Tactics Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 4

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VOL. 8, ISSUE 4, JULY/AUGUST 2018 Shawmut Communications Group | www.shawmutdelivers.com


Die-Cut Cover A die cut is made from a dieline in an artwork file and it defines the shape and structure of a final printed piece. Flat sheets are sent to a die-cutting machine where they will be cut into any custom shape. The machine uses a pre-made die (created from a dieline) which has steel blades that cut and score the press sheets.

Ready to die-cut your next marketing piece? Check out our dielines and sign up to get our dieline of the month for creative inspiration.

Missed our die-cut cover? Sign up for the FREE print edition of Tactics and never miss another feature!


PRODUCTION NOTES: Cover printed 4/color process with H-UV inks and a Strike-Through Dull Varnish + Overall Gloss UV Coating. Text printed 4/color process with H-UV inks.


What is the most expensive envelope? The one not opened! Brilliantly simple and absolutely true! You could give away a million dollars inside an envelope, but if it doesn’t get opened, was it worth sending?

Looking for inspiration? Check out Our Work on our website! This area features some stand-out print and marketing projects and highlights our creative community. It’s a great way to get ideas for your next project and to see some of Shawmut’s award-winning production techniques.

The purple envelope we used for this issue was pretty impossible to ignore right? If you’re reading this, then the answer must be yes. That’s because color ignites our emotions and makes us curious. It’s what may have prompted you to open this piece of mail first. In fact, studies show that a stylish colored envelope is 9 times more likely to be opened than a bland white or manila one. Remember, envelopes cost a fraction of what postage costs—so don’t waste your postage on envelopes that will never be opened. Instead, consider investing in an envelope that creates a powerful first impression and adds value to the offer inside. Ready to try a unique envelope for your next direct mail project? Talk to your Shawmut rep!



Matthew Traub

Chris Harrold

Seasoned sales and marketing professional

CMO, EVP of Sales, obp

Vice President and Creative Director, Mohawk


Playing the Long Game Everyone wants a quick fix in business these days. They look for the silver bullet and the magic campaign that will help them achieve their business objectives. We need leads right away, we want sales results now. If the quick fix doesn’t happen, heads will roll. Budgets will be cut.

fixes. They are working feverishly to be a part of people’s lives. They realize that we have an undeniable need to belong. In turn, they look for ways to humanize their brand and be helpful. When they do, it earns them brand love and loyalty that pays off in the long-run.

But the truth is, there is no standard recipe for how companies can win. There is no marketing silver bullet that will ensure that your brand is remembered. If we had the answer or the proverbial “quick fix,” it wouldn’t be a secret for very long.

This issue highlights the importance of playing the long game and the kinds of media that can help you build stronger relationships. Inside you’ll learn why print remains a force to be reckoned with—even after all these years and all the technology we have at our fingertips.

The facts are that iconic brands stand the test of time. They endure because they’re willing to put forth the effort to build a relationship with their community, even if it doesn’t pay off in the short-term.

I hope you enjoy this issue.

Great relationships are born out of trust. They are built to endure the toughest challenges. The most compelling marketers today are not looking for quick

Michael Peluso President

Inside this Issue





Many consumers have become skeptical of digital media. When asked what they trust, 82% say print. Explore how print provides a greater sense of security, importance, and engagement.

A look at how customer newsletters and magazines increase brand engagement and deepen the relationship between readers and brands.





Despite all of the changes in the way we Opinions about your brand are formed in the communicate, most of life’s cherished messages blink of an eye. Without good design, chances are conveyed in print—tucked away to be held and are your content won’t be given a second look. admired year after year. Learn the science behind our Learn why investing in creative is no longer a love of print and how it creates stronger connections. nice-to-have for brands large JULY/AUGUST 2018and small. Shawmut 1

“ Print adds validity to your message and shows the customer that you’ve taken the time to invest in communicating with them.” Matthew Traub CMO and EVP of Sales for obp





s temperatures continue to soar this summer, Ron Parker feels fortunate that he has a place to cool off. His family’s pool is a relaxing escape from the heat, but it also requires a lot of upkeep. It’s a chore he doesn’t mind, but when Ron shops for pool supplies, he often finds himself in an uncomfortable spot.

“I looked for a new pool pump and now every time I go online I’m seeing ads for pool pumps and related supplies,” says Ron Parker, a production management professional with decades of experience in sales and marketing. “I know that online ad retargeting is designed to be personal, but to me, it can feel uncomfortable.” Although Ron admits that he may have a greater love for print than most, he’s not alone in his feelings towards online marketing. In fact, many consumers have become skeptical of digital media. According to research from MarketingSherpa, 82% of people believe that print is the most trustworthy type of media. Matthew Traub, CMO and EVP of Sales for obp, agrees. “Print and direct mail require more effort and a financial investment,” says Matthew. “With digital, it’s all about volume and anyone can create an ad campaign in a few clicks. Print adds validity to your message and shows the customer that you’ve taken the time to invest in communicating with them.” Ron is the production manager in the communications department at a not-for-profit health care services organization. He began his extensive marketing and sales career in print—working for Mercantile Image Press—and continues to use print as an important part of member recruitment and retention strategies.

I n a time where we are inundated with “fake news” and clickbait ads, marketers must carefully consider the pros and cons of digital media. Relying solely on digital or heavily shifting your marketing budget online can come at the expense of brand trust and credibility—attributes which are at an all-time high for influencing purchase decisions. In fact, PwC’s 2018 Global Consumer Insights Survey found that other than price, brand trust ranked as the most important influencer on purchase decisions for more than a third of shoppers. Traub and Parker believe that adding print and direct mail will lead to increased credibility and trust for brands. “There is an overload of people online giving their opinions and it is tough to know which voices are credible,” says Parker. “Print and direct mail are naturally more focused. Customers know that when someone has gone through the effort of getting something designed and printed they must be an influencer and have some authority.” “In addition to getting a great response rate, direct mail has helped obp improve our close rate,” adds Traub. “Our direct mail program has the ability to cut through the digital noise. But it’s not just generating leads, it’s generating high-quality leads who are motivated to try our products. Because the strategy is easy to replicate, the more direct mail we send, the more revenue we generate.” It’s also interesting to note that Parker and Traub aren’t sending direct mail that is incredibly complicated or fancy. In each case, simple postcards and letters have done the trick.




5 Reasons People Trust Print

1 It Stands the Test of Time: We tend to place our trust in institutions and systems that have been around for a long time, and print certainly fits the bill. It goes to the old adage, “If someone invested enough to print and mail it, it must be important.”

2 It Feels Important: In a 2017 study by Royal Mail, 70% of people surveyed said that mail makes them feel valued and it gives them a better impression of the company. That’s because it takes time to develop and we get much less of it. It follows the basic scarcity principle that when there is a limited supply of something we automatically place a higher perceived value on it.

3 It’s More Secure: Even though stricter guidelines like GDPR are being introduced, people are still wary of how marketers and advertisers use their data. According to Two Sides, 79% of consumers are increasingly concerned that their personal information held electronically is at risk of being hacked, stolen, lost or damaged.

4 It Doesn’t Interrupt You: Unlike the obtrusive nature of digital advertising, print does not track you unless you optin. You can do so by scanning an NFC tag or QR code, or by visiting a landing page or pURL (personalized URL). In each case, the consumer actively makes a choice to engage with the brand further—rather than being automatically tracked because they visited a particular web page.

5 It is Better for Your Health: The average American spends more than 10 hours a day online, leading to a growing concern regarding digital overload and its effect on our health. On the other hand, print has several health benefits. Research from Dr. Naomi Baron suggests that reading even 15 pages a day on paper can lead to improvements in language, mental development, and memory.




