Telegraph_Letters to Santa_122419

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Letters to Santa A Marketing Supplement of Sauk Valley Media

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

been good until Christmas. Can I please have a phone, a cool toy, a watch, and a notebook? Love, Makennah Nicole Evans

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Dear Santa, How are you? How are the reindeer? I have been really good this year. So I am hoping for a Power Gauntlet from Avenger’s End Game. But I also would like to see my uncle, Robby, again. Sincerely, Robert Feiden

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Can you get me Pokemon cards, Pokemon Sun or Moon, the movie, “Goosebumps,” the book, “Dog Man Fetch 22,” a bow and arrow, and if coal, replace it with TNT? From, Eli Brauhn

Dear Santa, How are you and your wife and your reindeer doing? I have been really good this year and these are some things I want this year. I want a snowboard, skateboard, and the newest “Dog Man” book. Your friend, Paxton Good

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’ve been really good this year. If I’ve been good enough, this is what I wish for. A 20 gallon fish tank and that’s it. Thank you, Santa. Love, Ryan Dean

Dear Santa, How is Comet? I hope he is good. I’ve been good. I washed dishes last night. I’m hoping for an antique tractor. Love, Malachi Harvey

Dear Santa, How are you feeling? Santa, how are your reindeer? I have

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’ve been good this year. This is some stuff I want. I want a big Barbie house,

extra things. I got my Christmas present. It was two kittens. It was $100.00 for the cats and $150 for the cat things. But anyway, you give people there dreams and there hopes. Thank you. You are the best! Love, Emme B.

from ... Dear Santa, You bring so many things to the little and big. They love what you do for them because you bring some things that they want and

Dear Santa, I know you’re very busy, but I have some questions about the elves and reindeer and some about you and your sleigh. Does your sleigh have magic powers? and how many elves are in your workshop? Do you realy look like the legend says? Sorry I’m

a new blanket, and some new Barbies. Sincerely, Trinity Grace Howard Dear Santa, How are the elves? I hope you are not busy. How are you? I wish you a merry Christmas. Can you please give me books, a rock collection? Thank you. From, Alex Kaecker Dear Santa, I hope you have been very happy this year with your reindeer. This is my Christmas list. For Christmas, I would like Lego sets – any kind, a fake taser, and lots of stuffed animals. I would like this to wear – a Jose Byass Cubs shirt, new jeans, an Eagles football shirt, and a summer shirt. Something to read – the new Dog Man book, and the other Dog Man book. Sincerely, Clay Kennay

Telegraph • C1

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’ve done lots of good things. I’m hoping for a Nerf gun, a toy car, a Lego person the movie Ready Player 1. From, Izaiah Rangel Dear Santa, How are you doing? I hope your deer is good because now the kids are getting presents. I don’t want presents because I want my family to be rich because we can buy food because they are kind of poor. Gabriel Soto Dear Santa, How are you and how are your reindeer? How many cookies would you like? Here are some tings I’d like. Can I have an art set and a swimming robodog? Can I have my own Expo markers and a little whiteboard and can I have a dancing robo dog? Love, Jennica Taft

Dear Santa, How are you doing? I’ve done good things. I’m hoping for joy and happiness, and a few other things, too. Love, Lennon Pospeshil

Dear Santa, How are you doing? How is Rudolph? Here are some good things I’ve done. I’ve helped the teacher and classmates. I’m hoping for a dog toy for Poppy and

throwing a lot of questions, but I’m very interested in you. Here’s some things I want for Christmas. I want some small Lego sets and maybe some Pokemon cards. Some Captain Underpants books and some boxes of crayons. Sorry if I’m being demanding, but this is one of my favorite holidays. Thank you for all the things you get for everyone. You are so nice to everybody in the world. You are so thoughtful. Thank you for everything. Sincerely, Austin P.

dog stuffed animal. Hi. How are you doing? I am good. So I think you are good. I can not wait for Christmas! Your friend, Julian L.

Dear Santa, Please get me pajamas and a

Dear Santa, I want a Pokemon book and the new Nerf gun. Sincerely, Brennen T. Dear Santa, Can you get my Grandma a bunch of snowman stuff like a snowman blanket and a pillow and snowman ornaments and football ornaments and let her house get fixed and let her have a happy Christmas? For my dad

a 2019 Holiday Barbie and an American Girl doll set. Love, Elsie Viall Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer? I have been good this year. I hope you will get me a skateboard and a phone for Christmas. Sincerely, Avamarie Waters Dear Santa, How are you and Rudolph doing? I hope you’re doing well. For Christmas, can I please have clothes, mp3 player, and a pair of headphones? Now is it OK to add 3 more things? Hope it is. I also really want a monster high doll, some eggs and bacon for breakfast, also some hot chocolate too and please can I get a giant Hershey bar? That’s all I want. Thank you. Bye. Love, Angel White Dear Santa, How are you doing? I have been good. I am hoping for a hoverboard and an apple watch and a lot of monster high dolls and stuffed animals. Sincerely, Adrianna Runkle

and me can you get Bears stuff and for my mom Packers stuff and for my Grandpa I’m not sure what he wants, but give him something please. From, Landin H. Dear Santa, I hope you have a jolly Christmas. I hope everyone gets a present. Everyone wants to see you. Thanks for the presents. Thank you for the present last year. Santa, I want a Narito shirt and a book bag. Love, Ashland H.

AFC continued on C24

Wishing You Peace & Prosperity In This Joyous Season!

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C2 • Telegraph

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1 Dear Santa, Hi. I hope you have a great Christmas. For Christmas I want Pro Buds, boy L.O.L.s, and you to have a great Christmas. My two elfs are doing great. In case you forgot their names are Twinkle and Dash. It is always fun to look for them each day. I really want you to have a great Christmas. I hope you can give me one more elf. It does not matter if it is a boy or a girl. You do not need to get me all of the stuff I had asked for. #Christmas Sincerely, Samantha J. Dear Santa, I wish that I can have a stuffed animal that is a bunny. I hope my family can have a good Christmas. You are very kind and nice and you have a lot of toys. I love Christmas, but not the cold. I love playing in the snow, but when it’s so cold I don’t like it. I do not like snow. How old are you? How many hours does it

from ...

from ... Dear Santa, Can I please have some toys? I would like a C Car with a remote control and a Call of Duty video game. I am confident and smart! Love, Bransen Albee Dear Santa, Could I have some headphones for my phone? I have been good. Love, Colten Anderson Dear Santa, I want a toy. I want a controller car. Love, Riddick Campbell Dear Santa, I want you to give me toys that I

take you to go to each house? You are really big! Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your friend, Dani Dear Santa, I want Pokemon for Christmas and Legos and clothes and a Captain America shield that is real and metal and presents for the poor. I also want a book at art supplies for Christmas. That is all. From, Garrett M. Dear Santa, Can I get a lot of Pokemon so I don’t have bad cards? Can my friend have a good life at school because he has bad times? And can I get a new Carzard because I need it really bad? Love, Damian M. Dear Santa, I’m joyful! How old are you? I want Jaxton to have a Nerf gun and me and Lennon. Can you keep a secret for my mom give

Dear Santa, Could I have Baby Shark for Christmas, please? I like the Baby Shark toys. Thanks, Isaac Collins Dear Santa, Could I please have a Paw Patrol fire truck for Christmas? Any of the Paw Patrol theme cars

like, like Hatchimels andddd race cars, and that is it. I love Santa! I wish he would give me a hug when I go to bed! Love, Leanna Cholke Dear Santa, I love you! Can you please get me presents? I want a toy puppy and an elephant that has a mouse to play with, and a coconut for it to eat. That is all I want. Love, Maeleigh Clapper Dear Santa, Can I get a real horse? Can I get a real baby doll? Can I get a real reindeer? I love you! Love, Kenzli Dewey Dear Santa, I love you! Will you come to my house? Will you bring Elfy, my Elf on the Shelf? I love Elfy too! For Christmas I would like a mermaid tail and an LOL doll. Love, Addisyn Disch Dear Santa, Will you come to my house for Christmas? I will leave you oreo cookies and white milk. Will you

would like Barbe dolls ples. Santa how do your reindeer fly? Love, Makiya.

from ... Dear Santa, I have been a good girl because I have been helping my mom wash the dishes. For Christmas I would like an I pone x. Next I would like a Barbe house and I

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy and I have been helping my Mom. I help my mom with my sister. This Christmas I would like Roblox and Fort Nigt Caraters. Love, Grant Dear Santa, I have been helping my dad fix his chruc ever day. I would like a ulechrc chran. I would like a ulechrc jeep. I would like five scruchys. Why do you wear a red suit? Love, Sammuel

her perfume that smells like chocolate. Give my class a present that you can see my class. My elf has a girlfriend last Christmas. She was pink and the weird part is they came on an airplane. I love Santa xoxo and have a merry Christmas. By. Isaac M Dear Santa, I would like some more Barbie things. I would also like a water bottle just for me. I would like some Christmas chapter books, but what I want a lot is that people that don’t have anything can get something for Christmas. Santa can you please give my sister a unicorn toy for a surprise? Love, Jasmine M. Dear Santa, I want to have a iPhone 11 Pro. My friend wants to have a toy. It is a stuffed turtle. Her name is Haylee. She is really nice. I also want same costumes that I can wear. I hope you have a nice trip. Love, Ryder D.

with the pup would be fun. Thank you, Cameron Keene Dear Santa, Could I please have a princess dress, Play-doh Spinning Treats Mixer, or a FurReal kitty or puppy pet for Christmas? Thank you, Addie Brown

bring me a skateboard for your hands? Love, Zachary Drexler Dear Santa, Hi! What have you been doing? I have been nice. Will you bring me a bubble guppy? It is a toy I saw once at Walmart and I cannot buy it because it costs too much money. I only have $5.00. The toy costs $40.00 so I could use $40.00 to buy it. Thank you! Love, Julian Flores Dear Santa, Can you please give me a toy puppet to make videos with? Love, Emet Graden Dear Santa, Give me a mermaid toy and some new black gloves. Can you please give me some hats? Can you please give me lots of socks? Will you give me presents so I have a gift for Christmas? I am doing great at school! Love, Cynthia Maginnis Dear Santa, Will you bring Christmas

Dear Santa, I have been helping my mom klen my liveing room. This Christmas I would like a hors toy and a real dog toy. Why do you wear a red suit? Love, Heaven Dear Santa, I have been good. I help my Mom. I heap my babe bruthre. I like to lrn. For Christmas, I would dresis, books, LoL JoJo boos, sticrs, and dres up clos. Are you reely magic? Love, Makenna Dear Santa, I have been helping my mom do the dishis. I would like a Hot


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Dear Santa, I want a Saleen S7 with a formula F1car engine. And I want a Lotus F1E12. I want all the Mercedes Benz in the world. I want another Corsair K68 gaming keyboard. I want a ton of Pokemon. I want a million pugs. I want a cloning machine. I want to rule the earth. I want more math in school. I want to live on the Lunar Moon. Love, Besnik R.

for Christmas? Love, Haylee M. (Please Santa!)

Dear Santa, I’m so thankful for what you gave the family and the dogs and other people like poor people. Everything you give me I play with them. Santa this is what I want. I want an x-box. I want a shell necklace, new rings, new necklaces and new dangly earrings please and thank you. P.S. I also want new scrunchies. Santa please, please, please make sure DD is safe. Please do. And Santa, if I write a note to DD can Haile send it to him if he’s not home

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Narto plushee and a Narto blanket and a box of Pokemon cards and a phone and a PS video game and a YouTube channel to make YouTube videos. A Narto Lego set and a Fort Night Ps4 controller unlimited. I want a Nerf gun to play war against Isaac and Carter. A metal Narto headband, a Narto controller and a Fortnight limited edition controller and box for Isaac. From, Jaxton P.

Dear Santa, Could I have a Dancing Mickey for Christmas, please? Thank you, Arianna Cope

Dear Santa, Could I please have a Paw Patrol Fire Truck for Christmas? Thank you, Hunter Hintz

Dear Santa, Could I please have a Little People Dump Truck, Legos, or Mr. Potato Head for Christmas? Thank you, Everett Grossman

Dear Santa, Could I please have a Little People Bus for Christmas? Thank you, Bentley McGuire

presents? Will you bring me a bat mobile, a bat bot, and a bat wing? I want these things because they are my favorite. I want a superman and batman character too. I have been good. Love, Cooper Maples Dear Santa, I wish I had a toy Santa. I want a Barbie doll that comes with a restaurant and can cook. I work really hard! Love, Maggie May Dear Santa, My name is Landon Chase McBride. My Mom’s name is Misty and my Dad’s name is Patrick. I like you! I want so much presents! I want a lot of Legos and 2 big cars that look the same. Love, Landon McBride Mya Plachno

Love, Mya Plachno

Dear Santa, I love you! I wish I could meet you! I wish you were at my house. I wish you lived with me. I like to play with toys. I like to play video games. I would like skateboard for Christmas. Love, Owen Schmidt Dear Santa, I love you! I like your red coat. I like your red hat. I want to know if you are okay? Please can I have some LOL Dolls for Christmas? Love, Carly Shippert Dear Santa and Mrs. Clause, I would like a scrubblelove pet that you take care of like a real pet. I live in linois. Love, Ashlynn Tate Dear Santa, Will you bring me the Polar Express Movie, wooden cars that my teacher Ms. Swanson has, a ghost light, a school bus, and a gadget. Thank you. Love, Zebulen Yocum

weels Car and a trak and a drone, Love, Jarrod

Dear Santa, I have been hlping my mom do the disis. My dog has been good. She has been playful. For cristmas I wud like a lechric scooter and a trapling. I wat a drone and a PS 4 x box with a remot. What do your elves do? Love, Liam

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I have been helping my mom clen the hows. I would like a 100 dolar dinosor, toy gun, and a toy ax. Last a toy nife. Love Charles Dear Santa, I have been helping my mom clean the house. I pick up my toys. This Christmas I wouold like a unicorn, LoL doll and a phone. How can I get to the North Pole? Love, Hayden

YOU for a Great Year!

Merrystmas! Chri

Wishing You & Yours



Shopkins toy.

Dear Santa, I like you! I like clothes. I like shoes. I like dresses and pajamas. I like blankets. I like making my own necklaces. I want something where I can make my own necklaces and bracelets. I also want a

Dear Santa, For my Christmas I want a lot of Pokemon and a coloring set and a painting set and I want a big Pokemon and I want 1,000 Pokemon tins and I want a rabbit. Not a toy rabbit. I want a real rabbit and a Nerf gun and a phone and an iPad and I want a lot of Vloux. Ryland V. | 815-456-2334

Dear Santa, I have bin good. I help my Mom because I cleen dishis. This Christmas I Would like a I Phone. Then I would like a xbox. Last I would like 1,000 Orbees. How do you flie? Love, Jeremiah CENTENNIAL continued on C34

Thank you for another wonderful year. Happy Holidays from all of us at Johnson Oil Company. Johnson Oil Company 1305 12th Ave Rock Falls, IL 61071 815-625-6380 SM-ST1731575

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C2 Dear Santa, I have been helping mom clening the hous. Thiis Christmas I would like an xbox a pokenman box, and a skateboard. Why is your name Santa? Love, Emmett Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I have been helping decrat. For Christmas, I would like a LOL camping

camper. I rilee want a new pool. My bruter poot rocks in it. Last, can you bring me the best toy that you have? How do you mac majic? Love, Leah Dear Santa, I have been helping my grandma. For Christmas I want a piano, a phone, and unicorn. Santa are you real? Love, Ella my room. I help mom and dad clean the living room. Do snowmen come alive? Love Andre

. . . om fr

Dear Santa, Please brig me the new expoding kitin game, also a twin baby set ,and a ipod .I have been shvling snow,cleening my room and cleening, feeding my dog. Did you invent christmas? Love, Cora

Dear Santa, Please bring me a wishel, comb,and some tiger boots. I have been helping my mom and dad klen my room. How is Mrs. Claus doing? Love, Neveah

Dear Santa, Please bring me a lol campr a barbe too and unicorns. I have been dusting the TV. Does rudolph actually have a shiny nose. Love, Rylan

Dear Santa, Please bring me a real rabbit and a real dog. I have been doing laundry in the basement, a lot of dishes, and I have been vacuuming.How are the reindeer doing? Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Hunter

Dear Santa, Pleas bring me a lol a pet rabibt, and a noow stuf aml. I ben good and i did doing the dishes tacking out the grirbich. What are the randeer doing? Love Julianna.

Dear Santa, Please bring me a new Nerf pj mask for my brutra Julian. I would like a black puppy. l I clen

from ...


