Serving Ogle County since 1851
OREGON Republican Reporter
August 21, 2014 Volume 164, Number 36 - $1.00
Alumni Game
Fair Results
Red & White Night
Oregon graduates defeated Winnebago Aug. 15 during an alumni football game. B1
Read how the projects fared at the 2014 Ogle County 4-H Fair. A10
Come and meet Oregon High School’s fall sports teams this Friday night. A9
Cost to audit Tow Fund could double
By Vinde Wells Editor
A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new Ogle County Sheriff’s Administration building. Pictured here shoveling dirt are architect Guy Gehlhausen; Nathan Heinrich, Rockford Structures; architect Dan Saavedra; Mike Olson, Saavedra Gehlhausen Architects; Sandy Beitel, E-911 Coordinator; Ogle County Board Chairman Kim Gouker; Oregon Mayor Tom Stone; Greg Suthers, Rockford Structures; county board member Don Griffin; and coroner Lou Finch. Photo by Chris Johnson
New facility was “long-needed� By Vinde Wells Editor Everyone was in agreement Tuesday at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Ogle County Sheriff’s Administration Building — the facility is much needed. “It’s a long-needed facility,� Ogle County Board Chairman Kim Gouker. County board member Don Griffin agreed. “It’s not only going to serve the present but also long into the future for the county.� “This is a facility that’s desperately needed,� said architect Guy Gehlhausen. “It will have all the latest security.� Ogle County 911 Coordinator Sandy Beitel said the new building will be a more convenient, safer environment for county employees. The new building, which has been under construction since early this spring, will
Ogle County Board Chairman Kim Gouker, left, speaks at the ceremony while in center is board member Don Griffin, who is also chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee. Oregon Mayor Tom Stone, right, told the audience Tuesday afternoon that the county is the city’s largest employer. Photos by Chris Johnson
replace the century-old sheriff’s office donated to the county more than 25 years ago by the E.D. Etnyre Company. The building has a leaky roof, needs electrical and technological upgrades, and is not handicapped accessible. The Oregon Mayor Tom Stone said he remembered working in the old building years ago when he first went
to work for Etnyre’s. “This will be a nice facility,� he said. “It will be a great thing for the City of Oregon.� The final speaker was Nathan Heinrich, the vice president of Rockford Structures, the contractor for the project, who said he was honored to be a part of it. The new facility is being
built to the east of the current sheriff’s office at 103 Jefferson St. and will house the sheriff’s department, coroner and morgue, and the 911 call center. It is expected to be completed by early next year. Once it is completed, the old building will be demolished, and the space where it now sits will be used for parking.
A forensic examination of the Ogle County Sheriff’s Tow Fund may cost double the original estimate. The Ogle County Board on Tuesday authorized paying Sikich LLP, Naperville, up to $7,500 more to dig further into the financial records. The board agreed in May to pay Sikich $7,500 plus outof-pocket expenses for the initial investigation into the Tow Fund expenditures and revenues. County board chairman Kim Gouker said then that if fraud was uncovered during the examination, the costs could increase to as much as $300 per hour for the investigators’ services. In May, the board approved engaging the forensic services of Sikich to examine Tow Fund expenditures and revenues from the time it was implemented in 2011 to the present. The firm also does the county’s regular annual audits. Tuesday’s motion to pay Sikich the additional sum met with some opposition. The measure passed 19-3 with board members Lee Meyers, Byron, Lyle Hopkins, Polo, and Dorothy Bowers, Byron, voting no. Board members Bill Welty, Chana, and Bruce McKinney, Rochelle, did not attend the meeting. Meyers said he believes Sikich is changing the cost midway through the process. “I think they need to have their feet put to the fire and made to do it for the original $7,500,� he said. Pat Saunders, Polo, said she remembered that Sikich officials said at the start that additional fees might be
incurred. Hopkins said he is opposed to spending more. “If they haven’t found anything that jumped out at them by now, why should we give them more money?� he said. “Could it be they have found something?� asked Bobbie Colbert, Rochelle. “That could be,� replied Gouker. Gouker said that so far the investigators have looked through the records they knew to be in existence and spent three days “on site� doing that. “Examinations like this are like peeling off an onion,� Gouker said. “There are different layers. They said the records were quite disorganized.� He said the investigators want to look at more records and do more interviews. They may find what they need without using all of the additional $7,500, he said. On the other hand, Gouker said, this may not be the last time they ask for more funds to complete the examination. Martin Typer, Stillman Valley, said he believes it is important that the examination is completed, even with the additional cost. “We owe it to the people we represent to find out what happened,� he said. Gouker said he was misquoted in a newspaper article that said he has not seen a preliminary report from Sikich. He said Sikich has not yet completed a preliminary report on their findings to this point. In other business the board: s GAVE APPROVAL BY A consensus to have Chevron Energy Solutions Company do an assessment of county facilities at no cost.
Otto Dick chosen as Oregon’s Citizen of the Year By Christi Warren Sauk Valley Media A man who loves history and loves sharing it even more was named Citizen of the Year during the Oregon Chamber of Commerce’s annual dinner on Aug. 14. Guests dined and participated in a lively dessert auction before Debbie Dickson, executive director of the chamber, took the stage to announce Otto Dick as this year’s recipient. “This is a man quiet in nature, mild in manner, working silently behind many scenes, whose actions speak loudly of the pride and commitment he carries when he walks throughout our community,� Dickson said. Dick moved to Oregon with his family in 1946, as a
Laura Medlar, Volunteer of Year Alpine Chiropractic, Business of Year young school boy. His father was a principal, and Otto kind of followed in those footsteps – spending 25 years as a teacher at Dixon High School. He now spends most of his time volunteering around the community, and working to promote it any way he can, from his work with the Ogle County Historical Society, to his passion and, as Dickson said, the “immeasurable sweat equity� he has poured into the Depot restoration project. He also writes weekly articles about local history for the Republican Reporter. “I’m proud to be up here with ‘the lady on the rock,’�
In This Week’s Edition...
he joked, before thanking the chamber for the award. “I’m one of many people who volunteer and [give] so much effort for the town of Oregon,� he said. “I love Oregon. ... It’s a great place; I’m just so happy to be here. I’d choose no place else to live. We have a great history here. Let’s be positive about our town.� He is the 30th recipient of the chamber’s annual award. Laura Medlar was named Volunteer of the Year. She has served on the Candlelight Walk Committee for more than 10 years in a variety of positions. She is also a chamber ambassador and an Autumn on Parade
Church News, A5 Classifieds, B7-B12 College News, A4 Entertainment, A6 Fines, B5
committee member, serving as Duck Dash chair for more than 10 years, interim food court chair, and as a member of the executive board. She’s also served 8 years on the Ogle County Community Mental Health Board, and volunteers for the Mt. Morris Moose Club and the Oregon VFW. “It is an honor,� Medlar said upon taking the stage, her voice shaking with emotion. “I have known so many of you – as I look out here and see familiar faces – from years of serving on boards and doing social activities with many of these people in this room. It is an honor. I am amazed, I didn’t have a clue. If anyone can reach out and touch another Local historian Otto Dick makes a few remarks following life through mental health his award for Oregon Citizen of the Year. Photo by Alex
Marriage Licenses, A4 Oregon Police, A3 Public Voice, A8 Property Transfers, B2 Sheriff’s Arrests, B5
Turn to A2 T. Paschal, Sauk Valley Media
Service News, A4 Social News, A4 Sports, A11, A12, B1 State’s Attorney, B6
Deaths, B3 David L. Dickson, James E. Gross, Wayne L. Lantz, James M. Maxwell, William M. McNett, Samuel E. Thomas, Kenneth M. Wolf
Oregon Republican Reporter, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A2
Oregon Beat
Ambulances, building go to Oregon Fire District Private not-forprofit service closed in April By Vinde Wells Editor
At left, Laura Medlar speaks after being named Oregon Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year. At right, Alpine Chiropractic and Natural Medicine owners Seth and Carrie Anderson receive their award after being named recipients of the Business of the Year award. Photos by Alex T. Paschal, Sauk Valley Media
Chamber announces winners From A1 service or whatever it may be, just do it.� Seth and Carrie Anderson of Alpine Chiropractic and Natural Medicine received Business of the Year. The young couple, new to the area, immersed themselves in the community since their arrival by working with the chamber and the Lions Club. “Their genuine dedication to quality; their compassion and commitment to be happy,
Early deadlines for paper
healthy, and upstanding citizens has not only created dozens of strong relationships, but has also thrown a bright and shining spotlight on them,â€? Dickson said before the couple took the stage. “Thank you so much to this community for welcoming us the way that you have,â€? Carrie said. “We were so excited to start our business here and be doctors here and help all of you as much as we possibly could. ‌ This
is quite an honor, especially after only 1 year of business.� Her husband echoed her sentiment. “This is a surprising and humbling and quite unexpected honor,� he said. “This has been a wonderful community to be a part of. It’s been tremendously welcoming and warm. It’s a great place to call home.� Approximately 160 people attended this year’s dinner which was held at Barnacopia. in rural Polo.
Early deadlines will be in effect for the Sept. 4 edition of the Oregon Republican Reporter. The deadline for news items and photos is 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 28. The office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 1 in observance of Labor Day. Normal hours will resume Tuesday, Sept. 2.
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The Oregon Ambulance Service’s building and vehicles officially became the property of the Oregon Fire Protection District last week. Fire Chief Don Heller said the ambulance service co-managers Jim and Betty Ferris turned over the building at 101 Madison St. and the two ambulances to the fire district board at a special meeting Aug. 12. “We need to make some upgrades to the building and then we will move ATS [ATS Medical Services] down there,� Heller said.
ATS, based in Loves Park, has kept an ambulance and crew at the Oregon Fire Station to answer the fire district’s medical calls since July 1, two weeks after the Oregon Ambulance Service, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, closed its doors due to financial reasons. For the first two weeks, ambulance calls in the fire district were answered by neighboring fire districts, all of which have their own tax-supported ambulance services. Oregon is the only fire district in the area which does not include a tax-supported ambulance service. The fire district board plans to hold a referendum in April 2015 to ask taxpayers to allow them to levy real estate taxes to support an ambulance service. ATS has a 10-month
contract with the fire district and will continue to provide ambulance service in the meantime. Anyone who is transported in its ambulance will be billed by ATS, and the fire district will cover any shortfall associated with the cost of keeping the ATS ambulance and crew in town. That can only be a shortterm fix because the fire department’s tax revenues were levied for fire protection, said Fire district attorney Brian O’Connor, Elburn in July. The fire district, which is 120 square miles and bordered by 10 other fire districts, includes all of Oregon-Nashua Township and portions of Pine Creek, Pine Rock, White Rock, Rockvale, Marion, Grand Detour, and Taylor Townships.
Local customers not affected by recent hacking incidents By Vinde Wells Editor Customers at Oregon’s grocery store can rest easy — a “criminal intrusion� discovered last week into Supervalu’s computer network will not affect them. Jim Kaufman, owner of Oregon Super Valu, 204 N. Fourth St., said Tuesday that the intrusion announced Aug. 15 involved only the corporate computer system. “It had no effect on us.
We’re completely separate from them,� he said. Kaufman was attending a work-related seminar last week when he got word that the Supervalu computers had been breached. “From what I’ve been told, there has been no fraud on any cards. They caught it really fast,� he said. “It was reassuring when I found out it had nothing to do with us.� Several area residents fell victim to a debit and
credit card compromise in May of 2013 when a local merchant’s computer system was breached. Although the merchant was never named, local banks posted warnings to customers on their websites to monitor their statements for unauthorized charges. The banks informed the affected customers that they took steps to immediately close cards at risk of exposure and order new cards.
Renewable energy fair Aug. 23-24 The mayor of a town nearly destroyed by a tornado will be the featured speaker at the 13th annual Illinois Renewable Energy and Sustainable Lifestyle Fair. Bob Dixson, mayor of Greensburg, Kans., will speak on Saturday, Aug. 23 at noon about how residents of his community embraced the responsibility to rebuild using the principles and concepts that are “green,� sustainable, and environmentally conscious. “Greensburg rebuilt green and clean,� said event organizer Sonia Vogl. “He [Dixson] goes around the
country helping other places to do that, too.� Greensburg was 95 percent destroyed by an EF-5 tornado in 2007, and 11 lives were lost. Illinois Renewable Energy and Sustainable Lifestyle Fair will be held Saturday, Aug. 23 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ogle County Fairgrounds, just off Ill 64 west of Oregon. Numerous workshops will be held throughout the two days on topics ranging from going “green� to raising chickens and vegetables. “The speakers are always
the highlights,� Vogl said. “We’ve arranged the workshops at different times so people can get to all of them.� Nearly 50 booths will be featured offering a variety of products and information. Tickets are $5 per day or $7 for both days for adults. Children accompanied by adults are admitted free. Pets are not allowed. Food will be available and musical entertainment will be provided from noon to 4 p.m. each day. For more information visit
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The Oregon Republican Reporter is published weekly by Ogle County Newspapers, a division of the B.F. Shaw Printing Co. The Oregon Republican Reporter was founded in 1851 as the Ogle County Reporter. In 1889, the Ogle County Republican, a competing newspaper, was started. In 1890, the Republican was sold to Ziba Landers. Upon his death in 1939, the newspaper was assumed by his son, Ernest D. In March 1951, Paul F. Behan, owner of the Reporter, and E.D. Landers and his son E.G. (Tim) Landers united the newspapers into the Republican Reporter. Ernest D. Landers died in 1966, and E.G. and Behan became partners. Eventually, E.G. Landers assumed sole ownership, and in 1985 he sold the newspaper to B.F. Shaw Printing of Dixon, publisher of the Sauk Valley Newspapers. Ogle County Newspapers also prints the Mt. Morris Times, Forreston Journal, and Polo's Tri-County Press.
Northern Illinois Newspaper Association
The Oregon Republican Reporter is produced every week by: General Manager: Earleen Hinton Senior Editor: Vinde Wells Advertising Sales: Lori Walker Reporters: Jason Hickman Chris Johnson
The Oregon Republican Reporter (USPS No. 411-420) is published weekly by B.F. Shaw Printing Co. Subscription rates are $39.00 in Ogle County, and $52.00 a year elsewhere in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Oregon, Illinois. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oregon Republican Reporter, P.O. Box 8, Oregon, IL 61061. Phone: 815-732-6166.
Oregon Beat
Oregon Republican Reporter, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A3
W.W. Fuller relocated to Oregon when he was 47 Margarget was his niece, she visited in 1843 Editor’s note: Otto Dick, Oregon, has researched the people, places, and events important in Oregon’s history for the Ogle County Historical Society. The following is one of a series of the articles he has written. By Otto Dick
W. W. Fuller
W. W. Fuller moved to Oregon in 1839, four years after Oregon was founded. Judge Ford, later Governor of Illinois, stated that his fine mental endowments and genial manners gained for him fame and friends. W. W. Fuller was born in Princeton, Mass. on Aug. 4, 1792. His family was well established and respected. Several of his brothers were lawyers and his brother, Timothy, was a member of Congress. Timothy was the father of Margaret Fuller, a gifted journalist, critic and women’s rights activist. William graduated from Harvard and the Litchfield Law School. He entered the legal profession when he was 25 years old. He practiced law in Maine and Massachusetts for 22 years before moving to Oregon. It is interesting that he was a successful attorney out East and chose at age 47 to move to Oregon. After moving to Oregon,
he married his first wife, Mary Fletcher, who died one year later. His niece, Margaret Fuller, visited Oregon in the summer of 1843. She traveled to what at that time they called the Far West. This included the Great Lakes, Wisconsin, and Illinois. She went from Buffalo, N.Y. to Chicago by boat and then from Chicago by lumber wagon. This was only 10 years after the Black Hawk War. She traveled through Geneva, Paw Paw Grove and then to the Hazelwood Estate in Dixon. She then traveled to Oregon to visit her uncle, W.W. Fuller, staying at the home of his friends, the Henshaws. Although her short visit in Oregon was one week, it left a lasting impression. “The aspect of this country was to me enchanting beyond any I have ever seen. Every sight is worth as much as the morning sun. One glorious morning, it was that of the Fourth of July, and certainly I think I had never felt so
This photo of Ganymede Spring was taken from a postcard. In Greek mythology, Ganymede was a name for a young boy, a cupbearer to the Gods. Photo supplied
happy that I was born in America. I do believe Rome and Florence are suburbs compared to this capital of nature’s art,” she said. During this time while rowing on the Rock River and climbing the bluff, she paused to write “Ganymede to his Eagle.” At this time a large Eagle’s Nest rested in one of the red cedar trees located on the bluff where Black Hawk Statue now proudly stands watch over the Rock River. Below the Eagle’s Nest Tree a mineral spring was located by the edge of the river. Some years later the spring was walled up. A marble engraved plaque was placed above the spring and read as
follows: “Ganymede to His Eagle” Ganymede’s Spring named July 4, 1843. by Margaret Fuller (Countess D’Ossoli) On Sept.17, 1880 the Who named this bluff spring and island nearby were Eagle’s Nest dedicated. And, beneath the cedars on On the newly dedicated its crest, wrote Margaret Fuller Island,
Col. B. F. Sheets gave the dedication speech. A picnic followed the dedication ceremonies. My hope is that this spring will be restored and the marble plaque returned to Ganymede Spring.
The Ganymede restaurant was owned by Harold Beaty. The name Ganymede was suggested by Ruby Nash. At left is the dining room. At right is the bar. Photos supplied
Oregon Police Activity Oregon Police Chief Darin M. Rains, 52, Oregon. No DeHaan reports the following citations were issued. police activity for Aug. 11 At 5:15 p.m., police through Aug. 17. investigated a two-vehicle traffic crash at the intersection Aug. 11 of N. Hastings Ave. and Toni L. Popejoy, 47, Rock Mix Lane, involving a 1991 Falls, was arrested at 2:02 BMW driven by Nathan p.m. on two outstanding A. Zittle, 22, Oregon, and warrants, one Lee County a 2013 Chrysler driven by and one Whiteside County. Theodore A. Arbogast, 76, Popejoy was transported to Oregon. Zittle was issued a the Ogle County jail. citation for failure to reduce Ahmad M. Ashour, 26, speed to avoid an accident. Mendota, was arrested at Thomas L.G. Miller10:19 p.m. on an outstanding Kolak, 20, of Sherman, LaSalle County warrant for Texas, was arrested at 9:56 failure to appear on a drug p.m. for driving while license paraphernalia charge. Ashour suspended and operating an was also charged with uninsured motor vehicle. possession of paraphernalia, Miller-Kolak was transported cannabis less than 30 grams, to the Ogle County jail. These and issued a citation for violations occurred in the 600 operating an uninsured block of Gale Street. motor vehicle. Ashour was transported to the Ogle Aug. 13 County jail. These violations At 3:00 p.m., police, occurred in the 600 block of following a thorough Gale Street. investigation of a hit and run traffic crash that occurred Aug. 12 on Aug. 8 in the Rock River At 9:10 a.m., police Food Mart parking lot, investigated a two-vehicle issued Matthew A. Castle, traffic crash involving a 41, Jackson, Mich., citations 2001 Pontiac driven by Jason for leaving the scene of L. Rote, 20, Oregon, and a an accident with vehicle 2004 Ford driven by Susan damage, and operating an
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resulting in the arrest of Randy W. Reinhold, 22, Oregon, for possession of paraphernalia and possession of cannabis less than 30 grams. Reinhold was transported to the Ogle County jail.
Oregon, was issued a citation at 8:40 p.m. for speeding—45 mph in a 30 mph zone. This violation occurred in the 100 block of North Daysville Road. Aug. 16 Gary A. Wright, 60, Rockford, was arrested at 1:36 a.m. for driving while under the influence of alcohol and driving while license revoked. Wright was also issued a citation for improper lane usage. Wright was transported to the Ogle County jail. These violations occurred in the 700 block of E. Washington Street. Michael P. Bendis, 18, Oregon, was arrested at 10:49 p.m. for illegal consumption as a minor. Bendis was transported to the Ogle County jail.
Aug. 14 Sheila L. Hummel, 42, Davis Junction, was issued a citation at 3:27 p.m. for driving while license suspended. A passenger in Hummel’s vehicle, Jovana V. Danielowski, 23, Byron, was arrested on three outstanding warrants, a Winnebago County warrant for failure to appear for nonpayment on an unlicensed driver charge; a Lee County warrant for retail theft, and an Ogle County warrant for unlawful consumption of alcohol as a minor. Danielowski was transported to the Ogle County jail. This traffic stop One parking citation and occurred in the 100 block of six warnings were issued S. Fourth Street. Aug. 11-17. Spencer H. Horn, 19,
Please note: Any arrests listed are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. General calls for service through dispatch Aug. 11-17 Checking a Subject/Vehicle ........... 8 Citizen Complaints ...... 8 Parking Complaints ..... 5 Juvenile Complaints .... 3 Animal Complaints ..... 8 Assist Ambulance/ Other Departments ...... 2 Citizen Assist / Civil Problems ............. 4 Domestic/ Disturbance calls ......... 4 911 Hang-ups/Open phone lines................... 4 Vehicle/ Building Lockout......... 3 Alarm Response/ Open Door or Window ....................... 2 Traffic Stops .............. 15
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uninsured motor vehicle. Charles W. Grobe, Jr., 47, Rockford, was issued a citation at 4:40 p.m. for use of a cell phone while driving. This violation occurred in the 100 block of S. Fourth Street. Bradley S. Luckie, 34, Rockford, was issued a citation at 5 p.m. for use of a cell phone while driving. This violation occurred in the 300 block of S. Fourth Street. Heather M. Jarman, 36, Rockford, was issued a citation at 6:05 p.m. for operating a vehicle with an expired registration. A passenger in Jarman’s vehicle, Craig E. Willoughby, 23, Rockford, was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of cannabis less than 30 grams. Willoughby was transported to the Ogle County jail. These violations occurred in the 400 block of S. Fourth Street. At 10:42 p.m., police responded to a disturbance at 106 N. Seventh Street,
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Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A4
Social News
DeWall recognized for his service Donald DeWall, Forreston was recognized for 20 years of service to the ETSB during the regular Ogle County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) meeting on June 11. DeWall represented the Fire and Emergency Medical
Services on the board. He is a member of the Forreston Fire and Ambulance. He was appointed to the board in 1994 and has served as the chairman of the board. The Ogle County Emergency Telephone System Board is responsible
Birthday reception for Mildred Smith
Donald DeWall, Forreston, left, was recently honored for 20 years of service on the Ogle County Emergency Telephone System Board. Also pictured are his wife Marian DeWall, and Lt. Randy Hilliard, Ogle County Sheriff’s Department, who also serves on the board. Photo supplied
99th birthday is set for Art Dietze Art Dietze will celebrate his 99th birthday with an open house and card party, hosted by his family, on Thursday, Aug. 28 from 2 to 4 p.m. at his residence at Oregon Living and Rehabilitation Center, 811 S. 10th St., Oregon. Friends and relatives are urged to stop by to wish him a happy 99th birthday. Dietze was born on Aug. 28, 1915 in Chicago, one year after his parents immigrated to the United States from Germany. He and his wife Grace were married for 73 years and lived in Chicago and Glen Ellyn until moving to Oregon in 1959. They purchased Fischer’s store and ran it until retiring. Grace passed away in 2013. Dietze has two daughters, Allegra Gicla, Greensboro, N.C., and Valerie (Jack)
Art Dietze
Glotfelty, Oregon; three grandchildren, Scott (Misty) Beaty, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Aaron (Melissa) Beaty, DeKalb, and Nicole (Mitch) Krasowski, Greensboro, N.C.; and four great-grandchildren, Morgan Beaty, David Beaty, Madeline Krasowski, and Kate Krasowski.
Mildred Smith, Mt. Morris, will celebrate her 100th birthday with a reception during the fellowship time following worship on Sunday, Sept. 7 at 11 a.m. at the Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren. She was born on Sept. 8, 1914. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Your presence is the only gift requested. Cards may be sent to 211 Sunset Lane, Mt. Morris IL 61054.
Love, Scott & Julie Heeren and Paul, Kelly, Sam & Wyatt Heffron
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Fire EMS Representative; Edward O’Brien, Citizen at large, Representative (state statute); David Sawlsville, Rochelle Fire Department, Fire EMS Representative; Sandy Sullivan, Rochelle Police Department, PSAP Representative/Law Enforcement; Sgt. Sam Thomas, Illinois State Police, Law Enforcement Representative; Capt. Cory Tveit, St. Valley Fire Department, Fire EMS Representative; and Marty Typer, Ogle County Board Representative.
Vogt will celebrate birthday A card shower is planned to help LaVonne (Moring) Vogt celebrate her 90th birthday on Aug. 22. Cards and well wishes may be sent to her at 502 Fourth Ave., Forreston IL 61030.
Mildred Smith
LaVonne Vogt
Service News Daniel Rambow A 2007 Byron High School graduate and Byron native is serving in the U.S. Navy as part of a crew working aboard one of the world’s most advanced ballistic missile submarines, the USS Alaska (SSBN 732). Petty Officer Daniel Rambow is a machinist mate serving aboard the Kings Bay-based boat, one of 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines. Measuring 560 feet long, 42 feet wide and weighing more than 16,500 tons, a nuclear-powered propulsion system helps push the ship through the water at more than 20 knots. The Navy’s ballistic missile submarines, often referred to as “boomers,” serve as an undetectable launch platform for intercontinental ballistic missiles. They are designed specifically for stealth, extended patrols and the precise delivery of missiles if directed by the President.
