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Board discusses Timberline Drive repairs

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Dan Goetz

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Jayce Eustice

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By JAYCE EUSTICE jeustice@shawmedia.com

The Putnam County Board discussed Monday a request for road repairs on Timberline Drive, located north of Mark and Granville, from the U.S. Postal Service.

The request said the road is almost impassable because of large potholes and the postal service will have to find another delivery option for residents if the road is not repaired.

County Engineer Pat Sloan informed the board the road is not under the county’s responsibility and provided a letter he wrote in 2016 outlining the road’s history and possible routes forward, which Sloan said still are relevant today.

The letter indicated the Timberline Subdivision was approved in June of 1976 and the normal course would be that the developer would build the road to the plans and the township road commissioner would accept the road after it was constructed and verified by a final inspection.

Former County Engineer J. William Shafer said the inspection revealed some deficiencies and notified the developer it would be accepted when the corrections were made. Seventeen years later, Shafer said the deficiencies still were not corrected and the township had not accepted the roads.

Sloan added in the years since Schafer’s last update, nothing has changed.

Sloan’s four options said in 2016 were to let the road remain private and the residents could care for it however they would like, have residents repair the road to proper condition and have the township accept it, ask the township to accept the road “as-is” or explore the other option for jurisdiction with the village of Mark; which had previously indicated its non-interest.

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