chairman Kim Gouker was aware of the changes to the bills, he said, but didn’t think it was done to cover up anything. He reviewed the bills with Ogle County Clerk Rebecca Huntley, he said, and didn’t believe there was anything fraudulent. Huntley also discussed the issue with Ogle County State’s Attorney Mike Rock. The changes were made, Gouker said, to remove personal purchases that had been made using the county cards and then paid by employees directly to the credit card company. Gouker didn’t think the department was covering up anything, he said, because the charges removed were things the county was never going to pay. On the bill received in December 2011, the “new balance� amount on the statement was covered with white out, and had handwriting over it to indicate a $3,990.44 balance. The bottom of this bill indicated there were two pages, but the clerk’s office received only the first page. The county clerk doesn’t need to receive the original bill each month, according to the clerk’s office. For some months, the county clerk has a copy of the bill. The second page of the December 2011 credit card bill, which was included in the documents that Sauk Valley Media received, showed a Nov. 17 charge to Wave Wackers for $144.86 with a line drawn through it. Just a month later, on the bill received in January 2012, a charge was blacked out with marker, but portions of the original ink could still be seen, including the word “steakhouse.� That charge was completely removed on the copy of the bill Sauk Valley Media had received in its original request for documents. Ogle County chairman Kim Gouker told Sauk Valley Media this month that Sheriff Michael Harn had made a personal charge on his department credit card while in Peoria for New Year’s Eve 2011. That charge, Gouker said, was for $267. On the copy of that month’s bill, there is no visible charge for $267, but the following month’s bill shows that payment had been made,

Annual eagle watch is Saturday

Historical funeral program is Jan. 13

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Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page A8


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Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times



Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lady Hawks win two, lose two at tourney Oregon finishes in seventh place on Dec. 28 The varsity Lady Hawks won two games and lost two games in action at the Dixon/ KSB Holiday Tournament to finish seventh. Oregon opened the 16team tournament with a 6246 win over Rochelle. Oregon led 28-22 at the end of the first half and went on to out score the Lady Hubs 34-24 in the second half. Samantha Lambrigtsen led Oregon with 29 points followed by McKaylee Beeter with nine, Emy Wright with six, Madeline Sanders and Megan Boehle with five each, Kimmie Janke with four, Kelsey Pudlas with three, and Kaitilin Oltmanns with one. Against Dunlap on Dec. 27, Oregon fought an uphill battle virtually the entire game before dropping a 5748 decision. The Eagles scored the game’s first 11 points, and didn’t lead by fewer than six before settling for a 31-22 halftime lead. Oregon was able stay in touch largely because of Lambrigtsen, who had 15 points at the break. The Hawks were down 38-28 when they made their move. Back-to-back 3-pointers by Lambrigtsen and Emy Wright got Oregon to within four points, then a pair of layups by Lambrigtsen evened the score

at 38-38 with two minutes left in the third quarter. Dunlap, however, responded with a 10-0 run the remainder of the period. A three-pointer by Madison Lowe ignited the surge, and another trey by Lowe with five seconds left in the third quarter finished it off. “That number 2 [Lambrigtsen] is a good ballplayer,” Dunlap coach Heather Cassady said. “I don’t know if we’ve seen anybody quite that athletic going to the rim. “I told the girls they were going to make a run at you, but you just have to handle it with poise and confidence.” Oregon got to within six points twice in the fourth quarter, the last time after a basket by Lambrigtsen with 2:10 to play. She fouled out, however, at the 2:06 mark, hurting the Hawks’ comeback chances. “I was just really proud of the girls’ effort, coming back and coming back,” Oregon coach Kristy Eckardt said. “You could see in their eyes the whole time, they believed they were going to come back and win that game. A lot of shots weren’t falling for us when we needed them, and balls weren’t bouncing our way.” Lambrigtsen led the Hawks with 26 points, while Wright added 17 points, eight rebounds and four steals. Wright hit her first three three-point attempts in the third quarter to help Oregon get back into the game. As is often the case,

Madeline Sanders reaches for the ball while defending a Dunlap player Dec. 27 during the Dixon/KSB Tournament. Oregon finished seventh in the 16-team tourney after falling to Dunlap and Stillman Valley. Photo by Chris Johnson

Oregon had trouble with their opponents’ size. Dunlap owned a 41-23 rebounding advantage, giving the Eagles extra chances to score. “Once they dumped the ball inside, we were really scrambling to knock the ball away,” Eckardt said, “but there’s only so much you can do when you’re a lot shorter.” Lowe led Dunlap with 24 points, including a 5-for-10 performance from 3-point rage. Sanders and Pudlas had two points each and Beeter added one point for Oregon. Oregon fell to Stillman Valley 60-40 in a 9 a.m. game on Dec. 28. The Lady Cardinals led 1511 after one period and 30-19 at the half en route to the win. Wright led the Hawks with 13 points followed by Lambrigtsen with 11 and Sanders with eight. Abby Timm scored 20 points for Stillman Valley

while Macy Weaver had 16 and Sydney Shelburne added 10. Beeter and Janke added four each for Oregon. Oregon defeated Rockford Lutheran 63-44 in an afternoon game on Dec. 28. The Lady Hawks led 18-13 at the end of the first quarter and 35-25 at the half before scoring 28 more points to Lutheran’s 19 in the second half. Lambrigtsen led all scorers with 31 points with Wright adding 14 and Megan Boehle with eight. Pudlas and Beeter had three points each while Sanders and Kaitilin Otlmanns added two each. Kailyn Strawbridge scored 15 to lead the Crusaders while Abby Woolacott had 12. Oregon’s record is now 116. Emylyn Wright fights for a loose ball with a pair of

They travel to Winnebago Dunlap players Dec. 27 during the Dixon/KSB Holiday on Jan. 4 for a Big Northern Tournament. Photo by Chris Johnson Conference match up.

Hawk wrestlers place three in top five at Stillman Injuries taking toll on OHS wrestling team By Randy Holland The injury riddled Oregon Hawks managed just three top five finishes in the 41st Annual Stillman Valley Holiday wrestling tournament on Dec. 21. Oregon garnered eighth place with 72 points. Sandwich took the team title with 185 points, followed by Maine South with 167,

Mercer County, Stillman, and Lena-Winslow. It was a tough tournament and the Hawks had bad rounds in the quarterfinals, semifinals and the medal round, winning just one match in each. 195 pounder, Tyler Blume was the second seed in a six man bracket and received byes to the semifinal. He scored a first period pin there to advance to the championship mat where he was pinned at 4:33 by Kyle Eighner of Sandwich to finish second. At 182 pounds, Jake

Diehl reloaded a wing for a quarterfinal pin at 3:58 before running into top ranked Sean Ward of Winnebago in the semifinal. It was a tough battle, Ward scoring a takedown and an escape to defeat Diehl 3-0 and send him to the third place mat. In the medal round, Diehl just missed a pin at the end of the first and got caught in a half nelson at 3:08, leading 5-1 at the time to finish fourth. Wrestling at 138, Corey Grady took fifth place. He opened with a come from

behind pin, then lost to the eventual champion in the quarterfinal. He came back through the wrestleback with pins in 40 and 22 seconds to get the medal. Also reaching the fifth place mat were Dominic Marchetti at 145 pounds, Tyler Staley at 152 pounds, Travis Burke at 220 pounds, and Michael Stevens at 285 pounds. Marchetti lost 8-4 in the quarterfinals, took a 6-2 win to get to the medal round where he never got rolling, getting taken down to his

back pinned in a cradle at 2:37. Staley was pinned in a half nelson in his first match and got byes to the fifth place mat where he was turned in a butcher at 2:39. In his first action of the season, Burke lost backpoints in the second period of a 7-3 loss, got into the win column with a 14 second pin, and had a late rally, losing 11-5 in the final round. Stevens got countered into a butcher in his opener, and worked a power half at the end of the second in his

first wrestleback. In the fifth place match, a lost takedown with five seconds left in the first was the only score in a hard fought 2-0 loss. Also participating in the tournament were Cole Burke at 160 pounds, losing two matches by first period pins, and John Ghibellini at 170 pounds. Ghibellini was taken down to his back at 1:02 in his first match and lost his second 5-0, a late three point nearfall ending his chance at a comeback.

Sports Column Dakota wrestler wins big match in top tourney By Andy Colbert Reporter About 10-15 years ago, Sauk Valley Sports had me covering quite a bit of wrestling and it was an enriching experience. I haven’t been on that beat for awhile, but still maintained a keen interest in wrestling, especially at the small-school level. Last week, something happened that caught my eye. Not only that, but I would be as bold to say that it was the most remarkable wrestling achievement that I can ever remember in Class 1A. At the Dvorak Tournament at Harlem, Josh Alber of Dakota defeated Jered Cortez of Glenbard North in the 132-pound championship bout. What’s the big deal you

say? For starters, the Dvorak Tournament is a gathering of some of the best 2A and 3A wrestling programs in the state and considerably more difficult that what Dakota will face in the IHSA state meet. With an enrollment of 275, Dakota was a little boy in the land of giants. The next smallest school had more than 1,000 more kids than Dakota. This tournament has always been the domain of elite Chicago suburban programs. Additionally, a number of prestigious private wrestling powers, such as Montini, Mt. Carmel, St. Rita and Providence Catholic are present. So that’s the scenario this small public school in cornfield country was up against. In Josh Alber’s case, the situation was even more daunting. His opponent, Jered Cortez, came from a program

that has brought back a 3A state trophy that past five years. Cortez himself is a 3-time state champion and was ranked No. 1 in the country. Alber, who hails from a family wrestling tree that has produced seven state champs between cousins, uncles and dads, was no slouch either. Going into the match, he had won 171 times, though mostly against smaller school opponents and like Cortez, was a 3-time state champ. Still, many people didn’t give the kid from tiny Dakota a chance against the best 132-pound high schooler in the country. A natural 126-pounder, Alber was even going up a weight to take on Cortez. This match-up surpassed all its hype, as Alber and Cortez gave the packed house at Harlem a performance they wouldn’t soon forget. In an environment reminiscent of old Huff Gym in Champaign where tiny

