SVM_Golden Echo_June 2023

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18 Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023 SHAW MEDIA G olden E cho A publication of Sauk Valley Media in cooperation with Lee County Council on Aging and Whiteside County Senior Center – United Way agencies VOLUME 16 • JUNE 2023 • EDITION 6 From the Directors ..................................... 19 Donations & Memberships ........................ 20 Upcoming Trips .......................................... 21 Photos ..................................................... 22-23 Weekly/Monthly Activities ....................... 24 Special Events............................................. 25 INSIDE Call our very own LCCOA tour guide, Marisa Perales, at 815-288-9236 Saturday SEPTEMBER 30 thru Friday OCTOBER 6 7 days & 6 nights $859 FOR MEMBERS or $884 FOR NON-MEMBERS Set off for a tri-city & tri-state tour!! See Manhattan. Take the ferry to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty and then explore Ellis Island, which was the welcoming center for all immigrants into the United States. Perhaps your ancestors are among those listed! Visit the casinos in Atlantic City, walk the Boardwalk or take a tram, and take a dip in the Atlantic Ocean! Visit the birthplace of the Constitution and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia!

From the LCCOA Executive Director

June is here at last, and over the years we have found that June is a month of reflecting, accepting, and cherishing our fellow man. The flowers are in full bloom, which gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow. The children are out of school, and the streets again are alive with laughter and noise. The birds are waking us up earlier and earlier each morning; what a welcoming sound to start our day! LCCOA is thrilled to welcome all our seniors back; so many went into hibernation for the winter, and we are so pleased to see all of your beautiful and smiling faces once again. Thank God it is June!

Niagara Falls

Marisa and Aaliyah are off on another trip with more than 45 of our seniors. They will be traveling with some of our old friends, and they will be making new ones. We can hardly wait to hear about all their adventures and stories, so stay tuned to next month’s issue of the Golden Echo, where you will see amazing photos of all our travelers. Rain or shine the Falls are great — what’s a little bit of water between friends? The Falls do make you feel like a kid again. As the water splashes you, it brings back memories when the rain would pour down, and there you were running through the puddles, as Mom would yell “Get in the house! You are going to be soaking wet!” Those were

From the WCSC Director

We had so much fun at our Celebrity Chef Guest Day with Nick from Isle of Rhodes. Nick donated all the food and labor to help us raise money. A big thanks Nick and the staff. We loved it! Thank you to all who came out and made it such a special day. We have some interest from another restaurant

the days.

Biltmore and Atlantic City

Our trips are booking up! We can take a few more for Biltmore and Atlantic City, so if you missed out on Niagara Falls, don’t miss out on these two trips. Now really — who wouldn’t want to see the Statue of Liberty, and check out your ancestors who went through Ellis Island? I have seen them both, and I want you to know there is a sense of freedom that overwhelms you with the sight of the Statue of Liberty and sense of history with Ellis Island. Come and join us for an exciting and interesting trip.

Men’s Coffee/Breakfast Hour

If you are bored and would like to meet new friends, stop by LCCOA and have a cup of coffee and maybe work on a puzzle or play a game of cards — or what about just old-fashion conversation? I hear it is good for the mind and body!! Please call 815-288-9236 to reserve your breakfast.

Bingo and Breakfast

If you are not interested in playing Bingo, come for the breakfast and conversation — we always have a great breakfast and wonderful prizes. Terry Christian has made amazing centerpieces, which can be enjoyed or given to a friend, and our Wal-Mart gift cards are a hit. Come join us for a morning of fun, conversation, and of course, Bingo.

Blood Pressure

On June 12 at noon, LCCOA will partner with KSB to do a presentation on healthy eating and understanding diabetes, and the truth and the myths about this disease. Come join us for a healthy lunch and an educational afternoon of questions and answers. Please call 815288-9236 to reserve your lunch.

wanting to participate in our Celebrity Chef Guest Day; we hope to have more information for you soon.

