SPORTS PC grad Luke Olson talks about transition to Div. I Ohio University / 12 STATE Illinois adopts standards for sex education in public schools, including elementary students / 2 LOCAL Two new Marshall-Putnam 4-H ambassadors named / 11 Local families enjoy Granville Days celebration / Page 4 BEAT THE HEAT “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. CARRIERBOXHOLDERROUTEPRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • Wednesday, August 10, 2022 • 50 CENTS Vol. 150 No. 32 One section 16 Pages © The CountyPutnamRecord 107EastHarrisonSt. •G ranville,IL• •815-339-6124 HEATING &P LUMBING,INC Kettman . SM-PR2000713 Trust Kettman Heating & Plumbing for all of your pool pump & pool heater needs! We do it all! Stop the sting of long waits on pool service!!! SM-PR2000717 SELLING & REPAIRING SEMI TIRESALL MAKES & MODELS! CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE! HARVEST IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNERGET YOUR TRACTOR IN WORKING ORDER! FIELD SERVICE AVAILABLE! 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt
State Rep. Camille Lilly, D-Chi cago, sponsored Senate Bill 818. She said she wanted Illinois to have a uni versal standard for what is being taught in sex education classes throughout the state.
The NSES personal health and safety education guidelines for ele mentary school children focus on bul lying, good touch versus bad touch, health, safety, hygiene, consent, preg nancy and sexually transmitted infec tionLiamprevention.ChanHodges, a spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Educa tion, said an important goal of the new personal health and safety edu cation is to help prevent child abuse.
“In elementary school, the stan dards set a foundation for safety by teaching about consent, boundaries and healthy relationships,” Chan Hodges wrote in an email. “Children are most vulnerable to sexual abuse between the ages of 7 and 13. The median age for reported abuse is 9 years old “Teachingnationally.thesetopics to students before the age of 9 helps prevent sex ual violence and also helps districts comply with Erin’s Law, which requires Illinois public schools to pro vide child sexual abuse prevention education.”According to NSES guidelines, in addition to learning about healthy relationships and bullying, children in grades K-2 also will learn medically accurate names for body parts, including genitals; definitions of gen der, gender identity and gender-role stereotypes; reproduction; and situa tions that may be uncomfortable or dangerous.“Kindergarteners are already ask ing questions about what they see in the media, about what they experi ence in their homes,” Lilly said. “So do we ignore those questions? In order for kids to deal with what’s in front of them in society, it’s important to equip them with information that allows them to make informed deci sions.“Young people are being exposed to these issues earlier in life. Our chil dren need this information.”
“The standards [for sex education] are now the same as national stan dards,” she said. “Districts [that offer comprehensive sex education] have to teach the same things, but they can be taught in different ways.”
Parents also can opt their children out from receiving the lessons if their school does teach comprehensive sex education.Districts can choose their own cur riculum for sex education programs, but the curriculum must align with the NSES guidelines. Kim Cook, a St. Charles resident who is a former elementary school nurse and a certified health education specialist, is the founder of Sex Edu cation Alliance, an organization com posed of independent sex education professionals who work to make sex education more accessible.
Sandy Bressner –
See SEX ED, page 5
2 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM ShawLocal.comOFFICE 426 Second Street La Salle, IL 833-584-NEWS61301 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tues & Thurs or by appointment ABOUT US The Putnam County Record publishes on Wednesdays at Granville, Illinois SUBSCRIPTIONS $20 per year in advance in Putnam County $40 a year in advance outside of Putnam County To subscribe, go online,atcall815-875-4461orsendanemailtoTermsandConditionsmayatanytime.Thecurrentversionsupersedeallpreviousversions.ThemostcurrentversionofsubscriptiontermsarepostedonthewebsiteunderTermsandConditions.ServingPutnamCountysince1868 •••••••••••••••••••••• CLASSIFIED SALES Deadline: 9 a.m. Friday HELP WANTED LEGAL NOTICES OBITUARIES Deadlineputnamobits@shawlocal.comforobituariesis5p.m.FridayforWednesday’sedition SUBMIT NEWS The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and Photosnews@putnamcountyrecord.com815-875-4461events.shouldbesentasanattachment. PUBLISHER Dan Goetz dgoetz@shawmedia.com815-431-4014 EDITOR Jayce Eustice jeustice@shawmedia.com815-875-4461
Kim Cook, a St. Charles resident who is a former elementary school nurse and a certified health education specialist, is the founder of Sex Education Alliance, an organization comprised of independent sex education professionals who work to make sex education more accessible.
Chan Hodges said the middle school standards address dating violence pre vention, while the high school stan dards involve skills and tools for navi gating relationships, including healthy sexual relationships.
Sex and health education have been taught in Illinois schools for decades, but a new law Gov. JB Prtiz ker signed last summer has caused concerns among some parents who feel it’s not appropriate for children. The law adopts the National Sex Education Standards, which include guidelines for what should be taught in districts that choose to teach com prehensive sex education. The law includes a personal health and safety program for elementary school chil dren and sets standards and guide lines districts must include in their curriculum for all grade levels. Sex education is not required in Illinois schools, allowing districts to opt out from offering such a program.
Cook said adopting the NSES guidelines is “long overdue” in Illi nois, as many children learn about sex from their peers. “Despite what some politicians say, the vast majority of parents would like sex education to be taught in school,” Cook wrote in an email. “Many parents are uncomfortable talking to their kids about this part of the human experience. By teaching sex ed in school, it opens up the lines of communication between parent and“Thechild.average age for accessing porn on the home computer is age 11. If parents fear schools are misinform ing kids, think again. It’s happening under a parent’s unknowing eye.”
What children learn Children in grades 3-5 will learn the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how puberty can vary; sexual development and the role of hormones; differences between cisgender, transgender, gender non binary, gender expansive and gender identity; sexual intercourse and human reproduction; STDs, including HIV; and more.
La Salle, Bureau and Putnam county public school districts are not jumping into teaching new state sex education standards.Nodistrict in the three-county radius has chosen to opt into the National Sex Education Standards signed into law last year by Gov. JB Pritzker, and taking effect for the 202223 school year. In signing the bill, Pritzker said the NSES standards would help keep chil dren safe, but the standards have become a target for some parents, con servative groups and religious leaders across the state who contend the stan dards are not appropriate, especially at the elementary school level. School districts that don’t provide comprehensive sexual health educa tion are not required to adopt the stan dards and parents may choose to opt out for their children. School districts that teach personal health and safety standards to elemen tary students, as well as comprehen sive sex education to middle and high school students, are required to follow NSES curriculum guidelines. Some school districts, such as Princ eton Elementary, are waiting for the Illinois State Board of Education to bring more clarity, something that may come as early as later this month. “It was new to a lot of people,” said Superintendent J.D. Orwig, indicating the school’s board is taking the commu nity’s values into consideration, as well as taking its time to make sound deci sions. “It was a sensitive topic to a lot of people and Putnamdistricts.”County Superintendent Clayton Theisinger said the state put forward standards in the legislation and then told local boards to make a determination on its adoption. “However, what was different was the state didn’t have to release their resources or final standards until Aug. 1, this week,” Theisinger said. “So all the boards were asked to make deci sions before they even had the resources recommended by the state. Kind of the cart before the horse men talityTheisingerhere.” said the board will per form its due diligence. “We aren’t going to make any changes to what we’ve already done or existing curriculum without a thor ough review and making sure we are communicating with parents and fami lies.”A number of school officials have said their boards plan to operate under the status quo. Hall High School Superintendent Jesse Brandt said in an email, for exam ple, “We plan to continue teaching the curriculum we have been using.”
