Ambasada e Republikës së Shqipërisë në Londër, përgëzon Gazetën “The Albanian” për inisiativën e saj për të përgatitur këtë libër me informacione dhe kontakte për komunitetin shqiptar që jeton dhe punon në Britaninë e Madhe. Ambasada e Shqipërisë shpreh bindjen se ky kontribut me vlerë do të ndihmojë së tepërmi, për të krijuar një urë komunikimi të rëndësishme për të afruar dhe organizuar më mire komunitetin shqiptar në Britani. Ky libër, i cili ka për HE Mr. ZEF MAZI Albanian Ambassador to qëllim të ofrojë një informacion të pasur mbi shërbimet që i UK and Republic of Ireland ofrohen dhe ofron komunitetit shqiptar në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar, është i pari i këtij lloji dhe me këto përmasa në Britaninë e Madhe duke ndjekur shembullin e komuniteteve të tjera shqiptare në Botë. Ambasada Shqiptare në Londër gjen rastin që të ofrojë në këtë libër edhe rubrikën e vet informative: Ambasada e Republikës së Shqipërisë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar
24 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Tel. +44 2078288897; Fax. +442078288869 Tel/fax:02082169527
2 ura lidhëse mes shqiptarëve në Britaninë e Madhe Publikuar nga “The Albanian” Newspaper Nga Petrit Kuçana Një telefonatë nga Ministria e Turizmit të Shqipërisë, pasuar nga të tjera telefonata nga përfaqësues të USAID-it, na bënë të besojmë për një mungesë të madhe tek mërgimtarët shqiptarë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar. Në të vërtetë përfaqësuesit e Ministrisë së Turizmit, apo koordinatorët e USAID-it kërkonin disa shërbime shqiptare, në mënyrë që të prezantonin Shqipërinë në mënyrën më të shkëlqyeshme të mundshme në panairin e organizuar pak kohë më parë në Londër. Por jo të gjitha shërbimet e kërkuara u gjendën edhe pas njoftimeve nëpër internet... Kjo mungesë, që u vu në pah, këtë rast, ishte shtysa e parë për të ndërmarrë një iniciativë relativisht të vështirë, por që absolutisht me besimin e madh për ta përfunduar me sukses. Ajo që ne të gjithë e shquajmë dhe pranojmë si mungesë, është mos-ekzistenca e një broshure, përmbledhjeje, katalogu, ku mund të jenë të ekspozuara shërbimet shqiptare. Mungesa e një publikimi të tillë, pra një përmbledhjeje e shtypur, ka bërë që të stonojë komunikimi mes nesh si mërgimtarë, apo thënë ndryshe mes shërbimeve dhe konsumatorit. Pra ka një hallkë të komunikimit që mungon! Kështu që në momentet e para e quajtëm domosdoshmëri ndërtimin e kësaj ure lidhëse dhe që është drejtpërsëdrejti në shërbim të mërgimtarëve shqiptarë të këtushëm, duke dëshmuar edhe shkallën e parë serioze të integrimit. Problemi duket se qëndron në mosndërgjegjësimin në shkallën e duhur të biznesmenëve shqiptarë, për rëndësinë e këtij katalogu, guide, apo një tip "Yellow Pages" me shërbimet e këtushme shqiptare apo me bizneset që ofrojnë shërbimet më të mira edhe për konsumatorin shqiptar. Shumica e komuniteteve që jetojnë në Britani thuajse e kishin një katalog apo përmbledhje të shërbimeve të tyre,
madje në një katalog grek që pamë, mësuam se kishte qenë kryehirësia e kishës së këtushme greke, që kishte ndihmuar drejtpërsëdrejti në botimin e tij. Është e vërtetë që ne nuk kemi ndonjë "kryehirësi", por duke e quajtur si një nevojë tepër praktike dhe duke besuar së paku në pragmatizmin shqiptar, nuk kemi asnjë pikë dyshimi në suksesin e këtij projekti. Kjo u dëshmua në gadishmërinë e pothuaj të gjitha shoqatave shqiptare në Britani për të qenë pjesë e këtij projekti, ashtu sikurse një ndihmë e përfaqësuesve të Ministrisë së Turizmit të Shqipërisë. Sa rëndësi dhe pozitive është të pasurit edhe ne shqiptarët një udhërrëfyes , për vete dhe të huajt, në këtë rast Britanikët? A do të ishte e udhës që bizneset dhe pasuritë e çmuara shqiptare të ecin përkrah ekonomisë së tregut evropian? E pra sadoqë të tregojmë integrim dhe zhvillim të vazhdueshëm qoftë kulturoro-artistik, gjuha e ekonomisë së tregut, është një bashkërenduese e kësaj hallke shoqërore që duhet ta ketë vendin dhe rolin e saj. Përsa u tha dhe është punuar për të vënë në dritë një nga projektet më me ndikim komercial në lehtësimin dhe zhvillimin e kulturës ekonomike , në Britaninë e Madhe , ka një domethënie mjaft kuptimplote dhe me një mesazh me të vërtetë të rëndësishëm. Para së gjithash ky projekt ka si qellim ndërgjegjësimi dhe inkurajimi dhe në një ardhme të afërt dhe kërkesat për një udhërrëfyes të tillë do të jenë jo vetëm në rritje , por do të shërbej apo krijohet dhe një model I shkëlqyer për të gjithë shqiptarët, të shpërndarë akëkënd botës. Mos ngurroni ta keni këtë udhëzues jo vetëm në dorën tuaj por dhe puna, biznesi juaj të jetë në faqet e këtij pse jo dhe sa më afër konsumatorit dhe të krijomë një lidhje të fortë brendapërbrenda komunitetit tonë.
Avokat - Solicitor
Avokat - Solicitor
AVOKATIA PRAGASH & MCKENZIE PRAGASH & MCKENZIE SOLICITORS Office 1: 894 Garrat Lane, Tooting Broadway, London SW17 0NB Tel: 020 8682 2332 Fax: 020 8767 8607 E-mail: Office 2: 791a London Road, Thornton Heath, Croyden CR7 6AW Tel: 020 8689 0089 Fax: 020 8684 1840 Ju lutem mos hezitoni te kontaktoni juristin Shqiptaro-Britanik z. Kastriot Berberi - Legal Consultant
ÇESHTJE EMIGRACIONI -Aplikime per bashkim familjar me bashkeshorten, femijen,prinderit - Aplikime per viza per te martuarit, fujuarit, bashkejetuesit me persona qe gezojne shetesi britanike apo leje qendrimi te perheshme ne Britani -Aplikime per lejim qendrimi te perhershem dhe te perkohshem ne UK - Aplikime per lejim qendrimi ne baze punesimit apo si student - Aplikime per Dokument Udhetimi (Travel Document) - Aplikime per shetesi Britanike (Naturalisation) SHITJE DHE BLERJE - Shitje dhe blerje prona private apo bisnese - Kontrata residenciale dhe komerciale - E drejta per te blere prone apo biznese - Mortgage dhe Remorgage (borxh bankar i siguruar me prone)
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- Divorce, ndarje jo ligjore (Seperation) - Urdhera gjykate urgjente - Perkujdesje per femije - Pagesa te detyrueshme te prinderit per femijet pas divorvit ÇESHTJE PUNESIMI - Perfaqesojme pononjesit ose punedhenesit -Diskriminime ne pune per arsey racore, fetare, seksi,aftesise fizike -Shkarkim i padrejte nga puna ÇESHTJE AKSIDENTESH - Demtim personal - Aksidente ne rruge - Aksidente ne pune - Neglizhence mjeksore etj. - IMMIGRATION, NATIONALITY AND ASYLUM - CONVEYANCING - CRIMINAL - WELFARE AND BENEFITS - HOUSING / LANDLORD AND TENANT - CIVIL LITIGATION - PERSONAL INJURY - DEBTS - MATRIMONIAL - WILLS, TRUSTS AND PROBATE - EMPLOYMENT etc…
Avokat - Solicitor
Avokat - Solicitor
Amosu Robinshaw Solicitors Firmë e specializuar në fushën e krimeve Stacion Policie Magistrates Court Crown Court Për çdo nevojë tuajën në fushën e veprave penale kontaktoni një ndër avokatet më të mirë në Londër Nick Robnshaw ose juristin shqiptar Nalton Shtembari
Kjo firme punon me fonde nga Ndihma Ligjore (Legal Aid) ose privatisht
Tel: 020 7582 9645 Fax: 020 7820 1815 Nalton:
07801 437 460
Amosu Robinshaw Solicitors Bondway Commercial Centre
71 Bondway Vauxhall London SW8 1SQ
Albanian Assocation
Shoqata “Edith Durham” 122 White Hart Lane London N17 8HP Tel/fax:02082169527
Antologjitë e krijuesve shqiptarë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar “Lërmëni pak Atdhe I&II”
Një ndër prioritetet e shoqatës është nxitja e talenteve të reja në fushën e krijimtarisë artistike. Nëse dëshironi një kopje të këtyre botimeve, ju lutem kontaktoni në adresën e mësipërme. 8
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Albanian Assocation
Accounter - Llogaritar
Accounter - Llogaritar
Accounter - Llogaritar
Albanian Translation Service Official Translator for Translation of Home Office Documents and Medical Reports Second Floor, 74 Queensway (next to Burger King) London W2 3RL
Tel: 020 7727 1884 Tube: Bayswater - Circle Line
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Bar Restorants
Bar Restorants
Bar Restorants
4 vjet “The Albanian” 4 vjet Sukses
10 000 kopje falas Mënyra më efikase për të dërguar mesazhin tuaj tek shqiptarët në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar ... një staf i tërë përkujdeset për këtë... The Albanian Newspaper Newspaper in English and Albanian Language based in London 122 White Hart Lane London N17 8HP
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Bar Restorants
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Niko Për të gjitha llojet e shërbimeve të ndërtimtarisë ne ju mirëpresim Gjithçka sërviret në mënyrën më prefekte dhe tepër profesionale Mos hezitoni të na kontaktoni
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A jeni…..? Përkthyes/e Kuzhinier/e Kamerier/e Banakier/e Punëtor/e Kujdestar/e fëmijësh Bojaxhi Pllasterxhi Hidraulik Mekanik Marangoz Punues kopshtesh Pllakaxhi Murator Elektricist Berber Parukier/e Instruktor makine Roje Designer Programues faqesh interneti Teknik/e kompiuterash rregullues satelitësh Muzikant/e DJ Shofer/e Mësues/e privat Etj etj Dëshironi të gjeni apo të ndryshoni punë? Dëshironi të gjeni ndonjë punë ekstra? Vendosni biznes kartën tuaj në Publikimi në web-site bëhet falas 20 000 Katalogje do të shpërndahen në të gjithë Britaninë e Madhe Kontaktoni sa më parë
Tel/fax:02082169527 59
Think! A nuk do të dëshironit që 20 000 konsumatorë të dijnë çfarë ju ofroni? Albanian Yellow Pages in the UK, mënyra më e mirë për të përçuar mesazhin tuaj.
