How to Find A Personal Trainer "Near Me": Los Angeles, Santa Monica
Personal Trainer "Near Me" in Los Angeles, Santa Monica Area How do you 'find a personal trainer near me?' Looking for a personal trainer in Los Angeles can be a daunting task. With so many choices, how do you choose? If you are looking for a personal trainer in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, or anywhere near you, you need to find a personal trainer to customize based on your individual needs. Do all trainers have the same education? What credentials are needed to become a personal trainer? This article will answer these questions so that you can find the best personal trainer in the Los Angeles area. When it comes to your health and wellness, only the best of the best should be on your viewing screen.
is Holistic Training?
Holistic training is a comprehensive approach to weight loss, which includes nutrition, supplements, lab testing, exercise, sleep coaching, and stress management. The holistic approach will help you get the results you desire only faster! Utilizing all-natural methods to include nourishing the entire body and the mind makes for a complete package. Your physical body will benefit as well as your immune system and even your hormones, which is due to the mind-body connection that holistic training utilizes. Most people fall short of reaching their fitness goals, mostly because they are not mentally prepared. Adjusting your mindset and staying positive with a "can do" attitude could be the difference in whether you lose weight, feel better, sleep better, and think better. Is
a Personal Trainer Worth It?
You might wonder why you should hire a Personal Trainer? A Holistic Trainer does not only guide you in with your training program, but also look into many factors specifically your lifestyle, such as your nutrition, stress level, motivation, sleep patterns and more.
Accountability - Being held accountable will make you work harder so that you do NOT slack off with your workouts as well as your diet. You will be held responsible when you overeat or skip a workout.
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Motivation - Having a health coach will help motivate you to make the necessary changes to help you lose weight and ultimately feel great. We often come up with excuses for not working out. With the added motivation of a personal trainer waiting for you to show up, that can increase your chances of losing weight and getting in top shape. Education - A fitness trainer will not only give you a great workout, but they will also educate you in a wide range of areas including: Nutrition - Many personal trainers are also trained in nutrition. These trainers can also assist in your diet and can design a plan to help expedite your weight loss goals. Exercise - Most educated personal trainers will have a vast array of knowledge regarding the best and safest activities to suit each individual based on their unique requirements. Some people may be struggling with an injury or may have health issues that might prevent them from doing certain types of movements. Having an educated health coach to help formulate a safe and effective workout routine can help the body heal and get stronger in the process. Injury prevention - Working out without the proper form can lead to injuries, but having a health trainer to advise you on exactly how to perform the movement correctly can prevent an expensive trip to the doctor. Having a second set of eyes, observing your posture and form will help prevent injury as well as expediting your fitness progress. Sleep and Lifestyle - When you don't get enough sleep, it can negatively affect your life and can cause weight gain. Exercise helps you sleep by reducing the number of stress hormones released. Exercise has a chemical effect on the brain, according to W. Christopher Winter, MD, the president of Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine. He states, "Physical activity creates more adenosine in the brain, and adenosine makes us feel sleepy." (Fun fact: Adenosine is the chemical that caffeine blocks to make you feel more alert.) "The harder we work out, the more driven we are by this chemical to sleep." To learn how good quality sleep helps to facilitate fat loss, read my recent blog Sleep and Weight Loss.
Unlike other health professionals, personal trainers are not required by law to have a license, training, or experience. The reason for this is because there are no federal or state requirements to become a personal trainer, which makes finding an educated personal trainer so important. You want to look for a fitness trainer that has certifications, bachelor degrees in science or physical education, as well as a nutrition background. Studies have shown that fitness trainers can effectively help a person lose weight, increase lean body mass, and become stronger versus working out on their own.
Main Benefits of Using an Experienced Personal Trainer:
Weight Loss -Experienced health trainers can offer the added benefit of expert nutrition advice. This information, along with a regular workout plan, can make losing weight a faster and a more manageable task than ever expected. Energy - Taking care of your body improves energy and well being, and having an experienced personal trainer to guide you along the way will guarantee success and satisfaction. Focus - A healthier body leads to better brain health and greater focus, which is due to the neurotransmitters in the brain firing at a higher rate during and after exercise. Endorphins are also released to help you get that "feel good" sensation.
Sex Drive – Besides reducing stress and increasing self-esteem, sex drive is a reflection of your hormonal health, and as your hormones optimize, your sex drive goes up. Any exercise that produces muscle tissue will increase human growth hormone (HGH), the hormone responsible for creating testosterone. Testosterone increases sexual desire, and yes, both men and women have this hormone; only men have a higher quantity. Increase your Testosterone levels, and learn more on my blog about the strong relation between Testosterone & Weight Loss.
Finding A Personal Trainer & Crossing The Finish Line Finding a personal trainer should not have to be time-consuming as long as you know what you are looking for, and the pertinent factors you require. There is no better time to start on your fitness journey than right this minute. Contact me and let's get started so we can cross that finish line together!
Biography: as a Certified Personal Trainer Los Angeles, Shawn Phillips is a well-known Health Practitioner and Fat Loss Expert specializing in body sculpting, nutrition, lab testing, and exercise coaching. For a FREE consultation call him at (310) 720-8125. ● ●
Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Nutritionist Los Angeles Personal Trainer Santa Monica and s urrounding area