The Vision Continues...
The Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches has much to praise God for as we celebrate the
Consecration of our Bishop Maureen Lorraine Davis.
This mighty branch of Zion that Bishop Davis will
preside over has a rich history that began in December 1955 with its Founder and her Grandmother, Bishop
Lena Thomas.
In 2001, Bishop Davis was elected as the Director of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches
until 2005 when she was appointed and elected to be the successor to Bishop Thomas.
This is a position for
which she is well qualified and well prepared.
Her ministry training began in her early years with her parents
as they traveled from Seat Pleasant, Maryland to North Philadelphia for several years to teach the Gospel to
the young children of the neighborhood.
From this experience, a church was established to what is now known
as the Open Door Mission True Light Church.
Her father, Rev. James L. Ballard, Sr. served as Pastor
while he mentored his daughter in every area of ministry.
ishop Davis began her preaching ministry in 1982.
From 1985 to 1990, she served as the Assistant
Pastor of the Open Door Mission True Light Church under her father Rev. James L. Ballard, Sr. In
1990, she was installed as Pastor of the Open Door Mission True Light Church, an office she continues to
hold to present.
She comes with extensive academic and ministry training and holds a Doctorate in Ministry
and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
She holds a
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from the Center for Urban Theological Studies/Geneva College.
life and her ministry reflect her belief in doing all things for the Lord in excellence.
Bishop Davis is a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania born to the proud parents of the late Rev.
James L. Ballard, Sr. and Mrs. Lena Ballard.
She is married for 32 years to Deacon George L.
Davis and they share the blessing of two adult daughters, Dr. Kim C. Davis and Mrs. Marcia Hodges,
a son-in-law, Robert L. Hodges, III and two precious grandchildren, McKenzie Maureen Hodges and
ChaèLa Christine Hodges.
To the Most
Reverend Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. Presiding Bishop of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches
We congratulate you on your elevation to the office of Presiding Prelate of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches. We have reached a milestone in Gates of Heaven, celebrating fifty years of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. As Bishop Lena Thomas passes the baton on to you, we are confident that you have the courage, tenacity, determination and spiritual knowledge to lead the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches from the vision to victory in Christ Jesus. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever thou goest. Joshua 1:9
Her Eminence, Bishop Lena Thomas Elder Lorraine Thomas Ware, Pastor Gates of Heaven Pentecostal Church, Inc.
Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches and
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. On your elevation to the sacred office of Bishop Together we stand and support the will of God concerning you.
Gates of Heaven Agape Ministries of Liberia, West Africa Covenant Pastors
Rev. Edith Ricks, Pastor Pastor Davidetta Tarnue Pastor Beatrice Benicke Pastor Samuel Korvah Pastor John Fergurson
Rev. Juanita D. Rivers, Pastor & Founder Phone: 215- 472 - 5215 • Fax: 215- 472- 5216
Ebenezer Temple Extends Warm Congratulations to
Bishop Maureen L . Davis, D. Min. On the occasion of her elevation to the of f ice of Bishop of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches. The work that Bishop Davis performed in her individual church and in the body of Christ is truly commendable, for “her own works do praise her.” Bishop Davis has a legacy for excellence and godliness. It is most appropriate that we commend her for work in the vineyard. Many of our lives have been touched and enriched by her ministr y. The trust reposed in Bishop Davis signif ies that the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches acknowledges her distinguished faithfulness to the ministr y, academic achievement and commitment to excellence that is needed to lead us in continuing to har vest souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.” Numbers 6:24
Congratulations to My W ife Bishop Maureen L. Davis
on your elevation to the office of Bishop and Presiding Prelate of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches. Although this call was referred, yet it was reserved. For your set time in the Kingdom is come, I’m grateful to be allowed to share in this part of ministry with you. Continue to live a separated, consecrated, dedicated, fruitful, and successful life as God continues to elevate you both naturally and spiritually. My prayers are forever with you. Y ou make me proud to call you my wife.
To Our Beloved
Mother and MeMom Congratulations on your consecration to the office of Bishop. God bless you. We love you! Dr. Kim C. Davis and Robert and Marcia Hodges McKenzie
& ChaĂŠLa
O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things.