No Bureau, La Salle, Putnam school districts have opted into National Sex Education Standards for 2022-23
3PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202210,AugWednesday,• Did youKnow? RecyclingWind TurbineBlades Attheendofitsusefullife,most ofthematerialsin awindturbinecanbe salvaged and recycled,whilethebladesrequirealternateapproaches.There aresignificantbusinesspartnershipsandresearchabouthowtorepurpose andrecyclewindturbineblades.Some examplesinclude: Research NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory:Thermoplasticresinresearchfo rpotentially recyclablewindturbineblades. Partnership GE &VeoliaNorthAmerica:Recycleand repurposewindturbine bladesintocement. Research &Partnership Universityof Tennessee &CarbonRiversLLC:Glass fiberrecoverytechnologyand converting wind turbinebladesintonew recycledcomposites. www.scoutcleanenergy.comVisit tolearnmore Source: Source: Source: SM-PR2000744
Local districts staying the course on sex ed classes
Shaw Media file photo In signing the National Sex Education Standards into law, Gov. JB Pritzker said the standards would help keep children safe, but the standards have become a target for some parents, conservative groups and religious leaders across the state who contend the standards are not appropriate, especially at the elementary school level.
4 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM GranvilleNationalBank 328 S McCoy St Granville, gnbonline.com815-339-2222IL Growing With You Local families enjoy Granville Days LEFT: The event featured multiple bounce houses for kids of all ages to enjoy. BELOW LEFT: Kids enjoyed getting their faces painted as part of the Granville Days event. BELOW: Many local families embraced the weekend heat for fun during Granville Days. ON THE COVER: The Granville Fire Department put on a series of water wars for the kids to enjoy during Granville Days. Photos by Jayce Eustice –
–ShawLocalNewsNetwork NEWS BRIEF
“High schoolers are empowered by the knowledge they gain about their own bodies and are better able to make the right choices for themselves about relationships, pregnancy and sexual health than if they had not had access to this education and instruction,” he said. “Research demonstrates that compre hensive personal health and safety instruction for students in all grades promotes self-confidence and prevents health problems, unintended pregnancy and many forms of abuse and violence.”
Under the NSES, middle schoolers will learn about human reproductive systems, including the external and internal body parts and their functions; definition of sexual orientation and ways to communicate respectfully with and about people of all sexual orienta tions; definitions of vaginal, oral and anal sex; short- and long-term contra ception options that are safe and effec tive and how to access them; STDs, including HIV, how common they are, and how they are and are not transmit ted; and the signs of pregnancy and pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion and adoption. By the end of high school, students should be able to describe the human sexual response cycle, including the role of hormones and pleasure; explain sex trafficking, including recruitment tac tics that sex traffickers use to exploit vulnerabilities and recruit youth; describe symptoms of STDs; compare and contrast contraceptive and disease prevention methods; and analyze how
peers, family, media, society and culture can influence attitudes and beliefs about interpersonal and sexual violence. Surveying districts ISBE is required to survey districts every summer about whether or not they offered programs that align with the new standards during the previous school year, as well as how many stu dents received the instruction and the number of students who opted out from receiving it.
The first sex education survey was sent out in June regarding what was taught during the 2021-22 school year. The results of that survey will be shared with the Illinois General Assem bly this month, but ISBE won’t know which districts, or how many, will elect to offer the new comprehensive sex edu cation program in the 2022-23 school year until next summer, Chan Hodges said.As of now, he said, ISBE does not know how many districts are planning to offer a comprehensive sex education program that follows the NSES guide lines for the coming school year. For districts that do teach compre hensive sex education, ISBE has pro vided free teaching resources based on the NSES guidelines that teachers can use to create lesson plans.
• SEX ED Continued from page 2
Hennepin native wins big at 2022 National Junior Heifer Show American Junior Maine-Anjou Associa tion member, McKlay Gensini of Hennepin took home the title of Grand Champion Bred and Owned Maintainer Female at the 2022 National Junior Heifer Show in Louis ville,TheKentucky.eventwas held from June 18 to 23, Judge Bob May of Mineral Point, Wiscon sin, selected RJG Nikki 22J, a May 12, 2021, daughter of TJSC End Game 61G ET for thisInhonor.addition to Gensini’s success in the showring, she was fortunate in the con test arena capturing the Grand Champion Junior Team Fitting honors in the junior division with teammates Raegan Rodgers of Missouri and Chloe Rogers of Iowa. The Maine-Anjou National Junior Heifer Show is held each summer and features youth and their families from all across theParticipantsU.S. in 2022 traveled from 26 states and hosted more than 550 exhibi tors with more than 800 head of cattle exhibited.
American Kentucky.ShowNationalFemaleandGrandtookGensinitionMaine-AnjouJuniorAssociamemberMcKlayofHennepinhomethetitleofChampionBredOwnedMaintaineratthe2022JuniorHeiferinLouisville,PhotoprovidedbyKerryGensini
The schools also must post on their websites the curriculum that will be taught so parents and the community can review the information.
5PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202210,AugWednesday,• SM-PR2004271 Downtown Just1622800-352-7018PeruFourthStreetWestofthePostOffice When You Think Computers, Think MATTERS.WHENTHESERVICINGILLINOISVALLEYFOROVER54YEARSPERFORMANCE Jeff Borelli President Tom Hancock Vice President John Riva Corporate Consultant Nathan Blauvelt Corporate Consultant IT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS • Managed IT • Managed Offsite Backup • Managed Exchange • Managed Wi-Fi • Managed Routing Did You Know Our Assisted Living Offers ... 815-224-2200 • 815-672-1900 • 815-875-6600 Peru • Streator • Princeton • Daily Social Activities • Personal Assistance with Daily Needs • Medication Assistance • Private & Companion Suites • Free membership to AJ’s Fitness Center, located on-site “We can meet your needs at Our Continuum of Care Campus” The Hawthorne Inn at Not-For-Profit-Providers
Districts will be required to publicly share the instructional materials used in the comprehensive personal health and safety education and the compre hensive sexual health education.
6 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM SM-PR1983763 Putnam CommunityCountyCenterItalianNight Friday, Sept 30, 2022 Curbside Pickup from 4-7 PM Tortellini Dinner $12: Includes beef tortellini w/ homemade meat sauce, pasta fritta, salad & dessert TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE; CALL THE PCCC AT (815) 339-2711 TO PURCHASE. ONLY 250 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD. Bald eagle nest destruction To the Editor: Are bald eagles and their nests truly protected by law? Have you seen a majestic bald eagle soaring in the sky in your county? Recently as I was driving toward Hennepin on County Road 1150N, I wit nessed a bald eagle flying off a freshly bulldozed pile of trees. I asked myself, “Was this bald eagle’s nest just destroyed?” There are at least 30 large piles of bulldozed old growth trees on the roads to Hennepin. Ask yourself how many bald eagles’ nests are in these house-sized piles of bulldozed trees? Bald eagles and their nests are protected by law. These protected birds have been nesting year-round along the Illinois River near Hennepin and throughout Putnam County for more than 10 years. Why are the bald eagles’ nesting and feeding grounds being allowed to be clear cut? Each time I ask people of authority this question, I receive the answer: “It is the company’s land. They can do what they want with it.” I do not believe destroying a pro tected species’ feeding and nesting grounds is a privilege anyone should be allowed. I want to read the report completed by the Putnam County Conservation Department, the Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District, the Audubon Society or from whatever authorized organization that per formed the search for the protected bald eagle’s nests that exist in Putnam County. I especially want to read the report stating no bald eagle’s nests exist on the 2,500-acre industrial site being clear cut. If you want to witness for yourself the deforestation quickly occurring in Putnam County, drive down Route 71, up Prairie Industrial Parkway and on ESK Street. Especially drive north of Hennepin on West Power Plant Road that runs along the Illinois River. This is where the bald eagles might have most of their nests. It is also where 1.39-acres of forested WETLANDS and 0.20-acre of emergent WETLANDS are slated to be converted for industrial use.Take photographs as you drive. Do this because once something is taken away it is rarely given back. You will be helping to document bald eagles and the deforestation of Putnam Coun ty of Illinois. A third generation Putnam County resident, Dawn Neubaum Putnam County IT’S YOUR WRITE WRITE TO US Submitted letters must include the writer’s name, city of residence and telephone number. MAIL LETTERS TO : It’s Your Write, 426 Second Street La Salle, IL 61301 EMAIL LETTERS TO: We welcome original letters on public issues. Letters must include the author’s full name, home address and day and evening telephone numbers. We limit letters to 250 words and one published letter every 15 days. All letters are subject to editing for length and clarity at the sole discretion of the editor. Please Recycle Your Newspaper
James Reno to Cristal Correa, deed, Village of Granville L:3 B:11 and L:4 B:11,Chicago$11,000.Title Land Trust Company to Theresa Jeffery, deed, Lake Thun derbird Hills L:145, $160,000.
LLC Namella Enterprises to Kevin Malone, deed, 04-00-037-160 Patterson’s Addition- Village of Magnolia, $27,000.
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June 23, 2022 Christopher and Lisa Nave to Janet Marie Piccioli Trust, deed, Timberline Acres - Granville Twp L:20, $32,000. June 24, 2022 Trey Schorn to Mckenzie Lechner and Tanner Kuhne, deed, 02-00-091-160 and 02-00-091-170 St. Paul’s Coal Com pany Second Addition, $105,000. Irene Needham to Jennifer McClel land, Barbara Friend and Scott Whit lock, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #2 L: 354, $2,500. June 27, 2022 Kelly Gates to Katherine Cieslak, Kerry Frantz and Gary Frantz 2022
June 2, 2022 Ronald and Deborah Galason to Eliz abeth Rylee, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods L: 232, 231, $180,000. Lonna Nauman (Life Estate) to Jesse and Joshua Nauman, deed, Q:SW S:25 T:31 R:1, Q:NE S:34 T:31 R:1, Q:SE S:34 T:31 R:1, Audra,$0.Jeffrey Sr. and Jeffrey Jr. Baker to Karoline and Charles Burcheri, deed, Indian Hills L:52 and Indian Hills L:51, $10,000. Cameron Family Living Trust to Martin and Janet-Morissette Swanson, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L:579,Joseph$2,400.Johns and Lisa Marie Trust to Ryan and Melissa Leyendecker, deed, Indian Hills L:200, $4,000. Raymond and Susan Moriarty to Raejean Glynn, deed, 02-29-270-000 Q:SE S:32 T:33 R:1, $250,000. Kathryn Moroney to John and Lucinda Dixon, deed, Lake Thunder bird Woods Plat #3 L: 469, $7,500. June 6, 2022 Gloria D Grivetti (Life Estate) to Debra Buffington, deed, Village of Stan dard L:60, $0 John Pritchard to Susan and Michael Pritchard, deed, Clift’s William E Addition-Senachwine TWP, $0 Miguel and Donna Zuniga to Bella Da Nonna LLC, deed, Joel W Hopkins Village of Granville 02-00-051-050, $92,500.Elizabeth Spence to Matthew Hostet ter, deed, 02-00-080-270 Lincolnshire Addition - Village of Granville, $52,500. Sebastian and Heather Brzek to Keith and Leslie Kennedy, deed, 03-00043-320 Lake Thunderbird Hills Plat #2 L:442,Karen$475,000.Koupeny and John and Patri cia Ploger to William and Susan Stof fels, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L:439, $4,000. Karen and Robert Koupeny to Wil liam and Susan Stoffels, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L:438, $4,000.Kari Brown to Thomas Brown, deed, 01-19-172-000 Q:NE S:24 T:32 R:2, $0 June 9, 2022 Keith and Denise Boggio to David and Jena Mennie, deed, 01-01-100-000 Q:SE S:18 T:32 R:1, $180,000. Gerald and Barbara Allison to Ger ald and Barbara Allison and Melissa Steward and Benjamin Allison, deed, Replat Lake Thunderbird Woods Lots 22-28,Marek$0. Jandura to Zygmunt Staszel, deed, Indian Hills L:15, $0. Leonard and Elizabeth Davis to Ray Medina, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills L:221 and 222, $9,000.
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June 10, 2022 James, Peter and Charlene Fassino to Ronald and Suzanne Bruch, deed, 02-00-070-155 Archibald Hopkins W Addition- Village of Granville, $200,000.
June 13, 2022
June 14, 2022
June 15, 2022 Christian Carboni to Joseph and Bradley Berg, deed, 02-00-098-140 Vil lage of Standard L:67, $75,000.
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June 21, 2022 Michael and Susan Pritchard to Noah March, deed, 03-00-029-220 Clift’s William E Addition - Senachwine TWP, $224,900.Roberta Messer to Francie Lesniewski to Leslie Robison, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods L:19, $0. Constance Spanos to Anthony and Michelle Parlick, deed, Lake Thunder bird Woods Plat #2 L:322, $5,000. Albert Urnikis to Maleaha and Nich olas Novak, deed, 02-27-062-000 Q:NE S:30 T:33 R:1, $0. June 22, 2022 Kathleen Hollonbeck to James and Jennifer Chase, deed, Lake Thunder bird Woods Plat #4 L:613, $3,490. Richard and Josephine Snyder to Jacob Bivins, deed, Indian Hills L: 157, $3,000.Shawn Warfield, Autumn Meier and William Warfield to Shawn Warfield, deed, 04-25-032-000 Q:NE S:34 T:31 R:2 and Q:SW S:35 T:31 R:2, $0.