Dear Santa, Please bring me a wwe ring ,a toy rockit ship, and a fast rc car that is blue and a wwe doll. I have been cleaning the living Dear Santa, I want a new piano for Christmas. That’s all I want for Christmas. I want feathers for mom and dad. I want a new microphone for April. Merry Christmas! Love, Ruby Hahn Dear Santa, I want mini cars and a Spiderman toy. I want the Crashing

Dear Santa, I have been giving Krispey stuf to eat. I would like Bayby ulive. Why do rayndeer flie? Love, Evelyn Dear Santa, I have ben good becus I help my mom with my baby bruther. I wod like two LoLs for critsmas. I want a Dog. Wut do your efs make in the toy macr? Love, Mckenzie. room.Do you have a reindeer named Doner? Love, Gabe Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy, LoLo, spis hous. I have been washing the dishis. Does mrs.claus cookes? Love, Aubree Cheevera. Dear Santa, Plese bring me a new nrf gun snipr, a x box and a micraft gam. I have ben feeding my dog. Do you decorate Santa? Love,Corbin

Telegraph • C3

Dear Santa, I have been helpee my mom. I have been carrying in the grocerises. For chrises I would like a hat, and I fon x, a pet snake, and a drt bik. How can you fli? Love, Ryder Dear Santa, I have been helping my mom. I help my sister when she gets hert. For Christmas I would like a I phone eleven. I wood also Dear Santa, Please bring a robot, a remote cantroll mario car,and a po`keball gussing game.I have been cooking,washing landry,and doing my homework.How can you deliver all the toys in one Crhistmas night? Love, Cadence. Dear Santa, Please bring me a mal doll that sings,lol dolls with a lot of accessories,and a nintendo swich.I have been feeding the dogs,moping the floor,and cleaning my room.Does a elf come with you to town? Love Fiona.

Dear Santa, Please bring me two nerf guns, a huvrbord,and a laptop.I have been helping mommy with the londry,cleening up my tioys,and helping her cook .Is Ntosha doing good as a elf? Love,Delaynie

Dear Santa, Please bring me a new fortnit and a nintino swittch. I have been god making my bed. Do you like cookies? Love, Liam

Dear Santa, Please bring me a new toy bar. do the elves like cookies? is mrs claus happy? Does the reindeer like caireit? What is your faizret milk? I been washing the dishis. Love, kaiden

Dear Santa, Please bring me a snomlbe,ps4,and a nitedo swiches i have been clening and doing sum londre How is Mrs.Claus doing. Love Benton.

Ramp and a rainbow track with blue and red cars. I want a truck to hold the mini cars. From, Tucker Zuck Dear Santa, I want a big, fluffy unicorn. I love big, fluffy unicorns! I want Picmi Pops and Picmi Pop videos. I want a PJ Masks castle. Where do you fly from? Where are you? Where’s your house? Why do you live in

the North Pole? I really want to be with you. Love, Elly Olson Dear Santa, I really want a purple toy monster and a raptor. I want a Hulk toy. I love you.You’re so cool! I like to sit on your lap. From, Braedyn Jensen Dear Santa, Where are you? How do you

like blue Nettendo Swich. Last, I wood also like a black metol wach like my Dad’s wach. Love, Jace Dear Santa, I have been helping mom taking care of my dog namend Lucky. For Chistmas I would like a pet ununcorn. Also a 100 doller bill. Wat do your elvs do? Love, Summer Dear Santa, please bring me cute pair of pans, makeup, and a cute dres I have been I bin maken my bed in the mornen and I clen my room What is lor favarite milk. Love, Molly

Dear Santa, Please bring me a Batman car, a big, red, race car, and a Batman watch. I try to always be a good boy by cleaning my room and making my bed. Can I pet your reindeer someday? I like you and I love you, Santa! Love, Rayden Dear Santa, Please bring me a new pair of shoes to my dads house, a new rake, a dog, a new pair of blue boots, a new chair, my own chromebook, a new desk, a new blakite, a new little gren cart, a stuffed elf, a new pigge bank, books, book shelfs in my room, video games, pichr frame, I have been geting the leves of my Gramas is Rudolph doing? Love, Barret go down the chimneys? How do you carry all them presents? I want a lot of toys for Christmas. I want toy guns. I want Monster jam and Hot Wheels. I want a real computer and a real phone. I want Barbie toys for Leah and Mommy and a blue light up sword for me and Dad. I want toy tools for Papa and sparkly

CENTENNIAL continued on C44

C4 • Telegraph


stuff for Mimi. I want a blue sword for me, only blue? Merry Christmas! Love, Orin Bocker

Dear Santa, I wish for a new doll house. I want feathers. I will cut them on my table for my mom and dad. I want a Barbie dream house. I want a book for my brother, Reid and a pencil for Spencer. I want a wallet for my mom and a new pair of glasses for my dad. I want a PJ Masks costume for Halloween next year. From, Nina Grove

Dear Santa, I want everything! I want all the toys. I want big toys, huge ones. That’s all I want. From, Jaxson Hummel

Dear Santa, I want Barbies, a mini phone and another Barbie that has a castle. I want a cash register. My dad wants toys. My mom loves me when I am bad. I want a

Wars Legos on it. I don’t have pumpkin for my dad, my mom one and I need one. I want a big and my baby brother, J.J. Nothtractor too, to go in sand. ing else. From, Jacob Harazin From, Skylynn Lance

some new stars for my shoes. I want new rainbow shoes with stars and sparkles on them. From, Ruby Hahn

Dear Santa, I want a big semi truck for Christmas. I’ve been kinda bad at home. I’m going to be good every day. That’s all. From, Hudson Maratos

Dear Santa, I want some toy guns and a monster truck. Daddy has a safe at home for his guns. I like monster trucks. Santa wants to bring me with his car. He rides his truck. I want Santa to bring me to his truck. From, Declan Dickey

Dear Santa, I want a unicorn toy. It lights up different colors. It goes green, pink, purple, blue, red. I want lots of human dolls. I want LOL Surprise. I want toy slime. I want one of those pink soft squishies with sparkles. From, Aila Campbell Dear Santa, I want a timer and some putty with stuff in it for Christmas. I want a whistle for my mommy, so I can show it to her for Christmas. I want an IPad. From, Summer Larson Dear Santa, I want a big, huge dinosaur, a toy one. Even bigger than my tree house. I want the biggest monster truck. I need a huge caterpillar for my treehouse. My old one broke in a storm. I want a roller skate board with Star world to be the best place in the world. Love, Jorga

from ... Dear Santa, How are you all doing. Me and my family would want candles. The world would like to have everybody a good family. I would like rainbow vans. Have a good trip on big selah. Love, Brynlee Izer Dear Santa, How are the elves doing? I have been good. I wish for a white christmas.I wish for my family would stop fighting.I wish for the

from ... Dear Santa Claus, My name is Alisha May Rippy. I like pizza, but my favorite food is tacos. They are veary yummy. I have been nice this year. I will make more cookies this year. I love you! Would you like to get my mom a car? That would be relly helpful. And also would you get my dad a trampoline. (He needs some exersize.) Will you please be quiet comming in because the dog will tackle you and make you scream! Your friend, Alisha Dear Santa, I hav ben good. I am doing vare good in school. somthing hapnd in my famle. My ant had a babe his name is gram. He is only 1 your old. Wen did rootoff get born can you tel me the date? Wat is the fastis rander. I thienk it is rootoff. Can you get me 3 toys and 1 toy for me litl brathr? I want a pejay mask stuft anmol and a big thik dek of gx

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer doing and the elves? Have i been good this year? Can you see what we are doing in the north pole? One wish, I wish for is to be and be a human whenever i won’t. I wish my family Could be together. I wish the world could be a better place. For christmas please can i have a barbie car and a barbie and some Pokemon cards, and the last one an ugly doll stuffed animal. Love, Imber Dear Santa, How are you and Rudolph and Mrs.Clause doing? For christmas I wish I can have a pet horse. One wish for my family is for me and my sister to stop fighting. One wish for the world i want to live in peace. Merry christams. Love, Aaliyah

pokemon cards and a big dek of regelr pokemon cards. My litl brathr kamdin wants a pejay mask stuft anmol. Woch owt for my pit bil dog and my cat. I will lef som carets for you rander. Your friend, Robbie Tate Dear Santa, I am Kacie. I am 7 and I am in seket grade. I go to Centenl Elamenchry School in Polo. How are you? How cold is it up there? Do you have a pet? Can I please get a laptop, Unspeakable merch, and a lion that moves and roers? Thank you! You are the best! Your frend, Kacie Dearborn Dear Santa, I know what I want for me and my family. I want EZ rollers, tree mendos, and a Iphone 11. For my Mom, a hat that will fit her, a new bed sheet, and a new lanbergene. My brother Shawn wants a BMX bike and new headphones. I want to see you on Cristmas riley bad because I’m giving you chocolate chip cokes. I’m 7 years old and in 2nd grade. I’m intrested in reptiles. How old are you? I have an idea, wear thik clothing on Cristmas Eve. From, Jade Davis Dear Santa, I am seven years old. Also I am Kaden Mon. Next, I am in

Dear Santa, I want a Spiderman making a web. I want a rocket ship. I want a toy baby dog. I want a toy dolphin. I want a toy fire truck. I need some more toys, so I can show my mommy. I live in Illinois. I live in Polo. My mom’s name is Erika and my dad’s name is Dustin. From, Ethan Finkle Dear Santa, I want blocks and gears from Christmas. I need some paper at my house. I want a rainbow bracelet. I don’t have chains at my house. I want some rainbow chains for my house. I want Dear Santa, How are you? I’m doing good. I want a real life pet. I want a girl for both families to have a case and tractor. I want everyone in world to have a loving family. Sincerely, maryn

Dear Santa, I want a John Deer tractor camper. I want an orange truck to pull it. I want a lot of blocks. I want a paint brush to paint with. I want green slime. I want a zombie toy monster. I want a teddy bear, a green one. I like green. From, Max Knutson Dear Santa, I want a Baby Alive thing. It rocks and it has a little twinkle star. I want a pencil sharpener for my pencils. I want a PJ Mask all year. For christmas i want a Nintendo Switch. A wish for my family is a new car. A wish for the world is world peace. Love, Dmetri

Dear Santa, How do you eat all of those cookies i wish i could do that! I Dear Santa, have been good all year. I wish How are you I want a gift car i that i will be a receiver in footwant happiness and bad things. Love, Chayce ball. I wish that my family has a jolly christmas. I wish that all of Dear Santa, the kids in the hospital for christHow are you doing are you mas have a great christmas. very busy?Santa how old are Sineairly, Maddox Peterson you? What is your favorite Tv Dear Santa, show? I wish for a lot of barbies! How are your reindeer? I am For my family I wish for them doing good I would like a reinto go to Paris and Hollywood. deer. Can i please have RC semis For the world i wish the world that can hook up to trailers. I doesn’t have to be crazy. Hope wish the world was happy. you have a good christmas. Sincerely, Christian Bolen Sincerely, Haley Dear Santa, How is Rudoph and the other. I’m doing good. I have been good

Dear Santa, How is deb doing? Is he getting ready to come back to our

2nd grade. I have been good. I go to Centianl Elemetry School in Polo, Illinois. How do your reindeer fly? How is Mrs. Claus doing? How do your elf’s make toys for boys and girls? Instead of you feeding the reindeer, your elf’s can feed them. For Christmas I want a Christmas lego set, a scooter, and a tool set. Also just so you know I have a cat, a dog, and a turtle. Merry Christmas! From, Kaden Mon

a new phone cas. Gag wud like a itindo swich. Jarrod wud like a new bike. Richerd wud like a new phone. I wud like a new bike too. I will see you on Christmas Eve. Happy Christmas! Love, Serenity Hanson

Dear Santa, I went to my cuzen’s house and it was fun their ! I am a good girl. I help in the house and out of the house. I even help out with old people and friends. I was wundring if I could have a Iphone 11? My little brother wants a lot of denoisurse. Also I want a watchphone. I like Crasmas a lot. It is fun. The thing that I love most is caring for others and going to cherch. From, Adaline Monaco Dear Santa, I am Serenity and I am in 2nd grade. I am 7 years old and I go to Centen Elumetry School. I have a baby sister and her name is Clory. I want to go on a trip to Californy. My mom is going to Shcogo. Do you have Roduf at the North Pole with you? Can you bring a barby for little Clory. I think that my mom wud like

Dear Santa, i wont a lot of games and a tadlit and a iphone 11. You are good. I wille give you cooces. I will give the raindeer carits. You can asc sumbode to help you get the toys. You can make you a robot. My suster throo up on my bruther. I ben good to my suster and my bruther. Your frend, Antwon Woodson Dear Santa, I am a gril and I am in 2nd grade. I in Ctenl School and I am 7 year old. I want a apple dog toy for my dog. I like you rader and I like your slae, Santa. From, Maddie Farris Dear Santa, My name is Isabella. I am 7 years old. I am in second grade. And I go to Centneial Elementry School. Also I got new chickens! I am a nice girl. If you have elfs at the North Pole you can help the elfs so you can get the presents done early. How is Mrs. Claus? I would like to get a new backpack for my brother. For mom a stuffed animal. For my dad a pajamas that has a fish on

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costume. I want new ear muffs, Aladdin ones. I got a few questions for Santa. I want to go see Santa. From, Sia Dawson Dear Santa, I want a new kitten. I want a little toy car. I want a little doll with little yellow and blue. Santa will bring me new clothes. From, Kennedie Smith Dear Santa, I want race cars. I want Paw Patrol cars. Paw Patrol is on my TV at my house. I want a race toy. It goes really fast. From, Kye Escobar Dear Santa, I want some more mini racers from Disney. Lightning McQueen is really fast. I want a giant Lightning McQueen so that the back can open up and I can put all of them in. I want a giant Mack transporter, a giant, giant, giant one for Christmas. That’s all I want for Christmas. From, Bryant Rucker house? Can you tell him to do some crazy things like wrap toilet paper around the house? Can I please have madden 20 and neft gun? My Family will probably want packer tickets. I wish the whole world has a Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Ryder Faivre Dear Santa, How are you and mrs.Clause? I doing good! I wish i could have an optimus prime and motenetrol. I wish my family had a better house. I wish for happy and joy to the world. Sincerely, Connor Dear Santa, How fast does your sleigh go when flying? I wish to be rich so can donate to the homeless. I wish my family would have better furniture. I wish the world would be peaceful. Sincerely, Carter

it. Be carefull when you go up our stairs. They are very slippery. Also, my path way. I can’t wait for the presents! Sincerely, Isabella Mathis

Dear Santa, I’ve ben wanting a cout. It is just like my mom’s cout. Bewar of Max because he likes to bark at strangers. I’m having carets for the reindeer and cookies for you. How is Rudof? I hope he’s doing beder. Tell him I say Hi and to all the others too. My stocking is the smoothest. My brother Ethan wants a foxy toy. Noah wants anything. Danil wants coal. He still has the other one he got from you last year. I want any tipe of scwishy. Your friend, Sebastian Dewey

Dear Santa, I got a new house last year. It is big and grae. I tinck you should get a mcine to rap presence. Can you please bring my dog a soccer ball. Can you bring me a rc buldus that can push up to 200 hunded ponds and a rc fourweeler? Will you also bring my mom and dad something? From, Spencer Nelson Dear Santa, Don’t gif me cole. I have bin good. Mrs. Claus can have a puppy dog. Watch out for my dogs they will bite. I want a

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C4 chrome book I want sumteing for my mom and dad. Your friend, Xiomara Burgos Dear Santa, I am Dom. I’m 7. I’m in 2nd grade. I’m in Polo Elementry School. How does your elf make toys so fast? How does your reindeer fly? I really really want air pods, a new scooter, and a set of legos. I expect you to love the ccocies and milk. Sincerely, Dom Escobar Dear Santa, My year is going good in seckent grade so far. I am seven years old. I have been good so far. How are you reindeers because I am icksited for you guyes to come because I get to get some food and put some food out for your reindeers an dgive you some cokies. Can I get a satel for my mom so we can put it on the horses and can I get some choklet kisise and some jenes and some loshen for Joe. Then can I get a basketball that goes on doors for my brother? Can I please get some dog treats and some toys? Can you get my sister a uinacorn not book and some coler pens? Can I get a hamster and a mug and a chromebook please for me? Thank you for all your work. Thank you so much! From, Carly Stephenson Dear Santa, Hope you have a jolly old christmas. For christmas can I please have a Xbox 1x, legos, lego sets, construction, and farming lego sets? I used my money to get me and my brother Conner a hot wheels car. For

from ... Dear Santa, I lisin to my techer, and mom and dad. Also I help my dad to put away clos. Would you like to bring me a few things? I would like jeens, exbox 19, and Nintendo suich? How dos your elfs make toys? Love, Liam Messer Dear Santa, I have bin lisning. I also have bin dowit the londree. Can I please have a xbox 14, I phone, and video games? How dus the reindeer fly? Sincerely, Kaethen Dewey

from ...

