9 minute read
Pelham High School
211 graduates 2500 Panther Circle • Pelham, AL 35124 Panthers • 945 students • Holds a graduation rate of 93 percent
Pelham High School Class of 2020,
When spring arrives, I always begin to think about the theme of my graduation speech. I look for inspiration in every book, sermon, social media post, and anything else that I read and hear. It becomes a bit of an obsession and is really quite stressful to consider what to say to over two hundred young people embarking on their adult lives. Little did I know two months ago when I began jotting down ideas for the commencement speech that nothing I wrote down would apply after all that we, and especially you, went through these last few weeks. My task to address you now became exponentially more difficult because what do you say to students who missed out on so many experiences and had their senior year cut off so abruptly?
I say to you, seniors, to move forward purposefully and not dwell on the short hand you were dealt. Don’t let being a member of the Class of 2020 define you as a victim of circumstance, but rather let this experience shape you into a better person. Life is full of hardships and unfortunately you learned that lesson early. However, not so long ago we all marveled at the uniqueness of graduating in 2020; to begin real life at the start of a new decade and new opportunities. Those qualities still exist and now you are even better equipped to take on what is ahead because you are strengthened by adversity, more appreciative of the good times, and possess resilience and perseverance taught not only by the pandemic experience, but also by the teachers, coaches, and staff of Pelham High.
So, seniors, congratulations to all of you. Each of you has every right to be proud of all that you have learned and accomplished. I wish you all the best wherever life takes you, Class of 2020. We are proud of you, and we miss you, but let me remind you - you have a responsibility to us, a responsibility that goes beyond graduation—YOU ARE A PELHAM PANTHER and because of your hard work, the hard work of your teachers and coaches, and the ultimate meaning behind “The Pelham Way,” you can be extremely proud of yourselves and celebrate your accomplishments! Congratulations!
Dr. Amanda Wilbanks
Pelham High School senior Erin Long recalls winning the state championship with her volleyball team her sophomore year as one of her favorite moments from high school.
“Our team that year had great leaders and chemistry on and off the court, which made for an awesome season that was so much fun,” Long said. “Another one of my favorite memories from Pelham would have to be Friday night lights at Ned Bearden Stadium or cheering on the basketball team in Jo Flo’s Jungle. Just supporting the school and being able to hang out with my friends made for some great memories.”
Long was part of two state championship teams, one volleyball and one track, and also helped the school claim seven state runner-up trophies for track. I was a state champion in javelin and was the Birmingham Female Athlete of the Year in 2018. Long was also named the class of 2020 valedictorian.
Long said her favorite subject is science, specifically anatomy.
“I found the material very interesting and had an awesome teacher who made the class enjoyable,” Long said.
Long describes having part of her senior cut short due to the COVID-19 virus as broken hearted.

“When they first made the announcement that schools would not open back up, thinking about all of the fun experiences we’d be missing out on such as senior field day, luncheon and prom,” Long said.
A piece of advice Long has appreciated came from her volleyball coach Perry Robinson, who always told her to control what she can control.
Long plans to attend Samford University on a track and field scholarship.
She has plans to possibly pursue something in the medical field.
Long is the daughter of Brian and Leslie Long. She is the sister of John-Michael and Emorie Long.