“People are savvier today than in years past. They don’t want to be sold, and too much glitz can lead to mistrust,” says Ron. Ron recommends keeping your message brief. “Don’t try to tell your entire story in one letter or stuff lots of materials into a #10 envelope. It will make people feel inundated. The key is to get them to connect with you on the phone or in-person and continue to build on that trust.” “You’ve got to know your audience,” adds Matthew. “As a marketer, I love interesting formats like dimensional and die-cut direct mail. In fact, I vividly remember many of the pieces I received from Shawmut. They were really creative and drove me to call them when we were looking to get started with direct mail.” “But after testing several formats, we found that postcards with limited content were the most effective for our audience. We keep the approach simple, but we don’t skimp on quality. You’ve got to show someone why your piece is important through great design, paper, and print

quality. All of those things matter and speak to the value of your products.” Ron’s company and obp are two of Shawmut’s clients that have found success using direct mail, but they agree it should be a part of an omnichannel strategy. They also provided some final words of advice for businesses looking to build brand credibility using direct mail. Matt recommends finding a great partner that will help you with strategy. “Shawmut has really helped us figure this out. They produce a high-quality product which builds that level of trust but they have also helped us run several experiments to figure out what works.” Ron also wanted to highlight the importance of having a partner that can support your project from end-toend. “Printers like Shawmut who offer front-end services like content and design are unique. Today everyone can print. But having everything under one roof allows them to own the entire project and makes working with them incredibly easy.” 

Matthew Traub is co-founder, chief marketing officer and executive vice president of sales at obp. Bringing more than a decade of experience in medical device sales and marketing, Matthew oversees all global marketing and brand initiatives, strategy, and execution for the company.


Print Helps Brands Build Trust Creating value for customers requires more than a great product or service—it requires trust. Trust is what separates brands from their closest competitors and leads to long-term customer relationships and brand advocates. But when the average person’s attention span is a mere 8 seconds, building this level of trust can feel like an impossible mountain to climb.

So how can you start to build trust from the very beginning? How do you add credibility to your lead generation efforts? Research shows that adding print and direct mail is a great place to start.

3 of the 5 most trusted advertising channels among consumers are print-related: 3

70% of people say that mail, rather than email, gives them a better impression of a company1 and 70% of Americans say that mail is more personal than the internet.2

82% print ads 80% tv ads

Online ads are the least trusted type of advertising and an increasing number of consumers are ignoring them altogether: 4 don’t pay attention to online ads


block them


find them annoying


can’t remember the last time they clicked on one


10 YEARS Between 2007 and 2017, the percentage of people stating that mail makes them ‘feel valued’ has increased by 27%.5

76% direct mail ads and catalogs 71% radio ads 69% outdoor ads (billboards, signs, posters, etc.)

Print outperforms digital in several key brain activity categories that help foster trust and relationships: 6 Review time

Perceived value

Emotional reaction

Purchase intent

Memory retention 1: Royal Mail, 2: DMNews.com, 3 & 4: MarketingSherpa, 5: RoyalMail, 6: USPS




Create Stronger Connections

with Print

Social media has transformed birthdays into big deals. It’s not unusual for friends and family you haven’t spoken with in years to join the birthday frenzy, posting well-wishes on your Facebook or Instagram pages. But most people still find birthday cards that arrive in the mail far more engaging and personal. Despite all of the changes in the way we communicate, most of life’s cherished messages are conveyed in print—tucked away to be held and admired year after year. According to the Paper and Packaging Board, print helps us




create stronger connections. In their popular campaign called “How Life Unfolds” they offer a simple explanation: Paper and packaging help us stay thoughtfully connected to the people around us. Handwritten notes can make a lasting impression, while a package on our doorstep can surprise and delight us. Packaging creates a bond with the brands we love. And a framed photograph is tangible proof of a valued relationship.

This ability to connect on a deeper level is the reason we choose print, even when it may be easier, faster, and more affordable to connect digitally. So what creates our love of print? It comes down to science. Here are three reasons why print creates stronger connections.

1 We Have a Deeper

Understanding of Print

Neuroscience tells us that our brains connect better with print and paper. A 2015 study by Canada Post and neuromarketing firm

TrueImpact, found that direct mail was easier for people to process in comparison to digital media (email and display ads). They used eye-tracking, EEG brain wave measurement, and conventional questions to evaluate cognitive load, motivation, and attention span between the two types of media. Here’s what they found: Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than digital media,





Brand recall was 70% higher for a direct mail piece,





And direct mail’s motivation score was 20% higher than digital.





