Putnam County Record_082422

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SM-PR1983809 Alan Brizgis McNabb, firststatebank.biz815.882.2146IL SM-PR2000717 SELLING & REPAIRING SEMI TIRESALL MAKES & MODELS! CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE! HARVEST IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNERGET YOUR TRACTOR IN WORKING ORDER! FIELD SERVICE AVAILABLE! 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt siegtire.com Although officer retention isn’t a problem in Ottawa, recruitment is a concern shared by veterans and graduates alike / Page 2 EXODUSEXPERTSOF “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. CARRIERBOXHOLDERROUTEPRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • ShawLocal.com Wednesday, August 24, 2022 • 50 CENTS Vol. 150 No. 34 One section 16 Pages © The CountyPutnamRecord INSIDE Sen. Duckworth says Inflation Reduction Act will kickstart efforts at Marquis Energy in Hennepin / 7

2 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM ShawLocal.comOFFICE 426 Second Street La Salle, IL 833-584-NEWS61301 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tues & Thurs or by appointment ABOUT US The Putnam County Record publishes on Wednesdays at Granville, Illinois SUBSCRIPTIONS $20 per year in advance in Putnam County $40 a year in advance outside of Putnam County To subscribe, go online willchangeSubscribernews@putnamcountyrecord.com.putnamcountyrecord.com,atcall815-875-4461orsendanemailtoTermsandConditionsmayatanytime.Thecurrentversionsupersedeallpreviousversions.ThemostcurrentversionofsubscriptiontermsarepostedonthewebsiteunderTermsandConditions.ServingPutnamCountysince1868 •••••••••••••••••••••• CLASSIFIED SALES classified@shawlocal.com Deadline: 9 a.m. Friday HELP WANTED employment@shawlocal.com LEGAL NOTICES putnamlegals@shawlocal.com OBITUARIES Deadlineputnamobits@shawlocal.comforobituariesis5p.m.FridayforWednesday’sedition SUBMIT NEWS The Putnam County Record encourages readers to submit news for publication in our paper. Special events, weddings, births, awards and honors, anniversaries, promotions, etc., are welcome items for the paper. Some fees may apply. Schools, businesses, organizations and groups are encouraged to send information on activities and Photosnews@putnamcountyrecord.com815-875-4461events.shouldbesentasanattachment. PUBLISHER Dan Goetz dgoetz@shawmedia.com815-431-4014 EDITOR Jayce Eustice jeustice@shawmedia.com815-875-4461

Regional police trainees are rare – one La Salle hopeful tells his story

Bray is fully aware of the hostility towards police officers and while it has in no way deterred him – “It’s what I’ve wanted to do” – he knows of would-be cops who’ve settled on other career paths. Police depart ments are scraping for cadets.

“All the departments I am aware of are struggling to find recruits to fill vacancies,” La Salle County Sher iff Adam Diss said. “We used to com plete testing once every two years for applicants we are now testing every few months.”

By TOM COLLINS tcollins@shawmedia.com


It is notable Bray is committed to the La Salle Police Department because that’s the one agency that reported a mid-career resignation –an officer who tendered his badge and bolted for the private sector – on the heels of the unpopular law.

A year ago, Springfield enacted police legislation that police warned would drive off sworn cops and scare off recruits. They were wrong about the first part – there haven’t been many departures – but not about the second. Austin Bray, soon to join the La Salle Police Depart ment, leads a scant crop of local recruits. Bray acknowledged a hostile public has scared off peers who’ve opted for other lines of work.

See POLICE, page 3


“Everybody is really disgusted with this bill for the most part,” La Salle Police Chief Mike Smudzinski said. “Years ago, a department like La Salle would have 30 to 50 applica tions taken out where now you’re lucky to have eight. Finding good, qualified, dedicated candidates is a struggle.“TheIllinois Legislature created this problem so they can hopefully Scott Anderson – sanderson@shawmedia.com

Austin Bray has wanted to be a cop since boyhood, when family friend and Sheriff’s Deputy Bob Scutt gave him a sheriff’s ball cap. He wore it constantly.“Ihavewanted to be a police offi cer my whole life,” said Bray, a 25-year-old Ottawa native who’s headed to the police academy and then the La Salle Police Department. “I have always viewed police officers as Localheroes.”police chiefs wish there were more young people like Bray who hold police in such esteem – a lot more – because recruits are getting harder to find. After the Illinois General Assem bly passed sprawling crime legisla tion the chiefs warned of an exodus of sworn officers and of difficulty recruiting future officers. The new law abolishes cash bail (in instances), overhauls police certi fication and reforms use-of-force standards, among numerous other provisions. Opponents criticized the lack of transparency in passing the bill and the lack of input from law enforcement officials.

A year after enactment, there has been no mass exodus, save for one resignation and a few early retire ments. Recruiting, however, has become as challenging as they feared.


When they can test, that is. Men dota Police Chief Greg Kellen said his department was scheduled to test recruits July 17 but had to cancel because of “low applicant interest.” He’s aiming for an October rain date.

“Thisradar.hasbeen and will be an issue for smaller departments,” Hayse said.

solve it as they seem to have all the answers.”PeruPolice Chief Bob Pyszka blames the new law for a recent spate of retirements. Three veteran offi cers decided to call it a career. “All [three] have stated that with the way things are right now for law enforcement community, and since they are old enough to collect their pensions, they would rather retire even though their perspective pen sions are not maxed out,” Pyszka said. “So, yes, I believe it has been accelerated because of the new act.”

Spring Valley Police Chief Adam Curran said the challenges still are playing out, as many provisions have not yet taken effect. Senior officers might still hang it up early, but Cur ran thinks recruits will adapt to the new demands of police life.

“The recruits coming into law enforcement now will not realize the impact of the legislation as much as the veterans in the profession,” Curran said. “The new reforms are what recruits will be taught in their police training, and that training is what they will put into practice on the street.

• POLICE Continued from page 2 3PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam

Other chiefs reported no turnover resulting directly from the act. Ottawa Police Brent Roalson said recent retirees already were eligible while younger officers have refrained from jumping ship despite their mounting frustration. “Most officers have a wait-and-see approach in hopes that some of the reform language is reevaluated and replaced with better legislation,” RoalsonRetentionsaid. isn’t a problem in Ottawa, but recruitment is. Roalson needs five officers from a shallow pool. Of 18 applicants, eight showed for the test and four passed. Ottawa is offering a starting salary of $61,472, promoting it’s taking applicants until Sept. 16. Oglesby Police Chief Doug Hayse hasn’t had any recent retirements or departures, either, but he foresees trouble filling his next vacancy. Hayse recalled when a job opening drew 100 applicants and the last opening drew four. Just as worrisome for Hayse is the growing demand for “lateral hires.” Larger cities lure away small-town cops with the promise of higher pay and better benefits. La Salle and Mendota have lost officers this way and Hayse frets Oglesby is on the big cities’

“Eventually, this will be the new norm in law enforcement, and that is when we will see an increase in the amount of recruits again.”

