WELCOME Dear Parents and Students, Welcome back to school. It is our sincere wish that each student in Sherburne Elementary School be challenged and has a productive and rewarding school year. For this to occur, we need the cooperation of all students, parents, guardians, teachers and administrators. Together we can provide the kind of academic climate that will enhance the educational opportunities enjoyed by all. This handbook should provide you with information and forms needed for the year. Please feel free to contact the school if you have any concerns or questions that we might help you solve. Sincerely, S.E.S. Administration and Faculty
WINDSOR CENTRAL SUPERVISORY UNION MISSION STATEMENT The Windsor Central Supervisory Union Faculty, Staff, Administration and Boards of School Directors endorse practicing inclusion and inter-curricular instruction techniques in our schools. We value these practices, such as integrating by theme and engaging multiple intelligences, because they focus and intensify the development of our students as lifelong learners, responsible citizens, productive workers, and successful people. We support the ongoing education of our faculty, staff, and administration to meet these goals. The education community fully endorses the practice of an articulated educational program of study that is developmentally appropriate, beginning in kindergarten and continuing through twelfth grade graduation. Our intent is that these practices will help our students learn the content and skills needed in each discipline, practice higher order thinking skills, build character, and prepare for work while making the learning experience rich and significant. Adopted by WCSU Board 6/30/97 WCSU BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Windsor Central Supervisory Union is governed by a board consisting of three members from each Elementary School Board and three members from the High School Board. This Union Board meets the last Monday of every quarter. SHERBURNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY The philosophy of the Sherburne Elementary School incorporates the community members, teachers, parents, administrators and school directors as a single unit for the purpose of educating the whole child. These partners will design an educational environment which will allow each child to develop a sense of academic responsibility, a positive self-image, pride and support for family, school and community, respect for the democratic process, and the opportunity to reach his/her highest potential. S.E.S. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sherburne Elementary School is governed by a board consisting of three members who are elected at Town Meeting for a term of three alternate years. This board meets Tuesday once each month and other times as warned. Minutes of the board meetings are posted at Sherburne Memorial Library, at the Town Office, at the school, and on the website. Other notices and news are printed in the Mountain Times, the Vermont Standard, and at our website,
SCHOOL PERSONNEL Web Site: Superintendent: School Board:Chair Vice Chair Clerk Bus Operators: Principal:
Ms. Mary Ellen Gallagher Mrs. Jennifer Iannantuoni Mr. Walter Findeisen Mrs. Kristin Schissel-Alf Butler Bus Service Mrs. Loren Pepe
Administrative Assistant: Guidance School Nurse/Health Ed. Kindergarten/First Grade Second Grade: Third Grade: Fourth Grade: Fifth Grade: Sixth Grade: Special Education: Discovery: Librarian: Physical Education: Music: Art: Spanish: Paraeducators:
Mrs. Sheila Pilsmaker Mrs. Mary Hoag Mrs. Jamie Sudol Mrs. Melissa Knipes Mrs. Lisa Laird Mrs. Kathleen Carey Mrs. Maria Garland Ms. Allison Naugle Mrs. Amy Simonds Mrs. Sondra Farbman Mrs. Joan Wise Mrs. Eileen Vaughn Mr. Greg LaBella Mrs. Christine Morton Ms. Finnie Trimpi Ms. Elaine Leibly Mrs. Elizabeth Hike Mrs. Patty MacLauchlan Ms. Jennifer Burch Mrs. Dale Pfeifenberger Ms. Whitney Willis Mrs. Gail Flynn Mr. David Cleaves
Individual Assistants: Cafeteria: Custodian:
457-1213 422-5402 422-4458 422-4079 802-788-4322 422-3366, 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366 422-3366
EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire and First Response Constable, Scott Bigelow Constable, Whit Montgomery Vermont State Police Regional Ambulance Rutland Hospital
911 422-3935 422-5091 773-9101 773-1700 775-7111
ADMISSIONS A child entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before September 1 of the year he/she enters school. Sherburne Elementary School requires that all students must receive a DPT booster shot before entry into kindergarten. The school needs proof of age (via birth certificate) and immunization before a child can be registered for kindergarten. A child transferring during the year from another school needs to have records forwarded from the sending school. All state requirements must be met before any student will be admitted to classes. RESIDENCY POLICY Any legal pupil who is a resident as defined in V.S.A. Title 16 Chapter 1075 shall be eligible to attend school in this district. The burden of proving residency or any other basis for entitlement to school enrollment shall be on the student and/or his or her parent or guardian. ADMISSION OF NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS POLICY Non-resident students will be admitted to this school, when space is available, in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations governing tuition payment and nondiscrimination. No child will be denied admission on the basis of sex, creed, national origin, race, or handicap. Tuition rates will be established in accordance with Chapter 21 of Title 16 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated and regulations of the State Board of Education. PROCEDURES FOR APPLICATION BY NON-RESIDENT/TUITION STUDENTS If a non-resident wishes to attend Sherburne Elementary School, a letter of intent must be sent to the principal. The School Board, upon recommendation of the principal, may accept nonresident tuition students on a first come, first served basis. Criteria for admission may include, but are not limited to, enrollment projections, class size, siblings in the school and overall impact on the school. Acceptance notification will be made by August 20. By February 1 of each year, the board shall establish non-resident tuition rates for the next school year. Separate tuition rates may be established for students who are eligible to participate in special education programs. Tuition payments shall be arranged with the superintendent’s office prior to enrollment. When a student enrolls for a partial year, tuition for the student will be prorated accordingly. .
