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HOLIDAY CLOSINGS: LCCOA, Senior Center and Senior Transportation will be closed Friday, Dec. 24 and Monday Dec. 27 for Christmas, and will reopen Tuesday, Dec. 28. They will also be closed Friday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 3 for the New Year’s holiday, and will reopen and Tuesday, Jan. 4. The Whiteside County Senior Center and Whiteside County Public Transportation will be closed Friday, Dec. 24, and will reopen Tuesday, Dec. 28. WCSC will also be closed Friday, Dec. 31, for New Year’s Eve and will reopen Tuesday, Jan. 4.

Golden Echo

A publication of Sauk Valley Media in cooperation with Lee County Council on Aging and Whiteside County Senior Center – United Way agencies



INSIDE From the Directors........................................2 Thank You’s...................................................4 Membership Dues Paid.................................4

Outreach...................................................... 11 Weekly, Monthly Activities..........................8

Upcoming Special Events.............................9 Upcoming Trips.............................................9 Meal Sites..................................................... 10

Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021



From the LCCOA Executive Director By Susan Lawler Oh my God, can it really be December? The days just fly by here at LCCOA. We are so busy serving our senior community, we are truly busy little elves trying to make our seniors healthy and happy. This is a wonderful time of year, and we here at LCCOA have so much to be grateful for; we are fortunate that we have so many seniors who love our Center and send donations daily to help us weather this storm. We love our historical old building, but it is our very own money pit. In the past few months we have had to replace 3 furnaces and an air conditioner. You are probably sick of hearing about another furnace, and saying to yourself: “How many furnaces can they actually have?” Well to answer that question, we have 5 furnaces (I dare say the words; I am afraid I will jinx us). To all you seniors: thank you for caring about LCCOA, and realizing what our agency means to Lee County. We are thankful that you understand the

vital services that we here at LCCOA provide to the all our seniors.

Leydig Center

The Leydig Center — what an amazing organization. They stepped up to the plate and donated $2,000 to help LCCOA get through this winter. Without our new furnaces, it would be mighty cold, and our staff would be dressing like Nanook of the North. Thank you, Leydig volunteers, for all your hard work. We do appreciate your services, and you are a great partner.

Open Enrollment

Another open enrollment is finally winding down. We served more than 300 seniors for the Medicare Part D prescription drug program, and this doesn’t count the license plate discounts, the ITAC phone clients, the referrals to Lifecape and Tri-County. The phones never stopped ringing for rides to grocery stores, doctors appointment, and to Covid vaccinations. We remained open throughout

From the WCSC Assistant Director By Beth Sterk As I am writing this, Thanksgiving is upon us, we are wrapping up our Medicare Open Enrollment, and the Christmas season is soon to start! Our center remains open from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday through Friday. We ask that patrons continue to enter at door No. 4 in the back of our building and wear a mask while in the building. The Illinois Department on Aging is still requiring that we continue our Covid Questionnaires upon entry. If you have a scheduled a faceto-face appointment with us, we will also be doing a temperature screen-

ing. Thank you for your continued patience as we keep our patrons and our staff safe. I encourage you to join us for lunch! The meals are great and super affordable! Only $3 for people over the age of 60.

Tis the season for changes

The Christmas season for many is a beautiful time of the year! You may have a new grandbaby and it’s their first Christmas. But for some, Christmas may bring challenges. Due to Covid, you may have lost a relative or you may have an ill family mem-

this pandemic — we didn’t leave our building — and we are here for the duration. Where many Centers and business worked from home, we were here to face this crisis with you, and we continue to be here for you. Our staff of 6, and our 4 amazing drivers — what would we do without them? They faced Covid with compassion, kindness and a cheerful face. They are my heroes! I am proud to work alongside them.


The bags are coming in for our clothing drive. We need 500 bags to make our goal. We have 100 bags, and counting. So clean those closets, empty those drawers, move those unwanted clothes out of the basement, and bring them on down to LCCOA. Remember: What you don’t need any longer, we want. Please help us make our goal; it doesn’t cost you anything, and it will mean so much to those less fortunate, and of course to LCCOA. Every bag helps us fund all of our repairs, our wages, lunches for our seniors, and the list goes on. The deadline is Jan. 10, 2022 — don’t miss it!!

Back in My Day!

Our little book has grown! We are so thrilled to be able to provide such wonderful stories, articles, pictures, recipes, and just cute sayings. We thank all our budding authors for

ber, and Christmas seems different this year. According to mayoclinic. com, the holidays don’t have to perfect — or just like last year. It’s OK to acknowledge your feelings and realize it is normal to feel sadness or grief. As families change and grow, traditions and rituals often change as well. It’s OK to allow that to happen, but find new ways to celebrate together!

Welcome to our new Director

This will be the last month that I will be writing this article. Don’t worry, though — I’m not leaving, but I will be welcoming our new Director, Susie Welch. I’m very pleased to introduce Susie, who comes to us with many, many years of business/ grant writing experience. Some of you may recognize her from the Foster Grandparents Program. Please welcome her with open arms — we are excited to have her on our team!

their creativity, and their desire to provide some tears, some laughter, and just an awesome moment. We are proud to say we are going to print. Our little book has turned into one nice hardcover book, and we could not have done this without you. One senior said, “ I started writing, and I realize I wasn’t alone any more. There are so many seniors that found their passion, just as I have.” It is never too late to start a new career, and writing just brings out the real inner you. Our next edition will be early spring. This winter we are expecting you to write, write and write some more.

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

We lost a dear friend this past month when Art Mueller left this world, but he will not be forgotten. He was a good friend to LCCOA, and to the Lee County community, volunteering every chance he had, whether it was for seniors, or for the youth of this county. He devoted himself to making Lee County a better place for all to live. Good bye, old friend, until we meet at heaven’s gates. May all our seniors and our community have a safe, healthy, and wonderful holiday and a Happy New Year! Until next time ... LCCOA: A place where you belong, a place to call home. – Susan

Christmas wishes

My wish for you this Christmas: comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warms your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth and Love to complete your life; by Ralph Waldo Emerson. When searching for that perfect gift, let me suggest some of the most cherished gifts ... To your enemy: forgiveness, To an opponent: tolerance, To a friend: your heart, To a customer: service, To all: charity, To every child: a good example ... And to yourself: respect! Merry Christmas from the Senior Center to your home! God Bless!

Golden Echo published monthly by Sauk Valley Media, 113-115 S. Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL 61021, in cooperation with the Lee County Council on Aging and Whiteside County Senior Center. Golden Echo disclaims any liability for any advertisements published herein and in no way endorses or guarantees these ads. Press releases of interest to seniors will be accepted at 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021; or 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. Deadline for submission is the 15th of each month. Golden Echo does not discriminate in admission to programs or treatment or employment in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act; the U.S. Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Age Discrimination Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; and the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Aging. For information, call 800-252-8966 (Voice & TDD), or contact the director of Lee County Council on Aging, 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021 or telephone 815-288-9236; or Whiteside County Senior Center, 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081 or 815-622-9230. The senior centers do not require duration of residency or citizenship as a condition of participation in any services or programs funded by the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging. Residency or citizenship may be a requirement for other programs that the senior centers may provide assistance with in application or accessing of same. Services are made available, in part, with funds provided under Title III-B of the Older American Act, and the Illinois General Revenue Funds, through the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging. We are a United Way-funded agency.



Kim Fenwick Pomazol and Carl Pomazol had an amazing wedding at the Historic Post House Ballroom. They truly made it their own! Our modern bride and groom made everyone feel at home, and special. The bride was beautiful, and her décor was elegant and warm. The Post House Ballroom team — Susan, Aaliyah, Marisa, Samantha and April — would like to thank Kim and Carl for allowing us to host their special day, here at the our “Timeless Beauty.” May your life be filled with health and happiness.

Photos courtesy of Amanda Hintz Photography

LCCOA phone numbers

Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 100 West Second Street – Dixon, IL, 61021 Main number 815-288-9236 Transportation 815-288-9236 Post House Ballroom 815-288-9236

Outreach services & free phones for hearing impaired Outreach hours 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

E-mail us at Visit us at or or find us on Facebook

WCSC phone numbers Office Hours: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday

1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling Transportation – 815-625-7433 • Information – 815-622-9230

ADRC: Call 815-622-9230, ext. 194

Outreach and free phones for hard of hearing/low vision 815-622-9230, ext. 194 Toll-free 888-622-9230, ext. 194

Email at Go to or follow us on Facebook.

GOLDEN ECHO Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021

The Post House Ballroom: Make it your own!


Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021



WCSC welcomes members

LCCOA welcomes members Barbara Schwamberger George Schwamberger Sandra Schamberger Billie Osbourne Charles Osbourne John Balk Evelyn Kalas Elaine Geiger Laura Brooks Stephen Bieser Diane Bieser Joseph Fornero Margery Fornero Charlotte Beaumont Larry Beaumont

Thank you to those individuals who have paid their memberships for 2021 JoAnn Canady

Shirley and Roy Sharp

Sue Klock

If you would like to join the Whiteside County Senior Center for 2022, the cost is $25 per person per calendar year or $35 for two people residing in same household. The membership form is on page 5 in this edition of the Golden Echo. You can mail your check to WCSC, 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. Although we don’t know what 2022 will look like at the center, we always appreciate your continued support of our Aging and Disabled Resource Center and we appreciate YOU!

Thank you to WCSC volunteers and supporters

Thank you to all our volunteers who donate their time, energy, and services and those who gave monetary donations, including anonymously. A special thanks to all who partner with our center to provide programs and activities for our seniors.

Be an LCCOA hero today for a brighter tomorrow! Watch the Echo for 2022 membership campaign. As a member you will receive discounts on all our activities and trips. All membership fees contribute to the support of Lee County Council on Aging. As a member you can feel confident that all funds helps LCCOA to continue the vital services we provide to all our seniors and continue to bring new and interesting activities to the Center for you to enjoy. Please continue to be a member of LCCOA and spread the word to all your friends and families. Thank you on behalf of LCCOA’s Board of Directors, Executive Director, staff and drivers.

AARP Tax Volunteers Anderson Nature Center-Fulton John Booker Joe Bright Karla Burn Al Campbell

Erie Public Library Trisha Logan Glenda MacLennan Golden Meals Joe Fornero Michelle Miller

NIAAA Odell Public Library, Morrison Riverbend Food Bank Rusty Schroeder Sauk Valley Food Bank SCUG

Emily Taylor TRIAD of Sterling United Way of Sterling Cindy Wadsworth

Thank you to LCCOA volunteers and supporters

Thank you to all our volunteers who donated their time, energy and services and those who gave monetary and non-monetary donations. A special thank you to all the wonderful supporters of LCCOA’s clothing drive who have donated anonymously. Sharon Reuter Zigler Scott Oesterlin Safe Life Home Health Care Lee County Jesse Ware Eileen Piper Larry Piper Teen Turf Rusty Schrader

Lee County United Way Amanda Wike Lifescape Johnson CPA Ben Galantine NIAAA Good Fellows Clara Harris

Terry Christian LOTS Bill Brown Rock River Club Dorothy Szewczyk Sandy Wittenauer Betsy Foy Gary Lee

First Congregational United Church of Christ of Lee County Ehrmann Gehlbach Badger Lee and Considine, LLC Sami Rodriguez – Petersen Health Care Thomas Houck – Willett Hofmann Paul Roe Melody Mitchell

LCCOA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION | 2022 (JAN. 1-DEC. 31) PLEASE PRINT and return to: Lee County Council on Aging, 100 W. Second St., Dixon IL 61021 DATE_____________________________________________ NAME___________________________________________________ SPOUSE (or second individual)_________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE #____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE____________________________________ SPOUSE (or second individual) BIRTH DATE_________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP COSTS – CHECK ONE $20 – Individual $35 – Two individuals in the same household $50 to $199 – Partner $200 to $499 – Sponsor $500 or more – Benefactor We cannot THANK YOU enough for your dedication and support to the Lee County Council on Aging. We look forward to serving you for years to come. Lee County Council on Aging Board Executive Committee and Officers Bonnie O’Connell, Chair

LaDonna Groshans, Vice Chair

Kristin Carlson, Secretary

Cindy Gabany Sami Rodriguez

Roberta Lemoine Michael T. Glenn

Cheryl Smith Julia O’FFarell

Whiteside County Senior Center Board Members and Officers Joe Bright – President Michelle Miller – Vice President Karla Burn – Treasurer Cindy Wadsworth – Secretary Emily Taylor Janice Bell John Booker Al Campbell Sasha Logan

Whiteside County Senior Center 2022 Membership Form (Jan. 1-Dec. 31) First/Middle/Last Name________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________City, State___________________________________ Zip code____________________ Home phone ______________________________________Cell phone____________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________ Date of Birth_________________________________________Gender_________________ Date of first Covid vaccine (optional)________________________ Date of second Covid vaccine (optional)_________________________________________________


Couple: $35 (two people residing in same household)

Spouse’s Name_______________________________________________ Cell phone__________________________________ Date of birth___________________________ Date of first Covid vaccine (optional)________________________ Date of second Covid vaccine (optional)_________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: Whiteside County Senior Center EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION First & last name______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home/Cell phone______________________________________________________________________ Relationship to you______________________________________ SPOUSE’S EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION First & last name______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home/Cell phone______________________________________________________________________ Relationship to you______________________________________ Thank you for being part of our Senior Center — The place where you enter as a friend and leave as family!

S NT ! E M E RT ABL A AP VAIL A An Affordable Assisted Lifestyle Community for the Older Adult. 815-625-7045 • 2205 Oak Grove Avenue • Sterling, IL 61081 Managed by Gardent Management Solutions •


Spacious Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments • Weekly housekeeping with linen & • Vibrant activities, social laundry services events, & outings • 3 plated meals served daily • 24-hour staffing

Celebrations appears in Tuesday’s Telegraph & Daily Gazette


Want to celebrate those special occassions with an announcement in the paper? CALL 815-632-2566 or E-MAIL to learn how

(815) 625-7045 |

GOLDEN ECHO Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021

(PLEASE PRINT. You can mail your check to WCSC, 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. )



Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021



Timber! Exciting things were taking place at the Senior Center! A large tree fell onto our parking lot and had to be removed!


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CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT (815) 857-3044 Amboy Clinic (815) 288-5531 Commerce Towers (Dixon) (815) 285-5591 Physicians Immediate Care (Dixon) (815) 732-3151 Oregon Clinic (815) 946-3453 Polo Clinic

That Keeps Growing



Thank you to Susan Johnson and all the hard workers at the Leydig Center. The Leydig Center came through once again and donated $2,000 to help with the cost of our three new furnaces and one new air conditioner. LCCOA was hit hard this year with major repairs and equipment, but with partners such as the Leydig Center, we will continue to serve our Seniors of Lee County.

When you’re here, you’re family! mily! At Liberty Court, every past moment is a treasured memory. We understand that millions of moments define our residents’ stories.

Continue to make meaningful memories by touring Liberty Court today.

Happy Thanksgiving!! Hap

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Call to schedule a tour: (815) 379-2131 308 S. Second Street • Walnut, Illinois


GOLDEN ECHO Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021

Thank you, Leydig Center!


LCCOA announces winners of veterans quilts

Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021



Vi Bushman


LCCOA received five lap quilts to be given to area veterans. Congratulations and warm afternoons to the five winners: Vi Bushman, Mary Kerley, Sharon Wilson, Kim Gallagher and Joe Patzer. Many thanks to the members of the First Congregational United Church of Christ of Lee Center, Dorothy Szewczyk, and Sandy Wittenauer, who donated the lap quilts in respect and gratitude for the service of our veterans.



Mary Kerley


The winner of this quilt is Sharon Wilson.

We would like to thank all our veterans who participated in the quilt raffle. We wish we had a quilt for all of you.


Holiday Lunch LCCOA will Deliver Meals in Dixon on Wed., Dec. 22, but only to those who call to request one by Dec. 15. The meals, prepared by KSB Hospital and provided by LCCOA and delivered by our Senior Transportation, will be delivered after 11 a.m., on Dec. 22. Call 815-2889236 to request a meal to be delivered to your home.

The 2021 Christmas Tree Decorating Contest This contest requires no experience, and no tree decorating skills! All you need is a camera and someone who knows how to operate one! (Each of your grandchildren has one!) Simply take a picture of your tree, a relative’s tree, a friend’s tree, or a tree in a magazine, and mail or drop it off to LCCOA, 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021. You can also email it to The Deadline is Dec. 12th, so that we may get the winning tree in our January Golden Echo. The win-

ner, of course, gets bragging rights for a whole year and a special gift basket!!

Our FUNSavers Clothing Drive is back!! Every bag of old clothes, shoes, purses, belts, sheets and blankets brings us closer to paying off another furnace. LCCOA was hit hard this year, replacing three furnaces and an air conditioner. Your donations can be dropped off at the Senior Center anytime. Just place your bags in between the two doors.

The Holiday Shop has opened!! We have new and gently used items for sale. Priced at 25¢ to $3, they will make great gifts! The shop will be open all of December, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Masks are required for everyone coming into the building.

Mark your Calendars: December 13 at 11 a.m. LCCOA is hosting an Assessment, conducted by Scott Oesterlin and the team from Life Home Health. This is a great opportunity to see what your needs are, and how they can educate you on what you should do to improve your quality of life.

