Discrete Architecture: Senior Thesis by Moataz ElShazly

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Copyright © 2019 by Moataz ElShazly All rights reserved

Discrete by Moataz ElShazly A thesis book for the Final Architectural Project submitted to the Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Art, and Design, American University in Dubai In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture Fall 2019

Approval of the Thesis Book for Final Architectural Project Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Art, and Design, American University in Dubai Student’s Full Name: Moataz ElShazly Thesis Book Title: Discrete

Student Signature: _______________________________Date: __________________ Professor Name: Takeshi Maruyama Professor Signature: _______________________ Date:__________________


To my family, Thank you.

Firstly, I would like to thank my parents for their constant support, to my Brothers Omar and Khaled for existing. I would like to also thank Professor Takeshi for his efforts and for motivating me and believing in my thesis project. Lastly I would like to thank the Bartlett School of Architectures for their books B-Pro Show Books.

Chapter 1: Introduction 16

1.1 Abstract 18 1.2 History of Architectural Drafting 20


Chapter 2: Computer Generated Design 22

2.4 Discrete Architecture 42 2.4.1 Discrete Architecture 44 2.4.2 Discrete Fabrication 52 2.4.3 Discrete vs Process Manufacturing 58 2.4.4 Autonomy 62 Chapter 3: Proposal 66

2.1 Introduction 24 2.2 Algorithms 26

2.2.1 Variables 28 2.2.2 Loops 29 2.2.3 Conditionals 30 2.2.4 Functions 31 2.2.5 Objects 32 2.3 Computational Strategies 34 2.3.1 Morphological 38 2.3.2 State-Change 39 2.3.3 Recursive 40

3.1 Problems in Dubai 68 3.2 Design Proposal 70

Chapter 4: Case Studies 72

4.1 Talin Biennale Pavilion 76 4.2 K Museum 84 4.3 Diamond House 94 4.4 Timmerhuis 102 4.5 Pompidou Center 120 4.6 Seepentine Pavilion 140

Chapter 5: Site Selection 150

5.1 Business Bay 154 5.2 Dubai Creek Hrobor 158 5.3 Scoring 164


Chapter 6: Dubai Creek Harbour 166 Chapter 7: Concept Design 186

7.1 Concept 188 7.2 Extraction 190 7.3 Accessibility 194 7.4 Lego 198


ttt Chapter 1:

Pompidou Center 1.1 Abstract 1.2 History of Drafting


Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers


17 17


Abstract qwqw

The evolution of technology in the world has been nothing but astonishing, Computers integration paved ways towards a bright future in every field possible. The discipline began with drawing schematics of projects manually. Later, Computed Aided Design (CAD) was introduced to assist in drafting all architectural drawings. More recently, the introduction of 3D modelling was introduced aiding in the creation of a virtual 3D model of designs using a computer. This constructs a pattern within the development of the technology associated with the practice, that allows all its designers to be faster and more efficient. Leaving us to ask what is yet to come from technologies? Computer Generated Design.


In 1985, John Frazer became the first architect to generate a design using only a computer and a CAD program. He created a -3Dimensional project, using a -2Dimensional software, where he used sensing devices to provide real-time inputs. However, nowadays this complex process can be replaced with software and plugins that allows for the input of information directly, thus creating our design. The inputs that can be fed to the program, vary and include, but not limited to, site analysis attributes, building heights, design restrictions etc. Using the algorithms constructed, the computer is able to generate a design that would reflect on those specified parameters. Leading to the emergence of a new study in architecture, titled the Architecture of Bits and Pieces, also known as Discrete Architecture, led by Gilles Retsin, where design is generated using a series of algorithms that simulate the combinations of one element. Using this as a foundation, Retsin was able to generate the first conceptual design, the Diamond House, and also the first actual installation, Tallinn Biennale Pavilion, located in Tallinn, Estonia


Pompidou Center Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers

So, if we already can do this at the present time, then we should showcase it in Dubai, where it is a city that acts as a hub for new and futuristic ideas. Pushing design limitations via technology and showing that technological advancements can go beyond the conceptual scale or a macro scale project, however, it can also be a habitable space. Allowing this approach to be a revolutionary turning point in architectural design. Fig. 01: Diamond House, Gilles Retsin

19 19

Histroy Title

Text Architectural practice has been advancing in the past couple of decades, as we are introduced to new methodologies as each day goes by. Throughout the studies of the architectural practice we have been learning and focusing on the history of architecture and various styles that happened throughout the years of the field, But why do we only focus on the history of styles and design? Why do we not focus on the idea of advancements in drafting schematics in architecture?


In the year 2000 B.C., one of the first schematic plans was drawn, the top view of a Babylonian Castle. Fast forward a few millenniums later, the computer was invented and the very first CAD software was found later in 1963, named Sketch Pad. As the name reflects, the program was an interface that allowed users to create lines using points on both and X and Y axis, becoming a breakthrough that shifted drafting from a manual and labor demanding work to become as easy as clicking a button. Although this was a revolutionary program that changed the course of architectural design forever, practitioners did not stop there. In the 1970’s, 3D CAD was born. Architects developed new programs that allows for 3D modelling, reflecting design forms and visualization to be close to reality directly on the proposed site. Having to learn about how computers can change the course of the entire field of practice and learn more about coding, within another decade practitioners have achieved yet another astonishing achievement. It was Computer Generated Design

New Manufacturing processes and methods has been also invented along with the utilization of CAD programs. Using new methods of construction and new methods of manufacturing will allow us to show how limitless our design possibilities can be. This allowed for the following: 11. New design movements to emerge alongside new architectural styles. 22. Continuing on the path we have also decided to achieve faster rates of construction, this allows us to create faster and more efficient ways to be able to construct the project in reality. 33. Compute the amount of materials needed and the exact amount of time needed to start and finish given tasks, since that all those inputted information is given by us to the computer in order for it to provide us with the expected output that is generated using basically 1’s and 0’s.


2.1 Introduction 2.2 Algorithms

Chapter 2


2.2.1 Variables 2.2.2 Loops 2.2.3 Conditionals 2.2.4 Functions 2.2.5 Objects 2.3 Computational Strategies 2.4 Discrete Architecture 2.4.1 Discrete Manufacturing and Digital Fabrication 2.4.2 Discrete vs Process Manufacturing 2.4.3 Autonomous Construction 23 23

Designs generated by the computer are not only computations that are generated by the usage of basic coding of 1’s and 0’s, they are complex enough to be called Algorithms. Algorithms are a set of rules and restrictions that computed in order to solve different operations that can be problems provided and given by the Architect or the Designer associated with the project given. A set of these restrictions can vary based on Parameters by the architect. These inputs will consist of the problems and restrictions that allows the algorithm to change the outcome which can be called the output of the generated design. Inputs can consist of the site restrictions given to us, building heights, functionality and any other possible constraints that can help the algorithm and the computer to behave and change its output in order to gain the different outputs that are generated from the given inputs.


