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Condensing Units
from Natural Refrigerants: State of the Industry, Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration in Europe, Nort
by shecco
3.6 Irish Supermarket Transitions to NatRefs with Country’s First Panasonic CO2 Condensing Units
Independent Irish supermarket Nolan’s, located in Clontarf, Dublin, was the first retailer in the country to install CO2 (R744) condensing units from Japanese manufacturer Panasonic when it updated its entire refrigeration system to CO2 in 2018.
A total of four Panasonic CO2 condensing units were installed at Nolan’s by Dublin-based contractor Tech RAC. One 10HP low-temperature condensing unit serves three cold rooms and a freezer, delivering 8kW (2.3TR) of cooling capacity at an evaporation temperature of -35°C (-31°F), and three 4HP medium- temperature (MT) condensing units, each delivering 7.5kW (2.1TR) of cooling capacity at an evaporation temperature of -10°C (14°F), serve “several satellite fridges,” explained the installer.
“The CO2 [condensing] units have a notable track record for reliability and efficiency with a clever two-stage compression rotary compressor and for it to be the first of its kind in Ireland is an impressive achievement,” said Vincent Mahony, National Manager at Panasonic Heating and Cooling Ireland.
The supermarket’s upgrade also included a centralized system, built by British manufacturer Clade UK, that comprises two CO2 racks and serves 43 cabinets and display cases around the store. The rack system provides 80kW (22.7TR) of heating for the store by reclaiming waste heat, as well as air-conditioning if needed.
According to Tech RAC, Nolan’s cold rooms, cabinets, counters and display units were all produced by German manufacturer Viessmann.
Transitioning to CO2
The new CO2 -based refrigeration system was a significant part of a multimillion-euro modernization project at the supermarket to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the one-store family-run business. The refurbishment also included a 20,000ft 2 (1,858m2) extension of the store’s commercial space, effectively doubling its existing footprint. Having previously used a CFC-based system, Nolan’s wanted to transition to a reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly alternative for a long time, said Gavin Nolan, who is part of the family that owns and operates the store.
In addition to having a GWP of one and an ozone depleting potential (ODP) of zero, CO2 as a refrigerant is also known for its high energy efficiency, which was a big appeal when choosing Nolan’s refrigeration system, he explained.
“While the upfront costs were significantly higher than alternative options, we knew that those costs would be recovered during operation,” he added.
According to Tech RAC, with the reclaimed heat for generating hot water and space heating, the efficiency of the system is improved even further.
Improving air quality
As a part of the project, Tech RAC also installed Panasonic NX cassette air-conditioning units fitted with its nanoe X technology, said Panasonic. The units are tied to the CO2 rack system.
The unit includes a “powerful fan and intelligent sensors to ensure high energy efficiency and exceptional comfort with a circulation function to evenly distribute the air and minimize temperature gaps throughout the store,” said the manufacturer.
“We are delighted to have been able to provide our CO2 [condensing] units plus the NX cassette units with nanoe X technology, which helps to inhibit the effects of certain viruses and bacteria, both in the air and on surfaces for improved protection, 24/7,” said Mahony.