We are so excited to announce a special Basic Beginners Line Dance class for all who need a little bit of help before the Beginners class at the Center on Fridays at 11 a.m. Two of our volunteers will be leading a class at O’Dell Library Community Room in Morrison from 9-10 a.m. on Thursdays through June 29. Just stop on by and you’ll be ready to come dance at the Center in no time.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out our looming club on Wednesdays and scrapbooking on Thursdays, or our new backgammon on Friday after -

Golden Echo published monthly by Sauk Valley Media, 113-115 S. Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL 61021, in cooperation with the Lee County Council on Aging and Whiteside County Senior Center.

Golden Echo disclaims any liability for any advertisements published herein and in no way endorses or guarantees these ads.

Press releases of interest to seniors will be accepted at 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021; or 1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081. Deadline for submission is the 15th of each month.

Passing of our friends

LCCOA and the Lee County community share a loss of four seniors who have just passed away.

We first received the news regarding Richard Pope. Richard was a quiet man who stayed to himself and worked on many projects. We would see Richard on the weekends coming over to our outside library to pick up books for the week; he was an avid reader. His home was filled with all types of books from crafts, knitting, crocheting, gardening and even mysteries. We often asked him to join us at the Center, but he would reply “he was just too busy.” Between LCCOA driving him to his medical appointments, and Richard working on his artistic and very creative blankets, nurturing his plants, and reading his books; he clearly didn’t have time. He filled his life with all of his favorite things. We will miss seeing him browse through all our books, just to find the right one to read. Farewell, old friend, until we meet again.

David Edmunds passed away quietly in his home here in Dixon. He was great supporter of LCCOA, and would be the first to spread the word of our events and happenings. We really grew to know David over the years, taking him to his medical appointments and grocery shopping. He even did a stint on the radio to promote the Center and Transportation. He truly loved us, and always had a kind word to say about the staff, drivers, and our Center. We all will miss David. His request was to be part of our Butterfly Garden. Please join us to celebrating his life in July, when we will be dedicating another plaque to the memories of our beloved friends.

Beverly Duryea passed away surrounded by her loving family. We here at LCCOA will miss this wonderful

noons, there’s still time.

If you missed out on the Matter of Balance class that started last month, no worries! We have started a waitlist for the next session. As soon as we have 12 people signed up, we will start the next class. I can’t say this enough: If you are 60 or older, this is a class you must take! It’s only a month-long commitment, two days a week (Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30 to 11 a.m.) If I could have my way, we’d keep this class going until every senior in Whiteside County has taken it! If we can keep just one senior from an unnecessary fall it will be well worth all of our efforts. Plus, it’s just a good time of fellowship, and who couldn’t use that!

Golden Echo does not discriminate in admission to programs or treatment or employment in programs or activities in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act; the U.S. Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; the Age Discrimination Act; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; and the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you have a right to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Aging. For information, call 800-252-8966 (Voice & TDD), or contact the director of Lee County Council on Aging, 100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021 or telephone 815-288-9236; or Whiteside County Senior Center, 1207

woman. Over the past years we had the pleasure of transporting Beverly. She truly was an amazing woman. We also feel Beverly should be canonized a saint for all her hard work as a psychiatric nurse at Hines VA Hospital in Maywood. It is a small world; I grew-up near Beverly’s home and I spent many days and nights at Hines VA hospital where my father was treated for cancer. Our paths have crossed so many times in life, but we did not really get to know each other until recently. We know there is a place in heaven for this dedicated and compassionate woman. Thank you, Beverly, for all you gave to this world.

David Lutyens grew up in Sterling. He worked for IDOT here in Dixon and served in the Army Artillery during the 1960s. We had the pleasure of meeting David through his stories that he wrote for our Senior Center book, “Back in My Day.” We truly enjoyed his writings, and he was thrilled we had published his stories. One particular story of David’s, titled “Listening to the Radio,” was a blast from the past. We actually could picture ourselves in front of the radio waiting for our favorite show to be aired. One of David’s favorite was “The Shadow.” At the opening of the broadcast, the announcer would say in very sinister voice: “ Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Only the Shadow knows.” David, thank you for all you have done for our community, for the children, for all the endless hours of volunteering, and for your creative and gifted mind. We will miss you, but only the “Shadows knows.” Until next time, LCCOA, a place where you belong, a place to call home.