Introduction 24

These basics are required in order to understand the process and the elements needed in order to produce an algorithm. The hardware which is the keyboards and the computer itself is what we use in order to translate our information In order to submit our inputs given into the software that contains the algorithms. The inputs that is provided are not like any language that we can speak, to input information into the software or the user interface, we have to understand and know what to tell the computer in order for it to understand, and that Language would be coding and algorithms. Coding is what is used to input the information into the terminal or the user interface. Algorithms are mathematical computations that allow for us to give rhyme and reason to the computer in order to generate an outcome.

Given that the items that the information given into the algorithm would be various then we should be able to achieve various outcomes. Since that most of the inputs that we are given are a series of problems that are all connected together, for example, if in the algorithm we have 5 different inputs that are provided by the architect, and if one of the inputs is changed out of the 5, then it produces a whole different outcome. Since that anything that is altered in the algorithm can produce a whole different answer. Just like a math problem if one number is changed in an equation, or placed differently, then the entire outcome could be different. This key process of design is called Dynamic Design Models. In this process, the creation of different designs can be created when tweaking different key inputs within the algorithms to produce various designs. Having to know that these elements that are given and inputted into the programs such as Rhino will allow us to differentiate the different kind of Design meaning. It is globally known as Parametric Design or Computational Design.


Algorithms 26

These Algorithms and coding would consist of 5 basic elements in order to create the desired project. These elements can be used in order for the designer to use the algorithms in the most efficient way. These elements or operations are the basics of writing codes and the algorithms required to generate forms. These basic forms help us to understand how to create and which codes and functions that can be used in order to understand how certain functions work and to understand the basic knowledge of how the algorithm works. This way of Computer-Generated Design is called Object-Oriented Programming, in which the computer would be generating Objects instead of singular outcomes from other methods of computations. It is considered as a separate way of design due to the complexity of the computations as the algorithm would hold many inputs that would include the environment that is needed in order to create the specified object needed to create within that environment.

Fig. 02: Simple Example of Algorithm 27


Fig. 03: Variables

Second are Loops, which are the sets that are repeated along with the list of Variables in which it allows us to repeat tasks along within the algorithms, This can allow us to save time in order to repeat element along with the project, An example could be the repetition of glass panes along a building skin. These repetitive tasks allows for 2 types of outcomes to be provided with the usage of the inputs, while if the instruction given to the element can be given using a series of True or False answers, If the outcome is false then the function will allow the architect to input another set of information in order for the outcome to be true, this is helpful in order to check if the command is working or not.



The first are the Variables, which can be identified as data or factors in which it consists of the information provided by the architect in order to operate the algorithm, these types of information could be of building height, functionality, site restrictions and so on. These are essential in any algorithm, since these are what the inputs are, giving in the information in order for the algorithm to compute and release an output

Fig. 04: Loops


Fig. 05: Conditionals


Conditionals 30

Third comes Conditionals. Conditionals allows the execution of certain functions within certain conditions using a series of IF, in order to generate a series of outcomes. For example IF the room is a bedroom then the windows should be operable, but IF the room is otherwise then it should be a fixed window. Conditionals work well with loops, as the outcome will depend both on the True or False aspect of Loops and adding a series of IF’s to allow for the program to run more possibilities of functions given. Mathematically, this can give us a minimum of 4 outcomes, 2 which are indefinite which are the True or False in the Loops, and as many outcomes and IF’s provided by the architect.

Fourth comes Functions, they behave differently, since that the previous elements of algorithms are basically operated by a single input (information) given by the Architect. Whereas Functions include a series of elements that can be used to give out a more specific outcome. Functions can be used multiple times throughout the process of generating the algorithm since that it also creates one or more outputs within the process and the designer can choose between the different outcomes to continue along with. These various inputs introduced within the functions given can be used to provide more specific outcomes. For example if we design an office space (input), and we have a certain boundary (input) and we would have to add office styled furniture (desired output) then the outcome will be generated using the inputs given to add the best suited for the office space which would be considered as the output.

Fig 06: Functions


Objects 32

Finally, there are Objects. They are types of elements that are selected and done with the usage of different inputs to specify the object according to needs. The process into using the object is created with a set of Functions, identifying the type of object and having to know what it is, then altering the object using a set of Instances that allows us to create multiple variations of the object required to be given. These instances that are altered can have a list of variables derived from the main instance, these instances would allow to alter how different objects each have different behaviors that are selected upon which is best suitable for the different kinds of environment that it is added in. An example was given by Danil Nagy, a lead designer and a Research in Autodesk in architecture, you might define an object of type ‘house’, whose local variables store information such as the number of rooms, materials, and height, and whose methods define the way in which the house’s geometry is created.”

Fig. 07: Object Form, containing set of Variables on the left and 2 Functions in the middle and right


2.3 Computational Strategies 34

2.3 Computational Strategies

2.3.1 Morphological (Continuous) 2.3.2 State-change (Discrete) 2.3.3 Recursive 2.3.4 Behavioral

35 35

Strategies 36

In computations there are different strategies in order to approach the method of designing that is best suitable for the concept given, These strategies are used in order to define design spaces, these design strategies are split into 4 sectors. The strategies are used to introduce a different way to approach our method of design using a set of specified parameters. The systems are defined in a way that introduces their level or complexity and simplicity, having to choose whatever method that is suitable for the design needed in order to create the most efficient and logical form depending on the concept of the design. Morhlogical, State-Change, Recursive and Behavioral strategies are key to be efficient with the inputs given within the algorithms in order to achieve the desired from, where it allows to use fewer inputs into the algorithm while still preserving the form and having to be less complex and maintain the desired form.

1. Morphological (continuous)

2. State-Change (Discrete)

3. Recursive

4. Behavioral

Fig. 08: The four algorithm design strategies.


Fig 09: Morphological (continuous)

State change

Morphological 38

Morphological which we define the spaces given using only multiple design variables that are done using different sets of inputs and functions in order to create the spaces. Morphological is more complex than the other three mentioned as it is using multiple variables, inputs and functions. This can be very complex as it does not use sets of functions or objects as it solely focuses on the countless possibilities that can be obtained by changing they inputs provided by the architect. While this allows for the design to be very specific and very flexible but it is time consuming and too complex since that each thread in the algorithm has to be manipulated on a singular level.