christmas can my brother have remote control grave digger? For everyone in the world to have art supplies. How has it been doing in the north pole? Love Wyatt Bender Have a jolly christmas. Wyatt Bender Dear Elves, Can you please tell Mr. Claus Hi? I worked hard this year I want an iPhone 11. I also want a batman gotham set. I also want cooked meat and a new microwave. From the best kid on earth, Konner Patton Dear Santa, I hope you are doing good in the North Pole. The time when I did a good thing is when I babysat my baby sister. Can I please have a xbox gift card? My mom has been working really hard. Can you please give her something? My wish for the world is that everything to be free for all of the poor people. Love, Aaliyah Sanchez Dear Santa, How have you been? I think I deserve presents because I pick up trash in front of my house. Can I have shoulder pads for football? And for Jordan Reed, football gloves. I also have a wish for the world. It is to stop global warming. Sincerely, Jayden Reed

Lara and her brother? Also can I please have more legos? Another thing I want is an Iphone. Last, I want an xbox controller. I wish for my dog just that he can make it through the rest of the year. I wish for the world that people don’t litter and the world can be clean. Merry Christmas. Emma Porters Dear Santa, How are you doing and how are the reindeer? Can I please have a wolf stuffed animal, and can my dad have a massage thing, can mr momo have some make up, and can Jayden have a football for christmas. Can I also please have some decorations? Raven really likes dogs so can she please have some dog pictures? Love, Madilynn Maddox Dear Mr. Claus, How are you and the elves doing? I helped people when they fell and I hold doors open so here is what I want for Christmas. I want a bearded dragon. For someone else, I want my mom to have a cleaning robot, and for world peace. I wonder how you and the North Pole are. Have an amazing day! From, Knox Chesnut

Dear Santa Claus, How are you and your reindeer doing at the north pole? I think I deserve presents this year because I helped my mom do the dishes and when my friends were hurt I helped them. Can I please have 2 baby reborns,

Dear Santa, I hope you had a wonderful year! I deserve the thing I want because I helped clean up the preschool classroom. I would like to have Alex and Steve toys. My dad would love a subway gift card. My mom would love a purple dress. My sister would love a stuffed animal. My wish to the world is to have NO MORE WAR! Merry Christmas. Joelle Baker

Dear Santa, I help my teacher befor school and after school. Also I lison. Please can I have Amaracan girl doll cloes, barbes, and LOLs? How brght is Rudolph nose? Sincerely, Hannah Lahti

Dear Santa, I have bin orgnizd. I have bin wrding my appl tree. May I have 2 hedsets, Erth defors 5, and nit visin? How do your elfs make toys? Love, Easton Faivre

Dear Santa, I feed my anmals evre day. I olso do my homewck. I lesin to my techr. Can I please have a hedset, camra, and nitendo swich? How is Rudolph doowing? Love, Bentley Jensen

Dear Santa, I ben good to my tethr Mrs. Wilhelms. Can I please have egg surprises? How do the elfs mayk toys? Lovs, Terrance Woodson

Dear Santa, I have being good by lising. Evry day I lising to Mrs. Wilhelms. Can I please have xbox, robox, and rainbow slime? I like the reindeer. Love, Gabriel DeWaele Dear Santa, I wach my bruthr and sistr. I have bee good for my mom, Mrs. L., and Mrs. W. May I have a phone, pet, and camru? How is Rudolph? Love, Devany Lackland Dean

Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a PJ Masks toy house. It has a zip line that holds Gheco, Owlette, and Cat Boy. Also, for Christmas I want a Owleez and I want a Frozen couch that turns into a bed and turns into a couch. I have an Elf that is my friend. Her name is Natasha. Love, Delilah Oleson

Dear Santa, I have ben good by doing my houmewirk with uot my mom telling me. Evre day I help Mrs. W. Can you please bring me an American Girl doll, doll clothes, and LOLs? Have eny of the reindeer have baby? Sincerely, Jordyn Huyett Dear Santa, Every Thursday I help my garden. Also I help my mom clean. May I have an LOL doll, American Girl doll, and slime? How are your

Dear Santa, I like going to school and seeing all my friends. I like that mom and dad always lay my clothes out when it’s night. Why do you live in the North Pole? Why do you give presents out to kids? I want a unicorn that’s very tall and slim. Uhhh, and cupcakes that are toys. And I like Play-doh to play with. Merry Christmas! Love, Evelyn Collins

Telegraph • C5

Dear Santa, How have you been? When people are sad I try to cheer them up. What I want for Christmas is Pokemon cards and stuffed animals. For Evan, a lego jurassic world set. I wish for the world no wars, no littering and peace for the world. Sincerely, Chloe Majors Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? By the way he is the best. I held the door for a friend named Stealy. That is why I should be on Santa’s nice list. Santa can you please bring me a ps4 and ps4 controllers? Can you give my other friend Knox 1,000 Ps4 controllers? Love, Allen Prusia Dear Santa Claus, I have helped Konner this year. Can I please have a new car for my mom? Merry Christmas. Sincerely, Theodore Merdian Dear Santa, How are you and Mrs.Claus doing? I was being kind to people when they were hurt or bullied. So that’s why I think I should get pokemon utra sun randomizer mode. I think you could please bring my dad some money. My wish for the world is to be a better place. From, Landyn Zellers

Dear Santa, A good thing I did this year is being kind to anyone in my path. Also what I want for christmas is a flaroh plus. Also Hurley wants a guzzlord Gx Box. Finally my wish is that people stop making fun of a person. Sincerely, Grady Boothe Dear Santa, How was your year? I think I deserve presents because, I helped my friend Emma feel better when she was crying. Can I please have a Lol Surprise, and a baby reborn? Three other people I want to have presents for are my teacher Mrs.Faivre more school supplies, my mom some new socks, and my dad a bunk bed? A wish for the world is everything could be free and that everybody would stop littering. Merry Christmas. Raven Clapper Dear Grandma, I have been doing alot of work at school so can I have a lol surprise, lol lil sister, lol surprise hair goals, and lol surprise pet’s. Can you give Anna what I have too please? Love, Marti Johnstone

Dear Santa, How are you doing in the North Pole? I hope you are doing great. Can I have baseball cards? And can I please have sun glasses for my dad? For the world, I want people to don’t call people names. Love, Cooper Huyett

Dear Mr. Claus, How are you and Mrs. Claus? I hope you have been good. I have a wish for the world and my wish is to stop world pollution. I think I want to get 1,00,000,000 v-bucks. I think my mom should get a shiny diamond because she works very hard and long. I think I should get the v-bucks because I got 150 Dojo points in school for being good. Sincerely, Jackson Buskohl

9 reindeer doing? Sincerely, Emry Carlock

X-box? How do the reindeer fly? Love, Zayden Imel

Dear Santa, I help mom clen my room. Also I bin good to my sis. Can you please bring me a exbox, lagos, and a robot socr thing> How mene reindeer do you hav? Love, Jack Gjonola

Dear Santa, I have been lisining to my techr. Also I clen my dishes. Can I pleas have slim, LOLs, and an x-box? How are the reindeer? Sincerely, Keandria Marceau

Dear Santa, I have ben lisning to everybody! Also I have ben doing wat mi mom ses. May I have a youtobe crama, a Iphone 11 pro, and a memrea crd? How is Vixen? Sincerely, Henry Hillison Dear Santa, Can I please have an ice cream maker, bird house, and doll house? I help with the laundry at home. Can I have one of your elves? Love, Kylia Johnson Dear Santa, I am bein good by lisning. I do be good. I nis to my friends. Can I have a nerf gun, toilet gun, and an

Dear Santa, I want to ask if you can bring me real blue Play-doh. Ummm, I only have a toy vacuum, but I want sprayer stuff to spray on the carpet and the couch and white stuff that you put on the couch and carpet to vacuum up. Ummm and can you bring a TV and a remote to put in my bedroom. When you come I will still be sleeping.

Dear Santa, I had a grat day at school. Also I love my tehr Mrs. Wilhelms. Can I please have hihels, a phone, and a tv? Is Rudolph reel? Santa I love you. Love, Zoey Kitson Dear Santa, I have to help mom do laundry. Can I please have xbox, Gabby Gabby, and spitrman? How old are you? Love, Abby Kain Dear Santa, I have been good by doing the laundry. Also I do the dishes. Can I please have BoxX, phone, and Nintedo Switch? Love, Zakkary Albee

Merry Christmas! From, Maddox Albee

Dear Santa, When do you go to the North Pole? When do the Elves work? I’ve kind of been a good boy this year. Can you bring me a new controller for my Xbox. My other one is broken and doesn’t have any batteries in it. I want a CENTENNIAL continued on C64

WARM WISHES TO YOU AND YOURS From our family to yours, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

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C6 • Telegraph

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C5 camera to take pictures. I took a lot of pictures of lots of stuff, but a lot of pictures I had to delete because there was a lot of blurry stuff. From, Cohen Sieble Dear Santa, Ummm I want Santa to bring me some toys and some games. I like purple Barbies and yellow candies. I want to know where the elves play. I think they play outside on the slides. Love, Sarah Wiegmann

reindeers? I want to know if I can take a picture with you? Merry Christmas, Santa. Love, Gavin Weems

on it. How do they elves make all the toys? Merry Christmas! From, Ben Myers

Dear Santa, How are the elves and the reindeers doing? Ummm I want like a Ariel Barbie. And some chalk. I will write with it in the driveway and in the garage. I want a whiteboard to draw stuff on. I will keep it with all my other drawing stuff. I want paints to paint pictures of cupcakes and I will give them to me and Hannah. Merry Christmas! Love, Sarah Lahti

Dear Santa, I want a Barbie Dream House and I want a Cry Baby. That’s a baby that goes “Wahhhh, Wahhhh.” I see it on the TV at Goom Goom and Papa’s house. I want the Farmer and the Dell show to watch. My sister wants baby things like I’ll share my Cry Babies with her. Love, Nora Yocum

Dear Santa, Do your reindeers fly? I think they do. For Christmas I want make-up. I like make-up on me at Halloween and I want to have it at Christmas, too. I want the full set and I want it to be blue. I want purple lipstick and green blush for my cheeks. I like you,Santa. From, Kinsley Vaultonburg

Dear Santa, I want a toy unicorn for Christmas. And can I have a toy fence for it? Do you still have Rudolph or not? My brother wants a tractor. Probably a blue one because that’s his favorite color. Oh ya, I want a stable for my unicorn. Merry Christmas Love, Bryn Hardin

Dear Santa, I want a dragon and fire truck for Christmas. That is all I want. I want to talk to the elves and have fun with them. Can I see the

Dear Santa, I want a cash register for Christmas. I will need money for my cash register. Can I have a tablet, too? I want to play video games

. . . om fr Dear Santa, Reindeers run really faster because string is on the sleigh so the reindeers pull Santa on the sleigh. For Christmas, I want corn because I love to eat corn. Can I have a race car? A blue gigantic race car! And maybe I want a choo choo train. Thanks, Santa! Love, Brayden Loomis Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a house...a Barbie Dream house! Oh and I want some pink slime. I will play with my slime with Bailey and Gabriel. And I want a phone so I can call people and take pictures and play games on it. And can you make it a real phone that works? My family hangs up some cool lights for Christmas. Thank you, Santa! From, Lilly DeWaele

from ... Dear Santa, My name is Lexi. I am eight years old. I am in second grade. When you are riding on the slay Christmas eve do you like it when it snowes? How did you think of so many names for your reindeer? Why do you put bells on your slay? The present I really for Christmas is the Lusanna Amarcan Girl doll and her space craft. Also, I want some baby doll toys for my little sister Laney. I also want some marbles for my brother Jeremiah. From your friend, Lexi, Dear Santa, I am Harlie and I am 7 years old.I am in second grade now. Thank you for getting me LOL dolls last year, thank you. I will make a mint casl for you to eat. How old are you? Can you come in my room on Christmas? Will you come thruoe the door or the chimny? Can you pleas get me an LOL fortnight caretors cloues and shose? Love, Harlie Dear Santa, Hi Santa I have a dog so watch out. I’m seven years old allready. I’m in second grade. I hope I see you. I have a deer named Blizen like your deer. I’m putting carrots out. Also, I have to buy cookies or make them. Santa what kind of cookies do you like? Does Rudolph actually guid your slay? Do you like shurger cookies? Do you like frosted cookies? Are you bringing me what I want?Also do you like

Dear Santa, I really want a big, blue remote control car. I would play with it at McDonalds and at the park and at the pool. I want a new play kitchen at my house so me and brother can play with it. Are the reindeer going to fly on Christmas? Merry Christmas! From, Avery Kochsmeier Dear Santa, I like some horsie toys. And I would like some cowgirls with my horsies. I would like some farmer stuff like a barn and animals. I would play games and toys with my mom. Thanks, Santa! Love, Anna Johnstone Dear Santa, For Christmas I just really want a super big toy airplane. I want Santa Claus to make me a birthday cake that says “ Ho Ho Merry Christmas.” It takes a little bit of time to get to the North Pole. I can walk there by myself. Merry Christmas,Santa! From, Adeline Chapman Dear Santa, I’ve been a good girl and I want a Barbie for Christmas. And I want blue slime and one for my brother. My brother wants green and yellow slime because he likes the Packers. I like the

me? Do you see me when I’m awake? I want a boy LOL pleas? Also how was your day I wonder? How are the elves doing and my sissy’s elf Elfy? I also want a jet pack lisins and a jet pack. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, Hello Santa, I’m going to tell you udat em Frst, I’m 8 yere old. Next, I like braras. Last, I’m in 2nd grade. I’m going to aske you some qestins Santa.Santa why do you have Rondoff? Santa why do you have a mashic slay? I am going to tell what I whant for Christmas.Can you get make up. Don’t get me the stuf I’m to litle for. Mary Popines make up, Mary popines ball holley Jolley hollobay.Ples get all of thos stuff Santa! Love, Jayden Dear Santa, Do you know I can pull my own tooth out?I also pretend I’m playing I survived books and also some day I[ll be able to paint so good like Bob Ross. That’s what I want to do is paint so good like Bob Ross. How do your elves make toys out of wooden? I think they are builded and then the toys land

Dear Santa, I want to paint a unicorn for Christmas. It is on glass and lights up when you are finished. I have one at my house already, but I want two of them because I want one for my sister Liriq. And I want a Panda one too because she loves them too. She loves them more than the whole entire city. What is the North Pole like? I wonder when the elves make all the presents. Thank you! Love, Saige Clapper Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a big computer, goldfish crackers, and lots Vikings. For Christmas I want a blue Ipad to play games on it. Merry Christmas! Love, Analice Merdian Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a big plastic doll house. I would need people and a car to go with my doll house. I also want a toy butterfly that is soft and that I can sleep with. I’ve been a good girl. Happy Holidays! From, Darbey Lackland-Dean Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a pink scooter that I can ride to school and to my home. Ummm....I want some make-up like lip gloss and some fake hair and I think that’s it! How are the reindeer and how are the elves and hows the gifts? Merry Christmas! From, Brooklyn Marceau Dear Santa, This year I want Transformer Bumblebee toys. They are little and fun. I want some dinosaurs like a T-Rex and a Velociraptor. Are the elves busy making all the toys? Thank you! From, Maddex Woodin Dear Santa, I want a Paw Patrol remote control car. The remote has buttons on it. I would play with Marshall

in a present for kids and they will thank you. I want Roblox because I watch Ethan gamer to milk for you and I want Hello Neghbor and all I survived books for Christmas. I’m going to give cookies and milk for you. I don’t have a pet but I will get a kitten and the kitten will probly bite and scratch you and I will get a cat too. So be careful so the kitten doesn’t bite and scratch you! Love, Isaac Dear Santa, My name is Lara.I am in 2nd grade. How old are your reindeer?How do get to the north pole?I wish that I could have a calender. I wish that I could have a desk. I wish that I could have a white board and a marker. Sincerly, Lara Dear Santa, I am Devin. We don’t hav a chimne. I am 8 yers old. I want all I survive, a xbox.Giv people hoo don’t hav homes give them ther wish. I want a pet bat. How do the rine deer fly? Love, Devin Dear Santa, I am 7 yeas old.How old are you

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

of candy. I want a little tiny TV that I can watch Nemo on. I want a Cookie Monster book that I can read with Mommy and Daddy. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Gracie Dawson Dear Santa, Ummm Hey Santa! For Christmas I want a black dinosaur and a blue Pterodactyl. Oh, and I want a small blue Triceratops, too. Ummm I want a blue skateboard that I can ride at my house. Merry Christmas Santa! Thank you! From, Braxtyn Jensen

Nia and a mini train...okay a bunch of mini trains. I’ve been good. Merry Christmas! Love, Wesley Diehl Dear Santa, I go shopping for Christmas with my family. I want a baby with eyes, a nose, and ears, a head, and cries for real. I want clothes for my baby . If my baby cries, I’ll wipe her nose and her mouth. Love, Parker McKenna

