City of Pelham October Newsletter

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City of


Newsletter Embrace the Outdoors – Southern Style

October 2018

Official News from the City of Pelham, Alabama

Plan Pelham

The City kicks off its comprehensive way it’s always been done planning process this month. The curWhen I first saw a chart with this rent document, entitled, “Continuing years ago, I thought the “nix” line to be the Progress: Pelham Comprehensive a little cheesy. Then I started paying atPlan 2025,” was adopted in 2003, and tention to the filters through which I many of the goals from this listen and ultimately act. plan have been reached. More organizational plans There are still goals towards fail not because they fail to which we are striving, and the plan, listen or act; but becity has learned and grown a cause leaders cannot get out lot in 15 years, so the timing is of the way of progress and right to update the plan. A “nix” their own personal comprehensive plan analyzes comfort with the way things current market conditions have been done in the past – and will consider existing and particularly if they’ve been expected retail, industrial instrumental in creating the DiFante and housing real estate marpast and/or current state. kets to direct future land-use This is human nature, and we patterns and inform infrastructure and are all human; therefore nixing our own service investment recommendations. filters is not easy. But then again, This market oriented planning ap- change is not easy and being an agent of proach recognizes that communities, change is really hard. We need to keep neighborhoods and cities evolve over our city moving in the right direction time in a dynamic, evolutionary way. together. You will be involved in this process When, not if, you attend an open IF you choose. There will be multiple house, community meeting or complete opportunities to provide input includ- a survey, you will have opinions with ing written and on-line surveys, open which others (maybe your neighbors, houses, and meetings with social clubs friends and family members) will disand HOAs. Our first open house will be agree. However, if you don’t share your October 23 at the Pelham Civic Com- input, please don’t sit back and criticize plex (see information on the flyer be- the plans when they don’t meet your low). I have always believed in seeking personal preferences. Instead, I am a balance between planning and action asking you to take a little more difficult to achieve success. The key collabora- route to express what you believe in and help set the direction for this city. Be tive elements of planning are: willing to listen to input from others ull in Stakeholders to get them and nix your own filters. If you think this won’t be easy, you involved are correct. I don’t know about you, but isten carefully to what stake- I didn’t sign up for easy. I signed up for holders have to say what’s right. We need Plan Pelham, but without ct on feedback received your input it’s nothing more than ix individual dependency on the words.

-P -L

-A -N

Birmingham Bulls Schedule vs. Huntsville Havoc @ Pensacola vs Evansville

Oct. 19 - 7:30 p.m. Oct. 20 - 7:05 p.m. Oct. 26 - 7:30 p.m.


The city of Pelham’s new outdoor pavilion, sand volleyball, basketball and pickleball courts are now open to the public. A ribbon cutting was held at the outdoor facility on Sunday, Sept. 23

Ribbon cutting held for outdoor courts The city of Pelham’s newly constructed outdoor sand volleyball and basketball courts were revealed to the public during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Sunday, Sept. 23. The event, hosted by the city, 58 Inc. and Shelby County, included music by Margeaux and the Cat’s Meow, Swamp Monster BBQ and Taqueria Garibaldi food trucks and sports demonstrations utilizing the facilities. Local players entertained the public with sand volleyball, basketball and pickleball games. The facility includes four sand volleyball and two regulation-size basketball courts lit with LED lights, a 60-foot pavilion with restrooms and outdoor showers and 83 parking spaces. The outdoor complex is located adjacent to the planned trailhead that will eventually lead to Oak Mountain State Park.

In November 2017, the Pelham City Council awarded the bid for the project to Wayne Davis Construction and it cost about $1.18 million. The city is partnered with Shelby County to complete the project. The county covered $764,472 of the cost and Pelham covered the remaining $425,000 and any unforeseen overages. In July 2017, when the county decided to partner with Pelham on the project, Shelby County Manager Alex Dudchock said the project falls in line with the county’s plans to reinvest lodging taxes into tourism initiatives. The location of the facility is ideal for tournaments because of its proximity to Pelham’s lodging options on and near Cahaba Valley Road. When the facilities aren’t being used to host events, they are available for residents to enjoy.

Homeowners’ Associations According to the definition of a Homeowners’ Association (HOA) is an organization of homeowners of a particular subdivision, condominium or planned unit development. The purpose of a Homeowners’ Association is to provide a common basis for preserving maintaining and enhancing their homes and property. In addition to working with residents in the area, Homeowners’ Associations are also a great way for the city to stay in touch with its residents. Many HOAs have neighborhood pages to keep everyone connected. In the past, the City has maintained a database of the HOAs in the city. If your neighborhood has a Facebook page, please like and follow the City of Pelham, @CityofPelhamAlabama, to stay up to date. The members on the leadership team at the city have a goal to provide relevant information to the neighborhood groups and to allow for better

communication. A current project at City Hall involves updating the records for the Homeowners’ Associations in the community. To have your neighborhood updated please contact Paula Holly at 205.620.6403 or email Paula at with the contact information for the HOA. The Pelham Beautification Board would like to encourage the HOAs to let them know about any outstanding homes in the neighborhood or if the neighborhood has recently redesigned or updated the entrance to the neighborhood. Nominations can be sent to The Beautification Board would like to recognize those residents who work hard to keep Pelham beautiful. If there is not an HOA where you live, provides the opportunity to sign up for notifications in the city or you can contact Paula Holly to be added to the HOA list.

CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AND COUNCIL MEETING October 1, 2018, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pelham City Hall


October 6, 2018, 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM The City of Pelham and Advanced Disposal, in conjunction with the Shelby County Free Landfill Day, will provide a heavy trash pickup day. All items must be curb side by 6:00am.


October 6, 2018, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pelham Public Library Local manga artist, Alyssa L. Harleman, will be sharing her manga art knowledge this October in 2 classes. Please call 6206418 to reserve a seat for both classes now!


October 11, 2018, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pelham Senior Center Dinner catered by Dale’s. Featuring Chuck King & the Swing Kings Dressy Attire Tickets available at the Pelham Senior Center

CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AND COUNCIL MEETING October 15, 2018, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pelham City Hall


October 23, 2018, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pelham Civic Complex & Ice Arena Mayor Gary W. Waters and the City Manager Gretchen DiFante will hold a quarterly meeting of the Pelham Business Council at 11:00 am at the Pelham Civic Complex & Ice Arena. All Pelham business owners are invited to attend. Lunch is provided.


October 23, 2018, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Pelham Civic Complex & Ice Arena

Pelham City Council Members

Rick Hayes

Mildred Lanier

Beth McMillan

Maurice Mercer

Ron Scott

Gary Waters

Council President rickhayes@

Council President Pro Tempore mildredlanier@

Council Member bethmcmillan@

Council Member mauricemercer@

Council Member ronscott@

Mayor mayor@

CITY OF PELHAM 3162 Pelham Parkway Pelham, AL 35124 205-620-6400

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