2 minute read
John Rogers - Business Roundtables Facilitator
First, a little history because it can be relevant to what happens today! When I started at the Sheboygan County Chamber of Commerce, no one was responsible for a focused effort on economic development. In fact, a variety of economic development topics were my responsibilities. To address this, we assembled four different business-oriented committees including one labeled ‘Business Attraction.’ Quickly, we learned if a business was considering expansion into Sheboygan County, there was no contact person or agency, so we became a ‘better together’ group and developed ‘The Guiding Principles for Economic Development.’ It was signed by numerous elected officials and other leaders from around the county. What we did helped to form the foundation of what Sheboygan County Economic Development Corporation does now. SCEDC and the Chamber continue to work towards ‘Better Together.’
The Business Assistance Committee considered how to make existing AND start-up businesses better together. The program that began first, in November 2007, was the Operations Managers Roundtable. You’ve heard me [perhaps too many times] mention roundtables, but every roundtable since the first one has proven that ‘Better Together’ works! Consider reading this article from The Business News.
Another Business Assistance program that was developed because Chamber members requested it is the Deep Dive program. Those Chamber members wanted a different way to exchange information about each other’s businesses and help each other grow. At one time, there were five different groups. Those of you involved with a Deep Dive group know how well this ‘Better Together’ program works.
For start-ups, the Business Assistance Committee had the ‘A Team’ to hear and evaluate the business plan prepared by an entrepreneur for their new endeavor. Jeff Leismer, founder of VibeTechGlobal, was a presenter. He listened well, got some much needed start-up investments and continues to grow with new ideas for improving health. Check out VibeTechGlobal to learn more.
The Business Education Committee was where the idea to develop INSPIRE Sheboygan County began. When it was launched in 2013, our hope was that three area school districts would see the value and invest. Within 12 months, all public-school districts were a part of the INSPIRE program, as were numerous businesses and individuals who understood that a ‘Better Together’ mentoring relationship could result. Today’s version of INSPIRE is a powerful tool for everyone involved. Sometimes a ‘Better Together’ program can help you have a ‘Better Together’ understanding of where you have lived for either a short time or a long time. In 2007-2008, I was required to enroll in Leadership Sheboygan County, and I am so glad I did. Numerous friendships were developed, and I got a much deeper understanding of why Sheboygan County is a wonderful location for living, working and playing. Talk to others who are recent graduates of ‘Leadership,’ and you will enroll yourself or a staff member.
During a recent round of golf, I met a person who said he was part of the first-ever Chamber Golf Outing. There were four foursomes. Each person brought a prize to share, and all went home happy. Maybe that was before the Chamber’s Ambassador program. Do you have the 2023 version of the Chamber’s golf event on your calendar? You are too late to sponsor a hole, but there may still be another sponsorship opportunity available. Learn more here.
There will be more than four foursomes this year, and we will all be ‘Better Together’ at the end of the day. No rain, please!
Finally, a program that is booming in a ‘Better Together’ way is Coastal Young Professionals. Under the leadership of Chamber staff members Kierra and Klohie, plus all the Chamber member volunteers, they have numerous exciting events to entertain and educate. Are you a YP? Learn more here.
Have I missed a ‘Better Together’ program you enjoy, such as vibe@5 or another program? Be sure you get The Buzz every Monday and then read it to know all the Chamber has to offer.
June 2
Justin H. & Gabrielle M. Chamber Ambassador Scholarship Recipients