17 minute read

Pierce Brosnan


Do you enjoy appearing as yourself in a project, such as “History’s Greatest Heists With Pierce Brosnan,” rather than as James Bond or Remington Steele or another character?

That’s a very good question. It really is just you and your personality, your voice, your mannerisms. There’s no character to hide behind, but at some point, I’d pick a tone or a voice ... which was a sense memory of characters I’ve played.

You have to find your voice, and I don’t know whether I did or not. The challenge is, are you going to be engaging enough to hold the show together? I’d never done this before, but the timing felt right and the work fit the style of actor that I am and have made a career out of. You leap into it and do the work.

You’ve been an international star for more than four decades now. How do you reflect on the career you’ve had?

I had the good fortune of coming to America in 1982 and being Remington Steele, and finding my way into people’s hearts and finding work. As much as you might think of yourself as a character actor, sometimes it’s hard to just keep it simple and be yourself. I’ve seen it in other people and thought, “Wow, it’s so nice to see that sort of connection with an author through a stor y. ”

Thanks to such recent work as the movie “Black Adam,” your career still appears to be fruitful. Do you see it that way?

It seems to be. I’ve been an actor all my life, and I like to work. Sometimes you have choices and sometimes you don’t, but I’ve made choices based on good material.

6 p.m. on HMM

Movie: A Nashville Legacy Naima (AndreaLewis)justmovedtoNashville, wheresheisinterningasacuratorata well-known museum—andthereshemeets Damian (PoochHall),avolunteer.ButDamian is actuallytheheirtotheBerryhallRecords empire, runbyhisfatherFranklinBerryhall (Stan Shaw).Thetwobegintogetclose, bonding overtheirloveformusicandtheir desire toleavetheirrespectivemarksonthe world inthis2023romanticmusicalcomedy.

7 p.m. on LIFE

Movie: The Paramedic Who Stalked Me

After anear-fatalaccident,Chloe(LexiMinetree) findsherselfthetargetofMatt(Andrew


Spach),theEMTwhosavedherlife.Butshe remindshimofhishighschoollovewhodied tragicallyyearsago—andhewilldoanything tohaveherbackinhislife.Buthisobsession hasChloefearingforherlifeonceagainin this2023thriller.MaeveQuinlanandAshton Leighalsostar.

8 p.m. on E!

Movie: Royal Rendezvous Cat(IsabellaGomez),acheffromEastLos Angeles,isinvitedtoapalatialmanorinIrelandtocookforaroyalbanquetinaneffortby James(RuairiO’Connor),aLord,toconvince hisgrandmothernottoselltheiramazing home.ButabuddingromancebetweenCat andJamesthreatenstoderailtheentireplan inthis2023romance.RonanRaftery,Marcus LambandDearbhlaMolloyalsostar.

9 p.m. on WMAQWEEK

The Blacklist

AftereliminatingLizKeen’smurderer,Red (JamesSpader)hasfinallysatiatedhisneed forrevenge.UnfortunatelyforRed,No.84on theblacklistescapesfromprisonandinforms manyoftheotherblacklistcriminalsthatRed isanFBIinformantintheSeason10premiere.Revengemayhavebeenaccomplished byRed,butthesamecan’tbesaidforthe individualshehasputbehindbars,andhis safetyisnowcompromised.AnyaBanerjee joinsthecastasSiyaMalik. LexiMinetree


FEBRUARY 26, 2023

DDTV 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30

222WBBM 60 Minutes (N) The Equalizer Aconmanforcesa mantopullaheist.(N) East New York The7-4investigates afireatasalon.(N) NCIS: Los Angeles Awomanattacks anAIcompanyfounder.(N)

CBS 2 News at 10PM (N) Joel OsteenPaid Program

33838WCPX NCIS “Twofer”Acaseofamurdered Navylieutenant. NCIS “ExitStrategy”Torres’partner mysteriouslyvanishes. NCIS “SkeletonCrew”Investigatinga sailor’skidnapping. NCIS Reevesseeshisfriendget kidnapped. NCIS “Trapped”Apettyofficeris foundmurdered. NCIS “BurdenofProof”Aconvicted felonswearshewasframed.

555WMAQ Dateline NBC

Magnum P.I. Katsumotoprovides securityforastar.(N)

6 : 2626WCIU The Neighborhood On The Block: Powered World’s Funniest Animals World’s Funniest Animals Whose Line Is It Anyway? Whose Line Is It Anyway?

The Blacklist “TheNightOwl”Red resurfacesamidstanexplosion.

NBC 5 News at 10pm (N)

The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld “The DiplomatsClub”

777WLS America’s Funniest Home Videos (N) American Idol “602(Auditions)”NewOrleans,LasVegasandNashville.(N) The Company You Keep TheNicolettisplottostealanecklace.(N)

Sports SundayOpen House1st Look

Seinfeld “The Understudy”

American Housewife American Housewife

ABC7 Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Spirit and Perseverance On the Red Carpet (N)

85050WPWR Family FeudFamily FeudFamily FeudFamily FeudThe Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Extra (N) Whacked Out Sports The Short List

999WGN Paid ProgramMidwest Travel Show Young SheldonYoung SheldonLast Man Standing Last Man Standing WGN Weekend News at Nine (N) (Live)

WGN Weekend News at Ten (N)

GN Sports Weekend (N) Backstory With Larry Potash

The Goldbergs

111111WTTW (4:00) The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song TheBlackChurchexpandsitsreach.(Part2of2) Chicago Tonight: Black Voices Chicago Tonight: Latino Voices Classical Rewind (My Music) Classicalmasterpieces.

