Ski-Boat magazine March 2024

Page 9

BACK TO BASICS by James and Dylan Westoby


E are truly blessed with great fishing spots north of Durban, although our seas can be challenging at times with surf launching and the renowned big “shorey”. Unfortunately we don’t have the luxury of a sheltered or harbour launch site, so we cannot get out as much as we would like to and hence our fishing days are restricted, but the silver lining is that this restricted access is Mother Nature’s way of conserving our reefs. We have been launching and fishing out of Tinley Manor for many years and are happy to share some of our experiences on where to fish between Tongaat and the Tugela, as well as share some advice on tactics for this area. It’s amazing how techniques can vary from one place to the next. One always should always be mindful of conditions – surf, tides, current, water temperature, colour of water, current etc. – before deciding on the day’s plan of action. Fortunately our weather apps nowadays help us pick our preferred fishing days well in advance. Fishing has many variables which, I guess, is what makes it so interesting as there are seldom two days which are exactly the same. Being in tune with the elements is essential, not only from a fishing point of view but also from a safety point of view. We generally try to avoid launching on a spring high tide as the shorey is such a big factor in that area. We also prefer fishing a pushing tide, so that will sometimes influence the timing of our launch. Like with any area, you’ll target different fish at different times of the year. We have a broad spectrum of gamefish and bottomfish we can target and this can sometimes cause a lot of indecisiveness when it

Dylan Westoby with a beautiful Cape yellowtail caught off the northern KZN coast. This species has been much more prevalent in these waters this year than in previous years.

Part 13:Tongaat to Tugela, KZN SKI-BOAT March/April 2024 • 7

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