Marriage Licenses Aug. 8 Ogle County Clerk Thomas M. Rhanor and Rebecca Huntley issued the following marriage licenses. Allison K. Kennington, both of Alton. Craig E. Hoyle and Carlie Happy Happ y 50th A. Lang, both of Rockford. Anniversary to Bryan L. Witek and Dawn Les & Cheryl M. Poole, both of Pecatonica. Timothy P. Prehn, Jr., and Heeren Jamie L. Dutton, both of 8/14/1964 Oregon. Aug. 11 Trevor O. Benson and Sara E. Frazier, both of Aurora. Aug. 12 Cruz L. Lara, Rochelle, and Leisha M. Amador, Sanford, N.C.
for the managing of the 9-11 funds that are collected per a referendum passed in March of 1990. The 9-1-1 system went “live” on April 26, 1993. This board is composed of nine members. Currently serving on the ETSB are: Chief Galen Bennett, Byron Fire Department, Fire EMS Representative; Lt. Randy Hilliard, Ogle County Sheriff’s Office, PSAP Representative/Law Enforcement; Chief Deputy Rick Mott, Lynn-ScottWhite Rock Fire Department,
Eliberto R. Rodriguez and Anabel Aguilar, both of Rochelle. Aug. 13 Joshua J. Whitehead, Byron, and Krystal N. Smith, Rockford. Constance L. Wolgast and Lisa M.Neff, both of Anna Maria, Fla. Alger B. Smith and Ludmila M. Fomina, both of Rockford. Marlen J. Schopp and Sheley L. Russell, both of Ashton. Aug. 14 Christopher E. Stauffer, Polo, and Melody B. Weber, Chadwick. Kevin R. Leehan, Apple River, and Keisha A. Chelberg, Macomb. Ladarion H. Shelby and Kaera D.-L. Watson, both of Davis Junction. Joshua A.T. Fuzak, Tiskilwa, and Britta C. Geaschel, Rockford.
The Ohio-class design allows the submarines to operate for 15 or more years between major overhauls. On average, the submarines spend 77 days at sea followed by 35 days in-port for maintenance. “We demand the highest standards from Petty Officer Rambow, technically and personally,” said Rear Admiral Charles A. Richard, commander, Submarine Group Ten in Kings Bay, Ga. “His Commanding Officer, his country, and I take great pride in his willingness to raise his hand and volunteer to serve the nation. “The importance of our Sailors is immeasurable; people like Petty Officer Rambow are crucial to ensuring our submarines are operating at their best and the mission is flawlessly executed. I’m so very proud he is on our team.” Rambow is part of the boat’s Blue crew, one of the two rotating crews, which allow the ship to be deployed on missions more often without taxing one crew too much. A typical crew on this submarine is approximately 150 officers and enlisted sailors. Because of the stressful environment aboard submarines, personnel are
accepted only after rigorous testing and observation. Submariners are some of the most highly trained and skilled people in the Navy. The training is highly technical and each crew has to be able to operate, maintain, and repair every system or piece of equipment on board. Regardless of their specialty, everyone also has to learn how everything on the ship works and how to respond in emergencies to become “qualified in submarines” and earn the right to wear the coveted gold or silver dolphins on their uniform. “The thing I like most about working on submarines compared to the rest of the fleet is I am required to know a little bit about everything. I get to have my hands in just about all aspects of the operational readiness of the boat – planning, testing and executing the mission,” Rambow said. Although it is difficult for most people to imagine living on a submarine, challenging submarine living conditions actually build strong fellowship among the crew. The crews are highly motivated, and quickly adapt to changing conditions. It is a busy life of specialized work, watches, and drills.
Trevor Peters Army Private Trevor Peters has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values,
physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military
Daniel Rambow
“When I first joined the Navy, I was excited about all the initial aspects of the job, but now I get to help those under me, teaching and training the new sailors in my division – that reward in itself motivates me to come to work every day. Both of my grandfathers and two of my uncles, as well as my twin brother, were (or are) all in Navy,” Rambow added. As a member of one of the U.S. Navy’s most relied upon assets, Rambow and other USS Alaska (SSBN 732) sailors know they are part of a legacy that will last beyond their lifetimes. courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Peters is the son of James and Jodi Peters, Byron, and is a 2012 graduate of Stillman Valley High School.
College News UW-Madison Several area students were among the 6,500 graduates during commencement ceremonies in May at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Those earning degrees include Suzanna Rasmussen,
Byron, bachelor of science in Nuclear Engineering, graduated with distinction; and Jessica N. Lovstad, Oregon, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Stacy Toth Stacy Toth, Stillman Valley, was among nearly 730 graduates
who received degrees from Capital University, Bexley, Ohio, during the 2013-2014 academic year, culminating with the University’s 164th Commencement Ceremony in May 2014. Toth received a bachelor of arts degree.
Auto loan rates that WOW! as low as
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Church News ADELINE ZION EVANGELICAL CHURCH 9106 Cedar St. in Adeline Leaf River 61047 Phone 815-541-4863 Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m.
Oregon Republican Reporter, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A5
Crave Youth Group (6th-12th grade)- Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Visit our website: www. DISCIPLES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Hitt and Maple Streets, Mt. Morris Phone 815-734-4853 Dwight Stewart, Pastor Worship 9:30 a.m. Coffee Hour 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m.
BAILEYVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH 303 W. Franklin St., Baileyville, 815-232-6222 Pastor Alan Cassel www. EAST JORDAN UNITED 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for METHODIST CHURCH all ages 22027 Polo Rd., Sterling 10:40 a.m. Morning Worship 815-626-0104 6:30 p.m. Evening service. 9 a.m. Fellowship Wednesday, 7 p.m. Midweek 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Worship Dave Jungnickel, Pastor BAILEYVILLE REFORMED CHURCH EAST OREGON CHAPEL 400 W. Center St. CHURCH OF GOD Baileyville, 815-235-1201 107 N. Daysville Rd. Pastor Bruce Otto East Edge of Oregon 9 a.m. Sunday School Off Ill. 64 10 a.m. Morning Worship 815-732-2960 or 815-732-6569 BETHEL UNITED Pastor Guthrie METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 217 S. Hickory St., Church 10:30 a.m. Shannon Traditional Worship EBENEZER REFORMED Service 9 a.m. CHURCH Contemporary Worship 2997 N. German Church Rd. 11:15 a.m. Two miles east of Oregon on Ill. 64, then three miles north. BROOKVILLE and Pastor Brion Brooks ELKHORN UNITED Church Office METHODIST CHURCHES Phone: 815-732-6313 Brookville: Adult Sunday Director of Ministries School 9:30 a.m. for Youth and Christian Worship 10:30 a.m. Education 17725 W. Chamber St. David Bordy in Brookville 9 a.m. Sunday School Elkhorn: Worship 9 a.m. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Adult Sunday School 10 Roots Youth Ministry— a.m. Wednesday 6:30-7:45 p.m. Corner of Wilson Mill & Kids Clubs & Men’s & Brick Church Roads Women’s Bible Study— Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 CHANA UNITED p.m. METHODIST CHURCH 606 Main St., Chana 61015 EMMANUEL 815-732-7683 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Pastor Javier Martinez Office: 815-732-2424 Adult & Children’s 764 N. Stillman Road, Education 9 a.m. Oregon Worship Service 10:30 a.m. (Payne’s Point) Holy Communion Pastor Andrew Kayes Celebrated the First Sunday of Worship Service 9 a.m. Each Month Sunday School 10:15 a.m. CHRIST OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 2035 Ill. Rt. 26, Dixon 815-284-4554 David Andermann, Pastor 815-632-6767 9 a.m. Worship Service 10:20 a.m. Education Hour
EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH OF MT. MORRIS 102 S. Seminary St. Mt. Morris 815-734-4942 Senior Pastor Bruce McKanna Sunday, Aug. 24—9 a.m. Associate Pastor Worship with Communion, Lance Mennen Voters’ Meeting Thursday, Aug. 21—1:30 Thursday, Aug. 28—10 p.m. Women’s Bible Study a.m. Bible Class Friday, Aug. 22—8:30 a.m. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast CHURCH OF THE Saturday, Aug. 23—7 a.m. OPEN BIBLE Men’s Accountability Group 302 S. Franklin St., Polo Sunday, July Aug. 24—8:30 Monte J. Cox, Pastor a.m. Sunday School; 9:30 a.m. 815-946-2848 InnerMission; 10 a.m. Worship Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Service; 12 p.m. Church Fun (June, July, August 9:30 a.m.) Day Picnic at Dillehay We include children in our Tuesday, Aug. 26—9 a.m. Sunday Worship experience Ladies Prayer Circle “Kids are People, too� Wednesday, Aug. 27—6 Ages 3-10 are dismissed right a.m. Mt. Morris Men’s Prayer after Praise & Worship. Meeting Casual, Contemporary, Log onto our website Non-Traditional at http://www.efcmm. Passion for God org to check out our latest Compassion for People opportunities and updates Visit Our Website: FAITH DISCOVERY CHURCH CROSSROADS 801 W. Oregon St., Polo COMMUNITY CHURCH, 815-946-3588 WHITE PINES CAMPUS Jeremy Heller, Pastor 205 N. Jefferson Ave., Polo 9 a.m. Sunday School Saturdays at 6 p.m. 10 a.m. Worship Service Sundays at 10 a.m. Nursery Available 815-837-5255 We are an independent denominational Christian Campus Pastor church. Chad Keeteman ext. 302 Visitors are always welcome. Youth Pastor Jose Garcia ext. 303 FAITH EVANGELICAL We offer contemporary LUTHERAN CHURCH worship and relevant Bible 402 Second Ave., Forreston teaching through Church 815-938-3203 engaging messages, and Pastor Scott Ralston powerful video “ A Church with a Join us after the service in our Heart — In the Heart of for coffee, snack & fellowship Forreston� Kidzlink Children’s Ministry 9 a.m. Sunday Worship (infant-5th grade)-during Adult Services
FAITH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Mission Statement: Loving, Growing & Serving in Faith Handicapped Accessible 702 E. Dixon St., Polo 815-946-3212 Website: faithumcpolo Rev. Derek Rogers, Pastor 9 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Fellowship FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 505 Hill St., Oregon 800-335-5065 815-732-2642 Rev. Jerry Clark “A Christ-centered, Biblebelieving, family-oriented ministry.� Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening Service 6 p.m.; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7 p.m.; transportation and nursery provided for all services.
Sunday School for All Ages 9 a.m. Worship Service 10 a.m. GERMAN VALLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Church and Main Streets David Decker, Pastor 8:30 a.m. Worship Service LEAF RIVER BAPTIST CHURCH 6941 N. Mt. Morris Rd., Leaf River - 815-738-2205 Email Pastor Randy Newton Sunday Praise and Worship Service at 9:30 a.m. (Nursery provided) Sunday School 11 a.m. Wednesday Prayer/Bible Studies 6 p.m. Prayer Chain 738-2205 or 738-2991 Sunday Night Prayer meeting 6 p.m. Wednesday—Various Activities 5:30-8:30 p.m.
FIRST CHRISTIAN LEAF RIVER UNITED CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 609 S. 10th St., Oregon Pastor David Poust 815-732-2359 104 E. Rt. 72, Leaf River Grail Storm, Minister Friday, Aug. 22—Newsletter 815-732-7411 Deadline Worship Service—10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 24—10:30 If you haven’t found a a.m. Worship Service & church home, we invite you Children’s Church to First Christian Church in Oregon, where we accept one LIGHTHOUSE UNITED another just as Christ accepted METHODIST CHURCH us. Come as you are. 4938 S. Daysville Rd., Oregon FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Pastor Javier Martinez CHURCH (USA) Handicapped Accessible 200 S. Fifth St., Oregon Worship Service 9 a.m. Pastor Dave Bateman Sunday School 10 a.m. 815-732-2894 Age Three through Sixth Grade. Handicapped Accessible Everyone is Welcome Worship 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion is served MT. MORRIS CHURCH the first Sunday of each OF THE BRETHREN month. Pastor Ginny Haney 409 W. Brayton Road FIRST UNITED P.O. Box 2055 METHODIST CHURCH Mt. Morris, IL 61054 402 First Ave., Forreston Phone: 815-734-4573 Office hours Monday Pastor David Poust Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon 815-938-2380 Thursday, Aug. 21—4:30-7 Thursday, Aug. 21—1 p.m. p.m. Food Pantry Open UMW Unit Meeting Friday, Aug. 22—9 a.m. Friday, Aug. 22—Herald Women’s Fellowship; 10:30 News Due Sunday, Aug. 24—9 a.m. a.m. Food Delivery for Pantry Sunday, Aug. 24—8:15 Worship Service Monday, Aug. 25—8 a.m. a.m. Prayer Service; 9:30 AA Open Meeting; 9:30 a.m. a.m. Worship; 10:30 a.m. Fellowship; 10:45 a.m. Sunday Coffee at the Depot School for All Ages Monday, Aug. 25—2-4:30 FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH p.m. Food Pantry Open Tuesday, Aug. 26— 2649 W. Florence Rd., Quilting; 9 a.m. Bible Study Freeport Wednesday, Aug. 27—7:15 Kathleen Brinkmeier, p.m. Chimes Rehearsal Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY Worship Service 10:30 a.m. OF GOD 401 S. Eighth St., Oregon FORRESTON GROVE Pastor David Demmer CHURCH 815-732-7404 7246 N. Freeport Rd., 9:30 a.m. New Life Cafe Forreston 10 a.m. Worship Service Presbyterian Church in America NORTH GROVE 815-938-3605 EVANGELICAL Jeremy Cheezum, Pastor CHURCH 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10384 W. Coffman Rd., 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Forreston Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. Pastor Tim Hotchkiss Pioneer Club Church: 815-938-2194 Thursdays, 7 p.m. Adult Pastor’s Cell: 815-209-6838 Study; 7:45 p.m. Choir Saturday, Aug. 23—9FORRESTON REFORMED 11:30 a.m. Food Pantry & Thrift Shop Open at New Life CHURCH Community Center 501 Third Ave. Sunday, Aug. 24—9 a.m. Tim Fry, Pastor Sunday School; 10:05 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service Tuesday, Aug. 26—9-11:30 FREEDOM LUTHERAN a.m. Food Pantry & Thrift Shop Open at New Life Community WORSHIPPING Center COMMUNITY, ELCA Sunday, Sept. 7—Church Pastor Jeff Schlesinger Picnic After Worship Service 815-222-7270 Sunday Service 9:45 a.m. at at the Shelter House Lutheran Outdoor Ministries OREGON Dining Hall CHURCH OF GOD 1834 S. IL Rt. 2 860 W. Oregon Trail Rd. (a mile south of Oregon) Pastor Michael Hoffman Welcome Center 815-732-6847 111 S. Fourth St., Oregon
You and your family are invited to join us in worship GRACE VALLEY CHRISTIAN REFORMED on Sunday, Aug. 24 at 10:30 a.m. CHURCH Pastor Michael Hoffman 8210 E. Edwardsville Rd. will give the morning German Valley message, “The Looming 815-362-6601 Reality of Revelation 13�. Jake Ritzema, Pastor
“Help on the Corner�
> 4HZVU 7VSV ŕ Ž
s Email:
OREGON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 S. Fourth, Oregon 815-732-2994 Barb Good, Pastor Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Activities during the Week: PINE CREEK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 5076 S. Lowell Park Rd. Gregg Downs, Pastor 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Worship Service POLO CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Congress Ave. & Webster St. (The church is handicapped accessible) Pastor Leslie Lake 9 a.m. Family Worship 10 a.m. Fellowship Time 10:15 a.m. Sunday School PRAIRIE DELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 16031 W. Coffman Rd., Shannon Pastor Donna Gericke, CLP 815-864-2448 10 a.m. Worship 11:15 a.m. Fellowship REVIVE COMMUNITY CHURCH 8 E. Front Street; Mt. Morris 815-994-0428 Southern Baptist Saturday Night Revive Service 5:30 p.m. Saturday Celebrate Recovery 6-8 p.m. Monday ST. BRIDE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1000 Ill. 64 West Oregon Rev. Joyce Beaulieu Interim Priest 815-732-7211 or 815-732-3328 Email:saintbrides@ verizon. net Services Sunday-Holy Communion-8 and 10 a.m. Wednesday Healing Service-6 p.m. Classes Children’s Sunday School-9 a.m. Adult Sunday School-9 a.m. (2nd & 4th Sunday) St. Bride’s follows traditional Anglican-Episcopal church practices; is biblically based and both family and individual oriented. Visitors are always welcomed. ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH West Grove Road at Columbine Rd. Pastor Steve Erickson Sunday, Aug. 24—9:15 a.m. Prayer Ministry Team; 9:30 a.m. Congregational Bible Study, Instrumental Rehearsal; 10:30 a.m. Divine Worship ST. MARK’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 201 N. Division Ave., Polo 815-946-2919 Pastor Terrie Wilder Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Social Time 10 a.m.
ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 213 N. Franklin Ave., Polo 815-946-2535 Father Joseph P. Naill Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation First Sunday of each month after mass Religious Education Youth Program 1st & 2nd Wednesdays 6-7:15 p.m. Adult Bible Study 1st Wednesday 8:30 a.m. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 114 S. Fifth St., Oregon 815-732-2367 Sunday Activities: Worship Services 8:30 & 11 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. Other Activities Include: Men’s & Women’s Groups, Confirmation Class, High School Youth Group, Grieving Ministry, Outreach Ministry with Rockford Rescue Mission & HOPE Pregnancy Center, Adult Choir For More Information Call the Church Office ST. WENDELIN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Michael Bolger 18 S. Linn St., Shannon Masses—Saturday 5:30 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m. Confessions-Sunday 7:30 a.m. TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 308 E. Brayton Mt. Morris 815-734-6354 Pastor Josh Ehrler Friday, Aug. 22—8 a.m. Coffee and Bulletin Assembly Saturday, Aug. 23—5:30 p.m. Worship Service Sunday, Aug. 24—8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship; Fellowship Time; 10:45 a.m. Praise Worship Monday, Aug. 25—2 p.m. Staff Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 27—6:30 a.m. Prayer & Praise; 6 p.m. Chime Choir WEST BRANCH CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 4014 West Branch Road Southeast of Forreston Pastor Richard Bright 815-734-4411 Sunday School—9:30 a.m. Worship—10:35 a.m.
Church News Deadline
The deadline is 3 p.m. on Fridays for information for the Church News to be turned in at the Oregon office at 121 A S. 4th St. Items can be emailed to vwells@, faxed to 815-7324238, or dropped off at our office. For more information call Vinde Wells at 815732-6166 ext. 32.
Publishers of:
: +P]PZPVU :[ 7VSV ŕ Ž
SWEETWOOD INTERIORS 107 Main Street, Forreston, IL
During morning worship an exceptionally fine Children’s Church is offered for children 3 years old through Grade 5. Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. and includes classes for adults, young adults, teens, children, and infants. Special attention is given in each class to issues and topics related to the particular needs and interests of each group. The Wednesday night Youth Group meets at 6 p.m. at East Oregon Chapel, 107 N. Daysville Road. The local Weight Watchers group meets Wednesday at the church from 5 to 5:30 p.m. for weigh-in, followed by their meeting from 6 to 6:30 p.m. August’s Bible Books of the Month are James through Jude.
ST. MARY CHURCH 301 N. Fourth St., Oregon Father Joseph P. Naill Office Phone 815-732-7383 Office FAX 815-732-4742 Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Tuesday thru Friday 8 a.m. Third Wednesday of Month at Pinecrest 3 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:15 p.m. St. Mary Prayer Network Lois Lints 815-703-9699 Nancy Kerwin 815-732-3351 Darlene Bauer 815-732-2238
Ogle County Newspapers
Greeting you will be Karl and Connie Froehlich.
: +P]PZPVU (]L 9[ 7VSV
The Oregon Republican, Mt. Morris Times, Forreston Journal and Tri-County Press Your Hometown Newspapers 121 A. South 4 th 6W 2UHJRQ ‡
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A6
Demonstrations set up at Farm Heritage Festival
RRC BBQ is Aug. 25 The southwest corner of Oregon will come alive with the smells of barbeque on Saturday, Aug. 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. When the Rock River Center hosts its annual pork barbecue and silent and live auctions. Live and silent auctions and raffles will keep participants entertained throughout the evening. Many donations have been received with a special item of a cherry wood wine rack handmade by Tom Klein. Donations of items continue to come in. Tickets are still available . Admission of $5 is all it takes to enjoy the evening. Pay at the door that evening or stop at Rock River
This log cabin was assembled and donated to Rock River Center by Gary Monnahan and decorated and finished by the RRC Wednesday Crafters. It is one of many items to be auctioned at the sixth annual barbecue Aug. 23 at RRC. Photo supplied
Center, 810 S. 10th St., Oregon, to buy a ticket in advance. Dale Beesing Welding has again donated the hogs for the barbecue and the food will be prepared by Oregon’s own Oregon Powerhouse BBQ. For more information
check the website at www. Rock River Center has been through many changes in the past few years. It could not have happened if it wasn’t for the support from the residents of Ogle County. This barbecue is for them.
Audition for “Arsenic and Old Lace� Aug. 21 Auditions for the upcoming Performing Arts Guild (PAG) production of “Arsenic and Old Lace� will be Thursday, Aug. 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Auditions will be in the library at Pinecrest Grove, Mt. Morris, located on South McKendrie Ave., two blocks south of Brayton Road. The play, by Joseph Kesselring, is directed by Nathan Tauch and Connie Augsburger. It is produced by Michelle Nelson and Karen
Urish. The cast consists of 11 males and 3 females of various ages. Readings will be provided for auditions. The play is about charming and innocent ladies who populate their cellar with the remains of socially and religiously “acceptable� roomers. It also highlights their nephew who thinks he is Teddy Roosevelt. The audience will also see the activities another nephew,
Mortimer Brewster, a drama critic who must deal with his family and local police Brooklyn, N.Y., as he debates whether to go through with his recent promise to marry the woman he loves. Performances will be held on Friday through Sunday, Oct. 17-19 and Oct. 24-26 at the Pinecrest Grove Theatre. For more information about auditions, call Nathan Tauch at 815-980-7690.
receive a “Steps for Strays� T-shirt and one raffle ticket. Those with pledges of $50 or more will also receive a goodie bag and an additional raffle ticket. The first five walkers with pledges of $100 or more will receive a special gift. A limited number of cat goodie bags will also be available upon request. Back this year is a special prize for the first one mile walker. All raffle items and prizes have been donated by local merchants who wish to support the shelter.
Visit us on
Expires 9/ 30 /14
Admission to the show is free. A lunch stand will run inside the church building from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring sandwiches, baked beans, salads, chips and desserts. A complete meal runs about a $7.50 donation. Proceeds from the lunch benefit Habitat for Humanity. Anyone with antique farm equipment is invited to display or run it at the show. For more information call Steve Venhuizen at 815-9462513.
Fall Mum Sale has started The KB Fall Mum Sale has started. Hardy fall mums are available in a variety of colors for $7 each. Orders will be taken through Saturday, Aug. 30. The mums are locally field grown in natural conditions and will arrive just in time for fall decorating. The plants measure approximately 16-18 inches wide by 14-16 inches tall. The buds are cracking color and ready to bloom throughout
the season. Order forms are available online at www.KBToughRun. com. Return order forms and payment to the KB Fund, PO Box 374, Oregon, IL 61061 no later than Saturday, Aug. 30. Mums will be available for pick up on Friday, Sept. 12 and Saturday, Sept. 13 from 9 a.m. to noon at the corner of Franklin and Fourth Streets (previously Bemis Ford) in
Oregon. Contact April Roos with any questions at 815-631-0346 or All proceeds go to support the KBFund. The fund has been established to support anyone in the community who has been burdened by a medical crisis. To learn more about the KB Fund and fundraising efforts visit the website at www.
Habitat will accept applications interest loan. The mortgage payment includes insurance and real estate taxes and is usually around $500-$550 per month. The basic selection criteria are as follows: 1) prospective owners have a need for adequate housing and do not currently own a home, 2) they are willing to help build a home – 200 hours of “sweat equity� required per adult family member, 3) they meet the income guidelines based on family size and show the ability to pay the monthly mortgage. Call 815-732-3958 or email famselect@yahoo.
com to reserve a spot at the application seminar. Leave a name and phone number. All persons whose name will be on the mortgage should plan to attend. Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, Christian housing ministry with more than 1,500 local affiliates in the United States and more than 70 national organizations around the world. Since 1976, they have helped to build or repair more than 800,000 houses and serve more than four million people.
which will be held in the annex building behind the Nash Home and Museum, 111 N. Sixth St., Oregon. Bring a dish to pass and table service; beverages will be
provided. Those attending may also bring an item of local or family history to share during the Show and Tell time.
Rotarians plan Mark Twain Day
50/50 Drawing WIN
1/$1.00 6/$5.00
will feature a threshing machine, a stationary baler, a loose hay loader, wagon lifts and elevators, an ensilage cutter, a corn husker and shredder, tractor and horse plowing, and a working blacksmith. An activity center will be set up for kids and adults to try their hand at powering hand cranked items such as a corn sheller or a rope maker. A farm animal zoo will again feature dairy cows, sheep, goats, and hopefully more.
Potluck dinner will be Sunday
Amboy Depot Days August 24, 2014 Get Your Tickets Now!
