Blend Psychology and Technology To deliver The exPerience of a lifeTime! Business consulting firms in India enable businesses tune into the zero moment of truth. A ‘Zero Moment of Truth’ is when the buyer detects a bleeding gum and wants an instant fix. In a hurry to stop bleeding, she will browse and buy the brand name that pops up first on the list.
That is ROBO: Research on line buy off line. It may be tempting to dismiss ROBO as irrelevant. If you are still spending vast sums of money on cold calls and indirect campaigns, think again. Customers make an emotional buy. Product managers think in technical terms. Business consulting firms in India are quick to sense these ‘cues’ to speed up the sales.
managemenT consulTanTs in india Are the organizations ready for the ROBO minded buyer? Given the cultural diversity, management consultants in India , offer ď ˝
rich lessons on retail marketing. Without meaning to invade their privacy, we get a sneak preview of the virtual behaviour of the window shopper. The choice of their key words and the movement of their mouse, reveals enough cues on what they may value most.
Every ‘buy decision’ goes through the three stages. Pains of not having. Painful delays in gratification. Pains of discovering a better deal after the act and nursing a regret after the event. An unconditional guarantee and hundred percent money back, cannot erase the negative buyer experience. So, the real question is about winning their vote of trust and keeping it forever.
daniel Kahneman idenTifies every decision as an ouTcome of Two sTyles of ThinKing.
Fast and slow. The fast mind is impulsive and likes to think on the go. The slow mind is deliberate, but subservient to the former. So, the fast mind persuades the consumers to buy in haste. Their slow thinking mind prompts them to rethink, and that makes them reconsider their experience at leisure. Still, they can blame the seller and deny them their votes in future. An astute understanding of the two minds can offer a value proposition that appeals to both. Therein lies the trick! Sandwich policy packs the logic between two layers of emotions.
Fast mind: Overcome ‘loss aversion’ and categorisation.’ According to Daniel Hill, loss aversion is the perception of the pain of loss being greater than the potential gain. Categorisation is a mental shortcut that oversimplifies an idea to fit one’s fancy. Slow mind: Preempt post sale regret with an irrevocable logic Fast mind: Seals the deal forever with a gift they can't let go of. Now what? They will sing about their experience of a life time. Recall it all through their lives as a treasure trove of experience! A judicious blend of psychology and technology becomes a memorable experience. Memories etched deep within the mind, blossom into loyalty.
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wanT To maKe a viaBle and crediBle value ProPosiTion? Try Blending Psychology wiTh Technology and waTch The alchemy worK for you!
Shekarsan About Shekarsan LLP: Shekar is a Thought catalyst, executive coach and management consultant. Shekar enjoys and promotes ‘Customer Centricity. Read, Business Twenty 20. Turn your daily wins into a sustainable strategy. Contact:
Business develoPmenT sTraTegies
Contact Person: Shekar Rangarajan Business Address: 3A, Prasantham,141, St. Mary's road, Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600018, India.
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