It’s no surprise that print also aids in our education. According to the Paper and Packaging Board’s Third Annual Productive Learning Survey, 93% of college students and 87% of students in grades 7 to 12 agree that paper is essential to their educational goals. Even junior high and high school students—who live rich digital lives—prefer paper when preparing for tests. Seventy

percent of them take handwritten class notes; 58% fill out paper worksheets, and 60% make and use flashcards.

2 We’re Touched by Print, Literally

Did you know that the largest organ in the human body is our skin? Our skin is filled with millions of neuroreceptors that create our sense of touch. It’s no wonder why more than half our brain’s processing power is devoted to sensory experiences. Over the years there have been a number of studies that prove we have a greater emotional connection to print and paper, largely due to our sense of touch. A Bangor University study which used functional MRI testing concluded that physical material is more “real” to the brain and involves more emotional processing, which is important for memory and brand associations. Further conclusions were drawn from research conducted by a neuroscientist, Dr. David Eagleman.

We live in an instantaneous, electronic age, and so knowing someone took the time to put a personalized piece of paper in the mail leaves a lasting impression no email or text message can compete with. Katie Lacey, President, Crane Stationery

His findings, which were promoted by Sappi Fine Paper in their 2015 publication Haptic Brain, Haptic Brand, explained how we understand the world through touch, a concept known as embodied cognition. Essentially, he says: the way something feels drives our thoughts and behaviors. For example, studies show that people who are lightly touched by a server in a restaurant leave bigger tips, doctors who touch their patients are seen as more caring, and NBA teams who interact physically during games— high-fives, chest-bumps, and the like—consistently win more games. Since you can’t feel an email, e-book, or online display ad, print has a significant head start when it comes to building connections with customers.

3 We Consider Print to Be a Signal of Importance

Have you ever noticed how much of the world around you involves print? Although you may be consuming less of it (because you communicate via email or pay bills online), every day you interact with thousands of printed materials. Street signs, food labels, clothing tags—the world is full of print and paper and our society could not function without it. That’s why, despite the abundance of digital communication options, we choose print when something




While print is in a rapid state of evolution, it remains an essential part of most integrated marketing plans. The key to successful print inclusion in marketing plans today is creativity. Crystal McKinsey, Founder & CEO, McKinsey Development is important. Whether we need to communicate critical health and safety information or celebrate an important life event, we often choose print. The much-loved wedding website “The Knot” reported that the average cost of wedding invitations in 2017 was $408. Prices range from $2 each for digitally printed invitations available online, to $10 or more for beautiful works of art from stationery retailers like Crane & Co. But why does this pricey tradition still persist? Because according to the experts, a printed invitation sends a signal of importance. “When the recipient holds an invitation, he or she can feel the richness of the paper and the detail that went into the printing,” says Katie Lacey, president of Crane Stationery which recently became a part of Mohawk Fine Papers. “We live in an instantaneous, electronic age, so knowing someone took the time to put a personalized piece of paper in the mail leaves a lasting impression no email or text message can compete with.”




Lead Off with Print to Build Connections Faster Marketing experts say the key to using print effectively is to use it creatively and when possible make it the first touchpoint in your campaign. “While print is in a rapid state of evolution, it remains an essential part of most integrated marketing plans,” says Crystal McKinsey, founder, and CEO of the integrated marketing communications firm McKinsey Development. “You can touch, feel, distribute and share it in a way that is more tangible than digital outreach. The key to successful print inclusion in marketing plans today is creativity.” With digital communications, the only connection is visual. All messages feel the same when you touch them on your iPad screen, but print can engage across many senses. Unique substrates, highquality paper, dimensional shapes, specialty inks, and textured coatings are just a few of the ways print stands out. That’s why experts suggest using direct mail as one of your first campaign touchpoints. Its unique characteristics can help you build connections faster and drive people to additional information online. 