I regret to inform you that this will be my last Golden Echo piece. Thank you for welcoming me into your homes and hearts. I have had the time of my life creating a fun environment at the Center. There has been a change in direction for Whiteside County Senior Center and I hope this brings even better things for the seniors of Whiteside County. I’ll be on to my next adventure.

The Whiteside County Senior Center Board is pleased to announce that Emily Hammer is our new Executive Director. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to her at 815-622-9230.

See you around, Susie

W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081 or 815-622-9230.

The senior centers do not require duration of residency or citizenship as a condition of participation in any services or programs funded by the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging. Residency or citizenship may be a requirement for other programs that the senior centers may provide assistance with in application or accessing of same. Services are made available, in part, with funds provided under Title III-B of the Older American Act, and the Illinois General Revenue Funds, through the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging. We are a United Way-funded agency.

19 SHAW MEDIA Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Paul Coffey

James Pitts

Steve Kasper

Cynthia Brown

Velma Buchanan

Kathy Shriver

LCCOA welcomes members

Evelyn Simmons

Wendy Willet

Linda Brechler

Charlea Cook

Norma Cook

Jason Nelson

Diane Nelson

Larry Schuchard

Janet Glover Schuchard

Wayne Wilson

Be an LCCOA hero today for a brighter tomorrow!


Sharon Wilson

Mary Seske

Josie Whaley

Granville and Debra Jones

Robert and Carol Linkowski

Oliver and Neola Mumford

Watch the Echo for 2023 membership campaign. As a member you will receive discounts on all our activities and trips. All membership fees contribute to the support of Lee County Council on Aging. As a member you can feel confident that all funds helps LCCOA to continue the vital services we provide to all our seniors and continue to bring new and interesting activities to the Center for you to enjoy. Please continue to be a member of LCCOA and spread the word to all your friends and families. Thank you on behalf of LCCOA’s Board of Directors, Executive Director, staff and drivers.

Thank you to LCCOA volunteers and supporters

Thank you to all our volunteers who donated their time, energy and services and those who gave monetary and non-monetary donations. A special thank you to all the wonderful supporters of LCCOA’s clothing drive who have donated anonymously.

Pine Creek Christian Church of Polo

Franklin Grove Living & Rehab

Meadows of Franklin Grove

Oregon Living & Rehab

Tiffany and Vicki from the Meadows

Kathy Clark

The Burton Foundation

Gerald Taylor

Judy Hallquist

Marilyn Steder

Allen, Carolyn Beck, Pam Bell, Betty L Bittner, Sylvia Bittner, Thomas

Boehm, Jennifer Calsyn, Gary Calsyn, Judith Cardwell, Victoria Cardwell, Clyde

Terry Christian

Liberty Court

Sharon Phelps

Sandy Ready Lee County United Way

Amanda Wike

Linda Setchell

Krisi Chrisham

Kathy Ferguson

Lee County Health Department

Nancy Gates

Josie Whaley

Dixon Food Pantry

Larry Piper

Eileen Piper

Teen Turf

Ben Galantine

Johnson CPA

Leydig Center

Susan Johnson

WCSC welcomes members

Celletti, Shirley Celletti, David Clevenger, Mike Ervin, Judith Garien, Suzanne Greene, Arnold Greene, Nancy Greene, Joseph Hamilton, Jane

Hardt, Marianne Heern, Scott Henderson, Annette Kendell, Aimee Little, Sue Love, Mary Matthews, Jack Mock, Beverly Mock, Gene

Thank you to WCSC volunteers and supporters

Real Time

Brandan Lumzy

Lumzy Yoga

Darla Foulker

Good Fellows

Clara Harris NIAAA

Lee County

Rusty Schrader

Morath, Dennis Morath, Vernice Nelmes, Mary Panice, Gloria Shawver, Kenneth Shawver, Barbara SPV LLC, Frontstream Vail, Pat Weidel, Nancy Wilson, Ann

Thank you to all our volunteers who donate their time, energy, and services  and those who gave monetary donations, including anonymously. A special thanks to all who partner with our center to provide programs and activities for our seniors.