State-change (Discrete) is another way of designing using certain specific inputs in order to generate a fixed outcome, given by set of a finite number of variables and algorithms (Discrete Variables). Discrete variables are used to create different types of variations within the model, where it would give different outcomes based on the inputs provided by the designer. Having the algorithm in using this strategy would allow for the outcome to be based upon Loops and Conditionals in the algorithms, where each IF in conditionals would give out a certain outcome, and loops if the outcome is not effective or accurate enough.

Fig 10: State-Change (Discrete) 39


Fig 10: Recursive



Recursive is a strategy done using a set of functions given using a set of rules that can be provided within the number of inputs given by the architect. This method uses recurring functions that are complex enough to create a form that is made out of rules made of the given parameters and restriction given. Having that, some of these functions are not identified with the usage of whole numbers but could also be fractio,n in order to create a more precise output from the complex method used.

Behavioral is to control how the outcome of the certain design would be generated by strictly using Object-Oriented Programming. This allows for a stricter way of designing having to be more specific with having to create multiple instances with different variations using the different environments given. This allows for a better method that is more advanced than the others that are given, as it allows us to be more in control of the forms that are given in the design space model, This is allowed because of the direct relationship that is provided between the input parameters and the final forms developed in the model space.

Fig 12: Behavioral 41

2.4 Discrete Architecture 42

2.4.1 Discrete Manufacturing/Fabrication 2.4.2 Discrete vs Process Manufacturing

43 43

Discrete Arch. 44

Using the Process of Computer-Generated Design is quite complex but allows us to use different design strategies and methods in order for us to create the most efficient form. Having to learn from different ways to code and to use algorithms separates what kind of design would be the output of the process. Strategies that were mentioned earlier allow us to be more creative and to detect major advancements in design and construction. One of the strategies that stood out was State-Change, which introduces the idea of creating a model that uses the concept of Discrete Variables. The terminology derives from the method called Discrete Manufacturing, which is a way of manufacturing products and elements in order for it to have a singular purpose only. This would allow for the production to be greater and faster as each element would be prefabricated and done to precise specifications, an example of which are car parts. Eeach part of a car is specifically designed to go into one place only, its manufactured to be placed specifically in one area, you cannot take a left headlight of a car and place it on the right side and expect it to be working as it should be.

The process of Discrete Manufacturing will allow for the usage of only required materials to the exact specifications in order to make the product work. Nowadays, we have been using excess building elements and products that we might not need. It is more beneficial to order the exact amount required, but that is not the case. In Discrete Manufacturing, the usage of singular elements is convenient. This allows for the project to have less construction and application errors, as well as the ability to dismantle and assemble elements due to factors like failures in structures or even depending on the demand to be able to add and remove elements. This is a possible solution for common problems such as cracks in concrete, structural failures or even land availability. It should be considered as a revolutionary idea to introduce new sets of construction methods that can be benefitted with the application of Computer-Generated Designs. But what differentiates Discrete Manufacturing and Assembly than generic methods of construction? It is the idea of using the term Discrete, where the word means that the element has been manufactured with a sole purpose as this element would not work if placed in a different area. So a regular Brick would not be considered as a Discrete material since that if it is removed from one building element to another it will still be able to work.


Discrete Arch. 46

The idea behind the usage of creating such a new idea of design and construction process is to create a more efficient way to construct and assemble. This also allows for the construction process to be easier and faster as each element produced would interlock and be tied to the another element, which would greatly decrease the manhours of labor. Another advantage of using this method of construction and assembly, is the usage of General Instruction Kits (GIK) these kits shows how the building should be assembled piece by piece guiding the construction workers to use it as a guide on how to assemble the project together. An example of GIK are the catalogues that are provided when buying a Lego model, as it shows how to assemble the blocks and where to place the screws and the bolts. Another example would be the Tallinn Biennale Pavilion as they used General Instruction Kits in the construction assembly.

Fig 13: Interconnection between discrete parts 47

Discrete Arch. 48

The method of design introduces the project to be highly adaptive to requirements needed to produce a highly efficient area that can be deployed upon request or demand from the consumers, based on the load that is expected. Considering that the uncalculated fluctuations of the population, the project would then respond to these questions given, since the spaces are designed to improve mobility through the spatial connectivity that is given through the links provided by the algorithms generated.

According to a talk at TxA 2016 by Gilles Retsin, he mentioned different strategies that can be used in order to achieve the discrete design needed. One way would be the separate blocks that are linked together with the usage of connections along with the lock and key mechanism. Another technique that could be implemented is the usage of volumetric assembly. The elements could be 3D printed where the printing of simple line segments would result into a large block, in fact 2 conceptual projects were done for competition purposes by Gilles Retsin Architecture. They used this method to the Budapest National Gallery (2014) and the Helsinki Guggenheim (2014), where both projects used another method. While instead of using discrete blocks, they used discrete sticks, where these sticks were not based on the surface or geometry, but on the volume and the fibrous composition of the projects. This has allowed the building elements not to be identified as slabs nor walls, but to be describes as segments or parts, as since they have no specific geometry or context.


Fig 14: Helsinki Guggenhiem, Gilles Retsin 50

Fig 15: Budapest National Library, Gilles Retsin 51

Fabrication 52

The concept of having to use digital materials have showed that the structures are reversible and can be reassembled and used in another context. The usage of Discrete manufacturing has allowed for the organization of the materials to work corresponding to the digital material, where a digitalized Lego block could be understood as a digital material as it is designed on a computer then machined to its specific design. The idea behind the usage of manufacturing digital materials aim for fast assembly and disassembly. Ttherefore the material used should be functional in its required space, where there also should be a few parts that could be universal and could work in other places that could be replace with another universal similar parts as this allows for the use of ordinary and generic materials to also be used.

Fig 16: Talin Biennale Pavilion Plywood Structure Ready to be assembled.


Fabrication 54

As most of discrete manufacturing is using specific and unique parts, the usage of universal parts would also be advantageous since it would not require all the digitally fabricated elements to be made with precision. Therefore having time to be an enemy during manufacturing. Having said that most of the digital design materials are much larger in scale than ordinary specifically designed pre-fabricated materials, this would also allow for the assembly of the project to be much faster. Smaller scaled parts would be time consuming and labor demanding as piece by piece would need to be assembled in a specific place, and if one of the elements is out of place or not placed with precision, then the whole process has to be repeated. Discrete assembly on the other hand results in fast construction speed and process, where if one element needed to be assembled, it has its own specific way to be joined, where each and element are interlocking together. They are placed in a specific way that are slotted and the usage of GIK would allow for the construction to remain quick as it would act as a guide for assembly.

