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IVCC computer-aided drafting/design courses begin Feb. 6
Online course part of late-start slate
Shaw Local News Network
Illinois Valley Community College is offering a beginning Computer Aided Drafting/ Design course online as part of the late-start slate of courses opening Monday, Feb. 6.
“Students with CAD skills are needed in countless local industries,” said program coordinator Dorene Data. “CAD technicians or ‘detailers’ are in high demand.”
CAD technicians help designers and engineers visualize a product before it is fabricated.
The course, Computer Aided Drafting I AutoCAD (CAD 1200-
News Briefs
Bureau-Putnam Area Rural Transit seeks public input via survey
101), provides access to a leading software in the engineering and drafting industry.

“AutoCAD is an integral tool in several industries, including architectural, civil and mechanical engineering,” Data said.
The course’s online format will involve Data leading live sessions and video instruction.
CAD 1200 is one of four courses in the CAD certificate that can be added to other classes and result in two ‘stackable’ certificates. Along with general education classes, the certificates can lead to an Associate in Applied Science degree.
Register in-person in Records (CTC 101), call 815-2240447 or visit www.ivcc.edu and select “Register Now” on the right side of the page.
Putnam County District 535 to destroy temporary special education records
Bureau-Putnam Area Rural Transit is seeking the public’s input via survey to help provide the highest quality of transportation services possible.
Feedback is encouraged as the program seeks ways to enhance the services that being offered. The survey period will conclude Feb. 24.
The survey consists of 10 brief multiple-choice questions and includes extra space for comments. The estimated time to complete the survey is less than five minutes.
A copy of the survey is being mailed to anyone who rode with BPART during 2022. Copies of the survey are also available at the BPART office, at 535 Elm Place, Suite 8, in Princeton. The survey also is available on the RideWithBPART Facebook page.
Responses are completely confidential and results will be tallied and provided to the public upon completion.
BPART transportation is available to the public provided the trip begins or ends in Bureau or Putnam County. For information, visit ridebpart.org or call 877-874-8813.
The Special Education Office for Putnam County School District 535 announced it plans to destroy all temporary special education records of students who have transferred, graduated or have otherwise permanently withdrawn from school by the end of the 2016-17 school year.
Information that will be destroyed includes intelligence test scores, evaluations, IEP’s psychological reports, social/developmental histories and other data classified as “temporary records” in the Illinois Records Act.
The files will not include academic transcripts, attendance records or other records contained in the student permanent record.
Access to the special education records by parents/guardians or students age 18 and older may be obtained by contacting the Special Education Office at 815-882-2800, ext. 8, before May 31.
Medicare Advantage Plan Holders: Medicare Advantage Plan H olders can either switch to Original Medicare (and a Part D plan) or switch to a different Advantage plan.
Medicare Beneficiaries: You can sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Part B from January 1- March 31 if both of these apply:
- You didn’t sign up when you were first eligible.
- You aren’t eligible for a Special Enrollment Period.
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