SM-PR1983768 Putnam CurbsideCommunityCountyCenterItalianNightFriday,Sept30,2022Pickupfrom4-7PM Tortellini Dinner $12: Includes beef tortellini w/homemade meat sauce, pasta furitta, salad & dessert TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE; CALL THE PCCC AT 815-339-2711 TO PURCHASE, ONLY 250 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD.

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costs has

• Microsoft maintenance and support from CDW for $37,000.

IVCC, page

Assistant controller/bursar Carolyn Chapman resigned July 8.

• Purchase of $50,000 in WEX fuel cards for the Truck Driver Training pro gram.Janitorial supplies from Home Depot Pro of Peoria for $35,000 through the Illi nois Public Higher Education Coopera tive.•Elevator maintenance from Thys senKrupp Elevator of Peoria for $31,531.

LegrenziScott Anderson - sanderson@shawmedia.com Students attend the first day of class at Illinois Valley Community College on Monday in Oglesby.

See 6

IVCC has been able to freeze tuition for past 5 years

keep strong financial position Shaw Local News Network

Controlling helped college

• Seeking bids for ag equipment total ing nearly $95,000. Ag will upgrade its soil nutrient testing with an “Inductive ly-coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer” for $64,000 and its in-field, real-time soil analysis with a “Hand held/Portable X-ray Fluorescence Ana lyzer” for $30,000.

Illinois Valley Community College President Jerry Corcoran said Thurs day with the community college con trolling its costs, it has been able to freeze tuition for the past five years. Following a public hearing, the IVCC board gave final approval to a $37.5 mil lion budget for fiscal 2023. The budget represents an 8% increase in revenue over 2022, because of $4.1 mil lion in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds. Expenditures are $39 mil lion, a 13% increase, because of HEERF expenses.IVCCcan point to a number of posi tive fiscal signs going into the academic year, Corcoran said.


• The appoint ment of financial aid specialist interimHermosilloMiguelasbursar.

5PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam Did youKnow? RecyclingWind TurbineBlades Attheendofitsusefullife,most ofthematerialsin awindturbinecanbe salvaged and recycled,whilethebladesrequirealternateapproaches.There aresignificantbusinesspartnershipsandresearchabouthowtorepurpose andrecyclewindturbineblades.Some examplesinclude: Research NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory:Thermoplasticresinresearchfo rpotentially recyclablewindturbineblades. Partnership GE &VeoliaNorthAmerica:Recycleand repurposewindturbine bladesintocement. Research &Partnership Universityof Tennessee &CarbonRiversLLC:Glass fiberrecoverytechnologyand converting wind turbinebladesintonew recycledcomposites. www.scoutcleanenergy.comVisit tolearnmore Source:https://www.nrel.gov/manufacturing/comet-wind-blade-resin.html Source:https://www.ge.com/news/reports/concrete-benefits-recycling-old-wind-turbine-blades-could-help-cement-industry-cut-co2 Source:https://news.utk.edu/2020/09/07/funding-recycle-wind-turbine-blades/ SM-PR2000744

“We’ve provided students with mil lions of dollars in assistance through financial aid, HEERF and scholarships,” the president said. “Much-needed facil ity enhancements have been completed and on top of everything – we have zero debt.”In other business, the board approved:•Thehiring of Camden Parks as chemistry instructor to replace Promise K. Yong. Parks taught previously in Michigan at Grand Rapids Saranursingsity.ValleyCollegeCommunityandGrandStateUniver•AppointmentofinstructorLegrenzieffec tive Aug. 29. Legrenzi earned her RN at IVCC and her bachelor’s in nursing from Western Governor’s. She has worked in a variety of health care set tings including more than 10 years in social work.

Camden Parks Sara

• Purchase of Coursedog for master scheduling and room bookings for $110,550 (paid for through HEERF).

• An 18-month marketing campaign with Interact Communications. Interact has worked with more than 700 commu nity colleges – including IVCC – and serves two-year colleges exclusively. Interact’s $42,000 fee will be covered by a $220,000 ICCB Bridge grant.

• Campus maps will be upgraded by Modern Campus.

ALS strikes people down in the prime of life.Lou Gehrig was 38.MDA provides help and hope through services and research.

Closed session minutes from July 14. Trustees learned:

• There were 140 summer graduates earning 167 degrees and certificates com pared to 167 graduates earning 187 degrees and certificates in summer 2021.

ALS strikes people down in the prime of life.Lou Gehrig was 38.MDA provides help and hope through services and research.

Putnam County issued final property assessment for 2022 Shaw Local News Network


• IVCC is partnering with Voltus Energy to curb electricity at peak demand times. The college will receive $22,000 annually to participate and $16,000 per reduction event.

• Corcoran praised Vice President for Business Services and Finance Matt Sea ton and others for completing facility enhancements in time for this week’s start of classes including: reopening the fitness center and providing childcare, food service, classroom furniture, way finding signage and laptops for faculty.

• Board policies regarding “refund of tuition and fees” and “withdrawal from class” were revised.

• Compensation enhancements for administrators and support staff includ ing retirement incentives, four remote work days a year and paid leave incre ments as short as two hours (down from the previous minimum of four). Retire ment options mirror those in the con tract signed this summer with faculty represented by AFT Local 1810. Qualify ing employees can choose one-, two- or three-year packages.

• Part-time dental assisting instruc tor Katie Henkel resigned this summer and writing tutor Ethan Frobish resigned July 26.

6 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam

328 S McCoy St Granville,

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• IVCC extended its $1 million cyber liability coverage with CFC for $9,850.

• IVCC Continued from page 5

• Corcoran credited Director of Learn ing Resources Patrice Hess and others for organizing fall all-staff activities Aug. 11. The president also lauded Vice President for Students Services Mark Grzybowski and his team for coordinat ing Welcome Week activities.

Seeking proposals for a bookstore textbook and online course management vendor. The bookstore will retain man agement of non-textbook products.

Putnam County recently has been issued a final property assessment equalization factor of 1.0000.The property assessment equalization factor is used to achieve uniform property assess ments among counties as required by law. The equaliza tion factor currently being assigned is for 2022 taxes and is payable in 2023. The equalization is important because some of the state’s 6,600 local taxing districts overlap into two or more counties, which include school districts, junior college districts, fire protection districts and Assessmentsmore. in Putnam County are currently at 32.88% of market value, based on sales of properties in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

• IVCC ag is now licensed to operate under the Community College Cannabis Vocational Pilot Program.