Travel Agency
Travel Agency
Police Stations Acton Police Station 250 High Street, London, W3 9BH 020 8810 1212 Albany Street Police Station 60 Albany Street, London, NW1 4EE 020 7404 1212
Bethnal Green Police Station 020 7515 1212 Bexleyheath Police Station 2 Arnsberg Way, Bexleyheath, Kent, DA7 4QS 020 8301 1212
SE6 2RJ 020 8297 1212 Cavendish Road Police station 47 Cavendish Road, London, SW12 0BL 020 7326 1212
020 8200 1212
020 8807 1212
Croydon Police Station 71 Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1BP 020 8667 1212
Eltham Police Station 20 Well Hall Road, London, SE9 6SF 020 8284 5625
Enfield Police Dagenham Police Station 41 Baker Street, Chalkhill Police Station Bow Road Police Enfield, Middlesex, Office 561 Rainham Station EN1 3EU Ken Way, Chalkhill Barking Police Road South, 020 7515 1212 020 8807 1212 Road, Wembley, Dagenham, Essex, Station Middlesex, HA9 6 Ripple Road, RM10 7TU Brentford Police Feltham Police 9DS Barking, Essex, 020 8984 1212 Station Station 020 7372 1212 IG11 7PE Half Acre, 34 Hanworth 020 8984 1212 Dalston Cross Brentford, Road, Feltham, Charing Cross PoPolice Office Middlesex, Middlesex, lice Station Barkingside Police Rear Of Unit 2b, TW8 8BH TW13 5BD Agar Street, Station Dalston Cross 020 8577 1212 020 8577 1212 London, WC2N 1 High Street, Shopping Centre, 4JP Barkingside, London, E8 2LX Brick Lane Police Forest Gate Police 020 7240 1212 Ilford, Essex, IG6 020 7739 1212 Station Station 1QB 020 7515 1212 350-360 Romford 020 8478 1123 Deptford Police Road, London, E7 Chelsea Police Station Brixton Police 8BS Station Barnet Police 114 Amersham Station 020 8534 1212 2 Lucan Place, Station Vale, London, 367 Brixton Road, 26 High Street, SE14 6LG London, SW9 7DD London, SW3 3PB Frank O'Neill 020 7376 1212 Barnet, Hertford020 8297 1212 020 7326 1212 House Police shire, EN5 5RU station 020 8200 1212 Ealing Police Brockley Police 43-59 Clapham Chingford Police Station Station Road, London, Station Battersea Police 67-69 Uxbridge 4 Howson Road, SW9 0JD Kings Head Hill, Station Road, London, W5 London, SE4 2AS 020 7326 1212 London, E4 7EA 112 - 118 5SJ 020 8297 1212 020 8556 8855 Battersea Bridge 020 8810 1212 Fulham Police Road, London, Bromley Police Station Chiswick Police SW11 3AF East Dulwich poStation Heckfield Place, Station 020 7350 1122 lice station High Street, 209-211 Chiswick 173 - 183 Lordship London, SW6 5NL Bromley, Kent, 020 8563 1212 High Road, LonBelgravia Police Lane, London, BR1 1ER don, W4 2DU Station SE22 8HA 0168 989 1212 Gipsy Hill Police 020 8577 1212 202-206 020 7378 1212 Station Police Buckingham Camberwell station Clapham Police Palace Road, East Ham Police police 66 Central Hill, Station London, SW1 9SX Station station London, SE19 1DT 51 Union Grove, 020 7730 1212 4 High Street 22a Camberwell 020 7326 1212 London, SW8 2QU South, London, E6 Church Street, 020 7326 1212 Belvedere Police 6ES London, SE5 8QU Golders Green Station 020 8534 1212 020 7378 1212 Police Station Colindale Police 2 Nuxley Road, 1069 Finchley Station Belvedere, Kent, Edmonton Police Catford Police Road, London, Grahame Park DA17 5JF Station Station NW11 0QE Way, London, 020 8301 1212 462 Fore Street, 333 Bromley 020 8200 1212 NW9 5TW London, N9 0PW Road, London,
Police Stations Greenford Police Station 21 Oldfield Lane South, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6 9LQ 020 8810 1212 Greenwich Police Station 31 Royal Hill, London, SE10 8RR 020 8853 1212
Harrow Police Station 74 Northolt Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 0DN 020 8423 1212 Harrow Road Police Station 325 Harrow Road,
Middlesex, UB8 1PG 0189 525 1212 Holborn Police Station 10 Lambs Conduit Street, London, WC1N 3NR 020 7404 1212
Islington Police Station 2 Tolpuddle Street, London, N1 0YY 020 7704 1212
Hammersmith Police Station 226 Shepherds Bush Road, London, W6 7NX 020 8563 1212
Kenley Police Station 94-96 Godstone Road, Kenley, Surrey, CR8 5AB 020 8667 1212
Hampstead Police Station 26 Rosslyn Hill, London, NW3 1PD 020 7404 1212
Harlesden Police Station 76 Craven Park, London, NW10 8RJ 020 7372 1212 Harold Hill Police Station Gooshays Drive, Romford, Essex, RM3 8AE 0170 875 1212
Ilford Police Station 270 - 294 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1GT 020 8478 1123 Isle of Dogs Police Station 020 7515 1212
Hackney Police Station 2 Lower Clapton Road, London, E5 0PA 020 7739 1212
Harefield Police Office Hill End Road, Harefield, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB9 6LB 0189 525 1212
Station 5 Montague Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 1LB 020 8577 1212
London, W9 3RD 020 7402 1212 Hayes Police Station 755 Uxbridge Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 8HU 020 8569 1212 Heathrow Airport Police Station London Heathrow Airport, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 2DJ 020 8897 1212 Hillingdon Police Station 1 Warwick Place, Uxbridge,
Holloway Police Station 284 Hornsey Road, London, N7 7QY 020 7704 1212 Hornchurch Police Station 74 Station Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 6NA 0170 875 1212 Hornsey Police Station 98 Tottenham Lane, London, N8 7EJ 020 8808 1212 Hounslow Police
Kennington Police Station 49-51 Kennington Road, London, SE1 7QA 020 7326 1212 Kensington Police Station 72 Earls Court Road, London, W8 6EQ 020 7376 1212 Kentish Town Police 12a Holmes Road, London, NW5 3AE 020 7404 1212 Kilburn Police Station 38 Salusbury Road, London, NW6 6LT 020 7372 1212
Kingston Police Station 5-7 High Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1LB 020 8541 1212 Lavender Hill Police Station 176 Lavender Hill, London, SW11 1JX 020 7350 1122 Lewisham Police Station 43 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 5JZ 020 8297 1212 Leyton Police Station 215 Francis Road, London, E10 6NL 020 8529 8666 Leytonstone Police Station 11 Kirkdale Road, London, E11 1HP 020 8721 5001 Marks Gate Police Office 78 Rose Lane, Romford, Essex, RM6 5JU 020 8984 1212 Marylebone Police Station 1-9 Seymour Street, London, W1H 7BA 020 7486 1212 Mitcham Police Station 58 Cricket Green, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 4LA 020 8947 1212
Police Stations Morden Police Office 4 Crown Parade, Crown Lane, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DA 020 8947 1212 Muswell Hill Police Station 115 Fortis Green, London, N2 9HW 020 8808 1212 New Addington Police Station Addington Village Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 5AQ 020 8649 1440 New Malden Police Community Office 184 High Street, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 4ES 020 8541 1212 Norbury Police Station 1516 London Road, London, SW16 4ES 020 8649 1103 North Woolwich Police Station Albert Road, London, E16 2JJ 020 8534 1212
Northwood Police Office 2 Murray Road, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 2YN 0189 525 1212 Notting Hill Police station 99 - 101 Ladbroke Road, London, W11 3PL 020 7376 1212 Orpington Police 76
Station The Walnuts, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0TW 0168 989 1212 Paddington Green Police Station 2-4 Harrow Road, London, W2 IXJ 020 7402 1212 Peckham police station 177 Peckham High Street, London, SE15 5SL 020 7378 1212 Penge Police Station 175 High Street, London, SE20 7DS 0168 989 1212 Pinner Police Station 1 Elm Park Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3LA 020 8423 1212
Bridge Road, London, SW15 2PD 020 7350 1122 Rainham Police Office Bridge Road, Rainham, Essex, RM14 9YW 0170 875 1212 Richmond Police Station 020 8247 7225 Romford Police Station 19 Main Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3BJ
0170 875 1212
Plaistow Police Station 444 Barking Road, London, E13 8HJ 020 8534 1212
Rotherhithe police station 99 Lower Road, London, SE16 2XQ 020 7378 1212
Plumstead Police Station 200 Plumstead High Street, London, SE18 1JY 020 8855 1212
Ruislip Police Station The Oaks, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 7LE 0189 525 1212
Ponders End Police Station 201-214 High Street, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 4EZ 020 8807 1212
Shepherds Bush Police Station 253-258 Uxbridge Road, London, W12 7JB 020 8563 1212
Putney Sector Office 230-232 Putney
Shoreditch Police Station 4-6 Shepherdess Walk, London, N1
7LF 020 7739 1212 Sidcup Police Station 87 Main Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6ND 020 8301 1212 South Norwood Police Station 11 Oliver Grove, London, SE25 6ED 020 8649 1319 Southall Police Station 67 High Street, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3HG 020 8810 1212
Stratford Police Station 18 West Ham Lane, London, E15 4SG 020 8534 1212 Streatham Police Station Police station 101 Central Parade, Streatham High Road, London, SW16 1HT 020 7326 1212 Surbiton Police Station 299 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7AB 020 8541 1212
