Recycle Right

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Recycle Right


01276 707 690


Are You Recycling Right

✔ Acceptable contents only

(acceptable items are printed on the lid)

✔ All items in the bin loose ✔ All clean & dry If you can answer yes to all of the above, you are Recycling Right. Thank you for making Surrey Heath one of the top recyclers.

Rubbish out, recycling in! Since 2009, Surrey Heath has been among the top recyclers in the country, thanks to residents’ efforts to recycle. Unfortunately a number of residents are now putting bags of mixed waste in their recycling bins. These bags often contain general household waste, food and non-recyclable items such as nappies, polystyrene, paint, timber and also textiles & electrical items. It is important that these items do not go into the recycling as this will spoil the good recycling. This year we have seen an increase in rejected loads at the recycling plant. To improve the quality of the recycling collected, we are reminding residents to put recycling in the green wheelie bin loose. This is so collection crews can easily identify bins that cannot be emptied due to unacceptable content.

What goes in your Recy

Ensure your recycling is clean, dry & loose before goin

Acceptable items are also e printed on th lid of your recycling bin. Items must be clean and dry


cycling Bin? NO Thank you

ng in your recycling bin

NO mixed waste or “Other Recyclables”

Although there are other items that are recyclable, it doesn’t mean that they can go in your recycling bin!

This includes; NO food waste. Please remove packaging & put food in your caddy. NO shoes or textiles. There is a separate collection service for these items. NO electricals. There is a separate collection service for these items. All items must be loose

Please ensure all containers, sacks or bags are empty

NO wooden items such as chopping boards, picture frames. NO metal items such as kitchen utensils, saucepans, baking trays, empty paint tins. NO bulky plastics such as storage boxes, washing up bowls, sink drainers, plant pots. NO garden waste such as leaves, flowers, plants.

Keep it separate Food waste, electrical items & textiles must be kept separate so they can be recycled

Food Waste Please use the caddy provided so that your food waste can be recycled. If you need a replacement or additional container contact us.

Do not put food in your wheelie bin. Please remember

✖ NO plastic carrier bags ✖ NO plastic packaging ✖ NO liquids

Recycle little & often The collection vehicles are ďŹ tted with a special cage so that textiles and electrical items can be kept separate for recycling. This is why we are only able to collect small quantities of these materials.

Small electricals &

Shoes & textiles

household batteries

Please only leave out carrier bag size quantities for collection. Please bag items to keep them clean/dry. Leave out separately on refuse week.

Items must be small enough to ďŹ t in a standard-size carrier bag as there is limited space on the vehicle. Please bag items and leave out separately on recycling week.

If you have a larger quantity of textiles, please contact us to arrange collection.

Other recyclables Items such as timber, bulky plastics, scrap metal, gas canisters & garden waste cannot go in your green wheelie bin. These, and any other unacceptable items, should be taken to your nearest Household Waste & Recycling Centre. Wilton Road, Camberley or Swift Lane, Bagshot are the two centres in Surrey Heath.

Be responsible Recycle Right

Don’t let this be you. A red tag means your recycling bin contains unacceptable content and cannot be emptied. It is the householder’s responsibility to ensure the right items are put in the recycling bin.

01276 707 690

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