Dear Santa, I want a purple dirt bike for Christmas that I can ride at my home. I want a big Nerf Gun, too. I don’t have any Nerf Guns yet. My mom, dad, brother, and sister want dirt bikes too. Big ones that go fast. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Colton Wileman

Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I want a fish tank. I really liked the fish tank I saw and want one for my house. I want a bubble machine and I love music so anything that plays music makes me happy. I like building with Magna-tiles and big wooden blocks at school. Merry Christmas! Love, Logan Milburn

Dear Santa, Did you know I already know what the North Pole is like? It’s called Alaska and it’s so cold there. For Christmas I want Nia from Thomas’ Big World Adventure. I want a plastic and wood

Dear Santa, I like toys for Christmas. I want Batman. I want Spiderman. I want toys to build. I like playing with toys. I love toys. Merry Christmas! Love, Maverick Doeden

and Chase. I would put Marshall and Chase inside the car and drive them around in the car. I love Paw Patrol and PJ Masks. Thanks, Santa! Love, Carter Geesey

Dear Santa, I really like toys. I like playing toys with my friends. I like building with magnet blocks. I want cars and trucks for Christmas. From, Charlie Bailey

Dear Santa, This year I just want a game with a zombie and a plant...Plants vs. Zombies! That’s it! Me and Kayden play that all the time. We have other games too! We have four characters and have fun playing that game. From, James Runte Dear Santa, I want Venom for Christmas this year! I want it to shoot two webs and I want a Venom costume. I will play and have fun. That’s all I want for Christmas. Love, Axl Dixon Dear Santa, I want to have some Spiderman guys and some big monsters. I want to have some big coloring books and markers. I want to see the North Pole. Merry Christmas! Love, Louise Ellis Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a Spiderman toy and some dinosaurs. I like playing with those toys with my brothers. I have fun playing toys. Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Kamdyn Anderson

Santa Claus?Give homeless people a home ok. Get my baby brother a toy bat that is a mammal. I would like a toy that looks like Santa, a power ranger, and a yo-yo. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, My name is Jonny.I am 8 years old. I like to go sleding.What is your favorit cooke? How old are you?Don’t frgit I will leev you food for your raindeer.Go in my chimne. I want a snake for Kayden. Isaac wants I Survived books. I would like a pocket knife holder and a snake. Sincerely, Jonny Dear Santa, May I have I Survived books, a green bay shirt and a pockit nife? How dos the sled fly? Dos Rudolph leed the sled? How old are you? I am 7 years old and I am in 2nd grad. I am kind of good at math. Sincerely, Kayden Dear Santa, I want for Christmas is make up, shoes, clos, an LOL doll and a book called the Magic Tree House. Is it cold at the North Pole and what is it relliy like? I relliy want to

Dear Santa, Santa will bring me toys at Christmas. He will bring me trains. Black ones and yellow ones. And he will bring me cars and trucks and boats and water. I love those things. I can’t wait for Christmas! I love Santa. Love, Hunter Fulton Dear Santa, I love Spiderman! I want Spiderman toys that I can play. I like playing with trucks. Big trucks and small trucks. They crash! Merry Christmas! Love, Grayson Clapper

Dear Santa, I want an airplane for Christmas this year. A sea plane. It’s a plane that lands on the water when you fly. I also want a toy egg that has rice in it. You can shake it to make music. I want a number four that I can give to myself because I am four years old. I love Mrs. Claus and I want to tell her hi. Merry Christmas! Love, Evelyn Castenada

see the North Pole. I want to see Miss Claus. Sincerely, Nevaeh Dear Santa, I wish that all have a wunderful Chrismas.I wish that I will get a L.O.L doll manchin. I will leve a tret for you and for your raindeer too.I live in a new hous but it is still in Polo. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat. How old are your raindeer? How old are you?Are your raindeer mageicl? Is Roodoff relle? I am 7 years old. Your friend, Mila Dear Santa, I want a snapping turtle.I want a fast and furios car. I want pokemon. Do you need blankets for your reindeer? I hope you have a good Christmas. Santa you are nice. Love, Ethan Dear Santa, I whant for Christmas is a snapping turtle and a coloring thing and a pet lizard. How are the reindeer doing? I do not have a chimney so you can go throo the front door. Love, Ben




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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

from ... Dear Santa, Hi! How do you deliver presents to USA! I have been good because I did math. Can you bring a remote controlled car? From, Bentley Dear Santa, How many reindeer do Santa have? I want a toy that is a dinosaur. Thank you Santa for receiving my note. Merry Christmas! From, Cesar

from ... Dear Santa, Hi! How do you make presets? Can I please have a LOL? I have bin helpen my grama. Your Friend, E’Zariyah Dear Santa, Hi! What is your favorite cooke? Can I please hav a pasufir for my

from ... Dear Santa, My name is Charolette. I would like a new coffee maker. Can I have a Hary Poter chapter book and jacksscelelon pajamas. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Charolette Dear Santa, My name is Callie. I am a 2nd grade student and I Love, it! Thank you for all the presents santa! Dezi wud Love, sum gum. I wud Love, sum hi heals! You are the best santa! Love, Callie Dear Santa, Hello Santa my name is Zain I am eight years old. Thank you for every present. My second brother would like a bubble gum ice cream. I would like a computer please my mom would probably want a laptop. Thank you so so so so so so so much. Love, Zain Dear Santa, My name is Bristol. I am in 2nd grade. I Love, school so much and Christmas. Thanck you for my prasints. I loved the jragin. My sister wants some makeup for Christmas. I rilee want a rile guitar and a twisty pet and a tabeit. Please! I Love, Christmas so much! I like your reindeer so much! From Bristol Dear Santa, My name is Joel Kim. Thank you for the roller skates. I wish Ailea get a fishing pole. I wish Zach get a new pokemon. I want a fake army tank. I wish you don’t fall off your sled. Love, Joel Dear Santa, I have ben good this year. I am a second grade student in Jefferson School. I am really good at somethangs. I am good at art and reading. Thank you for the lost kitty toy last year! My mom wud

Dear Santa, Hih! How many presents do you give to kids? I am a good boy beaus I clean. Can you bring me a remote controlled car? From, Charlie Dear Santa, Hello Santa! Why do you sneak into homes? I was good snens I was four when I was at my gramdma. I wod give my gramdma cofy. Can you please give me a ride in the sled? From, Camden Dear Santa, Hi! Do you ride Roodolf? I have been good at school Because I lisin to my teacher. Please may I have for Christmas a bildo bare dog! I rile want one! Mare crismes! From, Josie Dear Santa, Hi! How Do you know that we all are sleeping?

I have bin goob I clean the dishis when I’m dun eating. Can I please have a lot of LOLs and hochiols. Mare Christmas Santa! From, Skylar Dear Santa, Hi! How cold is the North Pole? I am good because I read my book. Can I please have a puppy. One so I can hold it in my hand? I hope your raindear like my raindear food. From, Jenna Dear Santa, Helo. How do you give every budy presents in time? I ben good when I pick up and when I give my bruther Something he smiles. Please can you give me a jrone and a phone and a axbox? Mare Christmas. From, Landon Dear Santa, Hi Do you have any snow? I bin good and a little bad and

sister cus I love her. A tv for my mom and a LOL shert for me? Love, Sally

hous? She has ben helping pepol that need help. Your Friend, Alyssa

Dear Santa, Hi! Do you want choclet or peanut buttr cookes Santa? Can i pleas have a Bears cap? Santa can I have Bears socks and a new Bears gersea? I’m good to my mom and dad. Love, Zachary

Dear Santa, Hi! Do you like hot coco? Please can i get a tablit? My brother and I will shar. I always try my best! Love, Fiona

Dear Santa, Hello! What is your favarite cookis? Please can I have a toy car because I been a good boy this month. Love, Jaxon

Dear Santa, Hi! How do you make deer fly? Can I please have a playstashon 4? I show others reaspect. Love, Mason

Telegraph • C7

Im going to give Santa cukes. Please can I have to cats? From, Davi Dear Santa, Hi! How do you make majik? I been good at homework and reading. Can I have a LOL hair doll please and hachnolls to! From, Iva Dear Santa, Hello How much kids do you give presents to? I’f bin good for 50 bays at school because I be good in class. Can you please give me a PS4 at my mom’s house for Christmas please? From, Leo Dear Santa, Hi How fun has it bin giving presents? I haf bin gud becus I help my mom pic up my cichin set. Please can you give me a LOL ball? From, Autumn

Dear Santa, Hello! How are you? Santa my brother wants a hotwheel race track. I would like a dirt biek. We have bin good boys. Your Friend, Deagan Dear Santa, How are you? Is the North Pole real? Sorry if I say some thing rude. Can I please have a X box one and call of dudee figyurs? Your Friend, Lucas Dear Santa, Hello! Do you like Mrs. Claus? May I please have a bunch of close? I have been good this year. Your Friend, Genevecia

Dear Santa, Hi! What do the reindeer do when they arnt fliing? Could you pleas bring my friend a LOL

Dear Santa, Hi! Can you make the North Pole cum ulive if you can ineways? Santa can I ples have a lego set with pepal becase I have been good! Love, Emma

Love, a new pinerwomen crockpot. MY dad wud Love, a new car! I wud like a cat please. I wud also like slime and new games please! hope you do not crash! Love, Brooklynn

Christmas tree of my own so I can decorate it each year. Thanks hope you lik my Christmas tree. Thanks your awesome! Say hi to rodoff for me! From Kira

want a barbe toy set and I want a puzzle set. I would like a new barbe horse set that has a bunch of animals. I will maybe leave cooks. Love, Ailea

Dear Santa, My name is Dezi thank you for the presints please give my mom Pjays and more makeup. I want a car that I can ride in with a seet belt can it be red please I want a pet fish and a new tablit how old are you. Love, Dezi

Dear Santa, My name is Julian. Thank you for the presents. My brother Aiden would like toy story toys and cat boy please. I would like head phones please. I hope you don’t get tired. Love, Julian

Dear Santa, My name is Boston. I like you so much. My friend wans a inteno switch. I whant a Xbox and an inteno switch and a PS four. My teacher is owsom. Wiy do you have a berde. Love, Boston

Dear Santa, My name is Brycen and my last name is Fuller. Thank you for my gaming char last year. Can I please get Zachary a fort night gift card. Can I please have a jar of yellow dirt. Can I please have a big lego bin. Can I please have blackcops 4. Santa how do you eat over 100 cookies? Love, Brycen

Dear Santa, My name is Zachary. Thank you for the drone I crashed plese send unthor wun. Mrs Curia wants peppermint coffee, my brother wants a shelf for his room and colson wants madern war fair. I want a PS 4, a mic and VR set. I will make a food mix you your reindeer, one for all of them. How do you fit through the chimney? Love, Zach Dear Santa, My name is Rowen last name Hall. I have bin ok this year. I have got mad a lot. Thank you for the presents you have gave me. My teacher’s dog Griffey wants a new ball. I want three new video

Dear Santa, My name is Grace. I am in second grade. Thank you for everything you got me last year. Can you please get Lyric a t-rex toy. Can you please get me twin reborn and a barbie baby set and colothing for my reborn please. I think you are funny. How old are you? Love, Grace Dear Santa, My name is Kira. I am 7 years old. Thank you for the kcichin set. My sister would like a makeup set. I would Love, it if I got a gold fish. I would rely like a mouse. I also want a small

Dear Santa, My name is Ailea. Today I have been good. I rile don’t want a bad day bcause I want presents. I promise I will be good today. Thank you for all of the toys. Santa you are the best. My brother wants a new action figure. I

Looking for things to do in the Sauk Valley?

Dear Santa, Hi! How are the Elvs doing? My mom would really like some face mascs. She was good. Could I

Dear Santa, Hello Santa! Santa how do you make presents? I have ben good because I get to go to Elli’z house. Santa can I have a ryan’s world egg? From, Durant Dear Santa, Hi! How do the elfs fly in the winter and snow and come back? I clean our room and living room. And I’m good because I help my mom. Please can I have a red jon dear? Mary Christmas? From, Jackson Dear Santa, Hello! Santa how do you do magic? I have been good because I take care of my dog and take it outside. I want a PS4 gift card and a ax aface ax. From, Kellen

please have a tv?

Love, Kennedie

Dear Santa, Hi! Santa how do you make toys? What kind of cookie do you like? I would like new toys please. I helped my mom and my dad. Your Friend, Hudsyn Dear Santa, Hello! Why do you liv in the north pole? How do your randeer fly? I wud like a game set and hex bugs plese. I am doing good at skool. I love my mom. Your Friend, Kellen Dear Santa, How are you? Do you make toys? I would really like a spider man LEGO. I have bin a good boy. Your Friend, Brandtley

games. Santa how do you get to everyone in the wold? Love, Rowen Dear Santa, My name is Liam. I am eight years old. Thank you for the presents from last year. Can you give the homeless families a house and some money? Can I please have a iphone 11, smart watch and a phone case. Why are you so thick? Love, Liam Dear Santa, My name is Colson. Thank you for the gifts last year. My dad would like to get a baseball signed by Babe Ruth also my sister to get a skateboard please. And I would like a PS 4 and the PSVR please. I hope you have a merry Christmas. Love, Colson

Dear Santa, My name is Adalynn thank you for the prezints! My mommy wonts a purple shirt and pants and a purple phone cas! I wont some slim and a phone and jumprop. I Love, you santa I hope you are ok. I Love, your trees. From Adalynn JEFFERSON continued on C84

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C8 • Telegraph

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C7 Dear Santa, My name is Keifer. I’m a tiny kid I am in second grade. You give us toys last year. Keegan wants a hulk toy, my dad wants a spa and my mom wants nale pulish.

I want a fake sword pleas. I hope you give it for us. Love, Keifer Dear Santa, I wish for a dog for me and my famalee wants a baby lizard. My sister and I want I to get a BaBy

and a Frozen 2 sleigh toy. I Love, to look at books. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Jaimeson

from ... Dear Santa, For Christmas I want two fortnite cards please. And I wunt scrunchies ples. And most of all is a phone ples. And a dog. And cat. Ps4 cards plez. And a computer plez. And a lol. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, I want books, a marble run, toys. I also really like CDs and DVDs. Disney is my favorite! I want Toy Story 4 Forky craft kit

from ... Dear Santa, I would the LOL giant house, 1000 LOLs. The LOL grampra, 1000 cats. 100 JOJO bows, 100 gum. I would like a phone and hoverboard. Love, Sophia H. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Niontendo Switch and a skate bord and a air pods. Love, Jordan W. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a 1. Iphone 2. Apple watch 3. Air Pods 4. Apple Tablet 5. Hover board. Love, Ellie M.

from ... Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I would like the hot wheels vital launch and a phone. Can you give Mrs. Hallquist coffee. I’ve tride to be good. Have a safe trip. Love, Levi Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? For Christmas I wod like a Omg doll and a LoL. Please giv my dad some pans bekus I did fit wif my sistr. I will leeve cookes and melk. Love, Audrina Dear Santa, Are you making toys? May I have a doun bugy please? Dad do you want a 4 wheeler? I tried to not fite whith my Brother. I want a sno mobele and a plow truck. Love, Aidan H. Dear Santa, Christmas is coming soon. I would like Minecraft for the xbox one and a real airpod pair for Christmas. Please bring my sister a computer. Love, Conner Dear Santa, How are you doing Santa? I can’t wait to get out of school for Christmas. May I please have more LoL Dolls please. May I please have one iphone 11 please. Please give Bently a comouter. I pray. I’ll leave cookies for you. Love, Willow Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? Can I please have a phone.