Southgate Police Station 25 Chase Side, London, N14 5BW 020 8807 1212
Sutton Police Station 6 Carshalton Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4RF 020 8643 1212
Southwark police station 323 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1JL 020 7378 1212
Sydenham Police Station 179 Dartmouth Road, London, SE26 4RN 020 8297 1212
Thamesmead St Anns Police Police Station Station 289 St Anns Road, Titmuss Avenue, London, N15 5RD London, SE28 8BJ 020 8312 1212 020 8808 1212 St John's Wood Police Station 20 Newcourt Street, London, NW8 7AA 020 7486 1212
Tooting Police Station 251 Mitcham Road, London, SW17 9JQ 020 8807 1212
Stoke Newington Police Station 33 Stoke Newington High Street, London, N16 8DS 020 7739 1212
Tottenham Police Station 398 High Road, London, N17 9JA 020 8808 1212
Police Stations Upminster Police Office 9 Corbets Tey Road, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2AP 020 7161 8907
Station 603 Harrow Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 2HH 020 7372 1212
Wallington Police Station 84 Stafford Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 9AY 020 8643 1212
West End Central Police Station 2-4 Savile Row, London, W1S 2EX 020 7437 1212
Walthamstow Police Station 360 Forest Road, London, E17 5JQ 020 8529 8666 Walthamstow Town Centre Police Office 191-193 High Street, London, E17 7BX 020 8529 8666 Walworth police station 12-28 Manor Place, London, SE17 3BB 020 7378 1212 Wandsworth Police Station 146 Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 4JJ 020 7350 1122 Wanstead Police Station Spratt Hall Road, London, E11 2RQ 020 8478 1123 Wealdstone Police Station 74 High Street, Wealdstone, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 7AF 020 8423 1212 Wembley Police
020 8200 1212 Willesden Green Police Station 96 High Road, London, NW10 2PP 020 7372 1212 Wimbledon Police Station 15-23 Queens
High Road, London, N22 4HZ 020 8808 1212 Woodford Police Station 509 High Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0SR 020 8478 1123 Woolwich Police
Ju mund të keni shërbimin më të shkëlqyer, por kush e di për këtë; miqtë, të afërmit?!!! A bëhet biznes me miq, apo me të afërm? Imagjinoni sikur reth 100 000 konsumatorë të dijnë për biznesin tuaj. Suksesi juaj është vetëm një telefonatë larg Tel/fax: 0207 2633 661 West Hampstead Police Station 21 Fortune Green Road, London, NW6 1DX 020 7404 1212 Whetstone Police Station 1170 High Road, London, N20 0LW
Road, London, SW19 8NN 020 8947 1212 Winchmore Hill Police Station 687 Green Lanes, London, N21 3RT 020 8807 1212 Wood Green Police Station
Station 29 Market Street, London, SE18 6QR 020 8284 9826 Worcester Park Police Office 154 Central Road, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 8HH 020 8643 1212
Central Networks Eastern Region 0800 056 8090 Central Networks Western Region 0800 328 1111 EDF Energy (East of England) 0800 783 8838 EDF Energy (London) 0800 028 0247 EDF Energy (South East) 0800 783 8866 Floodline 08459881188 Scottish & Southern Energy (South) 08457708090 Scottish Hydro-Electric 0800 300 999 Scottish Power Manweb 08452722424 SWEB Energy 0800 365 900 United Utilities 0800 195 4141 Water Thames Water 08459200800 Western Power Distribution ( South Wales) 0800 052 0400 Western Power Distribution (South West) 0800 365 900 Yorkshire Electricity DL 0800 375 675
KĂŤshillat lokale Barking and Road, London, W5 Dagenham Council 2HL Civic Centre, Rain020 8825 5000 ham Road North, Dagenham, Essex, Enfield Council RM10 7BN Civic Centre, Silver 020 8215 3000 Street, EN1 3XY 020 8379 1000 Barnet Council Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, Greater London Hendon, London, Authority NW4 4BG City Hall, The 020 8359 2277 Queens Walk, London, SE1 2AA Bexley Council 020 7983 4000 Bexley Civic Offices, Broadway, Bexleyheath, Kent, Greenwich Council DA6 7LB Town Hall, Welling020 8303 7777 ton Street, London, SE18 6PW Brent Council 020 8854 8888 Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, Hackney Council Middlesex, HA9 Town Hall, Mare 9HD Street, London, E8 020 8937 1234 1EA 020 8356 3000 Bromley Council Civic Centre, Hammersmith and Stockwell Close, Fulham Council Bromley, Kent, Town Hall, King BR1 3UH Street, London, 020 8464 3333 W6 9JU 020 8753 4040 Camden Council Camden Town Haringey Council Hall, Judd Street, Civic Centre, High London, WC1H Road, London, 9JE N22 8LE 020 7278 4444 020 8489 0000 Croydon Council Taberner House, Park Lane, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 3JS 020 8726 6000
Harrow Council Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2XF 020 8863 5611
Ealing Council Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge
Havering Council Town Hall, Main Road, Romford,
Essex, RM1 3BB 0170 843 4343 Hillingdon Council Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 1UW 0189 525 0111
Hounslow Council Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 4DN 020 8583 2000
Islington Council 222 Upper Street, London, N1 1XR 020 7527 2000
Kensington and Chelsea Council The Town Hall, Hornton Street, London, W8 7NX 020 7361 3000 Kingston upon Thames Council Guildhall, High Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1EU 020 8547 5757
Lambeth Council Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, SW2 1RW 020 7926 1000 Lewisham Council Town Hall, Rushey Green, London, SE6 4RU 020 8314 6000 Merton Council Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX 020 8274 4901 Newham Council 020 8430 2000 Redbridge Council Town Hall, 128142 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1DD 020 8554 5000 Richmond upon Thames Council Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3BZ 020 8891 1411 Southwark Council Town Hall, Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UB
020 7525 5000 Sutton Council Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1EA 020 8770 5000 Tower Hamlets Council Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG 020 7364 5000 Waltham Forest Council Town Hall, Forest Road, London, E17 4JF 020 8496 3000 Wandsworth Council The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 2PU 020 8871 6000 Westminster City Council Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP 020 7641 6000
Courts Administrative Court The Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL 020 7947 6000
Croydon Crown Court The Law Courts, Altyre Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 5AB 020 8410 4700
Bankruptcy Court The Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL 020 7947 6000
Edmonton County Court Court House, 59 Fore Street, London, N18 2TN 020 8884 6500
4TU 020 8424 2294 Havering Magistrates' Court Main Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3BH 08456013600 Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court 51 Holloway Road, London, N7 8JA 020 7506 3147
Division 42-49 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6NP 020 7947 6000 Queen's Bench Division The Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL 020 7947 6000
Snaresbrook Crown Court 75 Hollybush Hill, London, E11 1QW 020 8530 0000 Southwark Crown Court 1 English Grounds, London, SE1 2HU 020 7522 7200
Barnet Civil and Family Courts Centre St. Marys Court, Regents Park Road, London, N3 1BQ 020 8343 4272
Stratford Magistrates' Court 389-397 High Street, London, E15 4SB 08456013600
Bow County Court 96 Romford Road, London, E15 4EG 020 8536 5200
Supreme Court Costs Office Clifford's Inn, London, EC4A 1DQ 020 7947 6000
Central Criminal Court Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7EH 020 7248 3277
Thames Magistrates' Court 58 Bow Road, London, E3 4DJ 08456013600
City of London Magistrates' Court 1 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4N 4XY 020 7332 1830
West London Magistrates' Court 181 Talgarth Road, London, W6 8DN 08456013600
City of Westminster Magistrates' Court 70 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 2AX 08456013600 Court of Appeal Criminal Division The Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL 020 7947 6000
Enfield Magistrates' Court The Court House, Lordship Lane, London, N17 6RT 020 8808 5411 Greenwich Magistrates' Court 9 Blackheath Road, London, SE10 8PE 08456013600 Harrow Crown Court Hailsham Drive, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1
Ilford County Court Buckingham Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1TP 020 8477 1920 Kingston-uponThames Magistrates' Court High Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1EU 020 8481 6565 Principal Registry of the Family
Magistrates' Court Cranbrook Road, Ilford, Essex, IG6 1HW 08456013600 Romford County Court 2a Oaklands Avenue, Romford, Essex, RM1 4DP 0170 877 5353 Royal Courts of Justice Strand, London, WC2A 2LL 020 7947 6000
Wood Green Crown Court Woodall House, Lordship Lane, London, N22 5LF 020 8826 4100 Woolwich County Court 165 Powis Street, London, SE18 6JW 020 8301 8700