Last year’s equalization factor for Putnam County was 1.0000. The final assessment equaliza tion factor was issued after a public hearing on the tentative factor. The tentative factor that was issued in June of 2022 was 1.0000.The equalization factor is determined annually for each county by comparing the price of individual properties sold over the past three years to the assessed value placed on those properties by the county supervi sor of assessments or a county assessor.Under a law passed in 1975, property in Illinois should be assessed at one-third of its mar ketFarmvalue.property is assessed dif ferently, with farm homesites and dwellings subject to regular assessing and equalization pro cedures, but with farmland assessed at one-third of its agri culture economic value. Farm land is not subjected to the state equalization factor. The assessed value of an indi vidual property determines what portion of the tax burden a spe cific taxpayer will assume. That individual’s portion of tax responsibility is not changed by the multiplier.

• In fiscal 2022, Continuing Education and Business Services served 2,268 stu dents through 372 courses. “We are meet ing IVCC’s mission by offering commu nity enrichment, continuing education and professional development to district residents and our business and industry partners,” said Director Jennifer Scheri.



• Corcoran, who announced Tuesday he will retire July 1, said to trustees, “I will do everything I can to work closely with (presidential search consultant) James Carlson and the board to make sure the transition to a new president will be smooth and seamless. When for mer Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced he would not run for a third term, he said, ‘Being the mayor of Chi cago is the job of a lifetime, not a job for a lifetime.’”

• Kira Pfeffinger was hired as Early Childhood Education support coordina tor. Pfeffinger was Tri-County Opportu nities Council Center Director in Stre ator.•Hunter Elias has been hired as accounting clerk-payables/cashier. Elias attended IVCC before earning his bachelor’s in accountancy at NIU.

• 73 IVCC graduates were honored Aug. 12 at the NECA-IBEW Joint Appren ticeship graduation ceremony in Joliet. Each of the students finished their apprenticeship and earned an AAS degree.•Ten nursing graduates were honored July 21 at the LPN Pinning ceremony.

7PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam SM-PR1995638 Dysart-CofoidFuneralChapel 815-339-2231 www.dcfunerals.com R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for 100 years 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753 Specializing in Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals & Cremation Services Janice Shields 815-339-6234 Serving area families since 1913 Mark and Tom Ptak 1026 4th Street, 815.223.0172Peru Affiliated with Helmer Shields Funeral Home. Offering a full line of Granite Memorial Products. SM-PR1991735 For more information check out website at: PtakFh.com or call 815-223-0172 Ptak Monuments

Sen. Duckworth:

Shaw Local News Network U.S.

The bill also includes biofuels tax cred its and the new SAF tax credits provi sions, which are a result of Duckworth’s

leadership. In June, Duckworth applauded the Biden Administration’s announcement it will publish the etha nol blending mandates for 2020, 2021 and 2022 at levels that more closely resemble American consumption levels and help farmers and biofuel producers prepare for the Duckworthfuture. said she helped introduce the Next Generation Fuels Act to lever age higher-octane fuels to help improve engine efficiency and performance. Allowing the sale of fuels with greater octane levels would increase the amount of ethanol that can be utilized in the fuel supply, in turn lowering prices at the pump for consumers. In March, Duck worth also helped introduce the Home Front Energy Independence Act, which would make E15 available year-round, establish an E15 and Biodiesel Tax Credit, direct EPA to finalize their E15 labeling rule and provide for biofuel infrastructure and compatibility with retailers.Inarecent Senate hearing, EPA Administrator Michael Regan said this legislation would help bring down gas prices. Additionally in March, Duck worth said she introduced the Gas Price Gouging Prevention Act to help prevent the oil industry from engaging in gasoline price gouging during peri ods of crisis.

Photo provided by Gwen Pepin U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Chicago, and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk visited Marquis Energy in Hennepin Thursday emphasizing how U.S. biofuels can save consumers at the pump.

Inflation Reduction Act will kickstart efforts at Marquis Energy Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Chi Marquis Energy’s sustainable aviation fuel production goal is the kind project the Democratic-led Inflation Reduction who visited the Henne pin ethanol plant, along with U.S. Dep uty Secretary of Energy David Turk, highlighted ethanol production and the federal government’s support of home grown biofuels, including Democrats’ efforts to make the Inflation Reduction Act“Atlaw.a time when big oil has been prof iting off the backs of hardworking Americans and our nation is facing a climate crisis, the Renewable Fuels Standard and the U.S. biofuel sector are as vital as they’ve ever been,” Duck worth said. “From working on the Infla tion Reduction Act, which includes his toric support for renewable energy and will help bring down costs for working families, to reminding folks that sup porting biofuels means supporting our farmers, I’ll keep working to make sure this sector gets the necessary support fromDuckworthWashington.”said she is committed to drive down gas prices, support farmers, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen energy security and drive rural economic opportunity in Illinois. Signed into law Tuesday by Presi dent Joe Biden, the Inflation Reduction Act will provide $500 million to expand the number of service stations that offer low-carbon ethanol and biodiesel, made from Illinois corn and soybeans and also has incentives to make these low-car bon biofuels even lower-carbon than today.Marquis Energy is developing a 120 million gallon a year sustainable aviation fuel facility in partnership with another Illinois-based company, Lanza Jet. This facility is expected to account for 5% of the Biden Administration’s SAF Grand Challenge 2030 goal and will be produced in Illinois. Marquis also is developing a large-scale carbon capture and storage facility that will lower the carbon intensity of the SAF produced at its Thesefacility.climate-conscious investments in Midwestern-grown fuels also will reduce reliance on Middle Eastern oil, according to the proponents of the bill.

cago, said


Act will help kickstart. Duckworth,

Lake Wildwood

5-pound smallmouth

8 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM SM-PR2004271 Downtown Just1622800-352-7018PeruFourthStreetWestofthePostOffice When You Think Computers, Think MATTERS.WHENTHESERVICINGILLINOISVALLEYFOROVER54YEARSPERFORMANCE Jeff Borelli President Tom Hancock Vice President John Riva Corporate Consultant Nathan Blauvelt Corporate Consultant IT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS • Managed IT • Managed Offsite Backup • Managed Exchange • Managed Wi-Fi • Managed Routing TakeTimeToEnjoyLife ForMoreInformationCall815-224-2200or815-672-1900 LibertyEstates ElegantRetirementApartments 319853 SimplyTheFinestInRetirementLifestyles LibertyEstates www.simplythefinest.net Peru •Streator Not-For-ProfitProvider •DeliciousBuffetStyleLunchandDinner •UtilitiesandWeeklyHousekeeping •SocialOutingsandEvents •FreeMembershiptoAJ’sOnSiteFitnessCenter •“VillageBlend”CoffeeShop •ComplimentaryWirelessInternet Auditions open Aug. 28-29 for IVCC fall theater production ‘Mame!’ Shaw Local News Network Auditions for “Mame!,” Illi nois Valley Community Col lege’s fall theater production are at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28, and Monday, Aug. 29. The theater department’s first major musical since 2019’s record-breaking season of “Mamma Mia!” and “Elf–The Musical,” “Mame!” will be staged Nov. 10-20. Those auditioning should prepare a song (up-tempo pre ferred), as well as a short cut ting of a ballad, director and choreographer Don Grant Zell mer said. Choreography will be taught, and actors will read selected scenes from the script to audition.Resumes of performing expe rience are appreciated but not expected.