VISITORS We welcome and encourage visits by parents and other adult members of the community and interested educators. When you wish to observe, please be sensitive to the school schedule and call to make an appointment in advance. All visitors are required to let the principal or administrative assistant know they are in the building. DAILY SCHEDULE The student day begins when buses arrive at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. If students are not in their rooms by 8:10, they are considered tardy. We strongly urge that walkers or children being dropped off by parents/guardians arrive at school no earlier than the bus arrival time of 8:00. If it is necessary to have your child at school earlier, please call your child’s teacher. 8:00 8:10 8:10 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:10 10:10 - 12:00 12:00 - 1:00 1:00 - 1:15 1:15 - 2:45 3:00
Buses arrive Morning Sing, Attendance taken/tardy thereafter Morning classes Break and Snacks Mid-morning classes Lunch and Recess Silent Reading Afternoon classes Final Dismissal WEEKLY SCHEDULE
Monday & Thursday:
Physical Education: To inspire lifelong physical activity. Appropriate clothing and sneakers are needed on gym
days. Tuesday:
Music: To provide experiences in song, dance, movement and performance.
Spanish: To provide oral exposure to Spanish language, customs, and culture.
Art: To provide skills and expression in the visual arts.
Schedule Varies:
Health Education: To help students make healthy choices that positively affect the health, safety and well being of themselves and others. Library/Media: Our library participates in the Red Clover and Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award programs and Children’s Book week. Children have weekly scheduled classes for reading enrichment and library, research skills, and multi-media tasks integrated with the curricula.
KINDERGARTEN OPENING SCHEDULE Kindergarten students attend a full day program. There is a snack break each day at midmorning and afternoon. Please pick your child up promptly at dismissal time or make arrangements for your child to participate in the afterschool program through V.A.C. A.M. ARRIVAL/P.M. DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Parents/guardians and visitors are asked not to park in the bus lane area that is located directly in front of the school. Please honor areas that are closed to traffic for the children's safety. Please remain in line and allow your child to exit the car onto the sidewalk once in front of the school entrance. RELEASING CHILDREN FROM SCHOOL Children will be released from school only to their parent/guardian or to persons preauthorized by their parent/guardian. In case of illness the parent/guardian or pre-authorized person will be contacted. Dental and medical appointments should be made during non-school time. If this is not possible, please send a written request to excuse your child from the day’s activities. ATTENDANCE/ABSENCE We encourage good attendance and punctual arrival at Sherburne Elementary School. When your child must be absent, we request a written note from the parent/guardian explaining the absence. When absence is required for an extended family circumstance, we request that you communicate in writing clearly and early regarding the reasons for the absence. For your child’s protection, if your child is not in school, and we have not heard from you we will contact you. CONTACTING SCHOOL If possible, all instructions and materials should be given to your child before he/she leaves for school. Please be sure to limit your calls to those of an emergency nature during school hours. If you need to deliver something to your child, please bring it to the front desk. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT TEAM AND SPECIAL EDUCATION Teachers and staff meet when necessary to discuss and support student learning needs. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Many volunteer opportunities exist at Sherburne Elementary School. Your child will enjoy and appreciate seeing you as a volunteer at the school, so please let your child’s teacher or the administration know if you are willing to help. LOST AND FOUND Each year many items of value are left unclaimed in our Lost and Found area. Students and parents are encouraged to claim items in a timely manner. Conversely, any found items should be turned in promptly. It would be most helpful for student clothing to be labeled for easy identification.