Albanian Contacts
ALBANIAN USEFUL CONTACTS • GOVERNMENT Council of Ministers “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Boulevard, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 228 399 / 230 846 Fax: (+355) 4 234 818 / 226 801 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection “Skënderbej” Square, No.2, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 232 796 Fax: (+355) 4 227 924
Fax: (+355) 4 270 627 Ministry of Finances “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Boulevard, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 228 405 Fax: (+355) 4 228 494 Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Zhan D’Ark” Boulevard, No.6, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 362 170 / 248 298 Fax: (+355) 4 235 899
Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Boulevard, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 234 647 Fax: (+355) 4 232 389 Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports Street “Abdi Toptani”, No.5, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 232 488 / 271 259 Fax: (+355) 4 232 488 Useful Contacts
Commission Street “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, No.6, Tirana Tel/Fax: (+355) 4 228 260 General Department of Customs Street “Sami Frashëri”, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 234 499 Fax: (+355) 4 243 914 General Directorate of Standardization Street “Mine Peza”, No.143/3, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 226 255 Fax: (+355) 4 247 177
Ministry of Health “Bajram Curri” Boulevard, • OTHER GOVERNMENTirana TAL INSTITUTIONS Tel: (+355) 4 362 937 Fax: (+355) 4 362 554 Albanian Agency for Busi- General Tax Department ness and Investments Street “Mustafa Lleshi”, (ALBINVEST) No.7, Tirana Ministry of Integration Ministry of Defence “Gjergj Fishta” Boulevard, Tel: (+355) 4 374 158 “Dëshmorët e Kombit” “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Bldg. Fax: (+355) 4 374 159 Boulevard, Tirana Boulevard,Tirana Shallvare, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 263 835 Tel: (+355) 4 232 675 / Tel: (+355) 4 252 976 / Fax: (+355) 4 256 267 226 865 252 886 INSTAT – Institute of Fax: (+355) 4 228 481 Fax: (+355) 4 222 341 tistics Useful Contacts Street “Lekë Dukagjini”, No.5, Tirana Ministry of Interior Affairs Ministry of Economy, Albanian Directorate of Tel: (+355) 4 222 411 / “Skënderbej” Square, Trade and Energy Patents and Marks 230 484 No.3, Tirana “Zhan D’Ark” Boulevard, “Zhan D’Ark” Boulevard, Fax: (+355) 4 228 300 Tel: (+355) 4 233 545 Tirana No.3, Tirana Fax: (+355) 4 233 544 Tel: (+355) 4 228 442 / Tel/Fax: (+355) 4 234 412 232 833 Telecommunication Fax: (+355) 4 234 052 Regulatory Entity Ministry of Justice Albanian Electricity Street “Reshit Collaku” “Zogu 1st” Boulevard, Ministry of Education and Regulatory Authority No.43, Tirana Tirana Science Street “Marsel Kashen”, Tel: (+355) 4 259 571 Tel: (+355) 4 259 395 Street “Durrësi”, No.23, No.10, Tirana Fax: (+355) 4 259 106 Fax: (+355) 4 234 560 Tirana Tel/Fax: (+355) 4 222 963 Tel: (+355) 4 240 468 / Useful Contacts 228 757 Ministry of Labour, Social Fax: (+355) 4 232 002 Albanian Insurance • BANKS Affairs Supervisory Authority American Bank and Equal Opportunities Street “Perlat Rexhepi”, of Albania Street “Kavajës”, Tirana Ministry of Environment, Bldg.10, Tirana Street “Ismail Qemali”, Tel: (+355) 4 233 429 / Forestry and Water Tel/Fax: (+355) 4 247 148 No.27, Tirana 228 340 Administration / 250 686 Tel: (+355) 4 276 000 Fax: (+355) 4 228 340 / Street “Durrësi”, No.27, Fax: (+355) 4 248 762 240 413 Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 270 630 Albanian Securities 80
Albanian Contacts
Bank of Albania “Skënderbej” Square, No.1, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 222 230 / 752 Fax: (+355) 4 223 558 / 821 Credins Bank Street “Ismail Qemali”, No.21, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 234 096 / 233 912 Fax: (+355) 4 222 916 Italian – Albanian Bank (BIA) Street “Barrikadave”, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 233 965 Fax: (+355) 4 235 700 National Commercial Bank “Zhan D’Ark” Boulevard, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 250 955 Fax: (+355) 4 250 956 Procredit Bank Street “Sami Frashëri”, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 271 272 / 73 / 74 / 75 Fax: (+355) 4 271 276 / 77 al
Raiffeisen Bank Street “Kavajës”, Bldg.12, United Kingdom Tirana Street “Skënderbej”, Tel: (+355) 4 274 910 No.12, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 234 973 / 74 / 75 Tirana Bank Fax: (+355) 4 247 697 “Zogu 1st” Boulevard, No.55/1, Tirana uk Tel: (+355) 4 233 411 / 43 / 47 United States Fax: (+355) 4 233 417 Street “Elbasani”, No.103, Tirana 1. A full list of banks oper- Tel: (+355) 4 247 285 / 86 ating in Albania can be / 87 / 88 found at Fax: (+355) 4 227 904 / Useful Contacts 232 222 Macedonia Street “Lek Dukagjini”, Vila No.2, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 233 036 / 909 Fax: (+355) 4 232 514 Romania Street “Themistokli Gërmenji”, No.1, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 256 071 Fax: (+355) 4 256 072 Serbia & Montenegro Street “Skënderbej”, No.8/3, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 232 091 Fax: (+355) 4 232 089
No.14, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 234 250 / 054 Fax: (+355) 4 234 442 / 41 Germany Street “Skënderbej”, No.8, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 274 505 / 232 048 Fax: (+355) 4 233 497 Greece Street “Frederik Shiroka, No.3, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 234 290 / 233 331 Fax: (+355) 4 234 443
Italy Street “Lek Dukagjini”, No.2, Tirana Tel: (+ 355) 4 234 045 / 46 / 47 Fax: (+355) 4 250 920 / 234 276 Austria Street “Frederik Shiroka”, 2. A full list of Foreign No.3, Tirana Embassies in Albania can Tel: (+355) 4 233 144 / be found at 147 Fax: (+355) 4 233 140 Useful Contacts
Bulgaria Street “Skënderbej”, No.12, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 233 155 / 232 906 Fax: (+355) 4 232 272
Turkey Street “Kavajës”, No.31, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 274 588 / France 233 399 Street “Skënderbej”, Fax: (+355) 4 232 719
• INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Council of Europe “Skënderbej” Square, Culture Palace, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 228 419 Fax: (+355) 4 248 940
Albanian Contacts Delegation of the Fax: (+355) 4 227 997 Tirana EuroPean Tel: (+355) 4 223 243 / Commission • BUSINESS SERVICE 222 315 Street “Durrësi”, PROVIDERS Foreign Investors Fax: (+355) 4 232 133 No.127/1, Laprakë – Internet service providers Associationof Albania Tirana Abcom Street “Ismail Qemali”, DHL International Albania Tel: (+355) 4 228 320 479 Street “Ismail Qemali”, Bldg.7/1, Tirana Street “Dëshmorët e 4 Fax: (+355) 4 230 752 Noli Business Tel/Fax: (+355) 4 251 030 Shkurtit”, Center, Suite No.7, No.7/1, Tirana Tirana Tel / Fax: (+355) 4 227 European Bank for Tel: (+355) 4 251 118 Union of Chambers of 667 Reconstruction Fax: (+355) 4 250 520 Commerce and Development and Industry Street “Abdi Toptani”, Street “Kavajës”, No.6, Fedex Express “Drini” Tower, Abissnet Tirana “Zhan D’Ark” Boulevard, 4th Floor, Tirana Street “Vaso Pasha”, Tel: (+355) 4 230 284 Tower No.2, Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 232 898 / Tirana Fax: (+355) 4 227 997 Tel / Fax: (+355) 4 253 368 Tel: (+355) 4 256 001 / 203 Fax: (+355) 4 230 580 257 002 Union of Investors Fax: (+355) 4 256 002 and Industrialists Real Estate Agencies International Monetary in Albania Fund (IMF) “Zogu 1st” Boulevard, Alfa Information Street “Lekë Dukagjini”, Adanet Tirana “Wilson” Square, Tirana No.3, Tirana Street “Dervish Hima”, Tel: (+355) 4 235 052 / 5 Tel / Fax: (+355) 4 262 Tel: (+355) 4 230 821 No.1, Tirana Fax: (+355) 4 235 060 / 1 871 Fax: (+355) 4 227 732 Tel / fax: (+355) 4 251 Useful Contacts 633 Dev Information • CHAMBERS OF COM- Organization for Security Street “Myslym Shyri“, MERCE AND and Cooperation in Bldg.44, Tirana INVESTITORS UNIONS Albtelecom Europe (OSCE) Tel: (+355) 4 240 222 Albanian – British Street “Myslym Shyri”, Street “Donika Kastrioti”, Chamber No. 42, Tirana Vila No.6, of Commerce and IndusTel: (+355) 4 232 169 Tirana Shega Trans S.A try Fax: (+355) 4 233 323 Tel: (+355) 4 240 001 / 4 Street “Tefta Tashko”, “Rogner” Hotel, Fax: (+355) 4 235 994 No.10, Tirana “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Tel: (+355) 4 255 008 / 09 Boulevard, Tirana Interalb / 10 Tel: (+355) 4 371 618 / Street “Dëshmorët e 4 United Nations Fax: (+355) 4 241 225 377 056 Shkutit”, Bldg.25/1, Development Fax: (+355) 4 342 344 Tirana Program (UNDP) Tel / Fax: (+355) 4 251 Street “Dëshmorët e 4 Trans Albania 747 Shkurtit”, Vila “Zogu 1st” Boulevard, American Chamber of No.35, Tirana Bldg.57, Tirana Commerce Useful Contacts Tel: (+355) 4 233 122 / Tel: (+355) 4 223 076 Street “Dëshmorët e 4 148 Fax: (+355) 4 227 605 Shkurtit”, Bldg.1, Mail Delivery & InternaFax: (+355) 4 232 075 / Tirana tional Transport 234 448 UPS Tel: (+355) 4 259 779 A & A Group Street “Muhamet Fax: (+355) 4 235 350 “Zogu 1st” Boulevard, Gjollesha” Bldg. 29, Tirana World Bank Tirana Tel: (+355) 4 257 671 Street “Dëshmorët e 4 Tel: (+355) 4 259 742 Chamber of Commerce Fax: (+355) 4 232 403 Shkurtit”, Vila Fax: (+355) 4 259 743 and Industry of Tirana No.34, Tirana Street “Kavajës”, No.6, Tel: (+355) 4 228 657 / Tirana Albapost 230 017 Tel: (+355) 4 230 284 Street “Reshit Collaku”, Fax: (+355) 4 232 332 82
