Graduation 2022

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LEADERS IN THE SCHOOL Senior spotlights showcase county’s top students

FLIPPING THEIR TASSELS Highlighting every graduate and valedictorian from Shelby County

Newspapers, Inc.


Gary W. Waters

A path apart.


Dear Graduates, You have successfully reached a major milestone in your life: high school graduation. I'm sure it is something you have eagerly anticipated for quite a while. It is a significant occasion, after all, and you have put in the hard work required to get to this point. For this, you are to be highly commended. As you look to your future, I encourage you to never forget where you came from. Your community has cheered you on and walked alongside you every step of the way. Take a moment and thank the ones who helped you on your journey to graduation day; your family, teachers, and friends. Because of them, you are better prepared to face what life has in store for you.

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go." -Dr. Seuss

Will you face challenges? Of course. Life can be overwhelming at times, a great balancing act, as Dr. Seuss would say. Follow his advice and step with care and great tact as you navigate these new waters. Congratulations on all you have accomplished. Never stop growing, exploring, learning, and challenging yourself. Set yourself apart. You have made us proud. Congratulations, graduates. It’s a great day to be a Panther!

Gary W. Waters GRADUATION 2022





CONTENTS 4: Briarwood Christian School 6: Calera High School 8: Chelsea High School 11: Coosa Valley Academy 12: Cornerstone Christian School 14: Evangel Christian School

For me, personally, this magazine is special. After nine months working closely with local schools, along with the rest of our staff, we get an inside look at how many of our local schools function and how hard the students throughout Shelby County work. Whether it be through feature stories on individual students, walking the sidelines at sporting events and interviewing players, covering pageants, special demonstrations, art shows, plays, band events and much more, we get to see the passion from many students throughout the school year—many of whom we’ve seen on multiple occasions since their early days in the school. That makes it special when we get to witness the accomplishment each year of seniors walking across the stage for graduation. That will be no different this May when graduates from the class of 2022 walk across the stage, flips their tassels and toss their caps in the air in celebration of a major milestone in life. It is not to be understated what it takes for each person to reach this point in their life, from hard work and dedication to balancing the rest of their life as a teen preparing to go off to college or into the real world. That seems to have been magnified since COVID-19 ended the 2020 school year early, and many didn’t get to celebrate these special moments. Each year, however, we put together our graduation magazine to honor each graduate in Shelby County for all they have accomplished. Inside this year’s magazine, we highlight all graduates from each school in Shelby County, including each valedictorian, while we also highlight several individual seniors for their work in the classroom and beyond as leaders in their community. Don’t take this moment for granted. It is a special time that each graduate has worked for since they set foot in the halls of their high school four years ago. Congratulations class of 2022! We can’t wait to see what you do to change the world.

16: Evangel Classical Christian School 18: Helena High School 22: Hope Christian School 24: Indian Springs School

Alec Etheredge, Managing Editor

26: Montevallo High School 28: Oak Mountain High School 32: Pelham High School 36: Shelby County High School 39: Spain Park High School 44: Thompson High School 57: Valleydale Christian Academy

EDITORIAL: Alec Etheredge, Meg Herndon, Michelle Love, Keith McCoy, Anna Grace Moore, Emily Sparacino CONTRIBUTORS: Emily Reed DESIGN: Jamie Dawkins, Connor Martin-Lively, Kimberly Myers, Briana Sansom MARKETING: Octavia Campbell, Evann Campbell, Jessica Caudill, Kari George, Michaela Hancock, Casey Haney, Rachel Henderson, Rhett McCreight, Tori Montjoy, Viridiana Romero ADMINISTRATION: Hailey Dolbare, Mary Jo Eskridge, Daniel Holmes, Stacey Meadows, Tim Prince, Brittany Schofield, Savana Tarwater, Anna Willis Shelby County Graduation Guide is published yearly by Shelby County Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 947, Columbiana, AL 35051. Additional copies may be obtained by calling the SCNI office at 205669-3131, or by emailing

58: Vincent Middle High School

Reproduction in whole or in part without express written permission is prohibited. Please address all correspondence (including but not limited to letters, story ideas and requests to reprint materials) to: Editor, Shelby County Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 947, Columbiana, AL 35051.

60: Westminster School at Oak Mountain

Please email for advertising inquiries.



