Potion: Interaction Presentation

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CONCEPT Potion is an interactive wine tasting experience that helps users find the wine that is right for them. Potion is designed to encourage users to learn about wine on their own time, without the assistance of the busy bartender. Potion will be installed and viewed on a glass touchscreen tabletop. Each user will have their own touch interface in front of their seat that is 17 inches by 22 inches.

OPENING SCREEN This screen will appear when the interface is not yet initiated. The background behind the logo will be subtly animated to draw in the guests. The user will double tap the screen to begin the interactive wine tasting experience. At any time, the interface can be double tapped again to return to this opening screen.

DOUBLE TAP to activate the welcome screen / at any time to return to the opening screen

WELCOME Potion provides a welcome screen that highlights the three categories within the navigation, which will be located at the bottom of the screen after review. Potion’s three categories include Browse, Cellar and Match. Browse allows the user to view all the wines at the wine tasting, providing detailed information on each wine. Match allows the user to take a short quiz and recommends three wines from the entire wine tasting selections that match the user’s preferences. When the user finds a wine he/she would like to try, they can select to order a glass to taste the wine immediately or save the wine to review later within their cellar. They may also request to purchase a bottle of the wine in their cellar. Also explained on this screen is the ability to receive personalized assistance at any time during the experience by tapping the question mark in the bottom right corner. If a user is having trouble or has a question, an assistant will be with them shortly.

TAP on one of the categories you wish to start your wine experience with

BROWSE The user will browse through the available wine selections by pressing and dragging down the wine bottles on the right.





to browse through wine tasting selections

to select a wine / to add to cellar or order / to view map

to view filter

to enlarge map

BROWSE When a wine is selected, the wine bottle will become highlighted and detailed information will be displayed on the left. Information includes the name, year, description of the wine and winery, region, blend, cost per glass and bottle, a popularity rating from Wine Enthusiast Magazine, an interactive map, a visual display of taste and options for adding the wine to the cellar or tasting it now. To interact with the map, the user will simply tap to enlarge it.





to browse through wine tasting selections

to select a wine / to add to cellar or order / to view map

to view filter

to enlarge map

BROWSE The user can narrow down his/her selection using the filter on the right by swiping it open. Once the filter is submitted, the window slides back to the right, and it reveals a narrowed list of wines to browse through. To clear the filter, the user will need to swipe the filter open again, and tap “clear�.





to browse through wine tasting selections

to select a wine / to add to cellar or order / to view map

to view filter

to enlarge map

BROWSE When the user taps on the map, a window pops up and the user can zoom in and out by using spreading and pinching gestures.





to browse through wine tasting selections

to select a wine / to add to cellar or order / to view map

to view filter

to enlarge map

BROWSE Zooming in allows users to view regions of other available wines. The user may tap on a specific region to take them immediately back to detailed information about the specific wine in that region. Or the user may close out of the map window to continue browsing.





to browse through wine tasting selections

to select a wine / to add to cellar or order / to view map

to view filter

to enlarge map

MATCH Potion offers a short, easy quiz for users that do not know a lot about wine or do not exactly know what they want to taste. There is an indication of which question the user is on at the top of the screen. The user will go through each question by selecting the best answers.

TAP on the best answer

MATCH At the end of the quiz, Potion selects the top three wines out of the overall wine selections based on the given answers. The user can then tap on a wine to read its detailed information, save their top three matches in their cellar or taste the wine(s) now.

TAP to add to cellar / to taste now

CELLAR Potion provides your own cellar to review favorited wine selections. The cellar limit is six total wines. Here, users can review what they have tasted and they can request to purchase a bottle. To order a glass to taste, users simply tap “taste now”. To request a bottle purchase, users tap “purchase bottle.” When a user wants to taste a wine, the bartender will be alerted and will come over to the user with their wine selection(s). When a bottle is requested for purchase, the bartender will be alerted and will place wine selection(s) on hold until the user is ready to purchase.

TAP to “purchase bottle” / to “taste now”

ASSISTANCE If a user is having trouble or has a question, he/she will tap on the question mark and an assistant will come to the table to provide help. This assistant may answer questions about the interface, about the wines, or provide instructions. The user can then close out of this popup to return to the interface.

TAP “yes” to get assistance / the “x” to exit

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