The eighth annual Farm Heritage Festival of East Jordan Church, 22027 Polo Rd., Sterling, will be held Saturday, Aug. 23 starting with a good ol’ fashioned farm breakfast of scrambled eggs, pancakes and biscuits and gravy from 7 to 9 a.m. Tickets are available from church members and at the door for a $6 donation. The active farm machine demonstrations will begin around 9:30 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m. This year’s active displays
The Habitat For Humanity Family Selection Committee will hold an application seminar on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 9 a.m. at Stillman Bank in Oregon, 1445 Ill. 2 North. This meeting will be the only time the committee will accept applications for the next home that will be built in the 400 block of Front Street in Mt. Morris. Habitat for Humanity of Ogle County builds new homes in partnership with future homeowners. Upon completion of the program requirements, the homeowner purchases the Lee County Animal home at cost, with a noControl will also be there, from 9 to 11 a,m,, to microchip dogs for a $15 fee. Contests for prizes, goodie The Ogle County Historical bags, food, and raffle items await all those who attend the Society will hold its annual potluck dinner on Sunday, walk. Various levels of both Aug. 24 at 5 p.m. Anyone interested in local individual and corporate sponsorships are available. history is invited to this event Call the shelter at 815-288PETS (7387) for more information. This event will be held rain Mark Twain Day, an annual or shine. fundraiser sponsored by the For this event, dogs under Oregon Rotary Club, will be 6 months of age, vicious dogs held on Saturday, Sept. 6 from and females in heat will not 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Maxson’s be allowed to participate. Riverboat and Restaurant, Granny Rose Animal 1469 N. Ill. 2, Oregon. Shelter is a 501 (c) (3) not-for All of the proceeds will profit organization that relies again be directed to the on local charitable giving and Rotary’s Keeping Kids Warm fundraisers, such as this, to project. Funds raised are used raise the funds necessary to to purchase coats and boots provide shelter, health care for children and families in and find new loving homes the Oregon School District. for the stray and abandoned Since 2010, the event has cats and dogs in the Lee, Ogle raised more than $3,000 for and Whiteside County area. the project. The Chile Pepper Bar and
Steps for Strays Walk-AThon will be held Sept. 6 Granny Rose Animal Shelter Dixon, will be hosting Granny Rose Steps for Strays, its 17th Annual Steps for Strays Walk-A-Thon at the Lowell Park Pinetum to benefit the animals at the shelter on Saturday, Sept. 6. Registration for the event will be from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Applications and pledge forms may be picked up in advance at the shelter or at the walk. The entry fee is $25, for pet owners and their dogs to walk down the scenic Lowell Park bike path. Each participant will
Events & Entertainment
Held at the end of the Amboy Depot Days Car Show
Last year’s winner won $74,503!
Grill, Franklin Street Pub (and anonymous patron), and the Church of jesus Christ Forever have made donations this year. The menu will include roast pork, homemade pie, and ice cream. Music will be provided by the Back Roads Trio on the deck (www.thebackroadstrio. com) and Dirt Simple on the riverboat. Tickets are $30 for adults and $15 for children 6-12 years old (5 and under are admitted free). Tickets include riverboat
rides, food and beverages, and music. Tickets may be purchased from any Rotary Club member, by emailing, or calling 815-732-6106. Tickets may also be purchased at Country Financial, 115 S. Fourth St., Oregon. Limited tickets will be available at the door. Anyone who is unable to attend and would like to make a donation may send it to Oregon Rotary Foundation, P. O. Box 493, Oregon, IL 61061.
Ann Annual ual Banquet Banquet SHSW HSW 5RFN 5LYHU 5RFN 5LYHU Center 8 6 WK 6W 6 WK 6W 2UHJon, IL 2UHJ
Tickets available at the following locations:
Maria’s Pizza Mort’s Tap Illinois Fire Store Casey’s General Store
Amboy Napa Auto Parts Jerry’s Tap (Compton) Shamrock Pub (Dixon) Bonnell’s General Store (Sublette)
Many more locations, check on our facebook page! For information contact Jeff Gerdes 815-857-2220
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County News
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A7
Master Gardeners looking for some new members University of Illinois Extension will host Master Gardener Training in Ogle County on Fridays beginning Sept. 5 to Nov. 21. The trainings will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ogle County Extension office,at 421 W. Pines Rd., Oregon. Anyone interested should apply now for the program. Training rotates among counties and is not slated
to be in Ogle County again until 2017. Master Gardeners are volunteers who have received training in horticulture from University of Illinois Extension educators. After the initial training, 60 hours of volunteer work are required over a two-year period. Once the 60 hours are
completed the volunteer becomes a certified Master Gardener. To maintain active status, each year participants must complete 30 hours of volunteer work and 10 hours of continuing education. As volunteers, Master Gardeners make a difference in the community. Over the last year, the 22 active Master Gardeners in
Ogle County contributed over 1,500 volunteer hours, and answering homeowners’ gardening questions. They were also involved in teaching gardening lessons for children, planning and presenting at educational workshops, and working with 4-H and local organizations. The Master Gardener program has something
for everyone, including landscaping, vegetable gardening, perennials, houseplants, or a variety of other types of gardening. Pre-registration is required to attend Master Gardener Training. An orientation interview will be conducted with participants in advance of the class. Registration for the training is $175. For more information
or to register contact Lisa Valle, Extension program coordinator at 815-7322191, or visit us at the website: bdo. Anyone needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, should call the Ogle County Extension office prior to the event.
Clovers travel to the state fair Nine members of the Ogle County Clovers 4-H Club went to Springfield Aug. 8 to show their projects at the Illinois State Fair. Five of these youth earned Superior ratings: Carley
Ackland, Rochelle, Visual Arts; Jordan Mingus, Byron, Animal Science - Poultry; Megan Ackland, Katelyn Ackland, and Ariel Zuercher, all of Rochelle, Intercultural Group.
Seed program set for Aug. 26 The University of Illinois Extension will present a program on the practice of saving seeds on Tuesday, Aug. 26 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the extension office, 421 Pines Rd., Oregon. Candace Miller, Horticulture Educator, will present the program to teach how to save seeds from vegetables, herbs, grain, and flowers for use from year to year in a garden. Come learn the history, methods, and planning techniques for saving seeds.
Participants are welcome and encouraged to bring seeds for a voluntary seed exchange that evening. The fee for this program is $5. Advance registration is needed by Monday, Aug. 25. To register, visit web., call U of I Extension in Ogle County at 815-732-2191. Anyone needing a reasonable accommodation to participate in this program, should indicate their need when registering.
Pond stocking planned The Rochelle Wildlife Conservation Club, along with Pete Reiff and the Logan Hollow Fish Farm, will provide fish for pond stocking and restocking on Saturday, Sept. 27. Channel catfish, hybrid sunfish, fathead minnow, sterile grass-eating carp,
hybrid redear, redear sunfish, largemouth bass, bluegill, and black crappie will be available in a variety of sizes. For more information call Rich Melton at 815-562-6268. The deadline for ordering grass carp is Monday, Sept. 15. The deadline for ordering all other fish is Monday, Sept. 22.
Members of the Ogle County Clovers 4-H Club showed their projects recently at the Illinois State Fair. Pictured left to right in the front row are: Austin Zuercher, Ariel Zuercher, and Gracie Mingus. Middle row: Callie Ackland, Carley Ackland, Katelyn Ackland, and Kayla Mingus. Back row: Jordan Mingus and Megan Ackland.
Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction held 2014 Ogle County Blue Ribbon Livestock Auction results are listed below. Total proceeds from the auction were $137,940.88. Champion Pen of Chickens belonging to Casey DeVries, Forreston, was purchased by Crop Production Services for $600. Reserve Champion Pen of Chickens also belonging to Casey DeVries was purchased by Eastland Feed for $450. Champion Pen of
4-H competes in shooting sports Submitted by Dawn Bolhous Archery Instructor Gregory Bolhous and Robbie Bolhous, Mt. Morris, competed in Marshfield and Bloomer, Wis, 4-H archery, air rifle and air pistol competitions in July and
August. Greg took fifth place in compound archery and fourth in air rifle at Marshfield. Also took first in compound archer in NFAA and second in 3-D archery in Bloomer. Robbie placed second in recurve archery in Marshfield and sixth in compound NFAA
and 3-D in Bloomer. This year the boys have competed in four Wisconsin shooting events along with state shoot in Illinois. Ogle County archery and air rifle are beginning their fall seasons. Call the extension office to find out more about shooting sports.
Turkeys belonging to Levi Eden, Oregon, was purchased by Burkardt’s LP for $200. Reserve Champion Pen of Turkeys belonging to Rebecca Eden, Oregon, was purchased by Cherry Valley Feed for $250. Champion Pen of Ducks belonging to Issac Charbonneau, Leaf River, was purchased by Colbert Trucking for $600. Champion Rabbit Meat Pen belonging to Abby Mongan, Oregon, was purchased by Curview Angus for $1,200. Reserve Champion Pen Rabbits belonging to Nathan Keys, Rochelle, was purchased by Anderson Feed Co for $100. Champion Meat Goat Wether was sold by Katrina Lowry, Oregon, which was purchased by Anderson Feed Co for $300. Dairy Supreme Basket by Joel Marquardt, Oregon, was sold the to Floto Custom Forage for $700. Champion Lamb Carcass belonging to Brooke Ewald, Byron, was purchased by Mongan’s Machine and Oregon Healthcare for $420. 130 pound Grand Champion Market Lamb belonging to Kiirsten McIntyre, Stillman Valley, was purchased by Soda Connection at $4.50 a pound for a total of $585. Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb was sold by Cole Cultra,
Rochelle, and weighed 140 pounds. It was purchased by Schier Trucking at $1.80 a pound for a total of $252. 120 pound lamb of Zeke Horn, Rochelle. was the top-selling lamb and was purchased at $15 a pound, for a total of $1,800 by Norm Wills. The average price per pound for lamb was $4.79. A total of 14 head of sheep were sold. Champion Hog Carcass belonging to Kyle Hemmersbach, Leaf River, was purchased by Seward Ag for $825. Reserve Champion Hog Carcass belonging to Molly Duncan, Polo, was purchased by Boyer Livestock for $1,102.50. 230 pound Champion Market Hog belonging to Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center, was purchased by Maplehurst Farms at $2.50 a pound for a total of $575. 260 pound Champion Market Gilt also owned by Kolton Myrvold was purchased by Specialty Floors, Inc. at $3 a pound, for a total of $780. The top selling hog sold for $6 per pound. Rebecca Eden, Oregon, had a 265-pound hog that sold for a total of $1,656.25 purchased by Eden Family Farm. The average price per pound for hogs was $2.27, with 57 head of hogs being sold.
Champion Beef Carcass belonging to Abbie Ring, Oregon, was purchased for $1,565.63 by Burkardt’s LP and $1,670 by Noon Farms. Reserve Champion Beef Carcass belonging to Emily Hanlin, Byron, was purchased for $1,230 by Eickman’s Processing and $1,230 by Noon Farms. Champion 1,350 pound steer belonging to Sabrina Risley, Esmond, was purchased by R.T. Repairs for $2,835 at the price of $2.10 per pound. Reserve Champion Steer was a 1,320 pound steer belonging to Austin Risley, Esmond, that was purchased for $2,508 by Cherry Valley Feed at $1.90 a pound. Top selling steer was a 1,095 pound steer belonging to Danielle Hagemann, Mt. Morris, was sold for $3,723 and was purchased by Crop Production Services at $3.40 per pound. A total of 30 head of cattle were sold with the average price being $2.16 a pound. A huge thank you to all the bidders and buyers in rewarding the young people for doing a good job with their projects. A special thanks to the auctioneers, Lenny Bryson and Mark Ebert. Also thank you to Lyle and Sheryl Hopkins of Public Auction Service for keeping track of everything.
Anderson Feed Company 3338 South Chana Rd. Chana, IL 815-732-3338
Website: email:
Robbie and Gregory Bolhous completed in a 4-H archery competition recently. They both placed in their events. Photo supplied
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Randy Anderson, the owner and operator of Anderson Feed Company, has been in the feed business for 27 years. Randy started his career with one of the leading animal feed manufactures in the US, where he served as a Production & Sales Coordinator for 7 years and as a Quality Control Supervisor for 4 years. Over time, Randy felt the urge to open his own company, offering him freedom to pursue the life he wanted to build. In 2008 he opened Anderson Feed Company. Anderson Feed Company not only provides personal care to zoos by supplying products and zoological feeds, but also offers diets for fish and cooped birds, goats, cattle, horses and chickens. They carry a complete line of dog and cat food, treats and litter. They have recently added livestock waterers, feeders, chutes, corrals, and round and square bale feeders. They offer bag or bulk feed deliveries. Randy has nutritionists that work for him to “answer” questions and concerns their customers have that they can’t get from big box stores. Their prices are competitive and they go the extra mile to help. Our hours are Monday through Thursday 9am - 6pm; Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm.
“We Are More Than A Feed Store”
Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A8
Oregon-Mt. Morris Beat
Aug. 23 jewely sale will help fund fight against malaria
The Oregon High School class of 1954 recently held its 60th reunion. Pictured left to right are: Louis Reimer, Bob Rees, Lavon Spratt Moch, Arlin Huston, Ruth Woodworth Kelly, Shirley Ziegler Lundquist, Jim Kuntzelman, Pat Jones Rosenbalm, Donald Davis, Leatha Huffman Ebens, Sabra Stouffer Fox, Shirley Gann Farwell, Bonnie Kearns Hendrickson, Nancy Chamberlin O’Leary, Bob Lacher, Marilyn Hodges Davison, Jill Ingerham Hornsby, Rebecca Camplain Braden, Jackie Leddy Dehler, Joan Hepfer Hayes, and Nancy Boyden Fulton. Photo supplied
OHS 60th class reunion held Aug. 15 The Oregon High School Class of 1954 held its 60th class reunion with 21 classmates and 11 spouses in attendance. An afternoon luncheon was held Aug. 15 at the White Pines with fine
food, wonderful atmosphere, and great conversation. The group then retired to Alfano’s in Oregon for more good food and conversation, then finally heading home
in the early evening after a most successful and enjoyable reunion. The class of 1954 has had well attended reunions every five years and are looking forward to 2019.
A local business and a church will team up to raise funds to help eradicate malaria. Diversifieds E-Bay Store, 102 N. Fourth St., Oregon, will host jewelry sale on Saturday, Aug. 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All profits will be donated to the Imagine No Malaria campaign, a world-wide effort to eradicate malaria,
45th annual Tootise Roll Drive set for Sept. 12-13
The 45th annual Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive in Oregon and Mt. Morris will be held Friday, Sept. 12 and Saturday, Sept. 13. Last year $5,300 was raised by members of Oregon Council 1092 With help from and Book World in Freeport. their families and friends. Eight area businesses also For further information helped with the purchase of call Tom McKay at 309- candy. The funds raised help 755-3519 or visit the website support Knights of Columbus
Copies of “West Fork” donated to libraries Copies of the new novel “West Fork,” have been donated to the Oregon and Mt. Morris Public Libraries. The novel takes place in western Illinois. It tells a love
story set against the changes in small town life as farms consolidated and people moved off the land in the last three decades of the 20th century.
“West Fork” was written by Tom McKay, Hampton, and published by Augustana College. The book can be purchased at Books on First in Dixon,
sponsored and promoted by the global United Methodist Church. The signature artist Pamela S. Stutzman, Oregon, is the missions chair person for the United Methodist Church in Oswego. The fundraiser will feature an exclusive signature collection. For more information call Stutzman at 630-709-2999.
programs in Illinois, such as Special Olympics. Local organizations who received more than $1,470 each were Village of Progress, the Oregon School District Special Education Program, and Stouffer Terrace. “I want to thank the people in Oregon and Mt. Morris for their generous support again this year,” said Dave Starke, Tootsie Roll Chairman.
OCUSD personnel changes approved Monday night The Oregon School Board Dawn Manser: special took the following personnel education aide for Oregon action at the monthly meeting Elementary effective Aug. 13. Aug. 18. Jessie Whalen: instructional aide for Oregon Elementary Resignations: effective Aug. 18. Jennifer Brady, district library media specialist Employment: effective July 21. Jessica Gibler: long-term Melanie Cozzi: freshman sub for Kayla Marquez’ leave volleyball coach effective of absence for first semester Aug. 1. of 2014-2015 school year. Shelly Zuniga: DLR/OHS Allison Kereven: OHS health aide effective Aug. 14. freshman volleyball coach Adam Albrecht: OHS beginning with the 2014-2015 varsity basketball coach school year. effective July 23. Susan Creegan: OHS
instructional aide beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. This is a new position based on student needs. The position will be 7,5 hours per day. Amy Smith: special education aide for Oregon Elementary beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. This is a new position based on student needs. The position will be 7,5 hours per day. Ginger Greenfield: special education aide for Oregon Elementary beginning with the 2014-2015 school year.
This is a new position based on student needs. The position will be 7,5 hours per day. Julie Sewell: instructional aide for Oregon Elementary beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. She will replace Ms. Hunter. Kathryn Green: district library media specialist beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. She will replace Ms. Brady. Kerri Swope: part-time custodian for the district effective Aug. 11. Dawn Meyer: Oregon
Elementary full-time substitute beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. She will replace Ms. O’Neil and will begin Aug. 25. Dawn Manser: DLR health aide beginning with the 20142015 school year. She will replace Shelly Zuniga. Penni Welte: special education aide for Oregon Elementary beginning with the 2014-2015 school year. This is a new position based on student needs. Soren Cates: help desk technician for the district. The
position will be 20 hours per week. He will replace Mr. Erickson.
at that time. So the fair was the one thing we really looked forward to. My brother and I would try to save as much money as we could to spend at the fair. We would usually go on Saturday. Parking was mainly in the infield. My brother and I would first scope out the new cars, tractors, and equipment. Maybe we would get pencils, yardsticks, etc. at the different dealers. Then check out the rides, food booths, and games. Our favorite ride was the bumper cars. We were forewarned about the games, but sometimes would try them anyway. Then we’d check out the hexagon produce building, barns, and stables. We would usually go back home late in the afternoon to do chores. Then we would come back for the grandstand show. Stars and Stripes would always be playing on the speakers. One big draw was the wrestling and boxing challenge. The promoter had a handturned siren to lure people in. The hype was similar to all-star wrestling. My dad and uncle would take my brother and me inside the tent to watch the show. One challenger from Oregon was a star athlete, still in high school. He won his bout and was awarded cash. The football coach found out about it and was really upset.
Not only could he have been hurt, but accepting cash put him in the professional category and the coach threatened not to let him play sports. Sunday would be the big day. My aunt and uncle from Rockford, my aunt and uncle from town, and Grandma and Grandpa would come for the day. We would have a picnic in the infield—fried chicken, potato salad, and other goodies. The men would watch the harness races. The first year we had the demo derby, the sulky drivers were very upset. They were afraid debris from the derby would be left on the track with the possibility of injuring the horses. Monday (Labor Day) was the last day and we would try to pack in as much as we could. The Lions had a pancake stand. Don Fuller, Roger Brunner, and others would be flipping pancakes. I think my record was seven pancakes. We would usually stock up on taffy to take home. The taffy-making machine was amusing to watch. The ladies making the candy were in red and white striped dresses and aprons. That booth always looked so clean and bright. The fair was always a happy and fun time. But then it would be back to reality—school starts tomorrow!
Daniel Barker: help desk technician for the district. The position will be 20 hours per week. He replace Ms. Wood. Leave of Absence: Jessica Gibler: OHS aide position for first semester of 2014-2015 school year. Kayla Marquez: maternity/ medical leave for first semester of 2014-2015 school year.
Public Voice Time flies but many activities are available
There are activities, regardless of taste, come out and see, most are free. Anna A. Hatzipanagiotis Mt. Morris
Dear Editor, Here it is mid-August, how time flies! Just had a great turnout for the potluck August birthday celebration (takes place every second Tuesday of the month, bring some dessert or salad, etc.) On Sept. 4, a great quilt expo at Madison, Wis., is planned, leaving RRC at 8 a.m., return approximately 5:30, lots of parking at the center. $40 for members, and $45 for non-members. On Oct. 17, Fall Foliage Cruise on the Celebration Belle is available, $85 for members, $90 for nonmembers, leave RRC 8 a.m., return approximately 5:30. And do not forget Aug. 23 is the annual BBQ from 4-7 p.m. at the RRC. Computer classes are held free, quilting, card making, book club, etc.
Kable Band had a successful summer season Dear Editor, The Kable Concert band of Mt. Morris has had another very successful season and wishes to thank all those band concert attendees who were present for the season. The soloists were outstanding in their contributions. Since 1896 the summers have had music on the square. The new addition of Friday nights with the variety of musicians, contributed primarily by Larry Ubben has added much to Mt. Morris’ venue. Warren Reckmeyer Director, Kable Concert Band
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Support your local businesses Dear Editor, An individual by the name of Tom Hartnett recently opened up a business in town. The name of the business is TNT Motor Sales. The business specializes in used car sales. He has some good deals and people in Oregon need to visit his business. Sincerely, J. Stephen Moehle Vernon Hills
Thank you for choosing to help our cause Dear Editor, The Oregon Rotary Club extends deep appreciation to JT and Diane Wells for choosing our Keeping Kids Warm project to be the beneficiary of the 2014 Chile Pepper Golf Play Day. Between the Play Day, the
50/50 and other donations that they collected, $684 was raised to help provide coats and boots for children in the Oregon School District. Thank you to all who golfed and/or donated! And thank you JT and Diane! Don Griffin Oregon Rotary Club
Photographs bring back old fair memories Dear Editor, Recently, Lisa Schultz posted some photographs of the Old Ogle County Fair. They brought back fond memories of my youth at the fair. Being raised on the farm left almost not time for any entertainment. It seemed we were busy baling hay, threshing, and whatever else had to be done all summer. There was no time for swimming, camping, or other things kids were doing
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Oregon-Mt. Morris Beat
Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A9
Local businessman retires after 50 years in Oregon By Vinde Wells Editor A longtime Oregon entrepreneur never intended to get into the retail business when he first came to town more than five decades ago. Dean Dye, 82, said he was meeting with Guy Bradbury in 1961 to talk with him about redesigning his department store in Oregon’s downtown. He came away from that meeting with a signed sales contract in hand for what soon became the D. Dean Dye Company at 305 Washington Street. That began more than 50 years of owning and operating more than a dozen businesses in the community. Dye plans to retire from retail in the next few weeks, close his store Furniture Plus at Pines Plaza, and lease the building. He won’t be retiring completely though, he will continue to be the property manager at the plaza, which he owns. Dye remembered his meeting with Bradbury very well. He already owned his own store design business and had gone to the large department store with that in mind. Bradbury, who was 76 at the time, apparently had other plans. After they discussed the remodeling project, Bradbury invited Dye, then 27, to his office on the third floor. Once there, Bradbury began to write on a piece of paper. After about a half hour, Dye said, he was handed a contract, effective that day, for him to purchase the store. The handwritten document spelled out the amount and all the details. “I was shocked,� Dye said. “I said ‘I’ll need to think about this for a couple of days.’ He said ‘This isn’t a thinker, it’s a doer today or not.’ It was a good deal so I took it and we worked out the details later.� As soon as both had signed
the paper, Dye said Bradbury gave him the key to the store and said to his assistant, “I’m tired, Margaret, and I’m going home.� Within two weeks, Dye said he was running his new store. Dye and his wife Dorris and their family were living in Ashton at the time, but soon moved to Oregon. He said he enjoyed running the department store. “Those were the happiest years of my life,� he said. He later sold the store to J.L. Allum who continued to run it for several years. Dye was born and raised in southern Missouri. His father worked for the Frisco Railroad, and Dye followed in his footsteps, first going to railroad school and then working as a manager for two years. “I really loved the railroad,� he said. But he also had always loved drawing and drafting. His uncle owned a general store in the small town where he grew up. Those two things led him into store design and retail. “I put a clothing store in that town when my wife and I were just kids,� he said with a chuckle. Dye kept designing stores throughout his career. In all he designed at least 180 stores all over the country, but mainly in the Midwest, he said. One of his projects was the National Clothing House building at the corner of Washington and Fourth Streets in Oregon. He designed the aluminum shake awning still on the building. Dye’s design work led him to start factories where he could manufacture his own metal and wood showcases, cabinets, racks, and store fixtures. His first factory was next to the Rock River on Washington Street in the former Napa building. He later bought a brick
This photo of Dean Dye was taken in front of Conover Square in the late 1970s. Photo supplied
building on Pines Road for a factory and eventually added Pines Plaza to his holdings. When the old Schiller Piano Factory came up for sale in the late 1970s, Dye saw possibilities. “I was working with shopping centers all over the country at the time,� he said. “I saw no sense of building out in a cornfield.� He bought the building and converted it into Conover Square, an enclosed shopping mall that initially boasted more the 30 retail shops as well as two restaurants. “We had busloads of ladies coming out from Chicago,� he said. “It was a great success.� He also purchased the former Pleasant Hill School at the corner of Ill. 64 and Daysville Road and developed it into Countryside East Apartments. He was the developer of the Hickory Heights Subdivision east of Oregon. Over the years, Dye also manufactured and sold modular homes. His son Scott recalled that the homes were put together on a converted railroad track that moved them down the assembly line. Dye also sold travel trailers at one time. His complete list of businesses includes D. Dean Dye Company —
Longtime Oregon businessman Dean Dye plans to close his furniture store on Pines Road and retire from retail sales. Photo by Vinde Wells
Above, Dean Dye manufactured modular homes in this building on Pines Road in Oregon. Below, is one of the finished homes. Photos supplied
The Fashion Store, Dyeco Allstates Trailer Sales, Dyeco Modular Homes, Countryside East Apartments, Hickory Heights Subdivision, Dye Store Fixtures and Display Company, Pines Plaza, Conover Square, Conover Square Furniture, Wellington Jewelry, Schiller House Restaurant, Furniture Plus, and Oregon Self-Storage.
Dye wasn’t all business. He and Dorris raised three children, all of whom graduated from Oregon High School and went on to get college degrees. Active in civic affairs, Dye was Oregon’s Citizen of the Year in 1987, and served as president of the Oregon Chamber of Commerce and the Oregon Lions Club in the
1970s. He was also involved in founding the Autumn on Parade festival. Dye said he liked Oregon when he first moved here and still likes it after 53 years. “I’ve enjoyed living here all these years,� he said. “I’m pleased with my career here. I would probably do it all over again.�
This photo shows a modular home under construction in Dean’s Dye’s factory in Oregon. Photo supplied
Getting Married?