Briarwood Christian School 144 graduates 6255 Cahaba Valley Road • Birmingham, AL 35242 Lions • 1,685 students • No. 5 ranked Christian high school in Alabama

Dear Class of 2022,

a small part of your life journey this far. I can’t wait to see how God is going to use you and your classmates in years to come! My dear senior friends! For most of you, As you step out toward the great adI have had the immense privilege of watchventure that God has prepared for you, I ing you make a transition from elementary would ask that you please hear the words to the junior high, then to our high school of Paul in II Timothy. It is as if he just wrote and now I am standing at attention as you these for you as you transition into the prepare for your biggest transition yet as next phase of your life. you step to college and beyond! Hold on to this passage and follow it for I have high confidence that you will excel it will be life to you! Paul says this...(Vs. 6) in this next life chapter! You have weath“I remind you to fan into flame the gift of ered several challenging school years and God which is in you, (vs.7) for God gave us yet, God has granted you a sweet senior a spirit not of fear but of power and love year together. I am humbled to have been and self-control. (Vs.8-9) Therefore, do 4


not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord...but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God who saved us and called us to a holy calling…(vs.12) I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that Day what He has entrusted to me…(vs.14) Guard the good deposit entrusted to you!” (I Timothy 1:614). Here are the key points of application I urge you to consider and pursue as Paul exhorted young Timothy! 1. “Guard the good deposit entrusted to you” - You have had people pour this