Size of the digital materials fabricated could play a key role in the design, but also the design would play a key role in manufacturing, as the two are very relative. If the design elements are relatively small, then the manufacturer would be allowed to create a modular design for the small pieces required to be given out, but it would not be as detailed as the other large scaled products. The key of using discrete assembly is not only to create singular elements to work in a specific location, but to also use the materials in heterogeneity, where some of the materials used needs to be diverse and to be used in multiple locations, such as the small scaled objects. Gilles Retsin mention in his article Discrete Assembly and Digital Materials in Architecture �Digitalized materials are different within the usage between different fields of work. If used in a mechanical engineering context, then it would be used as a homogeneous and would become repetitive, as Retsin puts it would as such not satisfy the desire for variegated and heterogeneous spaces - which has been one of the driving forces behind the digital�. This means that the form would not be as irregular and patched as it should considering using the discrete architecture method.


Fabrication 56

The article also states what discrete architecture really is and what its fundamentals are. The method is described as the assembly of cheap, standardized, discrete elements into indeterminate, heterogeneous and differentiated spaces with a high degree of the economy. The serialization and metrology embedded in the pieces allows for efficient robotic automation. In my opinion, the idea of digitalization and usage of algorithms play a key role not only in design as they generate irregular, yet highly adaptive and flexible forms, while reinventing the construction process, by introducing GIK as a new methodology for constructions. The idea behind the usage of the algorithms in the design phase have encouraged architects to develop an assembly system that involves automation and robotics. This system uses codes and serializations passed on by the computer programs, allowing for the development of a system in which the use of autonomous construction is possible.

Fig 17: Talin Biennale Pavilion Plywood Structure Ready to be assembled.


Discrete-Process 58

Process and discrete manufacturing differ in several ways, where the products created are made up of different methods of production. That includes different machinery. Both manufactured products have different characteristics, and each require a different method of assembly towards their use. Discrete manufacturing is a process that involves using specifications in order to achieve a specific outcome or product. Discrete is a term that is used to identify products or incase parts that are serialized and produced by their identification number. The parts that are produced are called components that can be assembled to create a structure or a module. The manufacturer can also recreate the manufactured parts if for replacements, due to having a database of holding serials numbers that all include the exact dimensions of the products needed. One example would be Lego cases, where each cube would have its specific function or place to be inserted, another would be Ikea furniture, where each part of the furniture is cut and done specifically to serve its purpose.


Discrete-Process 60

Process manufacturing is a process where it involves mass production of parts that are cut from the same material, this can include the same size of materiality to be used. Given that the orders provided by the customer would be based on the attributes and the characteristics of the materials that are in stock at the factory. Unlike discrete manufacturing. The products can be resting on a shelf ready for a customer to purchase the product, instead of having to only produce the components based on the demand of the client of the materials. This results to more mass production as process manufacturing allows for faster ready-made products due to not having many specifications to go through. An example of which can be bricks, steel and concrete blocks, as all of these elements are found and ready to be distributed among the clients that are willing to buy.


Autonomy 62

Designers in Bartlett School of Architecture have also managed to link the connection between discrete architecture and construction with the usage of robotic in the construction process. The use of autonomous objects in construction demonstrates to be a critical topic that can decrease the stress and the amount of energy required to assemble the structure. Moreover, Robotics have verified that it is precise enough to be used in similar construction projects. This has proved that robotics has accelerated the process to assemble the architectural systems that are provided and given by the architect, having to use programmable materials to be placed in an iterative recombination. These building blocks or singular elements allow for an accelerated production due to the short production chain needed. The automation is considered to be a better alternative than the original ways of using digital fabrication or digital design. Looking at the technicality that this method provides allows to take a closer look at programmable materials and architecture systems. This can introduce new ways of using prefabricated materials and modularity into the newly found designs. However, the materials used requires to be done precisely as needed to be used by the robots in order to be assembled correctly.

Autonomy has been showcasing the problems where there is a cross revolution between man and machine. As humans are starting to be as logical as a computer as learning their language which is coding, while robots are given the ability to replace human functions as their own. This is just a mere illustration on how both humans and robots are being more connected like never before. This shows that in our era, an innovative design is more than just technological advancements, however, it has to do with embracing and integrating the uprising industry of robotics within our discipline. The use of robotics in the field of architecture and construction has proven to be a tough aspect to be made, as it is problematic in terms of coding and the amount of programming needed to achieve a precisely functioning task with no errors. Since that a technology as such would be heavily monitored, it is also important to find out a reasonable concept or idea. Conceptual reasons could be the discrete assembly but also the modularity that can be provided. While this process of assembly might be called discrete, but it is also defined as part-to whole relations, where project would be made out of dismantled segments that are connected using autonomy. (Danil Nagy, Introduction to computational design)


Autonomy 64

This could be beneficial towards the area or region that this methodology is being used, as we have been seeing that we are constantly suffering from the enormous incline in global temperatures and the problem of running out of natural resources, This is a global problem that is inevitable, however, through these design methodologies and the previously mentioned technological breakthroughs in regards to constructions, we can achieve design strategies that are both flexible in spatial usage and sustainable in terms of construction and resources, material usage, speed and time. Designers and practitioners around the worlds should see this as an opportunity that would showcase the advancements within the field. Definitely there would not be a better place to showcase this phenomenal than the urban metropolis, that encourage such advancements in the industry, Dubai.

Fig 18: Bartlett School of Architecture Coded


Chapter 3


Pompidou Center 3.1 Proposal

3.1.1 Problematic Dubai Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers 3.1.2 Design Proposal

67 67

Problems 68

Due to the heat that is imposed upon the city that proved for it to be difficult for construction workers to be operating during summer times. An several articles have stated and given their insights about the heat and the problems faced during construction, an online article published by The National newspaper has stated that since 2017 there has been work orders given to construction workers affecting their working hours to be less due to the scorching heat rising to 45-40 degrees Celsius. This shows how difficult it is to work during daytime throughout the entire summer. Moreover, some construction sites throughout the year would give out days off due to the unnatural rise in temperature. Given that these are reasons that should pave the way for new methods and strategies to be used in construction.

There has been also the problem of underpopulation in Dubai. Having most of the city is becoming a ghost town, due to the large amounts of residential areas but not enough residents are in the UAE to occupy them. According to an article by The National Newspaper in 2017, a total number of 56 Villas were found to be abandoned and to be destroyed due to the other residential projects that are being constructed. Having to erect as many buildings as possible in Dubai has resulted into a wasteland for undeveloped projects if driven a few kilometers away from the central area of the city where there will be finished residential projects and office spaces ready to be rented or sold. However no one is buying thus creates new complications towards the uselessness of project and land. This of course has been a consequence of the financial crisis that occurred in 2008 and the current crisis since 2014, according to an article by Forbes Magazine that was uploaded earlier in 2019, it has stated that the Financial Market in Dubai has dropped by a whopping %49 in half a decade. Mentioning that the struggling rise in heat and other problematic factors in the development of the construction industry and industrial techniques in manufacturing, designing a project that would introduce this method of construction and assembly would allow for it to gain recognition in order to encourage others to follow the same path.