Allure, skilled nursing facility in Sterling

Boehm, Jennifer

Community State Bank

Farmers National Bank

Foster Grandma Santos

Hart, Leroy

Homestead of Morrison

Jacobs, Julie

Johnson, Bobbie

Letcher, Sherry

Mays, Dinah Mays Mays, Jeffrey McCormick, Dick McCormick, Linda

Meller, Marilyn Metcalf, Bill Metzler, Diane Pratt, Jewely Qureski, Nazir Resthave Care & Rehabilition Sanders, Clara

Sanders, Gavon Shipley, Neal Sikkemma, Shelle Surdez, Nancy Sutton, Julie Szewczyk, Dorothy Vandenberghe, Beverly Vistas Health Care

LEE COUNTY Outreach can help with Medicare, caregiver assistance

Lee County Council on Aging offers Outreach assistance in the following areas:

Caregiver Assistance: Respite and GAP (when available) Respite helps provide a break for the caregiver by getting a homemaker into the home when needed, or even placing the recipient in a facility for a short-term stay (usually no longer than 5 days). Services are limited and based on a case-by-

case situation. GAP Service is available to assist for a specific need that a caregiver or the recipient cannot afford in partial or full. Services vary and are based on a case by case situation.

Medicare Counseling: Explaining the various parts of Medicare, assisting in the understanding of your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) and True Out of Pocket Expense Reports

(TrOOP), aiding in Medicare appeals and even sorting out your mail, what’s important vs. what’s not when it comes to Medicare. We are Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) certified.

Medicare Part D: Plan comparisons are prepared using individual information. Explanation of plan details and ultimately completing the application process for enrollment into a chosen plan.

100 W. Second St., Dixon, IL, 61021

Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday

Main number: 815-288-9236

Transportation : 815-288-9236


Online: and on Facebook





Outreach services and free phones for hearing impaired Outreach hours: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.


Bonnie O’Connell — Chair

Ed Pillar — Vice Chair

Roberta Lemoine — Secretary

Darla Foulker — Attorney

Ben Gallentine — CPA (Johnson CPA, LLC)

Committee members: Cindy Gabany, Jeff Haub, Andrea Pratt and Sami Rodriguez




Hours: 6 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday

888-239-9228 or 815-288-2117

Fares: (within zip code)

Ages 5 and under (must be accompanied by an adult): $1 one way

Ages 6 to 59 years: $2 one way

Seniors or individuals with a disability: $1 one way (unless qualified under Medicaid or other program)

Out-of-town trips can be arranged, subject to availability: 35 cents per mile

1207 W. Ninth St., Sterling, IL 61081

Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday

Information: 815-622-9230 Toll-free: 888-622-9230

Transportation: 815-625-7433


Online: and on Facebook.



Outreach services and free phones for hearing impaired 815-622-9230


Joe Bright — President

Karla Burns — Vice President

Sasha Logan — Treasurer

Board members: John Booker, Al Campbell, Owen Harrell, Gene Jacoby, Emily Taylor


855-625-7433 or 815-625-7433

Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday

Fares: (within county)

Ages 5 and under (must be accompanied by an adult): 50 cents one way

Ages 6 to 59 years: $2 one way

Seniors or individuals with a disability: Donation suggested. Out-of county trips can be arranged, subject to availability. Out of county rides: $4.

We don’t accept Medicaid at this time.

20 Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023 SHAW MEDIA

Upcoming Trips: LCCOA

Membership not required for trips — all seniors are welcome!

The Biltmore Estates and Blue Ride Mountains Trip

Aug. 6-11, 2023 — 6 days, 5 nights and 8 meals

Price: $699 for members; $724 for non-members

Visit the Biltmore Estates and Grounds; Antler Village and Winery; Asheville, North Carolina; the Blue Ridge Mountains Parkway; Folk Art Center and Kentucky Artisan Center.

