Architectural Portfolio_Summer 2015

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CURRICULUM VITAE Education 09/2011 - 06/2015

University of Bath BSc (Hons) Architecture


Shawn Zhang

RIBA Part 1 graduate with one year work experience


Rhinoceros, SketchUp, 3Ds Max, Mental Ray Renderer, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, AutoCAD, Vectorworks, Revit (Basic)


English (fluent), Chinese Mandarin (native speaker)

Experiences Architectural:

Date of Birth: Nationality:

19/03/1991 Chinese

UHA London //Part 1 Architectural Assistant September 2015 - present Tonkin Liu_London //Part 1 Architectural Assistant March 2014 - July 2014 BAI Design Internatinal_Beijing //Architectural Assistant June 2013 - Sept 2013

Contact: Address:

21 Cyclops Mews, Westferry Road, London, E14 3UA


(+44) 74 2125 9829


SAKO Architects_Beijing //Architectural Assistant March 2013 - June 2013


Wimbledon Education // London Tour Guide Summer 2014 Sony Student Project Abroad (SSPA 2010) // Student Representative Summer 2010


2014 - 2015


The Seaweed Pier

Tonkin Liu

Pictures in the Park 2013 - 2014

Al Saadiyat Island Adnoc Service Station Ness Point House

British Culture Centre Bicton Earth Yoga Centre

BAI Design

Salford Meadows Bridge


Academic Project Year 4, Final Project 2015 Brief: Seaweed has been gradually considered as a future food, something that could help feed our rapidly growing population; it is sustainable, nutritious and delicious. However, it is until recently that most of us in this country thought of seaweeds as nothing but a nuisance, clinging to our legs as we swim in the ocean and stinking up the beach as they rot in the sun. Comparing to East Asia where most countries have high popularity and long history of eating seaweed, it is still unexploited in Western cuisine. The strategy of the project is to create a ‘seaweed experience journey’ in the sea by extending the existing Birnbeck Pier further and connecting the land to the seaweed farm. The pier becomes a production line of edible seaweed where the whole production process is exposed and intertwined with public education and consuming facilities. By inviting people to witness, smell, touch and taste seaweed and seaweed production, the pier is not just a farm for cultivating seaweed, but also for cultivating people’s mind about it.

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The Process of Seaweed Processing


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Visitors’ Route


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The ground floor of the main building is for edible seaweed and biofuel production. The building in plan is divided into north part and south part according to the geometry and the character of the site. The south part has a regular linear shape to accommodate the linear production spaces while the north part which following the shape of the plinth accommodates the services and admin offices. The algae pond sits on the south side providing easier access to the sea and better views to the Weston town. The first floor is public for visitors to explore. It accommodates education and consumption facilities including lecture room, seaweed cafe, and cooking workshop. There are also spaces where people can looking down to the processing spaces on the ground floor, such as the gallery and the cafe. Therefore the experience on the first floor is intertwined with the production process. The top of the north service part becomes a public viewing platform for visitors to explore the beauty of the island’s topography on both sides.

Linear Processing, Linear Building

Spaces Intertwining

Processing after Drying Dried seaweed from the drying tower will be brought to the processing space for further process, including cutting, seasoning, shredding, quality controlling and packaging.

Production Becomes a Show The Gallery acts as the audience area of the show, which is the production process. The first floor is mainly glazed so people can also see the production from the north outdoor platform.

Seaweed Storage Combined with Shop The products become an exhibition of seaweed species while shopping in the same space.

Linking to the Cafe Above The void in the cafe of the first floor above creates a visual link to the storage tanks below, and visitor can use the stairs provided to start shopping on the lower level.

The Overall Structure - Main Building The structural strategy of the main building

EXPLODED AXOMETRIC DRAWING was based on the idea of ‘use what is given on Main Building

the site’ according to the natural identity of the site. The structure of the ground floor is mainly concrete to achieve the idea of ‘growing out of the island. The first floor use steel CHS construction with timber roof structure supported on the top of it to achieve a light touch to the concrete construction of the ground floor and the plinth.



The Facade This is the facade type for most area of the south facade apart from the lecture room. There are several factors that have been considered in the design process.



- The first floor of the building is mainly glazed to keep transparency for public spaces and allow sufficient natural light to get in, while the ground floor facade is mainly opaque to avoid direct sunlight entering the food production space. - All the glass area on the south is louvred in order to avoid overheating and direct sunlight because the fact that the site is on an island without any neighbour buildings are trees as shelters. - The main circulation route on the first floor protrudes out of the ground floor perimeter forming an shelter area for people to walk underneath on the ground level and to sit on the benches against the concrete facade.



- Considering the fact that the site is relatively windy, the gluelaminated timber columns are connected to the concrete floor slab to provided further stability for the roof.

Drying Tower - A Showcase for Seaweed The drying tower, attached to the west end of the main building, is another import part for both seaweed processing and public visiting. The Harvested seaweed coming from the conveyor underneath the bridge will be hung and dried in the Tower. Also, the tower allow visitors to enter and explore the drying processing of seaweed while climbing to the top for a aerial viewing of the sea and the town. As seaweed has to be dried naturally to keep the maximum nutrients and guarantee the best tastes, a paternoster system is introduced to improve the air movement making the drying process more efficient. OnTOWER the other hand the paternoster will SECTION OF THE SEAWEED DRYING through the Paternoster Transporting System also be used forCutting visitor’s Vertical circulation. Each car unit consists of a cage for passenger and a rack for hanging seaweed. The movements of people and seaweed in the tower create a dynamic perspective for viewing and observing.

Cooking Workshop & Drying Tower The cooking workshop provides visitors the opportunities to learn how to cook seaweed dishes. It is designed to be located at the west end of the main building directed looking to drying tower. Visitors can pick dried seaweed from the tower for cooking resource and bring them back to the workshop to cook.



Farming & Harvesting

The Farming Structure consists of a series of aluminium sticks built into the seabed. Seeding nets are attached on the sticks and floating on water surface. Seaweeds grow on the seeding nets from sporelings to mature plants until harvesting. Floating conveyors are introduced as the harvesting system. The 6 branches are floating in sea while they are all connected to the main conveyor supported by the bridge structure. During harvesting seaweeds will be transported distinctly the drying tower for drying process.

Seaweed Restaurant and Hatchery

The restaurant is designed to be located right next to the hatchery where seaweeds are still in the phase of sporelings. Here the starting point of seaweed life meets the final stop of visitor’s journey. The tasting process becomes the final celebration of the journey, reminding people the very origin of seaweed life track.

Ferry Terminal and Boat Station

The ferry terminal and boat station at the end of the pier provide visitors the opportunities to extend their journey to somewhere else; they can take a ferry going to Cardiff, or Steep Holm and Flat Holm, the two small islands which have already been famous as tourist places in the middle of the Bristol Channel. Visitors can also choose to rent boats and get a close-up observation of the seaweed farm, and taking part in the seeding or harvesting process.


Academic Project Year 4, The Basil Spence Project 2015 Brief:

The brief invites to design the Bath Film Institute that would house cinematic events during the year with a special focus on the Bath Film Festival. The site belongs to the North Parade Gardens and is located in the centre of town. This important area is close to the Bath Abbey and a lot of people tend to be drawn there but due to poor access /payments as well as lack of sitting/entertainments the site is very under used. A new design strategy has to tackle these difficulties by creating a contemporary space for cultural activities and a bridge that would link the site with the Recreational Grounds. The new building is required to include 2 cinemas for normal screenings and a big space for 750 people for the Film Festival Events . Catering facilities and a number of associated film spaces have to be designed as well. The design scheme demands a lot of technical and engineering considerations which was possible to resolve successfully by an integrated approach from both architects and engineers in our team.