2022 Membership Drive has begun!! We have begun to send out the announcements of our 2022 Membership Campaign. Feel free to use the Membership Application Form found in our Golden Echo.

Covid vaccine info for seniors Call the Lee County Health Dept. at 815-284-3371 to check for dates and times of clinics, or to get your Covid-19 vaccinations or Boosters.

Special Events in Whiteside County Fancy Feet Foot Clinic December 1 & 8 Please call Karen at 815-631-5437 to set up an appointment. Masks will be mandatory — no exceptions. Enter at Door No. 4 only. Covid pre-screening questionnaires will be required to be completed. No walk-ins allowed.

Yoga Thursdays, December 2 ,9, 16 & 23 at 10 a.m. Yoga is back at 10 a.m. as requested! Membership is required. Masks are mandatory — no exceptions! Class size is limited to 8 persons. Must provide your own yoga mat and strap. Covid pre-screening questionnaire

will be required to be completed upon entry to the building. Please enter at door No. 4.

Lunch and Holiday Watch Party December 7 Join us for lunch 11 a.m.-noon for chicken and mashed potatoes ($3) and stay for the watch party of “It’s A Wonderful Life” in the big room. What a great way to start the holidays!

TRIAD Meeting December 15 at 12:30 p.m. Come and join this group that is all about senior citizen safety. This group is composed of public safety,

community agencies and senior citizens. Everyone welcome. Please reach out to Beth at if you would like to participate.

Volunteers needed We are in need of volunteers to assist with our food pantry. This would be 2 to 4 hours per week. Must be able to lift 50 pounds and work outdoors. We also need one person who is interested in data entry. Please contact Beth at 622-9230, ext. 110 in interested.

WCSC and WCPT will be closed Dec. 24, 27 and 31 and Jan. 3 for the holidays

Monthly & Weekly Activities in Lee County The HOLIDAY SHOP has opened!

We have new and gently used items for sale. Priced at 25¢ to $3, they will make great gifts! The Holiday Shop is open during December, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m to 5 p.m.

Rummikub Players Mondays at 1 p.m. Games begin at 1 p.m. All are welcome! Masks are required.

Line dancing! Tuesdays at 9 a.m. Downstairs in the LCCOA dining room. For more information call 815-288-9236

Table Crafters Thursdays at 1 p.m. The crafters grace our tables with all types of arts and crafts. Masks are required.

Mexican Train Dominos Players Fridays at 1 p.m. The games begin at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Masks are required.

Bingo is here — twice — in December! Bingo will be here on Friday, December 3 at 9:30 a.m. and December 17 at 9:30 a.m.!! Masks are still required.

9 GOLDEN ECHO Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021

Special Events in Lee County

December Lifescape meals

Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021



Lifescape serves seniors in Winnebago, Boone, Lee and Ogle counties. Go to for more information.

Dec. 1-3

veggies, whole-grain dinner roll, diced peaches

WEDNESDAY: meatball sub, on whole-grain roll, peas & carrots, season potato wedges, diced peaches. THURSDAY: A. turkey burger, whole-grain wheat bun, sweet potato fries, broccoli, apple crisp, B.) Tuna salad/chicken rice FRIDAY: Hot ham & cheese, whole-grain wheat bun, tator tots, baked beans, chilled applesauce

Dec. 6-10

MONDAY: BBQ riblet, whole-grain wheat bun, cheesy potatoes, country mixed veg, diced pears, TUESDAY: Creamy chicken pasta, carrots, steamed peas, wholegrain wheat bread, chilled pineapple. WEDNESDAY: Cheeseburger on whole-grain wheat bun, tator tots, baked beans, ambrosia fruit salad THURSDAY: A) lemon pepper chicken, wild rice, broccoli, whole-grain dinner roll, applesauce. B) Ham/vegetable. FRIDAY: Citrus-baked ham, sweet potatoes , Scandinavian-blend

Dec. 13-17

MONDAY: Grilled chicken breast, buttered potatoes, green beans, whole-grain dinner roll, diced pears. TUESDAY: Baked ziti with meat sauce, Italian-blend vegetables, whole-grain garlic bread, hot applesauce WEDNESDAY: Chicken cordon bleu, twice-baked potato, broccoli with cheese, dinner roll, holiday dessert. THURSDAY: Chicken ala king, with whole-grain buttermilk, biscuit, broccoli, Mandarin oranges. FRIDAY: Sausage gravy wotj whole-grain biscuit, hash browns, 2 sausage patties, orange juice

