Arts and Aesthetics Shawna Foster
Arts and Aesthetics
Scrapbook Shawna Foster
Arts and Aesthetics Scrapbook by Shawna Foster January 2011 Meadville Lombard Theological School Chicago
Arts and Aesthetics Scrapbook In 2011, Seminarian Shawna Foster was instructed by Professor John Tolley to take photos during her time there. The subject matter were buildings in Chicago that she went to, such as Meadville Lombard Theological School, The Art Institute of Chicago, Lutheran Theological School and Rockefeller Chapel. The photos were taken on an iPhone 3G and processed using the mill color application.
Metal book My connection to Jesus and God are very clear. Š Shawna Foster
Foot playground I play the tuba. It has three keys. It’s perfect. © Shawna Foster
Tops The tops of our roofs are just the start of the ground for the sky. Š Shawna Foster
Lunch I am an expert in Macaroni and Cheese. This one failed miserably. Š Shawna Foster
I am extremely attracted to the ancient depictions, my imagination soars with what they would have been doing to make that art, to think of the people who walked by and blessed it, how art was celebrated for everyone before pictures and movies....I do not share my poems or pottery, I do not save my drawings or writings except these daily pages. I am such a fool, how could I write a 500 page novel in my youth and fail to see that I was a writer? I am still too ashamed of myself as a creative. So foolish to be ashamed of art; I am unabashed about my politics that drives my family crazy...I need to allow myself to make art instead of closing myself off like my father, and I need to appreciate what I do instead of throwing it away like my mother...
Trapped eyes
My father is a blocked creative. He affords himself creativity if it can make him money. It usually does.
Mom creates things all the time, and then throws them away. She says all she makes are ugly things.
Š Shawna Foster
Š Shawna Foster
Ed’s Mundane Setting How can this museum really be this big? © Shawna Foster
Tree I am afraid of death. Existing without knowing what will happen is part of ministry. Š Shawna Foster
You think it would be the moderns who would tell us something new. But the ancients tell us what we forgot.
True expression of the self is also art. It is difficult to do.
Š Shawna Foster
Š Shawna Foster
Dream I remember as a child praying for wings. Š Shawna Foster
Stairwell I had no idea the institute would be this big. Of course the building itself is a work of art. Š Shawna Foster
Negative Space
The runner-up in choosing what to share. The body of the god is made of clear quartz. His details float.
I chose a 2,000 year old jade bracelet because I’d never seen anything like it. I will have to make one.
© Shawna Foster
© Shawna Foster
Star Some things you can’t ever know, no matter how much you analyze or think about it. Š Shawna Foster
Stairs I am listening to music again, even though nobody likes it. Š Shawna Foster
Throne of Wisdom All of my art is extremely private, like my theology. Š Shawna Foster
Grandfather Clock
Rockefeller Floor
My husband reminds me of this clock.
I got on my knees, and as a pretext I took a picture.
© Shawna Foster
© Shawna Foster
true light from true light The front was so pure, but the wooden seating in the back was like a maw. Š Shawna Foster
Maw Did they plan to put the impermanent wood and permanent stone opposite each other? © Shawna Foster
Wings I didn’t want wings to fly as much as I just wanted feathers. © Shawna Foster
Library I am really sad the stacks are going to be gone. I hardly even knew them. Š Shawna Foster
My personality is eager, I always have an immediate answer and creative response. If I have more time then sometimes I can get more creative or answer better than my immediate idea. Typically my creative energies are barely contained, and the less time I have to prepare for a situation the better for most creative endeavors. I have so many light bulbs going off it's almost a fireworks display under my eyelids. Ideas are not hard to come by for me. It's knowing the one that's going to work. It's maybe sitting on it or trying it out or hearing what the other person has to say that might affect it that's the hard part. But I have a powerful, godly intuition and it is intrinsic in me.
Š Shawna Foster
Niel’s Office He knows very well where everything is and if we have copies of the books I need. © Shawna Foster
Women in the ages
Š Shawna Foster
Chair There is a song that I listen to about what I can enshadow. Interesting word. Š Shawna Foster
Rare I don’t have any ancient history. Š Shawna Foster
Embosser The class balked that I would make paper. It’s just using an embosser. Š Shawna Foster
After the cathedral I came to class and we acted some plays. I thought myself quite a good actress but now am perhaps I could broaden my ability to play many different roles, not everything should be so quite over the top. I find myself getting along famously with people I normally detest. For the record, those I like the least are those who are most like myself, another form of self-hatred I practice. Several times I was grouped with such people, and found it great. Perhaps I am moving along there as well. If there is anything that limits me it is to let others make decisions. In this class those problems were not there. I think that’s what happens when I allow myself to be connected to a creative divine self; people become much more than what I think they could be.
Group project We won the height, but I don’t think it looked very good. © Shawna Foster
Colored Paper I wonder if I fill my time with people to get away from myself. © Shawna Foster
The last thing we did in class was hold hands.
There are so many things that I am thinking of now.
Š Shawna Foster
Š Shawna Foster
Larger Meaning I wish I knew. Š Shawna Foster
Arts and Asthetics Scrapbook by Shawna Foster
I am going to process my photos now, more later.