The Alaska Cruise on the Royal Princess

Sept. 16-23, 2023 — 8 days and 7 nights

Price: Inside cabin $2,842 per person for an inside cabin; $3,582 per person for a balcony cabin

Princess Plus. FREE plus Beverage Package, FREE Unlimited wi-fi, FREE prepaid gratuities.

The Atlantic City, New York, Philadelphia Trip

Sept. 30-Oct. 5 —7 days, 6 nights and 9 meals

Price: $859 for members; $884 for non-members

Take a guided tour of Manhattan, then take the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty and visit Ellis Island, where immigrants were welcomed to America. Enjoy a free day in Atlantic City to spend in the casinos or take a walk on the Boardwalk along the Atlantic Ocean — or both! See several places of historical significance in beautiful Philadelphia, including Independence Hall, the home of Betsy Ross, and the Liberty Bell. Stop in Hershey, Penn., at the Hershey’s Chocolate World.

Coming in 2024 ...

The trip of a lifetime — Discover the path of Jesus, from Bethlehem to Jerusalem

Feb. 26-March 5, 2024 9 days, 8 nights, and 14 meals

Price: $3,899 per person for members, based on

LCCOA trips — A great way to travel!

double occupancy

This trip begins in Tel Aviv, Israel, on the Mediterranean coastline. Journey to Caesarea, Nazareth, and Cana. Sail the Sea of Galilee just as Jesus did. Travel through Tiberius, Capernaum, Caesarea Philippi, Armageddon. In Bethlehem, enter the Church of the Nativity. Then on to Jerusalem to visit the Mount of Olives and travel the Way of the Cross. You will also see the Garden of Gethsemane, Mount Zion and the Upper Room, and the Garden Tomb.

More information

For more information on any of the trips, or to have a flyer mailed to you, please reach out to Marisa Perales at Lee County Council on Aging at 815-288-9236 or email You can also find a list of our trips by visiting our website at www.

Everyone 60+ is welcome — no membership required. Seats are filling up fast! A $75 deposit reserves your seat. The price of the trip includes your transportation, hotel, most meals, and any admission fees. The only additional funds needed will be for your extras. The benefits of group travel are ...

• A stress-free trip — Everything is taken care of. We take care of the itineraries that include the best destinations, and group leaders will get you from one place to the next without you having to worry about making your own decision.

• Communication and like-minded travelers — When you travel with own like-minded peers and enjoy memorable adventures together, you can quickly bond. You really create lifelong new friends and travel together again.

• Exclusive and ease of access — When you travel with us, you get to see parts of the destination you normally wouldn’t see on your own. We typically go “behind the scenes,” or are treated to special dinners and live shows. The tour bus also drops and picks up at the front doors, ease of driving, walking, and parking.

• Local Insight — When you travel with us, you are never on your own, we provide the knowledge of each location and help along the way with any need that may arise. Ready to Travel with LCCOA? Call 815-288-9236 and ask for Marisa.

Upcoming Trips: WCSC

Sights & Sounds of Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Monday, Aug. 7-Friday, Aug. 11, 2023

5 days & 4 nights

Price: $826 for members, based on double occupancy

Performance of “Moses” at the Sight and Sound Theater. Guided tour of the Amish Countryside, including stops at an Amish Craft Farm and Bake Shop, Kitchen Kettle Village, country store and miniature horse farm.

Cubs vs. Brewers at Milwaukee – Day Trip

Thursday July 6 — Bus leaves from Sterling Walmart at 8:30 a.m.

Tailgate party starts 2 hours before the game: Vienna beef hot dog, Johnsonville bratwurst, sauerkraut, kettle chips, assorted cookies, and water. Cheeseman Coaches

Inc. is our transportation. Please note: A limited number of tickets (45) are available

Amtrak Ride Thru New River Gorge

Thursday, Sept. 22-Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023

5 days & 4 nights

Price: $946 for members, based on double occupancy

Huntington Museum of Art, Heritage Farm Museum and Village tour, Amtrak ride through New River Gorge, Lewisburg walking tour, North House museum and Greensburg Bunker tour.