SCHOOL MEALS School lunch (entree, milk, and dessert) is provided daily at a cost of $1.75; breakfast is available for $1.00. Healthy snacks are $.35. Milk may be purchased for $.50 at lunch and snack time. Orange juice is available at snack time for $.50. Bills will be sent home monthly at which time prompt payment is most appreciated. Free and reduced lunch and breakfast applications will be sent home on the first day of school. POLICY Located on the SES website are all school policies adopted by the Sherburne Elementary School Board of Directors. Policies are used to govern the day-to-day operations of the school and are routinely reviewed. Of interest to parents in particular might be: Attendance Policy F-25, Student Conduct: Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal Policy F-1, Student Medication Policy F-6, Ski Day Policy F-29, Transportation Policy F-9, Dress Code Policy F-50, Prevention of Harassment of Students F-20, Student Assessment F-22 EARLY CLOSING In the event school would be forced to close once the students have arrived, each parent will be called at their emergency number before children are sent home on the bus. DELAYED OPENING/CANCELLATION
When it is necessary to delay the opening of school or cancel school, the call list will be activated. The call list will be sent home in October. Delayed openings and cancellations are announced on the radio stations as well. FLOOR PLAN/EMERGENCY EXITS An emergency floor plan is posted in each room of the school. It details exits from classrooms and special areas. All classrooms, cafeteria, gym, specials’ room, and resource room have their own exit doors. Monthly fire drills are held so students and staff will be able to leave the building in the shortest possible time without panic or confusion. ACTIVITIES Special Education: Additional services are provided to those students who meet the eligibility criteria outlined by the state of Vermont regulations. Big Friend/Little Friend: A support system for kindergarten and 6th graders who regularly work together on programs and activities. Discovery: A unique program designed to assist students who are in need of extra academic support. Four Winds: A program organized by the Vermont Institute of Natural Science and taught by parents focusing on environmental science education.
Guidance: Guidance and counseling services are provided to students through scheduled classes and individual sessions. Group and individual counseling are provided when it is determined to be the most effective mode of intervention. Referrals to this program may be made by students, parents, teachers, staff and administration. Trailblazers: A Thursday afternoon alpine skiing/riding program is provided for all students during the winter. A cross-country skiing program is offered one day a week after school in conjunction with the Killington Recreation Department. Literature Lunch: Students enjoy meeting with teachers and friends each week to discuss and analyze the books they are reading simultaneously. Geography Club: Geographically-minded youngsters meet with their advisor each week to play geo games to hone their knowledge of geography. Student Council: The student council assists the principal with school governance and is responsible for planning special events involving students such as food drives and holiday activities. Officers and representatives are elected from grades four through six. Chess Club: Participating students meet once a week during free time in winter months to learn how to play the game or hone their skills if they are experienced players. Monthly Assemblies: At the end of each month, the student body and staff gather to share news, distribute awards and recognize student accomplishments. Health Education: A comprehensive health education program is provided to all students through regularly schedules classes. The curriculum includes specific classroom lessons in various health content areas, which addresses and integrates education about health issues and concerns at developmentally appropriate ages. Technology: The Hike Technology Lab hosts fifteen desktop computers for both large and small group use. The school community respects the need to integrate state of the art technology throughout the curricula. With this in mind, teachers embrace the use of SmartBoards in all grades and One to One computing in grades four, five, and six.