For questions, email Zellmer at amongFolles,”“Hello,Jerryyahoo.com.dongrantzellmer1@WithmusicandlyricsbyHerman(creatorofDolly,”“LaCageAux“TheGrandTour,”manyothers),“Mame!”

is one of Herman’s biggest hits, and starred Angela Lansbury when it opened on Broadway. “We’re looking for a large cast of all ages,” Zellmer said. “Mame is a colorful character who is friends with an eclectic mix of all walks of life and lives her best life every single day.”

Photo provided by Les Davenport Ryder Twardowski of Tonica caught and released a five-pound smallmouth bass at Lake Wildwood near Magnolia last week.

Community members, stu dents, faculty and area per formers are encouraged to audition as the musical features many mature performers in addition to younger actors and a large singing and dancing ensemble.Zellmer is also searching for “Young Patrick,” a 10-year-old boy who sings and has many scenes.The three principal women are Mame, her aging Broadway star best friend Vera Charles, and the mousy Agnes Gooch, who Mame and Vera transform. Men include Mame’s love inter est, Beauregard, her college age nephew, Patrick, her banker, butler, all of which are singing parts. A handful of non-singing roles are also available.

Tonica native nabs in

SM-PR1997046 218815-339-6010S.McCoySt.Granville,IL Come for dinner, stay for the party!FULL BAR & FOOD SERVICE AnniversaryJamSession12th SUNDAY, SEPT. 4TH 3pm to 6pm ImAGination Acres a big hit at Marshall-Putnam Fair

During the Marshall-Putnam Fair, ImAGination Acres stayed busy with children finding plenty of activities to participate in through out the Duringfair.the day, children met new friends at the fair. In the afternoons of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Ag in the Classroom and Marshall-Putnam Farm Bureau orchestrated different activities.OnThursday afternoon, there was pillow making, seed bombs filled with wildflowers and silly sand to make.On Friday afternoon, children made tic-tac-toe boards with golf tees made of corn provided by Illinois Corn Growers. Saturday included wind chime making, building bird houses and intergalactic play dough. A scavenger hunt was offered throughout the fairgrounds. All these activities allowed chil dren to be creative and have fun while at the fair.

Shaw Local News Network

LIHEAP available for all income-qualified homes

AmeriGas employee Jay Carlson prepares to remove a hose after filling a tank with propane January 2014 near Galesburg. At that time, then-Gov. Pat Quinn had declared a propane supply emergency in Illinois. What had been wet autumn weather and unusually strong cold spells combined to put a pinch on Illinois’ propane supplies, causing distribution problems across the state for much of the 2013-14 winter season.

9PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam

Photo provided by Marshall Putnam Farm Bureau Levi, son of Barry and Barby Stutzman of Minonk, rides the crop duster.

Shaw Local News Network Funds are available to assist income-eligible households with natural gas, propane and electric bills and fur nace assistance, said the Tri-County Opportunities Council, which services Bureau, La Salle, Lee, Marshall, Putnam, Carroll, Ogle, Stark and Whiteside coun ties.The program will being Sept. 1 for all income-eligible households. Applica tions will be taken on a first-come, firstserve basis through May 31. There will be no priority groups this program year. Households in need are encouraged to apply.Households must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level to receive a benefit from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Beginning Sept. 1, there will be an option to accept a one-time payment to a utility provider. For median income and the number of people living in the household: the income guidelines are one-$2,265; two$3,052; three-$3,838; four-$4,625. Go to tcochelps.org to know income limits for households with five members or more.TheLIHEAP provides one-time bene fits to income eligible homeowners and renters to help with energy bills and for reconnection of energy service. Propane customers are encouraged to apply when the program opens in September to take advantage of lower propane prices. Pro pane prices typically increase during the winter months, so by applying early, pro pane customers will their LIHEAP bene fit goApplicationsfurther. will be taken at Prince ton, Savanna, Streator, Ottawa, La Salle, Dixon, Lacon, Oregon, Rochelle, Wyo ming and Rock Falls offices and applica tions can be taken by appointment, fax, email and mail. To submit an application, submit all documentation required: proof of gross income from all household members for the prior 30-day period beginning with the date of application; proof of Social Security numbers or individual taxpayer identification number for all household members, individuals without them can still apply; a copy of current heat and electric bills issued within the last 30 days; a copy of rental agreement (if rent ing) showing utilities are included, the monthly rental amount and landlord contact; other documents may be needed based on household situations. Water and sewer assistance is avail able this year in the Low Income House hold Water Assistance Program. Apply for water and sewer assistance on the same application. Bring water bills to the LIHEAP appointment. Call the Tri-County Opportunities Council at 1-800-323-5434 for outreach locations and schedules and for informa tion on what documents are needed to apply and different ways to submit an application.

People who made ImAGination Acres possible are Julie Read, Chuck Holz, Sarah Knapp, Kyle Hanks, Chris Brown, Denny Dahlbach, Gene Nenne, Janet Long, Harvey Holocker, Denise Salisbury, Kris Durst, Jake Durst, Chad Hartwig and crew and the Marshall-Putnam Farm Bureau Board, including a spe cial thanks to Randy Salisbury, Bob Read and Stu Marshall-PutnamDurst. Farm Bureau Foundation, Marshall-Putnam Ag in the Classroom, First State Bank in McNabb, Walmart Community Foundation and J&S Durst Trucking of Lacon sponsored the event.

Bureau County energy assistance program scheduled to begin Sept. 1

AP file photo


On July 28, the 4-H and mas ter gardener/master naturalist staff hosted a pollinator experi ence called “Pollinator Celebra tion” at Hall High School in Spring Valley. The goal for this program was to teach youth the importance of pollinators in the environment and the pollina tors’ importance in the world.

With the monarch butterfly recently being added to the endangered species list, and the importance of pollinators to food access, University of Illi nois 4-H and master gardener/ master naturalist programs are dedicated to providing youth and adults with more opportu nities to learn about pollinators and native plants.