Briarwood Christian School Elizabeth Adcock

Alexander Hudson

Grace Richardson

Daniel Alford

Camille Jarvis

Kathleen Rogers

Katie Allen

Dean Jones

Savannah Sato

Ethan Anderson

Martha Jones

Katherine Saunders

Brooks Andrews

William Jones

Selena Saunders

Jacob Baker

Lily Kauffman

Daniel Scharf

Nathaniel Baker

Graham Kemp

Rachel Shashikanth

Mallory Bean

Amelia King

Mae Shaw

McKlane Bentley

Mary Ryan King

Christopher Sibley

Matthew Bishop

DAVID HOUSTON Valedictorian

Brooklyn Boinski Katelyn Border Mary Bosworth

Peyton Fox

Rebecca Knippers

Julia Sinclair

Tiffany Lattner

Charles Smith

Kathleen Lehane

Mary Smith

David Lether

Taylor Kummel Smith Sara Steadman

Jakob Brower

Amelia Frost

Lynzie Liddell

Emily Browning

Nicholas Frost

Anderson Loudon

Mary Stewart

Grant Bruce

Mia Gables

Riley Margene

Russell Stubblefield

Chapel Bryars

Patrick Gage

Calvin Martin

Paul Stuggs

James Butler

Grace Galvin

Charles Martin

Michael Cross Summers

Harrison Byers

Camden Gann

Benjamin McCallum

Rachel Summers

Lola Casey

Luke Gann

James McGucken

Winford Taylor

Kara Coleman

Margaret Garner

Tyson McGuire

James-Michael Tedesco

Mark Connell

Reece Garner

Sarah Frances McLeod

Kynerd Thomas

Ella Coons

Luke Gilbert

Emma McMullen

Hardy Thompson

Kathleen Cox

Jaddin Glen

Bennett McNamee

William Thompson

Avery Creel

Anna Godbehere

Knox Merry

Ella Thrasher

Avery Daniels

Emma Gregory

Daniel Milton

Mathis Tindall

Arthur Davis

Coleman Hamm

Ashby Mixon

Audrey Tinsley

Alden Denard

Lauren Hancock

Jonathan Moore

Jillian Tripp

Nicholas Dicen

Mickey Hardy III

Alexander Moorer

Eva Tucker

Isabella Domingue

Michael Harmon

Griffin Morris

Hayden Wallace

Clay Dorrill

Amelia Hawk

Hannah Murphy

Emma Ward

Audrey Dykes

Marin Hefner

Trinity Myers

Isabella Waters

Lauren Edwards

Charles Heidepriem

John Patterson

Lauryn Wedgeworth

Evan Ellison

Sarah Henderson

Rachel Payne

Lacey Wesson

John Emmons

Mary Fox Henry

Scott Pylant

Emma White

Anna Ferguson

Ryan Hill

Braley Ray

Anna Williams Chloe Williams

Sarah Ford

Avery Hillman

Mary Ray

Cameron Fountain

Elisabeth Holdefer

Garner Reebals

Noah Williams

Judson Foust

David Houston

Grace Renshaw

Charles Woods

good deposit (God’s word - to salvation) into your life. Great defense is required do not surrender what the Lord, your family, youth pastors and teachers have poured into you for the past 18-plus years. Guard it with your life! “Fight, and after you have done everything - STAND!” Eph. 6:13 2. “Fan the flame that is in you” - This is simple in concept but takes discipline in college. GROW in your walk with the Lord. Burn brightly for all to see! 3. “You have not been given a spirit of fear but power, love and self-control.” - If you are going to do #2, you will need to do it in the power and strength of the Lord! God’s power, Jesus’ love, and self-con-

trol from the Holy Spirit will cause you to thrive! 4. “Do not be ashamed but share in the suffering for the gospel.” If your fire burns brightly, people WILL notice and you WILL be challenged. You should expect some type of push back. Don’t be surprised consider it an honor to share in this...don’t give in but lean into the difficult! 5. “He is able to guard...this good deposit.” Best news yet: you are not on your own. HE (God) is where you are and will be. HE will guard what HE has entrusted or given to you! HE goes with you wherever you go and HE will fight for you! You do NOT go to college alone!

I look forward to addressing your senior class in our last chapel, to honor you at Honor’s Day and to celebrate your milestone in being a Briarwood Graduate! Know we are excited for you and regularly will be praying for you! Also, know you are loved, will be missed, that you will always be a Briarwood Lion and don’t ever forget the way back to your Briarwood family! I hope you return for Homecoming 2022! In the love of Christ,

Dr. Shawn Brower Head of Upper School, Briarwood Christian School



Calera High School 236 graduates 100 Calera Eagle Drive • Calera, AL 35040 Eagles • 900 students • 13th most diverse public high school in Alabama

Joshua Daniel Abdulhaqq

Lane Austin Busby

Jihad Marcel Cohill-Cruz

Amariyoun Timothy Abrams

Kelley Kathryn Bush

Elijah Matthew Copes

Paulina Aguirre Aparicio

Loren Olivia Bush

Nataly Cortès

Sarah Kay Allen

Alajanae Byrd

Christopher Shamer Cotton-Taylor Ti’Myra Simone Curtis

Daisy M. Araujo

Christian Andrew Byrley

Kevin Alexander Ardon

Brandon Seth Cain

Amya Lashae Daniel

Brandon Arroyo

Jeffery Callens

Kristian Dior Darden

William Nathaniel Babcock

Chauncey Amerie Callins

Samuel Caleb Davidson

Laila Joniah Barnes

La’Miyah Chanelle Campbell

Destiny Michelle Davis

Cody Mason Blackmon

Emma Jane Campis

Madison Nicole Denney

Carlos Daniel Canelo Rodríguez

De’Kyren N. Dennis

Angel Borbonio


Madison Taylor Boykins


Jensyn Rylee Cantu

Tyler Cole Douglas Elizabeth Michelle Dunn

William Henry Bright III

Nicholas Avery Bunn

Jalin Savana Carlisle

Diamond Nicole Broaden

Cameron James Burdette

Emma Grace Carstensen

Ryan Eastis

Mason Lane Broussard

Grayson Parker Burgett

Madison Nicole Carter

Devin Ellzey

Ashtyn Elizabeth Brown

Hannah Grace Burnett

Natalie Danielle Caster

Brenden Rodre’k Embry

Jailyn Mickylah Brown

Timothy Jacob Burnett

Sebastian Celedonio

Jennifer Guadalupe Escobar

Matthew Scott Bullard

Morgan Alyse Burrells

Joshua Steven Clark

Gavin Wayne Evans


Calera High School

Dear Calera High School Class of 2022,

and what you had to go through in order to get what you have. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. The skills and lessons learned throughout your high school career can be applied in many other areas of everyday life. I cannot wait to see and hear about your successful futures. Thank you Class of 2022 for helping Congratulations!!! I am extremely proud of you and all of your everyone return to a little bit of normal. #FlyAsOne achievements. The last few years have been extremely difficult, but because of your resilience, you have persevered. You met every challenge head on and made the decision to succeed rather than be defeated. As you move on, remember where you came from Principal, Calera High School