Dear Santa, I would like a keyboard and a dollhouse. Love, Sadie Dear Santa, Can I please4 have the crew 2 on PS4. By the way how are you and ms. Claus? Can I have my own laptop with a mouse. It can be big or little and a Hot Wheels Supersport. Love, Isaiah Dear Santa, I hope you had a good Christmas last year. Thank you for a lot of good toys last year. This year for Christmas I want some LOLS and I want a Frozen 2 Barbies with a costoom. The last thing I want is a keyboard with Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a 1. Hoverboard 2. Phone 3. American Girls doll Love, Parker K. Dear Santa, I weuld lik a tablet because my tablet brock and I weuld like a noo one and books. Love, Adrianna O. Dear Santa, I would like a Hoverboard, Nintendo Swtich, phone, tablet, Barbe stuff, Amaricn doll stuff. Love, Kara L. Dear Santa, I would like a speak out, And pokemon cards. Nintendo swich. Go eveie. Fortnite. bobble heads Love, Karley Y. Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a new tablet and pokemon cards for Christmas and books. Love, Amaya Z. Dear Santa, I would like a LOL mancion for Christmas. And I would like a tablet 2. I would like a barbie house And a hover board please. And please give Ayden a hover board because I been good. And I will bake cookes for you. Camani Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I am excited! Can I please have a Blom Doll and American Gril doll. Can Harper please a kitty. I have been nice all year. I will leave cookies and milk. Your friend, Taylor Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I would like a kittin and a doll. Please get my dog a toy. I’vf ben helped people. I peromis ill go to sleep. Love, Eva Dear Santa, How do you do? I want Christmas now. May I have these two thig’s a My life Doll bed and an LoL doll. For my brother a My Life Doll. I have tried to be good. I’m going to leave your favorite and your reindeers favorite. Love, Lily Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I wood like a LoL doll and a baby doll. Please bring Claire a stuffed animal dog. I have tried my bast to be good. I will have cookis and milk for you and karats for the reindeer. Love, Cadence Dear Santa, How are you? Can I please have 100 dollars and a new room. And please give my grandma a new chair. I should get presents because I be nice to my dog. I will leave cookies for you. Love, Annalise Dear Santa, How are you are your reindeer good? I would like signed football cards and signed baseball cards. Please bring my dad some fuzzy socks. I donated a bunch of toys to goodwill. Reindeer food. Love, Ayden A.

doll. Thank you for the toes. I hope you dot fall down off of the sled santa. From Autumn Dear Santa, I try my best to be good this year, Ive tryd my best. Thank you


Love, Camille

Dear Santa, I want a pack bayblades and a ripper for Christmas. And a awesome cool ironman toy figure and a spider-man Lego set. Love, Sabit Dear Santa, Am I on the good list? This is what I want for Christmas. Books, paper, binder. thank you Santa. Zadie Dear Santa, Thank you! I want web wings. I want pokemon cards. I want a valtreeack. I want a spiderman stealth suit. I want a Spiderman toy. From, Noah Dear Santa, I want a hydro flask, panda stickers for my wall, a fitbit, two under 3. I would like some new clowes Love, Taylor R. Dear Santa, I would like a Nintendo. Hover board. Iphonex. A dog. A plastashin. Microphione. Money and air pods. Love, Quinn R.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

for the snow. playing in the snow was fun. It was really fun. I want to get Mrs Curias dog a new ball and for Jamie a new fish pole. For my stuf I want a groot and some fake ink potion bottles and new bendy thangs. I hop you all get

home safe.

armour sweatshirts, one pair of nike shoes, and a computer. Love, Adi

new skateboard.

Dear Santa, I want for Christmas is a hyro flask and thank you for everything last year you are the Best How is Miss cauls and my elf Christe and rodof the red nose reinder and I want a dork diary I Love, them so much they are so fun to read. Love, Emily Dear Santa, Melanyan Falcon, Mario cart Deluxe, big card venasaurus Love, Cooper Dear Santa, Am I on the bad list or the good list? Please are you getting my toys. Dear Santa I hope you have a grate day Love, Nathan toys I want Treasure X, Bayblades, and Baywheels. Please and the last a like a baby hachmuls. I would like a neckless with my name on it. Love, Lily T. Dear Santa, I wold like for Christmas a tablert and bobble head. And a Hover board and a lol dol. Love, Alexis N.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a nontend switch air pods hoverboard Love, Hunter P.

Dear Santa, I wut a cash register And a puppy And a appplewach And LOL dols pacs. Love, Olivia T.

Dear Santa, Can I please have one dog, a farm, and a little bit money Love, Danielle L.

Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Pokemon cards. Hoverboard. Cash register. Love, Daecy W.

Dear Santa, I would Like a woch. I would Like Pokermon. I would Like a lot of books. Love, Chelsea H. Dear Santa, I would like a Hover board a phone a woch pokemon cards a criey baby scrunches and glasis. Love, Aurora B. Dear Santa, I would like a dalmation. I would

Dear Santa, This is the last year I will get write to you on behalf of my students. I will be retiring at the end of this school year. I have a great class this year which makes it harder to be leaving a job I have truly loved. I am amazed once again how fast the year flies by. I am hoping you and the Mrs. got to relax before the holiday season started for you. As you can tell by the student’s letters many have some grand wishes. I trust you will choose just what is best for them. Jasper was pretty sick the week we wrote our letters so I’m hoping you will also choose something he will really enjoy. As for me, you know by now that I really only want coffee, a few Snicker Bars, and maybe some Peanut M&Ms. The time I want to read and play with my sweet grandson, Kevin, I know I will have to arrange for myself. I will leave you cookies and hot chocolate, and I will put some fresh carrots out for the reindeer. Have a safe trip and be careful on those rooftops. Love, Mrs. Patty Hallquist Dear Santa, How are you Santa? Can I have a phone? And charger. Can my sister have a noon Minecraft. I have Ben nice. Love, Duncan Dear Santa, How are you doing? You don’t have to give me these but can you please have a phone and a baby kitten Santa. Oh and one more thing can you get Shreya a good dreses so she could look pretty. I think I should have prensesinsets cus I played with my brother. I will leav milk for you. Your friend, Kasey Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can I have a go-glam nail paint please? Please can I have a bunny? Please

Dear Santa, Hi it is me Paetyn for Christmas I would like a furit plees but if you cant get it then I wud like a baby puppy and supryse me with a few mor things but huld on I am not dum I really wont a Hover Board. Love, Paetyn F. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like Minecraft game. New nerrfgun give Mrs. Hallqwist new book’s. Can I have present’s cause I was good this year? I promise to sleep on time. Your friend, Shreya Dear Santa, How have you been? I would like a Blume Doll and Bad Kitty Goes To The Vet. Please bring my sister a toy horse. I have been nice to my friends. I will leave cookies and milk. Love, Grace Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? Can I please have an Art Supplies and a I phone 11 please. Please got Lillanna a LOL. I have beining nice. Love, Rylynn Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? Because it is my favorite bad. Can I get a LoL and sum chapstick/ can I git sum Legos for me friend he is a nice bus/. I was a gud grl. Love, Ahneisha Dear Santa, How are you? I’m doing great! Can I please have a LoL Doll and a new jurlry Box. Please I want to get a Blume Doll for my best friend Taylor. I’v Been good this year. I am going to give raindeer carrots for the raindeer an for you…cookis! Love, Harper W. Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I would like a Blume doll and sni-

Love, Isaac

Dear Santa, My name is Nijah. I do my homework most of the tim. I wud like a fishing pol. Frum Nijah

Love, Nathan

Dear Santa, I want a Home Alone Movie. And I can get you a Jason toy. I can get a slenderman toy. I can get Chucky, I can get a Rambo remote control car. I can get a playground. Love, Josiah Dear Santa, I want a LOL camper. Lol house, and presents. I Love, my teacher she is the best techr. Love, Star Dear Santa, I want to have a phone some scrunchies. My mic some creepy dolls secrit life of Pets VR Clothes a bunk bed dad to have 1000 dollars a bow and arrow new bike and a helmet and a cat and a Hydro flask and a turtle shirt. Love, Tayvyn and pokemon. 80 pond weigt. Love, Michael M. Dear Santa, I wouwd a Hover board. I wouwd like Pokemon cards. I wouwd a fone. I wouwd like kloths. Love, Noah S. Dear Santa, I would like a pit bull and a hover board. PS4 and a friend. Love, Anthony C. Dear Santa, I wowld like a cash register, Tablet ps4 Fortnite Xbox is better phone 11 nrrf guns LOL big supryse box Love, Breckin B. Dear Santa, I would like a roadhog and junkrat lego set and a lego iorn man avenger endgame and a mercy and Winston lego overwatch set. Love, Urijah R. Dear Santa, I would like Hove board. Pokemon cards. Xbpx 1s Ps4. Phone, Tablet. Love, Chandler R. kerbar. Please bring Lindy a doll. I have tried to be good. I will leev coocys and milk for Santa. Love, Autumn Dear Santa, Christmas is my favorite holiday. I really wunt want a hover board please and a Nintendo Switch please. My friend wuns a Nintendo Switch to for my friend. I really try to be good. Your friend, Caelan Dear Santa, Hi Santa. Can I please have pokemon shield and super Mario maker 2. Please can I have some Pokemon cards for Isaiah. Because I have been good so you should give me pokemon shield. Love, Grayson Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? I am excited for Christmas. I hope you give me good gifts (I bet you will.) This is 2 things I really want please I want a nen-tendo swich and the best Christmas ever, and my brother loves dinos so can you try to get him a stuffed animal but can it be a puppy with a diosar outfit. Bekus we never get in truble. Love, Harper P. Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I wood like coffee a dog a now reg for my mom I hav ben a good garl I wil lef cookes and bred crums for the reindeer and leave the door open. Signed you friend, Anya

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

from ... Dear Santa, Thak you for thos presis they wer fun to play wif. May I please have a big box of old power rangers and can I have all the plushys in the world? And can you git a cat for my mom? Can you git my dad a dog? Your friend, Dylan Dear Father Christmas, W-sup! Thanks for my boxingthingy-ma-jig last year. This year, I want a Roblox gift card, an ipod touch with a neon-green stand ipod cover and matchbox cars. Question, how can your reindeer get around the world so quickly? Another, can you give Benjamin Ragan a Roblox gift card? I’m Brycen and I Love, Roblox. Best wishes, Brycen Simonton Dear Santa, This is Maya Sutton talceeing to you. Than you for the ice cream maker. And wut I wunt for Crisims is a pac uv mor eereengs. I Love, Cismis beecus uv you. Thank you for ol the presins that you gave me. Yor frend, Maya Rose Sutton

from ... Dear Santa, How old are you? I woud like you to get what my sister whants. I woud like lol doll. I ben good. Have a great Christmas. Merrey Christmas. Love, Shylin Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? I want an Apple Ipad please. My brother wants a Iphone 11 and my mom please. They really want it. It would make there day so please give them the Iphone 11. Love, Mackenna Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? I would Love, a fgtv suprise egg. And please get my mom a $1000 house. The big big one and please get my dad a

from ...

Dear Santa, I wana a laptop and a GoPro. Thak you for all the toys and gams last yeur I likt them. Can you bring something for Tyce and Ethan? Please get Tyce a toy traktr set and Ethan tell Rizzo to come to his hose. How mene Elfs do you have? Sinserle, Jonah Dear Santa, Thank you for the LOL pet. Can you bring me a hoverboard? Can you bring my sister a LOL pet a big one? Tell Miss Claus that I said Hi. Love, Aubrey Woodward Dear Santa, Thank you for ol the presis last yer. Kan I have a twiste pet for Chrismis? Love, Isabella McCall

bike he wants? I will leave cookies and milk on the table. Love, Nichole Bee Dear Santa, Thank you for my presints I got last year I like them. I am happy for the toys. I want a storm troopr kostoom for Krismas. I wish I cood see you. I no you only have a wife and 8 ranedeer and elvs at yor house, you must be lonely. I also want a fish. Yor Frand, Liam Patrick McBride Dear Santa, Thank you for the candy machine. This year I want a IPad and can you get my brother a new tabalet? Thanks. How much elfs do you have? Love, Zenaya Rice

Dear Santa, Thank you for a toy. This year I want a twis pet. Can you bring my bruthr live exsbox? Can you bring mom a nexlis? Can you bring my dad nooshoos? I Love, you Mis Clos. Love, Anabel

Dear St. Nick, Thank you for giving me that rc car last year. This year I want a dirt bike and also can you give my grampa a corvet, my dad a new tv? Why are you old? Why are you fat? My name is Liam. And I like to eat codfish. Your friend, Liam

Dear Santa, Thank you for giving my dad a toy for Christmas. Can I plees hav the new Coll of Doote and a Natendo Swich and Resit Ecull Not A Hero, and a 4-Wheeler. And for my dada a humr. Your Friend, Destan

Dear Santa, Thank you for the pigme pop it was very fun. This year I would like a LOL doll house and a LOL Glamper. Can you bring my sisters a LOL? Can you give Roodof a hug? Love, Addison Martens

Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for toys. This year I would like an X-Box 21 and game pass. Could you bring Steven the

Dear St. Nick, Can I have a Barbie plys? Cand a game boy for my bruthr? And a pretty neklis for my mom? And

$100,000,000,000 please. Love, Bentley

I would like a Barbie hous and my sister would like some black chokers. I hope you have a good christmas too! Love, Norah

Dear Santa, How are you doing whith your raindear? I would Love, to have the iphone 11. I want my teacher to have a good Christmas! Christmas is my favorite holiday. You make me smile. Love, Liliana Dear Santa, Are you dooing well? Can I have a smart phone? Will you please bring my family things for our new home. Sincerely, Max Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? Becase I know that I am. I’ve ben trying to be good. I will leave your randear treats. I really really want the LOL house that comes whith the LOL Dolls. I want you to get my teacher for us to be good the hole year as a gift. Love, Mimi Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? I would like a gizmo whatch. Love, Robert Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer? christmas is my favorite holiday!

Dear Santa, My name is Gracelyn. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a new Barbie Camper because this one has nail polish on it. If your elves are not too busy I would

Dear Santa, How are you? Can I please have dipers for my baby dolls. Please bring my mom a necklace. I will leave you cookies and carrots for your reindeer. Love, Savanna Dear Santa, Are you happy for Christmas? I would Love, LOLS! Please bring my teacher the gift that she would like. Thanks Santa! I hope you have a happy day! Love, Aylin Dear Santa, Are you ready for Christmas? I will like a gizmo watch. My brother will like a gizmo watch. Thank you for the presents. I Love, you and miss clus. Love, Rose Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmos? I would Love, a electric scooter for christmos. Love, Owen Dear Santa, I Love, you! please get me a

also like white cheez-its. I will leave some cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Gracelyn Eshleman Dear Santa, My name is Jesus. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I

Telegraph • C9

a cumputr for my dad? And wut I wont is a new stuft frend. And a costoom. And a Ipad. How are you doing?! Love, from Genevieve Dear Santa, Thank you for a tabol last year. This year I want a laptop and huvrbord and a gnastick mat. Can you give my dad a hunting book? Santa how meny elfs do you have? From, Kaylee Smith Dear Santa Claus, Thank you for being the jolliest person of all. This year can you get me a brand new book please and thank you. Can you make colring pages for my baby sister? Tell roodoff I said hi. From, Ariya Shaffer Dear Santa, You are varee nice to us, thank you for the boat. Can you please get me a Roblox gif carde, and another boat? And can you get Jack a xbox gif card? Your friend, Ben Ragan Dear Santa, Thank you for snomobel. I’d like a woch that can count my steps. Can you giv my mom a new neclis? Your friend, Brycen Imfeld Dear Santa, Thank you for the My Life Doll. I wod lik a Bute and the Beast doll. For my mom one hundrd dolrs. Love, Valhalla Donoho Dear Father Christmas, Thank you for that Lego Minehover board and get my friends wat thay wont please. Love, Lilly Dear Santa, How are you and you elves doing to? I pleas want skates pleas and thank you. Pleas get lily friendship braslets. I Love, your elves. And you. Thank you the presens. Love, Maya Dear Santa, I am gowing to leave food for your reindear. Can you give me a latop plees? Plees bring my mom evrything she has ever wanted in her life. Thank you so much! Love, Charlea Dear Santa, Hi! I would Love, a dollhouse and can your elfse try to bring what Brock wonts. Merry Christmas! Love, Peyton Dear Santa, Are you excited for Chrismtas? Can I have a lol. Plese bring my sisters wut thae wunt for Christmas plese. Love, Lilliana

craft set last year. This year can I please have the Lego Star Ward Anikins Starship? Also can you give this to Cooper: Anuther BayBlade? Am I a good boy? Your friend, Tyce Dear Santa, Thank you for every toy you have gave me last year. This year I want a box of LOL please. I also want closes. Can you bring Micki my sister some make-up she has ben nice. I wrilly like LOL. And Santa, how do you go to all the houses in one night? Love, Your Frend, Morgan Worrell Dear St. Nick, Thank you for the gifs last year. This year I wud like Bayblads and Legos. For my mom Ressis. Love, Your Best Friend, Ethan Dear Santa, Thank you for happiness. This year I want a toy nerf bow and arrow. Can my brother have the best gift ever? My dad works hard so I’d like him to have another police thing. My mom subs sometimes so I’d like her to have a nice pen set. Your friend, Steven Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifs Santa, that was nice of you. I wot for Christmas LOL dolls. Love, Zoey Dear St. Niglis, I lick the brit red on yor cot. Can you git me a nitendo swich and huveboard? Sinserle, Nate Underhile happy and for Christmas I would like pokemon cards would you bring them santa claus. Love, Griffin Dear Santa, I Love, you santa. I will like a X box 1 and a hedset plese. Your so nice santa. Santa how old are you? Love, Jeffrey Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? I wood want some hot weels please. Please give my teacher wut she wants. I wish I could see you. I would hug you so hard and you are amasing. Love, Kage Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? I would like a watch for Christmas. I want you to bring my brother shose. I Love, your elfes you are the best. Love, Aubrey