Day Trips in progress ...

Timberlake Theatre — In July. A matinee and picnic lunch to watch “9 to 5 The Musical.”

Fireside Dinner Theater — August

Riverboat Twilight — A two-day (1 overnight) trip departing from LeClaire, Iowa, in early October. Casino Trip — More details to follow ...

21 SHAW MEDIA Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Celebrate the milestones and moments you want to remember ... WITH AN ANNOUNCEMENT ON OUR CELEBRATIONS PAGE, IN TUESDAY’S TELEGRAPH & GAZETTE Engagements, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other special events CALL 815-632-2566 | E-MAIL

Emily Hammer, Whiteside County Senior Center’s new Executive Director, hit a home run with our free community meal.

Isle of Rhodes served up their famous and delicious pastas and pizza.

Our seniors were very excited to start their journey to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

22 Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023 SHAW MEDIA SM-ST2072739 Come tour our Senior Living Community and enjoy our Health and Wellness Center. Call 815-622-2800 to set up a time to visit. 2023 A New Year and a Healthier You Discover senior living at Morningside of Sterling, 2705 Avenue E • Sterling, IL 61081 • www.MorningsideOf ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE ©2022 Five Star Senior Living Residents Enjoy • Lifestyle360 activities program • Caring, professional staff • Award-winning Memory Care WCSC
very happy to
Devon Neal join our team as one of our receptionists.

Come join us ...

Donation to LCCOA was heaven sent

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting the Rev. Suzanne Hall Stout, pastor of Pine Creek Christian Church Disciples of Christ in Polo. We had a wonderful conversation regarding her members and the philosophy of her church, and its passion for justice in making a difference to the communities by feeding the hungry, advocating for fairness, pro-reconciling, and being an anti-racist church. The visit had me walking away thinking how this small band of people are making a large imprint on society.

Come join us for Bingo and Breakfast from 9-11:30 a.m. June 23. Join the crowd and you’ll have a great time!

In saying this, they once again are making a difference in the lives of LCCOA’s seniors. LCCOA would like to thank the Disciples of Pine Creek Church for their generous donation. Their funds have come at a very appropriate time. LCCOA is struggling with the high cost of major repairs on our building. God does work in mysterious ways.

Come join us at 1 p.m. every Friday for a game of Mexican Train. We have a full house, but more the merrier!

Rummikub has really taken off. We have space for a few more, at 1 p.m. on Mondays.

Paul Coffee and Tim Baker enjoy coffee and a puzzle during Men’s Coffee Hour. Stop and enjoy a cup and some conversation at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays.

23 SHAW MEDIA Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Rev. Suzanne Hall Stout (right), pastor of Pine Creek Christian Church in Polo, presents an endowment check to Susan Lawler, Executive

Weekly activities at LCCOA


Exercise with Brandan

Monday Mornings 10-11 a.m. 30-minute appointments. Recumbent bicycles

Chair Yoga with Brandan

Mondays at 11 a.m.

Yoga for seniors

Men’s Coffee Hour

Tuesdays at 10 a.m.

“Like Happy Hour, but with coffee!” Breakfast will be served. To attend, RSVP at 815-288-9236

License Plate Discounts

Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Computer/Technology assistance

Monday-Thursday 8:30-11:30 a.m. If you would like a specific appointment for one on one time, please call the center and speak with Neal.


Mondays, June 5, 12 and 26 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. This is a first-come, first-serve event. Please check in at the reception desk for instructions.

Adult Coloring

Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28 at 12:15 p.m.


Fridays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 12:30 p.m.


Wednesday, June 14 at 12:30 p.m. Please bring a $1 donation for the Food Pantry. Thank you to our sponsors: Community State Bank and Homestead of Morrison.

Breakfast Club

No meeting this month.

Meet with Anna — ITAC phones here

Call for an appointment

Writers Workshop

Third Monday of the month at 1 p.m.


