BLUEFIN TAKES THE TROPHY Two Oceans Mini Tuna Derby 2020 By Gavin Dave, Chairman of Atlantic Boat Club
N 2020 COVID-19 made it impossible to plan or organise the usual Two Oceans Tuna Derby. However, when it was clear that we were able to fish again,Atlantic Boat Club and Two Oceans Marine Manufacturing decided to hold a “Mini Two Oceans Tuna Derby” over two days, with a minimal entry fee and a cash prize for the winners.The competition involved fishing and drinks on the dock afterwards, with no functions at the club, which the Two Oceans Tuna Derby is so well known for. Conditions were looking great for the weekend of 14-15 November 2020 at 19 boats entered. The Two Oceans Mini Tuna Derby was much like 2020 — very strange to say the least, with not many winners but those that did win, won BIG! Out of 19 boats that fished we had only one fish to weigh, but what a fantastic fish it was! A 147.15kg bluefin tuna is the fish of a lifetime for any angler. The winning angler and only catch of the competition was Delon Walker fishing on Heliox. The current South African record for a southern bluefin tuna on 80 lb tackle is 107.80kg by Dirk Bester in 1996 off Cape Point. Delon’s fish is nearly 1.5 times that size, which is incredible! Hout Bay once again showed what a world class fishery we have in our Cape waters, and a huge thanks again to our long time Tuna Derby sponsor, Two Oceans Marine, for once again making it possible. Delon Walker and Kirk Gemmel shared their story below …
WHAT A DAY! By Delon Walker and Kirk Gemmell On the weekend of 14 November 2020, Atlantic Boat Club (ABC) hosted the Two Oceans Mini Derby in Hout Bay. It was a scaled down version of the original annual event due to COVID restrictions. A group of friends decided to enter the competition on the good boat Heliox, a charter operated vessel owned and skippered by Delon Walker. At 5am on day one we headed in a direction of 270° from Hout Bay, and at about 19 nm we observed a lot of bait
Riaan Coetzer, Delon Walker, Warwick Forde and Kirk Gemmell with the prize-winning 147.15kg bluefin tuna that was caught off Heliox on 15 November 2020. Photo by Gary Lategan. and some longfin on the surface. With signs looking positive, we put lines in, in the hope of getting stuck into a Derby contender. When the first catch report call-up came at 11am things were looking bleak as none of the boats had anything to report.At this time we noticed a long liner about 15 nm south of our position. A decision was made— lines up and run! The further south we went, the more the weather conditions deteriorated, with the south westerly picking up. Fifty minutes later lines were back in the water, and after our second time past the longliner on the starboard side, mayhem struck! The reel started screaming with the starboard short corner rod bent over. For that rod, the nominated angler was Delon Walker, and the fight was on! The fish’s initial run was straight down and he kept going in the same direction for ten minutes, and fought deep for another 30 minutes. The fish then shot straight up to the surface 500m from the boat, and headed away
and around the stern of the boat. The decision was made to start following the fish as we were drifting too fast. At this stage we knew it was a big fish, but we had no idea what was to come of it. Some skilful boat manoeuvring was required to follow the fish in the choppy conditions as it frequently changed direction. Inevitably a few harsh words were exchanged. Seventy minutes later we had a visual on the fish. We suspected it was a big eye or a bluefin, but all we knew for sure was that it was huge! Minutes later we had the fish swimming parallel to the boat, just out of gaffing range. Delon took one step back, pulling the fish centimetres closer. Riaan was ready and, at exactly the right time, secured the gaff and pulled the fish to the side of the boat.Warwick secured the second gaff. The next challenge was how to get the fish into the boat. The decision was made to secure the fish with two ropes and then take a breather. Finally Riaan managed to get a rope through the gill plate and mouth, and Kirk got the rope on the tail. SKI-BOAT January/February 2021 • 37