Albanian Contacts 1. ARGJENTINE Sh. T. Z. Rezar Bregu Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Argjentine Calle Juez Tedin, 3036 (1425) Buenos Aires Republica Argentina Tel.+ 541148093574 Fax.+ 541148152512 Email: 2. AUSTRI Sh. T. Z. Valter Ibrahimi Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Austri Prinz Eugen Str. 18/1/5 A-1040 Wien Tel. +43 1 328 8656, Fax. +43 1 328 8658 Email: 3. UNOV.OSBE Sh. T. Z. Gilbert Galanxhi Shef Misioni Misioni i Perhershem i Republikes se Shqiperise ne UNOV.OSBE dhe Organizatat Nderkombetare Reisnerstr. 27/6 1030 Wien Tel. +43 1 328 8710, Fax. +43 1 328 8711 E: al 4. BELGJIKE Sh. S. Znj. Mimoza Kondo Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Belgjike 30, Rue Tenbosch, 1000 Bruxelles Tel. +32 2 640 3544, +32 2 640 1422, +32 2 644 3329 Fax. + 32 2 640 31 77, 031 2 640 2858 Email:
PERFAQËSITE DIPLOMATIKE SHQIPTARE JASHTË VENDIT 5. KESHILLI I EUROPES Sh. S. Znj. Margarita Gega Shef Misioni Misioni i Perhershem i Republikes se Shqiperise prane Keshillit te Europes 67, Allèe de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg Tel.+33 388 36 02 06 , Fax. +33 388 35 15 79 Email:
Pod Kstansky 22 16000 Praha 6 Czech Republic Tel. +420 2 3337 0594 , +233380600 Fax. +420 2 3337 7232 Email: embassy.prague@mfa.g 12. GREQI Sh. T. Z. Vili Minarolli Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Republiken e Greqise 7, Vekiareli GR. 15237 Filothei, Athens Tel. +30 210 6876200 Fax. +30 210 6876223 E-mail: embassy.athens@mfa.g
9. EGJYPT Z. Ilir Hoxha 13. Janine I ngarkuar me Pune a.i. Z. Eshref Shehu Ambasada e Republikes Konsull i Pergjithshem se Shqiperise ne Konsullata e Republiken e Egjiptit Pergjithshme Janine 27, El-Gezera Al-Wossta, Str. Foti Tzavella, 2 Ioan6. NATO Gound Floor, nr. 4 Zanina Sh. T. Z. Artur Kuko malek, Cairo-Egypt Tel.+30 26510 21330 Shef Misioni Tel.+202 736 1815, Fax. Fax.+30 26510 37768 Misioni i Republikes se +202 735 6966 Email: consulate.ioanShqiperise prane NATO Email: VA, Building NATO H.Q. Boulevard Leopold III al 14. Selanik B-1110 Brussels Z. Thomaq Nini Tel. +322 707 2780, 322 10.FRANCE Konsull i Pergjithshem 707 2782 Sh. T. Z. Ylljet Aliçka Konsullata e Fax. +322 707 2783, Ambasador Pergjithshme Selanik +322 707 2781 Ambasada e Republikes 6, Odysseos Str. 546 27 Email: se Shqiperise ne Thesaloniki Republiken Franceze Tel.+3031 547435, 3031 57, Avenue Marceau 5474494 Fax. +3031 7. BULLGARI 75116 Paris 546656 Sh. T. Z. Bujar Skendo Tel. +33 1 47233100, Email: consulate.thesaAmbasador Fax. +33 1 47235985 Ambasada e Republikes Email: se Shqiperise ne 15. GJERMANI Republiken e Bullgarise Sh. T. Z. Gazmend 10 Krakra Str. 1504 Sofia Turdiu Bulgaria 11.UNESCO Ambasador Tel. +359 29433857, Sh. S. Znj. Tatjana Ambasada e Republikes Fax. +3592 943 3069 Gjonaj se Shqiperise ne Email: Shef Misoni Republiken Federale te Misioni i Republikes se Gjermanise al Shqiperise prane UNFriedrichstr. 231 D-10 ESCO-s 969 Berlin, Deutschland 8. REPUBLIKA ÇEKE 1, rue Miollis 75015 Paris Tel. +49 30 259 3040, Sh. T. Z. Qazim Tepshi (bureau MS 131/132) Fax. +49 30 259 318 90 Ambasador Tel. +33 1 4568 3240, Email: Ambasada e Republikes +33 1 45683224, Fax. se Shqiperise ne +33 1 45 666371 Republiken Çeke Email:
Albanian Contacts 16. ARABI SAUDITE Mujo Ulqinaku 18 PrishAnna Paulownastraat Sh. T. Z. Admirim Banaj tine 109 B, 2518 BD The Ambasador Tel.+ 381 38 248208, Hague Ambasada e Republikes Fax. + 381 38 248 209 Tel. +31 70 427 2101, se Shqiperise ne Email: +31 70 3632021, Mbreterine e Arabise mission.kosova@mfa.go Fax. +31 70 427 2083 Saudite Email: Al Nakheel Quarter, Ali embassy.hague@mfa.go Aladaway Street 24. KROACI Villa 23, Riyadh Saudi SH.T.Z. Pellumb Qazimi Arabia Ambasador 20.HUNGARI Post address: P.O.Box Ambasada e Republikes Sh. T. Z. Florian Nova 94 004, Riyadh 11693 se Shqiperise ne RepubAmbasador Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ambasada e Republikes liken e Kroacise Tel. +966 1470 4217, se Shqiperise ne Repub- Jurisicea 2A, II kat 10000 Fax. +966 1 4704214 Zagreb liken e Hungarise Email: Tel.+3851 4810679, + Bp.1027, Feketesas 3/A embassy.riyadh@mfa.go 3851 4810680 Fax. 3851 Hungary 4810682 Tel. + 3613360581, + Email: embassy.za3613361098, 17.MBRETERIA E +3613150527, Fax. BASHKUAR +3613361099 Sh. T. Z. Zef Mazi 25.ITALI Email: embassy.buAmbasador SH.T.Z. Llesh Kola Ambasada e Republikes Ambasador se Shqiperise ne Ambasada e Republikes 21.KANADA Mbreterine e Bashkuar se Shqiperise ne RepubSh. T. Z. Besnik Konçi 2nd floor , 24 Buckingliken e Italise Ambasador ham Gate Via Asmara, 5-00199 Ambasada e Republikes London SWIE 6LB, UK se Shqiperise ne Kanada Roma Tel. +44 20 7828 8897 Tel. +39 0686224110 130 Albert Street, suite Fax. + 44 20 7828 8869 Fax. + 39 0686224120 302 Ottawa, ON, KIP Email: embassy.lonEmail: 5G4 Tel. +1 613 236 3053 .al Fax. +1 613 236 0804 18. DANIMARKE Email: embassy.otSh.S.Znj. Afërdita Dalla 26. Bari Ambasadore Z. Artur Shehu Ambasada e Republikes Konsull i Pergjithshem 22. R.P. e KINES se Shqiperise ne Konsullata e Sh. T. Z. Maxhun Peka Mbreterine e DaniPergjithshme Bari Ambasador markes Ambasada e Republikes Corso Vittorio Emanuele Frederiksholms Kanal 4, se Shqiperise ne Repub171, 1220 Copenhagen 70122 Bari liken Popullore te Kines K , Denmark Guang Hua Lu, 28, Bei- Tel.Tel.+39 080 5727647, Tel..+45 3391 7970, +45 +39 080 5289728 jing China 3391 7979, Fax.+39 080 5283335 Tel. +8610 65321120, Fax: +45 3391 7969 cel: +39 329 667 2460 Fax.+8610 65325451 Email: embassy.copenEmail: Cel +8613801053010 Email: al 23. KOSOVE 19.HOLLANDE Z. Arben Cejku Sh. T. Z. Roland Bimo 27.Milano Shef Misioni Ambasador Z. Spartak Topallaj Ambasada e Republikes Misioni i Republikes se Konsull i Pergjithshem Shqiperise ne Kosove se Shqiperise ne Konsullata e Qyteza Pejton, Rruga Mbreterine e Hollandes Pergjithshme Milano 84
Piazza Duomo, 17 C.A.P. 20127 Milano (Mi) Tel.+ 39 02 86995396, +39 02 86467423 Fax. +39 02 86995396 E-mail: consulate.milan@mfa.go 28. IZRAEL Sh. T. Z. Tonin Gjuraj Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Izrael 54/26 Pinkas Street Tel Aviv 62261 Tel. +972 35465866 Fax.+97 23 5444545 cel: +972 054 806601 Email: 29. ISH-REPUBLIKA JUGOSLLAVE E MAQEDONISE Sh. T. Z. Vladimir Prela Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne ish Republiken Jugosllave te Maqedonise Hristjan Todorovski Karpos 94/A 1000 Skopje Tel.+3892 614636 Fax. 3892 614200 Email: embassy.skopje@mfa.go 30.MALAJZI Z. Dilaver Qesja I ngarkuar me Pune a.i. Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Malajzi 31st Floor, UBN Tower, Jalan P Ramlee 50250, Kuala Lumpur Tel. +60 3 20788690, +60 3 20783829, Fax. +60 3 20702285 E-mail: embassy.kualalumpur@ 31. POLONI Sh. T. Z. Florent Celiku Ambasador
Albanian Contacts Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Republiken e Polonise Ul. .Altowa 1, 02-386 Warszawa,Poland Tel.: +48 22 824 14 27; Fax.:+48 22 824 14 26 E-mail:
Sh. T. Z. Adrian Neritani Shef Misioni 43.Gjeneve Misioni i Perhershem i Sh. T. Z. Sejdi Qerimaj Republikes se Shef Misioni Shqiperise ne OrganizaMisioni i Perhershem i ten e Kombeve te Republikes se Bashkuara Shqiperise ne Gjeneve 320 East 79th Street, 32, RUE DU Mole CHNew York, N.Y. 10021 1201 Geneve Tel. +1212 2492059 Fax. Tel: +4122 7311143; Fax; 32. RUMANI 1212 5352917 +4122 7388156 Email: E-mail: mission.genSh. T. Z. Dashnor mission.newyork@mfa.g Dervishi 36.SUEDI Ambasador Sh. T. Z. Ruhi Hado 44. VATIKAN Ambasada e Republikes 40. TURQI Ambasador se Shqiperise ne Repub- Ambasada e Republikes Sh.T.Z. Altin Kodra Sh. T. Z. Rrok Logu liken e Rumanise Ambasador se Shqiperise ne Ambasador Str.Duiliu Zamfirescu Ambasada e Republikes Ambasada e Republikes Mbreterine e Suedise no.7, Sector1 , Bucuresti Capllavägen 7, 181 32 se Shqiperise ne Repub- se Shqiperise ne Seline Tel.: +4012118743; liken e Turqise LIDINGÖ, Stockholm e Shenjte Fax.: +40212108039 Ebu Ziya Tevfik sok. No. Tel. +46 8 7310920/30 Via Silla, No.7/1 E-mail: 17, Çankaya, Ankara Fax. +46 8 767 6557 00192 Roma embassy.bucharest@mf Tel. +90312 4416103 Email: embassy.stockTel. +3906 39754085; Fax.+ 90312 4416109 Fax +3906 39733150 Email: E-mail: embassy.vati33. RUSI embassy.ankara@mfa.g 37. SHBA SH.T.Z. Teodor Laco Sh. T. Z. Aleksander Sal45. JAPONI Ambasador 41. Stamboll labanda Z. Fatos Kerciku Ambasada e Republikes Ambasador I Ngarkuar me Pune a.i. se Shqiperise ne Feder- Ambasada e Republikes Znj. Elvira Isufi Chancery: 4F Hokkoku aten Ruse Konsull i Pergjithshem se Shqiperise ne Shtetet Shimbun Building, 6-4-8, 119049, Ulica Mytnaja, e Bashkuara te Amerikes Konsullata e Tsukiji, Chuo-ku. Post dom 3, kvartira 8 Pergjithshme Stamboll 2100 S Street NW Code: 104-0045 Moskva, Russia Gümüşsuyu Inönü Cad. WashingtonD.C. 20008 Tel. 03-3543-6861 Tel.: +70 95 23 07 732; No. 30/6 Tel.+1202 2234942 Fax: 03-3543-6862 Fax.:+70 95 23 07 635 Taksim, Istanbul Fax.+1202 6287342 Email: E-mail: Tel.++90 212 244 32 56 Email: Tel. +90 212 244 32 57 .al Fax.+90212 2962427 46. Mal i Zi Email: consulate.istan38. Nju Jork 34. SERBI Z. Albert Jerasi Z. Saimir Bala Sh. T. Z. Spiro Koci I ngarkuar me Pune a.i. I Ngarkuar me Pune a.i. Ambasador 42. ZVICER Konsullata e Ambasada e Republikes Ambasada e Republikes Pergjithshme e RSH në Sh. T. Z. Mehmet Elezi se Shqiperise ne Repubse Shqiperise ne Serbi Ambasador Nju Jork liken e Malit te Zi Stari dhe Malin e Zi 156 Fifth Avenue, Suite Ambasada e Republikes Aerodrom, Ul.Zmaj JovBulevar Mira 25 A, se Shqiperise ne Kon1210, New York, NY ina, br.30 Beograd federaten e Zvicres 10010 Mob: 0038267288277 Tel. +381 11 3066642 Pourtalesstrasse 45 A, Tel: +12122557381 Fax: Tel: ++38281652796, ++38281652837 Fax. +381 11 2665439 CH-3074 Muri b, Bern +12122557380 ++38281652784 Email: embassy.belTel. +41319526010; Fax Email: Fax: ++38281652798 +4131 9526012; consulate.newyork@mfa E-Mail: embassy.potgorE-mail: 35. SPANJE 39. OKB Sh. S. Znj. Anila Bitri al Ambasador Ambasada e Republikes se Shqiperise ne Spanje C/Maria de Molina 64-5 B, 28006 Madrid Tel.+34 91 561 21 18, +34 91 561 6985 Fax.+34 91 561 3775 cel: +34 61 74 00 594 E-mail:
Embassies Embassy of Albania in London, England (UK) 2nd Floor 24 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6LB United Kingdom City: London Phone: (020) 7828 8897 Fax: (020) 7828 8869 Email: Andorran Embassy in the London, England (UK) 63 Westover Road London SW18 2RF United Kingdom City: London Phone: 44 (0)20 8874 4806 Fax: (+44) 20 8874 4902 Email: m
Foreign Emmbasies in the UK 4 Kensington Court London W8 5DL City: London Phone: 020) 7938 5482/3412 Fax: (020) 7937 1783 Email: Office Hours: 10.00am1.00pm Monday-Friday Embassy of Belgium in London, England (UK) 17 Grosvenor Crescent
London W8 5JJ Tel: 020 7373 0867 Fax: 020 7373 0871 Croatian Embassy in London 21 Conway Street London W1T 6BN Tel: 020 7387 2022 Fax: 020 7387 0310 Embassy of the
Embassy of The Republic of Armenia in London, England (UK) 25A, Kensington Gardens W 8 6TG City: London Phone: (44 171) 9385435 Fax: (44 171) 9382595 Australian High Commission in London, England (UK) Australia House The Strand London WC 2B 4LA London SW1X 7EE Czech Republic in United Kingdom England, United Kingdom London, England (UK) City: London City: London 26, Kensington Palace Phone: +44 20 7379 4334 Phone: 020 7470 3700 Gardens Fax: +44 20 7887 5558 Fax: 020 7470 3795 W8 4QY, London Web Site: Email: City: London Phone: 004420/72431115 Fax: 004420/77279654 Office Hours: Monday to Email: Web Site: Friday 9 AM to 5 PM ( cept Bank Holidays) Office Hours: Office Email: consulate.lonVisa section 9 AM to 11 hours: 9 am to 5 pm, AM day Friday except UK Passport section 9 AM to 1 Office Hours: Monday bank and Australian naThursday: 08.30 - 17.15 PM tional holidays Friday: 08.30 - 16.00 Bosnia and Hercegovina Embassy of Azerbaijan in Cyprys Embassy in Embassy in London London, England (UK) London 5 - 7 Lexham Gardens 86
93 Park Street, London W1K 7ET. Tel: 020 7499 8272 Fax: 020 7491 0691 Royal Danish Embassy in London, England (UK) 55 Sloane Street London SW1X 9SR City: London Phone: 0044 (0)20 7333 0200 Fax: 0044 (0)20 7333 0270 Web Site: Email: Office Hours: 09:00-16:30 (Friday 16:00) Embassy of Estonia in London, England (UK) 16 Hyde Park Gate London SW7 5DG City: London Phone: 44 (0)20 75893428 Fax: 44 (0)20 75893430 Web Site: Email: Embassy of Finland in London, England (UK) 38 Chesham Place London SW1X 8HW City: London Phone: (020) 7838 6200 Fax: (020) 7235 3680 Web Site: Email: Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9.00 - 12.00 noon French Embassy in London, England (UK) 58, Knightsbridge London SW1X 7JT City: London Phone: 0207 201 10 00 Embassy of Georgia in London, England (UK)
Përkthyes/e Kuzhinier/e Kamerier/e Banakier/e Punëtor/e Kujdestar/e fëmijësh Bojaxhi Pllasterxhi Hidraulik Mekanik Marangoz Punues kopshtesh Pllakaxhi Murator Elektricist Berber Parukier/e Instruktor makine Roje Designer
A jeni…..? Programues faqesh interneti Teknik/e kompiuterash rregullues satelitësh Muzikant/e DJ Shofer/e Mësues/e privat Etj etj Dëshironi të gjeni apo të ndryshoni punë? Dëshironi të gjeni ndonjë punë ekstra? Vendosni biznes kartën tuaj në
Tel/fax 02082169527 87
Embassies 4 Russell Gardens London W14 8EZ United Kingdom City: London Phone: (+44) (207) 603 77 99 Fax: (+44) (207) 603 66 82 Email: Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 1000-1300 German Embassy in London, United Kingdom 23 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8PZ United Kingdom City: London Phone: 44 20 78 24 13 00 Fax: 44 20 78 24 14 35 Web Site: Email: Embassy of Greece in London, England (UK) 1a Holland Park London, W11 3TP City: London Phone: 020-7221-6467 or (0044207) 2293850 Fax: 2297221 Web Site: Email: political@greekembassy.o Office Hours: MondayFriday 09:30-13:00
Office Hours: Monday Friday - 9.30 a.m. 12.00 noon Embassy of Iceland in London, England (UK) 2A Hans Street London SW1X 0JE UK City: London Phone: 44-20-7259-3999 Fax: 44-20-7245-9649 Web Site: Email: l Office Hours: Monday Thursday 10:00 - 13:30 Friday: 10:00 - 12:00
27 Wilton Crescent London SW1X 8SD City: London Phone: 0207-235 6961 Fax: 0207-235 9734 Email:
Embassy of Italy in London, England (UK) 14, Three Kings Yard London W1K 4EH City: London Phone: +44 (0)20
Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in London, United Kingdom Suite 2.1 & 2.2, Bucking Court 75-83 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6PE City: London Phone: +44 207 976 0535; +44 207 976 0538 Fax: +44 207 976 0539 Web Site: Email:
Maltese Embassy Consulate Section Malta House 36 - 38 Piccadilly London W1V 0PQ
Email: Office Hours: Monday Friday 9:30 - 16:00
73122200 Fax: +44 (0)20 73122230 Web Site: Email:
Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in London 5 Dolphin Square, Edensor Road, Chiswick, London, W4 2ST
Royal Netherlands Embassy in London, England Embassy of Ireland in (UK) London, England (UK) Latvian Embassy in Lon38 Hyde Park Gate 17 Grosvenor Place don, United Kingdom London SW7 5DP London SW1X 7HR 45 Nottingham Place, England, UK England, Great Britain Embassy of Hungary in London W1U 5LY, UK City: London City: London London, England (UK) City: London Phone: 0044-(0)20Phone: +44-20-7235-2171 35B Eaton Place Phone: (44) 20 731 200 41 75903200 Fax: +44-20-7245-6961 London SW1X 8BY Email: Fax: (44) 20 731 200 42 Fax: 0044-(0)20-72250947 City: London Web Site: Web Site: Phone: 0870 005 6721 or http://www.netherlandsEmbassy of Israel in Lon0207 235 5218 ondon don, England (UK) Fax: (020) 7823 1348 Email: Office Hours: Reception: 2 Palace Green Web Site: Monday-Friday 09:00W8 4QB London 17:00 Visa section: MonCity: London uk Embassy of Luxembourg day-Friday 09.00-12.00 Phone: 020 - 7957 9500 Email: office@huemin London, United Kingnoon Fax: (020) 7957 9555,hunpress@hue dom Web Site: 88
Reklama Royal Norwegian Embassy in London, England, UK 25 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8QD England, UK City: London Phone: 020 7591 5500 Fax: 020 7245 6993 Web Site: Email: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 09.00-16.00 Embassy of Poland in London, Great Britain 47 Portland Place London W1B 1JH Great Britain City: London Phone: 020 75804324 Web Site: lishembassy/ Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Embassy for the Russian Federation to the U.K. 5 Kensington Palace Gardens London W8 4QS City: London Phone: +44 171 229-3628, 229-2666, 229-7281 Fax: +44 171 727-8625 Office Hours: Monday Friday between the hours of 09.00 and 11.30 Address: 28 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8QB Tel: +44 207 235 9049 Fax: +44 207 235 7092
Embassy of the Slovak
Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon Embassy of Slovenia in Visa (applications and proLondon, England cessing): Monday-Friday 9 Cavendish Court a.m. to 12 noon Phone 11-15 Wigmore Street hours: 2-3 p.m. London, W1U 1AN England Embassy of Switzerland in City: London London, United Kingdom Phone: 0207 495 7775 Embassy of Switzerland Office Hours: 10 a.m. - 12 16-18 Montagu Place a.m. Monday to Friday London W1H 2BQ Embassy of Spain in LonCity: London don, Great Britain and Phone: 020 7616 6000 Northern Ireland Fax: 020 7724 7001 39, Chesham Place.-London SW1X 8SB Web Site: City: London Phone: 235 55 55 ondon_emb/e/home.html Fax: 259 53 92 Email: Email: Office Hours: 9am - 12 noon