Mondays at 1 p.m.

Puzzle Tuesday

Third Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. Jigsaw puzzles on the table

Medicare & Medicaid

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday-Friday

With trained counselor Amy Meyers. Call for Appointment

Laptop and PC classes

Second Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.

Call for an appointment

Basics of Smartphones

First and second Tuesdays of the month

Call for an appointment

License Plate Discounts

Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Chair Yoga with Brandan

Wednesdays at 1 p.m.

Yoga for seniors


Tuesdays at 1 p.m.

Weekly activities at WCSC


Thursdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 at noon


Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 9 a.m.-noon


Tuesdays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 12:30 p.m.

Foot Clinic

Wednesday, June 7 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Please call Deb at 815-213-0324 or Sharon at 815-718-5294 to set up an appointment.

Food Pantry

Thursdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 1-3 p.m.

Hand and Foot game

Thursdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 12:30 p.m.

Knitting Club

Tuesdays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27 from noon-4 p.m.

Learn to Loom

Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28 at 12:30 p.m.

Learn to Quilt

No meeting this month

Line Dancing

Fridays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 (Advance class 10-11 a.m./Beginners 11 a.m.-noon)

Mexican Train Dominoes

Fridays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 at 12:30 p.m.

Matter of Balance

Monday, June 5 and 12, from 9:30-11 a.m. and Wednesday, June 7, from 9:30-11 a.m.

Parlor Club

No meeting this month


Mondays, June 5, 12 and 26 at 12:30 p.m.

Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 12:30-4 p.m.

Fridays, June 2, 9, 16 23 and 30 from 12:30-4 p.m.

Pool Table

Tuesdays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 1-4 p.m.

Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 9 a.m.-noon.

Knitting & Crocheting

Thursdays at 1 p.m. Various crafts

Exercise with Brandan

Friday 10-11 a.m.

30-minute appointments; recumbent bicycles

Euchre tournaments

Every Friday at 12:30 p.m.

Mexican Train Dominoes

Fridays at 1 p.m.

Serving KSB meals to persons in need

Tuesdays & Thursdays — 4 to 4:30 p.m. At LCCOA

Thursday, June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 1-4 p.m.

Price is Right

Wednesday, June 7 at 12:15 p.m.


No meeting this month


Saturday, June 10 at 1 p.m. Sauk Computer User Group will meet at 1 p.m. with a Q&A time. There will be a video presentation by Tech for Seniors on digital wallets and electronic pay, followed by a short business meeting. Everyone with an interest in computers/ technology is invited. Refreshments will be available.

Travel Club

No meeting this month


Tuesdays, June 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 10 a.m.

Thursdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 10 a.m.

Wheel of Fortune

Wednesday, June 21 at 12:30 p.m.

Veterans Coffee

Thursday, June 8 at 9 a.m.

24 Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023 SHAW MEDIA

Nutrition & Diabetes

Monday, June 12 at noon

LCCOA, in partnership with KSB, will offer a FREE, nutritious lunch and an important presentation on nutrition and diabetes. To attend, you must R.S.V.P. at 815-288-9236

Senior Volunteer Fair

Wednesday, June 14, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., LCCOA will participate in the Senior Volunteer Fair, with Lifescape and Americorps Seniors, matching individuals 55+ who would like to volunteer in their communities with local nonprofit organizations. Join us at the Rock Falls Community Building, 601 W. 10th St. in Rock Falls.


Public invited to Dementia Therapies program

STERLING — Do you or a loved one suffer from cognitive impairment due to dementia?

A free Dementia Therapies program will be presented by CGH Rehab Services therapists at noon on Wednesday, June 7, at 2600 N. Locust St., Sterling. Specialists Lyndi LeMay, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech Pathologist; Allie Yemm Repass, PT, DPT, NCS, Physical Therapist; and Brianne Hamstra, OTR/L, CLT, Occupational Therapist, will discuss the benefits of speech, physical and occupational therapies for people having memory and motor skill deficits resulting from dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.

The presentation is sponsored by the CGH Health Foundation as part of a two-year focus on increasing dementia awareness and providing services/ resources for those impacted by it.

