Is It Calm or Chaotic When You Take a Business Break?
In just five exquisite hours I’ll be boarding a plane to the USA for a three week sojourn with my family. We’re off to San Fran, Yosemite National Park, down the Big Sur Drive to Monterey, on to Los Angeles, followed by San Diego and Las Vegas. (Any last minute “you must see ….” tips willingly accepted). It’s the big family trip before my son begins his final year of school and the energy and excitement in my house this morning is palpable! But here’s the thing … I’m walking away from my business for three weeks and not only am I excited, I’m also incredibly calm. I don’t feel panicked that I’m leaving the country as we’ve just announced Fearless, or that our website is currently being redeveloped, or that I won’t be around to mentor or facilitate. In fact I feel so calm I occasionally catch myself wondering whether it’s because I’ve forgotten something massive. But I haven’t.
On reflection, I realise this calmness has been well-earned and born from a sense of confidence. Over the past three years I’ve managed challenges, created opportunities, embraced growth (most of the time), listened and learned. Over the last year we’ve developed a head office team, a mentoring team, a marketing team and an IT team. At an individual level each one of them is fabulous and at a team level they play like the pros. It is this combination of individual and team together with our shared purpose, values and approach to life and business that has got us to that next stage of business and feels like the promise of an exciting future. I take this holiday feeling very blessed. While I’m away the newsletters will keep coming, and you’ll get to hear from some of the main players in our team – they’re incredible and have plenty to say that’s worth listening to. I hope you enjoy their perspective on life and business. In DJ’s on the weekend I spotted the first Christmas decorations so it seems the festive season is upon us. If you’re wondering how to celebrate or how to thank a client, supplier, colleague, referrer or friend for all they’ve been this year, do something extraordinary for them … bring them to #Fearless 2014 ‘Just attended the AWE Inspiring She Business “Fearlessly Creating”. Divine content, brilliant speakers and radiant company. She Business Australia is making an EXTRAORDINARY difference to the lives of business women in Australia. LOVED IT!’ – Jane Thorpe
‘Suzy, well done on creating such an awesome event, my 3rd Fearlessly Creating Event, they just keep getting better and better. Fantastic speakers today and invaluable messages. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to face my fears and for providing the solutions to overcome them. Thanks’ – Traicha Aspley Wishing you much fabulousness over the next three weeks and I look forward to connecting on my return. Source: