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By Chris Schorn, SADSAAPresident


AFTER much discussion and many requests from our anglers,SADSAA has decided to re-introduce the 4kg line class in a whole new facet for gamefish and bottomfish,resulting in the SADSAA 4kg Light Tackle Line Class Game- and Bottomfish facet.

This new line class and target species competition has been added to our current five major divisions of deep sea angling,namely Heavy Tackle Billfish (80lb or 37kg),Light Tackle Billfish (20lb or 10kg),Gamefish (12lb or 6kg to 20lb or 10kg),Tuna (20lb or 10kg) and Bottomfish (12lb or 6kg to 20lb or 10kg).

The SADSAA council felt that since we have many light and ultra-light tackle anglers in our ranks,we needed to include a new sixth facet to cater for them.We recognise that many have been left behind in recent years and do not have a specific tournament that they can call their own — a light tackle tournament — so here it is.

SADSAA and various provinces have been fishing light tackle tournaments and leagues in our waters for many years,and we now have a competition and division that will allow the anglers to be challenged from a whole new perspective and where they can earn provincial,SADSAA and ultimately Protea colours for deep sea angling.

This new facet will be a full release species tournament for bottom- and gamefish,with the exception of potential records for this line class only.

International Game Fishing Association (IGFA) rules will apply,with one exception.Only a single hook and not a double hook trace is permissible.The single hook trace is a SADSAA ruling which has been in place for many years,and with good reason.

It was implemented in the interests of conservation so that when anglers are fighting bigger fish on light tackle and they have a double hook-up with, say,geelbek,we won’t have so many fish popping the line and swimming off with a whole lot of line which could potentially mean the death of both fish.With the single hook rig there is a better chance of the angler landing a single fish.

Fishing with a single J hook or a non-offset circle hook is permitted.

SADSAA’s scoring system will be used,and a multiplying point system as published in the SADSAA Tournament Rules has been proposed.In this case, since it is a measure and release tournament,the minimum length as stipulated in the Government Gazette by DFFE will be applied and converted to weight.No sharks,skates,rays or barbel will be permitted.

Our first Light Tackle Interprovincial is scheduled to take place from 13 to 16 June and will be hosted by Western Province Deep Sea Angling Association (WPDSAA) based at the Overberg Ski-boat Club in Kleinbaai.

If you would like to be involved, please contact your local club or provincial body and let’s get this off to a swimming start!


Other news that must be shared and praise given is to our Protea anglers who recently fished the Orascom Development International Fishing Tournament in El Gouna,Egypt.

Our team came home with the bronze medal and a potential new world record for a Red Sea hound fish. Congratulations to Frank de Oliviera (Captain),Douglas Dustan,Abed Kahn and Justin Paynter for producing an excellent result in waters that we have not fished previously.


It is with great pride that we announce that the following teams have been selected to participate in upcoming tournaments:

•EFSA Species Championship in Weymouth,England — five-man Protea team:Allen Ford (Capt;B), DP Burger (WP),Wayne Gerber (EP),Francois Beukes (N) and Kevin Clark (EP).

•First Cape Town Tuna International in Hout Bay — three-man Protea team:Chris Pike (Capt,WP),Marius Coetzee (NW),Colin Joubert (WP).

•2023 Tuna Nationals in Hout Bay — three-man SADSAA Masters team: Nishaad Ibrahim (Capt,WP), Michael Riley (Gr) and Francois Bezuidenhout (MP).

•2023 Tuna Nationals in Hout Bay — three-man SADSAA Under 19 team: Rouke Muller (Capt,SG),Alex Tyldesley (N) and Jordan Khan (N).

•2023 Gamefish Nationals in Mapelane — three-man SADSAA team:Mark Brewitt (Capt,N), Ockie Theunissen (SG) and Adrian Feher (SG).

•2023 Gamefish Nationals in Mapelane — three-man SADSAA Under 21 team:Jan Harm du Plessis (Capt,N),Michael Wiering (SG) and Xavier Truluck (FS).

•2023 Gamefish Nationals in Mapelane — three-person SADSAA Ladies team:Candice Coetzer (Capt,EP),Michelle Richards (N) and Alta Matthews (Gr).


By Peet Koekemoer, Records Officer

As was mentioned in the previous issue of SKI-BOAT,SADSAA and IGFA strive to keep a balance between the environment and recognition of excellent catches.From 1 March 2023 IGFA have announced that a new IGFA All-Tackle Length Junior category will be open to all anglers aged 16 and under.This will give our juniors an opportunity to experience the thrill of setting world records while promoting conservation through catch-and-release fishing.

Read more about it on page 62 of this issue.

In this issue we would like to give you more information on how to apply for records and ensure your record is not disqualified due to technicalities.


To apply for a record,the angler must submit a complete application form, the mandatory length of line and terminal tackle (described below) used to catch the fish,and acceptable photographs of the fish,the rod and reel used to catch the fish,the scale used to weigh the fish,and the angler with the fish.

Application Form

A current official SADSAA or All Africa record application form must be used for record claims.

When making any record claim, the angler must indicate the specified strength of the line or tippet used to catch the fish.In the case of Line Class and Tippet Class records,this will place the claim in a specific Line or Tippet Class category (see below).

All lines and tippets will be examined by SADSAA to verify the specified strength of the line.If the line or tippet over tests its class,the application will be considered in the next highest class.If the line or tippet under tests into a lower Line or Tippet Class,the application will not be considered for the lower Line Class or Tippet Class.

The heaviest Line Class permitted for saltwater records is 60kg (130lb). The heaviest Tippet Class permitted for Tippet Class records is 10kg (20lb).If the line or tippet over tests these maximum strengths,the claim will be denied.

Extreme care should be exercised when measuring the fish,as the measurements are often important for weight verification and scientific studies.Check the measurement diagram on the record application to be sure the fish is measured correctly.

The angler is responsible for obtaining the necessary signatures and correct addresses of the boat captain (where applicable),weighmaster (where applicable) and witnesses on the application.If a SADSAA officer or representative,or an officer or member of a SADSAA club is available,he or she should be asked to witness the claim.

The angler must appear in person before a qualified authority to have an application notarised.In locations where notarisation is not possible or customary,the signature of a government official,a member of an embassy,legation or consular staff or a SADSAA officer or representative may replace notarisation.

Any deliberate falsification of an application will disqualify the applicant for any future Record and any existing records will be nullified.

Line or Tippet Sample

All applications for potential records caught on flyfishing tackle must be accompanied by the fly,the entire tippet and the entire leader — all connected in one piece.

All applications for potential records caught on conventional tackle must be accompanied by the entire leader (including the hook/s),the double line and at least the 5 metres closest to the double line,leader or hook, but 15 metres is preferred.

All line samples and the leader (if one is used) are to be submitted in one piece.Broken or incomplete line samples must be accompanied by a full explanation.SADSAA reserves the right to reject applications with broken line samples that prevent it from testing the breaking strength and/or verifying the length of the double line and leader.

If a lure is used with the leader,the leader should be cut at the eye attachment to the lure.

Each line sample must be submitted in such a way that it can be easily unwound without damage to the line. A recommended method is to take a rectangular piece of stiff cardboard and cut notches in the two opposite ends.Secure one end of the line to the cardboard and wind the line around the cardboard through the notched areas.Secure the other end,and write your name and the specified strength of the line on the cardboard.

Any line sample that is tangled or cannot be easily unwound will not be accepted.

Photographic Requirements

Why is it so important to have good quality photos? Firstly,to clearly identify the species caught,secondly to ensure the correct equipment is used, thirdly to ensure the angler who caught the fish is the person whose information is on the application form.

Photographs showing the full length of the fish,the rod and reel used to make the catch,and the scale used to weigh the fish must accompany each record application.A photograph of the angler with the fish is also required.

For species identification,the clearest possible photos should be submitted.This is especially important in the cases of hybrids and fish that may be confused with similar species. Shark applications should include a photograph of the shark’s teeth and of the head and back taken from above, in addition to the photographs taken from the side.Whether the shark does or does not have a ridge between the dorsal fins should be clearly evident in this photograph for identification purposes.

For best results,photograph the fish broadside to the camera so that no part of the fish is obscured.The fins should be fully extended and not obscured by the angler’s hands in cases where the number of spines and rays needs to be counted.

When photographing a fish lying on its side,the surface beneath the fish should be smooth and a ruler or marked tape should be placed beside the fish if possible.Photographs from various angles are most helpful.

An additional photograph of the fish on the scale with actual weight visible is also helpful.

It is important that we have clear, publishable photographs of the fish and the angler,including action shots, if available.Original,high resolution digital files are preferred and will assist SADSAA in publicising record catches.

SADSAA encourages anglers to release record fish whenever possible and to hold fish horizontally,and not vertically,to prevent harming them.

Remember to order your official measuring devices directly from SADSAA <admin@sadsaa.co.za>.Download detail documents from <www.sadsaa.co.za> and contact me on <records@sadsaa.co.za>.•

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