123232WFLD Next Level Chef Contestantsbegin theirjourney. The Simpsons (N) (:31) The Great North (N) Bob’s Burgers (N) Family Guy “SingleWhiteDad” Fox 32 News at Nine Sunday (N) Sports ZoneInside the Bears Graham Bensinger (:35) Modern Family

13 3 WHOI Wipeout ObstaclesincludeS.S. BootyShaker.

Fear Factor Biplane. Fear Factor “FirstCelebrityFear Factor”Celebritiestesttheirmettle.

17 C WWTO Hagee MinistriesPastor Robert Morris Ministries Joel OsteenTurning Point With David Huckabee

19 K WYZZ Next Level Chef Contestantsbegin theirjourney. The Simpsons (N) (:31) The Great North (N) Bob’s Burgers (N) Family Guy “SingleWhiteDad”

Dateline NBC

20 9 WEEK

Magnum P.I. Katsumotoprovides securityforastar.(N)

21 ? WMBD 60 Minutes (N) The Equalizer Aconmanforcesa mantopullaheist.(N) East New York The7-4investigates afireatasalon.(N)

Cable Channels

24136248FX (4:30) ››› “Ant-Man and The Wasp” (2018,Action)PaulRudd.

Fear Factor “FamilyRoadTripFrom Hell”Coldunderwatertunnel.

World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ...

Eric Metaxas Radio Show Creflo DollarPraise (N) Praise (N)

Fox 43 News at 9 (N)

The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory GN SportsPaid ProgramSOS: How to Survive (N)

The Blacklist “TheNightOwl”Red resurfacesamidstanexplosion.

NCIS: Los Angeles Awomanattacks anAIcompanyfounder.(N)

25 News at 10:00 (N) (:35) Inside Edition Weekend (:05) Investigate TV Secret for Prostate Health

WMBD News (N) (:35) Jeopardy!(:05) Weather Gone Viral Atmosphericriver;majortyphoon.

››› “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018,Action)RobertDowneyJr.,ChrisHemsworth,JoshBrolin.IronMan,Thorandtherestofthe AvengersbattleThanos. ››› “Avengers: Infinity War” (2018,Action)Robert DowneyJr.,ChrisHemsworth,JoshBrolin.

26108252LIFE (5:00) “Secrets in the Marriage”“The Paramedic Who Stalked Me” (2023)LexiMinetree.Premiere. (:03) “Abducted: The Mary Stauffer Story” (2019)CorinaAkeson. “The Paramedic Who Stalked Me”

27140206ESPN NBA CountdownNBA Basketball MinnesotaTimberwolvesatGoldenStateWarriors.(N)(Live) NBA Basketball LosAngelesClippersatDenverNuggets.FromBallArenainDenver.(N) SportsCenter

28143209ESPN2 XFL Football ArlingtonRenegadesatHoustonRoughnecks.FromTDECUStadiuminHouston.(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) World of X

29429665CSN NBA G League Basketball WestchesterKnicksatWindyCityBulls. World Poker NBA Basketball WashingtonWizardsatChicagoBulls.FromtheUnitedCenterinChicago. Basketball

30110231FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games Tournament of Champions Thechefsfacetheupgradedrandomizer.(N) Alex vs America (N) Alex vs America Tournament of Champions

31131254AMC (5:30) ›› “Days of Thunder” (1990,Action)TomCruise,RobertDuvall, NicoleKidman.Upstartstock-cardrivergoestotheedge.

Mayfair Witches “WhatRoughBeast”Rowan’sfateis revealed.(N)

(:44) Mayfair Witches “WhatRoughBeast”Rowan’sfate isrevealed.

(10:46) ›› “Days of Thunder” (1990,Action)TomCruise.

32129237BRAVO The Real Housewives of PotomacThe Real Housewives of PotomacFamily Karma MonicaandRishreachacrossroads. The Real Housewives of PotomacFamily Karma “LoveWins” Housewives


››› “Zombieland” (2009,Comedy)WoodyHarrelson,JesseEisenberg. Survivorsofanapocalypsejoinforcesagainstzombies.

›› “The Purge” (2013,Suspense)EthanHawke,LenaHeadey,Adelaide Kane.Allcrimebecomeslegalduringanannual12-hourperiod.

(9:59) ›› “The Purge: Election Year” (2016)FrankGrillo,ElizabethMitchell.Asenatorandherheadofsecurityendurealawlessnight.

34107249COM ›› “Central Intelligence” (2016)DwayneJohnson,KevinHart. ›› “Central Intelligence” (2016)DwayneJohnson,KevinHart. South ParkSouth ParkMike Judge’sSouth Park

35105242USA Law & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims UnitLaw & Order: Special Victims Unit

36139247TBS Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheorySilicon Valley (:38) ››› “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (2015)HarrisonFord,MarkHamill.

37180311FREE (5:35) ›› “Mulan” (2020,Adventure)LiuYifei,DonnieYen,JasonScott Lee.AfearlessyoungwomanbattlesnortherninvadersinChina.

(:15) ›› “Maleficent” (2014,Fantasy)AngelinaJolie,ElleFanning,SharltoCopley.Aterrible betrayalturnsMaleficent’spurehearttostone. (:20) ›› “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” (2019,Fantasy) AngelinaJolie,ElleFanning,HarrisDickinson.