Lilly Lindstrom observes native plants in the garden at Spring Valley Hall High School. Mary Chambers of Edward Jones receives professional designation Financial Adviser Mary Chambers of the financial services firm Edward Jones in Lacon has earned the Accredited Asset Management Specialist profes sional designation. To earn this designation, Chambers successfully completed the Accredited Asset Management Specialist, or AAMS, Professional Education Program from the Denver-based College for Financial Plan ning, passed a comprehensive final exam and agreed to abide by the college’s code of AAMSconduct.training examines various investment strategies that are crucial for making decisions in the asset manage ment process. Study topics include investments and insurance, as well as tax, retirement and estate considerations. Chambers and branch office adminis trator Corie Renz can be reached at 309246-2008. Visit Chambers’ website at edwardjones.com/mary-chambers.–ShawLocalNewsNetwork

NEWS BRIEF 10 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM

Photo provided by Bonnie Burkman

Did know that one of every three bites of food we eat exists because of pollinators such as bees, butterflies, birds andStaffbats?at University of Illinois Extension is aware of this fact and wanted to share this, and other facts, with local youth.

The program began by exploring the pollinator gar dens at Hall High School and observing native flowers through identification markers, observation forms and sketches. The garden was in bloom with black-eyed susans, coneflowers, rattlesnake masters, milkweed varieties and many others for the youth to observe. After getting a sense of the types of flowers in the garden, participants learned about flower traits, which pollinators prefer them and why. For instance, bats prefer fra grant, white flowers that open at night. Flies prefer flowers with unpleasant odors. Once the types of pollinators and flower traits were discussed, partici pants made tissue paper flowers and matched their flowers with the pollinators that would be attracted to each. They also got to observe different flower spe cies, pollinator parts and pollen underAftermicroscopes.learning about the topic, participants made their own pocket greenhouses with baggies and cotton balls to grow their own plants. They also made seed bombs, which was a messy, fun project. The seed bombs were taken home to dry and “throw” into areas void of plant life. The group discussed places such as ditches, empty areas in their backyards or empty gardens to place the seed bombs and watch them grow. Participants left the program with extra seeds, a pol linator ag mag, information on Pollinator Pathways (a pollina tor tracking program) and extra observation sheets. The mes sage they left with was to be con tinued and shared.

The “Pollinator Celebration” is just one of many planned throughout the year. The mission of University of Illinois Extension is to provide practical education to help peo ple, businesses and communi ties solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.

TIME: 8:00am REGISTRATION 9:00am SHOTGUN START EDGEWOODPLACE: PARK GOLF COURSE 3269 IL HWY 89 MCNABB, IL 61335 SPONSORED BY: PUTNAM COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE FACEBOOKCHARLIEPHONE:QUESTIONS?815-600-2266LENKAITISUPDATES: PUTNAM COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE PAGE SPONSORSHIPS ¨ Gold Sponsor $1,500 (Includes 2 Teams, Large sign at registration, Special Facebook Recognition, & 2 Hole Sponsor Signs) ¨ Silver Sponsor $1,000 (Includes 1 Team, Small sign at registration, Special Facebook Recognition, & 1 Hole Sponsor Sign) ¨ Beverage Cart Sponsor $600 ¨ Hole Sponsor $250 (Includes a sign at the hole) REGISTER YOUR 4-SOME: TEAM PHONEPLAYERPHONEPLAYERPHONEPLAYERPHONEPLAYERNAME:___________________________1:_____________________________NUMBER:___________________________2:_________________________________NUMBER:_______________________3:_____________________________NUMBER:_______________________4:_____________________________NUMBER:___________________________DONATION$__________________TEAMCOST$240(4Players-$60each)SPONSORSHIP$_______________GRANDTOTAL$_______________MAKECHECKSPAYABLETO:PUTNAMCOUNTYDEMOCRATSMAILREGISTRATIONANDPAYMENTTO:CHARLIELENKAITIS7309AudubonDriveHennepin,IL61327PlayerRegistrationIncludes18HolesofGolf,GolfCartRental,PlayerWelcomeGift,4DrinkTickets,andLunch. REGISTRATION PUTNAM COUNTY COMMUNITY GOLF OUTING AND…..OPPORTUNITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN DRAWINGS AND PRIZES Paid for by Putnam County Democratic Central CommitteeSM-PR2009580 DATE: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 321 S. McCoy St. Se815-339-2411GranvilleHablaEspanolAdrian Perez Local Agent SM-PR2003589 Youth learn about pollinators in University of Illinois event Shaw Local News Network

University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Go to extension.illinois.edu/ blmp for information. If you have questions or need information, call University of Illinois Extension-Bureau, La Salle, Marshall, Putnam Unit Office at 815-224-0889.

Tuition-free course offered to current IVCC students

“I look forward to working with Dr. Carlson over the next 10 months leading up to my planned retire ment on July 1, 2023,” Corcoran said in a message to employees Tuesday morning. “We have great people in key areas of the college including vice presidents, deans, directors, wonderful support staff and fantastic faculty. Every employee plays a role in student success. The five goals we set for this year will be achieved. It has been an honor and privilege to work with you,” he said. By the time he leaves IVCC, Corcoran will have served 33 years including the last 15 as president. He was named IVCC’s 10th pres ident March 18, 2008, and is the third longest serving. Only Dr. Al Wisgoski (1974-1996) and Dr. Fran cis Dolan (1947-67) served longer. Corcoran started at IVCC in 1990 as director of the Dislocated Work ers Center and later as director of purchasing before being named director of human resources. He then worked five years as vice pres ident for business services and finance.Helives on his family farm north of Ottawa with his wife, Katherine. Jerry Corcoran

Aden Lamps Foundation to host 10th 5K run/ walk virtually Sept. 3-11 Shaw Local News Network

• Mathematics for Young Chil dren (ECE 1205-100) with Lisa Dickey

There are several second eightweek welding courses available. Contact Tony Sondgeroth at 815-2240319 or Theresa Molln at 815-224-0630 forOtherinformation.courses starting Oct. 10 include:•Industrial Safety (GNT 1208-300, for an OSHA card, in-person) with Pat Schuerman • Job Seeking Skills (SDT 1203-100 online) with Michelle Story • Orientation to the IT Profes sions (CSC 1200-101 online) with Nancy McDonnell • Introduction to Cybersecurity (CSC 1203-171 blended) with Nancy McDonnellStudents new to online learning need to take Orientation to Distance Learning (CSP-0002-103) first. English Composition I and General Elementary Statistics require assessment. Counseling can be reached at 815-224-0360. To register, call 815-224-0447 or stop in the Admissions Office. Stu dents must maintain their current class schedule to qualify for the tui tion-waived course.

Photo provided by Fran Brolley Illinois Valley Community College student Kristina McConnaughhay of La Salle (right) plays with daughter Everly alongside YMCA child watch staff member Laura Thurow of Mendota. The center opened this week at IVCC. The college announced all students can take a late-start or second eight-week class tuition-free.