Born: August 3, 1964 in Geneseo, IL Died: July 29, 2022 in Oak Lawn, IL OBITUARIES (Life Estate), deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L:460, $0. Kelly Gates to James and Kelly Gates, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L:460, $0. Katherine Cieslak, Kerry Frantz, Kelly Gates and Gary Frantz to Kath erine Cieslak, Kerry Frantz, Kelly Gates and Gary Frantz (Life Estate), deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L:459, $0. Kelly Ann Gates to Kelly Ann and James Gates, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods Plat #3 L: 459, $0 James Gates and Gary Frantz to Katherine Cieslak, Kerry Frantz and Kelly Gates, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills L:347, $0. Gary and Gerald Frantz to Gary Frantz and James Gates, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills L:347, $0. Gary Frantz (Life Estate) to Gary Frantz, Katherine Cieslak, Kerry Frantz and Kelly Gates, Lake Thun derbird Hills L:347, $0. Hopkins Farms Inc. to Joel Hop kins, deed, 02-01-163-000- Q:SW S:2 T:32 R:1,Renata$0. Babiuch to Katarzyna Dizonno, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills L:252, $0.
8 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM SM-PR1995638 Dysart-CofoidFuneralChapel 815-339-2231 R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for 100 years Specializing in Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals & Cremation Services Janice Shields 815-339-6234 Serving area families since 1913 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753 Mark and Tom Ptak 1026 4th Street, 815.223.0172Peru Affiliated with Helmer Shields Funeral Home. Offering a full line of Granite Memorial Products. SM-PR1991735 For more information check out website at: or call 815-223-0172 Ptak Monuments
have been accorded.
Bruce A. Weidner, 57, of Wyanet passed away on July 29, 2022 at Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL after 33 years of battling heart wishes, there will be no ser Cremation rites Dysart – Cofoid Funeral Chapel will be assisting the family with the arrangements. Bruce was born on August 3, 1964 in Geneseo, IL to Ronald and Bernadette (VanDeVoorde) Weidner. He married Lynette Mudge on September 16, 1989 at Immanuel Lutheran Church (County Line). He was a self-employed agronomist. Bruce graduated from Galva High School in 1982 and continued his education at Western Illinois University. He graduated in 1992 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Ag Science. Bruce proudly served in the United States Navy for fourBruceyears.was a member of the Wyanet United Methodist Church. He enjoyed reading, gardening, and playing the guitar. He also enjoyed watching dirt late model racing and going fishing. He was an avid Chicago Bears fan. Bruce read the Bible beginning to end 9 times, a true indication of how important his faith was to him. He also enjoyed spending his days with his canine companion and co-pilot,SurvivorsMigos.include his wife, Lynette Weidner of Wyanet and his two sons, Michael Weidner of Fishers, Indiana and Adam (Kaitlyn) Weidner of St. Peters, Missouri. Bruce took great pride in the family and life that he and Lynette built together. Also surviving are his mother, Bernadette Weidner of Kewanee; four siblings, Cheryl Cardenas, Linda Brier, David Weidner and Di ane Weidner; and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. He was preceded in death by his father, Ronald Weidner and his inlaws, Don and Mary Ann Mudge and one niece. Memorials may be made to Lynette Weidner at PO Box 352, Wyanet, IL 61379. She will distribute memorials to The A.R.K. Animal Shelter in Lacon and the Wounded Warrior Project.Online condolences may be made to his family at
Erica and Janelle Meyer to Kevin and Nadine McRaven, deed, 02-01-111000 Q:NE S:2 T:32 R:1, $165,000. June 28, 2022 Timothy and Jane Taylor to Jona than and Samantha Hobaugh, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills PLat #3 L;685, $1,000. June 29, 2022 Roy and Mary Fearman to Richard and McKenzie Kinczewski, deed, Hen nepin Farms Section One L: 116 and 117,Jason$0. Shofner to Robert Nimee, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills L:216, $4,500.Michael Villareal to Michael Villar real Trust, deed, Indian Hills L:144, $0. June 30, 2022 Michael and Kim Villarreal to Michael and Kim Villarreal Trust, deed, Village of Standard L:2 and L:1, $0 Mandy Thompson and Sarah Mecani Bogner and Corey Mecagni to Michael and Amber Mertens, deed, 02-00-054-145 Colby’s H Addition - Vil lage of Granville, $180,000. Eric Heagy and Steven Pytel Jr. to Jonas and Arunas Staskus, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills Plat #2 L:454, $358,000.
• PROPERTY TRANSFERS Continued from page 7
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DIRECTV SVC TERMS: Subject to Equipment Lease & Customer Agreements. Must maintain a min. base TV package of $69.99/mo. Programming, to change at any time. ©2022 DIRECTV. DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Shaw Local News Network The Illinois Valley Community Col lege board Thursday approved a tenta tive $37.5 million budget for fiscal 2023. The budget represents an 8% increase in revenue over 2022, mainly to $4.1 mil lion in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds. Expenditures are $39 mil lion, a 13% increase, again primarily to relief fund expenses.
Mary Beth Herron Fund balances being used for facility enhancements
Furniture bids for the D201 CETLA/ Performing Arts room from KI for $79,278 and Wenger for $18,921. Reimbursement of $236 in expenses for trustee Jane Goetz to attend the June 10-11 Illinois Community College Trust ees Association Convention in Chicago. Goetz was recognized for participating in 15 or more ICCTA professional devel opment seminars. She was joined at the awards banquet by IVCC Paul Simon Essay Contest winner Ty Perin, 2022 Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Holly Novak (with sister Dr. Kim Novak) and Corcoran.Annual ICCTA membership renewal forClosed$11,550.session minutes from June 9. Trustees learned: A total of 28 IVCC students will be honored next month at the NECA-IBEW graduation banquet. The electricians completed apprenticeships while also earning IVCC AAS degrees. Ten nursing graduates will be hon ored at 5 p.m. Thursday, July 21, at the annual LPN Pinning ceremony in the Dr. Mary Margaret Weeg Cultural Cen tre.Ottawa Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a Business Before Hours at IVCC’s Ottawa Center at 7:30 a.m. Tues day, Aug. 9. The first IT department newsletter, “IT Tech Tidbits,” features a thank you to former interim director Jim Carlson. “Dr. Carlson has done an incredible job addressing a number of IT objectives in a short time,” Corcoran said. IT is now led by Justin Wednesday’sDenton.“Summer Explore IVCC” was attended by about 35 pros pects and parents. IVCC will close Nov. 8 for the general election to comply with Public Act 1020015.Network administrator Terry Wallin will retire Oct. 28. “I have enjoyed work ing with and learning from my col leagues the past 24 years and I am ready to move to the next phase of my life,” WallinAssistantsaid. controller/bursar Carolyn Chapman resigned July 8. “I would like to thank IVCC for the 20-plus year career I have enjoyed here. The people I have worked with are some of the most caring and hard-working individuals I have ever met,” Chapman said. Resignations were received from part-time academic support technolo gist Zander Sampo effective June 15, administrative systems lead Diane Lane effective June 23, and course materials specialist Alyssa Boaz effective Aug. 19.