Dean Dye stands near displays in his first clothing store. Photo supplied
Red-White Spirit Night is Friday Get the Guide! The Oregon Booster Club will host its annual RedWhite Spirit Night on Friday, Aug. 22. The event will include a sneak-preview of fall sports teams, including the OHS band, cheerleaders, and pom pom squads. There is a $2 admission charge for the event. The schedule is as follows:
4 p.m. - Cross country intrasquad meet in Park West 5 - 5:40 p.m. - Soccer scrimmage on Park West Game Field 5 - 5:30 p.m. - Frosh/soph girls volleyball scrimmage (Blackhawk Center) 5:30 - 6 p.m. - Varsity girls volleyball scrimmage (Blackhawk Center) 6:20 p.m. - Welcoming
announcement at LandersLoomis Field 6:30 p.m. – Frosh/soph football, cheerleading, volleyball, golf, cross country, and soccer team introductions 6:45 p.m. – Frosh/soph football scrimmage 7:15 p.m. – Cheer & poms perform “Thunderstruck�. Poms introduction &
performance 7:25 p.m. – Band takes field, band members introduced 7:30 p.m. Band performance 7:35 p.m. - Varsity football team introductions 7:40 p.m. – Band performs OHS Fight Song 7:45 p.m. - Varsity football scrimmage
I Do...
Sauk Valley
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Eat pizza to support military memorial Oregon American Legion Post 97 and VFW Post 8739 will sponsor a Dine to Make Difference Pizza Night on Friday, Aug. 29 at three local restaurants. The event is a fundraiser for the restoration of the Military Memorial on the north side of the Ogle County Courthouse lawn. The two organizations are working together to raise $45,000 to restore the memorial and add an American flag, a bronze soldier statue, the Fallen Soldier’s Tribute, and a memorial plaque for Ogle
County soldiers killed in the line of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. Alfano’s Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant, Pizza Hut, and Father & Son Pizza, all in
Oregon, are participating by donating 10 percent of their sales on Aug. 29 to the project. Anyone who wishes to take part must present a flyer
about the event when placing an order. Flyers are available at all three participating restaurants.
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Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A10
Oregon-Mt. Morris Beat
Deficit budget is likely for district Mahoney calls situation “very challenging” By Chris Johnson Reporter For the third consecutive year the Oregon School District is expected to have a deficit budget. Superintendent Tom Mahoney told the school board Monday night the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015 is in the red. The school’s fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30. “In 2014 we have a $574,000 deficit,” he said. “We managed the budget well, but I am very concerned.” He said the education fund only has $4.7 million which is less then 50 percent of the annual expenditures. This fund is where teachers’
salaries and classroom expenses are drawn from. “In 2015 we are looking at a $780,000 deficit,” Mahoney said. “We had savings from retired teachers, but our revenue is flat.” The proposed budget shows a $724,701 deficit in the education fund for 2015. Other funds also have a deficit for the year. Revenue for 2015 is projected to be $13,540,495 with expenses of $14,322,077. In 2014, the budgeted revenue was $13,544,836 with expenses of $14,643,239. “What was the deficit in 2013?” said board member Bruce Obendorf. Mahoney said the deficit was about a quarter of a million dollars. “There are no good options,” said Mahoney. “This is the third deficit year. We do not talk about anything fluffy.” Mahoney said the district
Oregon Elementary School students cross Jefferson Street under the trustful eye of Terri Scheidecker following the first day of school on Aug. 14. Photo by Earleen Hinton
is only spending money on programs that follows the district mission statement. “We are looking at the best of the bad decisions,” he said.
“We are down one million every year in revenue. I think locally we will level out.” Mahoney said the question will be state funding going
forward. “This is challenging,” said “It is important you are Mahoney. looking long term so we Money from Health, Life, can discuss it,” said board Safety, can not be used for member Barry Barton. personnel funding, he said.
New geothermal system to cool two schools this week By Vinde Wells Editor With 90s in the forecast for late this week, students and staff at two Oregon school buildings will be glad the new heating and cooling system is almost in place. Superintendent Tom Mahoney said Monday although the geothermal wells at Oregon Elementary and High Schools are not yet fully operational, the buildings will be cooled by the new system installed over the summer. “Cooling is occurring at the construction locations but only one is fully hooked Geothermal well drilling workers were behind the Oregon High School Tuesday up to the geo-thermal,” he afternoon. Work on the geothermal wells is progressing and should be competed
said. “The others are being cooled only by the chillers and will be looped into the geo-thermal as soon as possible.” According to a press release issued by KMK Media, the district’s public relations firm, over the summer, Chevron Energy Solutions installed geothermal energy systems to provide new heating, cooling and ventilation to portions of Oregon Elementary School and all of Oregon High School. “The infrastructure and operational efficiency of the buildings will vastly improve, creating a more reliable environment for students and staff and annual cost savings
of at least $10,000,” the press release read. D.L Rahn Junior High in Mt. Morris was not included in the geothermal project because it has a newer heating system than the other two schools. It is, however, slated to be considered for airconditioning next year. The geothermal system is the biggest share of a $7.5 million Health and Life Safety project approved by the school board last year.
Swine Dept.
Grand Champion Purebred Barrow – Tyler Besse, Freeport Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Barrow – Kyle Hemmersbach, Leaf River Grand Champion Market Gilt – Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center Reserve Grand Champion Market Gilt – Autumn Kielsmeier, Leaf River Grand Champion Commercial Breed Gilt – Kyle Hemmersbach, Leaf River Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Breed Gilt – Tyler Besse, Freeport Grand Champion Pair of Barrows – Casey Besse, Freeport Reserve Grand Champion Pair of Barrows – Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center Grand Champion Pair of Gilts – Autumn Kielsmeier, Leaf River Reserve Grand Champion Pair of Gilts – Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center Supreme Market Hog – Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center
Other projects included new wiring and phone system district-wide, and secured entrances at all three buildings.
soon. Photo by Chris Johnson
4-H Fair Results
Beef Dept. Winners in the Beef Department at the Ogle County Fair are listed below. Champion Junior Showmanship – Casey Besse, Freeport Champion Intermediate Showmanship – Grace Mongan, Oregon Champion Senior Showmanship – Jayde Farbo, Stillman Valley Champion Angus Steer – Bode Martin, Oregon Reserve Champion Angus Steer – Anna Ring, Oregon Champion Hereford Steer – Tyler Carow, Byron Reserve Champion Hereford Steer – Xander Schier, Mount Morris Champion Shorthorn Steer – Sabrina Risley, Esmond Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer – Shelbie Risley, Esmond Champion All Other Breeds - Austin Risley, Esmond Reserve Champion All Other Breeds – Abbie Ring, Oregon Champion Market Heifer – Evan Kosick, Mount Morris Reserve Champion Market Heifer – Sara Blume, Byron Champion Market Dairy Beef – Evan Kosick, Mount Morris Champion Crossbred Steer – Sabrina Risley, Esmond Reserve Champion Crossbred Steer – Austin Risley, Esmond Grand Champion Market Beef – Sabrina Risley, Esmond Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef –
Evan Kosick, age 10, Mt. Morris, shows John the holstein during the junior open show at the Ogle County Fair on Sunday. John weighs 1,420 pounds and is 18 months old. Photo by Earleen Hinton
Austin Risley, Esmond Grand Champion Bred and Owned Steer Overall – Curtis Hollewell, German Valley Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Steer Overall – Tyler Carow, Byron Champion Angus Female – Anna Ring, Oregon Reserve Champion Angus Female – Casey Besse, Freeport Champion Hereford Female – Danielle Hagemann, Mount Morris Reserve Champion Hereford Female – Tyler Carow, Byron Champion Shorthorn Female – Jayde Farbo, Stillman Valley Champion Purebred Other Breeds Female – Emily Hanlin, Leaf River Reserve Champion
Purebred Other Breeds Female – Wyatt Swanson, Byron Champion Crossbred Female – Keelyn Swanson, Byron Reserve Champion Crossbred Female – Skylar Black, Chana Grand Champion Female Overall – Anna Ring, Oregon Reserve Grand Champion Female Overall – Casey Besse, Freeport Grand Champion Bred and Owned Female Overall – Anna Ring, Oregon Reserve Grand Champion Bred and Owned Female Overall – Kyle Hemmersbach, Leaf River Grand Champion Production Cow/Calf – Emily Hanlin, Leaf River Daily Rate of Gain – Skylar Black, Chana
Several 4-H members were award winners in the Swine Department during the Ogle County Fair. Champion Junior Showmanship – Casey Besse, Freeport Reserve Champion Junior Showmanship – Aubree Wolter, Stillman Valley Champion Intermediate Showmanship – Tyler Besse, Freeport Reserve Champion Intermediate Showmanship – Adrienne Hall, Monroe Center Champion Senior Showmanship – Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center Reserve Champion Senior Showmanship – Ryan Reeverts, Byron Grand Champion Barrow – Kolton Myrvold, Monroe Center Reserve Grand Champion Barrow – Casey Besse, Freeport
Quality Beef 2000 – Skylar Black, Chana (first); Jessica Limones, Caledonia (second); Curtis Hollewell, German Valley (third); Sawyer Wild, Forreston (fourth); Xander Schier, Mount Morris (fifth); Katrina Lowry, Oregon (sixth); Michael Drendel, Lindenwood (seventh); Evan Kosick, Mount Morris (eightth); Kyle Blum, Polo (ninth); Jared Glendenning, Oregon (10th) 4-H Herdsman Award – Grace Mongan, Oregon Champion Jr. Bucket Calf – Austin Ebert, Oregon Reserve Champion Jr. Bucket Calf – Lacie Williams, Leaf River Champion Sr. Bucket Calf — Sara Blume, Byron Reserve Champion Sr. Bucket Calf – Garret Moser, Pine Creek Valley 4-H members Lilly and Mason Kindberg Mount Morris prepare their pigs for a show at the Ogle County Fair. Photo by Chris Johnson
Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A11
OHS golf teams hoping to improve on 2013 efforts Good group of golfers for both boys, girls teams By Andy Colbert Reporter With three potential state qualifiers on its roster, the Oregon boys golf team hopes to improve on last year’s sixth-place finish in the conference. “It was the third year in a row we placed sixth,� coach Jim Spratt said. “Three years ago, we were about 40 strokes away from third place. Last year, we were only six away.� The BNC is split into regular season matches with teams in your division and then a season-ending meet with all 16 teams. The Hawks lost starters Ben Gardener (state qualifier) and Justin Provo. Returners Taylor Brubaker, Mitchell Nehrkorn and Carson Buck give the team a big boost. “We have a small group
than last year, but will be just as talented,� Spratt said. According to Spratt, those three golfers closed 2013 out in a dead heat and will sort things out in 2014. Pushing them will be seniors Nikolas Barnhart and Dominic Marchetti, along with sophomores Tyler Black and Matt Myers. We’ll be as good as those guys make us,� Spratt said. “We need to be able to have four consistent scorers.� Spratt sees Byron and Rock Falls and Mendota as the main challengers in the BNC west, with newcomer Dixon also having a strong golf tradition. For the first time ever in Mt. Morris or Oregon, the girls were able to field a full team of four players. Those four girls return and Spratt has even higher hopes for 2014. “Last year, we were 4-3 in meets, third in the conference and regional,� Spratt said. “With the girls a year older, I hope we can improve on
that.� Abi Scheidecker, Ali Scheidecker, Haley Repass and Abi Martin are all sophomores. Both Scheideckers broke 50 as an average 9-hole score last year. Unlike boys golf with its three classes, girls have a 2-class system. “Both groups have a real possibility of advancing downstate,� Spratt said. “But, golf is a goofy game.� Last year, the boys were seventh out of 12 teams at the sectional and the girls were 12th. One difference for the boys will be the sectional being played at in Morris, instead of the traditional home at Praire View in Byron. Both teams teed it up for Above, Mitchell Nehrkorn tees off during a 2013 match. Below, Ali Scheidecker kicks up the first time on Monday at sand as she blasts out of a trap in 2013. Photos by Chris Johnson Marengo. The home course will be Silver Ridge and Sunset in Mt. Morris will serve at the locale for the Sept. 20 Salley Wessels Invite for the boys.
New coaching tandem for cross country By Andy Colbert Reporter It will be a new coaching tandem for the cross-country team this season. Tim Gipper, who had been an assistant to Lynn Ahlgrim, moves up to head coach. His assistant will be a familiar face, his wife Lori Gipper. Tim has been in the local school system since 1986, taking his first job out of college at Mt. Morris. It was there he met Lori and the two have been together ever since. Lori has a long history of cross country, even running with the boys team when she was at Forreston. Tim’s background was in football, having played college ball at the University of North Iowa. “That’s how I got hired at Mt. Morris, as an assistant football coach, head wrestling and assistant track,� Tim Gipper said. Both Gippers have plenty experience with running, having served as junior-high track coaches, even proving a husband-wife tandem can be very effective. The Gippers have inherited a program that has serious problems with numbers. “At the end of the school year, we had four kids,� Gipper said. “Now, we’re up to 13 kids and they’re an awesome. They work hard.� Gipper realizes what he’s up against with soccer and golf in full bloom at the high school level. “When Oregon was in its heyday in cross country, there wasn’t soccer and golf didn’t have big numbers yet,� Gipper said. “Our goal is to get all three sports working together.� Leading the way for the boys is 4-year runner Jacob Harshman. Another leader is junior Jacob Ebens. “Those two have done the most to encourage the others to run this summer,� Gipper said. The top new prospect is freshman Ian Hussing, who ran all summer. He is expected to be No. 2 behind Harshman. Gippers sees Jordan Wilkins as the No. 3 guy.
Lady Hawks start season with win
Jacob Ebens, right, runs in the 2013 regional at Fuller Forest Preserve. Photo by Earleen Hinton
“He looks more like a football player, but boy can he run,� Gipper said. Ebens and Will Coots are both improved from last year and will be counted on also to be scorers. Senior Noah Wade, has yet to be cleared to compete, but has come out to get in shape for the National Guard. Richard Bower is another prospect. Converted volleyball player Kelsey Handschuh looks to be the top girl runner. The lone returner is sophomore Rosie Sarantakos. Junior Zoe Nelson is out for the first time. Abby Newman, who is recovering from an ankle injury, is out to get in shape for basketball. Soledad Silva made the switch from cheerleading to cross country and Mayra Nava-Moyotl is out to stay in shape for track. “You got to have a reason to be out,� Gipper said. “My goal is for personal bests for everyone.� The team opens its season Aug. 26 at Rock Falls. The first home meet is Saturday, Sept. 6 at Park West.
Oregon High School’s golf teams started the 2014 season with a match in Marengo on Monday. Ali Scheidecker earned medalist honors as she fired a 49 to lead the Oregon girls golf team to a win on at the Marengo Ridge Golf Club. The Hawks’ team score
was 221. Marengo was second with a 247, while Rock Falls was third with a score of 279. Abi Scheidecker, Ali’s twin sister, shot a 51 for Oregon while teammates Abby Martin shot a 55 and Haley Repass shot 66. The Oregon boys’ team
finished second with 188 points to Marengo’s 167. Taylor Brubaker led the Hawks with a 7-over-par 43 followed by Matt Myers with a 47, and Mitchell Nehrkorn, Carson Buck, Tyler Black each with 49s. Dominic Marchetti scored a 54.
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2014 season begins Aug. 26 at Rock Falls
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Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page A12
Above, Ryan Miller, mugs for the television camera as teammate PJ Gabucci, takes part in a pre-game interview. Top left, Shawn Melville, gets ready to throw a pass. Left, Cody Merrill, tackles Winnebago’s Larry Mckinney as his teammates, Jordan Gorzny and Aaron Pollock help. And right, Oregon fans yell encouragement to the defense. Photos by Earleen Hinton
Sports Column Hometown athletes shine at alumni game By Andy Colbert Reporter Never underestimate one’s allegiance to their old high school, a sense of community and the fascination America has with football. Throw in absolutely gorgeous weather and the perfect recipe was in place for last Friday’s alumni football game between Oregon and Winnebago. The stands at Winnebago stadium were full with people hungry to watch real live football for the first time all
year. A crowd, estimated at 1,500 by event organizers, was treated to a very entertaining evening. The timing couldn’t have been better. It was held one week before Red-White Nite and two weeks before the first varsity contest, serving as an unofficial precursor to the regular season. An added bonus was a victory by the hometown Hawks, though a win wasn’t the main focus of the event. This was all about community. That is one of the premises stressed by Bob Cozat, the founder of Alumni Football USA. Cozat came up with the concept of playing alumni football games nearly 30 years ago. Since that time,
over 1,000 games have been played in 25 states. North Pole, Alaska is even playing Monroe Catholic, Alaska next summer. “This concept started in 1985 with a bunch of guys in a dorm room talking about wanting to play football again,” said Chuck Hulke, organizer for the OregonBago game. In the past, this column has lamented on the influx of transfers, recruiting of athletes and club sports at the high school level. All are factors in the disinterest of sports by a community at large. One reason loads of people from Oregon and Winnebago came out to watch a bunch of older guys play football
is that these guys grew up in those towns. That’s what high school sports should be all about. Those programs that have the rent-a-jock mentality to build up a powerhouse for the sake of winning have it all wrong and are detrimental to my world of high school sports and maybe yours too. I want high school sports and community to go handand-hand, much like it did in decades past. I want my local team to be about the best Oregon, Mt. Morris and Chana have to offer. Don’t send any ringers our way; after all, shouldn’t high school sports be won or lost on a community’s athletic prowess? So what if you have a down year or two.
There should no need to gift or buy your way to the top. What’s wrong with waiting to see what the next year’s group of kids has to offer? Though I am not a graduate of Oregon, I felt as much a part of community as anyone attending the alumni game. This is my town and I have a built-in sense of pride for all the OHS athletes from the past to the ones on their way up. Certainly, those people from Winnebago had to feel the same way as they showed support for their town and team. Indeed, it was quite refreshing to see some hardhitting football on Friday and also be content in the
Andy Colbert
knowledge that we still have that sense of community for our high school sports program.
Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Hawks use Wing-T offense in alumni game win Oregon beats ‘Bago 14-0 in fundraiser game By Andy Colbert Reporter Moments after Oregon lined up in its traditional Wing-T offense on the first play of scrimmage against Winnebago in an Alumni Football USA game, the Indians got a rude awakening. These Hawk graduates quickly went to a spread offense and caught Winnebago off guard by passing more than running. That formula combined with a rock solid defense gave the alumni Hawks a 14-0 win over their former Big Northern/MidNorthern rivals on Aug. 15. “That surprised us,” Winnebago defensive coordinator Greg Vaught said. “For not being used to it, Oregon did a good job running it.” “For practicing it once a week, we did a great job of executing,” said Oregon cocoach Shawn Melville (class of ‘93). It was a fourth-quarter touchdown pass from Melville to Tim Danielson (‘01) that clinched the win for the Hawks. Melville hit Danielson with a perfectly thrown spiral and Danielson did the rest on the 74-yard play, even turning defender Jonathon Mercer completely around on an illfated tackle attempt in the flat. “It was a great inside cut by Danielson,” said Melville, who had 128 yards passing. Nick Gallardo (‘10) set up the score with his second goal line interception of the game. For their efforts, Danielson was named offensive MVP and Gallardo defensive MVP for Oregon. There were plenty of other stars for the Hawks, especially on defense. Winnebago could only muster 156 yards of total offense against a youthful and athletic Hawk team. Nearly half of Oregon’s squad were graduates of the past 10 years, while ‘Bago only had six out of its 30-man roster. “We knew they had the young bucks,” said Winnebago alumni head coach Dick Medaris, who coached at ‘Bago from 198097. “They got in our backfield and quarterback’s face too quickly.” Winnebago’s defense also gave Oregon fits. Twice in the second half, Oregon had firstand-goal, only to be turned away empty-handed. Led by Ben Powers from his free safety position, the Indians also had four interceptions. “I thought we played well on defense,” Medaris said. “It was a fun game.”
“Their defense came at us harder than we thought they would,” said Corey Fry, who served as co-coach with Melville. “They had a lot of spirit.” On the opening possession, Oregon drove to ‘Bago’s 22-yard line, but a fourthand-one try fell short. On the next play, Casey Howard (‘12) intercepted 36-year old quarterback Chris McCray and the Hawks had the ball right back. Taking over from Melville at quarterback, Fry led the Hawks into field goal range. Jordan Gorzny (’04), who was a walk-on at Ohio State, was set to try a 50-yard attempt, but the snap was bobbled. Lineman Aaron Pollock (’00) and middle linebacker Cody Merrill (’12) had tackles for losses and Oregon got the ball back in ‘Bago territory. An interception by Powers ended that Hawk scoring threat. Nick Palmer (’03) also got into the interception game by picking off McCray with an NFL-caliber acrobatic dive that belied his age. One play later, Melville found Don Jensen (’10), a non-football alum, streaking into the end zone for a 19-yard touchdown. “After getting drilled by Powers on the previous possession, Jensen did a great job of holding onto the ball,” Melville said. Gorzny’s extra-point kick made it 7-0 early in the second quarter and the Hawks continued to turn up the heat on defense. Ryan Mortlock (’03) and Cody Flanigan (’14) had sacks of McCray, the latter a crowdpleasing leap over the top of McCray. However, McCray got a measure of revenge with his own interception moments later. Taking over at their own 35yard line with 1:40 left in the first half, McCray and Powers hooked up for a 34-yard reception. Then, on fourthand-25, the pair combined for 28 yards, setting up a firstand-goal at the 3-yard line. P.J. Gabucci (’00) chased McRay down for a 7-yard loss and Gallardo had a pick at the goal line to keep the Indians from tying the game. “Our defense was something else,” Melville said. That defense handed the ball to the offense on the first play from scrimmage in the second half. Palmer forced a fumble that was recovered by Howard. A Jeff Wehmhoefer (’10) 11-yard run gave the Hawks first-and-goal. The physically imposing, but older Indian line stiffened and Wehmhoefer was stopped for not gain on fourth-and-1. The Hawks soon got the ball back at the 37-yard line after a punt and looked to cushion the 7-0 lead.
Josh Merrill, class of 2012, makes a move as Winnebago defenders try to close in. Photo by Earleen Hinton
Fry had completions to Joe Smith (’03), Josh Merrill (’12) and Gallardo to set up a first-and-goal at the 1-yard line. With fans in the stands yelling for Fry to get under center instead of the shot gun, the Hawks butchered four attempts to get into the end zone. A subsequent 16-yard field goal attempt by Gorzny missed right. “We didn’t have a goal line offense,” explained Melville. Winnebago drove into Oregon territory on a 44-pass play from McCray to Mike Matranga. That drive was snuffed out, but the Hawks gave the ball right back on their fifth turnover of the game. Still threatening to tie or take the lead, Winnebago Corey Fry, class of 2000, locks eyes with Bago’s Travis Lingel. Photo by Earleen Hinton advanced to the Hawk 15yard line, but Gallardo had his second interception. On the very next play, Danielson put the game away with his 74-yard touchdown catch. Between Melville, Fry and Jeremy Milnes, Oregon quarterbacks combined for 14-of-28 passing and 180 yards. With Josh Merrill and Wehmhoefer getting the bulk of carries, the team rushed 19 times for 75 yards. “The whole experience was very heartwarming,” said Fry. “It was clean play between both sides. We don’t know the Winnebago guys as well as Stillman or Byron, but there was mutual respect for each other.” Next year, Oregon will get a home game and Fry is hopeful that a game can be arranged with Stillman or Byron.” Through ticket sales, Oregon raised around $1,500 for its football program and Winnebago $3,700 for stadium renovation. Over the years, over a million dollars have been raised for communities through Alumni Nicholas Gallardo, class of 2010, looks up field after an interception. Gallaro had two picks in the game and was received the defensive award for the Hawks. Photo by Earleen Hinton Football USA.
Members of the Hawk alumni team pose for a photo after beating Winnebago 14-0 on Aug. 15. The game raised $1,500 for the OHS football program. Photo by Earleen Hinton
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B2
County Record
Sheriff’s dept. now a partner with missing children group Beitel attended seminar in June in Virginia
The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office was recognized for completing and becoming a partner of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Pictured, left to right, are: Bernard “Buster” Brown, NENA National President; Kristen Anderson, NCMEC Executive Director of Training and Outreach; Heather Butler, Ogle County Sheriff’s Office Communications Supervisor; Sandy Beitel, Ogle County E911 Coordinator; and Bill Hinkle, NENA Liaison to NCMEC. Photo supplied
On June 15 during the opening session of the National Emergency Number Association, (NENA), the Ogle County Sheriff’s Office was recognized for completing and becoming a partner of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). This process took approximately 18 months to complete. NCMEC requires several steps be completed prior to becoming a partner. It is required that a
management person attend the chief executive officer training which was held at the NCMEC Center in Alexandria, Va. This course is designed for chiefs, sheriffs, 911 directors and clearinghouse managers. Only applicants in these positions were considered. Sandy Beitel, E911 Coordinator, was chosen to attend the training. The two-day seminar familiarized participants with issues related to missing child cases including effective policies and practices, technical assistance, training, and available resources. Participants were expected
to attend all training segments and complete an evaluation form. Once the training is complete, all the telecommunicators had to successfully complete an online training in all aspects of missing and exploited children. The sheriff’s office then had to adopt a standard operating procedure that would be utilized in the case of a missing or exploited child. Once all of the steps were completed, the documentation and the procedure were submitted to NCMEC for approval.
Solid waste electronic recycling event is Sept. 20 in Dixon The Ogle County Solid Waste Management Department (OCSWMD), in partnership with the Lee County Office of Solid Waste Management and Secure Recycling Services (SRS) will be conducting an electronic waste collection event on Saturday, Sept. 20, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event will be located at the SRS facility at 629 Palmyra Road, Dixon.
