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October 23, 1962 This week it's


Mr. Shaw will


for ycu:

To produce absolutely pure vowel sounds without distorting the core of pitch and timbre which we call vocal "line'' is one of the basic problems of singing. I have found it helpful to realize that the vowels are formed not primarily by different postitions of the mouth - tongue, lips and lower jaw. According to my information they are initiated at the larynx itself, and their chief resonator is not the mouth but the throat column directly above the larynx. You can check the theory by letting your jaw drop slack and, keeping it in this position, saying aloud a series of simple vowels. Though some of them can be clarified by slight jaw and facial movement, by and large they are thoroughly recognizable, and they certainly have a uniform quality. Practically, this means that it is not necessary to indulge in exaggerated facial contortion and grimace to produce good vowels. Indeed, such movement is likely to disturb consistent vocal "line" and give a strangely mis-matched set of vowels. What is necessary is to concentrate With the utmost intensity purity of the vowel sound being produced.

on the

This may sound a bit like "good people are better than bad people" -everybody knows this, etc. But actually, even professional singers are more than occasionally careless about these matters. One frequently hears the oddest assortment of queer sounds gargling up what should be a simple straightforward 0 ah". It requires the strongest attention and the keenest self-cri ti cal listening to keep a vowel ''in line 11 and understandable as one moves from low to high pitches. Chorally, the rewards are great: just by working on vowel purity.

ycu can cure a lot of faulty


R. S.

ANNOUNCEMENTS : Sunday, October 28, rehearsal for ALL at 3 :00 pm, To save time we 1 d like to have you go directly to small Tallissectional rehearsals first: Tallis

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Mr. ShawI s office on the box floor. Turn right when you get off the elevator and go to the end of the corridor. Broadcasting Room, where we regularly rehearse. Chamber Music Hall. You've all been there before ! Mr. Szell 1 s studio on the box floor. Turn left when ycu get off the elevator and go to the end of the corrid~r.

Please may I ask your help in not dis-arranging music, papers, be in these rooms. THANK YOUway ahead of time.


that may

Mo~day , October 29, see ycu ALL at 8 :00 p .m. in the Broadcast.ing Room.

E. B. On Mmidayeve~.:ing M:-. Hunt.9:r may ask ej_ther the Small Chcir or those who '3ntatlons of J.r;remiah" t..o stay for n ::;hoi.¡".:t ~_m e at the end are sing i I;g -t,he 11L8.m of rehearsal for a once over NuT so lightly. It won't take loooocng.

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