Dec. 20-24

MONDAY: BBQ. chicken breast, whole-grain dinner roll , cheesy potatoes, green beans, pineapple tidbits TUESDAY: A) Sloppy Joe, whole-grain wheat bun, tator tots, broccoli, diced pears, B) Ham\vegetable. WEDNESDAY:

Cheesy beef taco, whole-grain flour tortilla, lettuce tomato, Spanish rice, refried beans, canned plums. THURSDAY: A) Meatloaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, glazed carrots, whole-grain dinner roll, fruited Jell-O. B.) Liver & onions. FRIDAY: CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY

Dec. 27-31 MONDAY: Closed for Christmas holiday. TUESDAY: Chicken patty, whole-grain wheat bun, peas & carrots, potato wedges, pineapple. WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti, with meat sauce, green beans, cauliflower, wholegrain garlic bread, apricots. THURSDAY: A) Hot turkey sandwich, mashed potatoes with gravy, winter blend vegetables, whole-grain wheat bread, cherry crisp. B) Ham/chicken noodle FRIDAY: CLOSED FOR NEW YEARS HOLIDAY 8 oz. low fat milk, served with all lunches.

December Golden Meals Please note: Meals will be served at Whiteside County Senior Center Monday through Thursday only. For more information about home-delivered meals, call 626-4442.

Dec. 1-3 WEDNESDAY: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, cream corn, wheat bread. THURSDAY: turkey tetrazzini, green beans, applesauce, wheat bread. FRIDAY: Swedish meatballs, wild rice, peas, wheat bread.

Dec. 6-10 MONDAY: Chili dog, oven potatoes, baked beans, wheat bun. TUESDAY: Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, wheat bread. WEDNESDAY: Beef and noodles, green beans, fruit, wheat bread, THURSDAY: ham steak, mac & cheese, spinach, wheat bread, FRIDAY: Tuna &

noodles, peas, fruit, wheat bread.

Dec. 13-17

MONDAY: Stuffed green peppers, carrots, fruit , wheat bread. TUESDAY: Chicken noodle casserole, (veggies in casserole), fruit, wheat bread. WEDNESDAY: Scalloped potatoes & ham, peas, fruit, wheat bread, THURSDAY: Beef stew, corn bread, apple sauce. FRIDAY: Italian sausage, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, fruit, bun.

Dec. 20-24

MONDAY: Pulled pork sandwich, cheesy potatoes, peas and carrots, wheat bun. TUESDAY: Chicken Alfredo/

pasta, spinach , wheat bread. WEDNESDAY: Ham loaf, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, wheat bun. THURSDAY: CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. FRIDAY: CLOSED FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY.

Dec. 27-31 MONDAY: Closed for Christmas holiday. TUESDAY: spaghetti, peas, peaches, wheat bread. WEDNESDAY: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, corn, wheat bread. THURSDAY: Turkey tetrazzini, green beans, applesauce, wheat bread. FRIDAY: CLOSED FOR NEW YEARS HOLIDAY.

Whiteside County Public Transportation

Lee-Ogle Transportation System

Fares: (within county)

Lee County Council on Aging Senior Transportation — 815-288-9236 Hours: 6 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Ages 5 and under (must be accompanied by an adult): 50 cents one way People age 6 to 59 years: $2 one way Seniors or individuals with a disability: Donation suggested (unless qualified under Medicaid or other program) Out-of-county trips can be arranged, subject to availability: 25 cents per mile Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday

855-625-7433 or 815-625-7433

Fares: (within zip code) Ages 5 and under (must be accompanied by an adult): $1 one way People age 6 to 59 years: $2 one way Seniors or individuals with a disability: $1 one way (unless qualified under Medicaid or other program) Out-of-town trips can be arranged, subject to availability: 35 cents per mile Call LOTS 888-239-9228 or 815-288-2117



The Whiteside County Senior Center Outreach Department is here to link older adults and persons with disabilities to programs to help maintain their independence in the community. We advocate for and educate our clients on benefits and services available to them. We may be reached by phone, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 815-622-9230, ext. 194. Our center is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Discount available for vehicle registration sticker

The Benefit Access Application, offered through the IDOA, is an online-only application. You must be 65 years of age, or able to prove disability status, and fall within the income guideline, using the prior tax season (form 1040) and accompanying documents. If you don’t file income taxes, then we will need all 1099s and other income from that year. All income is counted, including your full Social Security. Income guidelines at $33,562 for singles, $44,533 for couples, $55,500 for 3-per-

son households.