Shaw Local News Network

Jerry Corcoran, Illinois Valley Community College president since 2008, announced Tuesday his planned retirement on July 1. After a two-hour closed session retreat Monday night, trustees appointed former Seneca High School Super intendent Jim Carlson to serve as presidential search consultant.

online 12-week courses beginning Sept. 12 include:

• English Composition I (ENG 1001-104) with Lori Cinotte

• General Elementary Statistics (MTH 1008-102) with Tom Tunnell


• The Art of the Film (FLM-2009101) with Kim Radek • Introduction to Nutrition (ALH 1000-102) with Amber Robertson

• General Psychology (PSY 1000103) with Betsy Klopcic • Child Growth and Development (PSY 2001-101) with Jill Urban Bollis Another late-start course, Philos ophy of Religion (PHL 1003-01) with Jason Beyer, will be offered in per son.Second 8-week online courses beginning Oct. 10 include: • Corrections in America (CRJ 1070-100) with Jon Hubbell • Evidence and Criminal Proce dures (CRJ 2030-100) with Kevin Hermes•Wellness (HPE 1000-101) and Personal and Community Health (HPE 1003-102) with Tony Ruda

“We are rewarding students who have committed to IVCC by offering them an additional course free,” Vice President for Business Services Matt Seaton Late-start,said.

Illinois Valley Community College president Corcoran to retire July 1, 2023

• The Global Environment (BIO 1000-102) with Eric Schroeder • World Regional Geography (GEG 1004-101) with Jeff Fesperman

• Elementary Spanish II (SPN 1002-150 blended) and Elementary German II (GER 1002-150 blended) with Andy Seeger

The Aden Lamps Foundation will host its 10th annual 5K run/walk during the week of Sept.This3-11.5K will be the final one for the founda tion. The walk/run will be virtual again this year.Participants can choose to complete the walk/run at their location of choice. Registra tion fee for adults is $20 and registration is open until Sept. 11. The cost for children ages 14 and younger is $15. The fee includes a T-shirt for all ages.There will be two male/female awards per age group for those who submit their time and qualify for an award. Tickets for raffle baskets and 50/50 can be purchased in person between 9 a.m. and noon Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Hall High School cafeteria, 800 W. Erie St., Spring Valley. If participants register by Aug. 25, their T-shirt will be available for pick up on that day too. T-shirts and medals will be mailed or deliv ered after Sept. 11. The Aden Lamps Foundation helps spread awareness for Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths.Thefoundation was started in 2014 by Aden’s mother, Ashley Lamps, and since the inception, the foundation has been able to purchase 9,260 sleep sacks and 7,920 safe sleep board books, which are then donated to St. Margaret’s Hospi tal in Peru, OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Ottawa, Morris Hospital, La Salle County WIC, and other local organizations and daycares. Every local newborn receives one of the sleep sack packages, with a retail value of more than $25. The sleep sack package contains a reusable bag, a sleep sack (zip up wearable blanket), an infant board book, a onesie and safe sleep infor mation.Themission of the Aden Lamps Foundation is to educate local families on the dangers of an unsafe sleeping environment for infants. The sleep sacks are a safer alternative to having loose blankets in the crib.


Aden Lamps, son of Andy and Ashley Lamps, died in 2013 of a SUID at the age of 4 months. For information, call Ashley Lamps at 815712-7701 or go to www.facebook.com/aden lampsfoundation or at www.safesleepforaden. org.

Shaw Local News Network Illinois Valley Community Col lege is offering current students an incentive to enroll in an additional class this fall – a tuition free course. But they must act fast. Students already enrolled in any number of credit hours can add a late-start or second eight-week course tuition-free if they do so before 4:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26.

• Developmental English (ENG 0909) with Jean Forst

Jaden Eggers shot a 40 on Monday to earn medalist honors and lead the Princeton boys golf team to a victory in a season-opening triangular at Wyaton Hills Golf Course in Prince ton.The Tigers tallied a 159 to beat Mendota (183) and Putnam County (205).Karter


Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com Putnam County’s Maggie Richetta bumps the ball during a match last season. Richetta is one of four returning starters for the Panthers.


Shaw Local News Network

Here’s a preview capsule for the Putnam County volleyball team for the 2022 season. PutnamCoach:County Amy Bell Last year’s record: 18-17-2 Top returning players: Tori Balma, sr., S; Maggie Richetta, jr., MH; Ava Hatton, jr., OH; Avery Moutray, jr., OH Worth noting: The Panthers have a strong foundation with four starters returning in Balma, Richetta, Hatton and Moutray. Balma was one of the area’s most well rounded players last fall, averaging 6.5 assists, 1.8 digs, 1.6 kills and 1.5 points per set, while Richetta put down a team-best 2.9 kills per set. The Panthers don’t have their libero set in stone yet, but juniors Sarah Johnson and Salina Breckenridge and seniors Maddie Weger and Cate Trovero will be in the mix in the back row. “I feel like one of our major strengths this year will be our leader ship,” Bell said. “Four of our six starters started on the varsity last year, so I am excited to see them welcome a couple new players and hopefully start where we left off last year. I think that this group of girls will be very smart on the court and work well together.” Bell said the Panthers hope to finish near the top of the Tri-County Conference and compete for a regional title. ...

Putnam County returns four volleyball starters


Princeton tops Mendota, Putnam County in triangular Shaw Local News Network

Patterson, Jarrett Carr and Jordan Reinhardt each carded a 43 for Princeton.ClayBuffington shot a 43 to lead the Trojans. Drake Dennis (45), Bra den McPheeters (46) and Brody Hartt (49) rounded out the scores for Men dota.Logan Keesee paced the Panthers with a 47, while Jacob Edens (49) Miles Walder (54), Andrew Pyszka (55) also contributed for PC. In the JV match, Mendota’s Jack Mikolasek recorded a hole-in-one, using a wedge to ace No. 7.

Rounding out the varsity roster are junior Megan Wasilewski (S) and soph omore Maggie Spratt (MH). ...

The Pan thers opened the season at home Mon day versus Wethersfield and traveled to Mendota on Tuesday before return ing home Thursday versus Woodland.