“Our expert team will share clinical strategies and live demonstrations on how to maximize functional performance to maintain the individual’s highest quality of life, all while focusing on their continued engagement as their disease progresses,” said Beth Sterk, new CGH Dementia Navigator.

Medicare and mental health

Special Events at LCCOA


Writers Workshop

Monday, June 19, at 1 p.m. Upstairs in the beautiful Post House Ballroom. All are welcome. Beginning this spring, we will host a series of lectures, from authors to historians. Free lunch will be included. Watch for dates and times on Facebook and in the Echo.

Puzzle Tuesday

June 20 at 1 p.m. Come on down and bring your team of four, or join in on another team. Prizes and refreshments will be provided. Put your skills to work and meet other puzzle lovers

Reservations are appreciated, but not required. To RSVP to Beth Sterk at 815-625-0400, ext. 3977. Light refreshments will be served.

Walk will help support local dementia awareness efforts

STERLING — The lives of those impacted by dementia will be celebrated Sunday, June 11, at the second annual Memories Matter2 Walk at Westwood Fitness & Sports Center outdoor trail, 1900 Westwood Drive, rain or shine.

This event is hosted by the CGH Health Foundation as part of a multi-year effort to raise awareness of dementia and the devastating affect it has on area families.

The sendoff ceremony is at 1 p.m., with registration at 12:30 p.m. in Building No. 3.

The Dementia Project initiative was inspired by a bequest from the late Hugh and Betty Miller of Rock Falls. Betty battled dementia for 11 years before her passing in August 2020. The walk is in memory of the Millers. Participants can choose between a half-mile trail, 1-mile trail or both. Entry fee is $20 before June 1 and $25 after June 1. Register and pay at www.

Breakfast and Bingo

Friday, June 23 at 9 a.m. The games, the prizes, and fun are free, and a free breakfast, right from the kitchen at KSB Hospital! You must RSVP ahead of time to order your breakfast. Some of the Bingo prizes will include Walmart gift cards. Please call 815-288-9236.

Open Mic at LCCOA

Friday, June 23 — 6:30-9:30 p.m.; first singer up at 7 p.m. Come in to share the mic or just to listen!

Exercise One-on-One with Brandan

Mondays 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Walkers will receive a T-shirt, butterfly garden stake, swag bag and water/ snacks. There will be activities for children prior to the walk. Register ahead of the walk and pick up your shirt at 2600 N. Locust St., Sterling.

The Dementia Project is again the major focus of the 2023 Foundation Annual Appeal campaign. Funds will support dementia education efforts, provide resources/assistance and finance the Dementia Navigator position created in March.

The Foundation has already partnered with the Alzheimer’s Association in establishing seven area dementia support groups.

For more information, contact Joan Hermes at 815-625-0400, ext. 5672, or Sherry DeWalt, 815-625-0400, ext. 5672,

Fridays 10-11:30 a.m.

Join our free workout program! Brandan is can assist you with our new recumbent exercise bicycles. Thirty-minute appointments available two days per week. Call 815-288-9236 to set up an appointment

New program: LCCOA Men’s Coffee Hour

Tuesdays at 10 a.m.

“Where the coffee is free and the talk is cheap!”


If you would like LCCOA to do a presentation at your club, corporation or church, we would be honored to share what LCCOA provides for the seniors of Lee County.

Special Events at WCSC

For the latest updated and daily activities, please go to our Whiteside County Senior Center Facebook page.

WCSC Closed

Monday, June 19

Free Community Meal

Friday, June 23, at noon

All Center Potluck

Friday, June 30, at noon

Members’ Birthday

12:30 p.m.

Karaoke 1 to 3 p.m.

It’s just as important to take care of your mental health as it is to take care of your physical health. Medicare covers a number of services to support you, including outpatient mental health services like depression screening, individual and group psychotherapy, and family counseling. Contact Medicare for more information.

25 SHAW MEDIA Sauk Valley Media/ • Wednesday, May 31, 2023
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