Hebron toppled mighty Quincy for the 1952 state basketball title, Alber in his Dakota singlet, took everyone back to that moment in time. The tension reached a crescendo when the match ended in regulation at a 3-3 tie. How was it possible that a Dakota kid managed to stay with the best wrestler in the country, many people had to be wondering. When Alber scored in the winning takedown in overtime, those same doubters had no choice but to join the delirious fandom in celebrating what just happened. Alber’s win was not just for Dakota, but to small school wrestlers everywhere, the same way Hebron’s win provided a sense of pride to the little guys. Besides Alber winning an individual title, Dakota had three individual runner-ups and finished sixth overall among the 29 teams entered. That’s amazing in itself. Should Alber finish the

rest of the season unbeaten, and it appears highly likely that will be the case, he will become the first ever high school wrestler in the state to win four state title and never lose a match. That quite an accomplishment and none of those wins will have more significance than the one over Cortez. In the annals of smallschool wrestling, Alber’s name can now be placed with Mike Mena of Sterling Newman. Mena, who wrestled from 1989-92, won four state title and never lost a match either. However, there was a blemish on his 157-0 career record. In the era before sudden death overtime, he had one tie. Mena had been considered perhaps the best wrestler ever produced by Class A (1A). After Alber’s win over Cortez, the question becomes, who is the best small school wrestler of all time. Mena or Alber?

Andy Colbert

Ironically, both wrestlers were at closely the same weight classes throughout their prep careers, with Mena finishing off as a 125-pounder. Alber took wrestling fans back to what basketball fans had to feeling in 1952. It’s too bad, there isn’t a similar way to transpose time and put Mena and Alber on the mat together.

Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page B2

County News


Fire causes damage to Monroe Center home A fire extensively damaged the home of a Monroe Center man the day before Christmas. Monroe Center Deputy Chief Richard Wilson said the cause of the fire at the home of Larry Shearer, 5050 Wendorf Rd., has not yet been determined. The fire started on the lower level of the home near a wood burning stove. The resident was not at A Dec. 24 fire damaged this home in Monroe Center. The homeowner’s dog died in home, but his dog, which the blaze. Photo supplied

was in the lower level of the house, died as a result of the fire. A postal worker reported smoke coming from Shearer’s garage just before 10 a.m. Dec. 24. Wilson said firefighters found heavy smoke coming from the rear of the house when they arrived on the scene. Frigid temperatures complicated firefighting efforts and created icy

conditions. The Byron, Stillman Valley, Lynn-Scott-Rock, Cherry Valley, New Milford, and Kirkland Fire Departments assisted at the scene. The Illinois State Fire Marshal’s office is conducting the investigation into the cause of the fire. The house and its contents sustained an estimated $90,000 damage.

Public Voice President did not say “Merry Christmas”

Lady - how sad that they to say Happy Holidays, Merry couldn’t bring themselves to Christmas, Happy Hannukah? Dear Editor, I heard the “Happy say “Merry Christmas!” Wouldn’t it have been Am I the only one who feels Holiday” televised message from our President and First “politically correct” for them that we the silent majority

(Christian Americans) are I’m sick to death of the the ones being discriminated direction our country is against? It’s time we speak going! up! Noralee Gray Polo


John D. Basler

Gulf Oil Distribution Service from Abe, expanding the business to include the purchase of the Rochelle Oil Company where he would work until his retirement in 1998. Upon his retirement Jack was given a testimonial by the Illinois Petrolium Marketing Association for his 50 years in the oil business. Jack was a member of the First Presbyterian Church. During his life Jack always saw community service as a way to contribute to the town he called home as well as the many people that helped him during his life. Besides the Oregon Fire Department, Jack also served as one of the first crew members to a newly established Oregon Ambulance Service, was an Oregon Auxiliary Police Officer, member of American Legion Post 97, member of VFW Post 8739, Ogle County Fair Board, Rochelle Lions Club, and Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troup 52. When asked several years ago to relate one of the things he was most proud of he stated being on the Building Committee for the new Oregon First Presbyterian Church in 1978 after the 125 year old building was lost to a fire. Grateful for having shared in his life are his wife, Betty; four children, Jeffrey (Cindy Kowa) Basler, Oregon, Robb (Terri Zolondek) Basler, Crystal Lake, Jennifer (Dave) Bakener, Oregon, and Janna (Dave) Bredeson, Columbia Mo.; 11 grandchildren, Jaci Basler-Heather, Kim Basler, Megan Basler Ries, Adam Bakener, Jon Bakener, Gena Basler, Ken Schwartz, Alicia Labash, Steve Schwartz, Jackson Bredeson, and Jamison Bredeson; six greatgrandchildren, Elisabeth Ries, Adyson BaslerHeather, Brandon Bakener, Carter Ries, Garrett Bakener and Ashyr Basler-Heather. Jack was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Frank, Dale and Clyde; sister, Merlene Griffin; and stepsister, Barbara Beckington. Funeral services were held Dec. 31 at the First Presbyterian Church, 200 S. Fifth St., Oregon. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the First Presbyterian Church, Oregon, Ill. Arrangements were completed by FarrellHolland-Gale Funeral Home, Oregon. Visit www. farrellhollandgale.com to leave online condolences.