ITAC can amplify your life

Amplified phones and Bluetooth devices are available free of charge to those who have an already established land-line or cellular phone. This free program is governed by Illinois law and offered through the Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC). To qualify, you must complete an application, provide proof of Illinois residency, supply current bill or proof of pre-paid service, and be certified as hard of hearing. The WCSC is a testing center. To schedule an appointment, please call 622-9230, ext.. 194. No walk-ins will be taken at this time. Covid pre-screening questionnaire and a temperature screening will take place at door No. 4 on the day of your appointment.

clients may need to file every year.

Medicaid and Medicare Savings Program

Clients need to make sure and fill out their redetermination papers every year. Medicaid may help with medical costs. The Medicare Savings Program pays the Medicare B premium for low-income Medicare recipients and may cover some medical costs after Medicare does if you are under a certain income limit.


Clients need to make sure they fill their redemption papers for food stamps every year.

Vaccine Booster Appointments

Federal Prescription Assistance is available for low-income seniors and the disabled on Medicare under the 150% federal poverty guidelines. There is an asset limit as well. Some

We are partnering with the Whiteside County Health Department to get people registered for their Covid vaccine booster. These dates/times will vary based on availability and whether Moderna or Pfizer booster is available. Please call us at 6229230 or follow us on Facebook for updates.

Their divided time deserves a huge thank you as it is the reason we continued to see as many people as we did this year. If you speak to one of these ladies please pass along your thanks to them, just as you have to me all these years. It is truly a team effort here at LCCOA and we all are dedicated to helping make your lives a little less stressed and to provide you some savings when we can! Our Director, Susan Lawler, works tirelessly each day to ensure all areas of the center are running. She has had to pick up the extra slack in the other departments while April and Marisa have been helping me field calls, run comparisons and keep Outreach in order. When you run a center that has several departments it can be a daunting task but she powers through like it’s no problem at all, she is a powerhouse. Terry and Aaliyah are our reception and front line, making sure everyone gets signed in properly and are helping to ensure our facility remains as safe as possible for all who enter, answering your calls, directing

you to the correct department, and performing other job duties as assigned daily. As far as our Senior Center (office) staff goes, that is it, we are the six who keep the center moving, and we do it for you, our Lee County friends and family. We may be small but we are mighty. We appreciate each of you and thank you for your patience, when we take a little longer to get back to you during these busy seasons throughout the year. We try to give each of you the full attention, and time you deserve, when it’s your turn. Again I say, we are a team here, and though it is just I in this department, it is all of us who work together to help you, from Outreach programs and activities, to senior transportation, to Ballroom rentals and all the nitty gritty in between. So this December I wanted to pass along my thanks to our team and to all of you, our clients; our friends – Thank You All! Until Next Year, Be Safe, Be Healthy and Be Well ... Samantha

Social Security Extra Help

GOLDEN ECHO Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021

Need help? Reach out to Outreach

Let’s get A dedicated team is ready to help together for lunch

December is here, another year nearly gone, and another Open Enrollment we’ve conquered, despite the pandemic and its restrictions. It has been another unusual year for us here at LCCOA and in our Outreach department, but through it all we have prevailed and continue to service our Lee County and surrounding areas with passion, dedication and commitment. While our Outreach Department still currently consists of just myself as our agencies Elder Benefits Specialist, we have welcomed into our SHIP team our bookkeeper, April, and our Transportation Manager, Marisa. This past year both of these ladies endured the rigorous SHIP training required to be able to assist in matters related to Medicare, in an as-needed capacity. This has enabled us to better assist our clients during the scheduling and Open Enrollment process. Though these ladies have their own jobs to do, they have been able to assist me these last 7 weeks due to the cross-training efforts we continue to build here at LCCOA.


Dining is back at the WCSC, Monday through Thursday 11 a.m.-noon. Golden Meals is serving hot, delicious meals in our dining room for only $3 if you are over the age of 60. You can use cash, check or your LINK card to pay. Individuals under the age of 60, we ask that you give a $6 donation. It’s simple if you want to join us for lunch! No reservation is needed. Enter at door No. 4, fill out a Covid questionnaire (required by IDOA) and head on down to the dining room. You can register right here and enjoy your meal! Carry-outs cannot be offered at this time. The WCSC dining room is following all IDOA standards for congregate meal settings. Seating is limited, tables are spaced 6 feet apart, masks and gloves are worn by servers, meals are individually plated and masks are required at all times while in the building, except while eating.