Embassy of Portugal in London, UK 11 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8PP City: London Phone: 020 7235 5331 Fax: 020 7235 0739 Email: Embassy of Romania in London, United Kingdom Arundel House, 4 Palace Green Kensington, London W8 4QD United Kingdom City: London Phone: (00) (44) (207) 9379666 Fax: (00) (44) (207) 9378069 Web Site: Email:
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in London, United Kingdom 43 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8PA City: London Phone: 020 7393 0202 Fax: 020 7393 0066 Ukraine Embassy Ukraine Embassy 60 Holland Park London W11 3SJ Telephone: (020) 7727 6312 Fax: (020) 7792 1708
U.S. Embassy in London, Republic in London, Embassy of Sweden, Great Britain England London 24 Grosvenor Square 25 Kensington Palace Gar11 Montagu Place W1A 1AE dens London W1H 2AL City: London London, W8 4QY United Kingdom of Great Phone: [44] (0)20 7499United Kingdom Britain 9000 City: London City: London Web Site: Phone: +44 (0) 20 7313 Phone: +44 (20) 7917 6470 6400 uk/ Fax: +44 (0) 20 7313 6481 Office Hours: Monday Web Site: http://www.slo- Fax: +44 (20) 7724 4174 Web Site: http://www.swe- through Friday, 8.00 a.m. until 8.00 p.m., and on Email: mail@slovakemEmail: ambassaden.lonSaturdays from 10.00 a.m., until 4.00 p.m Office Hours:
4 vjet “The Albanian” 4 vjet Sukses
10 000 kopje falas Mënyra më efikase për të dërguar mesazhin tuaj tek shqiptarët në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar ... një staf i tërë përkujdeset për këtë... The Albanian Newspaper Newspaper in English and Albanian Language based in London 122 White Hart Lane London N17 8HP
HOME OFFICE Asylum Support Customer Contact Centre 08456021739 Employers' Helpline 08450106677 Immigration Enquiry Bureau Border And Immigration Agency, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR9 2BY 0870 606 7766 Nationality Contact Centre 08450105200 One Stop Services Belfast 3rd Floor, Ascott House, 24-31 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast, County Antrim, BT2 7DB 028 9023 8645
One Stop Services Brixton 240-250 Ferndale Road, London, SW9 8BB 020 7346 6700 One Stop Services Cardiff Phoenix House, 389 Newport Road, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF24 1TP 029 2048 9800 One Stop Services Chatham 31 Cross Street, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4LT 07970 603 814
Hastings 48 Havelock Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1BE 0142 471 7011
erpool 64 Mount Pleasant, Liv erpool, Merseyside, L3 5SD 0151 702 6300
One Stop Services One Stop Services Hounslow Manchester 4-5 Alice Way, Hanworth One Stop Services 4t Floor, Dale House, Road, Hounslow, MidDover 35 Dale Street, Mandlesex, TW3 3UD The Rendezvous Buildchester, Lancashire, M1 020 8607 6888 ing, Freight Service Ap2HF proach Road, Eastern 0161 233 1200 One Stop Services IpDocks, Dover, Kent, One Stop Services swich CT16 1JA Birmingham One Stop Services 1st Floor, 4-8 Museum 0130 421 8723 1st Floor, Smithfield Margate Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, House, Digbeth, BirmCliftonville Community IP1 1HT One Stop Services ingham, West Midlands, And Training Centre, St 0147 322 1560 Glasgow B5 6BS Pauls Road, Cliftonville, 5 Cadogan Square (170 0121 622 1515 Margate, Kent, CT9 One Stop Services Blythswood Court), 2DB Leeds Cadogan Street, 07970 603 814 Ground Floor, Hurley Blythswood Court, GlasOne Stop Services House, 1 Dewsbury gow, Lanarkshire, G2 Brighton One Stop Services Road, Leeds, West 7PH 1st Floor, 11-12 Pool Middlesbrough Yorkshire, LS11 5DQ 0141 248 9799 Valley, Brighton, East 27 Borough Road, Mid0113 244 9404 Sussex, BN1 1NS dlesbrough, Cleveland, One Stop Services 0127 372 3223 TS1 4AD One Stop Services Gravesend 0164 221 7447 Leicester The Methodist Church One Stop Services Chancery House, 7 MillHall, Wilfred Street, Bristol One Stop Services Gravesend, Kent, DA12 stone Lane, Leicester, 9 Hide Market, West Newcastle LE1 5JN 2RE Street, St Phillips, Bris19 Bigg Market, New0116 261 6200 07976 450 324 tol, Avon, BS2 0BH castle Upon Tyne, Tyne 0117 941 5960 And Wear, NE1 1UN One Stop Services - LivOne Stop Services -
Immigration 0191 222 0406 One Stop Services Newport High Street Chambers, 51 High Street, Newport, Gwent, NP20 1GB 0163 326 6420 One Stop Services Nottingham 3rd Floor, Albion House, 5-13 Canal Street, Nottingham, NG1 7EG 0115 941 8552 One Stop Services Plymouth Prideaux Court, Palace Street, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2AY 0175 223 5030
One Stop Services Portsmouth Suite F3/4 3rd Floor, Venture Tower, Fratton Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 5DL 023 9285 7561
0179 263 0180 One Stop Services Wrexham Trinity House, Trinity Street, Wrexham, Clwyd, LL11 1NL 0197 836 7890
Public Enquiry Office - Glasgow Festival Court, 200 Brand Street, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G51 1DH 0870 606 7766
Public Enquiry Office Liverpool Public Enquiry Office Reliance House, 20 Birmingham Water Street, Liverpool, Dominion Court, 41 StaMerseyside, L2 8XU tion Road, Solihull, West 0870 606 7766 Midlands, B91 3RT 0870 606 7766 Work Permits Customer One Stop Services Contact Centre Swansea Public Enquiry Office Customer Contact C/o Bay Swansea Race Croydon Centre, Border And ImEquality Council, 3rd Lunar House, 40 migration Agency, Po Floor, Grove House, Wellesley Road, CroyBox 3468, Sheffield, Grove Place, Swansea, don, Surrey, CR9 2BY South Yorkshire, S3 West Glamorgan, SA1 0870 606 7766 8WA 5DF 0114 207 4074 One Stop Services Sunderland 19 Villiers Street, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear, SR1 1EJ 0191 510 8685
Hospitals Barnet Hospital Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 3DJ 08451114000 BMI - The London Independent Hospital 1 Beaumont Square, London, E1 4NL 020 7780 2400 Central Middlesex Hospital Acton Lane, London, NW10 7NS 020 8965 5733 Charing Cross Hospital Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 8RF 020 8846 1234 Chase Farm Hospital 127 The Ridgeway, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 8JL 08451114000
Great Ormond Street Hospital Central London Site Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3JH 020 7405 9200 Guy's Hospital St Thomas Street, London, SE1 9RT 020 7188 7188 Hammersmith Hospital Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS 020 8383 1000 Hillingdon Hospital Pield Heath Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3NN 0189 523 8282
Homerton University Hospital Homerton Row, Chelsea and London, E9 6SR Westminster Hospital 020 8510 5555 08451555000 Heath, Surrey, CR7 7YE 369 Fulham Road, Lon020 8401 3000 don, SW10 9NH King George Hospital Newham General 020 8746 8000 Barley Lane, Ilford, Hospital Mile End Hospital Essex, IG3 8YB Glen Road, London, Bancroft Road, London, Darent Valley Hospital 08451304204 E13 8SL E1 4DG Darenth Wood Road, 020 7476 4000 020 7377 7000 Dartford, Kent, DA2 King's College Hospital 8DA Denmark Hill, London, North Middlesex Moorfields At St Ann's 0132 242 8100 SE5 9RS Hospital Hospital 020 3299 9000 St Anns Road, London, Sterling Way, London, Ealing Hospital N15 3TH N18 1QX Uxbridge Road, Kingston Hospital 020 7566 2841 020 8887 2000 Southall, Middlesex, Galsworthy Road, UB1 3HW Kingston Upon Thames, Northwick Park Hospital 020 8967 5000 Surrey, KT2 7QB Moorfields Eye Hospital Watford Road, Harrow, 020 8546 7711 162 City Road, London, Middlesex, HA1 3UJ Elizabeth Garrett AnderEC1V 2PD 020 8864 3232 son Hospital 020 7253 3411 Huntley Street, London, London Bridge Hospital 27 Tooley Street, LonPrincess Royal UniverWC1E 6DH don, SE1 2PR National Hospital For sity Hospital 08451555000 020 7407 3100 Neurology and NeuroFarnborough Common, sciences - Queen Orpington, Kent, BR6 Epsom General Hospital Square 8ND Dorking Road, Epsom, Mayday University Hospital Queen Square, London, 0168 986 3000 Surrey, KT18 7EG London Road, Thornton WC1N 3BG 0137 273 5735 94
Hospitals Queen Elizabeth Hospital Stadium Road, London, SE18 4QH 020 8836 6000 Queen Marys Hospital Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PN 020 8487 6000 Queen Mary's Hospital Frognal Avenue, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6LT 020 8302 2678 Queen's Hospital Rom Valley Way, Romford, Essex, RM7 0AG 08451304204 Royal Brompton Hospital Sydney Street, London, SW3 6NP 020 7352 8121 Royal Free Hospital Pond Street, London, NW3 2QG 020 7794 0500
020 7915 1300
020 7573 8888
St Bartholomew's Hospital West Smithfield, London, EC1A 7BE 020 7377 7000