As of Jan. 1, 2012, the State of Illinois banned electronic devices from landfills to help protect the environment and so these valuable materials may be recycled. Obsolete electronic devices contain many recyclable materials, and also materials, such as heavy metals, which can harm the environment if not properly managed. SRS is a local non–profit company which is recognized
by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) as an authorized collector, recycler, and re-furbisher of electronic waste in Illinois. SRS provides data destruction, proper handling, and de-manufacturing of electronics being recycled. Items accepted at this event will be adding machines, answering machines, cameras, CD’s/DVD’s, CD players, CD-ROM drives,
calculators, cell phones, computer cables, computers (desktop and laptop). Additional items that will be accepted are computer monitors, credit card machines, disk players, DVD players, FAX machines, floppy disk drives, and ink cartridges. Joy sticks, keyboards, main frames, medical equipment, microwaves ($10 fee per unit), modems, and pagers
can also be recycled. The following items are also acceptable. PDA’s, postage machines, printers, projectors, scanners, servers, shredders, and stereo equipment. The list continues with tape drives, telephones, telephone systems, terminals, televisions, toner cartridges, VCR’s, video game equipment, and zip drives. Computers often contain
highly personal information. Before donating or recycling computers or memory devices, clean the hard drive. OCSWMD and SRS assumes no responsibility to protect any electronic data remaining in electronics recycled through this program. For instructions on removing data from the hard drive go to, www.oglecounty. org.
School back in session; drive carefully Paul McMahon, Lee Ogle Regional Superintendent of Schools, reminds drivers to be aware of school buses on the road. An extended stop arm and flashing red lights are signals
to be on the alert for children loading or unloading from a school bus. “Stop and wait — it’s the law,” McMahon said. “Let’s protect our children and be aware of school buses.”
Area schools opened their doors for the 2014-15 school year starting last week. Oregon students began classes Aug. 14, Forrestville Valley students Aug. 18, and Polo Aug. 20.
ISP Teen Safe Driving Program is being offered to area high schools By Todd Rohlwing District 1 Commander Illinois State Police
The Ogle County Sheriff’s Department released this photo from a surveillance camera in connection with an armed robbery of the Casey’s store in Creston. Anyone with information should call the sheriff’s department at 815-732-6666. Photo supplied
Sheriff’s police are seeking man who robbed Casey’s in Creston The Ogle County Sheriff’s Department is seeking information from the public about an armed robbery that occurred over the weekend in Creston. According to a press release from the sheriff’s department, a man brandishing a hand gun demanded cash from the salesperson at the Casey’s
General Store on Ill. 38 on Sunday, Aug. 17 at 4:30 a.m. The store cashier was not injured. The suspect, who was caught on a video camera during the robbery, is believed to be Caucasian, approximately five feet, seven inches tall with an average build.
He was wearing darkcolored pants, a dark green fleece-type jacket, gray T-shirt, and a black stocking hat, and possibly house slippers. Anyone with information is can call the sheriff’s office at 815-732-6666 or CrimeStoppers at 888-2284488.
The Illinois State Police would like to encourage schools to participate in the Operation Teen Safe Driving Program this 2014-2015 school year. In the spring of 2007, Operation Teen Safe Driving (OTSC) was launched in rural Tazewell County after automobile crashes took 15 teen lives in 15 consecutive months. In the five years since OTSD was implemented there have been no additional teen fatalities in Tazewell County. In 2008, through a variety of sponsors, this lifesaving program was adopted in Illinois statewide. OTSD is a program where students develop and implement a peer-to-
peer-based traffic safety program for their school and community. Each school receives $2,000 to run the program. The program focuses on seat belt use, the prevention of underage drinking, distracted driving, and speeding. At the end of the program, schools must provide a PowerPoint for judges to review how the program was implemented and how teens chose to promote their traffic safety message. By participating in the program, top winners from each region will receive post prom money, ranging from $500 to $2,500. Also, top winners will attend a Ford Driving Skills for Life- Ride and Drive event. Students from top winning schools will learn critical driving skills from professional race car drivers.
OTSD is now sponsored by Ford Motor Company, Fund Allstate Foundation, and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). Parents are encouraged to call local high schools and ask them to participate if they are not already. It takes teens, parents, schools, law enforcement, and communities working together to improve traffic and public safety. High Schools who want to participate must apply online at www. The application deadline is Monday, Sept. 15. The OTSD program begins Oct. 15 and runs through the end of January.
Kathleen D. Aupperle, warranty deed to Kirk J. Hazelbower and Nicole R. Hazelbower, 101 Phil Parkway, Forreston, Forreston Township, $110,000.
J. Mumford and Deanna L. Mumford, 11810 E. Buffalo St., Polo, Buffalo Township, $17,000.
Call Melanie Wingo, OTSD Region 3 coordinator at 217-331-3760, or e-mail for more information.
Property Transfers Property transfers are Nobis, 5880 W. Lowell Park listed according to the date Rd., Mt. Morris, Mt. Morris they were filed in the county Township, $350,000. recorder’s office. Sam G. Thomason and The name of the grantor Lisa M. Thomason, warranty transferring the property is deed to Kevin D. Cech, 1791 listed first, followed by the Knights Lane, Rochelle, type of transaction, the name Flagg Township, $184,000. of the grantee, the address and township of the property, Aug. 12 and the price of the transfer. Robert R. Mussell and Julia F. Mussell, warranty Aug. 8 deed to Jacquelyn V. Binger Glenda S. Rush, quit claim and Sandra K. Wetter, 818 deed to Jacob M. Rush, 5324 Hampton Dr., Byron, Byron S. Brookstone Dr., Rochelle, Township, $170,000. Flagg Township. April Moore and Fannie Mae and Federal Christopher A. Moore, National Mortgage Assn., warranty deed to Cira warranty deed to MK Ognibene-Berger and Cira Investment Properties, LLC, Ognibene Berger, 621 208 W. Pacific St., Davis Willow Bend Dr., Davis Junction, Scott Township, Junction, Scott Township, $22,621. $160,000. Aug. 11 Wesley A. Fritsche, quit claim deed to Crystal G. Fritsche, 727 Kristi Dr., Byron, Byron Township. Hiram Grau, Director, Illinois State Police by Power of Attorney, warranty deed to Thomas E. Nobis and Jamie
Cynthia E. Tolbert-Luke, trustee, Cynthia A. Luke, trustee, James S. and Cynthia A. Luke Family Trust, and Cynthia E. Tolbert Luke, trustee, quit claim deed to Cynthia E. Tolbert-Luke and Cynthia E. Tolbert Luke, 1055 N. Third St., Rochelle, Flagg Township.
JP Morgan Chase Bank, warranty deed to David S. Gatz, 1783 Sunnymeade Dr., Rochelle, Flagg Township, $65,888. Aug. 13 Thomas E. Nobis and Jamie L. Nobis, warranty deed to Jared T. Head and Kelsey M. Head, 105 Amber Drive, Oregon, OregonNashua Township, $138,000. Sterling Federal Bank, warranty deed to Gideon Principe, 101 E. Center St., Mt. Morris, Mt. Morris
Join to VIP text club Text 36000 Message RROUTFIT
Township, $60,000. Michael S. Mulberry and Tracy M. Heilman, warranty deed to Nathan J. Cooper, 127 N. Barry Ave., Byron, Byron Township, $133,000. Bradlee Baker, warranty deed to Nicholas Oliver and Arin Oliver, 551 Heritage Dr., Stillman Valley, Marion Township, $166,500. Sarah E. Mueller and James M. Mueller, warranty deed to Deborah S. DeVaney, 228 W. Pershing St., Stillman Valley, Marion Township, $75,000.
Christopher M. Streit and Meghan C. Streit, warranty deed to Tammy K. Aug. 14 Molly McConaughy Kuczynski, 547 Mill Ridge Lust and Thomas W. Lust, Dr., Byron, Byron Township, warranty deed to Michael $101,500.
County Record Obituaries David L. Dickson David Lewis Dickson, 71, Buena Park, Calif., eldest son of Lewis and Marjorie Dickson, Oregon, died Friday, July 25, 2014 after a prolonged battle with Pick’s disease. He was born in Washington D.C. on Aug. 31, 1942. In 1946 the family relocated to Mt. Morris and later to Oregon. David attended St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, where he was confirmed and active in Sunday School, choir, youth activities. He attended grammar school, junior high, and high school in Oregon. He was involved in Math and Science Clubs, sports, plays, was president of his
James E. Gross James E. Gross, 85, Oregon, died Sunday, Aug.17, 2014 at OSF St. Anthony Medical Center, Rockford. He was born on Dec. 25, 1928 in Chicago, the son of James G. and Mae (Adanick) Gross. He married Eva Schroder on Feb. 28, 1953 in Chicago; she died Jan. 30, 2005. He was a U.S. Army veteran serving in the Korean War, and was employed as a woodworker in manufacturing. James lived in Oregon since 1988 and is best remembered for riding his three-wheeled bicycle all over town and
Wayne L. Lantz Wayne L. Lantz, 81, Oregon, died Friday, Aug. 15, 2014 at Heritage Square Nursing Home, Dixon. He was born July 7, 1933 in Lighthouse, rural Ogle County, the son of Russell and Gwendolyn (Bennett) Lantz. Wayne graduated from Mt. Morris High School and went on to own his own trucking business, White Lighting Express. He enjoyed being with
James M. Maxwell James M. “Gibby” Maxwell, 87, Forreston, died Friday, Aug. 15, 2014, at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Mt. Morris. Jim was born Aug. 1, 1927 in Solgohachia, Ark., the son of James V. and Eva (Chism) Maxwell. Jim married Bernice Bull on April 9, 1949 in Arkansas and later married Mary Jean Wearmothe on April17, 1997 in Mountain View, Ark. Jim worked for Rockford Black Top for 32 years retiring in 2001. He was a member of Mt. Morris Moose Lodge #1551 and Local 325. Jim is survived by his wife, Mary Jean Maxwell,
Kenneth M. Wolf Kenneth M. Wolf, 95, Polo, went to his eternal home on Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014, at Polo Rehab & Health Care Center. Kenny was born, Oct. 31, 1918, in Polo, the son of Marvin “Jake” and Eva Mae (Schriver) Wolf. He was united in marriage to Lorraine M. (Engel) Irvin on June 25, 1938 in Rockford. She preceded him in March of 2003. Kenny was a veteran of the U.S. Army.
senior class and Student Council. He was a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship and an award recipient. He received scholarships from the Rockford Register Star and Rotary Club also. He graduated from OCHS in 1960 as valedictorian of his class. He received offers of full scholarships many colleges, including Harvard, Columbia, University of Illinois in Champaign, and Cal Tech in Pasadena, Calif. He chose Cal Tech as he was focused on the sciences and it was one of the top schools in the country in the sciences. He found he did not want to be locked in a lab all day; he liked interaction with people and he took a sabbatical. When he returned to education, he attended UCLA, beyond. He enjoyed woodworking and making bird houses. He is survived by sons, Anthony Gross, Chapel Hill, N.C. and James A. (Nancy) Gross, Mt. Morris; daughters, Annette (Claude) LeFrapper, Chapel Hill, N.C., and Mary (Gary) Duffy, Hanover Park; grandchildren, Leana and Alan LeFrapper, Ryan, Jennifer and Shannon Duffy and Amanda Gross; and great-grandchildren, Santino “Sonny,” Gavin, and Andrew. The family will have a private ceremony and, in lieu of flowers, request memorials in his name to the American Lung Association.
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Farrell-Holland-Gale Funeral Home, Oregon, assisted the family with arrangements. Visit www. to leave online condolences. Unger, Mt. Morris. He was preceded in death by his parents; two brothers, James and Jack Lantz; and a sister, Barbara Hultquist. A memorial service was held on Aug. 19 at Finch Funeral Home, 405 E. Hitt St., Mt. Morris,with Rev. Frank Lay officiating. Burial was at River View Cemetery, Oregon. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Heritage Square Nursing Home.
Forreston; children, Kenny Maxwell, German Valley, Randy (Suzie) Maxwell, Houston, Texas, Barry Maxwell, Rockford, Janet (Brian) Cunningham, Leaf River, Dan (Barb) Cederholm Sr., Forreston, David Cederholm, Freeport, Kris (Dean) Hemmersbach, Valparaiso, Ind.; grandchildren, Mark (Heather) Maxwell, Adam (Sherrie) Maxwell, Amanda Maxwell, Seth Maxwell, Lee, Travis and Jacob Cunningham, Leah (John) Pagone, Brandon (Natalie) Cederholm, Dan Cederholm Jr., Chris (Chelsey) Cederholm, Amanda (Justin) Johnson, Marty Hemmersbach, and
Sarah Hemmersbach; 16 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Ida Mae Foshee, Solgohachia, Ark. Jim was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, and six sisters. A memorial service will be held on Friday Aug. 22 at 11 a.m. at Finch Funeral Home, 405 E. Hitt, Mt. Morris, with Rev. Scott Ralston officiating. A private burial will be at North Grove Evangelical Cemetery, Leaf River. Visitation will be Friday, Aug. 22 from 10 a.m. until service time at Finch Funeral Home. Memorials will be determined.
He went on to work in sales traveling from dealer to dealer, then to Northwestern Steel and Wire and became an electrician. Survivors include a daughter, Julia Person, Polo; sons, James (Gloria) Wolf, Rockford, and Joseph (Mary) Wolf, Polo; grandsons, Dean Wolf, Texas, Mark (Kay) Schonberg, Mike (Annette) Schonberg, Kyle (Sarah) Wolf, John (Paula) Wolf, all of Rockford, Jacob (Ashley) Person, Rock Falls, Benjamin (Kristen) Person, Polo; great-
grandchildren, Ryan Wolf, Dixon, Eric, Cristina, Olivia Wolf, all of Rockford, and Samuel Martin Person, Polo. At the request of the family, a private service was held with burial following at Fairmount Cemetery, Polo.
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professional career as a professor at Whittier College where he taught Spanish language to future bilingual education teachers. At California State University, Fullerton, he managed a Title VII Federal Grant program dedicated to preparing bilingual teachers for California and other states where there was a need for bilingual teachers.
William M. McNett
his family, collecting coins, and most recently collecting marbles. You could often find Wayne in his garage tinkering, building, or fixing things. Wayne is survived by one son, Stephen (Lori) Lantz, Oregon; three daughters, Janice (Terry) Day, Kathy (Bruce) Miller, and Beverly (Bruce Portner) Lantz, all of Dixon; 10 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and six great-great-grandchildren; and sister, Patricia (Neil)
majoring in humanities with specialty in Spanish language and literature. He graduated summa cum laude. He was then offered a three year full time fellowship from USC to work toward his Masters and PhD degrees. He completed those,again with high honors. He became a member of Phi Beta Kappa. David began his
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B3
Dr. William “Bill” M. McNett, 85, Washington, Ill., died peacefully at 12:50 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 17, 2014 at Reflections, Washington. Bill was born on Aug.14, 1929 in Oregon to William D. and Glady (Nalley) McNett. He was raised in Mt. Morris. Bill married Gloria McDonald on Sept.13, 1951 at the Lacon Methodist Church. Bill was a 1947 graduate of Mt. Morris High School. He went on to graduate with honors from Eureka College where he was student body president and active in the music areas. After serving in the Army during the Korean War, he went on to earn his MA and Ed.D. at Bradley University and Western Colorado University. Bill had spent 13 years teaching English at Washington High School. He was one of the first teachers hired when Illinois Central College (ICC) opened in 1967 where he spent 18 years as an English professor and department chairman. He has served on the Washington Community High School Board, Eureka Alumni Board, ICC Retirees Association and active in the Peoria Genealogical Society and its Computer Interest Group.
Samuel E. Thomas Samuel E. Thomas, 96, Mt. Morris, died on Friday, Aug. 15, 2014 at Serenity Hospice & Home, Oregon. Sam was born June 5, 1918 in rural Ogle County, the son of Frank and LuLu (Hedrick) Thomas. He graduated from Mt. Morris Schools. Sam married K. Annette Towns on Jan. 3, 1942 in El Paso De Robles, Calif. He worked for Kable Printing Company for 45 years, retiring in 1982. Sam served in the U.S. Army during World War II as a military policeman. He was a member of the Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren, Mt. Morris Moose Lodge, VFW, and American Legion. Sam is survived by two
He recruited promising minority students and provided support and training as they earned their college degrees and teaching credentials. He was a charter member of the California Association for Bilingual Education known as CABE. He drafted their by laws. He successfully organized and conducted the first few state-wide CABE conventions for teachers. David was offered a position as a full-time professor of Spanish at Biola University, a private Christian university. He employed creative techniques where the students not only learned a foreign language, but the experience served to open their door to the Spanish speaking world. He still receives letters
from former, grateful students. He retired as chair of the Language Department of Biola when diagnosed with his disease. David was a strong Christian and modeled his Christian values for all to see. He lived his life well and will be missed. David was a beloved husband to his wife, Rosalilia; daughter, Heidi; special sonin-law, TJ; granddaughter, Marissa; brothers, Daniel and Kenneth; and sister, MaryAnn Dickson-Egler. Memorials may be made to Biola University, Language Dept. David Dickson Memorial Fund, 13800 Biola Ave.,La Mirada, CA 90639 or to MaryAnn Dickson-Egler, 2604 Woodmar Road, Apt. 1, Rockford, IL 61114 to be sent to Biola.
He also had been active in the Washington Rotary Club, Crossroads United Methodist Church, Peoria Computer Club. Bill had received honors from the White House Conference on Economic Concerns, Nu Upsilon Upsilon, Phi Delta Kappa Service Award, Who’s Who in American College and Universities, Who’s Who in the Midwest, NDEA Fellowship Award, Peoria County Genealogical Society Service Award and the Logsdon, Loren, Ed., Eureka Literary Magazine, Advisory board. He also had three publications, “Community College Frontiers” (1976), “A Description and Evaluation of a Sequential Composition Program in a Comprehensive Community College” (1975) and “The Forgotten Residents of Peoria State Hospital” (1995). He is survived by his wife, Gloria; two children, Dr. Michael McNett , Genesse, Wis., and Kelly (Bob) Ziegler, Washington; two granddaughters, Michelle McNett and Amber O’Malley; great-granddaughter, Hailey Bolen: sister-in-law, Kathy (Wayne) Armbrust; and brother-in-law, Bill Nettz. He was preceded in death by his parents and four sisters, Drucilla, Virginia,
Katie, and Joan. The family wishes to extend their gratitude to the staffs of Care Solutions in Morton and Reflections Memory Care in Washington as well as Dr. Ronald Hake. A time of sharing and remembering Bill was scheduled on Wednesday, Aug. 20 at 6 p.m. at Crossroads United Methodist Church where a meal will also be shared. In keeping with Bill’s request, cremation rites have been accorded and MasonWhite Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements. Memorials for Bill may be directed to either Eureka College or Crossroads United Methodist Church. Online condolences to the family may be made at
sons, Michael E. (Alexis Jo) Thomas, Plymouth, and Steven E. (Mary Georgeanne) Thomas, Villages, Fla.; a daughter, Samantha (Vern) Tillet, Worthington, Mo.; eight grandchildren and nine step-grandchildren; 18 greatgrandchildren;18 step-greatgrandchildren, three greatgreat-grandchildren; and special friend, Geri LeVar. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Annette; three brothers, Kramer, Theodore, and John, and two sisters, Mary and Ruth.
A memorial service was scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 20 at 11 a.m. at the Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren with Rev. Virginia Haney officiating. Burial will be at Oakwood Cemetery at a later date. Visitation was scheduled for Aug. 20 from 9 a.m. until service time at the church. Memorials to Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren, Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, or Serenity Hospice & Home.
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County Record Sheriff Arrests Ogle County Sheriff Michael Harn reports the following activity. Aug. 11 Artemio Castillo, 37, Rochelle, was arrested for failure to appear. His bond was set at $1,950 pending an Aug. 11 court appearance.
while under the influence of alcohol and driving while license suspended. He also received citations for failure to reduce speed, driving on the shoulder of the road and no Insurance. He was transported to SwedishAmerican Hospital for non life threatening injuries. He was given an I-bond and is scheduled to appear in court on Sept. 17. The accident remains under investigation.
Aug. 12 Derek Stivers, 29, Polo, Katlyn D. Beck, 26, Byron, was arrested for failure to was arrested on a warrant appear. He paid $302 and no for failure to appear. Stivers’ further court date is needed. bond was set at $1,995.50 pending an Aug. 14 court Nathan Klapp, 29, Byron, appearance. was arrested for failure to William Smalley, 33, appear. His bond was set at Rockford, was arrested on a $2,257 pending an Aug. 13 warrant for failure to appear. court appearance. Smalley’s bond was set at Kaywan Palmer, 34, $1,418.85 pending an Aug. Ashton, was arrested at 9:27 14 court appearance. p.m. for driving while license Cynthia A. Keating, 39, suspended and on a failure to Rockford, was arrested on a appear warrant for speeding. warrant for failure to appear. He was arrested following a traffic stop in the 7,000 Keating’s bond was set at block of E. Ill. 38. Palmer $745 pending an Aug. 14 was transported to the Ogle court appearance. County Jail where he was Gary J. Ferguson, 49, held in lieu of bond. Rockford, was arrested on a warrant for driving Aug. 13 while license suspended. Brandon R. Cole, 31, Leaf River, was arrested on two Ferguson’s bond was set at warrants, retail theft and $15,000pending an Aug. 14 motion to increase bond. His court appearance. bonds were set at $3,000 and Michael A. Brandt, 44, $5,000 pending an Aug. 13 Rochelle, was arrested on court appearance. a warrant for driving while At 4:05 a.m., deputies along license revoked. Brandt’s with the Stillman Valley Fire bond was set at $2,000 Department responded to the pending an Aug. 13 court 12000 blk of E. Ill. 72 for an appearance. accident with injuries. Deputies responded to a After a short investigation, two-vehicle accident with Brett Obrien, 27, Rockford, injuries at the intersection of was arrested for driving
Ill.. 38 and Grange Road. During the investigation, deputies learned that Thomas Ball, 63, Franklin Grove, was traveling east on Ill. 38. when he failed to see a vehicle that was stopped waiting to turn left onto Grange Road. Ball lost control of his vehicle as he avoided the stopped vehicle and traveled into the eastbound ditch. A vehicle driven by Gary Evans, 28, Ashton, was traveling east when he observed Ball lose control of his vehicle. Evans tried to avoid Ball as he traveled into the eastbound ditch where the vehicles collided. Thomas Ball was transported to Rochelle Hospital by Rochelle ambulance for his injuries. All occupants were wearing seatbelts. Charles Ball who was a passenger was transported to St. Anthony’s Hospital by Life Line Helicopter for serious injuries. Thomas Ball was issued a citation for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Evans refused Medical treatment at the scene. The sheriff’s department was assisted by Rochelle and Flagg Center Fire Departments.
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B5
John B. Morris, 20, Lindenwood, was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. Morris posted $160 full cash for bond and was scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 15.
block of N. Ill. 251. Mario M Morales, 63, Rochelle, was arrested for not having a valid driver’s license.
Samara A. Goff, 36, Mt Morris, was arrested for disorderly conduct. Goff was transported to the Ogle County Jail for processing.
Vincent Crum, 23, Prophetstown, was arrested on a warrants for failure to appear and domestic battery. Crum’s bond was set at $2,512 pending an Aug. 15 court appearance.
At approximately 11:49, deputies performed a traffic stop in the 300 block of Pershing Street in Stillman Valley. After an investigation, Bailey Gildea, 19, Rochelle, was arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol, illlegal consumption of alcohol, and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. Gildea was also issued citations for speeding and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Gildea was transported to the Ogle County Jail and held in lieu of bond.
Aug. 17 At approximately 1:19 a.m., deputies initiated a traffic stop in the 15,000 block of E. Ill. 64. Pursuant to an investigation, Andrew C. Schopp, 20, Hillcrest, was arrested for driving while under the influence (Zero Tolerance), consumption of alcohol by a minor, and possession of alcohol by a minor. Schopp was also cited for having a loud muffler, illegal transportation of alcohol, and operating an uninsured vehicle.
At approximately 12:56 a.m., deputies performed a traffic stop at the intersection of Il Rte 2 and Fox Run Lane just into Byron. After an investigation, Jeffrey Whalen, 51, Stillman Valley, was arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol. Whaley was transported to the Ogle County Jail where he was held in lieu of bond.
At 2:58 p.m., deputies were dispatched to Mulford Road and Twombly Road in preference a two motorcycle accident. After an investigation, Ross Pinter, 59, West Brooklyn, was transported to Rochelle Community Hospital for minor injuries after being rear ended by Paula Henkel, 55, West Brooklyn. No citations were given.
At 10:26 p.m., deputies stopped a silver Chevy HHR in the 17,000 block of Ill. 38 for speeding. After a short investigation, Francisco Perez, 30, Sycamore, was arrested for driving without a license. He also received citations for not having insurance and speeding. Perez was transported to the Ogle County Jail where he was held in lieu of bond.
Aug. 15 Noah A. Hamilton, 22, Rockford, was arrested for failure to appear. Hamilton’s Aug. 14 bond was set at $1,213.20 Logan K. Bell, 18, Monroe pending an Aug. 18 court Center, was arrested on a appearance. warrant for failure to appear. Bell’s bond was set at $150 Lisa M. Henson, 35, pending an Aug. 14 court Rochelle, was arrested for appearance. failure to appear. Henson posted $324 full cash bond. Jeffrey Wilkey, 30, No further court date is Plainfield, was arrested on a needed. warrant for failure to appear. Wilkey posted $375 full cash At approximately 8:56 for bond and has no further p.m., deputies initiated a court appearances. traffic stop in the 1,000
Aug. 16 At 3:33 a.m., deputies responded to the 900 block of North Mulford Road. After an investigation, Carson Day, 31, Earlville, was arrested for obstructing/resisting a peace officer. Day was also citied for failure to report an accident, leaving the scene of an accident, and improper lane usage.