To our daughter, We thank you for giving us the opportunity to raise a daughter who grew up to love the Lord with all heart. Maureen, you were always obedient, respectful, and loving child. Your father and I love you so much. Who knew that our “little girl” would grow up to be the mighty woman of God you truly are today. To God be the glory! Your father is in heaven with the Lord now, but he left a Godly legacy and you have stepped into those shoes. Not only was he a loving father, he was your teacher and mentor in this spiritual example. I know he is with us in spirit and is Godly proud of you. Maureen, you are the epitome of a daughter to me. You are my daughter, my best friend, my pastor. I love you will all my heart and I thank God for you every day. Holding you in my arms as a newborn baby, nurturing you through your teen years and beholding the blessed woman of God you are today, I am tremendously proud of you and I am blessed by your life. I know that God has equipped you for such a time as this and for the next level of your life as you are consecrated to the sacred office of Bishop. I will always be here for you…in Prayer, Support and Faith, just as you are for me. I am blessed to be your “Mother”.
O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D.Min.
God, who loves you very much, has tailor made all your outer life..... To pressure you into becoming that beautiful woman He’s planned for you to be. Whatever God asks you to be, He enables you to be !!! Anne Ortlund
Your Family, With Exceeding Joy, on the occasion of your Higher Calling
Enoch Chapman Mother Florence Chapman Deaconess Elvira Miller Marquis & Staci Miller Leta Miller
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Come and “Explore, Experience and Enjoy God” At one of our two locations: Penllyn Worship Center Spring House Worship Center Penllyn Pike and Trewellyn Ave. Penllyn Pike and Dager Rd. Penllyn, PA 19422 Spring House, PA 19477 215-643-4977 Website:
May the blessing of the L be upon ord you alwa ys.
Greater D e
Temple C 1333 35 hurch, Philadelp South 21st Stre et hia, Pen nsylvani a 19146
Elder Fra
nklin B.
, Pastor
Congratulations to
Churches of ly b em ss A en v ea H of s Gate and to , D. Min. is v a D . L en re u a M p o h is B given by ent Bishop id es R , er sh Fi . L t le io V r. The Rev. D New York West Area rch The United Methodist Chu
7th Day Fellowship Ministries International Congratulations On Your Elevation To The Episcopacy
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. Bishop Primate of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches
“For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Bishop Mary L. Alexander, D.D., Presiding Prelate Elder Austin L. Alexander 7th Day Fellowship Ministries International 7th Day Holy Church of Deliverance, Inc. 91 Brenda Lane Suites 3-4, Camden, Delaware 19934 302-698-4657 - church 302-698-4658 - fax
Congratulations Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches and
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min May the Lord continue to Bless the steps that He has ordained for you to fulfill His Calling in your life.
Bishop Michael Deloatch And Highway Temple of Truth Gospel Assembly Tarboro, North Carolina
Pastor George McCurdy, Jr. and First Lady Dianne McCurdy
and the Greater Love Temple of Faith Church Family would like to congratulate
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. On your service of Episcopal Consecration to the office of Bishop
Our prayer is that the Spirit of the Lord would continue to rest upon your life. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love them.� I Corinthians 2:9 Greater Love Temple of Faith Church, Inc. 1344-48 W . Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19132 (215) 227-0222
Congratulations Bishop-Elect Maureen L. Davis on your elevation to the Bishopric.
May God’s Word lead you, His Holy Spirit empower you and His grace comfort you always.
Prayer Tabernacle Church of Love, Inc.
1243 Stratford Avenue Bridgeport, Connecticut 06607 Church (203) 366-5824 Fax: (203) 366-5826 Email: Website: Bishop Kenneth H. Moales, Sr. & Lady Peggy A. Moales
“Where Pentecostal Flames Are Always Burning”
2300 North East Blvd. Wilmington, DE. 19802
Rev. Emma L. Creamer Senior Pastor & Founder
Dr. Maureen L. Davis ON YOUR SERVICE OF EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION TO THE OFFICE OF BISHOP We rejoice with you as God takes you to another level of service. Certainly, this outstanding move of God attests to your dedicated leadership. As you continue to be a blessing to His people, I pray that you will reap a bountiful harvest. May God Bless You as you continue to be committed to the development of your members, ministering to the community and sharing love throughout the world.”
”Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine..” Psalm 128:2 (NIV)
Our prayer s and suppor
t are with yo
Bishop Mau TRINTIY
reen L. Dav is, D.Min. From
APOSTO LIC HOLI NES 3600-02 N. RODG S CHURCH INC. BALTIMO ERS AVE RE, MAR YLAND 2 1207 “ The Chur ch Where T he Sprit of U nity Dwells” Pastor Isab elle Grant
Blessing upon you Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. May God continue to anoint your ministry!