Design Proposal 70

What is proposed to be done is to design an Innovation Hub, in which it will be an adaptive. The structure would be flexible and adaptive to the needs of the consumers and the demand needed by the city, based on the loads applied on the project and its environmental constraints. It would behave and answer to the information provided by the site location, surroundings, population density, etc. As this would also be one of the very first projects done in the UAE that involves Computer Generated Design and Discrete Manufacturing, as this would allow for architects in the region to be more flexible towards their ways of design. This method of design would be a new design solution for Dubai’s decline in the housing market as it shows an alternative of creating monolithic structures that are costly and cannot be taken down unless demolished. The new proposed concept is to be using discrete manufacturing and to be adaptive to the socio economic problems of Dubai. The design of the project can be variable as the project would change functionality and add new spaces throughout the life of the project. Following this method of construction will create a boom in manufacturing the required elements needed to assemble the product, this will revive industries to conform with the new fabrication procedures.

Fig 19: Variable Design Bartlett Schoolof Architecture


Chapter 4


4. Case Studies

4.1 Talin Biennale Pavilion 4.2 K Museum 4.3 Diamond House 4.4 Timmerhuis 4.5 Pompidou Center 4.6 Serpentine Pavilion 73 73

4. Case Studies

4.1 Talin Biennale Pavilion - Estonia 4.2 Tsukuba Express - Japan 4.3 Diamond House 4.4 Timmerhuis - Netherlands 4.5 Pompidou Center - France 4.6 Serpentine Pavilion - United Kingdom

Fig 20: World Map Including Case Studies Locations



Chapter 4 76

Case Study 1

Tallin Biennale Pavilion Architect: Gilles Retsin Location: Tallinn, Estonia Completion Year: 2019

77 77

Tallin Pavilion 78

This Project was made for a competition where its concept is to consider new design technologies and strategies. Entrees to the competition had to come up with a design that creates a synergy between the design industry and the emerging talents and topics. For the Tallinn Biennale Installation designed by Gilles Retsin, the concept was to create a wooden structure that would add a new insight not only as a design but as a building system or a building method. The concept in which the project is designed for is not to be recognized as a pavilion, but as an installation. The installation is designed to introduce the idea behind Discrete Manufacturing.

Fig 21: Talinn Biennale Pavilion


Tallin Pavilion 80

Having said that the process in which is discrete manufacturing is made, the use of material is plywood, as it is cheap and could be manufactured easily to specs and wouldn’t require sophisticated machinery. Since that plywood is also light as a material, the structure of the pavilion is quite simple and doesn’t require reinforcements. Usage of plywood as a material to construct such a project would enhance the method of having to think about the future of digital fabrication in which this method of using plywood as a material is to tackle housing projects to be done differently.

Fig 22: Talinn Biennale Pavilion Assembly


Fig 22: Assembly Diagram explaining the process of the manufacturing and assembly. 82

Fig 23: Mechanism Diagram 83

Chapter 4 84

Case Study 2

Tsukuba Express Architect: Makoto Sei Watanabe Location: Kashiwa, Japan Completion Year: 2005

85 85

Tsukuba Express 86

Opened in 2005, the Tsukuba Express (Kashiwanoha-Campus Station) had a goal to join the city of Tsukuba and Tokyo in which to solve a huge traffic congestion between the two cities. The main concept for the design of the railway station is the usage of the types of flow in order to generate the design. One is stratified flow, which has the concept of the flow in liquids regarding its desnity, volume and the gravity it is exposed to, The other is Turbulent Flow, where it is considered to alter changes of the air depending on the pressure or the velocity of the incoming object. Having to choose turbulent flow to be the main idea and a concept that is suitable to be used in design, Makoto Sei Watanabe decided that the process of the design would not be held out by the designers but by programmed AI. The designers would however, just supervise the process and evalutate the outcomes given by the AI, this allowed the usage of trial and error in order to achieve the desired flow by the designers.

Fig 24. K Museaum Exterior Shot


Tsukuba Express 88

The genetic algorithm done for this project was to introduce and showcase one of the first projects Architectural projects generate by an AI. This showed the potential in which the AI or computer generated architecture has over manual design by humans, in which it is more complex but will generate a more efficient and highly adaptable deisng according ro the needs of the designer. This would also include the usage of discrete elements to be put together by the AI, having that the AI allows for better efficiency and utilization of spacial design along with the utilization of discrete members that are used in the project.


Tsukuba Express 90

The usage of Turbulant flow is more sensible to use as a concpet as it has no form of regualrity and can be distorted in 3 dimensions. The flow curves are not designed by the humans, only initially sketched to plant the information for the AI to know what to work with. The AI then would generate different types of flows to the designer to approve for the facade design or to be rejected due to not meeting the needs. The AI then uses the reasons of why the previous design has been rejected and then produces another, where it learns from the inputs of the human from the requirements and the rejections to create a more advanced outcome. All outcomes generated by the AI are not just simply rejected , they are graded so that the AI learns whether it is close or not to the needs of the designer. The AI cannot tell if what is generated can be the best outcome of the algorithm, this means that the designer can only tell the AI to refine by adding more inputs in order to achieve the most suitable design or what can be the best looking outcome out of all the ones generated.

Fig 25. Simple algorithm to explain the process of generating the curves




Chapter 4 94

Case Study 3

Diamond House Gilles Retsin Location: Wemmel, Belgium Completion Year: N/A

95 95

Diamond House 96

The project was designed using the concept of the Blokhut project, where the usage of timber materials like plywood to create the structural elements. Since that the project is made as a combination between different scales of the elements to symbolize the connection between the 2 methods of construction and design, as Blokhut projects require to use simple and highly available materials that could be easily sourced and found, in which it is timber materials, as also discrete methods also require the same. The project is composed of beam like structures of wood that is stretched horizontally to represent the slabs and vertically as walls of columns.

Fig 26. Diamond House Exterior Render


Diamond House 98

Having that the project is done using singular elements of timber, the mechanism used in order to conceptually assemble the project would use a lock and key mechanisms, as each part requires to be put specifically and joined to the correct adjacent part in order to be fixed in place. The project uses 2 types of segments, an L shaped segment that allows for the span of the project to grow in more than one direction. For example this could be used at corners or a change in axis in the project such as a column and a slab piece would be in the same element and a straight segment in which it allows to extend in one direction only. In order to assemble the project, L shaped segments would have to be assembled first and then it is followed by the straight segments. This is recommended to be done since that this assembly process would give out the most efficient time needed to complete the assembly. In the process of assembly, small scaled segments are also used in order to fill joints and to bridge the segments together if not able to be done using the large scaled segmentsaving to connect the pieces given and complete the assembly, would result in having a complex form that would represent both ideas of Discrete and Blokhut as the combination of the 2 concepts work simultaneously.

Fig 26. Diamond House GIK of L Segments and Straight Segments


Fig 27. Process and concept diagram dervied from a single pixelated line. 100 100

Fig 28. Diamond House Floor Plan


Chapter 4 102

Case Study 4

Pompidou Center Timmerhuis Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers Architect: Rem Koolhaas Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands Completion Year: 2015

103 103

Timmerhuis 104 104

Timmerhuis a project done since 1953, the project was yet redesigned and reopened in 2015 following changes to the structure and the design of the project. For Rotterdam's Timmerhuis, a new building for the city hall that accommodates municipal services, offices, and residential units. Taking the modernist approach, the project sets to create a new type of spatial layout and an adaptive environment. The project is created using sets of pixelated cubes in order to create the structure of the project. The reason behind the usage of cubes is to compromise as much space as possible, having that the project to only use steel and glass as the main items as building elements. The mixed-use space is made in the concept of using hi-tech glazed facade that allows for the project to highlight the idea of lightweight, as the project is considered to be ”floating”. The glass facade allows for an even better energy efficiency as it has a translucent insulation that doesn’t allow for the interior of the project to overheat. The glazed facade that is translucent from all 4 sides in every unit of the building allows for an immense amount of natural lighting to enter into the building units.

Fig 29. Timmerhuis Exterior 105 105

Timmerhuis 106 106

Steel and glass are considered to be highly available for construction. The availability of such materials would make it easier for replacements and the cost would be cheaper to build. Since that the TImmerhuis to be 45000 m2 in size, the structure needs to be lightweight, since that the project has offices, residential, retail and a gallery. The project uses these elements not only to create a lightweight structure but to also create flexibility in life of the project. The projects flexibility applies on the idea of having to use the steel structure in order to add more modules (cubes) into the structure of the project. The steel structure allows for the project to generate maximum efficiency, as well as to create a faster construction as the usage of materials are less complicated and requires to be prefabricated. The addition of the modules relies on the demand of the consumers, if more residential spaces required or office spaces required as well, then modules can be added by fabricating the steel members to bolt on to the existing modules. The project uses the concept and the idea Modular architecture, since the representations of the project would use such a concept would allow to solve socio-economic needs, since that the supply is met when the demand is made.

Fig 30. Timmerhuis complete Steel Skeleton 107 107

Fig 31. Area analysis + First Floor Plan 108

Fig 32. Longitudinal Section 109

Fig 33. Site Plan 110

Fig 34. Ground Floor 111

Fig 35. Second Floor Plan 112

Fig 36. Third Floor Plan 113

Fig 37. Fourth Floor Plan 114

Fig 38. Fifth Floor Plan 115

Fig 39. Sixth Floor Plan 116

Fig 40. Cross Section 117

3 dimensional cubical structure

Interior Truss-System

Dual Core Layout

Fig 41. Exploded View 118

Fig 42. Timmerhuis Skeleton 119

Chapter 4 120

Case Study 5

Pompidou Center Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers Location: Paris, France Completion Year: 1974

121 121


The cultural center in Paris, France turned our world inside out, literally. It all began with Georges Pompidou, President of France from 1969 to 1974, who wanted to construct a cultural center in Paris that would attract visitors and be a monumental aspect of the city. Receiving more than 150 million visitors since is completion thirty three years ago, there is no doubt that Pompidou's vision became a successful reality.

122 122

Their concept, depicted in one of their competition drawings as a collage, was portraying the museum itself as a movement. The other concept in their design, and perhaps the most obvious, was exposing all of the infrastructure of the building.

Fig 43. Pompidou Exterior Shot 123 123



124 124

The skeleton itself engulfs the building from its exterior, showing all of the different mechanical and structure systems not only so that they could be understood but also to maximize the interior space without interruptions. The entire structure of the -10floor building (7 above ground, 3 below) is made of steel. Huge 48m warren trusses span the full width of the building. They are connected to columns at each end by a die-cast steel ‘gerberette’. This massive, visible set of structural components removes the requirement for internal support and thus enables the creation of huge open spaces. The resulting 50 x 170m plateaus can be arranged and equipped for any activity. To achieve maximum flexibility within these vast internal spaces, the services and circulation have been placed outside them.

Fig 44. Pompidou Structure Diagram 125 125

Column Tie Rod: 7m cantilevered beams are tied to ground with 200mm solid forged steel bars.


One of the most famous examples of the high-tech style, the Centre Pompidou was assembled from a kit of huge prefabricated steel parts. Over 15,000 tonnes of steel were used in the construction, including a network of ten-tonne gerberettes that define the building's outward-facing appearance. The building's technical guts expressed externally and colour coded in a bid to keep the floorplan of each of its ten storeys column-free.

126 126

Gerberettes: Short propped cantilever and suspended beam



Warren Trusses

Connection Nodes 42m 45.5m

Bolt-on Trusses

Fig 45. Pompidou Trusses Diagram and Spans 127

Public 38%

Private 72%


The Pompidou Center may have seem like the face of Paris when it was built in the 70's. However, it is argueable that it has served as a catalyst and as an attraction of economy and cultures.


It can also be said that the project itself is a city, within the city of Paris because of its program and functions. Its outward appearance being a machine and a conduit is what make it a feel for both economic and cultural growth.

Voids 13%

Mass 87%

Circulation 4% Retail 10% Occupable Voids 13% Libraries 32%

Galleries 41%

Fig 46. Pompidou Area Analysis

Fig 47. Accessibility Diagram 129

Fig 48. Cross Section 130

Fig 49. Basement Plan 131

Fig 50. Ground Floor Plan 132

Fig 51. First Floor Plan 133

Fig 52. Second Floor Plan 134

Fig 53. Third Floor Plan 135

Fig 54. Fourth Floor Plan 136

Fig 55. Fifth Floor Plan 137

Fig 56. Sixth Floor Plan 138


Chapter 4 140

Case Study 6

Pompidou Center Serpentine Pavilion Renzo Sou Fujimoto Piano, Richard Rogers

141 141

Serpentine PAvil.