John Darvin “Jack” Basler, 84, Oregon, died on Friday, Dec. 27 at Pinecrest Terrace Alzheimer’s unit, Mt. Morris. He was born on Feb. 2, 1929 in Oconomowoc, Wis., to John Henry and Marion Grace (Hatch) Basler. When Jack was four years old his family moved to Oregon, when his father accepted an engineering position at the Carnation Company. Jack graduated from Oregon High School in 1948 where he lettered in football, basketball and track as well as spending a great deal of time dating his future bride, Betty Mae Rosenberg Basler. After graduation Jack started to work for Abe Hess (Gulf Oil Company) in Oregon driving a fuel oil delivery truck full time. During high school, Jack worked for Abe part time as well as numerous other part time jobs including butcher assistant and grocery delivery boy. In 1948 Jack also joined the Oregon Fire Department where he would serve for the next 38 years. Jack married his high school sweetheart Betty on Oct. 26, 1950 in a small ceremony on the Rosenberg family farm in Oregon. In 1951 Jack’s Illinois National Guard unit was called to serve in the Korean War and he went to Fort Benning, Ga., for basic training prior to being shipped overseas to Korea for active duty. Jack served two years in Korea receiving two battlefield commissions and raising to the rank of Sergeant First Class with the Fifth Infantry, Intelligence Division. While in Korea Jack was awarded the Bronze Star, Korean Service, Republic of Korea, Korean War Service, Army Good Conduct, Korean Defense Service, United Nations Korean Service, Army National Guard Achievement, and the National Defense Service medals. After the war Jack returned to Oregon and resumed Danny Beck his work at the Gulf Oil Former Oregon resident Company while supporting a Danny Beck died on growing family. Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013 at In 1964 Jack bought the Hospice Hospital, Columbus,

Ga. Condolences can be sent to the family at 6899 Bartow Way, Midland GA 318203826.

Helen M. Erdmier Helen M. Erdmier, 93, Forreston, died in her home, Tuesday Dec. 24, 2013. Helen was born on April 21, 1920 in Forreston, the daughter of Elmer R. and Ida (Leisson) Erdmier. She was a member of First United Methodist Church in Forreston. She worked at Polo Garment Factory and then at Micro Switch in Freeport. She is survived by many cousins, nieces, and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, and one sister, Dorothy Erdmier. Funeral services were held Dec. 30 at 11 a.m. Burke Tubbs Funeral Home, Forreston, with Rev. David Poust officiating. Burial will be in White Oak Cemetery. In lieu of flowers a memorial has been established for Forreston United Methodist Church. Sign the guestbook and leave a memory at www. burketubbs.com.

Beach, Fla., Will (Janell) Hartje, Winnebago, Brenda Rosenbalm, Forreston, Danny Rosenbalm, Mt. Morris, and Brian Rosenbalm, Leaf River; greatgrandchildren, Gabriella, Juliana, Stephanie, Jessica, Desiree, Bristol, Chayse, and Hudson; brothers, Ronald Kuntzelman, Leaf River, Harold “Butch” (Judy) Kuntzelman, Stillman Valley, Thomas “Ted” Kuntzelman, Rockford, and James (Carol) Kuntzelman, Roscoe; sister: Sandra Lindstrom, Rockford; and her faithful dog “Buddy.” Dorothy was preceded in death by her parents; husband, William; brothers: Cletus Jr., Jerry, Robert, Alton “Sonny,” and Donald; sister, Betty Fogle, and Barbara Klapp. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Jan. 4 at 10 a.m. at Finch Funeral Home, 405 E. Hitt St., Mt. Morris. Private burial will be in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Freeport. Visitation will be on Jan. 4 from 9 a.m. until service time at Finch Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the Pinecrest Terrace at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home and Ogle County Hospice & Home.

Dorothy M. Hartje Dorothy M. “Dee Dee” Hartje, 82, Leaf River, died Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013 at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Mt. Morris. Dorothy was born Dec. 6, 1931 in Freeport, the daughter of Cletus and Norvella (Eakle) Kuntzelman. She graduated from Leaf River High School class of 1949. Dorothy married William “Squirley” Hartje Jr. on Oct. 1, 1949 in Adeline. She was owner of Dee Dee’s Café in Leaf River, and she also worked for Kable News Company, Mt. Morris. She loved to camp, fish, her time with her family, and occasional trips to the casinos. She was a member of the Leaf River United Methodist Church, Leaf River. Dorothy is survived by her daughter, Connie Hartje, Leaf River; sons, William “Bill” (Anne) Hartje, Rockford, and Steven (Debra) Hartje, Leaf River; grandchildren, Heather (Bill) Wooten, Fort Walton