The Lambeth Hospital Landor Road, London, SW9 9NU 020 3228 6000
West Middlesex University Hospital Twickenham Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 6AF 020 8560 2121
St George's Hospital (Tooting) Blackshaw Road, London, SW17 0QT 020 8672 1255
The London Chest Hospital Bonner Road, London, E2 9JX 020 7377 7000
St Helier Hospital Wrythe Lane, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 1AA 020 8296 2000
The Royal London Hospital Whitechapel, London, E1 1BB 020 7377 7000
St Mary's Hospital (HQ) Praed Street, London, W2 1NY 020 7886 6666 St Pancras Hospital 4 St Pancras Way, London, NW1 0PE 020 7530 3500 St Thomas' Hospital Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1 7EH 020 7188 7188
Royal London Homeopathic Hospital 60 Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3HR 08451555000
The Eastman Dental Hospital 256 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8LD 020 7915 1000
Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital 300 Grays Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DA
The Heart Hospital 16-18 Westmoreland Street, London, W1G 8PH
The Whittington Hospital Highgate Hill, Magdala Avenue, London, N19 5NF 020 7272 3070 University College Hospital 235 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BU 08451555000 University Hospital Lewisham Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6LH 020 8333 3000 Watford General Hospital Vicarage Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 0HB
Whipps Cross University Hospital Whipps Cross Road, London, E11 1NR 020 8539 5522 Benefit Enquiry Line for People with Disabilities 0800 882 200 Community Legal Service Direct 0845345345 Department for Education and Skills 0870 000 2288 Energywatch 08459060708 Financial Services Authority 08456061234 Learndirect 0800 100 900 Postcodes 09063021222 TV Licensing 0870 241 9054
Airports Zyra e Presidentit të Kosovës Ndërtesa e Kuvendit Sheshi “ Nëna Terezë ” p.n 10 000 Prishtinë, Kosovë Telefon: 0 38 213 222; 213 333 Fax: 038 211 651 KONTAKTI ME ZYRËN PËR INFORMIM Telefon: 038 212 460 Mob: 044 550 715 Email: ;
Kabineti i Kryeministrit Fax. +381 38 211 202 Ndërtesa e Qeverisë Sheshi: Nëna Terezë, p.n.
00 355 42 381 683 00 355 42 381 531 00 355 69 31 866 14
Tel. 00 355 42 381 684 Tel. 00 355 42 381 753 Cel: 00 355 69 31 865 93 Fax. 00 355 42 381 536 SITA: TIAKPXH Cel: 00 355 69 20 220 05 E-Mail:tia-pax-service@tiranaE-mail: Orari i shërbimit: Çdo ditë 24 orë. SENDET E HUMBURA DHE TE GJETURA
Për ndonjë pyetje ose kërkesë ju lutemi kontaktoni:
Aeroporti I Prishtines Prishtina International Airport J.S.C. Vrelle, 10070 Lipjan, Kosova. Commercial Department Tel: + 381 38 5958 153 Tel: + 381 38 5958 292 email:
Flight Informations Tel: + 381 38 5958 123 Lost and Found Tel: +381 38 59 58 175 email:
Tel:00 355 42 381 681 00 355 42 381 682 Tirana International Airport SHPK Cargo contact details: Cel: 00 355 69 20 666 26 Team Leaders: +381 38 5958 Tirana International Airport 177 (Informations about all shipGodina e Administratës E-mail: tia-lost&found@tiranaments) Rinas, Tirana Manager: +381 38 59 58 174 Shqipëri PERGJEGJESI I VENDQENFinance: +381 38 59 58 176 DRIMIT TE AVIONIT Warehouse: +381 38 59 58 178 Tel. 00 355 42 381 600 email : cargoprn@airportFax. 00 355 42 381 545 Tel. 00 355 42 381 685 Fax. 00 355 42 381 533 Website: Cel: 00 355 69 31 755 90 Public Relations 96
Airports Tel: + 381 38 5958 330 Mobile: +377 44 94 54 30 email: m
WorldPoints Tel: 0500 084 084 (UK) or +44 (0)1252 644116 (outside the UK). Lines open Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:30. WorldPoints information
Air Traffic Control Services Division - ATCS Shopping information Tel: + 381 38 59 58 line 303/304 Tel: 0870 850 2825 (UK) Fax: + 381 38 59 58 or +44 121 410 5105 101 (outside the UK) email: atcsfrontofBAA Travel Shop View shops at Heathrow ficeadministration@air(Book flights and hotels) Tel: +44 (0)870 273 Heathrow Health Centre 5248 (Sales only) Tel: +44 (0)20 8745 Book flights and hotels 7047 online WorldPoints Help bus Tel 0500 844 844 (UK ) Tel: +44 (0)20 8745 or +44 (0)1252 644116 6261 (outside the UK) Lines open Monday Heathrow Express Friday, 09:00 - 17:30 Tel: 0845 600 1515 (UK Our address only) BAA, Heathrow Airport, Shopping information 234 Bath Road, Hayes, line Middlesex, UB3 5AP, Tel 0870 850 2825 (UK) United Kingdom or +44 (0)121 410 5105 (outside the UK) Heathrow Airport genView list of shops at eral enquiries Gatwick Telephone: +44 (0)870 general enquiries 000 0123 Tel +44 (0)870 000 2468 Flying Messenger service Airline contact numbers Text LGW and your Airline contact numbers Airline contact numbers View list of airline con- Gatwick flight number to 82222 tact numbers here Heathrow lost property Special assistance Tel: +44 (0)20 8745 G4S Gatwick lost property 7727 Tel +44 (0)1293 503 162 Tel +44 (0)1293 505 599
Heathrow Airport
Gatwick Airport
BAA Advance Left luggage Book car parking North terminal Book an airport lounge Tel: 0870 850 2825 (UK) Tel +44 (0)1293 502 013 South terminal or +44 121 410 5228 Tel +44 (0)1293 502 014 (outside the UK) BAA travel sales (book flights and hotels) Tel: 0870 273 5248 (Sales only) Book flights and hotels online
BAA Advance Pre-book car parking Pre-book lounges Tel 0870 850 2825 or +44 (0)121 410 5228 (outside the UK)
Gatwick Express Tel 0845 850 1530 Airport travel line Tel 0870 574 7777 (UK only)
Stansted Airport general enquiries
Tel +44 (0)870 000 0303 Airline contact numbers Left luggage Tel +44 (0)1279 663 213 Stansted lost property Tel +44 (0)1279 663 293 BAA Advance Pre-book car parking Pre-book lounges Tel 0870 850 2825 or +44 (0)121 410 5228 (outside the UK) BAA Travel Shop (Book flights and hotels) Tel +44 (0)870 273 5248 (Sales only) WorldPoints Tel 0500 844 844 (UK ) or +44 (0)1252 644116 (outside the UK) Lines open Monday Friday, 09:00 - 17:30 Shopping information line Tel 0870 850 2825 (UK) or +44 (0)121 410 5105 (outside the UK) View list of shops at Stansted Stansted Express Tel 0845 850 0150 Airport travel line Tel 0870 574 7777 (UK only) 97, the only Albanian Directory in the UK Published by The Albanian Newspaper
Mesazhi i Ambasadorit Mazi...........................................Page 02 Avokat/Solicitors..............................................................Page 04-07 Albanian Assocation.......................................................Page 08-21 Accounter/ llogaritar........................................................Page 22-24 TRANSLATION .................................................................Page 25 Car claims ........................................................................Page 26-29 Mekanik ............................................................................Page 30-31 Food .................................................................................Page 32-32 Bar Restorant ..................................................................Page 34-41 Kuzhine ............................................................................Page 43 Muzike...............................................................................Page 44-45 Lule....................................................................................Page 48 Construction ....................................................................Page50- 55 Alsat..................................................................................Page 56 Furniture...........................................................................Page 57 TRANSPORT.....................................................................Page 60-62 IOM ...................................................................................Page 64 DESIGN.............................................................................Page 66-70 TRAVEL AGENCY.............................................................Page 72-73 Police Station ..................................................................Page 74-77 Keshillat lokale.................................................................Page 78-79 Institucione Shqiptare.....................................................Page 80-85 Ambasada ne Britani ......................................................Page 86-89 Immigration......................................................................Page 92-93 Hospitals...........................................................................Page 94-95 Airports...............................................................................Page 96-97
4 vjet “The Albanian” 4 vjet Sukses
10 000 kopje falas Mënyra më efikase për të dërguar mesazhin tuaj tek shqiptarët në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar ... një staf i tërë përkujdeset për këtë... The Albanian Newspaper Newspaper in English and Albanian Language based in London 122 White Hart Lane London N17 8HP