Writing for Managers
Shayna Wacker Karl Lewis Haley Ross
Collaborative Report: Tuition Freeze This report serves to address the increase of tuition from year to year. Due to a recent outcry of current students, the issue of tuition rates needs to be reevaluated. Columbia College Chicago should implement a tuition freeze policy and provide an honest explanation of what students tuition is being allocated for. This tuition freeze should be based on the year of student’s admittance. I.
Reasons to Support Claims • As of the 2014-2015 academic year; full time Columbia students are paying approximately $752 more than the previous year, which was $22,884. • For the upcoming 2015-2016 academic year, tuition rates will increase 3.3% making the tuition $23,640. • With the Columbia freshman retention rate at 63%, Columbia College Chicago has retention rates below the National average of 69.4%; costs could be a contributing factor to this rate. • Figure A to the left includes: an estimation of loan repayment based on current tuition trends at Columbia, using a basic loan repayment calculator. Note: estimated costs are for four years of attendance NOT including room and board. TOTAL: $1,020 or MORE a month. •
Figure A
Figure B: shows a loan repayment IF tuition rates freeze at Columbia College Chicago. Using 2014-2015 tuition rate$22,884)
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Opposing Viewpoints •
Fairness of the new freeze tuition policy could dissatisfy potential incoming new students. Some may feel the policy is not fair that “timing” is what determines tuition costs. Refutation: On an individual basis, a tuition freeze would
guarantee that costs
would not increase over a four-year period. Viewing the situation on an EVERY student basis, this may seem unfair, but it would be beneficial for students to know the exact payment of their fouryear education in advance and in the long run.
Figure B
With a tuition freeze, Columbia College Chicago will struggle to keep up with inflation and rising costs of recourses campus wide. Refutation: With the introduction of a tuition freeze this would be extremely desirable to potential students, upping the status of enrollment. Also, every NEW academic year would allow an increase in tuition to compensate any loss of capital.
Writing for Managers III.
Shayna Wacker Karl Lewis Haley Ross
Conclusion With the facts stated at hand, the best decision would be to implement a tuition freeze. A tuition freeze would attract new and current students to continue or enroll at Columbia College Chicago. It is providing students with stable costs that will allow students to map out their four-year financial plans more effectively without having to face the “unknown�.