Putnam County Record_08162023

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Scout donates 18 flag boxes for Eagle Scout project / 2 Vol. 151 No. 33 One section 16 Pages © The Putnam County Record SPORTS Red Devils scramble to fill Mac Resetich’s shoes / 11 BUSINESS Antique store Tailholt Trading Post opens in Princeton / 8 LOCAL NEWS Putnam County Rotary receives visit from Rotary District Gov. Dave Emerick / 3
Photo provided by Matthew Johll Boy Scout Alexander Johll (center) stands with (left to right) Nick Lawrence and Rich Corsolini and 18 handcrafted flag boxes made of cherry, walnut and butternut. These flag boxes were made as part of Johll’s Eagle Scout project.

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Scout donates 18 flag boxes for Eagle Scout project

Flag boxes preserve, display American flag in honor of deceased military veterans

When it came time for Alexander Johll, of Granville, to choose an Eagle Scout project, he wanted to honor his grandfathers, who both served in the military.

After his maternal grandfather died, a local woodworker created a flag box in honor of Johll’s grandfather’s military service in Germany during the Berlin Wall Crisis.

“He brought it to us when he passed away,” Johll said. “It was a really cool idea because it is something that normally gets overlooked. You don’t think about it. It’s an afterthought.”

Johll decided to give back something unique to military families.

Flag boxes are used to preserve and display the American Flag in honor of deceased military veterans. Johll said some people never purchase one because they can cost up to $200.

Johll’s paternal grandfather served in the National Guard during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

“It’s a wonderful gesture on his part,” said Harold E. Russell, commander of the

Ladd American Legion Post 938. “Sometimes the family doesn’t have the funds to purchase one, so to be able to provide one for them is outstanding. They will take them under his name, so they have the opportunity to give him a message if they wish,”

Johll said he has been “Scouting” since he was born. He said his family was “big into it.” So, he started attending meetings before he was able to join. He wants to continue in his family’s footsteps by becoming an Eagle Scout, the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America.

This project is just one step in achieving that goal and carrying on his family’s traditions. He has to complete several merit badges, paperwork and a border review.

“He chose a wonderful project, really well constructed” said Nick Lawrence, junior vice commander and legion post liaison for Boy Scout Troop 1055. “It will help families remember who the flag was for.”

Johll said he handcrafted 18 flag boxes made of cherry, walnut and butternut in two days with fellow Scouts from his troop in Cherry from start to finish with planning and logistics taking about a month.

Johll donated the boxes to the Ladd American Legion Post 938 during a June


The Putnam County School District announced the breakfast and lunch menus for August.

Wednesday, Aug. 16

Breakfast: Cereal and toast, Go-Gurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Pizza, green beans, yogurt, fruit and milk

Thursday, Aug. 17

Breakfast: Muffin or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Cheese stuffed breadsticks with marinara sauce, mixed vegetables, cottage cheese, fruit and milk

Friday, Aug. 18

Breakfast: Pop-Tarts or cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Chicken strips, corn, fruit, cookie and milk

Monday, Aug. 21

Breakfast: Breakfast wrap and toast or cereal and toast, yogurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Corn dog, baked beans, cheese stick, fruit and milk

Tuesday, Aug. 22

Breakfast: Sausage and toast or cereal and toast, string cheese, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Sub sandwich, green beans, chips, fruit and milk

Wednesday, Aug. 23

Breakfast: Doughnut or cereal, Go-Gurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Chicken quesadilla, corn, Rice Krispies Treat, fruit and milk

Thursday, Aug. 24

Breakfast: French toast with syrup or cereal and toast, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Hot dog, oven fries, fruit, sherbet and milk

Friday, Aug. 25

Breakfast: Cereal bar and toast or cereal and toast, yogurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Pork fritter on bun, carrots with

20 meeting for the members to present to the families of veterans. The boxes include plaques for inscribing name, rank and years of service.

“It can be passed through generations since we have the little plaques,” Johll said. “You know a lot of times you get three generations down the road and you’re in the attic and you have a flag in a box and you don’t know who it belongs to. Now they can know who the flag belongs to and they can be remembered for generations to come.”

Johll said he wants the families who receive one of his boxes to know he appreciates what they have done for the country and that they like what he was able to create.

“It’s going to save our military families a lot of money,” Johll said. “It’s something that can be cherished for generations.”

dip, pretzels, fruit and milk

Monday, Aug. 28

Breakfast: Breakfast pizza or cereal, Go-Gurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Chicken nuggets, corn, fruit, cookie and milk

Tuesday, Aug. 29

Breakfast: Waffle with syrup or cereal, string cheese, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Cheeseburger on bun, pickles, green beans, chips, fruit and milk

Wednesday, Aug. 30

Breakfast: Bagel with cream cheese or cereal and toast, yogurt, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: Taco in a bag with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, sour cream and salsa; muffin, fruit and milk

Thursday, Aug. 31

Breakfast: Pig in a blanket or cereal and toast, fruit, juice and milk

Lunch: French bread pizza, salad, fruit and milk

2 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
It’s going to save our military families a lot of money. It’s something that can be cherished for generations.”
Alexander Johll, Boy Scout pursuing his Eagle Scout rank

Putnam County Rotary receives visit from Dave Emerick

Emerick is a member of East-Moline/Silvis Rotary Club


Rotary District Gov. Dave Emerick visited the Putnam County Rotary Club at its Aug. 3 meeting at LJ’s Garden Café in Magnolia.

Emerick is a member of East-Moline/Silvis Rotary Club and serves as District Governor for the 2023-2024 Rotary year. He was joined by area-wide Assistant District Gov. Tracy Grimmer of Princeton.

Introduced by Club President Adriane Shore, Emerick shared the vision of Rotary International President Gordon McInally of Scotland. He said that by working together, they can create hope in the world.

According to Emerick, this starts with rotary’s initiatives to serve world health, education, vocational independence

and to address the world’s mental health crisis, while also encouraging the next generation of global peace leaders.

Among Emerick’s district initiatives is challenging all northern and northwestern Illinois Clubs within the district to collect and donate food, hygiene and necessities to local food banks and pantries.

Locally, this will include support of the Putnam County Food Pantry, Rotary’s Little Free Pantry located in Standard and the Backpack Ministry project that provides healthy snacks and foods to students throughout school.

Emerick also has reinstated a global scholarship program to which all college students can apply for advanced studies in humanitarian fields.

