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The annual Freezin’ for a R e a s o n 5 K r u n / w a l k w a s held in Fulton on Saturday, March 5, but the runners had an unseasonably warm day t o m a k e t h e t r e k a r o u nd town.

The race started and ended a t F u l t o n P r e s b y t e r i a n Church, with a challenging course winding downhill and along the bike path on the Mississippi River. Marcus Blount of Clinton won the men’s division with a time of 19:17 and Joanna Lochner of Davenport won the women’s race with a time of 23:34.

All proceeds will help the church’s Mission Starfish Haiti project, which provides a Christian education to the poorest children in Haiti, according to their website. The church is still accepting donations for the fundraiser, a n d c o n t r i b u t i o ns c a n b e dropped off or mailed to 311 N. Ninth St. Fulton, IL 61252, with checks made payable to Fulton Presbyterian Church - Mission Starfish.

Marcus Blount of Clinton crosses the finish line at the Freezin’ for a Reason 5K in Fulton on Saturday, March 5.

Photo provided Fulton senior Brock Mason advances to the finals in the 3-point showdown making 11 out of 15 shots during sectional competition.

Earleen Hinton/ Shaw Media

Erie-Prophetstow n bowlers recog nized at end of sea son

Awards for the EP Panthers boys bowling team were given last week after the conclusion of the 2021-22 season. Recognized were Keith Goodson for Most Improved and sectional qualifier Michael Miner for Most 3+ strike runs – 20; High Single Game – 246; High 3-Game Series – 592; and High 6-Game Series – 1134.

“Our numbers were down this year, and as a result we had to compete a couple times without a full squad due to some COVID quarantines,” EP coach Tom Rickels said. “The six bowlers we did have improved throughout the year, but unfortunately did not make it past regionals. Michael Miner, our lone senior, was able to advance to sectionals and was the first bowler to do that for our program.”

Keith Goodson (left) and Michael Miner display bowling awards they received at the end of the season.

Photo provided

RMS w restlers par ticipate in IESA Sectional

Congratulations to the Riverdale Middle School Wrestling IESA (Illinois Elementary School Association) sectional qualifiers! Regionals were in Morrison on Feb. 26, with the top three participating in the Rockridge Sectionals on Saturday, March 5. The top four from that competition will be going to the state finals in DeKalb on March 11 and 12. “We had a very large team with a lot of them being new to wrestling and we were still able to finish second in conference and are sending 12 to sectionals,” Coach Alex Earhart said. “That is a testament to the hard work and dedication this group has shown. We look forward to how these guys will perform next year, whether here at the middle school or the eighth graders that will be freshmen next year.” Pictured in the front (from left) are Cole Barrett (alternate); Cameron Geigle, second place; Corbin Mathis, third place; Triton Pulfrey, third place; and Elijah Newton, third place; and in the back (from left) are Jayden Leighty (alternate); Cole Smith, first place; Ben Porter, second place; Dean Wainwright, first place; Jimmy Bark, second place; Finley Sullivan, first place; Jake Schradeya, second place; Lucas Dunbar, third place; and Henry Schradeya, second place.


Local duo named to A P A ll-State g irls basketball team

By TY REYNOLDS treynolds@shawmedia.com

Morrison junior Shelby Veltrop and Amboy senior Olivia Dinges were honorable mention selections on the Class 1A Associated Press All-State team that was released March 2.

Veltrop received 23 points. Dinges garnered 18 points.

They were the only local players named to the team in any of the four classes.

Three Rivers names girls basketball all-conference teams

M o r r i s o n ’ s S h e l b y V e l t r o p a n d Newman’s Jess Johns were named f i r s t - t e a m a l l - c o n fe re n c e i n t h e i r respective divisions of the Three Rivers Athletic Conference, the league announced March 2.

Veltrop, a junior, was one of six unanimous picks in the TRAC West, joining Monmouth-Roseville sophom o r e C a r m y n H u s t o n , R o c k r i d g e seniors Kierney McDonald and Madison Heisch and Sherrard junior Olivia Meskan and senior Sydney Adamson.

Morrison freshman Camryn Veltrop and Erie-Prophetstown sophomore Kennedy Buck were named to the second team. Morrison senior Kendra Fisher was an honorable mention selection.

Photos by Earleen Hinton/Shaw Media Morrison junior Shelby Veltrop (left photo) and Amboy senior Olivia Dinges (right photo) were honorable mention selections on the Class 1A Associated Press All-State team.

NUIC South names all-conference teams

The Northwest Upstate Illini Conference announced its boys and girls basketball all-conference teams March 1.

On the boys side, Eastland senior K e l l e n H e n z e , F u l t o n s o p h o m o r e Baylen Damhoff and Milledgeville senior Kieren Harris were unanimous picks, with Henze earning MVP honors. They were joined on the first team by Fulton junior Ethan Price, Fulton senior Brock Mason and Polo sophomore Brock Soltow.

Second-teamers were AFC junior Carson Rueff, Amboy sophomore Brennan Blaine, Eastland senior Andy Anderson, Forreston junior Owen Greenfield, Fulton senior Ian Wiebenga, Milledgeville sophomore Connor Nye and Polo senior Tyler Merdian.

Honorable mention selections were AFC junior Lane Koning, Amboy junior Tucker Lindenmeyer, Amboy senior Connor Simpson, Eastland senior Jaxson Sturtevant, Forreston senior Cole Becker and Fulton senior Jacob Jones.

Amboy senior Olivia Dinges was named MVP of the girls team, and was one of four unanimous picks, along with Eastland seniors Addison Burkholder and Chloe Sweitzer and Polo junior Lindee Poper. AFC sophomore Taylor Jahn and Polo senior Nicole Boelens also were named to the first team.

Amboy sophomores Elly Jones and Maeve Larson, Eastland senior Annika M y r e , F o r r e s t o n j u n i o r B r o o k e Boettner, Fulton freshman Miraya Pessman and Milledgeville senior A d r i a n a M i l l e r w e r e s e c o n d - te a m selections.

H o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n p i c k s w e r e Amboy junior Courtney Ortgiesen, Eastland senior Delana Erbsen, Fulton freshman Resse Germann, Milledgeville senior Rylee Matthews and Polo senior Kadence Sheaffer.

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