Aug. 18 Ronald Ramirez, 46, Amboy, was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. Ramirez appeared in court where his bond was reduced to $50 full cash. He posted bond and is scheduled to be back in court on Sept. 29.
Bonnie Sherman, 27, Leaf River, was arrested on a warrant for driving while license suspended. Sherman’s bond was set at $5,000 pending an Aug. 15 court appearance.
At approximately 11:13 p.m., deputies responded to 3747 W. Ill. Rte 64, Lot #13, in reference to a disturbance. After an investigation,
Vicki Napier, 56, Pearl City, was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear. Napier appeared in court where her bond was reduced to $100 full cash. She posted bond and is scheduled to be back in court on Sept. 29.
Byron Police Activity Byron Police Chief Todd County Jail. Murray released the following information Aug. 13. July 28 Scott Brown, 45, Byron, July 24 was arrested on a warrant. Devan Messer, 21, Stillman Brown was transported to the Valley, was issued a citation Ogle County Jail. for not having proof of insurance. July 29 Laura Bloomfield, 46, July 25 Stillman Valley, was arrested Conner Bontjes, 18, Byron, for retail theft. Bloomfield was issued a citation for was transported to the Ogle failure to reduce speed to County Jail. avoid an accident. July 30 July 26 Keonna Henson, 24, Daniel O’Neill, 34, Byron, was arrested on an Byron, was arrested for Ogle County warrant. Henson domestic battery. O’Neill was transported to the Ogle was transported to the Ogle County Jail.
July 31 Ronald Bolin, 30, Byron, was issued a citation for speeding—51 mph in a 35 mph zone.
Aug. 2 Police investigated an accident with no injuries that occurred at the intersection of E. Front Street and S. Union Street. Doris Case, 77, Byron, and Michael Ennenbach, 52, Byron, were involved in the accident. Case was issued a citation for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Melissa Svoboda, 19, Byron, was issued a citation for speeding 59 mph in a 45 mph zone.
Aug. 1 Police arrested two 16-yearold males and a 15-year-old male, all of Byron, for curfew violations. One of the males was also issued citations for not having a valid driver’s license and unlawful number of passengers; both are graduated driver’s license Aug. 5 violations. All juveniles were Barry Bowman, 48, Byron, released to a parent and must was arrested for driving while appear in court on Aug. 25. license is revoked. Bowman was transported to the Ogle
County Jail. Rockford, was issued Daniel Fleeger, 43, Byron, a citation for expired was arrested on an Ogle registration. County warrant. Fleeger Aug. 9 was transported to the Ogle David Barber, 49, Leaf County Jail. River, was issued a citation for expired registration. Aug. 7 Vicki Stonecipher, 35, Aug. 12 Byron, was arrested for Norman Kilker, 57, domestic battery. Stonecipher Forreston, was issued a was transported to the Ogle citation for no proof of County Jail. insurance and failure to reduce speed to avoid an Aug. 8 accident. Elizabeth McDonald, 28, Byron, was arrested on Any arrests listed are a warrant. McDonald was merely accusations and the transported to the Ogle defendants are presumed County Jail. innocent until proven guilty in Cong Chi Lam, 51, a court of law.
Fines The following individuals (June 19, 2014), court paid fines in the Ogle County supervision. Circuit Court. Steven D. Stienmetz, 41, Oregon, driving 15-20 mph The name, age, and over the speed limit, Aug. 11, address of the individual is 2014, (June 27, 2014), $160. listed along with the offense, Nicole R. Smith, 44, Polo, the date the fine was paid, the driving 21-25 mph over the date the offense occurred in speed limit, Aug. 12, 2014 parenthesis, and the amount (July 10, 2014), $195. of the fine. Kacey F. Cain, Mt. Morris, 26, expired registration, Aug. Trey A. Brugman, 20, 12, 2014 (July 10, 2014), Byron, permitting an $120. unauthorized person to drive, Charles W. Downey, 17, Aug. 11, 2014 (July 4, 2014), Oregon, driving 21-25 mph dismissed/state motion. over the speed limit, Aug. 13, Richard W. Wiesner, Jr., 2014 (July 9, 2014), $160. 45, Oregon, right of way/ Andrea L. Vancko, 39, pedestrian/crosswalk, Aug. Byron, expired registration, 14, 2014 (May 17, 2014), Aug. 12, 2014 (July 9, 2014), nolle prosequi. $120. Adam C. Marshall, 18, Dustin E. Harriett, 39, Mt. Byron, driving restricted time Morris, expired registration, on GDL, $336; headlight Aug. 13, 2014 (July 12, violation, dismissed/state 2014), $120. motion, Aug. 13, 2014 (June Jeffrey L. Bradshaw, 6, 2014). 50, Mt. Morris, unlicensed Mark J. Wright, 48, Mt. driver, Aug. 13, 2014 (July Morris, failure to stop at 15, 2014), dismissed/state intersection, Aug. 14, 2014 motion.
Carson W. Andrew, 23, Oregon, driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 12, 2014 (July 17, 2014), $120. Miranda R. Cornford, 17, Stillman Valley, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, dismissed; driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 13, 2014 (July 20, 2014), $120. Jacob S. Heglund, 18, Byron, disregarding stop sign, Aug. 12, 2014 (July 19, 2014), $175. Nathan H. Smith, 24, Byron, muffler violation, Aug. 13, 2014 (July 24, 2014), dismissed/state motion. Bailey R. Hoover, 19, Oregon, driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 11, 2014 (July 24, 2014), $120. Craig E. Ludwig, 39, Oregon, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, expired registration, Aug. 11, 2014 (July 25, 2014), both charges dismissed. Doris E. Olsen, 77, Byron, failure to reduce speed, Aug. 14, 2014 (Aug. 2, 2014),
$120. Christopher D. Bamborough, 25, Polo, DUI, dismissed/state motion; DUI with blood alcohol count 0.08, $2,911/license, Aug. 14, 2014 (March 9, 2014). Stacy R. Crain, 27, Chana, driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 5, 2014 (June 17, 2014), $120. George Guzman, 24, Oregon, failure to yield at a private road or intersection, Aug. 8, 2014 (July 3, 2014), $120. Hunter B. McKee, 19, Mt. Morris, failure to yield at a private road or intersection, Aug. 8, 2014 (July 8, 2014), $120. Matthew S. Stormont, 33, Byron, no valid registration, Aug. 5, 2014 (July 7, 2014), $120. Judith A. Barger, 68, Polo, driving 21-25 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 4, 2014 (July 2, 2014), $140. Margaret Morehead, 36, Byron, driving 15-20 mph
over the speed limit, Aug. 5, 2014 (July 8, 2014), $120. John W.O. Jamison, 22, Byron, driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 5, 2014 (July 4, 2014), $120. Miranda K. Garcia, 20, Oregon, driving 11-14 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 5, 2014 (July 14, 2014), $120. Khalena T. Chapple, 21, Byron, expired registration, Aug. 6, 2014 (July 12, 2014), $120. Darik A. Corson, 27, Chana, use of electronic communication device, Aug. 8, 2014 (July 17, 2014), $120. Hussain T.A. Alhamrani, 28, Polo, disregarding stop sign, Aug. 4, 2014 (July 17, 2014), $120. Tye E. Carrington, 31, Byron, expired registration, Aug. 6, 2014 (July 19, 2014), dismissed, state motion. Gary A. Swisher, 70, Mt. Morris, expired registration, Aug. 6, 2014 (July 19, 2014), $120. Kari L. Ebens, 36,
Passport & FOID Photos Ogle County Newspapers, 121A S. Fourth St., /REGON s Only $13
Byron, use of electronic communication device, Aug. 4, 2014 (July 27, 2014), $120. Joshua L. Garrett, 32, Stillman Valley, driving 1520 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 7, 2014 (July 24, 2014), $120. Darren E. Cherrington, 30, Davis Junction, driving 1520 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 7, 2014 (July 24, 2014), $160. Devan G. Messer, 21, Stillman Valley, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, Aug. 5, 2014 (July 24, 2014), dismissed. Melissa A. Svboda, 19, Byron, driving 11-14 mph over the speed limit, Aug. 6, 2014 (Aug. 2, 2014), $160. Seth D. McCanse, 37, Oregon, disregarding stop sign, Aug. 7, 2014 (Aug. 5, 2014), $120. Jose O. Guardado Aguilar, 23, Mt. Morris, operation of a motorboat in tow/capacity, Aug. 8, 2014 (July 26, 2014), $120.
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B6
Ogle County Circuit Court Judge Robert Hanson sentenced him to 60 months Treatment Against Street Crimes (TASC) probation. He must also submit to DNA testing and random drug testing. He must cooperate and complete a psychological or substance abuse assessment. He must pay a $1,500 probation fee, $400 street value fine, $500 drug assessment, $100 lab analysis fee, $50 to CrimeStoppers and $50 to the VCVA Fund. One count of possession with intent to deliver cannabis was dismissed per a plea agreement.
State’s Attorney Ogle County State’s Attorney Michael Rock reports the following court activity. Aug. 11 Casey Phillips, 28, Polo, pleaded guilty to failure to register as required by the Violent Offender Against Youth Act. Ogle County Associate Circuit Court Judge Kathleen Kauffmann sentenced him to 24 months conditional discharge and 180 days imprisonment. He was also ordered to submit to DNA testing and random drug testing and have no contact with the victims. He must pay a $360 probation fee, $50 to CrimeStoppers and $100 to the Violent Crime Victim Assistance (VCVA) Fund.
Jimmy Burris, 26, Rochelle, aggravated criminal sexual abuse (3 counts), pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Manuel Pizano, 41, DeKalb, driving while license revoked, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Steven Rozakis, 32, Oregon, aggravated domestic battery, jury status call, Aug. 25. Tyrone Rogers, 28, DeKalb, aggravated battery/ resisting or obstructing a peace officer, jury status call Sept. 22. Dana Walker, 47, Rochelle, retail theft, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Rita Kuske, 72, Chana, criminal neglect to an elderly person, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Lisa Peterson, 39, Polo, aggravated battery, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Melynda Schutz, 30, Rockford, possession of a controlled substance, pretrial conference Sept. 8. Adam Watson, 23,
Heather Farringer, 27, Tampico, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance. Ogle County Circuit Court Judge Robert Hanson sentenced her to 24 months drug probation. She must cooperate and complete a psychological or substance abuse assessment, and perform 30 hours of public service work. She must also pay a $100 fine, $600 probation fee, $500 drug assessment, $100 lab analysis fee, $10 to CrimeStoppers, and $100 to the VCVA Fund. Kyle Lowe, 25, Rochelle, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance.
County Record
Rochelle, unlawful sale of deer meat, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Tyler VanKirk, 25, Dixon, unlawful sale of deer meat, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Roy Ennenga, 32, Oregon, domestic battery, motion hearing Aug. 22. Matthew Steder, 23, Mt. Morris, aggravated battery/ hate crime (3 counts)/battery (3 counts), plea Aug. 27. Dylan Green, 22, Forreston, possession of a controlled substance/possession of drug paraphernalia, preliminary hearing Aug. 20. Curtis Clark, 32, Rockford, residential burglary, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Mary Christensen, 51, Rochelle, aggravated driving while under the influence of alcohol, (2 counts), pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Catherine Dutton, 18, Davis Junction, unlawful use of weapons, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Rachel Deiter, 18, Machesney Park, concealing or aiding a fugitive, status Aug. 22. William Adams, 43, Rochelle, domestic battery (subsequent)/aggravated domestic battery, pre-trial conference Aug. 29. Kenneth Turner, 22, Loves Park, predatory criminal sexual assault of a child (2 counts), pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Joseph Coster, 28, Mt. Morris, aggravated domestic battery, jury trial Aug. 25. Lesa Johnson, 57, Mt. Morris, aggravated arson/ arson/criminal damage to property/retail theft, pre-trial conference Aug. 22. Aadi Patel, 35, Rochelle, unlawful possession with
intent to deliver a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a public park/unlawful criminal drug conspiracy, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Yamini Patel, 34, Rochelle, unlawful possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a public park/unlawful criminal drug conspiracy, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Jonathon Taylor, 21, DeKalb, unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon/ unlawful possession of a firearm by a street gang member, status Aug. 15. Jeffery Lawson, 49, Dixon, possession of a controlled substance/ unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, pre-trial conference Aug. 14. Jack Mack, 20, address unknown, burglary/ obstructing identification, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Austin Wargo, 22, Rochelle, residential burglary, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Rudy Sanchez, 34, Byron, retail theft, preliminary hearing Aug. 20. John Grenoble, 40, Freeport, theft, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Lorrenzo Allen, 59, Freeport, driving while license revoked, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Roy McLean, 38, DeKalb, aggravated DUI, status Aug. 22. Christopher Fenelon, 51, Leaf River, driving while license revoked, preliminary hearing Aug.20. Toni Rhodes 39, Rochelle, aggravated DUI, jury status call Sept. 22. Erik Steffins, 42, Rochelle, aggravated reckless driving,
plea Sept. 30. Jorge Carreno, 27, Davis Junction, aggravated battery (2 counts), status Aug. 15. Keith Britsch, 49, Oregon, driving while license revoked, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Luis Pizano, 35, Rochelle, aggravated DUI/theft, pretrial conference Oct. 14. Thomas Vogeler, 30, Rochelle, aggravated battery to a police officer, pre-trial conference Oct. 14, Armando Vasquez, 37, Rochelle, aggravated battery/ domestic battery, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Sammy Silvas, 35, Hillcrest, possession of a controlled substance, pretrial conference Oct. 14. Erick Johnson, 43, Maple Park, retail theft, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Anthony McMinn, 48, Rochelle, driving while license revoked/ unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Brian Rigotti, 25, Machesney Park, unlawful restraint (2 counts), pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Jovani Estrada, 24, Rochelle, aggravated battery, pre-trial conference Oct. 14.
domestic battery/domestic battery, pre-trial conference Oct. 1. James Rossi, 42, Rockford, aggravated battery, pre-trial conference Sept. 8. Nathan Farley, 31, Earlville, possession of a controlled substance/ possession of a hypodermic needle, status Sept. 10. Aug. 14 Jeffery Lawson, 49, Dixon, possession of a controlled substance/possession of drug paraphernalia, jury status call Sept. 22. Andrew Daniels, 21, Dixon, burglary, pre-trial conference Oct. 14. Nathan Johnson, 24, Davis Junction, unlawful use of weapon, jury status call Aug. 25. Earl Kittle, 50, Creston, aggravated DUI (2 counts), preliminary hearing Sept.3.
Aug. 15 Jonathon Taylor, 21, DeKalb, pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of a weapon by a felon. Ogle County Associate Circuit Court Judge John C. Redington sentenced him to 5 years in the Department of Corrections plus court costs. Counts of possession of Aug. 13 a weapon by a felon and Christopher Wilson, 43, possession of a firearm Milwaukee, Wis., driving by a street gang member while license revoked, pre- were dismissed per a plea trial conference Oct. 14. agreement. Gerald Russell, 49, retail theft, pre-trial conference Jorge Carreno, 27, Davis Oct. 14. Junction, aggravated battery Joseph Gavron, 65, Palos (2 counts), preliminary Park, driving while license hearing Sept. 3. suspended (2 counts), Megan Bauer, 19, preliminary hearing Sept. 3. Sycamore, deceptive practice Chris Stanbery, 49, (2 counts), preliminary Sycamore, aggravated hearing Aug. 27.
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Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B7
“CLOGGING” @ Dale Dance Studio 6 E. 23rd Street Sterling IL 61081 815-718-1814 Tap, Ballet, Jazz & Gymnastics Call Now!
STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY Brammer-Rivas, Laura Lynn, Plaintiff, and Rivas, Andres, Defendant. No. 2014 D 000 103 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Notice is given you, Andres Rivas, that Defendant, this cause has been commenced against you in this Court asking for Dissolution of Marriage and other relief. Unless you file your response or otherwise file your appearance in this cause in this office of the Circuit Clerk of Ogle County, Courthouse, Oregon, Illinois, on or before the 11th day September, of 2014, a Dissolution of Marriage and other relief may be granted as prayed for by the Plaintiff. Kimberly A. Stahl Circuit Clerk Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014 State of Illinois Circuit Court Ogle County Notice for Filing a Request for Name Change (Adult) Erin Jennifer Levan 2014 MR 37 There will be a count hearing on request to my change my name from Erin Jennifer Levan to the new name of Erin Jennifer Herrmann. The Court hearing will held on October 2, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. at 5th St. Oregon Ogle. In Courtroom 204 Erin Levan August 21, 28 & September 4 2014
State of Illinois Circuit Court Ogle County Notice for Filing a Request for Name Change (Adult) Kristin Paige Levan 2014 MR 38 There will be a count hearing on my request to change my name from Krisitin Paige Levan to the new name of Kristopher Drew Herrmann. The Court hearing will held on October 2, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. at 5th St. Oregon Ogle. In Courtroom 204 Kristin Levan August 21, 28 & September 4 2014 Publication Notice Public Notice is hereby given that on August 1, 2014, a certificate was filed in the Ogle County Clerk's Office setting forth the names and post office address of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as: Expressive Graphics, 509 W. Colden St., Polo, IL 61064 Dated: August 1, 2014 Rebecca Huntley Ogle County Clerk Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014 Publication Notice Public Notice is hereby given that on August 1, 2014, a certificate was filed in the Ogle County Clerk's Office setting forth the names and post office address of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as: Through the Years 201 N. 3rd St., Suite 10, Oregon, IL 61061 Dated: August 1, 2014 Rebecca Huntley Ogle County Clerk Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014
FAX YOUR AD TO OGLE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS! Publisher of the Oregon Republican Reporter Mt. Morris Times Forreston Journal Tri-County Press
PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on August 11, 2014, a certificate was filed in the Ogle County Clerk's Office setforth the ting names and post office address of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as: Hoots of Fun Daycare 110 N. Maple Ave Polo IL 61064 Dated: August 11, 2014 Rebecca Huntley Ogle County Clerk Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2014
CASA 15th Judicial Circuit (Lee/ Carroll/Ogle Counties) is seeking volunteers in the Ogle County area to advocate for children in the Ogle County court system involved in abuse and neglect cases. Your involvement can impact a child’s future. Contact Vanessa White, Director of Advocate Services (815) 288-1901 www.casaleecar
Adoption Children grow in their family's heart We have lots of love And emotional space in our hearts to share. We'll always cherish your precious gift. 708-957-6811, LCFS Lic. # 012998
LOTS / LAND 225 FOR SALE Farm Land For Sale! Glenn L Schoenholz Estate is offering for sale a 74.23 acre parcel (MOL) in the NH of the SEQ of Section 31 in South Dixon Township Lee County Illinois (Property tax ID # 07-08-31-400006.) The Co-Executors of the Estate of Glenn L. Schoenholz will accept sealed bids for the purchase of the Farm Land until September 15, 2014 at 5 P.M. To receive a complete letter of bidding process please email Janet at: twojbs@hotmail. com or call Diane at 815-973-6140
2 Cemetery lots Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens in Dixon. Garden of Prayer Section R. $1,200 for both. 815-379-2434.
ROCK FALLS EFFICIENCIES! -InclusiveClean & Quiet
Monthly Discount
APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 306 Attractive 1 & 2 apts. with BR. some utilities. Sterling & Rock Falls. No pets, no parRefs. req. ties. 815-336-2305.
ASHTON ★★ 1&2 BR., Ashton/ F.G. 815-7512712/562-5075.★
DIXON OREGON Practical yet attractive, low operating costs. Home in immaculate condition, with energy saving features. $150,000, for sale or rent to sell. Avail. furnished. Near schools. Visit or 815-732-0311 for tour.
To Place an Ad Call 815-284-7653 or 815-626-7653 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY - OREGON, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC PLAINTIFF VS HOWARD B HIPPMAN; LORI A HIPPMAN; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC DBA DITECH.COM; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 13 CH 171 635 WILLOW BEND DRIVE DAVIS JUNCTION, IL 61020 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on June 20, 2014, OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF in OGLE County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, in the North door of the Sheriff's Office, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, IL 61061, at 10:00AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of OGLE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: LOT 222 AS DESIGNATED UPON THE FINAL PLAT OF HARVEST GLENN, PLAT NUMBER 7, A SUBDIVISION BEING PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK D OF PLATS ON PAGE 45 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 0211414 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF OGLE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. TAX NO. 11-22-327-002 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 635 WILLOW BEND DRIVE DAVIS JUNCTION, IL 61020 Description of Improvements: 1 STORY HOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $144,160.07. Sale Terms: This is an "AS IS" sale for "CASH". The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1315406 Plaintiff's attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014
NEW TODAY 2BR lower level, stove, refrig., garb. incl. No pets. $500 + dep. & lease. Call 815-440-2145
NEW TODAY 2BR Northside, stove, refrig. No pets, non smoking. $500/mo. + dep. 815-973-5224
To Place an Ad 815-284-7653 or 815-626-7653 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY - OREGON, ILLINOIS U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PLAINTIFF VS E DWARD C BEERS A/K/A EDWARD BEERS; EQUABLE ASCENT FINANCIAL, LLC; DEFENDANTS 13 CH 167 355 EAST ROOSEVELT ROAD STILLMAN VALLEY, IL 61084 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on June 20, 2014, OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF in OGLE County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, in the North door of the Sheriff's Office, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, IL 61061, at 10:00AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of OGLE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: LOT TWENTY-TWO (22) IN BLOCK SEVEN (7) IN THE ORIGINAL VILLAGE OF STILLMAN VALLEY, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK A OF PLATS, PAGE 173 AS DOCUMENT NO. 66711; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF OGLE AND IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. TAX NO. 10-01-327-014 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 355 EAST ROOSEVELT ROAD STILLMAN VALLEY, IL 61084 Description of Improvements: GRAY, VINYL SIDING, SINGLE FAMILY HOME, TWO CAR ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $115,560.48. Sale Terms: This is an "AS IS" sale for "CASH". The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g) (1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 372-2060. Please refer to file #PA1313446 Plaintiff's attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment heretofore entered by the said Court in the above entitled cause, the Sheriff of Ogle County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at the Ogle County Courthouse, 100 S. FOURTH, P.O. BOX 217, OREGON, IL 61061, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in the said Judgment mentioned, situated in the County of Ogle, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to wit: LOT TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN (227) AS DESIGNATED UPON THE FINAL PLAT OF HARVEST GLENN, PLAT NUMBER 7, A SUBDIVISION BEING PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 42 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED IN BOOK D OF PLATS ON PAGE 45 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0211414 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF OGLE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Common Address: 178 AUTUMNWOOD LANE, DAVIS JUNCTION, IL 61020 P.I.N. 11-22-328-004 A/K/A 22-11-22-328-004 Contact the Law Office of IRA T. NEVEL, LLC, 175 North Franklin, Suite 201, Chicago, Illinois 60606, (312) 357-1125, for further information. The terms of the sale are: Ten percent (10%) due by cash or certified funds at the time of the sale and balance is due within 24 hours of the sale. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "as is" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property is improved by a single family residence, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenants thereunto belonging and will not be available for inspection prior to sale. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5 (g-1). LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC Ira T. Nevel - ARDC #06185808 Timothy R. Yueill - ARDC #6192172 Greg Elsnic - ARDC #6242847 Richard Drezek - ARDC #6301323 Nathan J. Buikema - ARDC #6302969 Brian D. Nevel - ARDC #6309777 175 North Franklin St. Suite 201 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 357-1125 RF # 11-09726 August 21, 28 & September 4 2014
NANCY R. DENEAU, f/k/a NANCY FRANCOIS, LEONARD GOWERS, SUE MAITKE, JESSICA FRANCOIS, UNKNOWN OWNERS, UNKNOWN TENANTS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, DEFENDANT. NO. 13 CH 213 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the decree entered in this Court in the above-entitled cause on the 9th day of May, 2014, I, Michael Harn, Sheriff of Ogle County, or such other deputy as may be sitting in his stead, shall sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises described in said decree, or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said decree, upon the following terms and conditions: A. The name, address, and telephone of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Kevin Strock, Union Savings Bank, 223 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport, IL 61032, 815-235-0800. B. The common address of said property is: 710 S. 1st Street, Oregon, Illinois. C. The legal description of the property is: Lot 6 in Benjamin F. Sheets' First Addition to the City of Oregon, in Ogle County, Illinois. AND Part of the South East Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 3, in Township 23 North, Range 10 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, bounded as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6, thence South 33 feet, thence West parallel with the South line of said Lot 6, 124 feet, thence North 33 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 6 and thence East on the South line of said Lot 6 to the place of beginning, in Ogle County, Illinois. Situated in Ogle County in the State of Illinois D. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: Single family residence. E. The time and place of sale are: September 12, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. At the Ogle County Sheriff's Office, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, Illinois 61061. F. The terms of the sale are: 100% cash or certified funds at time of sale. Plaintiff assumes no responsibility for title expenses or closing costs. G. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes which are a lien upon the real estate, and subject to special assessments, if any, and easements and restrictions of record. H. If the sale is set aside for any purpose, the purchaser at the time of sale shall be entitled only to a return on the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagor, the mortgagee or the mortgagee's attorney. Dated at Oregon, Illinois, this 30th day of July, 2014. Michael Harn, Sheriff of Ogle County, Illinois This Notice prepared by: Stephen S. Schmelzle Attorney for Plaintiff 208 W. Stepenson Street, Suite 201 Freeport, IL 61032 815-235-1188 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY IN CHANCERY HOLCOMB STATE BANK, Plaintiff, vs. SEVDAN AJVAZI, CAMILIJA AJVAZI AKA CAMILA AJVAZI, UNKNOWN OWNERS, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendant(s) CASE NO. 13 CH 117 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuant of the Decree entered in said Court in the above-entitled cause on the 13th day of September, 2013, I, Michael R. Harn, Sheriff of Ogle County, or such other Deputy as may be sitting in my stead, will on September 12, 2014 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. in the Ogle County Sheriff's Office, Administration Building, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, Illinois, sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described lands and premises situated in Ogle County, Illinois in said Judgment mentioned or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said Judgment with the terms and conditions as set forth herein: The name, address and telephone number of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: James E. Stevens BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA, LLP 6833 Stalter Drive P.O. Box 17109 Rockford, Illinois 61108 (815) 962-6611 A. The common address of said property is: 212 Windmill and legally deDrive, Rochelle, Illinois scribed as: Lot Fifty-two (52) as designated upon the Final Plat of Windover Park - Unit Two, being a Subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 12, Township 40 North, Range 1 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Village of Hillcrest, County of Ogle, State of Illinois, the plat of which is recorded in Plat File C, Page 92 in the Recorder's Office of Ogle County, Illinois; situated in the Township of Flagg, the County of Ogle and the State of Illinois. PERMANENT INDEX NO.:
B. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: single family residence The terms of the sale are: to the highest and best bidder with cash or certified check in full at time of sale. Provided, however, Holcomb State Bank, has the right to submit a credit bid against the amount of its judgment. Property is conveyed in “AS IS” condition. Sale subject to Court approval; buyer will be entitled to possession of property 30 days after confirmation of sale by Court. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes or special taxes which are a lien upon the real estate, but have not yet become due and payable, and special assessment, if any, and easements and restrictions of record. The subject property is offered for sale without any presentation as to quality or quantity of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Any personal property that may be located at/in the property is not included in this sale. Upon the sale being made and the purchaser tendering said bid in cash or certified funds, a Receipt of Sale will be issued and/or a certificate of sale as required, which will entitle the purchaser to a deed upon Court confirmation of said sale. The property will not be open for inspection. The judgment amount was $194,744.92. Prospective purchasers are admonished to check the court file to verify this information. /s/ Michael R. Harn_____ Sheriff of Ogle County BARRICK, SWITZER, LONG, BALSLEY & VAN EVERA, LLP BY: JAMES E. STEVENS (3128256) P.O. BOX 17109 ROCKFORD, IL 61110-7109 Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B8
DIXON NEW TODAY 2BR, 1st floor, applcs., porch & garage, $650 mo. + ref. & dep. No pets. 815-631-9181 NS Efficiency info youtube handy_50 815-440-3663
NEW TODAY Small 1BR, pay elec. only. $300 / mo. Call Vickie 815-973-4444.
