2 minute read

Alumna Perspective

Student country of residence during the 2019-20 school year


Shawnigan continues to make great strides with respect to our diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice initiatives. In response to events this past summer, we engaged in discussions with members of our community and reflected on the ways that we can achieve progress in this important area. While we feel that diversity and inclusion have been a priority at Shawnigan in recent years, we are conscious that more can and should be done. In the face of intolerance across the world, our community at Shawnigan will continue to strive at all times to represent openness to all with respectful engagement across our differences.

Our comprehensive profile of diversity initiatives over the past few years at Shawnigan has included many learning opportunities for students and staff, such as multi-faith Chapel services and special awareness Chapel presentations, Black History Month programming, Orange Shirt Day programming, and awareness-raising around United Nations days such as World AIDS Day, International Women's Day and Human Rights Day. We have also benefited from campus visits and presentations from Holocaust survivors, refugees, international politicians, and local Indigenous groups.

We continue to support the development of our students' voices and involvement through surveys, the creation of the Co-Heads of School model, integrating students at Board meetings and in strategic planning, and consulting with them on initiatives ranging from the implementation of a new timetable to the creation of grade round table leadership groups.

Our diversity focus has also embraced a critical analysis of and action plan regarding co-education at Shawnigan, and propelled the launch of the SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification) student and staff group, as well as an Indigenous Committee and a Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Steering Group. A number of scholarships and increased financial aid aimed at increased diversity at Shawnigan have also been launched, including the Nepal-Himalayan scholarship, the Diamond First Nations Scholarship, and a number of full financial scholarships that will expand socio-economic diversity across our student body.

We must all continue to bring forward new approaches to diversity, inclusion, equity and social justice at Shawnigan. As always, we value the expertise and contributions of our greater community. If you have recommendations that you would like to share in order to forge an even better and stronger future for our School, please connect with the Head’s Office at executiveoffice@shawnigan.ca.

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