142 142

Fig 57. Serpentine Pavilion Exterior View

The Serpentine Pavilion 2013 is a delicate, three-dimensional, latticed structure, each unit of which is composed of fine steel bars. It forms a semi-transparent, irregular shape, simultaneously protecting visitors from the elements while allowing them to remain part of the landscape. The depth of the grid at different locations will create thicker walls or thinner, transparent sections. The building’s footprint is 357 square metres and the gross internal area is 142 square metres. The Pavilion has two entrances, with a series of stepped terraces to provide integrated seating. The topography of the grid is a flexible, multi-purpose social space, where the walls, seating and roof are made of the same steel cubes. In this way, the organic structure of the Pavilion overall creates an adaptable terrain, encouraging visitors to create their own experience of the building. Sou Fujimoto is the leading light of an exciting generation of architects who are re-inventing our relationship with the built environment. Inspired by organic structures, such as the forest, Fujimoto’s signature buildings inhabit a space between nature and artificiality. Occupying some 357 square-metres of lawn in front of the Serpentine Gallery, Sou Fujimoto’s delicate, latticed structure of 20mm steel poles has a lightweight and semi-transparent appearance that allows it to blend, cloud-like, into the landscape against the classical backdrop of the Gallery’s colonnaded East wing.



Serpentine Pavil. 144 144

The cloud-like appearance is a composition of 20mm pipes which are arranged in a lattice formation that invites visitors to interact with it; one may climb the ‘rungs’ of its skeleton framework, taking in alternative views of the site. The lightweight and semi-transparent architecture of fujimoto’s design occupies some 350 square-metres of the lawn found in front of the art gallery, whose classical style offers an ideal backdrop for the delicate construction. His pavilion is not composed of walls or roofs, but rather is seemingly grown from a steel matrix that extends upwards and outwards in all directions, like a garden trellis on steroids. It forms a shape-shifting mass with no discernible edges. Here and there, it rises into pert peaks and swells outwards in dramatic overhangs; from other angles, it appears to slump like a deflated meringue. As you walk around, over and through the structure, the layered grids play games with your eyes, creating ever-changing patterns in a three-dimensional tartan weave.

Fig 58. Serpentine Pavilion Interior View 145 145

Fig 60. Serpentine Pavilion Sections

Fig 57. Serpentine Pavilion Interior View


Scanned with CamScanne

Fig 59. Serpentine Pavilion First Floor Plan

Fig 61. Serpentine Pavilion Detailed Section 147

Serpentine Pavil.

Usage of such materials have induces the capability to achieve softer and simpler forms, Having to provide such an outcome would show that the basics of archictecture (structure, light, experience and function) can be manipulated to create different appearances to the basic building elements, such as walls, roofs and furniture. The structure portrays a new design strategy for the contemporary age.

Scanned with CamScanner

148 148

The structure of the project proposes an idea of transcending the natural and artifical aspects of materiality. The interior and exterior subtly trade places with each other, the transparent and opaqe qualities are constantly changing due to the layered structure. The layered structure is formed out of an artificial order of straight lines and 90 degrees, where the simplicity and the thinness of the steel members allows for the to form a cloud-like pavilion.

Fig 62. Serpentine Pavilion Concept Diagram 149

Chapter 5 150

Site Selection

Business Bay Dubai Creek Harbour

151 151

Site Selection 152 152

Selecting a site to showcase the project witholding the concept of using discrete architecture is challenging. In order to select such a site it should include and pass certain judgement criterias, The judgement criteria that has been made is derived from the characteristics and the elements of Discrete Architecture. The judgement criteria provided in order to narrow down and select an appropriate site in which fits all aspects and requirements in order to house the new project. The judgement criteria as follows: 11. 22. 33. 44. 55.

Airport Proximity Industrial Area Proximity Vista Infrastructure Adjacent Future Development

Fig 63. Map showing all 3 sites. 153 153

Business Bay 154 154

The business bayhas key characteristics that would be suitable for the project design. Business Bay include currently underconstruction development, which is expected to be done within the next few years. The site engulfs the running canal that passes through the emirate, creating prime locations on both sides. This allows the project to have stunning views from across the canal. However, having the site would be surrounded by tall towers that would include offices and housing units, it would be difficult for the project to be viewed from other points of the site. The view to the project would be obstructed by the tall projects and buildings surrounding it, which conducts the first issue of the site for the project.

Fig 64. Photo of Business Bay 155 155

Business Bay 156 156

Having that the site would be also be in business bay, the points of which having an industrial area and Airport would be farther than desired, the Airport is 16KM away from the site and would take 20 minutes to arrive at the destination. Also, having to drive to the industrial area would take about 15 to 20 minutes to reach, which is considered to be also far since that the major highways at that area would be filled with traffic from the afternoon until night time. Having that the project would be considered to be created in such a busy site and that the Infrastructure leading on to the site doesnt have direct access to the site given which is necessary in order to make it easier for the visitors and the direct access from the industrial areas.

Fig 65. Route to Airport and to Ras Al Khor Industrial Area 157 157

Creek Harbour 158

The Dubai Creek Harbour project is the next colossal deveopment in Dubai. The district reintroduces the Dubai creek in a new modern deveopment to add new residential units and offices, and it will also be the base of the creek tower, which is expected to be the new tallest building in the world. Having such a development to be on the rise with all of its characteristics in terms of project types and housings would be ideal for the project to be built, where the density of the population is expected to rise in this area. That means that this specific development would attract a large amount of visitors to experience what the development has to offer. Dubai Creek Harbour would house mid rise building which will not be obstructing the project to be built there. This would allow for the visibility of the project to be better from close proximity to the site. Having also the development to be surrounded by water, it showcases the project at maximum visiblity from the other side of the harbour and any visitors passing through the Marina would also be able to view the project.

Fig 66. Master Plan of Dubai Creek Harbour 159

Creek Harbour 160 160

The water feature that is available to the site important to impliment a new transportation method in order to access the site. In the developments master plan, 3 new metro stations would be constructed to transport the development, which is ideal as in the future the development would be accessible by cars, ferries, buses and metro. This enhances the cabability of the site welcoming visitors with numerous transportation methods as other developments would be too difficult to be accessed by cars, would not have the required space for metro stations or would be in a long walking distance from the site itself.

Fig 67.Infrastructure around Dubai Creek Harbour Site. 161

Creek Harbour 162 162

The site is in close proximity to the nearby Airport, where it would be just a distance of 10 kilometers away from the development and would take a maximum of 12 minutes to reach the airport, which is an advantage to the site if it would house visitors that are coming directly from the airport allowing the project to be convenient to visitors and the residents . Looking just across the street from the south side of the site would be Ras AlKhor Industrial Area. Having the industrial area to have a really close proximity to the site is an enormous advantage, since that the project design would be based upon the concept of discrete architecture and the assembly of discrete element, industrial areas would be a key element in order to have close proximity in case of any need for more members or to store unused discrete elements.