John R. Heckman John Richard Heckman, 78, West Frankfort, Ill., formerly of Northern Illinois, died Friday, Dec. 20, 2013 at 5:20 p.m. at Carbondale Memorial Hospital. He was born on Feb. 19, 1935 in Polo to Paul and Frances(Schmiedebush) Heckman. John was an avid Cubs fan and loved his family dearly. He also had a “zest” for life and quite a passion for dancing. He is survived by his four daughters, Rhonda (Steve) Byers, Freeport, Sarah Heckman, Freeport, Donna Leonard, Golconda, and Linda (Jerry) Hose, Polo; seven grandchildren, Christina (Scott Douglas) Brinkmeier, Ryan (Catherine) Byers, Paul (Tatiana) Terrock, Callie (Chris) Lhost, Liz (Mike) Rummel, Kala (Travis) Bonnell, Jerry Hose II; 12 great-grandchildren, Nathaniel, Jasmynne, Sydney, Milana, Camilla,

Ogle County Newspapers, publisher of the Tri-County Press, Forreston Journal, Mt. Morris Times, and Oregon Republican Reporter publish obituaries for $45. Death notices are printed at no charge. Contact vwells@oglecountynews.com or call 815-732-6166, ext. 32.

Dylan, Kylie, Sage, Lauren, McKenna, Natalie, Andrew; two sisters, Bertha Mae (Earl) Jacobs, Harmon, and Carol (Jim) Rogers, Cadiz, Ky; step-daughters, Toni and Linda and families. John was preceded in death by his parents; one sister, Pauline Eddy; and late wife, Judith Wagner Heckman. A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, Jan.11 from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Polo. Crain Funeral Home Egyptian Chapel, Energy, in charge of arrangements. To leave online condolences visit www. crainsonline.com.

Ted Norris Excavating shop, 11217 Chandler Rd, Liberty, Mo. for an informal remembrance of Ted (aka Grump). A graveside memorial service will be held at a later date in Polo. Arrangements were completed by the Cremation Society of Kansas & Missouri, 5561 NW Barry Rd., Kansas City, Mo. Online condolences can be made at www.kccremation. com or call 816-822-9888 for more information.

Joan R. Strauss Theodore R. Norris Theodore R. Norris (Ted), 58, Liberty, Mo., died on Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2013 at Golden Living Center, Smithville, Mo. Born March 19, 1955 in Dixon to Max and Sally (Schell) Norris, he grew up in the Polo area, where at a young age he became involved with the family farm and heavy equipment construction business, which resulted in his lasting passion for both. Ted was an ambitious and independent man, whose unparalleled work ethic was an inspiration to all who met him. These qualities allowed him to realize a lifelong dream of self-employment, resulting in the ownership and operation of Ted Norris Excavating in Liberty, Mo. In his spare time, Ted enjoyed collecting antiques, scale model replicas of heavy equipment, attending construction and farm shows, and socializing with friends in his shop. He was an active member of Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Club and Land Improvement Contractors of America. He is survived by son, Jared (Brandy) Norris; and granddaughter, Vera Lynn, Smithville Mo.; sisters Kathy (Denny) Danko, Tonica and Shelley (Chad) Hovey, Mackinaw; brother, Tony Norris, Houston Texas; stepmother, Judy Norris, Polo; uncle, Richard Schell, Des Plaines; and several cousins, nieces, and a nephew in Illinois, as well as many friends and business associates throughout the Midwest. The family will receive friends on Saturday, Jan. 4, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the

Joan Ruth Strauss, 79, Polo, died peacefully with her family by her side on Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013 at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison. She was born on Nov. 25,1934 in Dixon, to Harold and Ruth McCleary. Joan graduated from Polo Community High School and attended Shimer College, Mt. Carroll. She married Edwin Strauss on Oct. 2, 1954 at her parent’s family farm in Polo. Joan knew that her true calling was to follow in her father’s footsteps and ultimately began the process with Edwin to take over the family farm. Joan loved the family farm and took pride in working the land and raising livestock. In addition to farming, she also was a licensed realtor, broker, and appraiser. She worked hard at everything she did and always had an attention to detail. Joan also enjoyed playing bridge with her close friends and Euchre with her family. She also took pleasure in traveling, gardening, and any activity with her grandchildren. She will be missed dearly. Survivors include her husband Edwin Strauss, Polo; two children, Susan (Jerry) Love, Gilbert, Ariz.; Steve (Janet Henning) Strauss, Polo; six grandchildren, Kailey, Mason, Jacob, Curtiss, Lauren, and Kate; one brother Elliot McCleary. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother, Robert; sister, Jean. Funeral services were held on Dec. 30 at the Polo Family Funeral Home. Burial was at Fairmount Cemetery. In lieu of flowers a memorial will be established in her name.

County News


Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page B3

New law allows for 70 mph speed limit on interstates The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Illinois Tollway announced the locations where Interstate speed limits will increase from 65 to 70 miles-perhour. According to the Dec. 27 press release, the new law takes effect Jan 1. The maximum speed limit on Illinois Interstates was increased from 65 to 70 mph, where deemed,reasonable and safe. Drivers must to continue to watch for signs and obey the posted speed limits. “IDOT crews will begin to remove the old 65 mph signs and install the new 70 mph signs in the designated areas early January to comply with the new law, but it’s very important that motorists obey the posted speed limits,� said Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider.