38170299NICK SpongeBobSpongeBob ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010,Children’s)VoicesofMikeMyers. Friends Friends Friends (:35) Friends(:10) Friends(:45) Friends

39172290DISN Marvel’s MoMarvel’s Mo“Secret Society of Second Born Royals” (2020)PeytonElizabethLee. (8:50) Bunk’d(:40) JessieLadybug & CatLadybug & CatBluey Bluey

40196277TRAV A Haunting “NormantheDoll” A Haunting “DemonWhispers” The Devil’s Academy Allhellbreakslooseataschool.(N) A Haunting “TheHauntedCabinet” A Haunting “DemonWhispers”

41183280TLC 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Kris’healthproblemsworryJeymi.(N) MILF Manor (N) 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (N) 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way

42120269HIST The Food That Built AmericaThe Food That Built AmericaThe Food That Built America (N) History’s Greatest of All Time With(:05) The Food That Built America(:03) The Food That Built America

43118265A&E (5:00) Biography: WWE LegendsBiography: WWE Legends “JakeTheSnakeRoberts”(N) (:01) WWE Rivals (N) (:04) WWE Rivals (:03) Biography: WWE Legends

44182278DISC Naked and Afraid: Uncensored (N) Naked and Afraid “NoHoldsBarred”AnMMAfighterandaparamedic. (:03) Naked and Afraid (:03) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid

45112229HGTV Home Town “ADropofSunshine” Home Town “BlueHeaven”(N) (:01) Home Town (N) House HuntersHunters Int’lHouse HuntersHunters Int’lHome Town “BlueHeaven”

46241241PARM Bar Rescue “Gutterball!” Bar Rescue “MagicallyAtrocious” Bar Rescue “GameOver” Bar Rescue “JJ’sSportsBust”(N) (9:59) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue “WreckItRalph”

50236E! (5:30) ›› “Just Go With It” (2011)AdamSandler,JenniferAniston. “Royal Rendezvous” (2023)IsabellaGomez,RuairiO’Connor.Premiere. “Royal Rendezvous” (2023,Romance)IsabellaGomez,RuairiO’Connor.

5738245TNT (5:05) ››› “Avengers: Endgame” (2019,Action)RobertDowneyJr.,ChrisEvans,MarkRuffalo.TheAvengers prepareforanepicshowdownwithThanos.

›› “Mortal Kombat” (2021,Action)LewisTan,JessicaMcNamee.Premiere.Earth’sgreatestwarriorsbattleenemiesfromOutworld. (:15) ››› “X-Men: Days of Future Past” (2014)HughJackman.

58184282ANIMAL Lone Star Law Yellowstone Wardens Yellowstone Wardens (N) (:01) Yellowstone Wardens(:01) Lone Star Law Yellowstone Wardens

59205360FNC Sunday Night in America With TreyLife, Liberty & Levin (N) The Next Revolution With Sunday Night in America Life, Liberty & Levin

Slender ››› “Us” (2019,Horror)LupitaNyong’o. ›› “Behind Enemy Lines” (2001)OwenWilson. ›› “Con Air” (1997,Action)NicolasCage. “Mission: Impossible -- Fallout” (2018)

W “The Last Full Measure”,War ›› “Red Sparrow” (2018,Suspense)JenniferLawrence. ››› “Mission: Impossible -- Fallout” (2018,Action) ›› “Man on Fire” (2004)DenzelWashington.

Th “Red Sparrow”“Wander Darkly” (2020)SiennaMiller. ›› “Man on Fire” (2004)DenzelWashington. ›› “S.W.A.T.” (2003)SamuelL.Jackson. ››› “Thor” (2011,Action)

F “Wander Darkly” (2020)SiennaMiller. › “Miss Bala” (2019,Action) ››

NFL Live AroundPardonSportsCenter

28143209ESPN2 SportsCenterGet Up First Take SportsCenterThis Just InNBA TodayNBA TodayVaried ProgramsDaily Wager

29429665CSN BasketPaid Prg.Paid Prg.Paid Prg.Paid Prg.Paid Prg.Paid Prg.Paid Prg.Varied Programs

30110231FOOD Varied Programs


M Stooges(:45) › “Mr. Deeds” (2002,Comedy) (:45) ›› “Spaceballs” (1987) (:45) ›› “Police Academy” (1984)KimCattrall “National-European” “National Lamp.”

T “Christmas Vacation” (:45) › “Vegas Vacation” (1997) (:45) ››› “A Few Good Men” (1992)TomCruise. (:45) ››› “Point Break” (1991,Action)PatrickSwayze. Rocky III

W ››› “The Perfect Storm” (2000)GeorgeClooney. ››› “Face/Off” (1997,Action)JohnTravolta,NicolasCage. ›› “The Taking of Pelham 123” (2009) ›› “Mr. & Mrs. Smith”

Th ›› “The Taking of Pelham 123” (2009) ›››› “Pulp Fiction” (1994,CrimeDrama)JohnTravolta. ››› “The Fugitive” (1993,Action)HarrisonFord. ›› “Con Air” (1997)

F ››› “Cujo”(:15) ›› “Outbreak” (1995,Suspense)DustinHoffman. (:15) ››› “Contagion” (2011)MarionCotillard. (:45) › “Hitman: Agent 47” (2015,Action) ›› “Hitman”

32129237BRAVO Vanderpump RulesVaried Programs


M (7:30) ›› “Gamer” (2009) (:31) ›› “The Purge: Election Year” (2016) (:01) ›› “The Purge” (2013,Suspense) ››› “Enemy of the State” (1998,Suspense)WillSmith. “Kingsman: Serv”

T “Underworld” (:32) ›› “Underworld: Awakening”(:29) ›› “Underworld: Blood Wars”(:27) ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997)IanHolm (3:56) ››› “Independence Day”

W (7:00) “The Fifth Element”(:32) ›› “Marauders” (2016)BruceWillis. ››› “Minority Report” (2002)TomCruise,ColinFarrell.

Th “Leprechaun 2” ›› “Leprechaun” (1993,Horror) ›› “2012” (2009,Action)JohnCusack,ChiwetelEjiofor.

›› “2012” (2009,Action)JohnCusack,ChiwetelEjiofor.

›› “The Day After Tomorrow” (2004,Action) “Assassin’s Creed”

F Eureka “Leprechaun: Origins” (2014,Horror) “Leprechaun Returns” (2018,Horror) ›› “Assassin’s Creed” (2016)MarionCotillard ›› “Battle: Los Angeles” (2011)AaronEckhart.


F BrooklynSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldOfficeOfficeOfficeOffice

M The 700 Club700 ClubSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonSimpson › “10 Things I Hate About You”

“Pretty Woman” (1990)RichardGere. ›› “The Proposal” (2009)

T The 700 Club700 ClubSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonOfficeOfficeOfficeOffice ››› “Ford v Ferrari” (2019)MattDamon,ChristianBale. “Cast Away” (2000)

Varied ProgramsLaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVUVaried Programs Law & Order: SVULaw & Order: SVU 36139247TBS Broke Broke Broke Broke FriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsSheldonSheldonSheldonSheldon 37180311FREE

W The 700 Club700 ClubSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonSimpsonOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOffice

Th The 700 Club700 ClubSimpson ›››

First 48

44182278DISC Varied Programs

45112229HGTV Varied Programs

46241241PARM Bar RescueBar RescueBar RescueLaw & OrderLaw & OrderLaw & OrderLaw & OrderTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo MenTwo Men

50236E! Varied Programs


M Charmed Supernatural ›› “The Meg” (2018)JasonStatham. (:15) ›› “Mortal Kombat” (2021)LewisTan. ››› “Avengers: Endgame” (2019,Action)RobertDowneyJr.

T Charmed SupernaturalSupernaturalSupernaturalSupernaturalSupernatural ›› “The Meg” (2018)JasonStatham. (:15) ›› “The Shallows” (2016)

W Charmed SupernaturalSupernaturalSupernaturalSupernaturalSupernaturalLucifer Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer

Th Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed ››› “American Sniper” (2014,War)BradleyCooper.

F Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed Charmed ›› “The Legend of Tarzan” (2016) (:15) ››› “Kong: Skull Island” (2017)

58184282ANIMAL I Was Prey Monsters Inside MeDr. Jeff: RMVTanked Tanked Pit Bulls-ParolePit Bulls-ParoleVaried Programs

59205360FNC America’s NewsAmerica’s News The FaulknerOutnumberedAmerica ReportsAmerica ReportsThe Story Neil CavutoThe Five Special Report

61209356MSNBC (5:00) Morning JoeJosé Díaz-BalartMSNBC ReportsAndrea MitchellMTP Daily Katy Tur ReportsHallie JacksonDeadline: White House The Beat With 62176296TOON Mecha ThomasThomasBugsLooneyLooneyBearsCraigCraigTeenTeenGumballGumballGumballGumballGumballCraigTeenTeenTeen 65200202CNN CNN NewsroomCNN NewsroomAt This Hour-KateIns. PoliticsCNN NewsroomCNN NewsroomCNN NewsroomJake TapperSituation RoomSituation Room 69106304TVLAND M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HBonanza Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Andy G.Andy G.Andy G.Andy G.Andy G.Andy G.


M GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGolden“Bottled With Love” (2019,Romance) “Appetite for Love” (2016)TaylorCole. “Love at First Dance” (2018,Romance) “Hearts Down”

T GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGolden“A Ring by Spring” (2014)KirbyMorrow “Season for Love” (2018)MarcBlucas “Amazing Winter Romance” (2020) “Summer Villa”

W GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGolden“The Art of Us” (2017)TaylorCole. “A Tail of Love” (2022)BrittanyBristow. “Her Pen Pal” (2021)MalloryJansen. “Perfect Catch”

Th GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGolden“My Boyfriend’s Back: Wedding”“You’re Bacon Me Crazy” (2020) “The Wedding Veil Legacy” (2022) “Very Valentine”

F GoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGoldenGolden“Sweeter Than Chocolate” (2023) “Love on Safari” (2018)LaceyChabert. “Love in Design” (2018)AndrewWalker “Royal Match”

7 p.m. on BRAVO Below Deck

Chef Rachelwowstheguestsanddelivers a dinner toremember,whilethecrewthrows the pageantqueenguests a 1980spartythat is totallytubular.Meanwhile,guestLaQuish continues tobe a painandannoytheinterior team. AndRossisforcedtoreprimandhis boat crushinthenewepisode“BigDeck Energy.”

7 p.m. on DISC Street Outlaws

The fastestdriverslooktocashinasNova launches thefirst-ever“StreetWars,”also the titleofthisnewepisode,wherewinners fromeachracethisseasoncomebackfor a winner-takes-all,big-moneychallenge. Thingskickoffwith405vs.everyoneelse, butafterRound1,it’severyracerforthemselves.Buckleupforalltheaction!

8 p.m. on HBO

C.B. Strike

Breakingwindjustmaybetheonlyclue neededforCormoran(TomBurke)ashe continuestosearchfor a serialkillerinthe Season 5 finaleepisode“TroubledBlood.” Peoplekeepdroppinglikefliesbutjustwho iskillingthemandwhy?Evenmedicalprofessionalsaren’tsafe.ButCormoran,though poisonedhimself,isclosinginontheguilty andsmelly party.JonasArmstrong,

LindaBassettandAnnaCalder-Marshall alsostar.

9 p.m. on FREE

The Watchful Eye

ThemasksareabouttocomeoffasElena (MarielMolino)sneaksinto a masquerade ballhostedbyresidentsoftheGreybourne. Andwhileeveryoneisotherwiseoccupied, Roman(AndresVelez)searchesMrs.Ivey’s (KellyBishop)apartmentforanswers.Makingmattersworse,thingsgetuncomfortable whenGinny(AliyahRoyale)confrontsElena aboutheridentityinthenewepisode“Save NewYork.”AmyAcker,HenryJosephSamiri andWarrenChristiealsostar. MarielMolino


DDTV 6 PM6:307 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:30

222WBBM CBS 2 News at 6PM (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) The Neighborhood (N) Bob Hearts Abishola (N) NCIS “UnusualSuspects”Aridesharedriverisfounddead.(N) NCIS: Hawai’i “GoodSamaritan”A Navydesertercomesoutofhiding.