MT. MORRIS NEW TODAY 1 Br. All utilities, plus cable/Internet incl., $550/mo., Single room occupancy $400/mo. Call Chris 815-732-7135
ROCK FALLS Lg. 1BR. + appl. No pets. $425 + dep. 815-718-1784 THICKSTEN APTS. 1 & 2 BR houses 815-499-4217
STERLING 1 or 2BR, $430 815-562-7368 Rochelle Realty
NEW TODAY 2BR Ranch style Duplex. A/C, stove, refrig., W & D. Breezeway, garage No pets. 1st mo. $500/mo. Last mo. Rent $500, $200 Dep. 815-626-4951 Apts. No pets. Call 815-716-0367.
NEW TODAY Lg. 1BR (lower). No pets. Water, W/D, stove & refrig. Furn. A/C garage. 1st mo. rent. $485/mo. Last mo. Rent $485. $200 dep. 815-626-4951 Sinnissippi Townhomes First Mo. Free! Spacious 2 BR. 2 story townhomes. Central air, good location. Laundry hookup. (815)6261130. Spacious 2BR apt. Stove, refrig. furn. Lease/dep. Req. H&H Rental Properties LLC 815625-7995 Rent to own homes available with small deposit. 815-535-1076
DIXON Nice 3-4 BR, no pets, $650 + dep. 815-631-6678
FAX Your Ad To Ogle County Newspapers!
815 626 5365
DIXON Nice 3BR, NE, lease, no pets, call Vicki 815-973-4444
MT. MORRIS Mt. Morris Estates has affordable 2BR-4BR homes for sale and rent Call Amy today 815-734-3478
Secured 3 acre w/ high bays and office, 3818 River Rd., Sterling. 815-626-8790
OREGON 2BR, 1000 S. 3 St. full sz. basement, dishwasher, garbage disposal, A/C, huge back yard. $700/ mo. 815-973-5451
POLO 2BR home. Appliances furnished. Central air. Garage. References and deposit required. $595 per month. No pets. 815-9463191 after 5 pm.
Tall Pines Mobile Home Community
has a mobile home available for rent! $595/mo. Call Kristine for details. 815-772-8943
400 Ave. E. 2BR, Full bsmt., C/A. No pets. Call 815-5908233. Large, clean, quiet 2 story, 2BR, 1.5 bath. 1 car garage. C/A. All applcs. inc. W/D. New bathroom, paint, & more. Nice area, walk to library & park. 521 W. 11th St. Sorry no pets or Sec. 8. $650 + sec. 630-902-1060 Small 2BR, garage No pets. 815-6250624. Sunny 3 BR, with family room. Why Rent? $598/mo 815-878-7399
STERLING 2BR., 1BA garage NO PETS. $550 mo. + dep. 815440-7985. All new 2BR, big garage. Why rent? $550/mo. Call 815878-7399
NEW TODAY Avail. Sept. 1 Cozy 2-3BR $600/ mo. Refs. & dep. req.back yard. 815-441-1039. RTO 2BR $49,900 $5,000 down.4413515.Agent owned. st
Lenny Bryson Auctioneer
Sales of all types Phone or Fax
900 S. Division, Polo
OREGON GARAGE SALES 624 Fri. & Sat., 8-5 104 N. 14th St. Garage Sale Lifetime of accumulation, too much to list!!
Various sizes Annual discounts
Carol’s Self Storage in Oregon Reasonable Rates Sizes: 10’x24’ & 6’x10’
Call: 732-2466
Self Storage 10’ X 10’ $35 Month 10’ X 20’ $55 Month Located next to the M&M in Oregon
CALL 732-9101 Quonset Hut, nonheated storage, 1,584 sq. ft., $200/mo. 815-3782151 Need to place your ad throughout Illinois? Call Illinois Press Advertising Service 217-241-1700 or visit
ALLAN F. HEATON, SR., NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY ANDUNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNKNOWN TENANTS, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defendant(s). Case No. 13 CH 199 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment heretofore entered by the said Court in the above entitled cause, the Sheriff of Ogle County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at the Ogle County Courthouse, 100 S. FOURTH, P.O. BOX 217, OREGON, IL 61061, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in the said Judgment mentioned, situated in the County of Ogle, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to wit: PART OF LOT 14, OF CHILDERS ACRES, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 40 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 14, 381.11 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE SOUTHERLY ON THE SAID EAST LINE OF LOT 14, A DISTANCE OF 115.89 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 14; THENCE WESTERLY ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 14, A DISTANCE OF 360 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 14; THENCE NORTHERLY ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 14, A DISTANCE OF 173.23 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14, ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF S.B.I. ROUTE 6; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ON THE SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 14, A DISTANCE OF 64.81 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY A DISTANCE OF 337.43 FEET TO THE SAID PLACE OF BEGINNING; IN OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Common Address: 11009 WEST ROUTE 38 ROCHELLE IL 61068 P.I.N. 24-28-106-003 Contact the Law Office of IRA T. NEVEL, LLC, 175 North Franklin, Suite 201, Chicago, Illinois 60606, (312) 357-1125, for further information. The terms of the sale are: Ten percent (10%) due by cash or certified funds at the time of the sale and balance is due within 24 hours of the sale. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "as is" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property is improved by a single family residence, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenants thereunto belonging and will not be available for inspection prior to sale. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff Ira T. Nevel - ARDC #06185808 Timothy R. Yueill - ARDC #6192172 Greg Elsnic ARDC #6242847 Richard Drezek - ARDC #6301323 Nathan J. Buikema - ARDC #6302969 Brian D. Nevel - ARDC #6309777 175 North Franklin St. Suite 201 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 357-1125 NM # 13-04751 Aug. 21, 29, Sept. 4, 2014
I Buy: Antique furniture, fishing tackle, toys, post cards junk. 815-445-6151
Original Civil War Sword, good cond. $500/obo 815-284-9967
Reliable, LIKE NEW used appliances, (815)626-1003 Stainless Steel flat top stove & oven, less than 2 yrs., moving, $300 firm, exc. cond. 815-631-5248
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY - OREGON, ILLINOIS U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PLAINTIFF VS E DWARD C BEERS A/K/A EDWARD BEERS; EQUABLE ASCENT FINANCIAL, LLC; DEFENDANTS 13 CH 167 355 EAST ROOSEVELT ROAD STILLMAN VALLEY, IL 61084 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on June 20, 2014, OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF in OGLE County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, in the North door of the Sheriff's Office, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, IL 61061, at 10:00AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of OGLE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 10-01-327-014 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 355 EAST ROOSEVELT ROAD STILLMAN VALLEY, IL 61084 Description of Improvements: GRAY, VINYL SIDING, SINGLE FAMILY HOME, TWO CAR ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $115,560.48. Sale Terms: This is an "AS IS" sale for "CASH". The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 3722060. Please refer to file #PA1313446 Plaintiff's attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014 13-070123 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY, OREGON, ILLINOIS PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION PLAINTIFF, -vsTINA M. STEFFINS; ERIK J. STEFFINS; DEFENDANTS 13 CH 204 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment entered in the above entitled matter on July 25, 2014; Michael R Harn, Sheriff, 103 Jefferson St., Oregon, IL 61061, will on September 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM, at Sheriff Office, Administration Building, 103 Jefferson St., Oregon, IL, sell to the highest bidder for cash (ten percent (10%) at the time of sale and the balance within twenty-four (24) hours, the following described premises situated in Ogle County, Illinois. Said sale shall be subject to general taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and any prior liens or 1st Mortgages. The subject property is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Upon the sale being held and the purchaser tendering said bid in cash or certified funds, a receipt of Sale will be issued and/or a Certificate of Sale as required, which will entitle the purchaser to a deed upon confirmation of said sale by the Court. Said property is legally described as follows: LOT 45 IN LAKEVIEW SUBDIVISION NO. 4 IN THE CITY OF ROCHELLE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK K OF PLATS, PAGE 23, IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE IN OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SITAUTED IN OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1181 Avenue E, Rochelle, IL 61068 Permanent Index No.: 24-26-276-003 Improvements: Residential Structure UNKNOWN Units UNKNOWN Bedrooms UNKNOWN Garage UNKNOWN Bathrooms UNKNOWN Other UNKNOWN The property will NOT be open for inspection prior to the sale. The judgment amount was $98,846.82. Prospective purchasers are admonished to check the court file and title records to verify this information. For Bid Amount contact: Sale Clerk Fisher and Shapiro, LLC 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 301 Bannockburn, IL 60015 (847)291-1717 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IF YOUR PERSONAL LIABILITY FOR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED BY A DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY OR BY AN ORDER GRANTING IN REM RELIEF FROM STAY, THIS NOTICE IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO FORECLOSE THE MORTGAGE REMAINING ON YOUR PROPERTY AND IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT THE DISCHARGED PERSONAL OBLIGATION. Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014
Blue pit bull puppies, ready to go $150, parents on site, 815-718-3731
2010 Exmark Lazer Z 0-turn commercial mower. 24hp Kawasaki. 52” deck. Purchased new, garaged. Only 100hrs. Like new. $7500/obo, over $11,000 new. 815631-9600.
WANTED COMIC BOOKS: Pre-1975, sports, non-sports cards, original art & movie memorabilia ESPECIALLY 1960's Collector/Investor, paying cash! Call MIKE: 800-2730312
We buy hand tools, power tools, fishing & camping equipment, jewelry, yard & garden lawn tools, small kitchen appliances, 815-626-2145
To Place an Ad Call 815-284-7653 or 815-626-7653
MISCELLANEOUS 796 FOR SALE 3 plywood, copper pipe, roof tar. Builder Discount 815-626-4561
DARRELL J. LOGAN; MICHELLE L. LOGAN; HOMEVEST CAPITAL, LLC; VILLAGE OF MOUNT MORRIS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DARRELL J. LOGAN, IF ANY; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF MICHELLE L. LOGAN, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 12 CH 9 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on June 6, 2014, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, September 4, 2014, at the hour of 2:30 p.m. in the Sheriff's Administration Office (North Door) 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, Illinois 61061, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: Commonly known as 411 West Lincoln Street, Mount Morris, Il 61054. P.I.N. 08-27-451-002. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Law Clerk at Plaintiff's Attorney, The Wirbicki Law Group, 33 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60 Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014 Public Notice Network W11-3813 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF OGLE - OREGON, ILLINOIS THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS INC., ASSET- BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-11; Plaintiff, vs. DARRELL J. LOGAN; MICHELLE L. LOGAN; HOMEVEST CAPITAL, LLC; VILLAGE OF MOUNT MORRIS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF DARRELL J. LOGAN, IF ANY; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF MICHELLE L. LOGAN, IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; Defendants, 12 CH 9 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on June 6, 2014, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Thursday, September 4, 2014, at the hour of 2:30 p.m. in the Sheriff's Administration Office (North Door) 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, Illinois 61061, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real estate: LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK TWENTY-SEVEN (27) IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN, NOW VILLAGE OF MOUNT MORRIS, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN COUNTY OF OGLE AND THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 411 West Lincoln Street, Mount Morris, Il 61054. P.I.N. 08-27-451-002. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. For information call Law Clerk at Plaintiff's Attorney, The Wirbicki Law Group, 33 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60 Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY - OREGON, ILLINOIS JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association PLAINTIFF Vs. Gayle Doolan; Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants DEFENDANTS 14 CH 00068 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN TO YOU: Gayle Doolan Unknown Owners and Nonrecord Claimants That this case has been commenced in this Court against you and other defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to-wit: LOT FORTY-FIVE (45) AS DESIGNATED UPON PLAT NO. 1 OF CROSS CREEK, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (1/4) OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE FOURTH (4TH) PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, THE PLAT OF WHICH SUBDIVISION IS RECORDED MAY 23, 2001 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0105430 ON PLAT FILE D, PAGE 37 IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS; SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF OGLE AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 118 Nancy Street, Mount Morris, IL 61054 and which said Mortgage was made by: Gayle Doolan the Mortgagor(s), to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as Mortgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Ogle County, Illinois, as Document No. 200800804745; and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said Court against you as provided by law and that the said suit is now pending. NOW, THEREFORE, UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the Office of the Clerk of this Court, Kimberly A. Stahl Clerk of the Circuit Court 106 S. 5th Street, #300 Oregon, IL 61061-1634 on or before September 22, 2014, A DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU AT ANY TIME AFTER THAT DAY AND A JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRAYER OF SAID COMPLAINT. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (630) 794-5300 DuPage # 15170 Winnebago # 531 Our File No. 14-11-01155 NOTE: This law firm is deemed to be a debt collector. Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2014
TINA M. STEFFINS; ERIK J. STEFFINS; DEFENDANTS 13 CH 204 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment entered in the above entitled matter on July 25, 2014; Michael R Harn, Sheriff, 103 Jefferson St., Oregon, IL 61061, will on September 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM, at Sheriff Office, Administration Building, 103 Jefferson St., Oregon, IL, sell to the highest bidder for cash (ten percent (10%) at the time of sale and the balance within twenty-four (24) hours, the following described premises situated in Ogle County, Illinois. Said sale shall be subject to general taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and any prior liens or 1st Mortgages. The subject property is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Upon the sale being held and the purchaser tendering said bid in cash or certified funds, a receipt of Sale will be issued and/or a Certificate of Sale as required, which will entitle the purchaser to a deed upon confirmation of said sale by the Court. Said property is legally described as follows: Commonly known as 1181 Avenue E, Rochelle, IL 61068 Permanent Index No.: 24-26-276-003 Improvements: Residential Structure UNKNOWN Units UNKNOWN Bedrooms UNKNOWN Garage UNKNOWN Bathrooms UNKNOWN Other UNKNOWN The property will NOT be open for inspection prior to the sale. The judgment amount was $98,846.82. Prospective purchasers are admonished to check the court file and title records to verify this information. For Bid Amount contact: Sale Clerk Fisher and Shapiro, LLC 2121 Waukegan Road, Suite 301 Bannockburn, IL 60015 (847)291-1717 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT IF YOUR PERSONAL LIABILITY FOR THIS DEBT HAS BEEN EXTINGUISHED BY A DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY OR BY AN ORDER GRANTING IN REM RELIEF FROM STAY, THIS NOTICE IS PROVIDED SOLELY TO FORECLOSE THE MORTGAGE REMAINING ON YOUR PROPERTY AND IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT THE DISCHARGED PERSONAL OBLIGATION. Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014
STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JACK E. DOLLMEYER, Deceased. IN PROBATE, NO. 2014-P-55 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of Jack E. Dollmeyer, of Polo, Illinois. Letters of Office were issued on August 11, 2014, to Kristine A. Dollmeyer, 2915 North Mt. Vernon Road, Polo, IL 61064, as Independent Executor. The attorney for the estate is David D. Shockey of Shockey & Cox, LLC, 208 West Stephenson Street, Freeport, IL 61032. Claims against the Estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at Ogle County Courthouse, 106 S. 5th Street, Suite #300, Oregon, IL 61061, or with the representative, or both, on or before February 21, 2015, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 5/18 of the Illinois Probate Act (755 ILCS 5/183), whichever date is later. Any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney for the estate within ten days after it has been filed. David D. Shockey, Attorney for the Estate of Jack E. Dollmeyer, Deceased Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2014 STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, COUNTY OF OGLE In re the Estate of: JOHN L. BROCKWELL, Deceased. Case No. 2014 P 46 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of JOHN L. BROCKWELL. Letters of Office were issued on June 5, 2014, to KEVIN L. BROCKWELL and KENDA L. KERSTEN, as Independent Co-Executors, whose attorney is M. Thomas Suits, of the Law Offices of M. Thomas Suits, P.C., 114 West Mason Street, Polo, Illinois 61064. Claims against the estate may be filed at least six (6) months from the date of first publication, or within three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery of Notice to creditors, if mailing or delivery is required by Section 5/18-3 of the Illinois Probate Act, 1975, as amended, whichever date is later. Any claim not filed by the requisite date stated above shall be barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Ogle County Judicial Center, 106 South 5th Street, Suite #300, Oregon, IL 61061or with the estate legal representative, or both. Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Dated: August 14, 2014 By: KEVIN L. BROCKWELL and KENDA L. KERSTEN, Independent Co-Executors, Law Offices of M. Thomas Suits, P.C. 114 W Mason Street Polo IL 61064 815-946-2276 August 14, 21, 28, 2014
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B9
MISCELLANEOUS 796 FOR SALE Blacktop Seal Coating Fritz Asphalt 815-499-2940 Crest 16' canoe, fiberglass, by Coleman, made in Canada $400 815946-3572 Hot water pressure washer. 5GPM 3000 PSI mounted on single axial trailer. $3500 815-266-1898 Lg. Koi Fish, various colors, 12-16 inc. fan tails. $75100. 815-732-9792 Machinist Tool Set and set of 2 tool boxes, valued at over $2400; asking $1600, 815315-1942 New Inbacare power chair, blue, w/charger. Sacri$900/obo. fice 815-625-4899. New Yamaha Industrial Sewing Machine & Table 815-213$500 0557 See More Online Photos, Commerce, Expanded Text ➛Look for WEB ID ➛Log on to: www.saukvalley. com classifieds ➛Enter the WEB ID in the WEB ID Box ➛View Photos, Expanded Text BUY ONLINE!! CLASSIFIEDS
NEW TODAY Snap-On tool box, bottom/ top /side box- 26 drawers. 815-626$3600. 4392.
NEW TODAY Farm truck and/or Drivers tractor needed, part-time. req. Experience Call 815-499-0463.
DISABLED LIVESTOCK WANTED Top Prices Paid Call toll free 815-871-2697
1937 John Deere B, New Tires, older restoration, runs good. $4,300. 815973-6564 1944 Farmall H, good tires, runs good, painted, bucket assemblynot painted, $3900 815-946-3730
NEW TODAY 1952 Ford 8N with LM59 finish mower & blade. $3,000. Call 815-590-5007.
NEW TODAY WANTED: water tank and running gear, 500-1,000gal 815-677-0201
1963 Ford Thunderbird, Great Project Car $5800/obo 815-626-4972
NEW TODAY 1977 Chevelle Malibu, 4dr. V8. New paint & vinyl top. New tires, wheels & dual exhaust. Very good running car. $4,000/obo. 815626-4173. 1977 Ford LTD 2dr. 1-owner, 42,000 miles, $4500 obo Must See! in Dixon 630-772-5051
1997 Chevy Blazer White. 125,786K. 4Wl dr. Air, recent tune up, new tires. No rust, tight front end. Exc. shape! $2900. Call 815631-6665
1988 GMC 3500 dump truck. Fuel injected 350, some new parts $2500 815-994-0815
2003 Buick Century 76K. New batt. & brakes. 2nd Owner. $5500 obo. 815973-9134
1990 International 4900 Dump Truck, DT466 engine, Con$8000/obo. tact Hume Twp. 815-718-1734.
2004 Buick Park Avenue Ultra, Exc. Cond. Under 53k mi. Super charged w/ sun roof. $10,500 OBO 815973-9958
2000 Chevy S10 4x4, good cond., V6, A/C, 5 speed, 190k mi. $2850 Call 815-677-0201
NEW TODAY 2004 Ford Taurus SE, 104K. Green, leather, AC,PW,PL, am/fm/CD. $4,000. 815-718-5688.
NEW TODAY 2005 Volvo V-50 2.4i Sport Wagon, 4dr. FWD, moon roof, leather heated seats. $5800/ obo. 815-213-2732 2006 Chrysler 300 Touring, asking $12,000/obo. 815631-1691. 2007 Ford Focus SES 4dr hatchback, runs great. snow tires & rims available $5200. 815-456-2706 leave msg
NEW TODAY 2007 Toyota Camry Solara Coupe, 74,500mi. Great cond. Dark blue. $10,500. Call 815973-6542. 2010 Chevy Impala LTZ Sedan, loaded w/ options, champaign, w/ black leather interior, $13,500 815-7724997 2010 Malibu 2LT 79K Miles, One owner,well maintained. $10,800. 815-499-1943 Credit Problems? Bad Credit? No Credit? We might be able to help! If you're looking to buy a vehicle we have many financing options available through qualified lenders. Call Brett Simpson today at 815-2855313. Ken Nelson Auto Plaza. creditautosales Always over 100+ vehicles to choose from.
06' Toyota 4-Runner loaded, one of a kind, low mileage, $18,000 815-946-3572
NEW TODAY 1995 Chevy Blazer, 4dr. Green, new tires. Runs good. $1500. 815-5350423 2010 Lexus RX, Nav, new Michelin tires. Loaded. 42K. $28,000/obo. 779245-0265.
Send A Smile To Your Loved One With A
06 H-D Road King 1450 CC-8K miles, Black & Chrome $11,000 815-5907115
Happy Birthday
NEW TODAY 1994 Suzuki RF 900 25k mi. fresh service, good condition. $2,850 815626-4887. 2001 Harley Davidson FLHTP-I Trike, 88 cu. in. Well maintained. Must see! $18,500. 815-535-6603 2004 Honda VT1100 C24 Shadow Sabre. 8,500mi, $3,200 OBO .815288-1646
Love, Your Family
1993 Chevy G20 Van, Handicap asking $2500, Has 600# capacity remote control handicap lift, van runs great, recently replaced shocks, battery, & rebuilt transmission. 815973-2579 1995 Chevy C30 box van, equipped w/air compressor, air hose, warm air tubing, Kohler generator built in supplying 110/220 electricity, locking tool drawers, flashing service lights. New transmission & battery. Was used as service & pressure washing truck. Runs great! $6500/obo. Please contact Jim 815213-0855.
NEW TODAY 1999 Ford E150 Cargo Van w/ Hydraulic Wheelchair Lift. 98,480 mi. good condition. $3,300 OBO. Call 815-284-0284
NEW TODAY 1999 Plymouth Voyager. 6 cyl. No rust. $1,900. 815590-0131 or 815631-6199 2005 Dodge Caravan SXT, remote sliding doors and hatch. DVD player. $1,500 OBO. 779861-1090
NEW TODAY 2010 Dodge Caravan Grand SE, flex fuel 34k mi. $16,000. 815677-2402
Oregon Republican Reporter Mt.Morris Times Forreston Journal Polo’s Tri-County Press The Exchange IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF OGLE, STATE OF ILLINOIS CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff(s),
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment heretofore entered by the said Court in the above entitled cause, the Sheriff of Ogle County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at the Ogle County Courthouse, 100 S. FOURTH, P.O. BOX 217, OREGON, IL 61061, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in the said Judgment mentioned, situated in the County of Ogle, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to wit: Common Address: 11009 WEST ROUTE 38 ROCHELLE IL 61068 P.I.N. 24-28-106-003 Contact the Law Office of IRA T. NEVEL, LLC, 175 North Franklin, Suite 201, Chicago, Illinois 60606, (312) 357-1125, for further information. The terms of the sale are: Ten percent (10%) due by cash or certified funds at the time of the sale and balance is due within 24 hours of the sale. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "as is" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property is improved by a single family residence, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenants thereunto belonging and will not be available for inspection prior to sale. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).
2002 Polaris Sportsmen HO 500 157 hrs., $3500 815-973-3765 2008 Polaris HO Sportsman ATV, 604mi. $3800. 815-718-1169.
2013 GMC Denali 20” factory chrome wheels & BridgeTuranza stone tires. No miles, brand new take offs. $2500/obo. 815-631-9600.