Film and cinema are conveyed through a medium of screen. This is possible through the use of machine that projects a moving image and produce sound. Our scheme provides the city of Bath a new “screen” which is run by the “machine” and movement of its users. The screen and the machine is metaphorically and physically the facade and the building.


Machine - The building MACHINE - THE BUILDING

Cinema 1

Public facilities focus on heritage

Public facilities focus on Youth

Out door performance

Bath Spa University

University of Bath

Bath Spa University

Bath Population Bath Population

POPULATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES Public facilities in bath mainly focus on museums and protecting the heritage, there are very small proportion of the facilities that addresses the interest of the young generations. From research we found that 40% of the population are of younger generation so there is a need to provide a public facility for them. We want to create a place where younger generations can come and enjoy - a place to host films, conventions, gigs and exhibitions.

Office/Recording Exhibition/Mediateque Cinema/Studio Open cinema/Cafe/Restaurant/Pub







Public facilities focus on heritage

Public facilities focus on Youth

University of Bath

The project consist of 2 cinemas for normal screening and 1 large cinema space for 750 people which is to house cinematic events during the Bath Film Festival. Due to the flexibility of the space, the largest cinema is opened up and acting as a new central gathering space for the younger generation in Bath, a place to host conventions, gigs and exhibitions, a place for fun. We are using the negative spaces created by the boxes to form the walls and ceiling for cinema. Firm showing in the open cinema can be watched from not only the seats, but also the cafe, the pub, the exhibition space and anywhere of the circulation space. Acoustic materials are used all through the interal spaces and the outer surfaces of the boxes to achieve the best sound effect in the open cinema.

1 2 3

4 5

STRUCTURAL STRATEGY Our concept requires the structure to provide a clear open space with no or minimal internal structure to enable the use of the interior as a cinema space. To achieve this we have chosen to use a series of 5 planar trussed steel frames laterally braced out of plane to each other and anchored to a stiff concrete south wall. Circular hollow sections are used to suspend all elements within the building envelope that is not supported by the ground slab. The boxes are of steel frame construction. It will contain steel CHS columns running through the full height of the boxes cross braced by smaller CHS members for stability during construction and in-service loading.


Brief: To design a Centre of British Culture in Budapest, Hungary. The building will foster knowledge about the Britain by providing information on its culture, society and politics. This includes the exchange of art, films, music, talks, theatre and literature. Schedule of Accommodation: Reception and Information Auditorium British Pub Exhibition Space Library Language Centre Administration Hub


Academic Project Year 3, Winter 2013 Duration: 9 weeks

The design concept is ‘a sculpture in the park’. As a centre for a foreign culture the building shape has a huge contrast with the context as a landmark building in the city. However the twisting shape is also related to the existing city grid. The rest of the site is designed as a ‘culture park’ with a sunken space which allows different cultural activities happen in it. The shape of the sunken space also aligns to the shape of the building and the city grid.





Sunken Plaza

british pub




Public & Private


language centre

Natural Ventilation

Lower Ground Level (Entrance) Plan

Section A-A

Detailed Section

Facade Structure

Roof - EPDM roofing - vapour barrier - 100mm insulation - screed to fall - 200mm reinforced concrete slab - suspended ceiling with lighting equipment - rooflight double glazing: 6mm toughened glass + 12mm cavity + 8mm laminated safety glass Facade - 450/375mm pre-cast hollow-core concrete stripes with vertical reinforcement - 450/250mm insulation blocks - wall ties Floor - 20mm timber floor finish - 70mm screed - DPM - 40mm acoustic insulation - 120mm reinforced concrete slab - suspended ceiling with lighting equipment

Vertical Reinforcement

Glass Wall / Balustrade - 6mm toughened glass / glass balustrade panel - galvanised steel angle with bolts

Pre-cast Hollow-core Concrete Elements


Academic Project Year 3, Autumn 2013 Duration: 5 weeks Brief: To Design an Iyengar Yoga Centre and Retreat Accommodation at Bicton EaRTH, East Devon. A small outdoor swimming pool is required as part of the recreational facility for the Centre. Schedule of Accommodation: Entrance/ Reception Yoga Studios Teachers’ Room Changing Room Library Ensuite Accommodation Rooms Self-catering Kitchen Common Area Outdoor Swimming Pool

Staris / Ramp: start of the journey

Bridge: a walkway from noisy to peaceful, with trees alongside to provide privacy

Gaps between accommodation blocks: transparent space to provide view corridor to the visitors.