33838WCPX FBI “StudioGangster”Alawyerand anescortarefounddead.

555WMAQ NBC 5 News at 6pm (N)

Access Hollywood (N)

CBS 2 News at 10PM (N) (:35) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Late Late Show/ James Corden

FBI “Legacy”Armor-piercingrifles arestolen. FBI “SafeRoom”Amanattemptsto gethisdaughterback. FBI “BrokenPromises”Maggiefaces alife-alteringdecision. FBI “AmericanDreams”JessLaCroix andhisteamhelpOA. FBI “EmotionalRescue”Acollege student’sbodyisfound.

America’s Got Talent: All-Stars “FinaleResults”Thewinnerisrevealed.(N) Quantum Leap “FamilyStyle”Ben leapsintoanIndianfamily.(N)

6 : 2626WCIU The Neighborhood The Neighborhood All American “FeelSoGood”Laura throwsBillyabirthdayparty.

NBC 5 News at 10pm (N) (:34) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers

All American: Homecoming Keisha hitsamajorroadblock. The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld Elaine’s beauappallsher. Seinfeld “The Pilot”(Part1of2) American Housewife American Housewife

777WLS Eyewitness News at 6pm Wheel of Fortune (N) The Bachelor (N) (:01) The Good Doctor A3-year-old arrivesatthehospital.(N)

85050WPWR Family Feud (N) Family Feud (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ShootingsarelinkedtoFinn’spast.

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Stolen”Infantblack-marketing.

999WGN WGN Evening News (N)(Live) black-ish “Fifty-ThreePercent” The GoldbergsLast Man Standing Last Man Standing

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Rooftop”Huntforaserialrapist.

WGN News at Nine (N)(Live)

111111WTTW PBS NewsHour (N) Chicago Stories “UnionStockyards” Chicago Stories Chicagoansfacedestruction,rebuild, andpreparethecityforathrivingfuture.

123232WFLD The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Alert: Missing Persons Unit (SeasonFinale)(N)

13 3 WHOI Wipeout Fraternityandsororitymemberscompete.(Part1of2)

Fear Factor “FavoriteWinners” Previouswinnersreturn.

Fear Factor “MissUSAEpisode” Beautycontestantscompete.

Fox 32 News at Nine (N)

Fear Factor “PsychoFearFactor1” CouplesliveintheBatesMotel.

Eyewitness News at 10pm (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live! (:37) Nightline (N)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Amotherreportsstatutoryrape.

WGN News at Ten (N)(Live)

Chicago Tonight (N)

Modern Family “TheVerdict”

GN Sports (N) (Live)

The SimpsonsiCRIME With Elizabeth Vargas

Young SheldonThe Goldbergs

BBC World NewsAmanpour and Company (N)

TMZ (N) You Bet Your Life You Bet Your Life

World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ...

17 C WWTO The Potter’s Touch CenterpointPraise Takeaways With Kirk CameronDerek GrierCenterpointPraise

19 K WYZZ Young SheldonYoung SheldonAlert: Missing Persons Unit (SeasonFinale)(N)

20 9 WEEK

25 News at 6:00 (N)

Joseph Prince (Part5of5) Takeaways With Kirk Cameron

Fox 43 News at 9 (N) The Big Bang Theory GN SportsModern Family “TheVerdict” Modern Family Lukeisarrested.

Inside Edition (N) America’s Got Talent: All-Stars “FinaleResults”Thewinnerisrevealed.(N) Quantum Leap “FamilyStyle”Ben leapsintoanIndianfamily.(N)

21 ? WMBD WMBD News at 6pm (N) Wheel of Fortune (N) The Neighborhood (N) Bob Hearts Abishola (N) NCIS “UnusualSuspects”Aridesharedriverisfounddead.(N)

Cable Channels

24136248FX ››› “The Rock” (1996,Action)SeanConnery,NicolasCage,EdHarris.AlcatrazIslandterroriststhreatentogas SanFrancisco.

Castle “BadSanta” Castle CastlegetshisP.I.license. Castle “PrivateEyeCaramba!”

25 News at 10:00 (N)

NCIS: Hawai’i “GoodSamaritan”A Navydesertercomesoutofhiding. WMBD News at 10pm (N)

(:34) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers

(:35) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Late Late Show/ James Corden

››› “The Rock” (1996,Action)SeanConnery,NicolasCage,EdHarris.AlcatrazIslandterroriststhreatentogas SanFrancisco.

Castle “I,Witness” (:03) Castle “Resurrection” (:01) Castle “Castle,P.I.”

27140206ESPN College Basketball NorthCarolinaatFloridaState.(N)(Live) College Basketball (N)(Live) SportsCenter With Scott Van PeltSportsCenter (N)(Live)

28143209ESPN2 Women’s College Basketball BayloratTexas.(N)(Live) College Basketball WestVirginiaatIowaState.(N)(Live) NFL Live UFC 285 Countdown

29429665CSN Football NightGymnastics WinterCup.(Taped) BlackhawksNHL Hockey ChicagoBlackhawksatAnaheimDucks. (N)(Live) Blackhawks

30110231FOOD Kids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking ChampionshipChopped Chopped Chopped Kids Baking Championship

31131254AMC (5:00) ›› “National Lampoon’s Vacation” (1983,Comedy)

› “Vegas Vacation” (1997,Comedy)ChevyChase,BeverlyD’Angelo, RandyQuaid.TheGriswoldsdescenduponthegamblingmecca.

››› “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989,Comedy)Chevy Chase.AtraditionalGriswoldyuletidebackfiresincomicfashion.