“We encourage motorists to respect and obey all Illinois traffic laws, buckle their seatbelts, and avoid distractions to help ensure everyone makes it to their destinations safely.� While the new signs are being posted, the old 65 mph speed limit is still in effect. “We remind our customers to always obey the posted speed limit while driving on the Tollway and all Illinois roads,� said Illinois Tollway Executive Director Kristi Lafleur. “The new 70 mph speed limit goes into effect on segments of our system that can accommodate the higher speed while still maintaining the safety of our customers, which is always our primary concern.� Once the new law goes into effect, approximately 87 percent of Interstate

highways and 98 percent of rural Interstates under IDOT’s jurisdiction will be increased to 70 mph. Approximately 28 percent of the Tollway’s 286-mile system will be increased to 70 mph. IDOT and the Illinois Tollway will continue to review any roadway speed limit as needed, including monitoring changing traffic behaviors and the completion of construction projects. IDOT fabricated approximately 900 new 70 mph signs intermittently over an approximate one month period. The signs were made with recycled materials at IDOT’s Central Sign Shop in Springfield. The signs have been distributed throughout the state and weather permitting will be installed between Jan. 2 and Jan. 17.

This Illinois Department of Transportation map of the northern part of Illinois shows the sections of Interstates that will be increased to 70 miles per hour in January. The roads in the Chicagoland area will not have their speeds increased.

The total fabrication and installation cost for the 70 mph speed limit signs is estimated at $200,000. For the Illinois Tollway, new 70 mph signs will be installed between Jan. 7 and Jan. 14 on a 64-mile segment of the Reagan Memorial

Tollway (I-88) and on a 15-mile portion of the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway (I-90) at a cost of about $18,000. The new law includes an additional safety provision, which lowers the limit by five mph at which drivers

may be charged by law enforcement with excessive speeding. Currently, the threshold for penalties is 31 mph over the limit. The new law lowers that threshold to 26 mph over the limit, in an effort to increase safety on Illinois roads.

Business Brief Bank held its annual holiday giveaway drawing Stillman Bank held its annual holiday giveaway drawing on Dec. 23. The bank had a total of 12 winners of beef quarters and pork halves throughout its six locations. The winners of the

beef quarters were: James Clubb, Belvidere; Mary Davis, Roscoe; Rose Anne Kersten, Rochelle; Ron Lewis, Stillman Valley; Ann Runnion, Byron; and Garrett Thomas, Chana. The winners of the pork halves were: Michelle Bodhaine, Byron; Gayla Creason, Davis Junction; George Kubat, Roscoe;

Cheryl Myers, Mt. Morris; Derek Hill, Rochelle; and Chuck Schneider, Rockford. The annual Holiday Giveaway is one of the many ways the bank gives back to the local communities it serves, officials said. For more information on the 2013 Holiday Giveaway, or to find out more about Stillman Bank’s products and

services, please contact visit www.stillmanbank.com. Stillman Bank is an independently owned community bank founded in 1882. The bank has over $428 million in assets and operates full-service banking offices in Byron, Oregon, Rochelle, Rockford, Roscoe/Rockton and Stillman Valley.

$1,200 Donation

Cheryl Myers, Mt. Morris, was the winner of a pork half at Pat Donahue, right, presents a certificate to Garrett Stillman Bank’s annual holiday giveaway. Pat Donahue Thomas, Chana, who was the winner of a beef quarter at presents her with a certificate. Also pictured is Chuck Stillman Bank’s annual holiday giveaway. Photo supplied Myers. Photo supplied

Autumn on Parade president Marseyne Snow presents Oregon High School Athletic Director Mike Lawton with a $1,200 check made possible by revenues raised by the 2013 AOP 5K race. Members of the OHS cross country team helped with the 5K this year. The 2014 race is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 5.

Oregon Police Activity Oregon Police Chief Darin DeHaan reports the following police activity for Dec. 23 through Dec. 29. Dec. 23 On Dec. 22, 55 parking citations were issued for violating Sec. 10-50. Parking on street after snowstorm. Dec. 24 At 4:31 p.m., Oregon Police arrested Jason J. Renton, 39, Philadelphia, Tenn., was arrested at 4:31

p.m. on an outstanding 2008 were issued. Winnebago County warrant. Renton was transported to the Tiffany L. Otten, 23, Ogle County jail. Byron, was issued a citation at 6:36 p.m. for operating Dec. 27 a vehicle with an expired At 5:10 p.m., police registration. This violation investigated a two-vehicle occurred in the 100 block of traffic crash in the parking lot N. Fourth Street. of Ace Hardware located at 807 W. Pines Road involving Devon N. Taylor, 23, a 1996 Saturn driven by Sterling, was arrested at Victoria G. Lints, 17, Chana, 8:53 p.m. for possession of and a 2001 Chevrolet driven cannabis less than 30 grams, by Sean M. Smith, 24, no valid driver’s license, Monroe Center. No citations operating a vehicle when

registration is suspended for noninsurance, and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Taylor was transported to the Ogle County jail. These violations occurred in the 500 block of S. Fourth Street. Dec. 29 Daniel L. Hitchcock, Jr., 33, Oregon, was arrested at 12:46 a.m. for possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of cannabis less than 30 grams, and operating a vehicle with an expired

General calls for service through dispatch Dec. 23 - Dec. 29 Checking a Subject Vehicle.........................1 Assist EMS/Other Agency.........................3 Citizen Complaint .......1 Domestic/ Disturbance calls .........4 911 / Hang Up .............1 Assist Citizen...............7 Alarm Response/ Open Door ...................4 Traffic Stops ..............13

registration. Hitchcock was transported to the Ogle County jail. These violations occurred in the 400 block of S. Fourth Street. Five warnings were issued during the week of Dec. 23 Dec. 29. Please note: Any arrests listed are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.