Samantha Nichole Abbott Christopher Matthew Adams Danielle Elizabeth Adams Nicole Angelica Alcaino Criado Marcelino Alcantara Contreras David Duncan Aldrich Carla De Jesus Aleman Ashley Caitlin Anderson Jason Emanuel Arceo Bianca Vanessa Arceo Orozco Juan Carlos Arroyo Calvillo Logan Michael Atkins Amber Nicole Bacon Mandy Leigh Barnett James Briton Bass Grayson Micah Bell Marcus Reginald Bell Daniel Benavides Gutierrez Sarah Elizabeth Bonham Anna Laura Boutwell Jackson Garrett Brooks Bella Rose Brown Hallie Kerrigan Burnett Madison Anne Bussey Jeanie Lynne Cabaniss Benjamin Allen Calvert Karola Michelle Cerrato Bonilla Kennedy Grace Davis Chambers Fidel Junior Chavez Ryan Valentine Clemente Jesse Elizabeth Clopton Chad Ramone Coachman Riley Anna Coston Langston Brooks Cotton Allie Renee Crocker Crystill Angelique Crockett Maria De Los Angeles Cruz Castillo Maria Fernanda Cruz Castillo Oscar Alfredo Cruz Castillo Miguel Roland Margarito Davalos Layla Alexandra Davis Daniel Dekle Deysi Yessenia Delgado Castillo Emily Grace Dodson Cody Michael Duchock Philip Kent Duke Amanda Rose Dunlap Amelia Dianne Dunlap Shane Arthur Edinger Allison Grace Ehrhart Dominic Anthony Fanella Eric Alejandro Farias Mendez Cody Shawn Ferguson Anna Grace Finnerty Itzayana Melissa Flores Dominguez Hazel Flores Molina Jack William Fox
Kaitlyn Michelle Gailey Fernando Garcia Esquivel Jose Guadalupe Garcia Soto Gabrielle Lee Germek Caitlin Briana Gibson Thomas Christopher Gifford Cory Kaleookalani Glover Madison Bartee Goatley Tyler Paul Gogan Benjamin James Goguen Tyler Aaron Golden Alania Marie Gomez America Gonzalez Estefania Gonzalez-Duarte Devani Yatsiri Grado Lopez Peyton Briley Gray Bailey Hope Green Matthew Christian Hagberg Liam James Hagedorn Haley Irene Hamner Elise Marie Hansen Xavien Lamar Harris Kennedy Denise Hawkins Robert Aaron Hawks Aleah Rose Hayes Isabella Michelle Heape Holly Leigh Ann Helms Alexis Hernandez Gema Itzayana Paredes Hernandez Michelle Yanira Hernandez Garcia Austin Bryce Hill Benjamin Scott Hill Jaylan Ja’Quan Hill Bailey Alexander Hogan Claudia Vanessa Holguin Grado Jasmin Aleah Holmes Hope Lauren Hooper Tai’veyontez Avant Houston Sandra Melisa Hurtado Garcia Jose Guadalupe Jacobo Hernandez Alexis Nicole Jefferson Kyah Jahna’ Jeter Alexandra Elizabeth Johnson Garrett Zane Johnson Zachary Kyle Johnson
Macie Grace Jones Megan Nicole Kamholtz Rexanna Troi Kellett Michael Clay Kepler Kiya Jacque’s King Lindsey Denise King Lewis Wesley Kitchens Christopher Channing Knox Joshua Alexander Lacey Jaden Chardarnae Lafayette Xavier McClain Lankford Amber Rose Lettrich Madison Lee Lewis Erin Leigh Long Luis Angel Lopez Garcia Maydi Lopez Garcia Spencer Davis Lott Carmen Alexis Love Yareli Luna Riojas Kevin Antonio Luna Rodriguez Joshua Steven Madson Joshua Collier Manley Alexis Briana Marbury Josseline Marquez-Grado Amayrany Dayanna Martinez Arceo Peter Gyan Marvin Madison Bailey Maxwell Athena Bianca McClellan Michael Cameron McGaughy Nevaeh Jomae McIntyre Eleanor Christine McPhearson Herandy Junen Medrano-Cortes Juan Carlos Mendoza de la Cruz Elizabeth Michelle Minas Meriam Momand Cody Allen Monday Emalee Elizabeth Monday Arleth Lizet Mondragon Quintana Trey Ashton Moore Jenna Lynn Morton Jody Lee Morton Jared Alexander Munn Corrian Renee Murphy Alyssia Nycole Nelson Tamia De’Shonna Nelson Eden Thi Nguyen Harper Elisabeth Jun North Kristina Scout Owen Kaytlinn Marie Parker Fatima Patricio Sostenes Marqis D’andre Bernard Peek Anthony Estrada Perez Jennie Deloris Pettus Connor Adam Pickar April Leigh Sampson Piennolli Jonathan Mauricio Pineda Andrade Lauren Ashlyn Pittman
Emily Grace Pizzitola Matthew Isaiah Plummer Luke Christian Poore Maxwell Allen Poynter Grayson Cole Redford Joshua David Rehovsky Madeleine Elise Rein Alex Bryan Reyes Jimenez Katelyn Elizabeth Richards Erin Rebecca Riley Nathan Patrick Riley Guadalupe Rios Garcia Andrew Jamar Robinson Martin Rodriguez-Marquez Nathan Timothy Rottier Julie Anne Royal Tanya V Ruimin Marlen Saavedra Chavez Nory Yasmin Sales Guardado John William Segars Jordan Elizabeth Lee Shapach Katelyn Chrisa Shields D’asia Aisha Shoemaker Jasey Star Sibert Denise Sierra Eli Douglas Slay Lawrence Mathison Smallwood Kylie Christine Snyder William Franklin Squires Noah Alexander Stephens Ansley Grace Stovall Gavin James Taylor Jayden Patrick Taylor Alexis Chyenne Thompson Paul Michael Thompson Christopher Michael Todd Alexis Saul Toral Ruiz Roberto Angel Torres Marco Antonio Julian Torres Prado Paola Elizabeth Tutila Herrera Preston James Van Kleeck Francisco Jovany Velazquez Arceo Jackson Chase Wallace Matthew McCrorie Walton Madison Grace Ward Addison Lynn Watts Lauren Elise Watts Dain Allman Wehby Katelyn Rose Weldon Kaitlyn Nicole Wester Anna Lynn Wilkes Tyler James Zuiderhoek

Dear Class of Covid-19: Embrace your Lemons Pelham Panthers,
I understand that we feel as if we’ve been stripped of a rite of passage: the final quarter of senior year. It was supposed to be the most memorable experiences of our entire high school career. People attempt to comfort us with words. “Oh but your class will go down in history” and “Just think about how you’ll never forget your senior year”. Words that I used to think were insensitive, because we would trade being re- membered for a chance to make our own memories. Senior luncheon, senior field day, senior prank, senior awards, prom, for some it was one fi- nal sport season, and most importantly a chance to walk across the stage at gradua- tion. But in this dispiriting time, the Class of 2020 has found a way to prevail. So, I will now gladly ac- cept the title of the Class that “will go down in history”, but not for the expected reasons. Not because our senior year was cut short by a global crisis. Not because we might have missed out on the exciting experiences that senior year entails. But because life handed our Class, what some might call, a fairly rotten batch of lemons, and we still managed to make lemonade. Because we found a way to come together and enjoy the time we had left, whether with drive by celebrations or zoom calls with classmates. Because we are a Class that learned to appreciate what we have, and to not take time with people we love for granted. Because we will be a class defined by our resiliency. Defined by the dedicated teachers who adapted to a new way of doing their job. Our Class will go down in history because we found a way to graduate in the midst of a pandemic. We found new hobbies and spent much needed quality time with our family (we may or may not be reaching a limit at this point but that’s beside the point). We found a way to make our last weeks of senior year enjoyable in considerably unconventional ways, despite those rotten lemons that we were dealt. Make the best of every situation you find yourself in, because you can create your own happiness. That is my encouragement to you, Class of 2020, embrace your lemons. And remember, once a Pelham Panther, always a Panther! ” “ We found a way to come together and enjoy the time we had left, whether with drive by celebrations or zoom calls with classmates.