Dear Santa, How is it going at the North pull? If you say yes I will be

Dear Santa, Are you excited for Christmas? I would Love, to have my own restaurant. Mine would sistr wold want small shirts and small sweatshirts and mine brother wold want some hot wheels. Love, Serina

would like most for Christmas this year is a hoverboard because I want to ride one. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a monstr truc. I will leave some carrots for the reindeer for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Jesus Magdalano Tapia

Dear Santa, My name is TreShawn. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is Pokemon, Minecraft, and fortnite things because I like them. If your elves are not too busy I would also like GTA 5, JEFFERSON continued on C104

Happy Holidays

from all of us at Midas! Dixon 905 North Galena Avenue | 815-288-3257

eritage Square Bonnie O’Connell, Administrator

620 N. Ottawa, Dixon • (815) 288-2251 • SM-ST1731474


C10 • Telegraph

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C9 Nerfs, and pickles for my mom. I will leave some cake, cupcakes, and cookies for you on Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas Santa! From Your Friend, TreShawn Walker Dear Santa, My name is Harley. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a PS4 and GTA 5 and rodbloks because I want to play games. If your elves are not too busy I would also like pokemon. I will leave some cookies and milk for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Harley Piller Dear Santa, My name is Aislinn. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is cars because thay have wheels. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a toy like woody. I will leave some pokemon cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Aislinn Bennett Dear Santa, My name is Hope. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a Book of Dragons because I want one of that. If your elves are not too busy I would also like some new books, new toys, new book of dragons. I will leave some milk and cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Hope Burns-Cover Dear Santa, My name is Levi. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a phone because I could play games. If your elves are not too busy I would also like more fortnite characters, a AR nerf gun frum fortnite, and the special

from ...

detective of pekachu card. I will leave some cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Levi McNamara Dear Santa, My name is Madelyn. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a hatchamal because I want another one. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a fluffy giant unicorn stuffed animal. I will leave some cookies and milk for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Maddie Thompson Dear Santa, My name is Jack. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a bablades because my friends like them. If your elves are not too busy I would also like whatever you give me. I will leave some cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Jack Ceballos Dear Santa, My name is Jayce. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a PS4 because I can play with my brothers. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a four wheeler, pokemon cards, and a computer. I will leave some cookies and milk for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Jayce Wilson Dear Santa, My name is Shane. I am 8 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is the new gravedigger because it is rilee new. If your elves are not too busy I would also like the take down the grim reaper lego, pokemon, and the detective picachu card set. I will leave some cookese for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Shane Flagg

Dear Santa, My name is Dani Lynn. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas

Dear Santa, I want a robot this Christmas. I want a bouncy trampoline. And I want a skeleton costume. Leo, age 5

Dear Santa, I want Spider Man for Christmas, and more Paw Patrol. And we’re going to make sugar cookies for you Santa! Ethan, age 4

from ...

Dear Santa, My name is Rose. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is stuffed animals because it is cute and fluffy. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a hatchimal. I will leave some cookies, carrots, and milk for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Rose Holub

Dear Santa, Hi Santa!! I would like a new bike for my teacher this Christmas. And a unicorn for my mommy. I want a turkey and mommy can have popcorn. Vivian, age 4

Dear Santa, I want a kitchen and an Elsa castle and an Elsa dress and shoes and Anna shoes and dress for Christmas. Sienna, age 5

Dear Santa, I want a baby and a telephone and some toys and a unicorn. I’m going to give you cookies and milk and cheese! Addi, age 4

Dear Santa, My name is Noah. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a hoverboard because I like to balance. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a basketball, Minecraft, and V bucks and four wheeler that is lif size. I will leave some meat for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Noah Blackburn

Dear Santa, I want a fire truck and a garbage truck – YAY! Lincoln, age 4

Dear Santa, Thank you for everything! I have lots of things. How is Rudolph? Mara, age 4

Dear Santa, I want toys for Christmas – blue toys, with purple and green. It’s colorful…and big. Kysen, age 3

Dear Santa, My name is Emma. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is LOL dolls because they are fun. If your elves are not too busy I would also like Amican Girl dolls. I will leave some cookies and milk for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Emma Eckhardt

Dear Santa, Santa, I would like a big Barbie house for Christmas! I love you! Eva, age 4

Dear Santa, I want an Elsa crown, an Elsa dress, Elsa shoes, Anna crown, Anna dress and Anna shoes for Christmas. Wriglee, age 4

from ...

Dear Santa, My name is Elizabeth. I am 8 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a bunkbed because my little sister can sleep on the bottom. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a computer. I will leave some cookies and milk for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Elizabeth Alcaraz

Dear Santa, I want a kite for Christmas. I want one of those toy cars with the signs that we have in block area. And I want some paper for Christmas so I can draw on it. I want to tell Santa something really important that I can’t tell you. I want glue for Christmas and some small pieces of wood and a small pole to make a pirate ship. Theodore, age 4 Dear Santa, I want cars and the signs, like the wood ones like in our class. That’s what I want them. And I want one of those seashells and a turtle too. Brantley, age 3 Dear Santa, Maybe I want a tractor for Christmas, and maybe like a fire

Dear Santa, How do elves see through things? I have been good! Can I please have math book. Can I please have Beanie Boo Rudolph? Thank you for the presents. Love, Jesslyn Dear Santa, How do the elves fly? I have been good this year! Can I please

Dear Santa, I want an open and shut show, and I want my own computer with a pretend one, and I want a pretend timer. And I want my own desk. Kiley, age 5 Dear Santa, I want some high heels and a glow up dress and a matching shirt, like my sister.I want a new doll like my other doll you got me last year. Caroline, age 4

truck. I want a fire engine that has the ladder. Bauer, age 4 Dear Santa, I want toys for Christmas! And I want puzzles … like those puzzles. Colson, age 3 Dear Santa, I want a new Barbie dress. I want a mini costume. I want new Barbies and a mermaid bath toy Barbie. I want a phone so I can call my mom when she’s away. I love you Santa because you make me toys. Caroline, age 4 Dear Santa, I want a Lion King backpack. Liam, age 4 Dear Santa, I want a night rider. I want 2

have XBox and iPad? Thank you for the presents last year. Love, Alaina Dear Santa, How do the reindeer fly? I have been this year. Can I please have a puppy and a boost robot? You can get me one if you want. Thank you for being cool. Love, Briggs

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

this year is makeup because I like makup. If your elves are not too busy I would also like dresses, i-phone 11, jewelry, and doll elves. I will leave some cookies and milke for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Dani Lynn Nicholson Dear Santa, My name is Joann. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is slime because it is cool. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a American Girl doll. I will leave some cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Joann Powers Dear Santa, My name is Railynn. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is it i-phone 11 Pro max because it’s cool. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a James Charles pallet, a desk, and loop earrings. I will leave some cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Railynn Stewart Dear Santa, My name is Reagan. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a Elf because I have a Elf and I want to give it a friend. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a hoverboard that is blue. I will leave a carrot and milk with cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Reagan Shippert Dear Santa, My name is Brysen. I am 8 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a Nintendo switch because I would like to play games on it. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a blue hoverboard, and a chrome book, and

Dear Santa, I want presents for Christmas. Santa just gives me presents and a big car and track! Jayce, age 3 Dear Santa, I want sugar cubes for Christmas and bubble gum. I want a water gun and a new Frisbee, a basketball, a football, and a Sandlot book. Lane, age 4 Dear Santa, I want a BIG dollhouse that I seen at the store and I seen the inside of it with a pool and a baby. I want to tell Santa that I want stickers. Liliauna, age 4

some EX and GX Pokemon. I will leave some milk and cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Brysen Hunt Dear Santa, My name is Orzelish. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a 10 pound weight because I am weak. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a fortnite nerf gun. I will leave some milk and cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Orzelish McCurry Dear Santa, My name is Rian. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been a bit bad. What I would like most for Christmas this year is dolls because I want more dolls. If your elves are not too busy I would also like doll close. I will leave some cookees for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Rian Reinstra Dear Santa, My name is Jacob. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a blue hoverboard because I would like to learn how to ride one. If your elves are not too busy I would also like some super ledendary GX pokemon. I will leave some carrots for your rain dear for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Jacob Dixon Dear Santa, My name is Briana. I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been very good. What I would like most for Christmas this year is a i-phone 11. If your elves are not too busy I would also like a four wheeler. I will leave some cookies for you on Christmas Eve! From Your Friend, Briana Hitchcock

toy because they’re squishy. Declan, age 4 Dear Santa, I want a Barbie camper and some Barbies and a nutcracker. And a box that you can make a house out of that I saw on YouTube. Lyric, age 5 Dear Santa, I want a baby doll this Christmas with a bottle and a toilet And I want a horse. Amelia, age 4

Dear Santa, I want a robot and a toy. I was a super hero toy.And I want Iron Man. And I want a French fries

Dear Santa, Santa, I like horsies and unicorns. I forget what I want to ask for, but I want a pretend horsie and a pretend unicorn. Harper, age 4

toys and a turtle pet. Yes, Santa can get us a turtle pets. My mom wants a chair for Christmas. I just want 2 presents. Oakleigh, age 4

Dear Santa, I want a real phone for Christmas and a baby and then a Barbie doll. And I want a doll. Peighton, age 4

Dear Santa, Santa is going to bring me a present and blocks, yeah! And Mia, Santa is going to bring Mia presents. Mia, age 3

Dear Santa, I want a train for Christmas and an LOL Surprise. Laken, age 4

Dear Santa, I want a baby and a unicorn for Christmas. I want Santa to bring me a ring. Mitzi, age 4 Dear Santa, I want a Minnie head band and a Minnie toy box and a Minnie suit (costume) when next Halloween comes out. Josanna, age 4

Dear Santa, How old is Rudolph? How does Rudolph nose light up so bright? I have been good this year. Can I please have a Lego set? Can I please have a journal, too?! Thank you for all the presents last year. Love, Cannon Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I

Dear Santa, I want any toys, and I want silly string. And I want a new cow for Christmas. Thomas, age 5 Dear Santa, I want a Minnie doll and a Minnie dress for Christmas. Leah, age 3 Dear Santa, I want a My Little Pony for Christmas and a unicorn. Amaya, age 4

have good this year. Can I please hae a drone and spy gadgets? Thanks you for giving me last year a RC car and a Hot Wheels set. Love, Jackson Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly so high? I havee good this year! Can I please have earrings and

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C10 stuffed animals. Thank you for getting me paint. Love, Aaliyah Dear Santa, What do the elves ear? I have been good thise year. Can I please have spy and ninja gadgets? Thank you for bringing presents. Love, Gabe Dear Santa, How do your eleves make toys with tiny hands? I have been good this year! Can I please have a ChromeBook and a Beanie Boo Rudolph! Thank you for Hatchimals. Merry Christmas! Love, Christina

from ... Dear Santa, How many toys do you make? I have been nice this year. Can I please have a Barbie house, coloring supplies, 10,000 dolrs, coloring supplies. Thank you for everything. Your friend, Leah S. Dear Santa, How do your reinbeers fly? I have been very good this year. Can I please have a PSK, a LOL Bigger Surpris and a dragon toy? Thank you for the presents last year. Your friend, Nathalia Dear Santa, Is your actual name St. Nick? I have been good this year. Can I

. . . om fr Dear Santa, What you you like to do at the North Pole? I have been and kind of naughty. Can I please have a LOL house. Thank you Santa Claws. Love, Reylynn Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I pleas have WWE wrestlers? Thank you Santa, Love, Sylis

from ... Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I only want to ask for these four things: Something I want: X –Box Something I need: Phone Something to wear: gloves Something to read: a lago (lego) book Love, Jaxston Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I only want to ask for these four things: Something I want: a hores (horse) Something I need: larm cloc (alarm clock) Something to wear: a jress (dress) Something to read: a hores (horse) book Love, Addyson Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I only want to ask for these four things: Something I want: mot trak (monster truck)

Dear Santa, How old are you? I have been good this year! Can I please have a doll and a phone. Thank you for being jolly, Love, Flora Dear Santa, Where do the elves eat and where do they sleep? I have been this year! Can I please have a iPad and BeanieBoo reindeer? Thank you for the big unicorn and the trampoline. Love, Sophia Ebert Dear Santa, How do you fit thorugh the chimney? I have been good this year. Can I please have a now phone and a Beanie Boo reindeer. Thank you for being nice to please have a new Iron Man costume. Please have $10,000. Can I have $10,000,000,000. Thank you for the toys last year. Your friend, Wesley Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I have been good this year. Can I please have an iPhone and LOL and OMG. Thank you for my presents last year. Your friend, Stella Dear Santa, What’s your favorite cook? I have been good this year. Can I please have a power ranger toy gun and an ankiosaurus? Thanks for my presents. Your friend, Julian

the kids.

Love, Macie

Dear Santa, How do you fit through the chumney? I have been good this year. Can I please have a electronic robot? Thank you Santa. Love, Silas Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I have been good this year. Can I please have a phone and puppy? Thank you being jolly, Love, Joy Dear Santa, How is Rudolph doing? I have been good! Can I have goalie pads? Thanks you for BB gun. Love, Henry

Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I have been nice this year. Can I please have LOLs? A red soft blankit? A pillow. Thank you for may. Your friend, Lily

Dear Santa, How many elves for you have? I have been nice this year. Can I please have 1,000 LOLs? Thank you for the presents. Your friend, Leah

Dear Santa, Why do you have a big beard? I have been OK this year. Can I please have LOL dolls kids, OMG LOL dolls, Mom LOL pet dolls. Your friend, Caroline

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I have a hover board? Thanks Santa. Love, Huddson

good this year. Can I please have a elf on the shelf? Thank you Santa Claus! Love Mason N.

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have

Something I need: staa maml (stuffed animal) Something to wear: bras (bracelet) Something to read: Thomas (Thomas the Train) Love, Masen Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I only want to ask for these four things: Something I want: LOL Dol (LOL Doll) Something I need: rot (art) Something to wear: basit (bracelet) Something to read: sduff anl book (stuffed animal book) Love, Olivia Dear Santa, For Christmas this year, I only want to ask for these four things: Something I want: bokugan Something I need: shovl (shovel) Something to wear: coot (coat) Something to read: piggie (Elephant and Piggie book) Love, Kendrick Dear Santa Clause, My name is Nayella. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me Angel and Bendy, Paw Patrol, and Bayblades. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Nayella

Dear Santa, Where is Rudolph? I have been good this year. Can you please bring me slime and a candy

Dear Santa, What’s your favorite cookie? I have been good this year. Can I please have an LOL and scrunchees. Your friend, Myra

Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you have? I have been bad this year. Can I please have 2 Barbies? Thank you for the presents. Your friend, Alysson

Dear Santa, What kind of milk do you like. I have been good this year. Can I please have another Elf? Thank you Santa. Love, Harmony

Dear Santa, I have a question. How do the reindeer fly? I have been good this year! Remote control Grave Digger. I also want a 50 dollar bill. May I please have them. Thank you for the Nerf guns last year. Love, Roman

Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? I have been nice year. Can I please have a gingrebread man. Thank you for the presents last year. Your friend, Easton

Dear Santa, What’s your favorite cookie? I have been good this year. Can I please have a Nintendo Switch, a computer and an iPhone. Thank you for the presents. Your friend, Deandre

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good thisyear. Can I please have Barbie? Thank you Santa Claus. Love, Lenah

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I have been good this year. Can I please hae a Beanie Book snowman. And a calendar. Thank you Santa for my Lego boos last year. Love, Hayden

Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you have? I have been good this year. Can I please have a bike and a guitar? Thank you. Your friend, Augustine

Dear Santa, How do you fly? I have been good this year. I want and LOL and a phone. Thank you for my presents. Your friend, Izzy

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good this year. Can I please have a hoverboard? Thank you Santa Claus. Love, Aubrey

Telegraph • C11

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I please have an cooking set? Thank you Santa. Love, Alexis Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I please have a hoverboard? Thank you Santa. Love, Deshari Dear Santa, How are you Santa? I have been good this year. Can I please have a PS4? Thank you Santa. Love, Taka Dear Santa, How are you doing this year? I have been good this year. Can I please have a LOL dollhouse?

Dear Santa Clause, My name is Lilith. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me: A hors, a unucro (unicorn), and a litll blacit (a little blanket). Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Lilith Dear Santa Clause, My name is Carson. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me: a marsh mell toy (marshmallow toy), and a blak spider man, sum Deadpool laegos (some Deadpool Legos), and a goszila toy (Godzilla toy). Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Carson Dear Santa Clause, My name is Javonn. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me: paw patrol, hot wheels, and cars. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Javonn Dear Santa Clause, My name is Nickoli. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me: beaeb (bayblades), sckatbror (skate board), and drt bick (dirt bike).