Emerick said the greatest immediate need is to increase membership to help the group accomplish more.

Those interested in volunteering or joining Rotary can email putnamcountyrotary@ gmail.com.

Photo provided by Scott Shore Putnam County Rotary members welcomed Rotary District Governor Dave Emerick (standing, center) and Assistant District Governor Tracy Grimmer (seated in front of Governor Emerick) at the club’s Aug. 3 meeting at LJ’s Garden Café in Magnolia.
3 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 Scout Clean Energy is honored to have contributed to the Putnam County High School FFA club and the Putnam County Rotary’s Little Free Pantry. Visit to learn more SCOUT CLEAN ENERGY IS A PROUD SPONSOR OF THE PUTNAM COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FFA CLUB AND LITTLE FREE PANTRY SM-PR2100006

Former St. Margaret providers have temporary locations in OSF Medical Group offices

OSF Medical Group – Primary Care, 1650 Midtown Road, Peru, 815-5381351



OSF HealthCare announced the temporary clinic locations and schedules for Ricardo Calderon, MD; Fazal Khan, MD; Louis Lukancic, MD; Michael Morrow, MD; Robert Morrow, MD; Vijay Sharma, MD; and APPs Cynthia Salazar, Elizabeth Stuart, Britnae Lewis, Patricia Blackburn, Karen Eggers and Taylor Vipond.

Former St. Margaret’s providers have been provided temporary locations.

Patients can schedule appointments by calling directly to the OSF Medical Group office listed.

OSF Medical Group - Primary Care, 1614 E. Norris Dr., Ottawa, 815-4331010

Calderon, Monday - Friday

M. Morrow, Tuesday - Thursday

Elizabeth Stuart, APRN, Monday,

Wednesday, Friday

Taylor Vipond, APRN, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

OSF Medical Group - Primary Care 1405 E. 12th St., Suite 600, Mendota,


R. Morrow, Monday

Karen Eggers, ARPN, Tuesday through Friday

Cynthia Salazar, APRN, Monday through Wednesday and Friday

Britnae Lewis, APRN, Wednesday and Friday

Patricia Blackburn, PA, Tuesday and Thursday

OSF Medical Group - Primary Care, 111 Spring St., Floor 4, Streator, 815672-4587

Khan, Wednesday and Thursday

Lukancic, Tuesday

Sharma, Monday through Friday

Britnae Lewis, APRN, Monday

Patricia Blackburn, PA, Friday

OSF Medical Group - Primary Care, 309 McCoy St., Granville, 815-5381352

Khan, Monday and Tuesday

Lukancic, Monday and Wednesday

M. Morrow, Friday

R. Morrow, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

OSF said it appreciates patience and flexibility as the hospital group works toward securing permanent clinic locations in Spring Valley and Oglesby.

Providers will be in Ottawa, Peru, Mendota, Streator,
Tom Collins – tcollins@shawmedia.com The Midtown Health Center, 1650 Midtown Road, in Peru will house the OSF Medical GroupPrimary Care and OSF PromptCare, including Britnae Lewis, APRN, Wednesday and Friday and Patricia Blackburn, PA, Tuesday and Thursday.
4 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Community Center Italian Night Friday, Sept 22, 2023 Curbside Pickup from 4-7 PM Tortellini Dinner $13.00 Includes beef tortellini w/ homemade meat sauce, pasta fritta, salad & dessert TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE; CALL THE PCCC AT (815) 339-2711 TO PURCHASE. ONLY 300 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD.

Putnam County issued tentative property assessment for 2023

Tentative property assessment has been issued at 1.0000

Putnam County has recently been issued a tentative property assessment equalization factor of 1.0000.

The property assessment equalization factor is used to achieve uniform property assessments among counties as required by law. The current equalization factor currently being assigned is for 2023 taxes and is payable in 2024.

The equalization is important because some of the state’s 6,600 local taxing districts overlap into two or more counties, which include school districts, junior college districts, fire protection districts and more.

Assessments in Putnam County are at 32.93% of market value, based on sales of properties in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Last year’s equalization factor for Putnam County was 1.0000.

The tentative factor is subject to change if the County Board of Review takes actions which significantly affect the county assessments or if local officials or others can present data showing that the Department of Revenue’s estimates of the average level of assessments in the county should be adjusted.

The equalization factor is determined annually for each county by comparing the price of individual properties sold over the past three

Shaw Local News Network file photo Assessments in Putnam County are at 32.93% of market value, based on sales of properties in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Last year’s equalization factor for Putnam County was 1.0000.

years to the assessed value placed on those properties by the county supervisor of assessments or a county assessor.

Under a law passed in 1975, property in Illinois should be assessed at one-third of its market value.

Farm property is assessed differently, with farm homesites and dwellings subject to regular assessing and equalization procedures, but with farmland and farm buildings assessed according to standards based on productivity.

The assessed value of an individual property determines what portion of the tax burden a specific taxpayer will assume. That individual’s portion of tax responsibility is not changed by the multiplier.


Marshall-Putnam 4-H

2023 Trophy Sponsors

Al Cioni Ford, Inc.

Alpha Insurance Services, Inc.

Ryan Anderson, Attorney at Law

Bell Plain Hustlers 4-H Club

Bennington Go Getters 4-H Club

Bill’s Small Engine

Birkey’s Farm Store, Inc.

Boyle Farms Limited Partnership

Bruch Farms

Camp Grove State Bank

Campbell Insurance Services, Inc.

Catton Arabians

Classic Floor Covering

Compeer Financial

Cyr Financial

Dysart-Cofoid Funeral Chapel

Eastside Grooming Shop

Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc.

Energy Specialists Co.

Farmers Cooperative Association

First State Bank

Foley Motors, Inc.

Sharon Gallup

Don and Diane Gensler

Granville National Bank

Henry Auto Parts – NAPA

Illinois Valley Herb Guild

Jim’s IGA

Tyler Kuehn

Eugene and Joan Kunkel

Brittney Kuehn Leech

William and Deborah Leigh

Lindstrom Family Trust

Marshall Putnam Farm Bureau

Marshall-Putnam-Stark Beef

Improvement Assn.

George and Margy Mattern Family

Maubach Farms

Maubach Farms Quarter Horses

McKenna Veterinary Service

McNabb Grain Co.

Mona’s Inc.

Monier Cattle

North Central Bank

Prairie State Tractor

Rotary Club of Henry

Rotary Club of Putnam County, Inc.