Bibleway Baptist Church 1323 N. 52nd Street Philadelphia, PA 19131 Rev. Damone B. Jones, Sr., M.S., Senior Pastor
Congratulat ions to Elect M aureen L . Davis Upon your ele D
. Min.
vation to of the G the most disting uished p ates of H osition o e a v en Asse f ay your mbly of life purs Churche ui continue s. to direct t of holiness an d your step your Go s as you excellence d ordain carr ed extend Bishop ed assign y out ment. O. T. an d Dr. R Holy T emple C hurch of egina S. Jo nes God In Christ Overseer
y To the Elect Lad
, IL ADELPHIA H P IN H C R U CH : 7-10 ANGEL of the ... Rev eletions 3 � R O O God says to the D N E P THEE an O I ha v e set before
From s art e H r u O to Yours art e H e h T y Ministr
Jana Allen Denise Speas Kendra Speas ton Stace y Whit ting nCynthia Robinso
Sister Stokes Be v erly Kelly Rhonda Byrd s Kar min France Ministr y Leader
Clergy of Open Door Mission True Light Church, Inc.
Bishop Davis, we the clergy of Open Door Mission True Light Church would like to thank you for your labor of love and example of fine Christian Leadership. Your call to Christian Leadership is unquestionable. Your lifestyle and integrity brings credibility to your messages. You have shown us the heart of a true Shepard. You are truly Spirit-filled and you possess an intense love for God and His people. You possess the wisdom and tact of a Christian leader. You feed us from a clean plate and you minister with love. We know that you understand how people live, work and struggle, when we see your gift of compassion in operation. You have taught us in action, how to handle people as God’s most precious possession. You sacrifice yourself and give the word of life, even when you are sick. What love! We are not trying to puff you up, but we are saying that we love you, and we are blessed to be under your leadership. We look forward to new and exciting things to come.
May God continue to bless and keep you in His care.
Congratulations to
Bishop Maureen L. Davis on her elevation to the of f ice of Bishop. God will strengthen and establish you as you work to make good the vision of the Lord’s Church.
Deacons and Deaconess Ministry of Open Door Mission True Light Church
[ PROGRAMME \ Master of Ceremonies…Pastor Keith Thomas Instrumental Music Hors D’oeuvres Greeting…Dr. Kim C. Davis Marcia M. Hodges Prayer of Thanksgiving & Table Blessing…Pastor Laverne Adams Dinner Is Served Solo…Rev. Calvin Thomas Congratulatory Expressions Pastors of Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches Selection …Levitical Worshippers Congratulatory Expressions Special Presentation… Open Door Mission True Light Church Deacons & Deaconess Ministry Expressions from our Newly Appointed General Overseer
[ MENU \ Hors D’oeuvres Butler Style Served Shrimp Poppers, Shrimp Cocktails and Lamb Lollipops White Chocolate Fountain
with assorted fresh fruit and vegetable crudite with assorted dips
Mixed Greens wrapped in cucumber, with balsamic vinaigrette dressing
Lemon Sorbet Crusted Salmon with White Sauce Chicken Francaise Mashed Sweet Potatoes Sting Beans Almandine Dessert Station
with an assorted of elegant cakes, pies and tarts
Lemonade, Regular and Decaf Coffee, Iced & Hot Tea
We Congratulate you, Bishop Davis, as God elevates you. Jeremiah 1:9, 10 NKJV Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me, “Behold I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the Kingdom. To root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.� To our Pastor, Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min., one who is committed to the cause of Christ, prayerful for the people of Christ and steadfast in obedience to the voice of Christ
The Directors of Open Door Mission True Light Church, Inc. Dr. Gregory A. Person Director of Music & Arts Rev. Wanda Hadrick Director of Finances
Rev. Sharon Woods Director of Ministry Development Deaon George Davis Director of Public Relations
e congratulate you Bishop Davis and are excited about this next move of God in your life, the life of Open Door, and in the life of Restoration Prison Ministry.
Mark 16:20 nd they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Prison Ministry of Open Door Mission True Light Church
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D.Min: The Next Generation ON Warfare, your youth department of the Open Door Mission True Light Church, joyously celebrate with you on today.
Our theme for this year is from Philippians 3:12.
As we press towards the call God has for us, we are following you to the next level in ministry!
We are standing armed and dangerous -
but most importantly ready for battle!!!