10 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM D ON ’ T J U S T K INDA T V DIRECTV • • 866-397-0263 IV Support Holdings Contact you r loc al DI RECTV de ale r! ACCESS 70,000+ SHOWS AND MOVIES ON DEMAND. Requires subscriptions to top-tier PREMIER programming. Other packages will have fewer shows and movies. THE MOST LIVE SPORTS IN 4K HDR. Limited 4K HDR programming available. CHOICE Pkg or higher required for most 4K HDR live sports. 4K HDR compatible equipment, minimum programming, 4K account authorization and professional installation required. If 4K TV does not support HDR, content will be viewable in standard 4K. Other conditions apply.
IVCC’s 71-credit AAS degree in den tal hygiene was approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
IVCC President Jerry Corcoran said the college is “controlling costs by freez ing tuition, offering students more scholarships, significant financial aid” and “using fund balances for muchneeded facility enhancements.”
The retirement request of manufac turing technology instructor Tim Bias effective Aug. 10. Student athletic insurance coverage with 1st Agency for $25,064 and student athletic catastrophic insurance cover age with Zevitz Student Accident Insur ance for $2,990. An updated risk management policy. The $1,050,000 bid of P.J. Hoerr of Peo ria and Bloomington-Normal for exte rior building work.
pricing, terms and conditions subject
Shannon SlaightBrown
“The roughly $1.5 million difference between revenue and expenses will be covered by fund balances for ongoing PHS projects,” Vice President for Busi ness Services and Finance Matt Seaton said at an audit finance committee meet ing prior to the full board meeting. The operating budget is balanced at $24 million, an 11% hike over 2022.
IVCC OKs $37.5M budget for 2023, an increase of 8%
A public hearing and final budget approval are Aug. 18. In other action, trustees approved: The appointment of Mary Beth Her ron as director of human versity.IllinoistionallegeIllinoistimeBrowntiveartBrownofmunityIllinoisPeruMargaret’sresourcestorHerroneffectiveresourcesAug.8.wasdirecofhumanatSt.Health-andtheformerValleyComHospital.TheappointmentShannonSlaight-asfull-timeinstructoreffecAug.11.Slaight-wasapart-instructoratCentralColandaninstrucassistantatStateUni
All three recipients attended Hall High School in Spring Valley. The Delyte K. and Robert I. Zearing Scholarship was established in 1991 through a trust that was to be held by Heartland Bank and Trust in Prince ton.The purpose of the trust was to maintain a perpetual education fund to be used for scholarships for selected students from Bureau County to attend the University of Illinois. The scholarships are awarded by a selection committee and administered by a trust officer at Heartland and the Regional Superintendent of Schools for Bureau, Henry and Stark Counties.
11PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202210,AugWednesday,•
Aug. 12 Shaw Local News Network
Shaw Local News Network
Recipients are Jasmine Valdez, Katelyn Pullam and Reese McDonald Shaw Local News Network
The Marshall-Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District is plan ning a celebration. The district began its journey on Dec. 6, 1941. Through the years, it has seen many producers, directors, employees, friends and neighbors walk through the doors.
Heartland Bank announces Zearing Scholarship recipients
Marshall-Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District celebrates 80 years, 50 years for director
PCHS to host freshman orientation
Heartland Bank and Trust Com pany has announced the 2022 recipi ents of the Delyte K. and Robert I. Zearing Scholarship of Jasmine Val dez, Katelyn Pullam and Reese McDon ald.Valdez plans to focus on business studies while Pullam and McDonald have not yet determined their majors.
Conservation and conservation practices have been implemented with the help of the district for more than 80 years. For 50 of those years, Terry Bogner helped to lead the district as a director. He has helped to build up the district to a business for people across two counties, and more, to get the help they need with their farm ing practices, conservation practices and educational needs. Just a few of his accomplishments include district chairman, AISWCD past-president, AISWCD Envirothon Committee chairman, LUC chairman, Mar shall-Putnam SWCD legislative con tact, among other positions. The district is not only celebrat ing its 80 years of conservation and 50 years of Bogner as a director, but also to all of the people who have been a friend and a partner to the dis trict.The district will host an open house from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17, at Bogner Farms, 898 Camp Grove Road, Sparland. A light meal of sandwiches, salad and drinks will be served. The public is welcome to celebrate the accom plishments.Anyonewho would like to write a note congratulating Bogner or the district, send them to: Marshall-Put nam SWCD, 1511 University Ct.; Henry, IL 61537. Or email them to
Shaw Local News Network
Photo provided by Marilyn Jean Smith Marshall-Putnam 4-H Ambassadors are (from left) Christina Wier, Ryan Carlson and Mikenna Boyd. new Marshall-Putnam 4-H ambassadors named
Putnam County High School will host freshman orientation from 1 to 3 p.m. Friday, Aug. 12. During the event, students will be introduced to key individuals and hear about academics and extracurricular opportunities.Theparticipating students will also have the opportunity to run through a mock class schedule. A bus will be provided for students at designated locations and times. Bus pickup times include 11:45 a.m. in Standard, 11:58 a.m. at the Magnolia Library, 12:05 p.m. at the McNabb Library, 12:25 p.m. at Put nam County Elementary School, 12:43 p.m. at Mark Park and 12:45 p.m. at the Putnam County Trailer Park. Students will arrive at 12:50 p.m.The bus for drop off will leave the high school at 3 p.m. and arrive at 3:05 p.m. at the Putnam County Trailer Park, 3:07 p.m. at Mark Park, 3:25 p.m. at Putnam County Elementary School, 3:45 p.m. at the McNabb Library, 3:52 p.m. at the Magnolia Library and Standard at 4:05 p.m.
Two new 4-H ambassadors Mikenna Boyd and Ryan Carlson were inducted at the Marshall-Putnam 4-H Show on JulyThe19. duo will join returning 4-H Ambassador Christina Wier. Wier is a member of the Steuben Rangers 4-H club. She is the daughter of Jon and Diane Wier of Washburn. Wier also is a member of 4-H Federa tion. She has enjoyed cooking and visual arts as her favorite project areas. She will be off to college to pur sue a degree in violin performance. Boyd is a member of the PC Pro gressors 4-H club. She is the daughter of Helen Lenkaitis of Hennepin and attends Putnam County High School. Boyd also is a member of 4-H Federa tion. She enjoys showing her livestock and her visual arts projects. Carlson is a member of the Henry Guys & Gals 4-H club. He is the son of Gary and Rita Carson of Henry and attends Henry-Senachwine High School. He enjoys working with his beef cattle and his family heritage projects.Theambassadors plan to work together on community service proj ects this year. If you would like one or all these ambassadors to come to your group to speak about 4-H, contact Anne Scheel at 309-364-2356. Duo joins Christina Wier, who will return as 4-H ambassador
Photo provided by Heartland Bank and Trust Heartland Bank and Trust Company has announced the 2022 recipients of the Delyte K. and Robert I. Zearing Scholarship of Jasmine Valdez, Katelyn Pullam and Reese McDonald.