Dear Santa, How many reindeer do you have? Thank you for the toy car last year. Can I please have a Santa outfit? I have been good this year. Your friend, Jayce Dear Santa, How many elves do you have? I have been good this year. Can I please have 1 LOL and a LOL pillow and a LOL bracelet. Thank you for the presents last year. Your friend, Kaileena Dear Santa, Do your reindeer really fly? I have been good this year. Can I please have American girl doll Thank you Santa Claus. Love, Kassidy Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good this year. Can I please have a hover board? Thank you Santa Claus! Love, Shelby Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I please have nuthing? Thank you Santa Claus. Love Lykyn

cane. Thank you for the presents. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, Why do you never shave your beard? I have been kid of good and bad this year! Can I please have a hoverboard and please have Xbox and Xbox 2 and Xbox 3. Please have those things please. Thank you for the presents. Love, Luca Cozzy Dear Santa, How do the elves grow long ears? I have been good this year. Can I please have an iPad, also a picture of Rudolph. Thanks for my big Hatchimal. Love, Kirra Nelson

set please. Thank you for the LOL doll home. Your friend, Alyssa

Dear Santa, Why do you wear a red costume? I have been OK thi syear. Can I please have a nintendo DS2 Super Luigi U? Thank you for the presents. Your friend, Cade Sutter

Dear Santa, What is 800 + 800? I have been nice this year. Can I please have a video game? Thank you for the presents. Your friend, Johnny

Dear Santa, How many kids are there in the world? I have been really good this year. Can I receive Goo Jitzu Goo Guys Thrash and Rock Jaw. Thank you for my robot. Your friend, Warren

Dear Santa, What is your favorite cookie? I have been good this year. Can I please get a Nerf machine gun. Thank you for the presents last year. Y Your friend, Devin Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I please have a dinosaur? Thank you Santa Claus! Love, Silas Dear Santa, How do you find elves? I have been good this year. Can I plase have VR goggles? Thank you Santa. Love, Elijah

Dear Santa, Do you like chocolate chip cookies? I have been good htis year. Can I please have a laptop? Love, Kollins

Dear Santa, How is the elves doing? I have been good this year. Can I please have skates? Thank you Santa Claus! Love, Abigail

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I please have a Nintendo Switch. Thank you Santa Claus. Love, Mason C.

Dear Santa, How is the North Pole? I have been good this year. Can I please have a gingerbread man toy? Thank you Santa. Love, Wyatt

Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Nickoli

and toy keys. I promise to leave out a hart (heart) for you! Merry Christmas, Santa! Love, Ella P.S. Please say “Hi” to Ella for me!

Dear Santa Clause, My name is Zayne. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really nice. I would really like it if you could bring me: vergrgols (VR googles), betsave (beat saver game), and mibro (my bro). Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Zayne Dear Santa Clause, My name is Emmett. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me: Legendary bay blade, a sword launcher, and a fake sword. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Emmett Dear Santa Clause, My name is Za’Kariana. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me: JoJo Bows, a curious bear toy, and baby alive. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Love, Za’Kariana Dear Santa, This Christmas, I am 6 years old. This year, I have been good all of the time. What I would like most this Christmas is toy cars

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I have done these nice things: 1. nis langwiig (nice language) 2. I mad brefst to my mom (I made breakfast for my mom) 3. kleen (clean) up with my mom My Christmas wishes are: 1. brbee hoas (barbie house) 2. big yonokorn (big unicorn) 3. big bonee hoaas (big bunny house) I hope you enjoy the cookies and milk! Love, Ellie Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I have done these nice things: 1. Nons langu (nice language) 2. gav hugs (gave hugs) 3. help my dad My Christmas wishes are: 1. a jojo bos (JoJo bows 2. Jojo Book 3. Jojo babes (Jojo barbies) I hope you enjoy the cookies and milk! Love, Kloe Dear Santa, This year I’ve been nice. Here

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Tuesday, December 24, 2019


3CONTINUED FROM PAGE C11 are a few things I am wishing for: Lols, lagos (legos), OMG dolls, snomacr (snow maker). Love, Tess P.S. The milk and cookies are for you and the carrots are for Rudolph. Dear Santa, This year I’ve been nice. Here are a few things I am wishing for: Dohi (drone), karol (camera),

from ...

from ... Dear Santa Claus, My name is Milly. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me Baby aliv, UTDo Swich, Lol dolls, tablit, stool, baby hachamal, chapleen, osmo, fon, and jo jo boz. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Dear Santa Claus, My name is Sam O’. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really great. I would really like it if you could bring me L.O.L snow ball’s, a friend, and a trompit and JoJo bows and an Osmo. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Dear Santa Claus, My name is Regina. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me Luwl Doll. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa, This year I’ve been nice. Here are a few things I am wishing for: baln (bay blades), yovwn (robot), crn (car), and blocks Love, Talon

Dear Santa, This year I’ve been nice. Here are a few things I am wishing for: bune (bunny), fon (phone), gllre (glitter), and a toy spider. Love, Claire P.S. The milk and cookies are for you and the carrots are for Rudolph.

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is Amanda and I am 6 years old. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. #1 a baby #2 a doll #3 booms I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer. Love, Amanda

Dear Santa, Hello! My name is James and I am 6 years old. I have been very good this year and have been thinking of what I would like for Christmas. #1 chran (train) #2 big ball #3 lizrd (lizard) I am very excited for your visit and will leave out some snacks for you and your reindeer. Love, James

Dear Santa, We have been working very hard in kindergarten this year and have been learning a lot of things. We love the toys you left us last year for Christmas. We will leave you some milk and cookies when you come to our houses this year. Here is what we would like for Christmas this year: Addison – a princess set

Nohlen – a red remote control car Will – a Ryan’s World egg Zach – a Power Ranger playset Kate – a Power Wheels ATV Marquel – a tablet and a phone Jessa –a real phone and a talking flower toy Gavin – a small binder for my Pokémon cards

Ethan – supplies to make a remote –control cuckoo clock car Kinley – a guitar with a microphone on it Kael – a sprayer and a garbage truck Charlotte – a Pick Me Pop Jane – gymnastics stuff Winston – a police car Power Wheel

Ari – a new dinosaur toy KJ – I would like anything! Sarthak – a Pj Masks kitchen toy and a Gecko and Catboy zord Sean – a PJ Masks toy Lana – a PJ Masks racetrack Avery – a go –cart with extra wheels and extra pedals Love, Mrs. Ferguson’s kindergarten class

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Carson. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me hot wlz, a beblade, and a watch. Thank you and Merry Christsmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Carmen. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been very helpful. I would really like it if you could bring me a tablid plis. I osow wunt a fon plis. Finle a xbox plis. Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Caleb. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a rbot. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

girl doll stuf, vans, a vigit spinner, JoJo bows, a lamp and a flip zoo and slime too. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Damian. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me Minecrt book, X1 Fanta 4 drone, and candy. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Emma. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me LoL doll and a frend for me and a fon for me. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Barrett. I am 6/7 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me tooy sord, tooy nrf gunz, and I luv you Santa. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Raelie. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a Nintendo swich, slime, a Dol, a fon , a fon cas, a camra, a flipizoo, a dire that you can scratch. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

kittl (computer), sik wtsis crds (singing jingle bell cards). Love, Lucas P.S. The milk and cookies are for you and the carrots are for Rudolph.

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Zoe. I am 6 years old. This year I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a brbea. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Dear Santa Claus, My name is Demitri. I am 6 years old. This year , I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me camru, nit lit, and a flash light. Thank you and Merry Christmas! whot a pokumon lite and I whot a hooj charser. Love, Carter

from ... Dear Santa, My name is Xander and I am 7 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been really good. I would really like a mreo veteo game. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I am six santa klos. I want 200 LOL’s I bin so good I wont a doll and wot my car. Love, Marciliese Dear Santa, I whot Pokumon cards, I whot Poke blls, I whot pokumon toys, I

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I have ben vacyouminmg! I relee wont a kitten! I relee wont O.M.G. dals, and a phone. Love, Addie, Dear Santa, I want a new stuffed animal to play with, a nerf gun a water bottle. Love, Jonah Dear Santa, I wot OMG dols, two babies dols, brbe. I wot American girl doll Santa and 2 cry babies. Love, Aubree Dear Santa, A Yoyo, for wheeler, books, video games, a hamster, pairit, Merry Christmas! Love, Brady Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I cookies and milk.

from ... Dear Santa, How are you doing? Can I hav a LOL Brbies. I hope my teachers the best Christmas Can I have Barbies too. How is Mrs. Claus and Rudolph Love, Braelynn Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus doing? For my wish I wish that my mom had the bestest Christmas with me. Love, Sophia Dear Santa, How have you been doing? Can I please have a scooter and a skateboard and a stuffed turtle and a laptop too. Please bring my mom some chocolate. I will leave you

Love, Abigail S.

Dear Santa, How are you? Can you plees get me a iphon and everything from Claire’s and a pet turtle. I lov yoo santa. Love, Teagan Dear Santa, How are you? How are the reindeer? Can I have a phone please Thank you. Love, Antoni Dear Santa, How are you? How are the reindeer? Can I please have a iphone and a computer and scrunchies. I Love, Santa. Love, Keelie

P.S. The milk and cookies are for you and the carrots are for Rudolph.

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Remy. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really helpful. I would really like it if you could bring me a apple wath and a xbox a LoL big house and a baby hachuml. Thank you and Merry Christimas! Dear Santa Claus, My name is Baylee. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really super. I would really like it if you could bring me Baby alive, doll piano, Bitty baby double stroller, and a bunke bed for my dolls. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Keyontez. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a toy car and toy keez. I luv you. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Dear Santa Claus, My name is Lilly. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a baby doll and maricin grl doll stuff and brbe stuff. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Dear Santa Claus, My name is Amelia. I am 6 years old. I live in Dixon. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a LOL and another LOL and a LOL book and a Amaericin gerl and a fitbit. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Ben. I am 6 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me Minecraft. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Noah. I am 7 years old. This year , I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a bat cav, thrasfomrs, dino toys. Thank you and Merry Christmas!!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Owen. I am 7 years old. This year, I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a sceltin kasil. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Delaney. I am 7 years old. This year I have been really good. I would really like it if you could bring me a fitbit and 5 lols clos, a Nintendo swich, marcken

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Cheyenne. I am 6 years old. I live in Dixon. This year I have been really nice. I would really like it if you could bring me LOL, unikorns, and a new bed. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

have been nice to my brother and sister. For Christmas I would like Pokemon cards, cat and where’s pokemon card. Love, Kalieb

I have been redee, safe and cind. I want lagoos and lego pleestashin. Love, Jamie

locker. I wonte a gymnastic mate and balins beem. How old are you? Love, Harper

Dear Santa, I wont a Ninjago lego set and $100000, ford motorcycle ples santa. Love, Jayden

Dear Santa, How is my elf? Her is wont I wont for Crismis. A drt bick, the game pokemon and I wont a car. Love, Elijah

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I have hlp my mom. I be niss to my sistr. I want a lizard, kitten, bikie, and a water bottle. Love, Audrey Dear Santa, It is that time of the year Santa. Ho have you bin? Have you bin macking toys?It has bin a gud year ow! Look! At! The! Time! I bedr tell you wut I want for crismass. I wot all the pokemon stuf but you are sow asum Tyler is out! And sum munee. Love, Tyler Dear Santa, I want a white kitten with it hato to be white just like me. Love, Fetije Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! Dear Santa, I wod like to meet you. How are you downg. I wod like a toy car. I wod like a pet turtle and Beyblades too. I Love, Santa. Love, Derek Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Please can I have a doll house and a Barbie? Thanks for the presents from last year. They were nice. Love, Peighton Dear Santa, How is it going with your reindeer? Can I please have a toy lol house. Can you bring my mom a present too. Merry Christmas. Love, Rose

Dear Santa, I Love, you Santa. Can I have a Barbie house please and Barbie dolls too and LOL dolls please. Thank you for everything. Love, Charli

Dear Santa, Thanks for the presents last year. Can I have an Iphone please, pokemon toys, pikachu, charzard. I would like some Nike snow gear. I hope you are duing good. Love, Ezra

Dear Santa, How are you? How are the elves? I want a phone for Christmas or a notebook. Please. Thank you. Love, Kylah

Dear Santa, Thak you for the presents last yer. Can I have a iphone ten please. And a remote control car and pokemon and pokemon toys and

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I hlp my mom with londre. I would like a kitten, 200$ and a water bottle. Love, Lilly Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I sweept the flor and I fodid the blacis. My CHrismtmas wishes are I wunt a citin, I wunt a LOL hows and I wunt 4 LOLS. Love, Claire Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I have done these nice things. Give some bee bucks to somebody. Help somebody . I wonte a kitin. I wonte the American Gerl Doll snow boots and Beyblades and a stage and thank you. I hope you have safe trip. Love, Koston Dear Santa, How is it int eh North Pole? How is Mrs. Santa? Can I have a LOL Barbie house please and an Iphone 10 and a present for my brother and sister too. Can I please have LOL barbies Can you give my mom and stepdad some alone time too. Happy Christmas Santa! Love, Jaeda Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? And how is the Nrth Pole? May I please have a Paw Patrol toy jet and presents for my baby brother too? Merry Christmas. Love, Brayden Dear Santa, Hello can I please have a remote control car. Robin stuff and a real pet turtle. Batarangs. I Love, you Santa. Love, Lorenzo Dear Santa, How is it at the North Pole? Can I please have new snow boots and a

Dear Santa, I like you. I want pokemon crds. I want a monster truck. A big one. Love, Charlie Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I help get out crismis stuf and deecrat. I want a swnich, laogos and a sciens cits. Love, Cameron Dear Santa, I have been very good this year! I help mom biy satay the tabl and wipe the tables. I wont a noow OMG dols , a barbe dol howe. A wod bootl. Love, Brielle snow jacket please and thank you. Love, Aylinda Dear Santa, How r the randeer? I want a computr for Christmas and a apple watch. I like your sled. Love, Andrew Dear Santa, I like your fuzzy hat. Can I get a phone and tablet. Can I get a sled? Can I get a coloring book? Can I get coloring pencils? And an I get a fuzzy tedee bear? I like your sled. Love, Kevin Dear Santa, How are you? Bring me a computr please, a remote control car, a real car, that’s all. Thank you. I want to visit you. Love, Gabe Dear Santa, How are you Santa? Bring me toys, a baby and a phone. Thank you. You are the best. Love, Abby Miracle Dear Santa, How are you? Can I have a remote control car and a computer. I like you. Love, Hunter

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Christmas wishes are a LOL Camper and colored pencils. Love, Emma

from ... Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 7 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a 100 Bee Bucks, gold, and diamonds. Love, Jase Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a hover board, a pet kitty, and a pet parrot. Love, Bella Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice.

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 7 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a dollhouse, and a little new car. Love, Persephanie Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a computer. Love, Kale Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a princess carriage, and a play make up table. Love, Skylar Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 7 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are for a puppy and an LOL House that snows. Love, Nora Dear Santa, Santa pleez by me a snow movile (mobile). Love, Jaydrian

from ... Dear Santa, Santa Love, me! I Love, you. you are a nis gis (nice guy). Pleas can i haf a spi pin. I ulso wot a dog toy for me dog pleas. fancs (thanks) Santa. Love, Landyon Dear Santa, you are the best you giv the best presents. I wuld like a cmptr (computer) a cuntrul (controller) and a movie. Lof, Nathan Dear Santa, I Love, you Satna. I Love, you Rudolph. I wud lik a Els Drall (Elsa Doll) Love, Arabelle

from ... Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How are you? How is your sled? Thank you for my toys last year. This year, can I please have a baby doll and a car seat and a baby blanket and stickers and a blanket with foxes and flowers on it? I will leave cookies and milk for you. Love, Addi Dear Santa, Do you want eggnog and cookies at my house? How are your reindeer? Are the elves working good? How are you doing? Thank you for giving me my Lego Jurassic World and the candy cane shaped M&M container. I want Dinobot Transformers and candy, lots and lots of candy. I will leave you cookies and eggnog like always. Love, Jeremy Dear Santa, I like when you give kids presents because I like the toys that you give me and the other kids. How are your reindeer and Mrs. Claus? I think Mrs. Claus makes you cookies and milk and carrots so the reindeer can fly fast and you can give kids presents. Thank you for bringing me presents. This year, I would like Minecraft toys and a huge Lego

from ...

Dear Santa, You are the best. I wis I kuld see you so much. Love, you. You are the best. You dont let kiths down at all. Please have a gud nite. Love, Eliana Dear Santa, thank you for the presents Santa and Elf. I like to have a los uv LOLs plese. Can i have a noo shoes? Can i plese have a jojo bow I Love, Santa Love, Marlo Dear Santa, you are the best. Thank you you are so kinde. I Love, Rudolph. I Love, you to Satna. Wi are you giving preints. Have a grat crismis. I plees wont a xbox. Love, Grahm Dear Santa, I like your hat. You giv the best gifs. I wood like a stufanmal snack (snake). I wood like a stufanmal frog. I wood like a stufanmal lion. I like your beerd. I like set so my brother and I can make a Lego world on his bed. Can you bring me Power Ranger toys and nerf guns? I am going to leave you some of my baseball cookies and some milk. Love, Noah Dear Santa Claus, How do you get to all of the houses? How do your reindeer go everywhere? Where do your reindeer go? Thank you for getting me toys last year. Can you bring me Paw Patrol toys and PJ Masks toys, Team Umizoomi toys and Ryan’s Ultimate Mishmash toys? I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Quinn Dear Santa, Are your reindeer doing well? Is it fun up at the North Pole? Is the snow chilly? Thank you for the gifts you brought last year. This year, I want a Barbie house and a baby doll. I will leave you peanut butter cookies and milk. Love, Ava Faye Dear Santa Claus, Do you have a dog? Do you have two cats? Do you have a wife? Do you have all kinds of animals? Thank you, Santa Claus, for giving me Barbies. Can you please bring me a Lego set with no sisters allowed? I want a Pokémon set. I want a Barbie Dream House that talks and some Barbies. I will leave cookies and milk. Love, Marian Dear Santa Claus, How do you get to places so fast? How do you put toys in without knocking stuff down? How do you get back to the North Pole so quick? Thank you for bringing us presents. Can you please bring me Pokémon cards? Dear Santa, Merry Christmas! Thank you for delivering toys to us each year. We are working very hard at school on being: ready, safe, and kind to each other. Here is a list of presents we would like this year: Gavin would like a big puzzle. Ivy would like a toy truck. Ella would like a kitchen set. Grant would like a jingle bell

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a robo cat, a playhouse, and a robo cub. Love, Ariyah Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are Beyblade, a penguin plushie, and Chilly Willy disc set. Love, Max Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a Beyblade, a lollypop, and gum. Love, Tim Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a Ben 10 Watch and a Beyblade. Love, Preston Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My your fas (face). I like your mastsh (mustache). I like your cheecs. Love, Madison Dear Santa, You an your reindeers are the best. I reley like your reindeers they are the best thing ever. I whood like a ipad and new snow pans. Hope you have a nice way to peples hawes (houses). Good luck. Love, Annika Dear Santa, Please tell Rudolph I said hy. Good luck on your jerny (journey). Can I please have a lot of toys. Please new shoos and please some PJs. thank you for all the presents you giv to kids and me. People are so luky be cus you are so nice. To Santa from Jemma. Love, Jemma Dear Santa, I Love, you Santa. Wil you like cookies and milk. I wad like LOLss. I ned (need) no (new) pants. Rudolph hiy thack (thank) you. Love, Jordan I will leave cookies and milk for you. Love, Dominic Dear Santa, Why do you do Christmas? Why do you bring toys for kids? Thank you for bringing me presents. Would you please bring me Barbie dolls? I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Makenly Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? How are you? Thank you for the toys you brought last year. I would like a drone and an RC car. Thank you for the toys this year. I will leave you milk and cookies. Love, Zeke Dear Santa Claus, How far away do you live? How are your reindeer? How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you for bringing me everything that you brought. Would you please bring me an American Girl doll and an LOL doll and a Barbie house? I will leave you a letter. Love, Emma Dear Santa Claus, How long is Christmas? How many towns do you have to go to? Is it 1 degree at Christmas? Are there over a thousand people that you see at Christmas? Where do you get the wrapping paper? Thank you for being nice and for bringing me presents last year. This year, I would like a car track and I want Beyblades. You’re the best. I am going to leave M&M chocolate cookies and milk. Love, Wyatt

Telegraph • C13

Christmas wishes are beyblades and a bean bag chair. Love, Braxton Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are for a Bo Peep, Jesse, and Gabby Gabby. Love, Jaydin Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a dirt bike, a hover board, and a Beyblade. Love, Liam

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a toy horse to sit on and jewel clips. Love, Jayden R Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are a Lego Flash set, a Flash seat, and a t.v. Love, Dallas

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are beyblades, and Mario Party Game. Love, Nolan

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are for makeup, a baby doll, an American Girl Doll ballerina, a American Girl Dollhouse, and barbies and a house. Love, Syrah

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are Pokemon, a phone case, and a apple watch. Love, Josh

Dear Santa, This Christmas I am 6 years old. This year I have been nice. My Christmas wishes are an LOL Camper and a Ivy dress. Love, Rosie

Dear Santa, You are so nise Santa. You are in luc you lucee duc (lucky duck). I wod lik a seet (set) of poeemo krz (Pokemon cards). Love, Ethan thank you

Dear Santa, You are kind! I hope you Love, are cookies and milk. Please can I have an I pod and snow pans and new shoos. Gud luck on your jrney (journey) throo the Earth. You are osum (awesome) Love, Jaxon

Dear Santa, You are the the best man alive. I will giv you milk and cookis. I would like a iphone and I would like family and I would like some shoes. thank you for your presents. Love, Noah Dear Santa, Hi santa! can i tok to you. Be cus you are the best. I wish you and me have a very good chrismas. I wood like please a I pad I wood like some shoos and some snow pans. Love, Olivia Dear Santa, You are vare (very) kind. You are the best prsin evr. thank you for the presents. I wuend (would) like some new shoos I wuend like blablas I wuend like a new shot (shirt) You are osom (awesome) Love, Macoy cookies and milk for you. Love, Isabella Dear Santa, How was your summer? How do you get in all the houses? Thank you for bringing everything last year. This year, I would like a new doll and a new stuffed animal and a new dress. I will leave you cookies and milk and a piece of candy. Love, Ayla Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? I really like you Santa. Santa, you are amazing. Thank you for the Christmas gifts last year. This year, I would like a toy egg and a remote control airplane. I will leave you cookies and milk and special stuff. Love, Eduardo Dear Santa, How are you? How can you fly? Are you ready for Christmas? Thank you for my toys last year. Can you please bring me a computer and blocks and a Call of Duty game for Xbox 1? I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Gabe Dear Santa Claus, You are nice to give out presents. How do your reindeer fly? You are cool when you go down chimneys. Thank you for giving me presents last year. This year, can I have an Xbox? I want a big gummy beard. I really want a toy car. I am going to leave you cookies and milk and everything you want. Love, Declan

Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Thank you for bringing me presents. Would you bring me Steve and Alex and a big apple? I will leave

Dear Santa Claus, How are you? Are you ready for Christmas? Thank you for the gifts you brought last year. Can you please bring me Roblox and

from Santa’s sleigh. Ka’Anna would like a baby doll with diapers. Lyriq would like a remote-control car. Parker would like a stuffed animal unicorn. Bensyn would like a remote-control snake. Peninnah would like a big, fluffy unicorn. Cameron would like Beyblades.

Penelope would like a Barbie airplane. Aariah would like a cuddly bear. Luke would like a remote-control mouse. Anniah would like a JoJo Siwa diary. Sammy would like a toy dragon robot. Analyce would like L.O.L. hair gold. Dustin would like a G.I. Joe.

Dear Santa, You are the best evre. You are the lackest (luckiest) evre. i Love, you. I weld (would) like a ifone and shoes. I weld like a big small truke (truck). thanke you for giving giftst. Love, Levi Dear Santa, You aer the best! You aer aosomi (awesome)! I like you! i wolde like to have a ipad. I needa new scraf. I need to ware a new. I like Rudolph. Your elfs aer good. I Love, Christmas. Love, Ben Dear Santa, I would like a red exit sign that lights up. I need some new shirts. Christmas trees light up. I would like a truler alert. Love, Parker a bouncy house? I will leave you milk and cookies. Love, Jonoah Dear Santa Claus, How do you get to all the houses? How are your reindeer? Thank you for the toys you brought last year. Would you please bring me a game and toys? I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Kristopher Dear Santa, How far away are you? What state are you in? Thank you for the toys you brought me last year. This year, I want slime. I will leave you cookies. Love, Leyton Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How do you get to all the houses? Do you have magic to fly? Thank you for giving me presents last year. This year, I would like Wi-Fi for my house and a new dirt bike. I will leave you cookies and milk. Love, Otto Dear Santa Claus, I like Christmas. How do you go down chimneys? It is almost Christmas. Thank you for giving us presents. This year, I would like a shark ship and a robot that can talk and a charged bouncy house and some really charged robot laser guys. I will leave you cookies and milk and pepperoni. Love, Zach Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? How do you get to all the houses? Thank you for all the things you brought last year. This year, I would like two Lego sets and a toy remote control car and a toy robot. I will leave cookies and milk for you. Love, Anakin Ryleigh would like a kitchen set. Bentley would like a Black Panther action figure. Owen would like a Luigi game from Mario Party. Thank you for our presents. We hope you have a nice Christmas. Love, Mrs. Hollowell’s kindergarten class

WASHINGTON continued on C144

C14 • Telegraph

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

from ...

Dear Santa, We have been good this year. Thank you for the presents last year! We Love, you! Merry Christmas. Here is something each of us is asking for this year: Aiden-Legos

from ...

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like a Moana toy. I would also like a Frozen toy. I really like both of these movies. I am excited for Frozen 2 to come out. I Love, music and would like a musical toy. I also Love, doing puzzles. Love, Eliot, First-Grader

Dear Santa, I want a toy car and a remote control toy car. I want a dinosaur Hotwheels set. I also want 4 Hotwheels. Love, Austin, First-Grader

netic toys, building things, and taking things apart to see how they work. I also Love, drawing with markers on paper and on the white board. Love, Landon, Kindergarten

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I want to be seizure free! I Love, mag-

Dear Santa, This year for Christmas, I would like an animal school toy.

woch. I need I net, a iron wif AKA MCU. I would wear a jet pak. I like to read book. Love, Owen

resling. I like to read Peet the Cat. Love, Hudson

presents. This year I want pupe, RC car, enme, Xbox, PS4. I need hat, applwoch, lapo, iphone 11. I would wear slippers, hoodies. I like to read books, malh. Love, AJ

from ... Dear Santa, I want a fon and iwatch. I need skrunchees and 2 real poodles. I would wear pants and winter dresis. I would read Charlotte’s Web. XOXO Thanks Santa. Love, Genesis Dear Santa, I Love, you. This year I want a motorcycle with a real engine. I need underwear. I would wear a diamond necklace. I like to read Geranimo Stilton. Love, Grant Dear Santa, This year I want a Fingerling. I need paper. I would wear shoes. I like to read mail. Thank you Santa. Love, Molly Dear Santa, You’re awesome! This year I want an Apple watch. I need a Nerf gun.I can wear a jet pack. I can read more chapter books. Love, Connor

Dear Santa, Thank you for the gifts. This year I want a bike. I need new pajamas. I would wear a Christmas necklace. I like to read Pig the Pug books. Love, SL (Seamus) Dear Santa, Hi Santa. How is the reindeer and Rudolph? This year I want Sword and Shield. I need pajamas. I would wear hat. I like to read Pokmom cards. Love, JB Dear Santa, How are you? This year I want LOL. I need coat, hat. I would wear sweater. I like to read books. Love, Patricia Dear Santa, This year I want LOL, PilcUW. I need hat. I would wear coat. I like to read Pilruwbilihil. Love, Valeria Dear Santa, This year I want jomp rop. I need

Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents! This year I want Xbox controller and head set for my Xbox. I need a blanket and candy. I can wear Bears slippers. I can read Santa books and gift card and Pig the Pug books. Love, Nolan R. Dear Santa, This year I want an phonei10, toy UFO, and goldng. I need a new coat. I can wear a necklace. I can read Dogman. Love, Kilian Dear Santa, Hi Santu. How are the ranber? This year I want an LOL, skatebard, laptop, and Frozen 2 Kindr Eggs. I need a wotr bottle. I would wear clothes. I like to read books. Love, Noelle Dear Santa, Thank you for all you give. This year I want an ipod, RC car, Xbox set, pajamas, ipoane 11, PS4 goams. I need a coat, hat, blanket, boots, gloves. I would wear snow pants. I like to read books, cards. Love, Nolan K. Dear Santa, How are you? This year I want iphone 11. I need bed. I would wear gold necklace. I like to read Baball and Charlotte’s Web’s. Love, Shawn Dear Santa, This year I want an iphone 11 and Xbox 360. I need a bed. I would wear a golden necklace. I like to read Charlotte’s Web. Love, Ayden Dear Santa, How is the randers dowing? This year I want M & Ms and gume baers. I need an ipod, ipod case, campvoda. I would wear serf gluvs hat. I like to read books and cards. Love, Myles Dear Santa, Thak yu. This year I want a

bots, gloves. I would wear hat, sweater. I like to read books, cards, mail.

Love, Aziza

Dear Santa, You are the best. Thank you for the presis stant. This year I want a tron a now soing kit. I need eist shoos. I would wear swechrt. I like to read books LOL. Love, Orion Dear Santa, You are the best prsin on ieats. This year I want PS4 farm simulator. I need camoflauge gator. I would wear mitis. I like to read math books. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, Thak you. This year I want cdaipop Myles AJ Nolan R. 6 roon dog perk Pepion. I need a ghn cais. I would wear noow shoos for

Brody-a dinosaur toy Avah-a puppy Blazej-a remote control car Sofia-LOL dolls Easton-a Nintendo Switch Carter-a hoverboard Destin-a remote control car

Dear Santa, You are the best Sata and your presents. This year I want pupe, RC car, enme, Xbox, PS4. I need hat, applwoch, lapo, iphone 11. I would wear slippers, hoodies. I like to read books, malh. Love, AJ

Gracey-An Aladdin doll Everlee-a Barbie house Savannah-a Ryan’s World egg Tatum-a Spiderman jet Liliana-Pokemon cards Cameron-Paw Patrol toys Kellen-Gator Golf

Annabelle-coloring things Abby-Pokemon cards Bailey-Hello Kitty light up shoes DJ-a toy dragon Love, Mrs. Gaulke’s kindergarten class

I would like a bus for my room. And, I would like a kitchen and some chef cookies to play with. I would also like a toy phone and some animals to play with. I would also like some colorful cups to play with. I would also like some clothes. Love, Ben, First Grade

Dear Santa, This year I want LOL, PilcUW. I need hat. I would wear coat. I like to read Pilruwbilihil. Love, Valeria

Dear Santa, How are you? This year I want LOL. I need coat, hat. I would wear sweater. I like to read books. Love, Patricia

Dear Santa, This year I want jomp rop. I need bots, gloves. I would wear hat, sweater. I like to read books, cards, mail. Love, Aziza

Dear Santa, You are the best Sata and your

Dear Santa, You are the best. Thank you for

the presis stant. This year I want a tron a now soing kit. I need eist shoos. I would wear swechrt. I like to read books LOL. Love, Orion Dear Santa, You are the best prsin on ieats. This year I want PS4 farm simulator. I need camoflauge gator. I would wear mitis. I like to read math books. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, Thak you. This year I want cdaipop Myles AJ Nolan R. 6 roon dog perk Pepion. I need a ghn cais. I would wear noow shoos for resling. I like to read Peet the Cat. Love, Hudson

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

from ... Dear Santa, How are you? I wot a four welr and I wot a new bed and I wot a PS4 and I wot a drt bik and pokmon crd. Love, Joe Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a drt bike. Love, Sebastian D. Dear Santa, How are you? I wat sum pokemon cards. I wat a drt bike ples. Love, Antonio Dear Santa, How are you? For Crismis I would like bey blades. Love, JR

from ...

Dear Santa, How are you? For Chrstmas I wood like bey blad and pokemon kod. Ples. Love, Logan Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a intndow swich an I woet a cmukin gill doll and I woet a big LOL doll and more. Love, Sara Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like toothlis girl and the toothlis boy. Please! Love, Simi Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like LOL blz. Can I plez have it. Love, Quinn Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a xbox, bb-8 cosmo google, and Nintendo Switch. Love, Sebastian B. Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a Micraft and Fortnite stuf please. Love, Ayden

Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I wot a ryan safe toy. Love, Claronze Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a duentdw swich and I have a LOL ples. Love, Alorya Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a nintdo with pikachu game, pkemon, bey blad. Love, Guylee

Telegraph • C15

Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a real laptop and a Bley Blad. Love, Robert Dear Santa, How are you? I want LOL surprise. Please Love, Lillian Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like pokemon cards, an xbox, osmo, and a Nintendo switch. Love, Mason

Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like LOL. Love, Aaliyah Dear Santa, How are yoe? I would like stuft aminls, LOL dols, and a tedo swich ples. Love, Marlee Dear Santa, How are you? I would like brbs, 2 LOL dls, a play wash please, and a cozmo please. Love, Mary Jo

Dear Santa, Your reindeer are good, sweet, and helpful. I hope you come soon. I will leave cookies, carrots, water, and chocolate milk out for you and the reindeer. I would like legos for Christmas. I like you Santa. I hope you are having a good life. Love, Boston Walker Howard

Santa, My name is NORA. Can the elf make me a gingerbread toy? Do you love me? I really want you to love me, because Santa is the lover of all. The End. Eleanor Louise Langner, age 4

GOING ON VACATION? Keep in touch with the news of the Sauk Valley

C16 • Telegraph

Tuesday, December 24, 2019








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