Sheriff Arrests Ogle County Sheriff indicate the cause of the Michael Harn reports the accident. following activity. At 8:58 a.m., deputies Dec. 26 along with the Forreston Matthew D. Johnson, 31, Police Department, Rochelle, was arrested on Stephenson County Sheriff’s an outstanding warrant for Office, and Forreston Fire contempt. and Ambulance responded to His bond was set at a two-vehicle accident with $1,809 bond pending a court injuries in the 11,000 block appearance. of N. Baileyville Road. Dec. 27 At approximately 7:27 p.m., deputies responded to an accident with injury in the 3500 block of N. Leaf River Road. The driver, Courtney K. Barcai, 21, Oregon, lost control of the vehicle as she was heading southbound and went into the east ditch. She was transported to Swedish American Hospital by Mt. Morris fire department ambulance complaining of neck, back, and hip pain. Blowing snow and road conditions appeared to

Candace N. Keller, 20, German Valley, was driving a Jeep Liberty south on Baileyville Road when she attempted to pass another southbound vehicle. Keller’s vehicle struck a northbound vehicle driven by Crystal A. Schafer, 45, Amboy, head on. Both Keller and Schafer were treated on the scene by Forreston EMS for minor injuries. Schafer refused any further medical treatment and was released at the scene. Keller was transported to Freeport Memorial Hospital

by a family member for a non-life threatening injuries. minor ankle injury. Ruter was issued citations The accident remains for: not having a valid under investigation. driver’s license, improper lane usage, failure to reduce At approximately 4:21 speed to avoid an accident, a.m., deputies responded to and having an unlawful a one-vehicle accident in number of passengers in the the 2,000 block of W. Mud vehicle. Creek Road. The accident remains After an investigation, under investigation. deputies learned that Michael Ruter III, 16, Mt. Morris, Dec. 28 was traveling westbound James R. Stinnett, 36, on Mud Creek Road shortly Rochelle, was arrested for before 3:30 a.m. driving with a suspended He lost control of his license. Stinnett was vehicle and traveled into transported to the Ogle the north side ditch rolling County Jail where he posted his vehicle approximately bond and was given a court two times before the vehicle date for a later date. came to rest in the ditch. Ruter and a passenger, Colton Myrvood, 17, Monroe Center, were uninjured in the accident. Another passenger, Ashley Harper, 15, Stillman Valley, received an injury to her hand and was later transported to Rockford Memorial Hospital by Mt. Morris ambulance for

Passport & FOID Photos: 121A S. Fourth St., Oregon 815-732-6166

At approximately 11:11 p.m., deputies along with assistance from Byron Police Department, investigated a report of underage drinking occurring in the 200 block of N. Viewcrest Drive. Pursuant to an investigation, Nelson A. Ziel, 20, Byron, Justin T. Bennett, 20, Mt Morris, Jeremey Mott, 20, Byron, Salvador Sanchez, 18, Byron, and a 16-year-old male from Byron, were all arrested for unlawful consumption of alcohol and transported to the Ogle County Jail.

for speeding. Upon further investigation, the driver, Nathan J. Gorski, 24, Burlington, Iowa, was arrested for speeding, driving while license revoked, unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, and unlawful possession of cannabis-less than 2.5 grams. Gorski was transported to the Ogle County jail where he was held in lieu of bond.

Dec. 29 Crystal D. Hess, 31, Mt Morris, was arrested for failure to appear and was transported to the Ogle At 8:09 a.m., deputies County Jail. stopped a vehicle on I-39 mile marker 102 southbound Her bond was set at $258.






Northwest Eyecare r


State’s Attorney Ogle County States Attorney Michael Rock reported the following court activity. Dec. 23 Cody Ward, 25, Rochelle, retail theft, possession of a controlled substance/ possession of a hypodermic needle, pre-trial conference Jan. 13. Justin Coltrain, 33, Mt. Morris, hate crime/battery, motion hearing, Dec. 30. June Gibson, 52, Sycamore, pleaded guilty to driving while license suspended. Ogle County Associate Circuit Court Judge John C. Redington sentenced Gibson to 12 months conditional discharge and 66 days imprisonment (time served). She was ordered to submit to DNA testing and must pay a $180 probation fee, $50 to Crimestoppers and $50 to the Violent Crime Victim Assistance (VCVA) Fund. Alexandria Silva, 20, Carpentersville, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of alcohol by a minor. Ogle County Associate Circuit Court Judge John C. Redington sentenced Silva to 24 months drug probation. She must submit to DNA testing and random drug testing. She must cooperate and complete a psychological or substance abuse assessment and perform 100 hours of public service work. She was ordered to pay a $600 probation fee, $500 drug assessment, $100 lab analysis fee, $100 to Crimestoppers and $50 to the VCVA Fund. Ricky Lider, 42, Davis Junction, pleaded guilty to false report of vehicle theft. Ogle County Associate Circuit Court Judge John C. Redington sentenced Lider to 12 months conditional discharge. He must submit to DNA testing and random drug testing. He must cooperate and complete a psychological