Sauk Valley Media/ • Thursday, Nov 25, 2021





Booster Help someone get where they need to go Consider donating to the Adopt A Rider program shots vs. third dose: To donate to the program ... Know the difference According to information from the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois Department on Aging:

A third dose …

Is available to Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech recipients. Can be received 28 days after second dose. Is given to people with moderate or severely weakened immune systems who cannot fight off infections well (people with cancer, organ transplant, etc.)

A booster shot …

Of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can be received 6 months after the second dose. Johnson and Johnson can be given 2 months after the initial dose. Is Available for adults 65 and older, patients in long-term care facilities, and adults 18-64 with a medical or occupational risk. Can be mixed and matched. You have the choice to mix and match boosters with a single dose of any of the authorized COVID-19 vaccine boosters. Remember, that mixing and matching vaccines may be considered for the booster dose only.

Where can I receive a booster or third dose?

You can receive it at your local pharmacy, health department, or from your primary care physician.

Where can I get more information?

For questions about vaccinations, boosters, and testing, call the COVID19 hotline at 1-800-889-3931. You can also email your questions to DPH.’

Why should I receive a booster or third dose?

Protection against the virus may decrease over time and be less effective against variants. You can now get your COVID-19 vaccine and a flu vaccine during the same session.

Whiteside County Public Transportation is a not-for-profit public transportation for residents of all ages throughout Whiteside County. We have members of our community who are not able to get to important resources such as medical appointments, the grocery store, employment, education and many other resources. Help a member of our community meet their needs this holiday season by adopting a rider. Your donation will support the community members obtaining a higher education, hard-working parents, dialysis patients, senior citizens, person with disabilities, friends and families.

Fill out the information below and mail or bring donations to: Whiteside County Public Transportation Attn: Amy Dorathy 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. Please call Amy with any questions you might have at 815-625-RIDE (7433). Happy Holidays from all of us at WCPT!

Name_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________ Donation amount: $____________________

Upcoming Trips LCCOA presents a 6-day 5-night trip to Washington, D.C. Thursday thru Tuesday, March 10-15, 2022 Price: Starting at $625 for members/$650 for non-members, based on double occupancy. A $75 deposit is due upon sign-up, to reserve your spot. See the Capital Building, White House, National Archives. Tour monuments and Veterans Memorials, Arlington National Cemetery and the Smithsonian Institution. This trip includes 5 nights lodging and 8 meals, transportation, and admission fees. Call and talk to your Group Leader, Marisa Perales, at 815-288-9236.

LCCOA say, “Let’s go to Mackinac Island!” May 30-June 3, 2022 Price: $545 members/ $570 non-members, based on double occupancy Enjoy touring Mackinac Island by horse and carriage, cruising the Soo Locks in Sault Sainte Marie, Mich., visiting and playing at the Kewadin Sault Casino, visiting the Colonial Michilimackinac Village – a 1700’s era village and so much more! Transportation, hotel, admission fees, continental breakfast, and dinner are included. Please call 815288-9236 and ask for Marisa for questions or to reserve your space.

LCCOA is heading to Nashville August 1-6, 2022 Price: $697 members/$722 non-members, based on double occupancy See a show at The Grand Ole Opry! Take photos with your favorite stars at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, visit the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, tour a restored Victorian plantation museum, and enjoy Nashville itself! Please call 815-288-9236 and ask for Marisa for questions or to reserve your space

Travel with Glenda! Oct. 20: Fly to Rome and spend 2 nights, with a tour on the second day. On Oct. 22, board the Celebrity Constellation for 15 nights. We’ll visit Toulon, France; Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Cartagena, Spain; Ponta Delgada, Portugal; Nassau, Bahamas, and end in Tampa, Florida. We will have 9 sea days. If you might be interested please call the Whiteside County Senior Center and ask for Glenda. Prices are not yet set.

LCCOA is exploring Ireland Would you like to take a trip to the Emerald Isle? We are in the planning phase for a possible trip to Ireland during late summer, early fall in 2022. Please contact April at Lee County Council on Aging at 815-288-9236 to show your interest and to get updates as plans solidify. She would love to know what you would like to see in a trip to Ireland.

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