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Upcoming Events
you to share the information with them. Our website has a lot of information available, but we also send out updates via email and text when appropriate. Help us get to know your YPs by sharing our Young Professional text club information. Text CYPN to (218) 229-8880 and never miss another YP update again!

Although August slows down for us here at the Chamber, it gives us an opportunity to prepare for the busy fall season. August 30th we host the sold out Annual Chamber Golf Outing and roll into a number of exciting events and experiences. Keep an eye out for OktoberFeast registration in mid-August, as well as ATHENA nominations that will open the first week of September. Start thinking about who you are going to nominate that empowers women leaders in Sheboygan County. We also invite you and your organization to once again participate in STEAMfest on October 12th, which offers a unique platform for students to explore the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics through interactive and engaging activities. It is a great opportunity to generate excitement and interest in your business or industry in the next generation of our workforce. Please click here to register.
We want you to Think BIG (betterment, improvement, and growth), Influence Local! The Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing expertise for fostering dynamic organizations throughout Sheboygan County. We are truly Better Together!
Brooks - Special Events Coordinator & Office Assistant
Goodbye July & Welcome August! “August is like the Sunday of summer.” - unknown
Last month was full of events for Interns & Co-ops. We had a wonderful time entertaining Interns & Co-ops from all over the world here in Sheboygan County. Our goal is to make them fall in love with Sheboygan County, so they move here and join our community. I am happy to say many of them will be staying and adding their talents to the workforce! If your company regularly has interns/co-ops, send them our way next summer! You do not want them to miss this great program. If you have any questions about the program, please contact me.
This month kicks off our Leadership Sheboygan County program! We are excited about this new year and cannot wait to get started. This new group of leaders will not only learn so much about Sheboygan County but also gain insights about themselves as leaders, all while gaining strong connections with fellow leaders in our community.
As for Young Professionals, August’s focus is on Professional Development. Our event is titled, ‘City Insights.’ YPs will have a chance to learn about the City’s structure. This includes watching the Common Council in action, meeting with the City Clerk, the Common Council, and Mayor Sorenson. Check out our full YP calendar on our social media (Instagram @coastalypnetwork and Facebook at Coastal Young Professionals Network) to find out what is going on. Sign-up for our text group for weekly updates by texting CYPN to (218) 229-8880 to get started!
Josh Aschenbach - Director Of Membership & Workforce Development
Hello, my name is Josh Aschenbach, and I’ve had the privilege to serve as the Director of Membership and Workforce Development for the Sheboygan County Chamber since July. As with any new position, these past few weeks have been quite the whirlwind, but the overwhelming support and encouragement from the Chamber staff, members, and the community have made this journey truly special. To all who greeted me warmly and made me feel at home, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For those I have not yet met, let me share a little about myself: I was born and raised in Sheboygan Falls, and I have always had a deep appreciation for everything that makes Sheboygan County unique. My desire is to see this area flourish not only in numbers but also in the quality of life and the character of its people. Sheboygan County will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I am excited for my children to grow up here, experiencing the same positive moments that shaped my childhood.
When I’m not at work, I spend every moment I can with my wife and two daughters, aged 7 and 4. You’ll often find us enjoying family time together, whether we’re riding bikes, reading books, or watching a good movie. Beyond that, I have a passion for Wisconsin sports and love playing a variety of instruments, whether it’s at church or with my fun 80’s cover band.
Looking ahead, I am eager to create deeper connections with members of the Chamber and collaborate with you all as we focus on the betterment, improvement, and growth of businesses and individuals in Sheboygan County. Together, we can make a positive impact on this wonderful community we call home.
Christy Jacobs - Director Of Events

Hello! I can’t believe we have said “good-bye” to July and are walking into the end of our summer. But the future is bright! There are some very amazing events and programs coming your way.
July has brought us some great events. One of those events happened to be an Ambassador outing to Wildwood. Here we supported our local baseball team and member, The Sheboygan A’s, and were able to network and relax. The Ambassador group needed this before moving full force into their largest fundraiser, the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing. This outing helps to fund four scholarships that the Ambassador group gives out every year. Never heard of a Sheboygan Chamber Ambassador? Reach out if you are interested in learning more. I would love to sit and chat with you.
Did you say golf outing? Yes, the outing is almost here. I sure hope you have your foursome registered because this outing is FULL. You will have to be quicker next year! There are some sponsorship opportunities available. Let’s talk if you are interested.
August 23rd brings us to the Workforce Development Symposium. I am very excited about this event. We have an impressive line-up of presenters that day you will not want to miss. We are also recognizing some of Sheboygan County’s finest educators and business partners to education during this half-day event. Looking for more information:
Workforce Development Symposium
There are wonderful events and programs planned for the last part of the year. We have the Canadian Consulate joining us for our Friday Forum in September along with the Director of Economic Affairs from the Quebec Office in Chicago and a representative from the DNR.
Our Executive Series in September will be hosting Paul Bartelt, former CEO and President of Vollrath, and Erik Lampe, new CEO and President of Vollrath. Now that will be a great program.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next event in Sheboygan and thanks for supporting the Chamber!
Carlos Ferrando - Transition Specialist

“You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.” -
Abraham Maslow
Hello, I am Carlos, the new Transition Specialist for Sheboygan County. I was born in Spain and after several years of working in the travel and insurance industry, I moved to England and Germany where I met my wife. After, we moved to Green Bay where I worked for Green Bay Public Schools. Three years ago, we moved to Sheboygan with our two boys (7 and 2 years old) and fell in love with the area. My life has been full of transitions and now I am here and looking forward to helping new employees in Sheboygan County with their transitions.
In my first weeks, I have been collecting resources, meeting with folks from HR departments, and starting to meet the needs of the new employees in the area. I am excited to keep helping our future neighbors.
My goal is to assist and support new employees with anything they need from how to pay the water bill to what schools their children can attend.
Please contact me at carlos@sheboygan.org or share the link: https://forms.office.com/r/JMtzzPyMpT or QR code with your new employees so I can help them make Sheboygan County their home.

July 12
Better Together Intern & Co-op: Day of Caring