City of Pelham December Newsletter

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City of


Newsletter Embrace the Outdoors – Southern Style

December 2018

Official News from the City of Pelham, Alabama

The People We Met in 2018

New Outdoor Court

When I was asked to tailor a column spent one hour with her, and she asked to the year in review, I tried to think of me a tremendous number of questions ways to make such a column interest- about me and my kids. She wanted to ing. Let’s face it, nobody wants to read know about snow at Christmas in Bufanother article about what happened in falo and about sledding down really 2018. Some great things hapbig hills and asked me what pened in Pelham in 2018, and it was like to have four girls the December newsletter foand asked if they fought a lot cuses on many of those. We and if they share clothes. I even have an infographic to don’t think I’ve seen another highlight some of them. In person show that much curithinking how to make this osity in someone else in… different and interesting, well, never. She suffers, and please allow me to share with she wants to know about me. you some of the most interuI’ve gotten to know a reesting moments I’ve had this tired woman who attends DiFante year with people from Pelnearly every city council ham. From our staff memmeeting and many of the bers to residents to those working and board and commission meetings. She visiting Pelham, I’ve had the privilege to is intelligent, funny, caring and curimeet some awesome people. I won’t ous. She knows what’s going on in her use names, but I will share a little about community, and she doesn’t just know their impact. One of my favorite quotes what she hears – she researches and which is displayed in my office is by asks questions and becomes informed. Maya Angelou, and it says, “I’ve learned She is the kind of citizen I only wish I that people will forget what you said, could be and the kind of citizen I want people will forget what you did, but my children to be. She doesn’t simply people will never forget how you made sit back and complain, because she’s them feel.” Some of my most unforget- too busy doing something about maktable: ing her community a better place. uI met a man who lost his wife of uI have met a man whose passion over 40 years after a long battle with for helping fathers become the kind of cancer. He speaks of her with such in- parent their kids need them to be is credible respect and love it would soft- second only to his own passion for faen the hardest heart. He serves others therhood and family. He tirelessly through his work with Meals on works to bring the message of faith, Wheels, and I have never seen him family and fatherhood to everyone without a smile and a positive, encour- within his community and beyond. He aging word to share with those around believes so strongly in what he stands him. for that one cannot help but get excited uI have gotten to know a veteran about the potential to influence change who served in Operation Enduring on what is fast becoming a dying instiFreedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi tution in our country…the family. Freedom (OIF). While this man would I could go on and on, but I have never speak of his work in the military, come to the end of my word count. I he has spoken of the fellow veterans hope you will take the opportunity to lost to suicide after they returned reflect on the people you’ve met in home. I’ve learned that those who 2018 who had a significant impact beserved in OEF and OIF have some of cause of the way they made you feel. the highest rates of PTSD in the history I’m betting these will be individuals of our country; yet most of us know who serve others in some way…whethvery little of the conflicts or about the er through volunteering their time and fate of the men and women who served talents or by simply encouraging othin them. ers and showing a heart of gratitude. uI had the privilege to meet a 7-year These are our neighbors, our friends, old girl who has been battling leuke- our co-workers. They make up what is mia for two years. Everything about good about our city, and I can’t wait to her parents looks and feels tired. I see who I’m going to be fortunate can’t imagine the last time either of enough to meet in 2019. Blessings to them got a full night’s rest. While this you and your families for a wonderful precious girl is weak, the energy from Christmas season and a joyous new her soul is nearly overwhelming. I year!

New Dog Park

Upcoming Events NOV. 29TH

Christmas Tree Lighting Pelham Civic Center and Ice Arena


City Council Work Session and Council Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pelham City Hall

DEC. 8-9TH

Christmas Memories Ice Show Dec. 8th 1pm and 7pm at the Civic Complex and Dec. 9th 2pm.


Residential and Commercial Light Judging by the Beautification Board


City Council Work Session and Council Meeting 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pelham City Hall

DEC. 24TH Santa Stops

DEC. 24-25TH

Pelham City Offices will close in observance of the Christmas Holidays

Rec center plays important role in man’s fitness journey By BRIANA HARRIS

Shelby County Reporter Just after his 60th birthday, Pelham resident Lee Ross felt like he needed to make more of an effort to live a healthy life. “After turning 60, I started thinking more about my health and wanting to live a long life, and I knew that I needed to start taking better care of myself,” Ross said. This past spring, Ross became a member of the Pelham Recreation Center, which opened in January. He exercises for 30-45 minutes three to four days a week. On days that he’s off work, he pushes his workouts to one hour. An added bonus is that the rec center is close to Ross’ home, so sometimes he walks there. “I mostly do cardio,” he said. “I like walking and using the elliptical and stationary bikes. I love the facility and the exercise machines. It really is just a fun environment. I’ve gotten to where I look forward

“It’s a good

family environment and everyone who works there is so nice.” — Lee Ross to working out. And when you start seeing results, it just motivates you even more.” Ross, now 40 pounds lighter than when he started his fitness journey, said he’s feeling better than he has in a long time. “My knees don’t hurt as bad with some of the weight off and I’ve been getting a lot of compliments lately,” he said. “I’m not one who likes to have too much attention so that has taken some getting used to.” When he’s not exercising, Ross said he likes to watch a good basket-

ball or volleyball game. “It’s a good family environment and everyone who works there is so nice,” he said. “They greet you as soon as you walk through the door and it means a lot to me.” The 38,000-square-foot rec center is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-6 p.m. on Sundays. The cost of membership is $10 per month for one person and $20 per month for a family. There isn’t a cap on the number of people that can be included in a family membership. Residents will receive a discount if they pay for a yearlong membership upfront. Instead of $120 for yearlong single membership, residents will pay $100, and $200 instead of $240 for a yearlong family membership. In addition to exercise equipment, the rec center offers an indoor track, two full indoor basketball courts, exercise classes and outdoor sand volleyball, basketball and pickleball courts.

The Pelham Beautification Board will be out on Tuesday, December 11th beginning at 6:00 p.m. to select the winners of the 2018 Christmas Lights and Decorations Judging • • • •

Best Residential Christmas Lights & Decorations Best Commercial Christmas Lights & Decorations Best Fire Station Christmas Lights and Decorations Power Express - Think Christmas Vacation movie here! • Honorable Mention - Commercial & Residential

Pelham City Council Members

Rick Hayes

Council President rickhayes@

Mildred Lanier Council President Pro Tempore mildredlanier@

Beth McMillan Council Member bethmcmillan@

Maurice Mercer Council Member mauricemercer@

Ron Scott

Council Member ronscott@

Gary Waters

Mayor mayor@

CITY OF PELHAM 3162 Pelham Parkway Pelham, AL 35124 205-620-6400

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