NEW TODAY 14' Jon boat with extras. $1,300. Call 815-499-8470
LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff Ira T. Nevel - ARDC #06185808 Timothy R. Yueill - ARDC #6192172 Greg Elsnic - ARDC #6242847 Richard Drezek - ARDC #6301323 Nathan J. Buikema - ARDC #6302969 Brian D. Nevel ARDC #6309777 175 North Franklin St. Suite 201 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 357-1125 NM # 13-04751 Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 2014
1996 GMC Sierra reg. cab, 128K mi., good cond., runs great, $3200/obo 815-590-9511
2005 Softail Deluxe 16,140 mi. Extra add-ons. Great pipes. sounding Well taken care of & garaged $10,250 563-343-2897 2006 Suzuki 650 1,660 Boulevard, mi., red, bags, windshield, cover, always garaged, like new, ½ price of new, $2600/obo. Cash. 815-4410285 2007 Yamaha VStar Classic. Windshield, pass. seat w/back rest, bags, Vance/Hines pipes. 4,900 mi. $3,700. 815-626-2639. 2008 Roketa Scooter, 150cc w/ locked blue box & matching full helmet, asking $625 815-973-9010 2008 Suzuki 400cc Burgman Scooter, 6,300 miles $3500 815590-0154 2011 Black Harley Ultra Davidson Classic Trike. 12K mi. Ext. warranty. Few more goodies. $26,000 815-6258855 2013 Victory Vegas Highball, only 200 mi. Matt black, many ape hangars, 106ci, 6spd. Solo 100 Hp. seat. Showroom new! Over $15,000 in$11,850/ vested, obo. 815-631-9600
Happy 5th Birthday
Call 815-284-7653 or 815-626-7653
2004 F150 Super Crew, 4x2. 43K mi. Loaded. Exc. cond. Stored winters. $18,500. Call 815499-4129.
Send A Smile To Your Loved One With A
BRIAN A. KITTLESON , STACI N. KITTLESON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, , Defendant(s). Case No. 12 CH 1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment heretofore entered by the said Court in the above entitled cause, the Sheriff of Ogle County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, at the hour of 10:00 AM, at the Ogle County Courthouse, 100 S. FOURTH, P.O. BOX 217, OREGON, IL 61061, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in the said Judgment mentioned, situated in the County of Ogle, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment, to wit: Common Address: JUNCTION, IL 61020
P.I.N. 11-22-328-004 A/K/A 22-11-22-328-004 Contact the Law Office of IRA T. NEVEL, LLC, 175 North Franklin, Suite 201, Chicago, Illinois 60606, (312) 357-1125, for further information. The terms of the sale are: Ten percent (10%) due by cash or certified funds at the time of the sale and balance is due within 24 hours of the sale. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "as is" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the Court. The property is improved by a single family residence, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenants thereunto belonging and will not be available for inspection prior to sale. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). LAW OFFICES OF IRA T. NEVEL, LLC Ira T. Nevel - ARDC #06185808 Timothy R. Yueill - ARDC #6192172 Greg Elsnic - ARDC #6242847 Richard Drezek - ARDC #6301323 Nathan J. Buikema - ARDC #6302969 Brian D. Nevel - ARDC #6309777 175 North Franklin St. Suite 201 Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 357-1125 RF # 11-09726 August 21, 28 & September 4 2014
Love, Mom & Dad
Call 815-284-7653 or 815-626-7653
OGLE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS Oregon Republican Reporter Mt.Morris Times Forreston Journal • Polo’s Tri-County Press The Exchange IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OGLE COUNTY - OREGON, ILLINOIS NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC PLAINTIFF VS HOWARD B HIPPMAN; LORI A HIPPMAN; MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC DBA DITECH.COM; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS ; DEFENDANTS 13 CH 171 635 WILLOW BEND DRIVE DAVIS JUNCTION, IL 61020 NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE UNDER ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ACT ***THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT ON A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE*** PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on June 20, 2014, OGLE COUNTY SHERIFF in OGLE County, Illinois, will on September 26, 2014, in the North door of the Sheriff's Office, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, IL 61061, at 10:00AM, sell at public auction and sale to the highest bidder for cash, all and singular, the following described real estate mentioned in said Judgment, situated in the County of OGLE, State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said Judgment: TAX NO. 11-22-327-002 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 635 WILLOW BEND DRIVE DAVIS JUNCTION, IL 61020 Description of Improvements: 1 STORY HOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE The Judgment amount was $144,160.07. Sale Terms: This is an "AS IS" sale for "CASH". The successful bidder must deposit 25% down by certified funds; balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. NO REFUNDS. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate, water bills, etc., and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to plaintiff. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the bid amount, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject premises. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DYAS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 151701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information: Visit our website at http:\\ Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only - Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel. No. (312) 3722060. Please refer to file #PA1315406 Plaintiff's attorney is not required to provide additional information other than that set forth in this notice of sale. Aug. 14, 21, 28, 2014
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, OGLE COUNTY, ILLINOIS UNION SAVINGS BANK, PLAINTIFF, VS. NANCY R. DENEAU, f/k/a NANCY FRANCOIS, LEONARD GOWERS, SUE MAITKE, JESSICA FRANCOIS, UNKNOWN OWNERS, UNKNOWN TENANTS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS, DEFENDANT. NO. 13 CH 213 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the decree entered in this Court in the above-entitled cause on the 9th day of May, 2014, I, Michael Harn, Sheriff of Ogle County, or such other deputy as may be sitting in his stead, shall sell at public venue to the highest and best bidder, the following described lands and premises described in said decree, or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the amount due to satisfy said decree, upon the following terms and conditions: A. The name, address, and telephone of the person to contact for information regarding the real estate is: Kevin Strock, Union Savings Bank, 223 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport, IL 61032, 815-235-0800. B. The common address of said property is: 710 S. 1st Street, Oregon, Illinois. C. The legal description of the property is: Lot 6 in Benjamin F. Sheets' First Addition to the City of Oregon, in Ogle County, Illinois. AND Part of the South East Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section 3, in Township 23 North, Range 10 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, bounded as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6, thence South 33 feet, thence West parallel with the South line of said Lot 6, 124 feet, thence North 33 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 6 and thence East on the South line of said Lot 6 to the place of beginning, in Ogle County, Illinois. Situated in Ogle County in the State of Illinois D. A description of the improvements on the real estate is: Single family residence. E. The time and place of sale are: September 12, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. At the Ogle County Sheriff's Office, 103 Jefferson Street, Oregon, Illinois 61061. F. The terms of the sale are: 100% cash or certified funds at time of sale. Plaintiff assumes no responsibility for title expenses or closing costs. G. Title will be conveyed subject to all general real estate taxes which are a lien upon the real estate, and subject to special assessments, if any, and easements and restrictions of record. H. If the sale is set aside for any purpose, the purchaser at the time of sale shall be entitled only to a return on the deposit paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the mortgagor, the mortgagee or the mortgagee's attorney. Dated at Oregon, Illinois, this 30th day of July, 2014. Michael Harn, Sheriff of Ogle County, Illinois This Notice prepared by: Stephen S. Schmelzle Attorney for Plaintiff 208 W. Stepenson Street, Suite 201 Freeport, IL 61032 815-235-1188 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Aug. 7, 14, 21, 2014
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B10
MEDICAL BILLING & CODER TRAINING! Begin a career in Billing, Coding & Insurance processing! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online training at Bryan University get you ready! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-877259-3880
â&#x2122;Ľ â&#x2122;Ľ â&#x2122;Ľ Community Care Systems is looking for caring individuals to provide in home care for seniors. Training provided. EOE 815-397-0410
NEW TODAY Wanted C.N.A Full-Time P.M. And Part-Time Please Apply at: Heritage Square 620 N. Ottawa Ave Dixon, IL EOE No Phone Calls Please!
"Partners In Excellence" OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825
$1500 SIGN ON BONUS, $60K $70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Home Customer, Weekly and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or apply online AdbSALES = No COMPUTER SKILLS REQUIRED ! OLD FASHIONED COMMISSIONED SALES WHERE YOU ARE PAID 60+% FAST. LITTLE TRAVEL. FREE GREAT LOCAL EXPERILEADS. ENCED SALESMEN ONLY. 317696-1036
NEW TODAY Automotive Welder-Fabricator Wanted Applicants need experience with Mig Welding. Must be versatile and Fabrication have experience. Mill, lathe & machining experience a plus. 815-284-4175 AVERITT EXPRESS New Pay Increase For Regional Drivers! 40 to 46 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, Post-Training Pay Increase for Students! (Depending on Domicile) Get Home EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDLA req. 888-6027440 Apply @ Equal Opportunity Employer - Females, minorities, protected veterans individuals and with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Ag/Commercial Lender Citizens First Bank in Clinton, IA is looking for an experienced Ag/ Commercial lender with strong credit analysis skills. Candidate will be responsible for increasing an existing portfolio. Candidate must live in the market area of the bank. Compensation will depend on qualifications. Four year degree in the areas of finance, banking or business preferred. Strong verbal and written communication skills, understanding of the financial industry and local economy, analytical skills and demonstrated knowledge of Word and Excel. Minimum of 3-5 years experience. Send resume to Citizens First Bank Attn: Human Resources 1442 Lincoln Way Clinton, IA 52732
NEW TODAY â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; Class A CDL Regional Drivers Multiple Positions Available, 1 yr Class A T/T exp in last 3 years req. Good Pay, Newer Equipment domiciled in Dixon. Home every weekend and 1-3 weeknights. Call Pam at 719-645-7095
â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; â&#x2013; Customer Service Rep. Fischers, Inc. is currently seeking a Part Time Customer Service Rep. 32 hrs./wk. Responsibilities include: Manage inventory & staff customer service desk. Receive and process daily orders. Requirements: Candidate must have window based computer skills, possesses strong analytical and problem solving skills. Some physical activities required and must be able to lift 50 lbs. Email: angie@ Mail: P.O. Box 276 Oregon, IL 61061
Davidson Farms is looking for CDL-A drivers for Flatbed, Hopper and Dump work to join our family. Benefits offered: â&#x20AC;˘Affordable Health Insurance â&#x20AC;˘401K â&#x20AC;˘Paid Vacation â&#x20AC;˘Home time daily â&#x20AC;˘Excellent Pay â&#x20AC;˘Driver referral bonuses â&#x20AC;˘Newer Equipment If interested please call or come in. Interviews conducted immediately. Davidson Farms, 5960 S. Woodlawn Rd., Creston, IL 60113. Phone: 815-384-3208. DeKalb Feeds, Inc is now accepting applications for a full-time day shift straight truck driving position on our feed delivery team. CDL/Class B license is required. Job duties include delivering bulk and bags (50 lbs.) to various farm locations. Apply in person at 105 Dixon Ave. Rock Falls, IL.
Ag View FS, Inc. is accepting applications for a full time Applicator to work at our Ashton location. Must have a Commercial Applicatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, CDL Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, the ability to work extended hours when necessary. Company sponsored benefits including Health insurance, vacation accrual, 401K. Please send resume to: Ag View FS, Inc. P.O. Box 168 2290 Quarry Rd. Ashton, IL 61006 Phone: 815-453-7331
Drivers - CDL-A DRIVER PAY INCREASE Exp Solos - 40¢/ mile Teams Up to 51¢/ mile CDL Grads - 34¢/ mile 1¢/ mile increase each yr. NO CAP! Extra Pay for Hazmat! 888-9286011
Looking for CDL drivers with 3 years verifiable experience. Must have knowledge of flatbeds, high sides & grain hoppers. Home every night. Every other weekend off. 815-6774867
Due to continuing Serenity growth, Hospice & Home is seeking a fulltime Registered Nurse to join our hospice team. RN position requires on-call availability. Candidates must possess excellent assessment and communication skills and ability to work independently. Previous experience in hospice or home care and computer-based charting a plus. Applications available on our website: www.serenity hospiceandhome .org or call 815732-2499 for more information.
Looking for CDL semi driver for grain hauling. Experience required. Send resumes to
NEW TODAY Experienced Driver sought for Grain Hauling, CDL & medical card required. Farm background a plus. Resume to: Gentle Ridge Farms. 4512 E. Lincolnway, Sterling IL 61081 Experienced Drivers Regional drivers for area of Clinton, IA. Must have Class A CDL at least 2 yrs. OTR exp. Good driving record, good work history & excellent work ethic. Full Benefit Package! Naeve, Inc. 563-249-9292 Focus Services Currently looking for motivated people to join our sales staff. We offer full-time benefits, tuition reimbursement, paid vacation and holidays, and bonus potential. Job qualifications include: communication skills, computer skills, and the ability to multi-task. Please apply in person at: 1100 B 1st Ave, Rock Falls, IL Online: or call Heather Hiatt at 815-622-4900
Growing & Established Heating & Air Conditioning Company seeks motivated Service Technician for residential & light commercial service & installation. At least 4 yrs. experience required. Please send resume to Box #1236 c/o Sauk Valley Classifieds, P.O. Box 498, Sterling, IL 61081 IT Coordinator (Amboy, IL) 7:30am-4:30pm Mon.-Fri. $25/hr. Email Resume to
NEW TODAY Laborer/Roofer some experience necessary. Short term. Call 815-213-1974 Local Furniture store looking for 1 reliable person to strip/refinish furniture. Will train, must have valid drivers license. Apply in person to Yesterdays furniture. 316 S. Lincoln Ave, Dixon.
NH3 & LPG: Owner Operators WANTED! Fall-Spring Anhydrous/Fall-Winter Propane. GREAT REVENUE! Clean MVR, 2yrs. Driving exp. CDL-AX. Liability ins. Provided. Will train. Keith Morgan Trucking Inc. 309-962-9664
NEW TODAY Want to make a difference in the life of a child? The YWCA of the Sauk Valley has 3 openings: Child Caseworker: Fulltime position; provides services to child and adult clients. Works 311 p.m., TuesdaySaturday. Bachelor's degree required. Child Advocate: Provides services to children and adults. High school required; college, experience with children desired. 28 hours/ week, variable shifts, includes weekends. TechGYRLS Facilitator: Leads after-school computer program for grade school girls. Part time during school year. Apply to YWCA of the Sauk Valley 412 First Avenue, Sterling Equal Opportunity Employer WE'RE HIRING CDL-A Truck DriverSolo & Teams Up to $5,000 Sign- on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Miles & Time Off! Call 7 days/week! EOE 888-653-3304
NO INDIVIDUAL, unless licensed or holding a permit as a childcare facility, may cause to be published any advertisement soliciting a child care service.* A childcare facility that is licensed or operating under a permit issued by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services may publish advertisements of the services for which it is specifically licensed or issued a permit. Sauk Valley Media strongly urges any parent or guardian to verify the validity of the license of any facility before placing a child in it's care. *Family homes that care for no more than three (3) children under the age of twelve or which receive only children from a single household, for less than 24 hours per day, are exempt from licensure as day care homes. The three children to whom this exemption applies includes the family's natural or adopted children and any other persons under the age of 12 whether related or unrelated to the operator of the day care home. (DCFS Rule, Part 377.3 (c))
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Weekly Publication of the:
Oregon Republican Reporter, Mt. Morris Times, Forreston Journal, Tri-County Press Ogle County Newspapers 121 South 4th Street, Oregon To Advertise, Call or Fax Phone 815-284-7653 or 815-626-7653 Fax 815-626-5365
FARM HELP WANTED 513 NEW TODAY Farm truck and/or tractor Drivers needed, part-time. Experience req. Call 815-499-0463.
AUTOMOTIVE SALES Prescott Brothers Auto Group is hiring, this is a rare opportunity to come and work at the fastest growing Ford-Lincoln-Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram dealer in Illinois. We seek to fill four (4) positions and they will fill quickly. If you are a natural born leader, seller, closer-we want to talk to you. Meeting sales goals, motivation for sales, selling to customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs, financial skills, documentation skills, and the ability to manage scheduling are important. Applicants must possess strong verbal communication, telephone skills, listening, and customer focus along with job/product knowledge.
Full-Time Openings:
2nd Shift Parts Cleaners Days/Hours: Mon-Thurs (Some Fridays) 3:30pm-2:00am Parts Cleaners prep everything for paint. Tasks include sanding, cleaning and masking. No prior experience necessary. Training will be provided. Please apply in person between 8:00am & 4:30pm or send your resume to
E. D. Etnyre & Co.
1333 S. Daysville Road, Oregon, IL 61061 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D
Requirements: â&#x20AC;˘ Must be experienced â&#x20AC;˘ Able to install whole house standby generators â&#x20AC;˘ Must be proficient in residential, commercial and industrial electrical work â&#x20AC;˘ Must be self-motivated Will Pay Compensation for Experience! Bonus Incentives! Send replies to Box C-45, c/o Sauk Valley Classifieds PO Box 498, Sterling, IL 61081
Quality Engineer
Flexible Schedule Monday - Thursday Day Shift
We offer excellent compensation and part-time benefits, including profit sharing, merchandise discounts, and more.
ATTN Roger Wakenight PO BOX 239 620 South 7th Street Rochelle, IL 61068 -OREmail:
Part-Time Positions Available
To apply please complete the online application located in the Careers section at Do it Best Corp. proudly serves 3,800 member-owned locations in the United States and 50 countries and is currently seeking candidates for distribution center work. The ideal candidate will be a self-motivated team player with a solid work history. Candidate must pass a written basic math test plus a drug screen. Experience with prior warehouse and power equipment is desirable. 60-lb. lifting requirement. Starting wage is $12.00/hour with regular increases to $18.45/hour.
Apply at: 816 West Progress Drive, Dixon, IL 61021 or online at
Physicians Immediate Care is a Midwest leader in urgent care and occupational health services with 30 locations in three states and growing. We are opening a brand new, state of the art clinic in Dixon, IL this summer! The clinic will be located at 1672 S. Galena Ave. Dixon, IL 61021. We are currently seeking highly motivated and talented RNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S, LPNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AND MEDICAL ASSISTANTS with a passion for customer service and patient FDUH WR MRLQ RXU WHDP 3K\VLFLDQV RIIHUV D JHQHURXV EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W SDFNDJH DQG competitive compensation. Please complete an application online at or e-mail your resume to Physicians Immediate Care is an equal opportunity employer.
COME GROW WITH US A rapidly growing plastic film manufacturer located in Rochelle, Illinois is taking applications for entry level production positions. Applications can be picked up at Transworld Plastic Films, 150 North 15th Street, Rochelle, IL between 8:00AM-11:00AM and 1:00PM-4:00PM.
EOE of Minorities/Females/Vets/Disability Minorities/Females/Vets/Disability
2ND SHIFT ELECTRONIC PRODUCTION SUPPORT TECHNICIANS Work for a dynamic, innovative and growing World-Class automotive supplier! BorgWarner is currently accepting applications and resumes for the following hourly position. If you are self-motivated and are committed to continuous learning, professional growth and success, please read onâ&#x20AC;Ś 2XU (OHFWURQLF 7HFKQLFLDQV VHW XS WURXEOH VKRRW UH ÂżW and maintain equipment on our production lines and manufacturing operations. Successful candidates will possess strong knowledge and abilities in the following: equipment and machine troubleshooting, PLCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, electro-mechanical devices, machine guarding, automation, instrumentation and mechanics. A related Associateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Degree or equivalency along with communication, problem-solving, organizational and team-work abilities are also required. Our work environment values learning, team work, innovation and continuous improvement. Professional development is supported through a generous educational assistance policy. We offer a very competitive compensation DQG EHQHÂżWV SDFNDJH LQFOXGLQJ D VDYLQJV DQG LQYHVWPHQW plan with company match. BorgWarner is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For immediate consideration please submit your resume toâ&#x20AC;Ś. BorgWarner Emissions Systems Attention: Human Resources 1350 Franklin Grove Road Dixon, IL 61021
Fax: (815) 288-7613 EEOC
assle Free Bu e of H yin om
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B11
489 Illinois Route 2, Dixon, IL 61021
Open: Mon.- Fri. 8am-8pm Sat. 8am-5pm 815-288-3366
14 VW JETTA 2.0L STK#EE8280
MSRP ....................... $17,985 DISCOUNT ...................... $736 MFG REBATE ............... $1,500
***THE BOAT*** DOCK We Buy & Consign Used Boats! Springfield, Illinois 217-793-7300
***THE BOAT*** DOCK 18 ft. Bonanza open bow w/ tandem trailer, 165 hp Merc Cruiser, new stereo/spkrs $2500 210-216-5891 18 ft. Conquest V6, marc. Crus. Less than 75 hrs. Cracked block w/ trailer. $2,000 extra clean. 815-6251293 Cajun 8' 6”. V Max 150 hp., runs great & loaded $8,000. 815-562-7377
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MSRP ....................... $24,285 DISCOUNT ................... $1,188 MFG REBATE ............... $1,000
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2006 Pace American low profile trailer, 6'x12'. Sinaxle, elec. gle brakes, 3,500# Dexter Torsion axle, Beaver tail and more. Exc. shape. $3300/obo. 815-625-7903 2014 Coachmen 22' camper, sleeps 6 Catalina Santara Electric Series. Awning and tongue jack. $14,000. 815441-8535 Colman's RV We Buy and Consign Used RV's and Campers 217-787-8653
Onan generator for RV w/elec. start. Low hrs. & very quiet. $700/ obo. 815-973-3277.
THE BOAT DOCK We Buy & Consign Used Boats! 217-793-7300
Your Price!
Your Ad To
Be vocal with your ideas Thursday, August 21, 2014
815-994-0706 815-973-0628
(Don't be lied to, this
number is not affiliated with any other number in paper)
We Buy Used cars & trucks. Call Dixon ATV 815-288-2146
County Newspapers!
FAX YOUR AD TO OGLE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS! Publisher of the Oregon Republican Reporter Mt. Morris Times Forreston Journal Tri-County Press
815 626 5365
Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. Sale to be held at sale site: 407 North 5th Street Oregon, IL 61061
14 VW PASSAT 1.8 T
Helping others will make you stand out from the crowd. The leadership you show will gain you a positive response when you approach individuals in a position to support your cause. People who share your ideals will gravitate to your side, generating the strength you need to succeed. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Keep your reputation intact by finishing what you start. If you focus on accomplishment, someone will recognize what you have to offer and be willing to pay for your services. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Turn on the charm today. You will impress people with your ideas if you take the time to schmooze. Trying to force your opinions on others will slow things down and irritate your peers. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Look over your shoulder. Someone will try to make you look bad or take advantage of you. Keep your eyes and ears open to avoid being taken by surprise. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- If you deliver your ideas with confidence, your communication
skills will impress your business associates. A trip will prove to be very enlightening, rendering a necessary decision easier to make.
You are likely to hear complaints if you have been neglecting your chores. Get caught up in order to leave more time to explore your own interests.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Make your own decisions. Don’t let someone else’s opinion deter you from going where you need to go or doing what you want. Keep an eye on your wallet and valuables.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Have some laughs today. Take a trip someplace novel, or just get together with special friends. A good time free from worries will make you feel refreshed and ready to conquer the world.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Partnership worries will surface. Avoid getting into a battle of wills just because you don’t share the same ideas. Agree to meet halfway and respect each other’s decisions.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Use your ingenuity to clear up pending legal matters. Someone will look to you for assistance. Be wise in your assessment of the situation before you offer help.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Researching a matter that appeals to you will help broaden your knowledge. Work-related issues will turn in your favor. Be vocal with your ideas.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Focus on home, family and domestic matters. You can minimize personality clashes by keeping your thoughts to yourself. Sit back and listen to complaints being made before you make a move.
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Be careful not to overlook the youngsters in your life. You can get a whole new perspective on a situation if you listen to the innocence of a child’s point of view. ARIES (March 21-April 19) --
©2014 UFS
For a complete sale bill listing, photo’s, and terms & conditions go
MSRP ....................... $23,085 DISCOUNT ................... $1,162 MFG REBATE ............... $2,000
For more information contact: Lenny Bryson- Auctioneer Polo, IL 61064 Ph) 815-946-4120
Estate Attorney: Bob Chadwick
Your Price!
Owner: William Hinkle for the Estate of Jessie Hinkle
Been In Family since 1945
Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 10:30 A.M.
Sale to be held at:
The Auction Shed
900 S. Division Ave, Polo, IL 61064 OPEN TENANCY FOR 2015 CROP YEAR
239 Acres +/- in Section 6 of Pine Creek Twp in Ogle County, IL Selling in 4 parcels New Survey Available on website
74.816 Acres +/- P.I. 135.3
79.731 Acres +/- P.I. 130.9
House & Many Out Buildings 5 Acres +/8284 W Oregon Trail Road Polo, IL
79.491 Acres +/- P.I. 136.0
Tax I.D #’s 15-06-200-002 & 15-06-400-001 Total Taxes $ 8,830.14 Total FSA Acres 225.1
For complete listing of sale bill, maps, soil maps, survey, photos, tax info, terms & conditions, etc. go to
MSRP ....................... $30,140 DISCOUNT ................... $1,510 MFG REBATE ............... $1,250
Owner, John T. Jr & Annabel Cunningham Estate Co-Executors, Sylvia Howell & David Cunningham For Information Contact: Lenny Bryson – Auctioneer 900 South Division Ave, Polo, IL 61064 815-946-4120 Estate Attorney, M. Thomas Suits 815-946-2276
Your Price!
$27,380* CLIP
MSRP ....................... $49,320 DISCOUNT ................... $3,417 MFG REBATE ............... $2,000
Your Price!
$43,903* *Tax, title, license & doc fees not included. Dealer not responsible for errors. Offer Expires 8-31-14.
Sudoku! Answer Found In Today’s Classified Section
Ogle County Newspapers, Thursday, August 21, 2014, Page B12
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*Plus tax, title, license and doc fee. Dealer not liable for pricing errors.