Chris Myles

Justin Michael Evans

Davelice Ramal Jefferson

Kaylen Marie Moultrie

Azleyn Lena Smith

Gabriel Michael Fails

Jamir Anton Johnson

Joseph Edward Muldrow IV

Brodie Landon Smith Jai Morgan Michelle Smith

Niviah A. Ferguson

Catelon Grace Jones

Raegan Grace Mullins

Alexis Christian Finley

Hayland James Jones

Nadia Tuyet Ngo

Logan Matthew Smith

Valerie Flores

Michael Rommel Jones

Kathy Nguyen

ReDrea Samaya Smith

Alyssa Nycole Gallahan

Steven Githuka Kagia

Molly Ann O’Clair

Ruach Smith

José Luis Gallardo Sandoval

Kayla Paige Butler

Ian Connor Odom

Bobby M. Snow, III

Aidan Rhys Gallaspie

Kamryn Leigh Kiinstler

Nelsi Yaneli Ortiz Figueroa

Abigail L. Snyder

Cademon Thomas Galloway

Bianca Chamil Killings

Aniyah Lachaun Parker

Jacob William Sommers Brandon Keith Stanley

Gareth Keith Garner

Kobe Nickolas King

Grace Elizabeth Parton

Je’Myia La’Trise Gilbert

Dakota James Knight

Agna Hitesh Patel

Floyd Tate Sudsberry

Paris Denise Gilbert

Jarin Matthew Lambert

Sean Patterson

Aáliyah Sharnae Tatum Alyssa Jade Taylor

Shyia Quenise Gilmore

Jessica Taylor Lawson

Joseph Riley Patterson

Felicity Jade Goebel

Brianna Laurasenia Lee

Jaylon Ahmad Pearson

Anna Clara Terry

Nekia Elise Goodson

Constance Deosha Lee

Grant Stephen Peoples

Katrina Layne Thomas

Megan Elizabeth Gothard

Kayden Hope Lee

Jacob A. Perry

LaCorvian JaBrel Thomas Lewis

Bryan Grande Beltran

Parker Bryan Lemley

Piper Naomi Pope

Emmalynne Grace Tolliver

Alisha Grant

Mattie Kate Leonard

Jeremiah Escavon Pope

Itzel Toral Ruiz

Ethan Wayne Gray

Anya Long

Makiyah La’Shae Porter

Joslyn Dee Tranholm Matthew David Tucker

Justin Lamar Green

Anthony Lopez Aguirre

Kobe Floyd Prentice

Andre De’Angelo Green

Josie Denise Lowery

Kailey Madison Price

Victoria Turner

Makayla Jordan Greene

Shelby Kendal Ludolf

Decarlo D. Pryor, Jr.

Jishae Leatrice Underwood Alexander George Vines

William Tanner Greene

Micah Daiton Lunsford

Devonte’ Quinnie

EMiya ShaQuay Graves

Laurice D. Mack

Nakeia Vonshay Reasor

Andew Leon Vines

Alexis Guadalupe

Benjamin Douglas Marling

Eboni Trenae Reed

Mary Bradford Walton

Lauren Elizabeth Hallman

Christopher Landon Martin

Dominique Ray Resler

Branden William Freddie Watkins

Braxton Jy’juan Harden

David Martinez, Jr.

Lena Rose Rios

Isaac Benjamin Thomas Watts

DeAndre MarQez Harper

Omar Martinez

Emily Maria Rivas

Caleb Michael Webb

Destiny Carlise Harris

Sydney R. Massarini

Artajah J. Robinson

Trinity Jade Wester-Cornett

Kyra Harris

Jayla N. McConico

Asiah MeChelle Robinson

Alexia Barbara Wheeler

Clayton L. Harrison

Ke’ja Verna McCoy

Patrick Raymond Robinson, Jr.