(:15) ›› “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” (1985)

32129237BRAVO Below Deck (N) Below Deck “BigDeckEnergy”(N) Summer House ChristakeshisshotwithCiara.(N) Below Deck “BigDeckEnergy” Summer House Vanderpump

33122244SYFY (5:03) ››› “Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2014,Action)ColinFirth, MichaelCaine.Adapperspytakesatroubledyouthunderhiswing.

››› “Independence Day” (1996,ScienceFiction)WillSmith,BillPullman,JeffGoldblum.Earthlingsvs.evilaliens in15-mile-wideships.

(:03) ››› “Kingsman: The Secret Service” (2014)ColinFirth.

34107249COM The OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe Daily Show(:35) Seinfeld(:02) South ParkSouth Park

35105242USA Chicago Fire (N) WWE Monday Night RAW (N)(Live) Chrisley KnowsChrisley KnowsChrisley KnowsChrisley Knows

36139247TBS Big Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryAmerican Dad!American Dad!American Dad!American Dad!ELEAGUE Presents (N)(Live)

37180311FREE (4:00) ›› “The Proposal” ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002,Romance-Comedy)ReeseWitherspoon,JoshLucas, PatrickDempsey.ANewYorkfashiondesignerhasasecretintheSouth.

38170299NICK The Really Loud House (N)

The Watchful Eye Elenasneaksinto amasqueradeball.(N)

The 700 Club The Office “WelcomeParty” The Office “Angry Andy”

SpongeBobSpongeBobFriends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends

39172290DISN ›› “Gnomeo & Juliet” (2011)EmilyBlunt Marvel’s MoMarvel’s MoHamster &Big City GreensHamster &Ladybug & CatLadybug & CatBluey Bluey

40196277TRAV (5:00) Mysteries of the UnknownMysteries of the Unknown (N)

41183280TLC Darcey & Stacey

Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown

Darcey & Stacey Darcey & Stacey (N) Extreme Sisters (N) 1000-Lb. Sisters Darcey & Stacey

42120269HIST History’s Greatest MysteriesHistory’s Greatest MysteriesHistory’s Greatest Mysteries (N) History’s Greatest of All Time With(:05) History’s Greatest Mysteries(:03) History’s Greatest Mysteries

43118265A&E The First 48 The First 48 “Devil’sTrail” The First 48 (:01) The First 48 “FatalMistake” (:04) The First 48 (:03) The First 48 “Devil’sTrail”

44182278DISC Street Outlaws: Red Line (N) Street Outlaws “StreetWars”NovalaunchesthefirstStreetWars.(N) (:02) Street Outlaws Street Outlaws “StreetWars”

45112229HGTV Down Home Fab Down Home Fab “FarmhouseFab” Down Home Fab House Hunters (N) House HuntersHunters Int’lDown Home Fab

46241241PARM Two/Half MenTwo/Half Men ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987,Romance)JenniferGrey,PatrickSwayze,JerryOrbach. ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987,Romance)JenniferGrey,PatrickSwayze,JerryOrbach.

50236E! Modern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyE! News (N) Sex and the CitySex and the CitySex and the City

5738245TNT (:15) ››› “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017,Action)ChrisHemsworth,TomHiddleston,CateBlanchett.Thormustbattle themightyHulkandtheall-powerfulHela. True Blood “SparksFlyOut”Billwins overAdele’schurchgroup. (:15) True Blood “ColdGround”Jasonwrestleswith withdrawalsymptoms. ››› “Thor: Ragnarok”

58184282ANIMAL Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier

59205360FNC Jesse Watters Primetime (N)(Live) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N)(Live) Hannity (N)(Live) The Ingraham Angle (N)(Live) Gutfeld! (N) Fox News at Night (N)(Live)

61209356MSNBC The ReidOut (N)(Live) All In With Chris Hayes (N)(Live) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word With The 11th Hour-Stephanie The Rachel Maddow Show

62176296TOON Scooby-DooScooby-DooKing of the HillKing of the HillKing of the HillBob’s BurgersBob’s BurgersAmerican Dad!American Dad!Rick and MortyRick and MortyMike Tyson

65200202CNN Erin Burnett OutFront (N)(Live) Anderson Cooper 360 (N)(Live) CNN Special Program CNN Tonight (N)(Live) CNN Tonight (N)(Live) Anderson Cooper 360 69106304TVLAND Andy GriffithAndy GriffithLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing

Eoin Macken


222WBBM CBS 2 News at 6PM (N)

Entertainment Tonight (N)

7 p.m. on DISC Homestead Rescue

RaneyfamilypatriarchMartyattemptstohelp a familyinWyomingrestoreaninheritedhomesteadwith a tragichistory,whileattemptingto unravelthemysteryofanunfinishedwell.It’s oneoftheirmostcreativebuildsyet,andMisty combines a one-of-a-kindaquaponicgreenhouseandwith a newducksanctuarybuiltby Matt,foraninventive“duckaponics”systemthat everyonegoes“quackers”overintheSeason 10premiereepisode“BlackHillsHope.”

8 p.m. on WMAQWEEK

La Brea

Gavin(EoinMacken)leadshisfamilytoward a newwayhome,buteachstepincheseveryone

FBI “FamilyFirst”Theshootingofa correctionsofficer.(N) closertowardhisdevastatingvisionofEve’s (NatalieZea)death.AndwithLevi(Nicholas Gonzalez)ostracizedfromtheothers,heis given a chanceatredemption.Then,with Gavinonthevergeofdying,Eveandherfamily make a desperateattempttosetthingsright. Elsewhere,Veronica(LilySantiago)reveals a secretthatsendsherrelationshipwithLucas (JoshMcKenzie)intojeopardyintheSeason 2 finale“TheJourney,Part1.”Part 2 immediately follows.