Rotary Club of Toluca

Rumbold & Kuhn, Inc.

Shimp Farms

Sun Ag, Inc.

Supreme House of Cheese

The First National Bank of Lacon

Randy and Lori Toepper

Steve Vogel, Country Financial

Wilson Insurance Agency Inc.

Daryle Wragge

Wyffels Hybrids

Karl Ziegler

5 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023
321 S. McCoy St. Granville 815-339-2411 Carly Gonet Local Granville Agent SM-PR2072492 SHAW LOCAL NEWS NETWORK
Read from anywhere: The Putnam County Record is available online as an interactive PDF. Scan or visit shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record/enewspaper.

U of I Extension offers online Master Gardener training options

The University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners will offer hybrid and self-paced Master Gardener training options. The courses are open to the public.

Attendees can learn about plant diseases, entomology, soils and fertilizers, pest management and organic gardening. The training includes a manual, reading materials, videos and quizzes. An internet connection is recommended. Registration is required.

The hybrid course begins Tuesday, Sept. 12. The course features hybrid online materials and in-person sessions. Remote or in-person live sessions are available. The course lasts 12 weeks. The course price will be set by the county. Registration is due Sept. 1.

After completing training, volunteers


Illinois Valley Alzheimer’s Caring Friends Support Group to host Alzheimer’s Association speaker

The Illinois Valley Alzheimer’s Caring

participate in educational programs in their communities.

Those opportunities may include speaking at garden clubs, civic groups or schools; answering calls or emails at garden help desks; establishing demonstration gardens that serve as educational tools and educating citizens on how to establish community gardens.

The self-paced course starts Oct. 2 and can be completed in 14 weeks. The course costs $300 and includes four to six hours of weekly work. Registration is open through Monday, Sept. 11.

Applications are available. To apply, call 309-364-2356 or email bettyann@illinois.edu.

For more information, call 815-224-0889 or visit extension.illinois.edu/blmp and https://extension.illinois.edu/global/ where-we-serve.

Friends Support Group is scheduled to meet 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 21, at the upper level of the Peru Public Library, 1409 11th St. Hadi Finerty from the Illinois chapter

of the Alzheimer’s Association will speak on what help can be offered to local families. There will be time set aside for questions and answers. This is


a free program.

For information, call Joanne Milby at 815228-1858 or Peg Gonet at 815-481-6465.


6 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
108 N Front St
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3-close • Dinner starts at 5 Bingo at 7 TUESDAY
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FB page for details! Downtown Peru 800-352-7018 1622 Fourth Street Just West of the Post Office When You Think Computers, Think SERVICING THE ILLINOIS VALLEY FOR OVER 56 YEARS WHEN PERFORMANCE MATTERS. Jeff Borelli President Tom Hancock Vice President John Riva Corporate Consultant Nathan Blauvelt Corporate Consultant IT SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS • Managed IT • Managed Offsite Backup • Managed Exchange • Managed Wi-Fi • Managed Routing SM-LA2099007
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Candace H. Johnson for Shaw Local News Network The University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners will offer hybrid and self-paced Master Gardener training options. The courses are open to the public.

Marshall-Putnam 4-H inducts new ambassadors

New ambassadors Salina Breckenridge, Waylon Lindstrom were welcomed


Marshall-Putnam 4-H inducted its new ambassadors on July 18 during the Marshall-Putnam 4-H show. New ambassadors Salina Breckenridge and Waylon Lindstrom joined returning ambassadors Mikenna Boyd and Ryan Carlson.

Christina Weir has completed her term and will be attending college.

Breckenridge is an active member

Local law enforcement receives state police firearm grants


The Illinois State Police has awarded almost $1 million in firearm enforcement grants to 30 law enforcement agencies across the state.

These fiscal 2023 grants were given to agencies that conducted enforcement operations for individuals whose firearms rights have been revoked or suspended, but have failed to comply with state and federal gun safety laws.

Local law enforcement agencies completed 311 details consisting of 3,557 compliance checks.

Local law enforcement agencies that have received a grant include the Peru Police Department, Putnam County Sheriff’s Department and Spring Valley Police Department.

Peru received $3,918, Putnam County received $3,511 and Spring Valley received $3,069.

of the Lostant Leaders, Federation and Shooting Sports clubs. She is the daughter of Shauna Breckenridge and John Breckenridge. She attends Putnam County High School.

Lindstrom is an active member in the Saratoga Leadaways, Federation and Shooting Sports clubs. He is the son of Aaron Lindstrom and Kim Hobson. He attends Henry-Senachwine High School.

The ambassadors plan to work together on community service projects throughout the year.

If anyone would like any of the ambassadors to come to a group to speak about 4-H, call Anne Scheel at 309 364-2356.

Peru Police Department also was one of the 16 recipients for the fiscal 2024 grants, receiving another $11,925 grant.

As a result of these details 1,151 individuals were placed directly into compliance; transferring all firearms out of their possession and documenting that transfer with a firearm disposition record.

7 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 Specializing in Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals & Cremation Services Janice Shields 815-339-6234 Serving area families since 1913 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753 Dysart-Cofoid Funeral Chapel 815-339-2231 www.dcfunerals.com R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for over 100 years SM-PR2088903
Photo provided by Marilyn Jean Smith Marshall-Putnam 4-H inducted its new ambassadors on July 18 during the Marshall-Putnam 4-H show. New ambassadors Salina Breckenridge and Waylon Lindstrom joined returning ambassadors Mikenna Boyd and Ryan Carlson. Christina Weir has completed her term and will be attending college. Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com
Local law enforcement agencies that have received a grant include the Peru Police Department, Putnam County Sheriff’s Department and Spring Valley Police Department.

Antique store Tailholt Trading Post opens in Princeton

Shanda Hilmes and her husband, Mike, like to go antique shopping and thought they’d share their love for old things with the city of Princeton.

They opened Tailholt Trading Post, 925 N. Main St., in March.

“I just always thought old stuff was cool. Ever since I was little,” said Shanda Hilmes, adding that one day she and her husband decided it would be fun to open their own store.

The shop sells antiques as well as resale, including collectibles, sheets, blankets, dishes, tools, furniture, glassware and knickknacks, among other items. New inventory is added daily.

“Everybody tells me how cute the store is and reasonably priced,” Shanda Hilmes said. “We have a really eclectic array. I’ve heard nothing but good things from people.”