Bi-County All-Stars recognized by Pistol Shrimp
What are you most looking forward to when you make it to Ohio? “I am super excited to get on cam pus and get to work. The facilities there are unbelievable and there is no excuse not to develop at a high level and continue to work to become the best version of yourself.” Do you have any advice for other current/future DACC athletes who want to be in a similar position as yourself? “My advice to DACC athletes would be to try to be the hardest worker in the room and the most competitive player on the field. Be consistent with your process and push yourself to become the player you want to be.”
Editor’s note: Putnam County High School graduate Luke Olson had two successful seasons pitching for Dan ville Area Community College, was named first team all-conference in the Midwest Athletic Conference and named to the All-Region Team. Olson, who is playing for the Normal Corn belters collegiate league team this summer, will be transferring to Divi sion I Ohio University. The following interview with Olson is courtesy of Danville College. How has DACC baseball helped you prepare for your next level of athletics? “DACC baseball gave me the plat form and the guidance to help me achieve a dream of playing Division 1 baseball. Pushing me to be the best competitor on the field at all times.”
Luke Olson talks about transition to Div. I Ohio University
12 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM
What do you think you will contribute to the Bobcats? “I think I will be able to contribute on the mound as well as being a com petitor and pushing other guys to be their best self.”
The Bi-County Major League All-Star Softball team was recognized before the Pistol Shrimp baseball game on Tuesday, July 19, at Schweickert Field in Peru.
What made you choose Ohio University? “I chose Ohio because the coaching staff gave me an opportunity to con tinue playing at a high level and I really loved my visit.”
Photo provided Luke Olson took a timeout from playing for the Normal Cornbelters this summer to greet Putnam County Athletic Director Chris Newsome and three of his children (from left) Jace, Claire and Brock. Photos provided by Shannon Jenkins
The Bi-County All-Stars went 2-2 in the Major League Softball Tournament in River Forest. They were recognized before the Pistol Shrimp baseball game Tuesday, July 19, at Schweickert Field in Peru. Team members are (front row, from left) Paige Tonioni, Hannah Heiberger, Alexis Margis, Sarah Schenum, Britney Trinidad and Sophia Borri; and (back row) Kennedy Holocker, Chloe Parcher, Myah Richardson, Finley Rue, Layton Rue, Kylee Coons and Piper Terando.
13PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202210,AugWednesday,• ––––––––––––––––––––Classifieds ––––––––––––––––––––Public Notice of Self Storage Unit’s Contents Auction Fassino ThePhoneGranville,SilverspoonStorageAvenueIllinois61326309.361.6828contentsofsevenstorage units will be auctioned off to satisfy liens for unpaid rent. You can bid on one or more units using the Self Storage Auction website where you will see information about the auction, and information about the unit’s content including Salephotographs.Begins:August 17, 2022 Sale Ends: August 31, 2022 Location: The sale will be conducted online at Mannerwww.SelfStorageAuction.comofsale:Bypublicauction, you can view information about the content of the unit by going to and searching for auctions in Granville, Illinois. There you can also see the bidding status and bid on the contents. The contents of each of the following units will be sold by auction to satisfy the lien: Name Unit David Miller 3 David Miller 29 Kristin Jagg 4 Peter Bokus 27 SM-PR2005944 Name Unit Kenny Marmy G Brett Bartlett 2 Tyler Quigley 6 AUCTION HawthorneApartmentsHeights 213 S. Hawthorne Ave. Granville, IL 61326 815-339-2140 We are currently accepting applications for 2 bedroom apartments. Rental Assistance may be available. Income limits apply. On-site laundry, off street parking, appliances furnished, water/ sewer, garbage service provided. This institution is an equal opportunity provider SM-PR2006305 STANDARD APARTMENTS 200 School Street Standard, Illinois 61363 Phone (815) 339-2140 Housing complex for persons with very low to moderate income who are 62 years of age or older; disabled regardless of age, is accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Rent may be based on income, income limits apply. On-site laundry, off-street parking, appliances furnished, water, sewer, garbage service provided. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. SM-PR2005905 BIDDINGAUCTIONRETIREMENTCLOSES:TUESDAY,AUGUST30,2022STARTINGAT10:00AMCDTTIMEDONLINE | NO-RESERVE INDIAN CREEK FARMS Equipment Questions: Elizabeth (815) 848-3410 | Martha (815) 848-2409 Auction Manager: Matt Sullivan (309) 221-7001 INSPECTION: AUGUST, 26TH & 27TH FROM 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 6792 N 2075 E RD., FAIRBURY, IL 61739 HIGHLIGHTS: ‘02 JD 8320 MFWD tractor, 5,117 hrs; ‘79 JD 4640 2wd tractor, showing 8,242. hrs; ‘79 JD 4440 2wd tractor, showing 4,600 hrs; 1976 JD 4430 2wd tractor, showing 1,231 hrs; ‘04 JD 3975 pull-type forage; H&S HD7+4 silage wagon; Badger 1200 silage wagon; Badger 1200 silage wagon; Badger BN1050 silage wagon; Gehl BU910 silage wagon; Versa Bagger ID 891 bagger; Kelly Ryan Centerline Big Bagger; ‘19 New Holland Discbine 313 center-pivot mower conditioner; Sitrex Magnum MK 12-wheel rake; New Holland 166 windrow inverter; M&W 1165 Earthmaster 5-shank disk ripper; JD F1350-F1450 5-bottom plow; JD 400 20’ rotary hoe; Woods 3180 15’ batwing mower; Flow E-Z 300 gravity wagon; Flow E-Z 220 gravity wagon; Balzer manure pump; 6” manure loading stand; Hayrack wagons; JD 740 Classic self-leveling loader; Trioliet Solomix 1-1000L mix wagon; New Holland 355 grinder mixer; Meyer Super Spreader Industrial 8720 manure spreader; Knight Pro Twin Slinger 8024 manure spreader; (14) Agri-Plastics poly calf huts; Poly Dome calf warming hut; HerdPro hoof trimming chute; 2-hole poly livestock waterer; Wooden fence posts; (2) Round bale feeders; Several bulk tanks; ‘13 New Holland L223 skid steer; New Holland L175 skid steer; ‘00 Ford F-150 4wd pickup; ‘08 Delta 26’ flatbed trailer; ‘13 Doolittle EZ Loader GT 18’ flatbed tilt deck trailer; Coose 20’ livestock trailer; The Farm Shop 24’ flatbed trailer; DeLaval Herringbone Double 6 milking parlor; 1,300 gal. S.S. milk tank; DeLaval cooler; DeLaval ERS 120; DeLaval milker pumps; Alfa Laval Agri 3000 auto washer; Nilfisk Alto Neptune 4 hot water pressure washer; Pincor 30,000 watt PTO generator; 3-pt. post hole digger; JD suitcase weights; JD wheel weights; JD Cat III quick hitch; Shop built 3-pt. trailer mover; JD bale spear; CID 48” pallet forks; Large square bale spear; Morgan van box; 300 gal. overhead fuel tank on stand; Decorative metal fence. CONSIGNED BY - PAUL (815) 848-4814: ‘95 IH day cab semi; H&S 12’ hay inverter; Gehl 1329 manure spreader. 