12 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam

13PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam ––––––––––––––––––––Classifieds ––––––––––––––––––––228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted ASSEMBLY, MACHINING and PACK LCN Allegion - Prince ton Full-Time and Temporary Positions Available for: 1st & 2nd Shift 121 W. Rail road Ave., Princeton, IL Phone: 815- 875 3311 Full ti me positions available See our availabl e positi ons online at: https: // us.all egion.com/ en/home.html , Careers, Check out Jobs as well as temporary posit ions through MS , using the link ht tp:/ /msc.j obs/indeed Email: Jamie.Smith@all egion.co m 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted PROBATION OF FICER Full Time Marshall-Put nam- St ar k Probat ion Dist ri ct Off ice: Putnam County Probation Department Report s to: Chief Probat ion Off icer Hours: 35 hours/ week Minimum Qualificati ons: Bachel or's Degree from an accredi ted coll ege or univer si ty, pref erably with major cour se work in criminal justice, psychology, soci ology, social work, or related soci al sciences. Must be on the Administ rati ve Off ice of the Il li nois Courts hiri ng eligibility li st at the time of employment offer. Must pass criminal hi story and DC FS background check. Possess a valid driver 's li cense. Responsibilities: General supervision of probation client s' adult / juveni le that includes facilitating posit ive Behavi or al chan ge in clients; ensure compliance wi th Court Orders Report Writing Record keeping Testifyi ng in Court Classificati on of clients Develop budgets On cal l duties required All ot her duti es as assigned Ski lls Required: Knowledge of the criminal justice system, strong verbal and writ ten communicat ion skill s, abil ity to develop and maintain strong working relati onshi ps wi th cl ients, judi ciary stakehol ders, soci al service agencies and vict ims, ability to work independently, compet ent in the in the use of Microsoft Word and Outlook, must maintain st rict conf idential it y. To Appl y: Pl ease submit a cover lett er , a resume, and an unofficial copy of your college transcripts to Megan Spradl ing, Marshall C ount y Probat ion, 122 N Prai rie St , Lacon, IL 61540 You can also email document s to mspradli ng@marshallcountyillinoi s.gov by Sept ember 7, 2022 Appli cants must be on the Admini st rati ve Off ice of the Illinois Cour ts Probati on/C ourt Services List of Eligible Candi dates prior to employment of fer. To be placed on the li st go to w ww. il li noi scourts.gov click Docume nts, click Applicat ions/For ms, cl ick Probati on/C ourt Services Empl oyment /P romoti on Appli cati on, and follow the di rect ions listed. PA RA PROF ESSIONAL Tonica Gr ade School - immediat e opening for a full ti me Parapr of essional Te achers are also encouraged to apply. Cont act Mr Chri s Waca 815 442 3420, assistant principal or vi a email at cwaca@tonicag radeschool.org for more informat ion and an applicat ion. 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted 228 • Help Wanted osure 779 • Legal Foreclosure FRDM CIRCU IT C OURT OF THE JUDICIAL CIRCUIT TNAM COUNTYNNEPIN, ILLINOIS age Corporation rbird Association; John J. ohn Termine; CASE NO . 2 0CH2 North, Putnam, Illinois 61560 CE O F SHERIFF SALE is hereby given that in a judgment of said Court above- entitled cause on July riff, Kevin Doyle of Putnam will hold a sale on October 6, cing at 9:00 AM, at the Putnam thouse, 120 N. Fourth St., 61327, Lobby, to sell to the or bidders the following estate, or so much thereof fficient to satisfy said decree, Coto-wit:mmonly known as: 11 Cedar Lane North, Putnam, Illinois 61560 P.I.N.: 03-00- 055-020 First Lien Position; Condominium; Judgment Amount $147,889.27 IN ACCORDANCE WITH 735 ILCS 5/15-1507 (c)(1)(H-1) AND (H-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), AND 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE PURCHASER OF THE PROPERTY, OTHER THAN A MORTGAGEE, SHALL PAY THE ASSESS MENTS AND LEGAL FEES REQUIRED BY SUBSECTIONS (g)(1) AND (g)(4) OF SECTION 9 AND THE ASSESSMENTS AND COURT COSTS REQUIRED BY SUBSECTION (g-1) OF SECTION 18.5 OF THE ILLINOIS CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY ACT Terms of Sale: CASH - 10% down at the time of sale and the balance due within 24 hours of the sale All payments for the amount bid shall be in certified funds payable to the Sheriff of Putnam County The person to contact for information regarding this property is: Sales Department at Diaz Anselmo & Associates, LLC, 1771 West Diehl Road, Suite 120, Naperville, IL, 60563, (630) 453- 6960. For bidding instructions, visit www.dallegal. com 24 hours prior to sale This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Diaz Anselmo & Associates, LLC 1771 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 120 Naperville, IL 60563- 4947 630- 453- 6960 | 866-402-8661 | 630 428-4620 Atto(fax)rney No Cook 64727, DuPage 293191, Kane 031- 26104, Peoria 1794, Winnebago 3802, IL 03126232 MidwestPleadings@dallegal.comTHISLAWFIRMISDEEMEDTO BE A DEBT COLLECTOR. August 2 4, 3 1, 2022 September 7, 2022 Putnam Count y Record 926 31 8 767 • Mobile Home Sales PUBLISHE R'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subjec t to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an inte ntion, to make any such preference , limita tion or discrimination .” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call, HUD toll-free at 800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275 SdocanAnyoneit! earching for jobs online is probably the easiest and most convenient way to look for careers. Get online today and start the job hunt. Jobs.ShawLocal.comMaCoPutnamuntyRecordrketplaceClassified

14 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam RECORDCOUNTYPUTNAM To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903 Business Directory Marketplace SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! 504 S. Granville,McCoyIL 815-339-2511 alcioniford.com Al C Ford redHassle Free Buying Experience, Where there is Service After the Sale! A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru EMERGENCY:815-224-1506815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR1991738 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru EMERGENCY:815-224-1506815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories SM-PR1995645Rt.29,HenrQualityPre-OwnedMOTORSFOLEYInc.VehiclesSales&Servicey,IL309-364-4711TowingAvailableFullServiceStorewww.foleymotorsinc.com GLYNN’S DEMOLITION DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING Raejean Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Faxgngdemolition@yahoo.com815-925-7475 Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment granvillefloors.com We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR1995949 SM-PR1995870 Need a new water heater installed or serviced? We’ll keep you in hot water! 815-882-2111 www.grassersplumbingheating.com State ID No 58-100249 PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. SM-PR1995893 KETTMAN HEATING & PLUMBING, INC. 24 ServiceHour LIC. #058-111758 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com •THE815-339-6124LOOKFORMANINTHEORANGE&WHITEVAN 815-481-2639815-339-4108 David Passini Licensed-Bonded-Insured PASSINI PLUMBING & HEATING PASSINI PLUMBING & HEATINGPASSINI PLUMBING & HEATING 116 South 2nd St. Standard, IL 61363 SM-PR1995875 202 W Harper Ave PO Box Granville,326 IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182route71autobody@frontier.comMon-Fri8AM-5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODYOwnerTALIANI SM-PR1995878 Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards! Johnny Sieg Owner/Operator 815-878-7367 Cars, Trucks, Trailer, Motorcycles, ATVs, & Lawn Mowers also Bicycles Mounting, Balancing, Rotating, Patches, Plugs and all tire repairs plus Small Implement Farm TiresWhere We Always Keep Rollin!You Hennepin,620NEWsiegtire.comLOCATION-OldHighway26IL61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt SM-PR1995911 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 | Cell 815-481-7664 | thecabinetgirl@hotmail.com MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard

Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a judgment of said Court entered in the above- entitled cause on July 21, 2022, I, Sheriff, Kevin Doyle of Putnam County, Illinois, will hold a sale on October 6, 2022, commencing at 9:00 AM, at the Putnam County Courthouse, 120 N. Fourth St., Hennepin, IL 61327, Lobby, to sell to the highest bidder or bidders the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to satisfy said decree, LOto-wit:T33 IN LAKE THUNDERBIRD WOODS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF PUTNAM COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 174, ON APRIL 3, 1970, SITUATED IN PUTNAM COUNTY, ILLINOIS Commonly known as: 11 Cedar Lane North, Putnam, Illinois 61560 P.I.N.: 03-00- 055-020 First Lien Position; Condominium; Judgment Amount $147,889.27 IN ACCORDANCE WITH 735 ILCS 5/15-1507 (c)(1)(H-1) AND (H-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), AND 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1), YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THE PURCHASER OF THE PROPERTY, OTHER THAN A MORTGAGEE, SHALL PAY THE ASSESS MENTS AND LEGAL FEES REQUIRED Sheriff of Putnam County. The person to contact for regarding is: Sales Department at Diaz Anselmo & Associates, LLC, 1771 West Diehl Road, Suite 120, Naperville, IL, 60563, (630) 453- 6960. For bidding instructions, visit www.dallegal. com 24 hours prior to sale This communication is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Anselmo & Associates, LLC 1771 W. Diehl Rd., Ste 120 Naperville, IL 60563- 4947 630- 453- 6960 866-402-8661 630- 428-4620 Cook 64727, 293191, 26104, premises filed Circuit Court of PUTNAM County, Case 2TX10 Property located at IL. 61336 Description Permanent No 04-00-035-180Saidproperty was sold on 11-9-18 for delinquent taxes for the year 2018 The period of redemption will expire on 11-1-22 On 1-26-23 AT 9:00AM the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be Doredeemeduglas J. Johnson, (PPetitionerublished in Putnam County Record August 17, 24, 31, 2022) 2006632


# 2 02

LavsPlaintiff,.keThunderbird Association; John J. Termine aka John Termine; Defendants CASE NO . 2 0CH2 11 Cedar Lane North, Putnam, Illinois 61560 NOTICE O F SHERIFF SALE


Kane 031-

in the





Illinois as

Record Email: news@ putnamcountyrecord.com or call 815- 875-4461

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this property


BY SUBSECTIONS (g)(1) AND (g)(4) OF SECTION 9 AND THE ASSESSMENTS AND COURT COSTS REQUIRED BY SUBSECTION (g-1) OF SECTION 18.5 OF THE ILLINOIS CONDOMINIUM PROPERTY ACT Terms of Sale: CASH - 10% down at the time of sale and the balance due within 24 hours of the sale All payments for the amount bid shall be in certified funds payable to the

PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE CE RTIFICAT E NO 2 018- 0 008 7 ROTO:DNEY HOLLOWAY VICKIE HOLLOW AY CTESPOCCUANTSOUSENANTSountyClerk of PUTNAM County: Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots. A Petition for Tax Deed on premises described below has been filed in the Circuit Court of PUTNAM County, Illinois as Case # 2 02 2TX11 Property located at ROUTE 18, MAGNOLIA, IL. 61336 Legal Description or Permanent Index No 04-26-191-000Saidproperty was sold on 11-9-18 for delinquent taxes for the year 2018 The period of redemption will expire on 11-1-22 On 1-26-23 9:00AM the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be DoredeemeduglasJ. Johnson, (PPetitionerublished in Putnam County Record August 17, 24, 31, 2022) 2006266 sold on 11-9-18 for delinquent taxes for the year 2018 The period of redemption will expire on 11-1-22 On 1-26-23 9:00AM the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be DoredeemeduglasJ. Johnson, (PPetitionerublished in Putnam County Record August 17, 24, 31, 2022) 2006266

county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be DoredeemeduglasJ. Johnson, (PPetitionerublished in Putnam County Record August 17, 24, 31, 2022) 2006266 County

15PUTNAMCOUNTYRECORD 202224,AugWednesday,•ShawLocal.com/RecordCountyPutnam 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCU IT C OURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCU IT PU TNAM C OUNT Y, ILLI NO IS ES TATE OF JE SUS M. RAMIREZ, DE CEASED.2022- PR-12 CLAIM NO TICE Notice is hereby given of the death of Jesus M. Ramirez. Letters of Office were issued on August 12, 2022, to Lydia Ramirez, 212 W. Cleveland St., Spring Valley, IL 61362, as Independent Administrator, whose attorney is Jacob J. Frost, 102 East St Paul Street, Spring Valley, Illinois 61362. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court, Putnam County Court House, Hennepin, Illinois 61327, or with the Independent Administrator or both, on or before February 17, 2023, which date is not less than 6 months from date of first publication, or, if mailing or de livery of a notice from the Independent Ad ministrator is required by Sec. 18-3 of the Probate Act of 1975, the date stated in that notice Any claim not filed on or before said date is barred Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered by the claimant to the Independent Administrator and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Dated this 17th day of August, A. D. 2022. Jacob J. Frost Attorney for Estate 102 East St Paul Street Spring Valley, IL 61362 Telephone (815) 323- 4851 (Published in Putnam County Record August 17, 24, 31, 2022)2008439 999 • Legal 999 • Legal F20100037FT FRDM IN THE CIRCU IT C OURT OF THE 10TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT PU TNAM COUNTYHE NNEPIN, ILLINOIS Freedom Mortgage Corporation


Peoria 1794, Winnebago 3802, IL 03126232 THMidwestPleadings@dallegal.comISLAWFIRMISDEEMEDTO BE A DEBT 81COLLECTOR.44-926318 August 2 4, 3 1, 2022 September 7, 2022 Putnam Count y Record 926 31 8 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE CE RTIFICAT E NO. 2 018- 0 006 7 TO: JD'S BAR & GRILL 1 INC. KBONNIENOBLAUCH / CTESPOAGENTCCUANTSOUSENANTSountyClerk of PUTNAM County: Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots A Petition for Tax Deed on


described below has been

the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be redeemedDouglas J. Johnson, (PPetitionerublished in Putnam County Record August 17, 24, 31, 2022) 2006632

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