The Hilmeses live in New Bedford and thought Princeton was a great option to open a business.

“It seemed like it was up and coming,” Shanda said.

Tailholt Trading Post is open from 9

a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. For more information, find Tailholt Trading Post on Facebook.

FedEx Freight closing in Peru

FedEx Freight, 3033 May Road, Peru, will close Sunday, Aug. 13.

“FedEx continuously reviews its network to ensure we have the right design to address changing market dynamics,” FedEx said in a news release. “Earlier this spring, FedEx Freight announced a decision to close 29 freight locations and consolidate those operations into other locations. These consolidations will help to improve customer service levels while lowering our cost to serve.”

FedEx said affected team members were notified in advance of any changes taking place and received assistance with finding other positions within the company where possible.

Quik Chik closes

Quik Chik announced it has closed.

The fried chicken restaurant made the announcement Monday on its Facebook page. Quik Chik offered carryout at Walt’s Kitchen, 1059 Ninth St., La Salle.

“Due to unfortunate turn of events

we sadly will no longer be serving. Thank you all for your wonderful support over the last year and we wish you all the very best,” the business said on its post.

Princeton pharmacy becomes UPS provider

Fawcett’s Pharmacy recently announced it is an authorized UPS service provider.

Customers can ship and drop off packages at the pharmacy, 519 S. Main St., according to a post on the business’ Facebook page.

Tree farm closes for 2023 season

Holocker Tree Farm in McNabb will

not be open for the 2023 season.

“We could not have anticipated our growth over the last few years!” the business posted on its Facebook page. “Trees need 7-10 years to fully grow, so we have made the hard, but necessary, decision to not be open for the 2023 season.”

The tree farm also will not be offering wreaths or grave blankets.

La Salle shop adjusts hours

KP’s Resale, 229 Gooding St., La Salle, recently announced new hours.

“Due to a decrease in foot traffic, we will be shortening our business hours to Friday and Saturday only,” read a post on the business’ Facebook page.

Hours will be noon to 6 p.m. The change is anticipated to be temporary as staff focus on online sales, according to the post.

For more information, find KP’s Resale on social media.

•Wearecommittedtokeepingreadersuptodatewithbusinesshappenings inthearea.Muchofourreporting reliesonwhatweseeandhear,but we’realsoreachingouttoreadersfor tipsonbusinessitems.Ifyouhaveatip toshareforEyesonEnterprise,email newsroom@mywebtimes.com.

8 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD SM- PR2098523 815-339-6010 218 S. McCoy St. Granville, IL Come for dinner, stay for the party! FULL BAR & FOOD SERVICE Bar Open 9:30AM Daily & All Day Sunday Closed Monday Friday, August 25th Karaoke with Enjoy the Outdoor Patio! Come out and watch Bears Preseason Games! Maxx Music Liberty Village of Peru 3230 Becker Drive 815.224.2200 Liberty Village of Princeton 140 N. 6th Street 815.875.6600 Not-For-Profit Provider
Photo provided by Mike Hilmes Tailholt Trading Post, 925 N. Main St., opened in March in Princeton.
9 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 MALPRACTICE AND NURSING HOME NEGLECT THE JANSSEN LAW CENTER WILL REVIEW MEDICAL RECORDS (FREE) WITH OUR INDEPENDENT DOCTORS 333 MAIN, PEORIA • 676-2341 or 1-800-654-8734 www.janssenlawcenter.com Top 100 National Trial Lawyers Injury & Death Claims Free Office Conference
10 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD

Red Devils scramble to fill Resetich’s shoes

Hall to use committee on offense after star moves on to Illinois

When you have a horse, you ride it.

That’s what Randy Tieman did when he returned to coach the Hall Red Devils last year. He plugged in senior Mac Resetich at quarterback and rode him as far as he could.

Resetich had a record-breaking season for most yards rushing (2,227) and touchdowns (30) at Hall, including single-game school records of 429 yards and seven TDs in a 66-45 win over Mendota, leading the Red Devils into the 4A playoffs.

With Resetitch riding off to the University of Illinois to play for the Fighting Illini, the Red Devils have some big shoes to fill.

Asked what he’s going to do without Resetitch, arguably the best allaround athlete in Hall history, Tieman said, “I’m going to cry a lot, I think.

“Those kind of kids don’t come around very often. It will be the only time I coach a kid like that.”

The biggest question in the Red Devils’ camp will be how will they make up for the huge loss of Resetich, who accounted for 90% of their offense?

They will use a committee with senior Gianni Guerrini at quarterback, and seniors

Joseph Bacidore and Tristan Redcliff and sophomores Braden Curran and Aiden Redcliff, who will all see time in the backfield.

“We’re going to distribute the ball to other kids. We’ve got some kids that can play a little bit. We’ll see what happens. We’ll try some things out and see how it works,” said Tieman, now in his 10th year overall and second in his second stint as the Hall head coach.

“We’ll run the same type of stuff. We just have to make our reads. Mac did a real good job at that. He kept the ball most of the time, but he did it for a reason. He didn’t put himself ahead of the team, but he did what it took to win.”

Guerrini said the Red Devils are up for the challenge.

“I think we’re going to be a pretty good team this year. (More) team play, spread the ball around more (and) have a good offense, give everybody a look,” Guerrini said.

Bacidore said it will take some changes, but is excited to be more involved.

“We’re trying to incorporate more (backs). Because (Resetich) got the ball most of the time, so we’re getting away from the quarterback runs the ball,” he said. “Try to get the ball run around everywhere. That’s what we’ve been working on.

“I’ll probably get the ball a whole lot more than I did last year. It’s exciting.”

Tieman said senior Leo Lopez will anchor the Hall line along with junior Cameron Spradling and sophomore Jacob Mongan. They’ll be joined up front by seniors Landon Glynn and Joel Koch, juniors James Irwin, Ben Heerdt, Bryce Smith, Mike Terry and

Connor Keeling and sophomores

Kaiden Kennedy and Eric Vipond.

The Red Devils return a good portion of their defense, minus the talents of Resetich. Tristan Redcliff returns as the leading tackler (92) at inside linebacker along with Koch (51 tackles, 9 sacks) up front, Bacidore at outside linebacker and Guerrini (fourth year) and DeAnthony Weatherspoon (third year) at cornerback.

“We’re bringing back experience (on defense). I would hope we’d be stronger this year,” Tieman said. “We’re a little thin on (defensive) lineman, but we’ve got some kids who got some time last year. So we’ll see.”