Piles: on the ground level you will see the mixture of piles and tree trunks in beautiful shadows playing with rhythm.

Reception: entrance, waiting an information space for visitors.

Library: a quiet space for reading/ learning.

Courtyard: an outdoor space with timber deck, vedetation and pool.

Shoes taking-off: a transition space between public space and yoga teaching area.

Yoga Studio: natural pool, footpath and vegetation provide different layers of landscape outside the south facade. The gap between roof and walls provide better natural lighting.

Natural pool: provide clean water for the swimming pool and good view for the yoga studios.

Roof Plan

Ground Plan

First Floor Plan

Stage Involved: 0 Strategic Definition, 1 Preparation and Brief, 2 Concept Design Work Participated: Concept Discussions, 3D Modelling, 3D drawings, Diagrams, Masterplan Layout Studies, Masterplan Drawings Brief: This is an invited competition to design a series of service stations. The client is Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). Tonkin Liu was ask to design four schemes, two for motor way site and two for urban site. As Tonkin Liu is a small office we entered the competition with AECOM and worked together with them. We were asked to design both the general layout of the service station and the buildings and canopies in it. The service station has to accommodation difference functions including patrol pumps & canopy, shops & fast food, restaurants, car care units, accommodation, etc. However the most important part of the service station is the canopy for patrol pumps.


Practical Project International Competition Spring 2014 @ Tonkin Liu

Option 1: The Falcon’s Oasis The Saker Falcon is power, energy, and grace. From the Oasis the Falcon lifts her wings to take flight. Powerful wings effortlessly launch her into the clear blue sky. Her elegant movement is captured in the first moment of ascent

Saker Falcon

Power and grace

Saker Feather

Lightness and efficiency

Single surface structure Super thin and super light

ADNOC winged canopy of flowing perforated light catches the eye . Pure structure, pure form bursting with potential energy

Blue Teflon tension fabric

Brand colour shows through perforated white form Sun and rain protection with simple efficiency Tensile fabric forms upper surface of structure

Reflected ceiling plan


Swirling form stiffens the ultra-thin steel plate structure

Single surface structure

Award winning innovative and original Shell Lace Structure Tailored flat sheets of thin curving white steel Corrugated surface gives locked in stiffness with proven buildability No hidden structure the thin steel surface is the structure Perforation cut away weight and displays delicacy and lightness Pattern adds dynamism to form and gives dappled light and movement Single Surface Structure pioneered by Tonkin Liu and ARUP structures Super efficient super strong structure inspired by the ADNOC Falcon

Long span single surface structure Corrugated forms act as cantilevered beams Tensile Upper surface restrains leading edge Lifting of restrained wing form aids long span

Arching form spans between columns Perforation reduces unnecessary dead weight Twisting corrugation locks in strength

Under the wing structure at night

Glowing structure has the delicacy of feathers

Structural section

The falcon becomes a physical manifestation of the ADNOC Brand Energy efficient structure touching the ground lightly makes environmental sense Inspiring customers with forward-looking, cutting-edge technology natural structure Each visit is different with the time of day and dappled light of the sun The super-thin high performance structure carries the grace of the ADNOC Brand Embodying pioneering spirit and innovation for Abu Dhabi

