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Winning Wheels holds first concert of the season
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NEWS Sarah Ford
wnsnews@shawmedia.com FAR LEFT: John Frederick (left) and Andy Przepiorski enjoy the classic rock music of the Gray Wolf Band during the Winning Wheels Summer Concert Series on Friday, June 3, in Eclipse Square Park in Prophetstown. The Velies will be the next performers on Friday, June 10, from 7 to 9 p.m. LEFT: Shoppie the Yorkie and his owner Bruce King, who grew up in Prophetstown, spend a couple of hours at Eclipse Square Park for the first Winning Wheels concert of the season.
Photos by Sarah Ford for Shaw Media
PHS Cla ss of 2022 scholarship and award recipients
The following awards and scholarships were presented to Prophetstown High School Class of 2022 graduates. Congratulations and good luck on your future endeavors!
Post-Secondary Institute Scholarships
Capri College Scholarship: Tinley Wetzell
Educators of Beauty Scholarship: Cassandra Burgess
Morrison Technical Institute Academic Scholarship: Maxwell Lantz
Morrison Technical Institute Counselor’s Choice Scholarship: Maxwell Lantz and Zander Dyson
Morrison Technical Institute Family Scholarship: Maxwell Lantz
The Office of President Scholarship - ISU Black Colleagues Association: Dominique Robinson
Red Bird Academic Scholarship: Madison Grennan and Dominique Robinson
Sauk Scholar: Benjamin Lantz and Connor Sibley
Western Illinois University Principal’s Scholarship: DanniLynn Jasinski
Memorial Scholarships
Arlyn Koehler Memorial Scholarship: Dominique Robinson
B r e n t Z a a g m a n M e m o r i a l / W y f f l e s Hybrid Scholarship: Connor Sandrock
Gail Goodell Memorial Scholarship: Connor Sandrock
Graham Memorial Scholarship: Connor Sibley
Jess Coleman Strader Scholarship: Benjamin Lantz
Local Scholarships
Farmers National Bank: Madison Grennan
P L T C U S D 3 U n i o n S c h o l a r s h i p: Madyson Bushaw and Madison Grennan
Prophetstown Lions Club: Connor Sandrock and Connor Sibley
Prophetstown Masonic Lodge: Connor Sibley
Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Scholarship: Connor Sandrock
Tampico Lions Club: Dominique Robinson and Connor Sandrock
Tampico Men’s Club Scholarship: Connor Sandrock and Tinley Wetzell
Whiteside County Retired Teacher’s Association Scholarship: Connor Sibley
Education Foundation Scholarships
Benjamin Lantz, Madison Grennan, Dominique Robinson, Connor Sandrock, and Connor Sibley.
Donald Hill Scholarships
Cassandra Burgess and Tinley Wetzell.
Advertising Sales 815-632-2554
PUBLISHER Jennifer Heintzelman 815-632-2502 jheintzelman@shawmedia.com
The PROPHETSTOWN ECHO (USPS No. 447-900) is published weekly by Sauk Valley Media, Shaw Media.
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Tampico Parks and Recreation will be holding a fundraiser dinner at the Reagan Community Center on Saturday, June 11, from 4 to 7 p.m. The meal cooked by Bruce Peltier features smoked pulled pork, smoked chicken quarters, coleslaw, pasta salad and BBQ pit beans. Each $10 meal includes one meat, two sides and a dinner roll. Dine in or carryout available. Proceeds will be used to purchase equipment and make improvements to the concession building, ball diamonds and parks.
Vendors sought for Fourth Friday event
Prophetstown Proud is seeking vendors for its Fourth Friday “Shop Small” event on June 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the downtown. The evening will feature small businesses, local crafters and live music at Eclipse Square Memorial Park. Hometown Hardware will be having a customer appreciation cookout.
There is no cost to register as a small business/vendor, but organizers ask that each participant donate a product or a gift certificate to be part of the event giveaway, with a recommended $20 value. Spaces will be 10x10 feet. No tables or canopies will be provided, but vendors can bring their own.
To register as a vendor, go to forms.gle/ zjVh3f9T1QF2nbtg9 or email jenna.scifres@ gmail.com.