Open Door Mission True Light Church Youth Leadership Team,
Min. Jeremy Mobley, Sis. Precious Mines, Sis. Joanna McClinton
From the Officers and Members
Bro. Gregory Griffin Ministry Leader
Sis. Sharon Grinnage
Assistant Ministry Leader
We give thanks to God always for you...
...Bishop Maureen L. Davis... Making mention of you in our prayers! I Thessalonians 1:2 KJV
God has raised you up for such a time as this Sincere congratulations on your elevation to Primary Bishop of Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches We Love you and lift you up in our prayers to our Heavenly Father. Be Encouraged. Mother Charlotte Connelly and the Mother’s Board of
I Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
To Our Most Gracious and Anointed Servant of the Most High God.
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min., We congratulate you in your appointment to the office of Bishop. We love you and are proud of you. To God be the glory.
The Senior Fellowship Ministry of Open Door Mission True Light Church
Congratulations Bishop Maureen L. Davis “We are so proud of you.� Isaiah 61:1-2 Love Hospitality Ministry Adrienne Garrett - Ministry Leader
And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites… To ring them to Jerusalem, to keep dedication with gladness, both with thanksgiving and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps. Nehemiah 12:27
The Voices of the Music Ministry Of
Open Door Mission True Light Church, Inc. Levitical Worshippers True Lights – New Generation – Infinite Praise James Ballard Celebration Choir – Gospel Chorus
Sing a resounding Amen to our Pastor!
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. We join in with the Celestial Choir in Singing Hallelujah to our new Primacy Bishop
We Love You! Dr. Gregory Person, Music & Arts Minstry Dr. Kim Davis, Minister of Music Sis. Joi Thomas, New Generation Director Sis. Cheryl Person, True Lights Director Sis. Marcia Hodges, Infinite Praise Director
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
Congratulations on your consecration as
Primary Bishop of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches May the blessings of the Lord rest on you.
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, as you lead this great flock of God! Love and Prayers,
The Personal Workers of
Open Door Mission True Light Church, Inc. Rev. Celeste Wynn, Ministr y Leader Sis. Renee Trader, Co-Ministr y Leader
To Our Bishop Maureen L. Davis We the members of the Sunday School Ministry praise and celebrate the Lord our God for a time such as this. We rejoice in knowing that the Lord raised you up out of the foundation of Sunday School to the Bishop of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches, Inc. Our Love and Support will continuously be with you,
Sunday School Ministry of the Open Door Mission True Light Church Deaconess Lena Ballard, Ministry Leader
Dear Bishop Maureen L. Davis We the Fisher’s of Men Evangelistic Ministry glory in the Lord of our salvation. Bishop, with great joy, we celebrate what God is doing in you and the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches.
Love, The Open Door Mission True Light Church Fisher’s of Men Ministry Leader, Rev. Rochelle C. Marshall
CONGRATULATIONS! Bishop Maureen L. Davis on your elevation to the sacred office of General Overseer of
Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches We love you and we are praying much for you!!! The Singles Ministry
of Open Door Mission True Light Church, Inc. Sis. Tyrena Richardson, Ministry Leader
The Open Door Mission Arts Ministry and M I M Productions Ministries (Marcia, Iris, and Michelle)
Congratulates Bishop Maureen L. Davis and the
Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches We love you and want you to know that we are following God’s vision as He unfolds it in your life.
To Our Most Gracious Pastor, We the Family Fellowship Conference Committee, take this opportunity to honor you, our Bishop- Elect Maureen L. Davis, Dr., along with your husband our Conference Director, Deacon George L. Davis and the entire first family, on this most sacrosanct occasion; as you are elevated to the office of Bishop & General Overseer of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches. Pastor Davis & Deacon George Davis started the Family Fellowship Conference, over twelve years ago and it has been very successful. We are so blessed that God gave this vision to you first as Pastor Davis has a true heart for God’s people and for “the family”. We plan to celebrate our 12th year June 29 - July 2, 2006 and God has been faithful to this ministry and has multiplied numerous families during these past 12 years. Pastor Davis, we the members of the Family Fellowship Conference Committee stand together with you in love, prayer and togetherness in this hour of God’s providential appointment. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12
Deacon Brian L. Marshall Sr. Family Fellowship Conference Coordinator
Congratulations Bishop Maureen L. Davis God Bless You! “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, You God reigns.� Isaiah 52:7
Open Door Mission True Light Church Security Ministry
Bishop Maureen L. Davis
The brotherhood of the Open Door Mission True Light Church would like to congratulate you on your appointment to the Sacred Office of Bishop of the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches. We have witnessed first hand the labor of love you have shown towards the saints. You have preached the gospel with an unusual anointing. You have served God’s people untiringly for many years. You have dedicated your life to help people of all ages come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. According to Hebrews 6:10 God is not unrighteous to forget all this. Your life has been an inspiration to many. We have seen you as a Pastor, Teacher, Preacher, Leader, and Administrator. As God has now appointed you to the Office of Bishop, we will to follow your example of excellence as we intend to reach more men and young men for Christ. Our prayer is that God would continue to grant you the strength, wisdom, and vision needed for such a time as this. Deacon George Rouse – Ministry Leader Elder Kevin L. Campbell – Spiritual Advisor
God’s Leading Lady “…You have come to Royal Position for such a time as this”. Esther 4:15 Where GOD is leading you, Bishop Davis, The “Women’s Ministry” of the OPEN DOOR MISSION TRUE LIGHT CHURCH will follow! For we are all walking behind you by Faith and not by sight.