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted ASSEMBLY, MACHINING and PACK LCN Allegion - Prince ton Full-Time and Temporary Positions Available for: 1st & 2nd Shift 121 W. Rail road Ave., Princeton, IL Phone: 815- 875 3311 Full ti me positions available See our availabl e positi ons online at: https: // us.all en/home.html , Careers, Check out Jobs as well as temporary posit ions through MS , using the link ht tp:/ /msc.j obs/indeed Email: Jamie.Smith@all m EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF PUTNAM COUNTY ACHIEVEMENT SERVICES, INC. P CAS , Inc. DBA Putnam Count y Communi ty Center (PCCC) is accepti ng resumes for a part -time (26 hours/4 day per week) Exec utive Director position The applicant should Have an Associat e's Degr ee, or equival ent experience - addi ti onal education would be favorabl e have experience in caring for and/ or working with the Seni or population have the abil it y to prepare document s, reports, and budgets, as well as the ability to adapt to changes in the standards as requir ed by various beagenciesinpossession of good interpersonal and management skills - the abil it y to work well with the public, including intergenerational groups possess marketing skills and exper ience Submit resume no later than August 12, 2022 to: Putnam County Community Center 128 First Street, Box 208 St andard IL 61363 Attn: Linda Bean or e- mail to Kenmore Heavy Duty Electr ic Dryer. Full size, works great $100 Call 815 878 4034 Hennepi n 228 • Help Wanted 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 435 • Appliances 767 • Mobile Home Sales 856 • Apartment Rentals 856 • Apartment Rentals 856 • Apartment Rentals 856 • Apartment Rentals 856 • Apartment Rentals PUBLISHE R'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subjec t to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an inte ntion, to make any such preference , limita tion or discrimination .” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call, HUD toll-free at 800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275 CD L DRIVERS Full ti me Hourly pay with benefi ts Cont ac t Schoff Farm Service, Inc., Walnut, IL 815-379-2777 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions You Wa nt It? We' ve Got It! ClassifiedhasGreatVariety! 833- 584-NEWS Need help orRebuilding,RepairingReplanting? Check out the Marketpl ac e Busi ne ss Di rect ory in today' s Cl assified To pl ace your ad, call 833- 584-NEWS HA VE SO METHING TO SELL? Items $1, 000 or less can run for $10 for 1 week. Limit of 5 lines. Up to 3 items wi th price and price totali ng under $1,000. 1 ad per household per week No commercial ads, firearms, firewood or animal sales. E-mail informat ion to: classified@ ReBuying?Selling?nting?Hiring? Call 833- 584- NEWS to pl ace your adClClPutnamCountyRecordassifiedPutnamCountyRecordassified833- 584-NEWS Submit news to the Putnam County Record Email: news@ putnamcountyrecord.comorcall815-875-4461 MaCoPutnamuntyRecordrketplaceClassified Don' t need it? Sell it ! To place a Classified ad call 833-584-N EWS
14 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903 Business Directory Marketplace SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! GLYNN’S DEMOLITION DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING Raejean Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Faxgngdemolition@yahoo.com815-925-7475 Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR1995949 SM-PR1995870 Need a new water heater installed or serviced? We’ll keep you in hot water! 815-882-2111 State ID No 58-100249 PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. SM-PR1995893 KETTMAN HEATING & PLUMBING, INC. 24 ServiceHour LIC. #058-111758 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL •THE815-339-6124LOOKFORMANINTHEORANGE&WHITEVAN 815-481-2639815-339-4108 David Passini Licensed-Bonded-Insured PASSINI PLUMBING & HEATING PASSINI PLUMBING & HEATINGPASSINI PLUMBING & HEATING 116 South 2nd St. Standard, IL 61363 SM-PR1995875 202 W Harper Ave PO Box Granville,326 IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182route71autobody@frontier.comMon-Fri8AM-5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODYOwnerTALIANI SM-PR1995878 Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards! Johnny Sieg Owner/Operator 815-878-7367 Cars, Trucks, Trailer, Motorcycles, ATVs, & Lawn Mowers also Bicycles Mounting, Balancing, Rotating, Patches, Plugs and all tire repairs plus Small Implement Farm TiresWhere We Always Keep Rollin!You Hennepin,620NEWsiegtire.comLOCATION-OldHighway26IL61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt SM-PR1995911 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 | Cell 815-481-7664 | MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. SM-PR1995645Rt.29,HenrQualityPre-OwnedMOTORSFOLEYInc.VehiclesSales&Servicey, 504 S. Granville,McCoyIL 815-339-2511 Al C Ford redHassle Free Buying Experience, Where there is Service After the Sale! Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru EMERGENCY:815-224-1506815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR1991738 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru EMERGENCY:815-224-1506815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories
PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE CERTIFICAT E NO. 2 018- 0 008 7 ROTO:DNEY HOLLOWAY VICKIE HOLLOW AY CTESPOCCUANTSOUSENANTSountyClerk of PUTNAM County: Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots A Petition for Tax Deed on premises described below has been filed in the Circuit Court of PUTNAM County, Illinois as Case # 2 02 2TX11 Property located at ROUTE 18, MAGNOLIA, IL. 61336 Legal Description or Permanent Index No 04-26-191-000Saidproperty was sold on 11-9-18 for delinquent taxes for the year 2018 The period of redemption will expire on 11-1-2 2 On 1-26-23 9:00AM the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be redeem ed Douglas J. Johnson, (PPetitionerublished in Putnam County Record August 10, 17, 24, 2022) 2006266 t Putnam County Record onli ne at : County Record Market place Cl assi fi ed Putnam County Record Market pl ace Classified Putnam County Record Putnam County's only newspaper To subscr ibe to the Putnam County Record call 815-875 4461
15PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202210,AugWednesday,• 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCU IT C OURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCU IT PUTNAM C OUNT Y, ILLI NOIS ES TATE OF KEVI N MICHAEL CAMPBEL L, DECEAS ED 202 2- PR-11 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is hereby given of the death of Kevin Michael Campbell. Letters of Office were issued on July 28, 2022, to Debra Clausen, 14742 N. 700th Ave., Granville, IL 61326, as Independent Executor, whose attorney is Jacob J. Frost , 102 East St Paul Street, Spring Valley, Illinois 61362. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court, Putnam County Court House, Hennepin, Illinois 61327, or with the Independent Executor or both, on or before February 3, 2023, which date is not less than 6 months from date of first publication, or, if mailing or delivery of a notice from the Independent Executor is required by Sec. 18-3 of the Probate Act of 1975, the date stated in that notice Any claim not filed on or before said date is barred Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the Independent Executor and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Dated this 3rd day of August, A. D. 2022. Jacob J. Frost Attorney for Estate 102 East St. Paul Street Spring Valley, IL 61362 Telephone (815) 323 4851 (Published in Putnam County Record August 3, 10, 17, 2022)2004350 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE Legal Publicat ion Official publication of real estate assessments for 2022 Putnam County The following is a final list of real estate assessment changes in said townships for the 2022 assessm ent year. These assessments have been revised or corrected by the Putnam County Board of Review This publication is made in accordance with Sections #12-60 and 12-65 of the Property Tax Code Public notice is also hereby given that according to Section #16- 60 of the Illinois Revised Statutes, factors have been applied to the following townships. No factors have been applied The assessed values shown may be subject to the State equalization to bring locally assessed values to 33 1/3 percent of market value. This equalized value is subject to your local tax rate as determined by levies submitted by local units of government in which your property is located County Board of Review Putnam Parcel Number Owner Name Board Total 01 00-049 010 TURNER DUANE 26,379 01 10-002 000 BIAGI JOHN 155,165 02 00-040 320 RUCH ROXANNE & JOHN 19,208 02 00-051 050 BELLA DA NONNA 34,579 02 00-080 270 HOSTETTER MATTHEW 20,961 02 27-062 000 NOVAK MALEAHA ELIZABETH 3,207 02 27-131 000 PEGGY J. LAMI TRUST & LAM 856 03 00-045 320 LOFTUS JOHN & LOFTUS KELLY 51,166 03 00-056 110 KAPRAUM HENRY 847 03 00-057 130 PLUSKOTA RAFAL 43,333 03 00-060 030 DAPPEN ROBERT 64,399 03 00-069 310 DiCARLO, CHERYL HANSEN, JO 59,038 03 00-070 030 BUTLER FAMILY TRUST BUTLER 10,000 03 00-073 030 GUTTILLO JAMES 35,682 03 01-144 000 PROST PAUL 60,127 03 13-160 000 QUINN, ET AL TRUST 27,618 04 00-035 320 UTRECHT HOLDINGS LLC 10,627 04 00-038 040 HOLM STROM PATRICK 10,542 04 00-044 010 WILLIAMSON JAMES 32,221 04 16-102 010 BILLUPS, NATHAN AND JESSIC 4,423 04 18-170 000 0B & J FARM S INC 10,162 (Published in Putnam County Record August 10, 2022) 2005782 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Tentative Budget & Appropriation Ordinance for the taketiBu&HiFi20227:00na&thPufuStStatfoco30,1,fotricFiGranville-HennepinreProtectionDis-t,PutnamCo.,IL,rthefiscalyearJuly2022throughJune2023isonfile&nvenientlyavailablerpublicinspectiontheHennepinFireation,201E.High.,Hennepin,ILNoticeisherebyrthergiventhatablicHearingoneTentativeBudgetAppropriationOrdincewillbeheldatpmonSept15,attheHennepinreStation,201E.ghSt.,Hennepin,IL,finalactiononthedget&Appropria-onOrdinancewillbenbytheDistrictTrusteesatameetingtobeheldatthattime&placeJohnHolmbeck,Dist.Secretary(PublishedinPutnamCountyRecordAugust10,2022)2003698 PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE CERTIFICAT E NO. 2 018- 0 006 7 TO: JD'S BAR & GRILL 1 INC. KBONNIENOBLAUCH / CTESPOAGENTCCUANTSOUSENANTSountyClerk of PUTNAM County: Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots A Petition for Tax Deed on premises described below has been filed in the Circuit Court of PUTNAM County, Illinois as Case # 2 02 2TX10 Property located at 100 N. CHICAGO ST MAGNOLIA, IL. 61336 Legal Description or Permanent Index No 04-00-035-180Saidproperty was sold on 11-9-18 for delinquent taxes for the year 2018 The period of redemption will expire on 11-1-2 2 On 1-26-23 AT 9:00AM the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be redeem ed Douglas J. Johnson, Petitioner(Published in Putnam County Record August 10, 17, 24, 2022) 2006260
102 S. FRONT ST. HENNEPIN, IL • 815-925-7308 • HENNEPINFOODMART.COM HENNEPIN FOOD MART $ 3.39 lb. BONELESSPORKCHOPSBUTTERFLY $ 4.99 lb. CHOICE BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OOCUPN MAYONNAISEHELLMAN'S 30OZ 2 $11 OUR FAMILY MAC AND CHEESE DINNERS 7.25OZ 3/$2 ASSORTED GATORADE 8 PACK $ 5.99 RAGU PASTA SAUCE 24OZ 2/$ 5 A&H LAUNDRY DETERGENT 118OZ $7.99 OUR ASSORTEDFAMILYCEREALS 12-15OZ 2/$ 5 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 6 ROLLS $ 5.99 GROCERY SPECIALS Post Raisin Bran Cereal 16.6oz .................... $2.99 OF Apple Juice or Blends 64oz ...................... 3/$5 Our Family Olive Oil 18oz ................................ 2/$7 Our Family Pancake Mix 2# $2.39 Our Family Pancake Syrup 24oz 2/$5 Kleenex Facial Tissue 120ct 2/$5 Our Family Oatmeal Packs 10ct $2.99 Kellogg's Pop Tarts 8ct 2/$5 Doritos Chips 9.25oz 2/$6 Our Family Bonus Pack Purified Water 32 Pack .............................. $3.99 Our Family Microwave Popcorn 3 Pack ........ 4/$5 Jet Puff Marshmallows 10oz ......................... $1.59 Heinz Mustard or Ketchup 20oz ..................... 2/$5 DELI Imported Kraukas Ham lb ............................. $5.99 Walnut American Cheese lb......................... $4.59 Kretschmar Deli Bologna lb $4.59 Fresh Seafood Salad lb $5.99 PUB SHOPPE Bud or Bud Light Beer 24pk Cans $16.99 UV Flavored Vodka 750ml $9.99 MEAT SPECIALS Farmland Sliced Bacon lb $5.99 Choice T-Bone Steaks lb $10.99 Bar-S Jumbo Hot Dogs lb 2/$3 Our Homemade Garlic Rope Sausage lb $3.59 Netted Boneless Pork Loin Roast lb $2.89 Choice Whole Filet Mignon lb $16.99 Open Acres Pollack Fillets lb ........................ $4.99 DAIRY Our Family American Cheese Singles 12oz 2/$6 Coffeemate Creamers 32oz $3.99 Our Family Chilled Orange Juice 52oz 2/$7 Country Crock Tub Margarine 45oz $5.99 FROZEN FOODS Our Family Ice Cream Rounds 48oz 2/$7 Our Family Dream Bars or Fudge Bars 12 pack 2/$6 Our Family Frozen or Steam Fresh Vegetables 10-12oz 5/$5 Totino's Pizzas Each 2/$3 PRODUCE Fresh Blueberries Pint $2.99 Open Acres Navel Oranges 3lb Bag $4.99 Snow White Cauliflower Each $2.99 Whole White Mushrooms 8oz $1.99Limit Two With Coupon and $20 Order WINMIDSUMMERSAVINGS!!BIGATHFMGAMING!!! Yepsen Chiropractic 339-2444 • 108 S. McCoy Street, Granville Dr. Alan Yepsen • Palmer Graduate • Gonstead Technique • Most Insurance accepted • Medicare assignment accepted SM-PR1995640 MARK WEIR-OWNER B & M Concrete, Inc. “WE DO ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE CONSTUCTION” Magnolia, IL 815-257-7212815-488-721061336cellofficeFully Insured Free Estimates • Driveways • Patios • Curbs • Steps • Garage Floors • Sidewalks • Pole Barns • Retaining Walls • Parking Lots SM-PR1959382 16 202210,AugWednesday,• RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM