With sympathy, the reader is joining them in that feeling or emotion. For example, if a key character dies in a story, we will often feel deep sympathy for the.... Sympathy is a compassion and sorrow one feels for another, but empathy is more focused around personally identifying with or projecting oneself into anothers.... Empathy can build reasonable bonds between people while sympathy does not. ... Our writers will provide you with an essay sample written from scratch any.... . . ... Empathy refers to imaginatively experiencing another persons emotions. Sympathy refers to compassion for another persons feelings.. . . ... Empathy refers to sharing someones feelings as if they were your own. Sympathy refers to feeling sorry for someone, but not sharing their.... . . ... So a person who feels sympathy, or pity, for victims of a war in Asia may feel empathy for a close friend going through the much smaller.... . . ... Sympathy is our ability to share someone elses feelings when they suffer a misfortune.