or substance abuse assessment. He was ordered to pay a $180 probation fee, $10 to Crimestoppers and $100 to the VCVA Fund. Todd McCaslin, 27, DeKalb, theft, jury status call Jan. 27. Kimberly Poole, 30, Mt. Morris, theft/residential burglary, jury status call Jan. 27. David Pederson, 43, Lee Center, domestic battery (subsequent offense), criminal trespass to residence/ violation of bail bond, plea Jan. 3. Cruz Lara, 23, Rochelle, aggravated criminal sexual abuse (3 counts), status Jan. 10. Matthew Bearrows, 33, Rochelle, unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon (2 counts), plea Jan. 27. Christopher Stone, 28, Rockford, possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance/possession of a controlled substance, status Jan. 17. Ronell Garrett, 26, Polo, criminal damage to property, jury status call Jan. 17. Joshua Jones, 29, Polo, unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon, jury status call Jan. 27. James Stroup, 43, Rockford, possession of a stolen vehicle/theft, theft (3 counts)/criminal damage to property (3 counts), pre-trial conference Jan. 3. George D. Schneider, 20, Oregon, unlawful delivery of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a park, jury trial March 11, final pre-trial conference March 6. Lerry G. McPhail, 52, Polo, burglary, jury trial Feb. 18. Dec. 24 Rudy Sanchez, 34, Byron, retail theft, status Dec. 27. Dec. 27 Rudy Sanchez, 34, Byron, retail theft, preliminary hearing Jan. 8. Claudia N. Correa, 26, Aurora, aggravated DUI (2 counts), pre-trial conference Feb. 10.

Property Transfers $6,500. Fannie Mae and Federal National Mortgage Association, warranty deed to Timothy D. McCullough, 6727 W. Henry Rd., Polo, Pine Creek Township, $90,000. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, warranty deed to Charles T. Beckman, 7845 S. Tampam Dr., Dixon, Taylor Township, Dec. 20 Resul Dezeladini and Adim $90,000. Dzeladini, warranty deed to Steven W. Delhotal, 1120 Dec. 26 Sunset Terrace, Rochelle, Steve Pierce and Lisa Flagg Township, $148,150. Pierce, warranty deed to Holcomb State Bank, quit Michelle Weems, 4000 E. claim deed to Joshua K. Whitaker, Byron, Marion Waddell, 50 acres south of Township, $124,900. Creston Commons, Creston, Barbara A. Bowen, Dement Township, $470,614. warranty deed to Lyle Grobe Harold Stromberger, and Barb Grobe, 801 W. warranty deed to Jerry Hartz Fulton St., Polo, Buffalo and Linda Hartz, 101 N. St. Township, $55,000. Francis Dr., Dixon, Taylor Thomas P. Witmer, Township, $140,000. warranty deed to Joel Ogle County Sheriff, M. Jakobs and Jennifer German-American State K. Jakobs, property on Bank, Lewis E. Lazarus, Milledgeville Rd. and Wilson Alexander Marshalsey, and Mill Rd., no address given, Krohn & Moss, Ltd., sheriff’s Polo, Eagle Point Township, deed to Lazco Holdings, LLC, $764,390. 601 Cedar Ave., and 407 George Welsh and Rita Main St., both in Forreston, Welsh, warranty deed to Forreston Township. Dylan T. Harrison, 4583 Dec. 23 S. Nettz Rd., Oregon, Pine State Bank, warranty deed, Creek Township, $196,000. Dustin L. Alderks, 1681 S. Michael S. McGuire and Stone Hill Rd., Chana, Pine Christine McGuire, warranty Rock Township, $266,000. deed to McGuire Farms, Benjamin W. Meyer and LLC, Property in Pine Creek Melinda K. Meyer, warranty Township, no address given. deed to James K. Black and Bank of New York Pamela K. Black, 12073 E. Mellon, Trustee and C Walt Carriage Rd., Rochelle, Flagg Inc., alternative loan TR Township, $115,000. 200510CB, warranty deed to Scott W. Johnson and Paula Dec. 24 James D. Watson and D. Johnson, 425 Chippewa Dixon, Taylor Debora J. Watson, warranty Lane, deed to Athena Lane, 104 N. Township, $190,000. Erik D. Johnson and Vicki Mineral St., Byron, Byron L. Johnson, warranty deed to Township, $169,000. Community State Bank of Daniel Claunch and Jennifer Rock Falls, warranty deed to Claunch, 1308 Glacier Dr., Kirk Janicke, 610 W. Fulton Byron, Byron Township, St., Polo, Buffalo Township, $179,000. Property transfers are listed according to the date they were filed in the county recorder’s office. The name of the grantor transferring the property is listed first, followed by the type of transaction, the name of the grantee, the address and township of the property, and the price of the transfer.

County News


Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, January 2, 2014, Page B4

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