Kailee Breann Wheeler

Emma Grace Harrison

Joshua Taye McDade

Lula Estelle Roddam

Amanda Grace White

Gabriel James Hathorn

Laney Evans McMillan

Parker Allen Rodgers

Matthew Galen White

Joshua Nathan Lane Hawthorne

JaVonte’ Daquan Melton

Hiromi Christell Rodriguez

Alayna Renay Wilbur

Wesley Stephen Head

Shaylee Marie Michaels

Karina Rodriguez

Connor Wilhite

Hannah Elizabeth Helms

Allie Marie Milford

Braxton Zeek Rogers

Chase Ashton Williams

William Gabriel Herring

Alex Jaborie Millender

Kenyona Jalia Russell

Katelyn Marie Willis

Richaun Eugene Hester

Jamira D. Miller

Jaylen Amari Salter

Matthew Ryne Windham Grace E. Windham

Ashton Jamar Hodge

Marvin Moctezuma-Hernandez

Alexis JoAnne Scarpelli

Izaiha Nathaniel Holmes

Isis Yaritza Montero Chaver

Cole Preston Seebeck

Iteria Woodson

Emery Roland Hopkins IV

Adriana N. Moody

Emma Katherine Sellers

Joel Henry Worrell

Steven Bennett Hopson

Kennedy Elise Moore

Arkiya Renea Shamburger

Jymiah Chimere Young

Avery B. Irvin

Madison Christine Moorer

Richard Joseph Sisneros

Shakireya Ja’Shay Young

Kevin Jacuinde

Toby DeMadison Moorer

Micah Tarick Small

Bryan Christopher Zapata, Jr.



Chelsea High School 314 graduates 10510 Couty Road 11 • Chelsea, AL 35043 Hornets • 1,338 students • 44th best school public high school in Alabama

Ashlyn Kendal Acker

Nicholas Alexander Brown

Tanner McGregor Clark

Trinity Joy Alexander

Tucker William Brown

Madelyn Grace Clines

Emma Danielle Anderson

Miles Williams Brush

Mason John Cloutier

Lauren Gabriella Anderson

Jadyn Michele Buff

Alexis Brianna Collins Courtney Shania Cox

Brantley Nicole Avery

Sarah Danielle Burch

Noah William Baggett

Andrew David Burcham

Hunter Alan Cox

Jackson Thomas Bailey

Avery Grace Burleson

Wade Thomas Crawford

Hunter Brian Baker

Pierce Alexander Burnett

Katie Laurel Creamer

Noelle Renee Baker

Kyra Gabrielle Butler Couch

Katherine Lile Crosswhite

Christopher Dewayne Baldwin Catherine Vella Barnes Joshua Glenn Baskaran Jacob Thomas Bean