The Women’s Ministry Sister Bessie Wilson, Ministry Leader
Congratulations to you
Bishop Maureen L. Dav
is, D. Min.
on your next ordained step into destiny.
Psalm 37:23 “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord : And He delighteth in His way.
Tracey and Tyrena R
. Min D , s i v a D . een L r u a M p o Bish ! ESS YOU GOD BL
artment of p e D y r a n CH INC. io R s is U H M C e h t T H We TRUE LIG N IO S IS the Lord. le “ e M v r R e s O e O w D s a peop OPEN ds and feet good to all
an do Are your h have opportunity, let us
e, as we “ Therefor
:10 Galations 6
Congratulations to my Friend & Sister
Bishop Maureen L. Davis WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH
Pastor Maria G. Thomas & Deacon Burnett Thomas & The B.M. Oakley Family
God Loves You
Congratulations to our Pastor Bishop Maureen L . Davis
You are truly a wom a
n worthy of “Double Honor” We love you!
Sis. Barbara, Ten eika, Raymond, Elaine & Antwan N esmith
Best Wishes to
Bishop Maureen L. Davis We thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you on the occasion of your Episcopal Consecration to the Office of Bishop. May the Lord continue to bless you in your dedication to His work. The staff of
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Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches And Our Pastor
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Person & Family Alexis, Gennette, Shawn, Dionni & Keonni & Sis. Toni Harris We touch and agree that you are…. “Highly Favored Among Women”
This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Mark 12:11 Congratulations Bishop Maureen Davis May the Peace, Love and Blessings of the Lord follow you as you continue to do His work. Sis. Beverly Kelly Sis. Maggie Stokes
Virtuous Woman A virtuous woman, God looked and seen Called her a Pastor, Dr. Maureen You walked with the Lord, side by side And in His mercy He will guide. Through the hard times, He felt your pain But reminded you that He has ordained Knowing the job that He has chosen would be hard He sent a host of angels to be your guard You step into your shoes and work really hard So God is given you a new title, a reward A Bishop you will be, as He has ordained Lifting up His people that are living in pain We salute you in this next step you must take What a joyful sound our familky will make.
We Applaud You. Love, The Myers Family
Congratulations To The Reverend Maureen L. Davis, D.Min On your Consecration to the Sacred Office of Bishop!
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Dr. Gregory Person and Ahkeem Towels
Congratulations to
Bishop Maureen L. Davis, D. Min. &
Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches We salute you on your divine appointment
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On behalf of the entire HADRICK Family We congratulate you BISHOP MAUREEN L. DAVIS, D.MIN on your elevation to the office of BISHOP May the GOD you serve continue to do HIS great work in you and give you Wisdom and Understanding to Do It In Excellence!!! We Love you, Joseph &Mom Hadrick Rev. Wanda R. Hadrick, your Adjutant, and The Hadrick Family
Bishop Maureen L. Davis
I Love You and Thank God For You. You Have Been a Blessing in My Life St. John 15- 16 You did not choose Me, but I choose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.
May God bless you is my prayer. I love you.
Mother Geraldine Merritt of Open Door Mission True Light Church 401 North 52nd Street Phila., Pa. 19131
Peace and Blessings It was a pleasure and privilege to serve as Gala Celebration Souvenir Book Coordinator. As we, the Gates of Heaven Assembly of Churches celebrate the Consecration of Bishop Maureen Davis, D. Min. our hearts are overflowed with gratitude to God for the abundant blessings bestowed upon us. I am abundantly grateful to all who made this book an inspiring success.
Dr. Gregory Person