This will be the second of a twoyear co-op deal with Putnam County. While no PC player saw varsity action

last year, Tieman expects a couple to contribute this year, including junior lineman Spradling.

Tieman expects the Red Devils to be competitive in the Three Rivers East.

“I really don’t know what everybody is bringing back for sure. I know Princeton is bringing back a really, really good line. They’ll have some skilled kids. So I know they’ll be the odds on favorite again,” he said. “Other than that, I think we’ll compete in conference. Just have to see what happens week in and week out. It’s usually a pretty tough conference.

“I think we’ll compete with teams. I don’t know how much we’ll win and lose, but we’ll compete.”

Bacidore believes the Red Devils have what it takes for another winning season.

“I think we’ll have a winning record. Not sure what the record will be, but I say winning,” he said.

Hall has picked up IVC as a Week 6 replacement for St. Bede, which will serve as the Homecoming game on Friday, Sept. 29.

There will be two other newcomers to the Hall schedule, Riverdale for the home opener on Sept. 1 and Rockridge for the Oct. 13 Senior Night game.

Scott Anderson - sanderson@shawmedia.com Hall football coach Randy Tieman will use a committee to fill the void left after the graduation of all-state quarterback Mac Resetich, who accounted for 90% of the Red Devils’ offense last year.
I’m going to cry a lot, I think. Those kind of kids don’t come around very often. It will be the only time I coach a kid like that.”
Randy Tieman, Hall coach
Joseph Bacidore
11 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Gianni Guerrini


Here are the Putnam County property transfers for June of 2023.

June 1

David, Patricia and Steven Fiedler and Karla and Todd Davis to David, Patricia, Steven, Nicholas and Jacob Fiedler and Todd, Karla and Cody Davis and Lexi Campbell, deed, 04-24-0170-000, $0.

June 2

Nicolette, William and Cheryl Lucas to Emilie and Carl Chamberlain, deed, Colby’s N. H. Second Addition Granville 02-00-060-100, $40,000. Bettina Moews Revocable Trust to Moews Liquidation LLC, deed, 02-13-150-000, $0. Moews Seed Company to Bettina Moews Revocable Trust, deed, 02-13-150-000 Q:NE S:15

T:32 R:1, $0.

Donal R. Murphy Testamentary Trust to Sheryl Murphy, deed, 03-04-270-000 Q:SW S:22

T:14 R:9, $0.

June 5

Mark and Christine Angelo to Sharon Meade, deed, 04-26-261-00 Q:SW S:36 T:31 R:2, $46,000. Nathan Cumpton and Nathan Cook to Gary Wayne and Gary Leon Merkel, deed, 03-00-032160 Lake Thunderbird Hills L:80, $2,000.

Paul Read to Paul Read Revocable Trust, deed, properties, $0.

Christopher Coleman to Paige Mellentine, deed, 02-00-069-070 Archibald Hopkins Granville, $119,000.

June 6

St. Margaret’s Hospital to OSF HealthCare System, C H Smith Addition -Granville L: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, $0.

June 7

Larry Turner Jr. to Sandra Hernandez, deed, N H Colby’s Third Addition Granville L:15 and 16, $12,500.

Randy Lee Peterson to Randy Lee Peterson and Bradley George Peterson, deed, 03-00-081-210 Indian Hills L:149, $0.

Wes and Paula Uden and Jeremy Moore to Jeremy Moore, Paula and Wes Uden and Chad and Chanda Bohnsack, deed, 03-00-032-030 Lake Thunderbird Hills L:67, $350.

Barbara Chambers to Jon Sabotta, deed, 04-00-056-020 McNabb Development Corp Addition, $193,000.

June 8

32625 S. Route 53 LLC to Nicholas Wallace, deed, multiple properties, $239,000. Chester and Janina Kowalczyk to Chester and Janina Kowalczyk and Jozef Mrugala, deed, Lake Thunderbird Woods L:40, $0.

June 9

Joseph Mecagni to Joseph Mecagni Revocable Trust, deed, Village of Hennepin L:19 B:8, $0. Pettit Family Revocable Living Trust to Chad Arnett, deed, multiple Granville properties, $0. Cynthia, Justin, Kali and Taylor Pettit to Chad Arnett, deed, multiple Granville properties, $0. Michael Pettit to Chad Arnett, deed, multiple Granville properties, $0.

Christine Fiedler, Cynthia Giuliani, Annette Gualandi and Kristin Tonozzi to Chad Arnett, deed, multiple Granville properties, $50,000.

June 12

Estate of Jesus Ramirez to Michael Schrowang, deed, Village of Granville L: 7 B:5, L:8 B:5m $78,000.

Jeremy and Melissa Actis to Melissa McLaughlin

to Brandon and Julia Fowkes, deed, multiple Magnolia properties, $270,000.

June 13

Winkler Trust Agreement and Sami Balestri Revocable Trust to Eric and Jennifer Kelsey, deed, Q:NW S:27 T:32 R:1, $0.

Eric Kelsey to Winkler Trust Agreement and Sami Balestri Revocable Trust, deed, Q:SW S:27 T:32 R:1, $0.

June 14

Paul Read to Paul E. Revocable Trust, deed, multiple properties, $10.

Mark and Karen Roberson to Karen Roberson, deed, Fun Acres Addition - Magnolia 04-00057-220, $0.

June 16

Moriarty Family Trust to Michael and Cathy Moriarty, deed, 02-00-086-250 Village of Mark L:80, $120,000.

Keith and Denise Boggio to Joseph and Christine Miglorini, deed, multiple properties, $1,870,000.

June 20

Estate of Frank Nykiel to Nev Jerome Peltier and Elizabeth Ann Lindstrom, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills Plat #3 L:649, $2,500.

William and Katerina Nickel to Salvador and Martha Ochoa, deed, F. W. Sucher’s Second Addition - Standard 02-00-101-075 , $83,000.

Vicki Kuntzman to Kristina Rea and Michael Cass, deed, Replat of Lake Thunderbird Hills #3 L:1, $0. Mason and Drewann Lee to Lorymar Vargas and Stephanie Lurk, deed, 01-22-080-000 Q:NW S:26 T:32 R:2, $168,000.

June 21

Jill Kowalczyk to Janice Cassiday and Edwin Bishop, deed, 01-29-113-000 Q:SE S:36 T:33 R:2, $160,000.