LEGAL NOTICES NOTIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT PLAN AVAILABILITY AUGUST 1994 The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (40 CFR 763.93 [g] [4]) requires that written notice be given that these schools have Management Plans for the safe control and maintenance of asbestos containing materials found in their buildings. These Management Plans are available and accessible to the public at the administrative office of each facility listed below. 1. Sherburne Elementary 2. WCSU/Supt. of Schools
Killington, Vermont 05751/422-3366 Woodstock, Vermont 05091/457-1213 Business Manager 4962 Woodstock Road Woodstock, Vermont 05091
Child Find Notice The Windsor Central Supervisory Union wishes to inform interested parties that all people with disabilities from birth through the age 21, who are in need of special education and related services need to be identified, located and evaluated. Also any person between the ages of 3 through 21, who is in need of special education and related services, is entitled to a free and appropriate public education. Therefore, any person who has information about people with disabilities, who fit these descriptions, should contact the supervisory union/school district in which the person resides. In accordance with the policies of Windsor Central Supervisory Union and with 34 CFR Part 99 which is the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act of 1974, this public notice informs all parents within their jurisdictions about how information is cared for when it is collected during the identification, location and evaluation of all people with disabilities. • Each school possessing personally identifiable information will protect it. • Personally identifiable information is kept on people eligible, referred or considered for special education services. • Parents have the right to know what types of information have been designated as directory information. “Directory information” means information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy, if disclosed; it is the student’s name (unless the parent requests otherwise), address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height, membership in athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and the most recent previous school attended. • Parents have the right to know the types and locations of educational records kept by the school and the titles and addresses of officials responsible for the records. • A list of the names and positions of employees within the supervisory union/school district who have access to personally identifiable information shall be available for public inspection. • If anyone other than an authorized employee of the supervisory union/school district looks at the educational record of a child, that person shall so indicate by signing his/her name, date and purpose for which (s)he entered the record on a form which shall become part of the educational record. • Parental permission will be obtained prior to disclosing confidential information to anyone who is not an authorized employee of the supervisory union/school district. • Information relevant to a child’s specific disability (example: medical information, intelligence test results, social or developmental history, comprehensive evaluation report and the individualized educational program) will be part of the educational record. • Personally identifiable information will be gathered from screenings, qualified diagnostic centers and other sources, as deemed necessary, to complete a comprehensive evaluation. • Parents or an eligible student will be able to access personally identifiable information and inspect and review their education record(s) no later than 45 days after the request is made. • Parents have the right to a response to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the educational records. • Parents may obtain a copy of the educational record without a fee for copying, if a fee will be a financial burden and/or will prevent them from obtaining the records. • Parents have the right to request that the educational record be amended. The school district will decide whether to amend the record within a reasonable time of the request. If the district decides to refuse to amend the record, it shall inform the parent of its decision and advise the parent of the right to a hearing. If, as a result of the hearing, it is found that the educational record must be amended, the school district will amend the record and inform the parent in writing. If, as a result of the hearing, it is found that the disputed information is not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the child, the school district will inform the parent of his/her right to place in the educational record a written statement commenting on the information or stating any reasons for disagreeing with the results of the hearing. This written statement will become part of the educational
record and will always be included whenever the contents of the educational record are properly viewed or requested. • Parents have the right to a hearing to challenge the educational record of their child. • Parents will be notified prior to the school district’s destruction of personally identifiable information about their child. • The parent has the authority to inspect and review records relating to his/her child unless the supervisory union/school district has been advised that the parent does not have the authority under applicable State law governing matters such as guardianship, separation and divorce. • Parents have the right to file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Departments of Education concerning alleged failures by the supervisory union/school district to comply with this policy. Note: If there are parents within the school district who should have this information interpreted or written in other languages, please notify the supervisory union/school district. For more information please contact: Superintendent of Schools Windsor Central Supervisory Union Route 4 West, Box 46A Woodstock, VT 05091 (802) 457-1212
Special Education Notice Concerning Children with Disabilities The Windsor Central Supervisory Union #51, Woodstock Union High School and Barnard, Bridgewater, Pomfret, Reading, Sherburne and Woodstock School Districts, in meeting the requirements of its Local Education Agency Plan, is attempting to identify, locate and evaluate any and all area resident children with disabilities between the ages of 0 - 21 years who are in need of special education and related services. It if possible that the Windsor Central Supervisory Union #51 and its member districts may not be aware of the residence of children with disabilities. If you know of a child with disabilities who might be eligible for special educational services, please notify the Director of Instructional Support Services, 496 Woodstock Road Suite 2, Woodstock, Vermont 05091, or phone 457-1213 for more information. Notice Concerning Free Screening for Infants and Preschool Children The Essential Early Education Program of Windsor Central Supervisory Union #51 provides free developmental screening to all preschool children and infants throughout the school year on an individual basis by appointment. If you have a child and you are concerned about his or her development, you may call Donna Palatucci, Essential Early Education Coordinator, at 457-1213 to make an appointment. The purpose of this process is to locate children with disabilities that would benefit from early identification and intervention. Notice Concerning Locating Children with Disabilities The Windsor Central Supervisory Union, Woodstock Union High School and Barnard, Bridgewater, Pomfret, Reading, Sherburne, and Woodstock School Districts have a duty to provide a free appropriate public education to all qualified handicapped persons who because of a handicap require special education and/or accommodations related aids or services.