Fig 68.Route to Airport and to Ras Al Khor Industrial Area 163 163

The scores that are given to the sites selected are based upon the judgement criteria. Dubai Creek Harobour proved to be a better choice with more potential to withstand the project needed to be designed, The sites in Business bay proved to have more complications in terms of accssibility of visitors in terms of proximity to the exisiting airport hub and in order for the be farther to reach the site in case of alterations of design.


Dubai Creek Harbour proves to be better flexibility to the project design and able to withstand a large population due to the large options of transportation, accessiblity, prime location at the marin, and proximity to both airport and industrial areas.


Business Bay 1 Airport Proximity 2 Industrial Area Proximity 3 Vista 4 Transportation 2 Adjacent Future Development 4 Total 15

Business Bay 2 3 4 3 2 4 16

Dubai Creek Harbour 5 5 4 4 3 21


Chapter 6 166

Dubai Creek Harbour

In Depth Analysis

167 167

Fig 69. All Major Roads and Highways around Dubai Creek.

169 168

Fig 70. All New and Existing Roads around site 170

Fig 71. All New inner roads and Tunnels in Dubai Creek Harbour Masterplan 171

Fig 72. Surroundings of DUbai Creek Harbour.

173 172

Fig 73. Infrastructure around Dubai Creek Harbour Site. 174

Fig 74. New Metro line inside Dubai Creek Harbour Site. 175

Fig 75. Population Density Diagram of DUbai Creek Harbour.

177 176

Fig 76. Wind Diagram Showing in Summer 178

Fig 77. Wind Diagram Showing in Winter 179

Summer Equinox


Autumn Equinox


Winter Equinox


Spring Equinox


Area Analysis 184

Areas Lobby Housing Office Seminar Rooms Multipurpose Rooms Convention Center Auditoriums Restaurant Boutique Restaurant Coffee Shops Department Store Supermarket Retail Bathrooms Total Built Up Area Total Area of Site Building Footprint

Floor All 5 3,4 3,4 3 1,2 2 GF, 4,5 GF GF, 3,4,5 GF, 1 GF GF, 1 All

Units 6 40 30 5 5 2 1 20 1 20 1 1 19 10

Area/Unit 500 100 150 100 100 1000 800 100 200 75 800 800 100 30

Coverage 3000 4000 4500 500 500 2000 800 2000 200 1500 800 800 1900 300 20,300 40,000 4,000

Fig 78. Bubble Diagram. 185

Chapter 7 186


187 187


Creating the design behind the idea of Discrete Architecture can be challenging, where the concept derives from the method and the charcteristics of the project. Whether the project needs to be more of a vertical or a horizontal space, it would make a difference in the way that the computations is applied.


Discrete having that the idea behind discrete is the application of different elements with different characteristics would not be limiting the methods of designing the project as long as following the main concept of the topic. The topic can be made into many different strategies as there is no designated way to approach the design. Having the topic to be broken down in the previous chapters, 3 strategies have been chosen to showcase the project: 11. Extraction and Relocation 22. Acessibility 33. Lego These strategies would be the 3 key strategies to help achieving the final form of the project, where each have different methods and different styles that support Discrete.



This methodology that is used is to extract simple cubicles out of a simple geometrical form. The geometrical shape would then be split into segements, where then the cubicles would then be extracted out of the model and relocated into different spaces and areas where the algorithm would then reformulate the geometrical form into a new distroted form.


Having that the algorithm used would then be used to create various spaces. that would these space would become modular. The cubes extracted would be of the same dimensions, where this would suite the idea of having the project to be adaptable.



The Algorithm used is more suitable for modular design, the algorithm starts by applying points to the form where these points are counted accross the geometric shape. The form is then extracted and reduced using an input given by the designer. Having that the points given are spread accross , the count of reduction and misplacement are also given by the architect inorder to generate a subtracted form in which it has become irregular.


These subtracted cubes would be acting as terraces, access points, bridges and as atriums. The spaces generated by the relocated cubes would then be considered as spaces where the designer would then specify the function for each module. This method for a better spacial organization that is generated by the algorithm.


Accessibility 194

Accessibility is key to any project, where the walk way of the pedestrians or even transportation plays a key role into the project design. The way that any project is oriented is done by the accesibility and the density of any of the passing pedestrians around the site. Therefore, access points would be a key element in this concept, where the project would be generated by the horizontal and vertical circulation of the pedestrians along the site. Having that access is key to this concep, the spaces would be generated by the estimation of the possible access points to the project, where each intersection between any pathways between any lines drawn would introduce a new space to be used by the visitors.


Accessbility 196

This Algorithm would be generated using a fixed input that would determine the spaces where, the fixed inputs would be the original accessibility paths provided by the architect, From that the algorithm would then generate branches of the pre existing lines given by the architect, where this would provide the intersecting spaces created by the lines to form the spaces that would be inhabited. The density and the number of lines would then be determined by the architect and then would allow the algorithm to run different simu.ations for the different placements for the lines while the fixed lines would still be in place. This would provide the architect with different variations of the same number of lines and the architect would choose which is most suitable to the design. Once the most suitable option is approved, the architect would input a minimum and maximum domain in order for the spaces in between the lines to be extruded with different heights in relation to the domain given by the architect.


The purist example of Discrete would be the usage of Legos. While they are a series of blocks that interlock within each other that have different sizes and different shapes, they still manage to generate a shape or a form that is meant to be constructed or put together using a series of blocks.


Legos are comes in different shapes and sizes, each component has its own way to be placed and its own characteristics. Having all these components put together would then generate the desired shape that is supposed to be built. Lego cases also comes with General Instruction Kits, where it shows the process of how the model would be put together showing how each and every piece would be placed.



Conceptually the use of legos would be perfect representation of Discrete. The various lego pieces used would then generate a form of which the each block or piece would house specific functions, where the parts are differentiated between their sizes and can be identified by their serial numbers. The introduction of using the building blocks would represent the interlocking features needed to be represented into the actual building elements.


Using Legos allows for flexibility and adaptabbility where the possibilities of how the forms generated would be limitless. The components would allow for the architectu to use trial and error in creating the actual design, where removing and adding components would be easy due to the simple interlocking mechanism it contains. Lego components also come in different shapes, sizes and colors, those characteristics would allow to identify the highlighted spaces needed to form the project.



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