How to Create Print Publications that Subscribers Will Love




According to the Content Marketing Institute, 82% of B2B companies send email marketing newsletters and open rates range from 15% to 25%. On the other hand, only 22% of B2B organizations use print publications, and 80% of subscribers say they read them regularly. The takeaway: print publications offer a huge opportunity for brands to stand out and share their story. We get it, sending an email newsletter seems easier and less expensive. But if the vast majority of your audience never even opens your message, is it really worth sending? How much further could you move the needle if you developed a print publication that subscribers look forward to getting and actually read? According to Dan S. Kennedy and Kim Walsh-Phillips, co-authors of the book No B.S. Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing, print publications not only work, they offer a greater return on investment. Here’s an excerpt from the book citing Dan’s own experience with printed customer newsletters: My business empire has been built with print newsletters as its foundation and a centerpiece around which everything else orbits. Well over 50% of my high-




value private clients rise up out of the newsletter subscriber base— it would cost me a fortune to find them otherwise. You might judge my business “unique,” however my model has inspired literally thousands of people in a wide range of consumer and B2B categories to aggressively invest in their own print newsletters for their customers, clients, patients, or donors—and all report significant improvements in retention, ascension, frequency of purchase or patronage, and referrals. Many are in their third, fifth, seventh, 10th, and even 20th year of continuous use of their own print newsletters, and wouldn’t stop their use of this “dead media” under any circumstance. Think about that. Authors of a book about social media strategy arguing for the use of print publications! But starting your own print publication, such as a customer newsletter or magazine, can seem like an overwhelming task. The good news is that if you’re already sending an email newsletter (which, according to the data most brands are) you’ve done most of the work. Many of the same principles and rules for email newsletters apply to print publications, but here are a few guidelines to get you started.

Don’t Try to Sell The primary focus of any printed publication should be to engage

subscribers and build relationships, not to sell products and services. Your newsletter or magazine should be designed to benefit the customer, not your company. In each issue, provide them with 1 or 2 valuable tips they can apply in their personal or professional life. “When you provide readers with information that directly benefits them, they’ll remember and appreciate your brand,” says Michelle Cardin, Marketing Director for Shawmut Communications Group. “It’s a fantastic way to build relationships with subscribers, just remember that this process takes time. It’s a lot like dating and you can’t expect a full commitment overnight.”

Ask for Input One of the best ways to engage your audience is to include them! Make them a part of the conversation by asking for their input and the types of stories they want to read in each issue. You can conduct customer interviews and write opinion articles that feature their feedback. “Unlike email marketing and company blogs which are typically authored by employees, a print magazine is great place to highlight your customers,” adds Cardin. “Once you’ve identified topics that can help educate your broader subscriber base, find an existing customer who is knowledgeable in that area and interview them. Chances are they’ll

want to participate and will love seeing their name in print.”

Publish Consistently You already know how important it is to send email marketing on a regular basis, and the same rings true for printed publications. If you’re providing value for subscribers in each issue and you’ve begun to build a solid relationship, don’t let them down by skipping an issue or delivering late. Whether you publish weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly, make sure you meet your readers’ expectations by delivering on-time and on a consistent schedule.

Design is Crucial Design can be one of the most time-consuming components of print publications, but it is also one of the most critical. In print, first impressions count more than ever and it’s important to create a publication design that will grab readers attention and make it easy for them to consume.

The first thing you’ll want to do is establish a publication template that is consistent with your organization’s brand. Using the same general layout and format for each issue will make the design process much more efficient and will create some continuity for your readers. Within each issue, make sure you break up your text with appropriate headlines, sub-heads, block quotes, columns, and images. This will add visual interest and help readers quickly scan articles for the information that’s most relevant to them.

Use Print to Your Advantage The beauty of print publications is that they are tangible. Use that to your advantage by inspiring and engaging your audience with texture and color that they can’t get from an email or social media post. A unique paper stock or special print effect like coatings and die-cuts can be used to grab a reader’s attention before they even read your publication.

Consider changing the size of your publication. With print, you’re not limited to the size of a phone screen, which is where most email newsletters are consumed. You have the freedom to explore any size, orientation, format or fold depending on the overall length of your content. Creating a well-designed and wellwritten print publication is not easy, but the benefits are well worth the effort. These days, just about anyone can send out an email newsletter or communicate with customers on social media. A print publication shows subscribers that you’re invested and what you’re saying is important. It also gives subscribers an opportunity to “unplug” and hang onto your publication for future reference, giving it a much longer shelf life and ROI than an email newsletter. If your content and design are done well, they’ll remember your publication—plus you might be the only company in your space sending one! 