Part Elevation / Section


Dynamic weightless form catches the eye













9.1 2.4 9.1 2.3


1.2 9.1





4.1 1.1

3.3 3.1








Option 2: Ocean Mountain Floating in the sky an ocean of blue and mountains of lush green A single structural plane undulates from seabed to mountaintop Below the ocean canopy tiny dapples of cool blue and green light Perforated horizontal Mashrabiya screen below Stained-glass window From afar a floating wafer thin landscape of form, colour and light Light perforated white sheet steel covered in ocean blue glass Mountains forms push up through the blue to lush green peaks of light In the desert the floating Ocean Mountain brings cool delight Ocean Mountains Cool and fresh

Perforations and colour

Perforated steel and coloured glass

Ancient and modern

14th century Diamond Vault geometry

Mountains of green

Green and yellow glass on raised steel mounds

Reflected ceiling plan


Undulating, perforated and triangulated plate steel structure

Floating blue ocean

Blue glass in flat plane illuminates undulating form below Super thin edge to super light structure

White painted perforated metal sheets

Star shapes cantilevered from supported structural stars The triangulated form undulates to add stiffness

Column supported structural stars

Super thin columns support structural stars Two larger blue trussed columns provide lateral stability

Under the floating ocean at night

Dappled blue and green light through perforated white steel

Stage Involved: 3 Developed Design, 4 Technical Design Work Participated: Production of Construction Drawing Set and Landscape Drawing Set. Brief: “A white house stood on a white cliff and looked along the coast to another white cliff. Over time the house started to become more like the distant cliff that it admired. The roof became chalk-land grasses, the walls became rolling layers of white brick. Inside the house, a cavernous brick room stared wide-eyed at the sea and soaked up the energy of the sun. As the family within its walls grew, the house itself grew into the land.” Tonkin Liu have received planning consent from Dover District Council for a new house in St. Margret’s Bay Dover. The new dwelling has been conceived as a part of the landscape in which it sits. The free form of the building has moulded itself to the form of the sloping site and the variety of views it commands from its cliff top location. The landscape around the building will be developed as a sequence of organic rooms that meld the house into the site. The site is adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific Interest managed by the Natural Trust.


Practical Project Privite House Spring 2014 @ Tonkin Liu

South Elevation



gallery bathroom 1

bathroom 4


bathroom 2

bathroom 3 bedroom 4

+ 69.21

C bedroom 3 bedroom 2

bedroom 1


First Floor Plan

south walls (650mm) section scale 1:20 extensive biodiverse green roof

porch plan scale 1:20

332 325 SW03 beach shingle

roof structure

curved double glazed unit

concrete path slab

cantilevered roof overhang insulated exterior door

south wall

332 331 PO02


332 324 SW02

332 331 PO01

332 331 PO03 notes: Details shown are indicative of design intent only and all building elements are subject to contractor design prior to construction. All contractor designed details to adhere to requirements of building regulations including SAP calculation and air-tightness. revisions: * - 270613 tender issue a - 140314 construction set DRAFT

no : 332 304a

load bearing ground slab

title: porch plan details job : ness point scale : 1:20 @ A3 tonkin liu ltd, 5 wilmington square london, wc1x 0es, tel 020 7837 6255,

revisions: * - 270613 tender issue a - 140314 construction set DRAFT

332 323 SW01

Stage Involved: 0 Strategic Definition, 1 Preparation and Brief, 2 Concept Design Work Participated: Bridge Design, Landscape Design, 3D Modelling, Renderings, Architectural Drawings Brief: - To secure a high quality design for a new landmark pedestrian bridge connection to the meadows from the Crescent across the River Irwell to open up access to the Meadows and ensure that it becomes a well-used resource for the local community, while also attracting new visitors to the area. - To maximise the contribution of the Meadows site to the transformation profile of this part of Salford and set a benchmark for future development activity in the surrounding area.


Practical Project International Competition Summer 2013 @ BAI Design

a d d r e s s : 21 Cyclops Mews, Westferry Road, London, E14 3UA m o b i l e : (+44) 74 2125 9829 e m a i l : s k y p e : zhangqishuo1991


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