Patricia Muilenburg Declaration of Trust to Jill Kowalczyk, deed, 01-29-113-000 Q:SE S:36 T:33 R:2, $0.

June 23

Diane Nibungco to Scott and Alana McCullough, deed, 03-00-079-030 Indian Hills L:67, $6,000.

Richard Lami Trust, Gerald Lenkaitis Living Trust and Kathleen Living Trust to Connie Hartman, deed, 03-00-086-070 Indian Hills L:295, $1,500.

June 26

Betty Ruppert, Gary Miller and James Miller to Betty Ruppert, Gary Miller and James Miller, deed, multiple properties, $0.

Aureliano Martinez to Maria Salud Leal Calderon and Jesus Martinez, deed, 02-16-216-000 Q:SW S:23 T:32 R:1, $0.

June 27

Mary and Mark Judd to Charles and Cheryl Judd, deed, Parkview Section 4 Hennepin L:2, $0.

June 28

Delores J. Anderson Joint Trust to Andrew and Jennifer Glenn, deed, 04-00-038-100 Patterson’s Addition - Magnolia, $65,000.

Sharon and Ann Penner to Gloria Neal to Randall and Denise Salisbury, deed, 03-01-262-000 Q:SW S:3 T:14 R:9, $1,079,475.

James Engleking to Donald Bouxsein, deed, multiple properties, $0.

June 29

Crystal Baum to Daniel Baum, deed, multiple properties, $0.

June 30

Edie Walker Living Trust ot EMW RLT Holdings LLC, deed, Lake Thunderbird Hills Plat #2 L:447, $0.

12 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Make the smart and ONLY CHOICE when tackling your roof! Before After Erie Metal Roofs is trusted by homeowners nationwide to provide a level of value on new roofing that other home improvement companies simply can’t match. Erie Metal Roofs are designed to provide the ultimate defense against everything from hurricane-force winds to hail while also boosting energy efficiency and curb appeal. It’s not only the best protection you can get for your home, but it’s also designed to last a lifetime. ON YOUR INSTALLATION 50%OFF SAVE! Limited Time Offer! 10% OFF TAKE AN ADDITIONAL Additional savings for military, health workers and first responders Choose from 3 styles with multiple color options: SPANISH TILE WOODEN SHAKE DIMENSIONAL SHINGLES New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not available in your area. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on homeservicescompliance. com. All rights reserved. License numbers available at eriemetalroofs.com/erie-licenses/. IL License Number: 104.014121 MADE IN THE U.S.A. 1.844.244.7162 FREE ESTIMATE Expires 9/30/2023

county courtroom on September 28, 2023, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, a First Appearance hearing will be held upon the petition to have the child declared to be a ward of the court under that Act.




Jo bs available to start ASAP.

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If interest ed cont act 815-441-3464



CERTIFICATE NO. 2019 - 0006 8





All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subjec t to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any prefer ence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an inte ntion, to make any such preference , limita tion or discrimination .”

Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

To complain of discrimination call, HUD toll-free at 800- 669-9777. The toll-free telephone numbe r for the he aring impaired is 800-927-9275



To: James Lemke, location unknown

Take notice that on June 22, 2023, a petition was filed under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 by Christina (Judd) Mennie, Putnam County State's Attorney, in the circuit court of Putnam County entitled "In the interest of N.R.L., a minor", and that in the Putnam county courtroom on September 28, 2023, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as this cause may be heard, a First Appearance hearing will be held upon the petition to have the child declared to be a ward of the court under that Act.



Unless you appear you will not be entitled to further written notices or publication notices of the proceedings in this case, including the filing of an amended petition or a motion to terminate parental rights

IF THE PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND THE APPOINTMENT OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. Unless you appear you will not be entitled to further written notices or publication notices of the proceedings in this case, including the filing of an amended petition or a motion to terminate parental rights Now, unless you appear at the hearing and show cause against the petition, the allegations of the petition may stand admitted as against you and each of you, and an order or judgment entered.

Dated: this 4th day of August, 2023

Putnam County Circuit Clerk 120 North Fourth Street Hennepin, Illinois 61327

(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 23, 30, 2023) 2099367



CERTIFICATE NO 2019 - 0006 8




TENANTS County Clerk of PUTNAM County:

Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots

A Petition for Tax Deed on premises described below has been filed in the Circuit Court of PUTNAM County, Illinois as Case # 2 02 3TX16 Property located at ROUTE 18 MAGNOLIA, IL. 61336

Legal Description or Permanent Index No. 04-26-191-000

Said property was sold on 11- 18-20 for delinquent taxes for the year 2019 The period of redemption will expire on 11-17-23.

On 1-25-24 AT 9:00AM the petitioner will make application to such court in said county for an Order for Tax Deed, should the real estate not be redeem ed Douglas J. Johnson, Petitioner

(Published in Putnam County Record August 9, 16, 23, 2023) 2098407


NOTICE OF PU BLIC H EARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District Number 425 in the County of LaSalle, State of Illinois, that the proposed budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the District Office, 315 West 3rd Street , Lostant, Illinois, from and after 8 o'clock a.m. on the 30th day of August, 2023.

Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the 27th day of September , 2023, at the district office, School District No. 425.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of School District Number 425 in the County of LaSalle, State of Illinois, that the proposed budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the District Office, 315 West 3rd Street , Lostant, Illinois, from and after 8 o'clock a.m. on the 30th day of August, 2023.

Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the 27th day of September , 2023, at the district office, School District No. 425 Dated this 9th day of August, 2023.

Board of Education School District Number 425 in the County of LaSalle, State of Illinois.

County of LaSalle, State of Illinois, that the proposed budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at the District Office, 315 West 3rd Street , Lostant, Illinois, from and after 8 o'clock a.m. on the 30th day of August, 2023. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the 27th day of September , 2023, at the district office, School District No. 425

Dated this 9th day of August, 2023.

Board of Education School District Number 425 in the County of LaSalle, State of Illinois.

(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 2023) 2100230

999 • Legal 999 • Legal




BE IT ORDAINED BY THE President and Board of Trustees of the Marshall/Putnam River Conservancy District:


That the following sums or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the purposes of the Marshall/Putnam River Conservancy District, as hereinafte r specified, for the fiscal year comm encing on the 1st day of May, A.D., 2023 and ending on the 30th day of April, A.D., 2024.