Why Good Design is Good for Business Demand for creative content is at an all-time high and so are consumer expectations for design. Without good design, even the best content doesn’t stand a chance.

Research from the creative industry powerhouse Adobe shows that good design drives customer preference, loyalty, and a willingness to pay a premium— resulting in tangible revenue for brands. In fact, when businesses invest in creative they are 89% more likely to have satisfied customers, 88% more likely to be competitive, and 85% more likely to be financially successful. We caught up with Chris Harrold, Vice President and Creative Director for Mohawk, to get his take on the importance of good design and what it means for the bottom line. He agrees that investing in creative is no longer a nice-to-have for brands, it’s mission-critical. How have consumer expectations for design changed? Mobile devices have put a very visual medium in the palm of our hands. Good design is no longer happening strictly in major media markets like New York and LA. Consumers in very rural and remote




locations have access to the most advanced design in the world, all from their smartphone. Combine that with the rise of apps like Instagram and Pinterest and it’s easy to see how consumer expectations for design have changed. People are exposed to a much broader range of photography and typography than years ago. As a result, they’ve become more visually fluent—putting a huge spotlight on design. That’s why every brand (large or small) must use creative assets in the smartest and most sophisticated way possible. How does the creative department fit into the overall organization structure? I think graphic designers and other creative resources must be an integral part of an organization’s hierarchy. They drive first impressions—and if that fails to connect, brands will not get a second chance. That’s why it’s critical for design to have a seat at the strategic planning table.

What role does design play in sales? Thomas Watson Jr. from IBM once said, “Good design is good business.” Specifically, in sales, it can help people notice an important message and take it to heart. A few years ago, I received a printed lookbook from Google and it’s one of the most memorable sales pieces I’ve seen. The online search giant created a beautiful lookbook to highlight popular YouTube personalities and the potential reach for advertisers on the video platform. For me, the book carried a lot of weight. Imagine a company like Google using print to make a sales pitch to digital advertisers! It proves that even in a digital-first world, beautiful print design has the power to connect like nothing else. Do you agree with the research that good design can generate tangible revenue for brands? This question reminds me of the classic marketing line: 50% of your marketing budget is effective, you just don’t know which half it is. Design can be hard to quantify because human beings react to it emotionally (color, shapes, images). But I do agree that without good design, brands would lose their audience. No one wants to look at something that’s visually complicated or hard to understand.

ASK AN EXPERT A Maker’s Field Guide to Texture and Color to client meetings all the time and people love it. I also encourage designers to find helpful and enthusiastic partners. Companies like Shawmut and Mohawk are here to help. There are tons of resources, training, and samples available to help you make print an integral part of the conversation. What are the biggest challenges facing today’s designers? Years ago, most graphic designers were by definition print designers. Today the deliverables are mostly digital and only occasionally involve print.

Mohawk’s A Maker’s Field Guide to Envelopes, which highlights the importance of choosing a stand-out envelope.

Great design is timeless and effortless. You know it when you see it, but not everyone can do it. Speaking for Mohawk, I can tell you that we are designing for designers and it absolutely has an impact on our bottom line. We are seeing growth for the third consecutive year in our fine paper business. I attribute that, in part, to our work with the design community. We are using our own graphic design efforts to speak to them and create beautiful pieces that inspire and educate.

What strategies can graphic designers use to make a bigger impact on business? I would encourage graphic designers to be confident in their instincts regarding print. At their core, designers love print because they can make something tangible and see their work come to life. I don’t think we should shy away from that even if a client requested a digital-only campaign. If you love print, use it! Bring samples to clients and present print confidently as part of a multichannel offering. I bring Mohawk’s

As VP and creative director for Mohawk, Chris is responsible for leading the brand’s product marketing campaigns and building a meaningful connection with the design community. His goal is to inspire and educate designers across North America about the possibilities and power of print.

Designers that have been in the field for a while might be out of practice with print or they haven’t had opportunities to keep up with changing technologies, trends, and technologies. Young designers absolutely love print but they think it’s “witchcraft.” Most of their work ends at the PDF so they’re not quite sure how to bridge that gap between the digital file and the print process. That’s where we and other industry partners come in. We show them what’s possible and how to create a wow factor that no screen can compete with. 




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