Prophetstown Community VBS set for July 11-15
Prophetstown Community VBS will be hosted at First Lutheran Church of Prophetstown from 5:30 to 8 p.m. July 11-15. This year’s theme is Rocky Railway. A light meal will be offered for all participants and volunteers from 5 to 5:25 p.m. each night.
At Rocky Railway, kids discover through life’s ups and downs that Jesus’ power pulls us through. Kids participate in memorable Bible-learning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, engage in fun snack-eating experiences, take part in one-ofa-kind Bible Adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them to trust Jesus, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings.
Each day concludes with the Rock Wrap-Up that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Family members and friends are encouraged to join us for a community celebration on Friday, July 15, at 7:30 p.m.
Rocky Railway is for kids who have completed their first year of pre-K through the completion of fifth grade. Registration forms are located at area churches or online at www. vbspro.events/p/ptown. For more information, call First Lutheran Church at 815-537-2758.
James and K aren Steele to celebrate 50th anniversar y
J a m e s a n d Karen Steele will b e c e l e b r a t i n g their 50th wedding a n n i v e r s a r y o n Friday, June 10.
James E. Steele and Karen Shaheen were united in marriage on June 10, 1 9 7 2 , a t t h e E r ie Christian Church.
The couple have t h r e e c h i l d r e n , J a m e s A . S t e e l e , Jeffrey Steele and J e n n if e r ( R o g e r ) Konczak.
T h e y c o u p l e love spending time w i t h t h e i r t w o g r a n d c h i l d r e n , C h r i s t i a n a n d Sophia. James E. Steele and Karen Shaheen were united in marriage on June 10, 1972, at the Erie Christian Church in Erie. They will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, June 10.
Photo provided
Morrison native to present program at Whiteside Forum
The season finale of The Whiteside Forum will host native son Jacob Campbell at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 9, at Odell Public Library, 307 S. Madison St., Morrison.
Campbell will speak about his work at the Field Museum in Chicago and how humans interact with their environment and why that matters. The program will be followed by a brief synopsis.
The working title of Campbell’s program is “Biocultural Artistry: Equitable Green Space Design on Chicago’s South Lakefront.”
In 2016, teams of artists and community-based organizations from Bronzeville, Pilsen and Chinatown transformed Chicago’s largest Park District Natural Area by installing five public art gathering spaces along the Lakefront Wood Chip Trail. Their designs were inspired by cultural traditions from these neighborhoods that honor the environment and ancestral connections to the land. This presentation will explore how park design b e n e f i t s f r o m a focus on the intersection of culture, a r t a n d n a t u r e , and will describe the field museum’s role in this Chi Jacob Campbell cago case example. Campbell is an e n v i r o n m e n t a l anthropologist with the Keller Scie n c e A c t i o n C e n t e r a t t h e F i e l d Museum, where he leads the social science team for the Chicago region program. Campbell’s approach to c o m m u n i t y - b a s e d r e s ea rc h a n d applied anthropology has emerged through two decades of work with groups that include the Zuni Tribe, U.S. Gulf Coast fisherman and Trinidadian oilfield workers. He earned a master’s degree and Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Arizona.
Steve Siefken/Shaw Media Morrison American Legion Post 328 celebrated its grand reopening with a ribbon-cutting hosted by the Morrison Chamber of Commerce on Memorial Day. More than 200 community members visited the updated Legion. Visitors were treated to pork chop sandwiches, sides and beverages. The Morrison Department of Fun hosted a block party to celebrate the grand reopening and the completion of the final block renovation. In addition to having an up-to-date post for Legion meetings, the building is available to rent for small venues. Visit www. morrisonamericanlegion.org/building-rental-request or call 815-310-0333 for information. Pictured are (from left) Myra Huizenga, Faith Rumfelt, Terry Jones, Tiffany Tipton, Barry Linder, Ken Petersen, Jerry Brearton, Larry Zuidema, Dale Usterbowski, Dennis VanZuiden, Vern Schroeder, Bob Brands, Kevin Schisler, EH Stralow and Bill Brackemyer.