9 p.m. on WLS Will Trent Abracadabra!Will(RamonRodriguez)discovers thereismorethanmeetstheeyeto a casethat comesacrosshisdeskandhits a littlecloseto home.Meanwhile,Angie(ErikaChristensen)


FBI: International “HeWhoSpeaks Dies”TheteamheadstoMorocco.

FBI: Most Wanted Arisingstar triathleteisfounddead.(N) andOrmewood(JakeMcLaughlin)investigate a murderedmagicianwhileuncoveringsome extratricksthathadbeenuphissleeveinthe newepisode“TwoHundredDollarsand a Bus Pass.”IanthaRichardsonandSonjaSohnalso star.

33838WCPX Chicago Fire “DownIsBetter”Kiddis surprisedtobetransferred. Chicago Fire Brettmustmakea lifesavingdecision. Chicago Fire Dawsonmustmakea toughdecision. Chicago Fire “FoulIsFair”Dawson asksSeverideforhelp.

555WMAQ NBC 5 News at 6pm (N) Access Hollywood (N) Night Court (N) American Auto “TheLetter”(N) La Brea Gavinleadshisfamilytoa wayhome.(N) La Brea “TheJourney,Part2”Gavin hangsontheedgeofdeath.

10:15 p.m. on HBO

Movie: The King’s Man Thethirdinstallmentinthe“Kingsman”movie franchiseand a prequeltothetwoearlierfilms, MatthewVaughn’s2021spyactioncomedy underperformedattheboxoffice,mainlydue topandemic-relatedissues.Itstilldeliversan entertainingyarnabouthowtheKingsmanorganizationwasbornduringtheturmoilofWorld WarI.RalphFiennesheadsthestellarcastas founderofthespynetwork.

CBS 2 News at 10PM (N) (:35) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Late Late Show/ James Corden

Chicago Fire “Slamigan”Dawsonand CaseytrytofindBria. Chicago Fire CaseyandSeveride arestillatodds.

NBC 5 News at 10pm (N) (:34) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers

6 : 2626WCIU The Neighborhood The Neighborhood The Winchesters Adamakesan interestingdiscovery.(N) The Flash “HearNoEvil”Oldfriends visitS.T.A.R.Labs. The King of Queens The King of Queens Seinfeld (Part 1of2) Seinfeld “The Pilot”(Part2of2) American Housewife American Housewife

777WLS Eyewitness News at 6pm Wheel of Fortune (N) The Rookie “TheEnemyWithin”(N) The Rookie: Feds Aruthlessgang leaderseeksrevenge.(N) Will Trent Amagicianismurdered. (N) Eyewitness News at 10pm (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live! (:37) Nightline (N)

85050WPWR Family Feud (N) Family Feud (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “BriefInterlude” Chicago Fire Aboys’hockeyteamis endangered. Chicago Fire “WhatISaw”Voight recruitsCruztogoundercover. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Night”Serialrapist. The Simpsons (Part1of2)

999WGN WGN Evening News (N)(Live) WGN News Election Special (N)(Live)

111111WTTW PBS NewsHour (N) Black Broadway: A Proud History, A Limitless Future SongsfromBroadwaymusicals.(N)

123232WFLD The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory 9-1-1: Lone Star (N) (:01) Accused (N)

13 3 WHOI Wipeout Singlesfaceatoughfirst date.(Part1of2)

Fear Factor “PsychoFearFactor2” ThePsychohouse.

17 C WWTO The Potter’s Touch CenterpointPraise

Fear Factor “PsychoFearFactor3” Couplesmusteatspiders.

WGN News at Nine (N)(Live) iCRIME With Elizabeth Vargas

Rick Steves: Why We Travel The valueofexploringtheworld.

WGN News at Ten (N)(Live) Young SheldonThe Goldbergs “Spaceballs”

Chicago Tonight (N) BBC World NewsAmanpour and Company (N)

Fox 32 News at Nine (N) Modern FamilyTMZ (N) You Bet Your Life You Bet Your Life

Fear Factor “RealityStars”RealityTV starscompete.(Part1of3)

World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ... World’s Dumbest ...

Joyce Meyer Enjoying Life Living Proof With Beth Moore Better TogetherCenterpointPraise

19 K WYZZ Young SheldonYoung Sheldon9-1-1: Lone Star (N) (:01) Accused (N)

20 9 WEEK

25 News at 6:00 (N)

Joseph PrinceMichael Youssef

Fox 43 News at 9 (N) The Big Bang Theory Mom Modern FamilyModern Family

Inside Edition (N) Night Court (N) American Auto “TheLetter”(N) La Brea Gavinleadshisfamilytoa wayhome.(N) La Brea “TheJourney,Part2”Gavin hangsontheedgeofdeath.

21 ? WMBD WMBD News at 6pm (N) Wheel of Fortune (N) FBI “FamilyFirst”Theshootingofa correctionsofficer.(N)

Cable Channels

24136248FX (4:00) ››› “Mission: Impossible -- Fallout” (2018)TomCruise.

FBI: International “HeWhoSpeaks Dies”TheteamheadstoMorocco.

FBI: Most Wanted Arisingstar triathleteisfounddead.(N)

›› “I, Robot” (2004,ScienceFiction)WillSmith,BridgetMoynahan,BruceGreenwood.A homicidedetectivetracksadangerousrobotin2035.

25 News at 10:00 (N)

WMBD News at 10pm (N)

(:34) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers

(:35) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Late Late Show/ James Corden

›› “I, Robot” (2004,ScienceFiction)WillSmith,BridgetMoynahan,BruceGreenwood.A homicidedetectivetracksadangerousrobotin2035.