The Windsor Central Supervisory Union and its member School Districts are seeking to identify and locate every child residing within their jurisdiction who is not receiving a public education. If you know of any person who may be a qualified handicapped person and is not receiving a public education, please contact by writing or calling: WCSU Superintendent Section 504/ADA Coordinator 496 Woodstock Road - Suite 2 Woodstock, Vermont 05091 (802) 457-1213 Notice of Non Discrimination Policy The Windsor Central Supervisory Union, Woodstock High School, and the Barnard, Bridgewater, Pomfret, Reading, Sherburne and Woodstock School Districts, will not discriminate on the basis of handicap/disability, race, color, sex, age, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, place of birth or national origin, in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities (including vocational education) as and to the extent provided by law. The following person has been designated to handle inquires regarding these non-discrimination policies: WCSU Superintendent Coordinator - Non Discrimination Policies 496 Woodstock Road - Suite 2 Woodstock, Vermont 05091 (802) 457-1213
August 18.each year To: All parents of students, and to eligible students*, currently attending schools in the Windsor Central Supervisory Union (including Barnard Central School, Bridgewater Village School, The Pomfret School, Reading Elementary School, Sherburne Elementary School, Woodstock Elementary School, Woodstock Union Middle School and High School #4). 1. As the parent of a student enrolled in a school in the Windsor Central Supervisory Union, or as an eligible student, you have the following rights with respect to your child’s (or, if an eligible student, your own) education records: a. To inspect and review the student’s education records; b. To seek amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights; c. To provide consent prior to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that the law allows disclosure without your consent; d. To file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school district to comply with the requirements of law with respect to your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). A complaint may be made in writing to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 4512 Switzer Building, Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
2. The procedure for exercising your right to inspect and review education records is as follows: schedule an appointment through the school principal to review records with an authorized.member of the school staff 3. The procedure for seeking amendment of education records is as follows: submit a written request to the school principal identifying the past of the record you would like changed and specify why you believe it is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. 4. The supervisory union and its member districts have a policy of disclosing educational records to school officials with a legitimate educational interest without prior consent. A school official with a legitimate educational interest is defined as follows: “School official with a legitimate educational interest” means any teacher, administrator, other professional or service provider employed by or contracted with the district to provide educationally-related services (including, but not limited to, consultants, attorneys, auditors, insurers, evaluators, support staff, substitutes, assigned student teachers, interns, volunteers, teacher’s aides), or school board members who need information relating to a particular student in order to carry out his/her official duties for the district. Where an issue is raised, the principal (or superintendent) shall decide whether an individual has a legitimate educational interest in the information or record. 5. The supervisory union and its member districts forward education records to other agencies or institutions that have requested records and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll. This Annual Notification of Rights is only a summary of rights. Your rights to inspect and review education records, and the school district’s duty to have your written consent prior to disclosure of personally identifiable information, are subject to limitations. Further details are contained in the school district’s detailed student record policy and procedures, and in state and federal law.
All parents of students, and to eligible students*, currently attending schools in the Windsor Central Supervisory Union (including Barnard Central School, Bridgewater Village School, Pomfret School, Reading Elementary School, Sherburne Elementary School, Woodstock Elementary School, Woodstock Middle and Union High School #4).
DATE: August 18, each year Schools in Windsor Central Supervisory Union may disclose designated directory information on students and eligible students without the prior consent of the parent of eligible students, and without any record of such disclosure. The following types of personally identifiable information have been designated directory information: • Student’s name, address, date of birth, dates of enrollment; • Parent or legal custodian’s name and address; • Student’s grade level classification; • Student’s participation in recognized school activities and sports; • Weight and height of member of athletic teams; • Student’s diplomas, certificates, awards and honors received.
Disclosure may include such personally identifiable information contained or reflected in photographs. Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, any local educational agency receiving assistance shall provide access to secondary school student name, address and telephone listing to military recruiters or an institution of higher education. A secondary school student or the parent of the student may request in writing that this information not be released. If you are an eligible student and are currently attending any of the above-named schools, or if you are the parent of a student currently attending school in any of the Windsor Central Supervisory Union school districts, you have a right to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of these types of information as directory information concerning your child or (if you are an eligible student) yourself, by providing written notice of your refusal, listing the type(s) of information which you refuse to have so designated, to the principal of the school your child attends (or the school you attend, if you are an eligible student), on or before September30, each year.
*You are an eligible student if you are at least 18 years of age or are attending an institution of postsecondary education.