Trustees per diem $1,500.00

Mileage $500.00

Insurance $700.00

Dated this 9th day of August, 2023. Board of Education School District

(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 2023) 2100230

Legal fees $500.00


Notice is given of the death of Kristi M. Biagi Letters of office were issued to Brian W. Biagi of 10021 E. Power Plant Rd., Hennepin, IL 61327 as Independent Administrator whose attorneys are Angel, Isaacson & Tracy, 111 Park Avenue East, Princeton, Illinois 61356.

Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Court, Putnam County Courthouse, 120 North Fourth Street, Hennepin, Illinois, 61327, or with the Independent Administrator, or both, on or before February 16, 2024, or, if mailing or delivery of a notice from the Independent Administrator is required by Section 18-3 of the Probate Act of 1975, the date stated in that notice Any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the clerk must be mailed or delivered to the Independent Administrator and to the attorneys within 10 days after it has been filed.

E- filing is now mandatory for documents in civil cases with limited exemptions. To e- file, you must first create an account with an e-filing service provider. Visit https://efile. illinoiscourts.gov/service- providers.htm to learn more and to select a service provider

If you need additional help or have trouble e-filing, visit http://www.illinoiscourts.gov/ FAQ/gethelp.asp

Dated this 9th day of August, 2023. Angel, Isaacson & Tracy Attorneys for Estate 111 Park Avenue East Princeton, IL 61356 815- 875- 6551

Publication/Printing $500.00

Office expenses $150.00

Payroll taxes $150.00

Audit/accounting $1,260.00

Program developm ent $21,000.00

Contingencies $10,090.00



That said several sums of money are hereby appropriated from monies received by said Marshall/Putnam River Conservancy District from all sources.


That any unexpended balance of any item s of any appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any other item of appropriation made by this Ordinance.


That if any section, subdivision or sentence of this ordinance shall for any reason be held invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance.


This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and due publication, in accordance with the law.

PASSED AND APPROVED by majority vote of the Board of the Marshall/Putnam River Conservancy District this day of July, A.D., 2023

Ayes: 3 Nays: 1 Absent: 0


/s/ Anthony Sloan



/s/ Ronald E. Bruch


Appropriation Ordinance 2023

(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 2023) 2100820

13 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday,
August 16, 2023
(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 23, 30, 2023) 2100401 999 • Legal 999 • Legal
228 • Help Wanted 767 • Mobile Home Sales 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal
Persons in occupancy or actual possession of said property, Unknown owners or parties interested in said land or lots
A Petition for Tax Deed on premises described below has been filed in the Circuit Court of PUTNAM County, Illinois as Case # 2 02 3TX16 Property located at ROUTE 18
Permanent Index No
MAGNOLIA, IL. 61336 Legal Description or
04-26-191-000 Said property was
No less


Notice of Public Hearing

In accordance with Section 17-20 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/17- 20), notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 11:30 A.M. Tuesday, September 05, 2023, in the Offices of the Department of Revenue, 101 West Jefferson Street, Springfield, Illinois, for the purpose of taking evidence which may be pertinent to the Department's estimate of the percent to be applied to the aggregate assessm ent of locally assessed property in Putnam County for the assessm ent year 2023. This hearing is required by the Property Tax Code

Based on the comparison of assessed valuations, the analysis of property transfers, and other available information, the estimated percentage to be applied to the aggregate assessment of locally assessed property other than property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/10- 110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200) is 0.00%. Accordingly, the tentative equalization factor is 1.0000.

age to be applied to the aggregate assessment of locally assessed property other than property assessed under Sections 10-110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/10- 110 through 10-140 and 10-170 through 10-200) is 0.00%. Accordingly, the tentative equalization factor is 1.0000. This meeting will be accessibl e to handicapped individuals in compliance with Executive Order #5 and pertinent state and federal laws upon notification of anticipated attendance. Handicapped persons planning to attend and needing special accomm odations should contact Charles Hulett, either by telephone (217/7856619), email at charles.a.hulett@ illinois.gov or letter (Departm ent of Revenue, Property Tax Division MC- 3- 450, 101 West Jefferson Street, P. O. Box 19033, Springfield, Illinois 62794- 9033), by Tuesday, August 29, 2023, to inform of their anticipated attendance David Harris Director of Revenue


(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 2022) 2098933


Notice is given of the death of Branden Alan Bowers on April 14, 2023, and that Letters of Office as Administrator under independent administration were issued on August 3, 2023 to Gail Bowers, who may be contacted c/o her attorney as set forth below.

Claims may be filed six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this Notice of Claim Date or three (3) months from the date of mailing or delivery, whichever is later, and any claim not filed on or before that date is barred. Claims against the estate may be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Putnam County Courthouse, Hennepin, IL 61327, or with the Representative, or both Within ten (10) days after a claimant files its claim with the Court, the claimant must mail or deliver a copy of the claim to the Representative AND to her attorney of record AND file with the Court proof of mailing or delivery of said copies.

This meeting will be accessibl e to handicapped individuals in compliance with Executive Order #5 and pertinent state and federal laws upon notification of anticipated attendance. Handicapped persons planning to attend and needing special accomm odations should contact Charles Hulett, either by telephone (217/7856619), email at charles.a.hulett@ illinois.gov or letter (Departm ent of Revenue, Property Tax Division MC- 3- 450, 101 West Jefferson Street, P. O. Box 19033, Springfield, Illinois 62794- 9033), by Tuesday, August 29, 2023, to inform of their anticipated attendance

Dated August 4, 2023

/s/ Scott A. Shore, Attorney for Administrator

Scott A. Shore, Attorney At Law

227 E. Court St - P.O. Box 231 Hennepin, IL 61327 Tel. 815- 925- 7117 ShoreLawAndMediation@gmail.com

(Published in Putnam County Record

(Published in Putnam County Record August 16, 2022) 2098933

August 9, 16, 23, 2023) 2099268

14 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD SM-PR2088545 Rt.29,Henr Towing Available Mon-Wed, We have Stop SM-PR2088559 24 Hour Service 107 www.kettmanheating.com LOOK FOR SM-PR2088552 202 W Harper PO Box 326 Granville, PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182 JODY Owner SM-PR2088541 999 • Legal 999 • Legal PUBLIC
The Estate of Branden Alan Bowers, Deceased Case # 23 PR 11
999 • Legal 999 • Legal
*Includes product and labor; bathtub, shower or walk-in tub and wall surround. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. Other restrictions may apply. This offer expires 9/30/2023. Each dealership is independently owned and operated. **Third party financing is available for those customers who qualify. See your dealer for details. ©2023 BCI Acrylic, Inc. OFFER EXPIRES 9/30/2023 Military & Senior Discounts Available $1000 OFF* No Payments & No Interest for 18 Months** AND (815) 893-3111 CALL NOW ! • Tub-to-Shower Conversions • Replacement Tubs
Replacement Showers • Walk-in Tubs
Low-Barrier Showers
Soaker Tubs
Accessories and more! The Bath or Shower You’ve Always Wanted IN AS LITTLE AS 1 DAY Don' t need it? Sell it ! To place a Classified ad call 833-584-N EWS
15 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903 Business Directory Marketplace Business Directory Marketplace Business Directory SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! SM-PR2088545 FOLEY MOTORS Inc. QualityPre-Owned Vehicles Sales&Service Rt.29,Henr y, IL309-364-4711 Towing Available Full Service Store www.foleymotorsinc.com GLYNN’S DEMOLITION DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING Raejean Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Fax 815-925-7475 gngdemolition@yahoo.com Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment granvillefloors.com We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR2088559 SM-PR2088540 Need a new water heater installed or serviced? We’ll keep you in hot water! 815-882-2111 www.grassersplumbingheating.com PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 24 Hour Service 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com • 815-339-6124 LOOK FOR THE MAN IN THE ORANGE & WHITE VAN SM-PR2088552 Call Today! 815-339-4108 116 South 2nd Street • Standard, IL 61363 davidpassini@hotmail.com DAVID PASSINI Licensed • Bonded • Insured 058129420 202 W Harper Ave PO Box 326 Granville, IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182 route71autobody@frontier.com Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODY TALIANI Owner SM-PR2088541 Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards! Johnny Sieg Owner/Operator 815-878-7367 Cars, Trucks, Trailer, Motorcycles, ATVs, & Lawn Mowers also Bicycles Mounting, Balancing, Rotating, Patches, Plugs and all tire repairs plus Small Implement Farm Tires Where We Always Keep You Rollin! siegtire.com NEW LOCATION620 Old Highway 26 Hennepin, IL 61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. SM-PR2088561 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 | Cell 815-481-7664 | thecabinetgirl@hotmail.com MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard 504 S. McCoy Granville, IL 815-339-2511 alcioniford.com Al C Ford red Hassle Free Buying Experience, Where there is Service After the Sale! • Asphalt paving and repairs • Crack Filling • Seal coating • Line striping Serving the Illinois Valley for over 10 years www.restoremyasphalt.com Phone: 815-252-0645 | gabe.ars@comcast.net Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR2040596 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories 9/30/2023.
16 Putnam County Record / shawlocal.com/putnam-county-record • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD 102 S. FRONT ST. HENNEPIN, IL • 815-925-7308 • HENNEPINFOODMART.COM $ 3.59 lb. BONELESS BUTTERFLY PORKCHOPS $ 3.59 lb. LEAN TENDER PORK STEAK GM CHEERIOS,REESES PUFFS,CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH 10-12 OZ 2/$7 HEINZ EASY SQUEEZE KETCHUP 32 OZ 2/$9 CREAMETTE PASTA 16 OZ 4/$ 5 OUR FAMILY PREMIUM PAPER TOWELS 6 ROLL $ 5.99 RAGU PASTA SAUCE 24 OZ 2/$ 5 RITZ CRACKERS 13.7 OZ 2/$7 GROCERY SPECIALS Kraft Mac and Cheese Dinner 7.25oz ........ 4/$5 Campbells Canned Pasta 15.6oz ............... 4/$5 Jiff Peanut Butter 28oz .............................. $4.49 Smucker Preserves and Jams 18oz ........... 2/$7 Quaker Instant Oatmeal Packs 12.10oz .... $3.89 Betty Crocker Brownie Mixes 18oz ............ 2/$5 Planters Dry Roasted Peanuts 16oz $3.89 Snack Pak Pudding Cups 4pk ................... 4/$5 Doritos Chips 9.25oz .................................. 2/$7 Capri Sun Drink Packs 10ct ...................... $3.89 Our Family Liquid Bleach 81oz .................. 2/$7 Our Family Laundry Detergent 50oz.......... $3.49 Lacroix Sparkling Water 12pk .................... 2/$9 DELI Kretschmar Brown Sugar Ham lb.............. $6.99 Walnut Mozzarella Cheese lb .................... $4.59 Kretschmar Pepperoni lb ........................... $7.99 Deli Fresh Chicken Salad lb ...................... $6.99
Busch Light or Busch Beer 30pk Cans ... $17.99 Flavored UV Vodka 750ml ....................... $14.99
Plumrose Sliced Bacon 12oz ..................... $2.99 Open Acres Chicken Legs lb ...................... $1.69 Choice Eye Of Round Steak lb ................... $5.99 Skylark Sliced Beef Liver 16oz ................... $3.99 Meaty Baby Back Ribs lb ........................... $3.99 Homemade Pork Fairburgers lb ................. $3.99 Our Family Catfish Fillets 16oz ................... $7.99 DAIRY Simply Orange Juice 52oz ......................... $3.69 Our Family Sour Cream 16oz ..................... $1.99 Our Family Pizza Crust Dough 13.8oz ......... 2/$5 FROZEN FOODS Blue Ribbon Ice Cream Rounds 48oz ........ $2.99 Our Family Bomb Pops 24ct ...................... $4.49 Mr Dells Shredded Hashbrowns 30oz ........ $3.49 Louisa's Meat Tortillini lb ............................ $4.99 PRODUCE Whole Seedless Watermelons Each ........... $5.99 Fresh Cabbage lb .......................................... 79¢ Whole Mini Bella Mushrooms 8oz ................ 2/$5 Summeripe Peaches lb .............................. $2.49 C O U P O N MAXWELL HOUSE GROUND COFFEE 30.6 OZ $7.99 Limit One With Coupon and $20 Order SUMMER SAVINGS AT HFM!!! WIN BIG AT HFM GAMING!!! HENNEPIN FOOD MART SM-PR2095591 HENNEPIN 815-925-7373 or LADD 815-894-2386 NMLS# 405315 CUT THROUGH THE MORTAGE RED TAPE JUST AS EASILY AS YOU CUT YOUR LAWN northcentralbank.com APPLYONLINE 24/7

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