26108252LIFE Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles “MoneyMaker” Rizzoli & Isles “CrazyforYou” (:03) Rizzoli & Isles (:03) Rizzoli & Isles (:01) Rizzoli & Isles

27140206ESPN College Basketball TeamsTBA.(N)(Live) College Basketball TeamsTBA.(N)(Live) SportsCenter With Scott Van PeltSportsCenter (N)(Live)

28143209ESPN2 College Basketball TeamsTBA.(N)(Live) College Basketball TeamsTBA.(N)(Live) Basketball LiveNFL Live DC & RC (N)

29429665CSN Chicago BullsNBA Basketball ChicagoBullsatTorontoRaptors.FromScotiabankArenainToronto.(N) Bulls PostgameNHL Hockey BlackhawksMentoring Kings

30110231FOOD Chopped Chopped “GlutenforPunishment” Superchef Grudge Match (N) Chopped Bacon,Burgerandbeer. Chopped Epicburgermasterpieces. Superchef Grudge Match

31131254AMC (5:30) ››› “Rocky III” (1982,Drama)SylvesterStallone,Mr.T,TaliaShire. AmercilesscontenderforcesRockyintoatitlematch.

32129237BRAVO Housewives of NJ Housewives of NJ

›› “Rocky IV” (1985,Drama)SylvesterStallone,TaliaShire,BurtYoung. VengefulboxerRockyBalboafacesadeadlySovietfighter. That Dirty Black Bag Violentreckoningscometopass.(N) (:05) ››› “The Perfect Storm” (2000,Suspense)GeorgeClooney.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey (N) Housewives of NJ

The Real Housewives of PotomacFamily Karma

33122244SYFY (3:56) ››› “Independence Day” (1996)WillSmith,BillPullman. (6:55) ››› “Apollo 13” (1995,HistoricalDrama)TomHanks,BillPaxton,KevinBacon.Basedonthetruestoryof theill-fated1970moonmission. (9:57) ›› “XXX” (2002,Action)VinDiesel,AsiaArgento,MartonCsokas.A spytriestostopananarchistwithweapons.

34107249COM The OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe OfficeThe Daily Show(:35) South Park(:02) South ParkSouth Park

35105242USA Law & Order: Special Victims UnitWWE NXT (N)(Live)

36139247TBS Young SheldonYoung SheldonBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryBig Bang TheoryYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung Sheldon

37180311FREE (5:00) ››› “Cast Away” (2000,Drama)TomHanks,HelenHunt,Nick Searcy.Acouriercompanyexecutiveismaroonedonaremoteisland.

Love Trip: Paris Rosestandsupfor herself.(N)

Love Trip: Paris Lacystrikesback; Carolinegetscatty.(N)

The 700 Club The OfficeThe Office “New Guys”

38170299NICK The Loud House “Schooled!” SpongeBobSpongeBobFriends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends

39172290DISN Jessie Jessie ››› “Cinderella” (2015,Children’s)CateBlanchett,LilyJames. Marvel’s MoHamster &Ladybug & CatLadybug & CatBluey Bluey

40196277TRAV The Ghost Town Terror The Ghost Town Terror “Hunted” The Ghost Town Terror “Ornias” The Ghost Town Terror The Ghost Town Terror The Ghost Town Terror “Hunted”

41183280TLC 1000-Lb. Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters (N) 1000-Lb. Sisters (N) I Am Jazz “BacktoSchool”(N) Extreme Sisters 1000-Lb. Sisters

42120269HIST The Curse of Oak Island Oak Island: Digging DeeperThe Curse of Oak Island (N) History’s Greatest Heists With(:05) The Curse of Oak IslandOak Island: Digging Deeper

43118265A&E NeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhoodNeighborhood

44182278DISC (5:00) Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue Martybringswatertotheproperty. (:01) Homestead Rescue (:01) Homestead Rescue Homestead Rescue

45112229HGTV Fixer to Fabulous Fixer to Fabulous (N) Fixer to Fabulous (N) House HuntersHunters Int’lHouse HuntersHunters Int’lFixer to Fabulous

46241241PARM Two/Half MenTwo/Half Men ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994)TomHanks,RobinWright.Aslow-wittedSouthernerexperiences30yearsofhistory. ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994)TomHanks.

50236E! Modern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyModern FamilyEverything I Know About Love (N) E! News (N) Sex and the CitySex and the CitySex and the City


NBA on TNT Pregame Show

NBA Basketball WashingtonWizardsatAtlantaHawks.FromStateFarmArenainAtlanta.(N SubjecttoBlackout)(Live)

Star Law

Star Law

NBA Basketball MinnesotaTimberwolvesatLosAngelesClippers.FromCrypto.comArenain LosAngeles.(NSubjecttoBlackout)(Live)

Star Law

Star Law “NewBlood”

Star Law

NBA on TNT Postgame Show

Jesse Watters Primetime (N)(Live) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N)(Live) Hannity (N)(Live) The Ingraham Angle (N)(Live) Gutfeld! (N) Fox News at Night (N)(Live)

61209356MSNBC The ReidOut (N)(Live) All In With Chris Hayes (N)(Live) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word With The 11th Hour-Stephanie The Rachel Maddow Show

62176296TOON Scooby-DooScooby-DooKing of the HillKing of the HillKing of the HillBob’s BurgersBob’s BurgersAmerican Dad!American Dad!Rick and MortyRick and MortyMike Tyson

Burnett OutFront (N)(Live) Anderson Cooper 360 (N)(Live)


Cooper 360

Andy GriffithAndy GriffithLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondLove-RaymondKing of QueensKing of QueensKing of QueensKing of Queens

70185312HALL (5:00) “Summer Villa” (2016)Hilarie Burton,VictorWebster. “Roadhouse Romance” (2021,Romance-Comedy)LaurenAlaina,Tyler Hynes.SparksflybetweenalieutenantandaTVdirector.

Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden GirlsThe Golden Girls “BrotherlyLove”

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