David Blake Stewart Cumbee Nia Simone Cummings

Andrea Bolanos-Nava

Madeleine Sandra Cargile

Alexander Koval Davis Logan Paul Davis

Melodie Leanne Boren

Jessica Lynne Beiter

Jacob Gregory Bosshart

Jeffrey Mason Carlisle

Mason Katherine Davis

Stella Marie Bell

Haley Grace Bousman

Mary Elizabeth Cartee

Nicholas Connor Davis Erin Kaye Deavers

Joshua Ryan Bradley

Brooklyn Chase Carter

Mary Ashlyn Berryman

Sydney Kayla Bridgeman

Bryson Thomas Chamblee

Lexi Danielle DeFoor

Phoebe Elizabeth Black

Payton Emilyn Brigman

Drew Elizabeth Chancellor

Carter Alexander DeLoach

Austin Ozell Brock

Nicholas John Christian

Caroline Grace Diaz

Piper Anne Bliss

Carson David Camper Campbell Reed Carbonie Jackson Harold Carlisle

Zachary Seth Beneke




Alison Paige Dojonovic

Patton Cooley Hunter

Lilly Tu Dong

Kinlee Ann Ingram

Sukrit Dujsanit

Kasey Nicole James

Harrison Louis Dummier

Carson Douglas Janchik

Evan Glen Durham

Michael Kenneth Jenkins

MacKenzi Leigh Echols

Abigail Dawn Johnson

Emma Nicolle Eggler

Christian Alexander Johnson

Ally Clarissa Eiland

William Thomas Johnson

Noah Christian Ellis

Brooke Alane Jones

Addison Grace Evans

Bryson James Jones

Isabella Adair Evans

Charles Evan Jones

Dylan Lee Falkner

Emily Shayla Jones

William Shaw Fant

Evan Nicholas Jones

Evan William Farry

Michael Christian Kallaher

Christopher William Ferguson

Jared Charles Kaplan

Corin Christopher Ferrel

Sydney Katherine Kelson

Andrew Allen Fielding

Samantha Anne Kennedy

Lexi Nicole Fields

Alexander Joseph Kephart

Robert Lane Fincher

Jacob Thomas King

Christopher Andrew Floyd

Joseph Andrew Knight

Christopher Ty Forehand

Landon Ryan Kuckens

Brett Robert Foster

Nathaniel Zhen-Xi Lam

Mariah Kenishia Foster

Nicolas Angelo Lamoureux

Rhyan Elizabeth Foster

Peyton Cade Land

Jillian Paige Francis

Taylor Reese Land

Victoria Rae Franklin

Joshua Michael Lang

Alexis Fay Frederick

Allie Lynn Lario

Elizabeth Garcia Tadeo

Madeline Mills Larkin

Tucker Owen Garrett

Lauren Grace Lee

Quintez Dashun Gilbert

Kevin Legrand

Catherine Grace Glaze

James Holden Leithauser

Reid Bryan Gongwer

Keegan Van Leonard

Patrick Morgan Gowin

Kennedy Alexandria Lewis

Matthew Alexander Gray

Gavin Ray Lovingood

Cooper Scott Griffin

Ella Caroline Lovoy

McKenzie Leigh Gunn

Thomas Allen Ludwig

Ava Ashton Haigler

Ryan Todd Lunsford

Samuel Walker Hairston

Ansley Lauren Mabry

Carson Jakob Hamm

Nikolas Michael Mack

Alexis Lyn Haney

Garyson Reese Maddox

Julia Marie Hansen

Nicolas Maldonado-Don

Bryant Azell Harris

Chloe Patricia Maliska

Richard John Michael Harris

Jackson Thomas Mamock

Alex Douglas Hartman

Braden Grey Manderson

Vivienne Mikayla Jordane Hensler

Hannah Grayce Marler

Jabez Markel Hill

Morgan Brooke Martin

Jessie Kay Holsombeck

Fermin Armando Martinez Alonso

Caleb Nathaniel Honeycutt

Emma Sophia Mashon

Joshawa Deon Honeycutt-Curry

Maggie Raeann Masters

Braxton Hayes Hopper

Gabriell McKenna Mattes

Ella Brooke Howell

Jacob Bryant Maxwell

Hannah Katherine Howell

Kristopher Douglas McAnally

Holly Rose Howerton

Campbell Landen McCluney

Isabel Yvonne Hubert

Elijah Orlando McCorvey

Griffin Patrick Hughes

Marin Elizabeth McCulla

Abagael Paige Hulbert

Noah Michael McCutchen

Mika Chadwick Hunt

Joseph Tucker McGaha


CLASS OF 2022 Welcome to the family!

See more about UM and the list of graduates at



Chelsea High School

Dear 2022 Graduates, Congratulations on your accomplishment of reaching the important milestone of being a graduating senior at Chelsea High School. This time of year is always a highlight for me as it allows time to reflect on the talented, unique, and hard-working group of students we have in our school. This is a particularly special group as you have endured difficult challenges and still managed to achieved at high levels in academics, extracurricular activities, and through your contribution to the community. During your time here, you have truly embodied the pillars of learning, service, and character that we emphasize here at Chelsea High School.


Your class represents many diverse ideas, personalities, interests, and backgrounds that all come together to create a special school that provides opportunities for personal growth, prepares graduates to succeed in all aspects of college and career choices, and helps forge meaningful friendships. It is for this reason that your graduation is truly a day of celebration. Seniors, I am very proud and excited for each of you as you enter the next phase of your lives. The future will hold challenges and success, good times and difficult ones, and each day will have opportunities for personal growth. As you move forward, I encourage you to follow your passion, and greet every day with effort and commitment so that you can make the world

a better place for you and those around you. That is what we are all tasked with, and that is certainly what you all deserve. I have great confidence that you will create such a pathway as you continue to grow both personally and in your professional endeavors. In doing so, graduation will not be the great achievement for you, but only a mere beginning to a very bright future. Thank you for all that you have meant to our school and community. I value the privilege of being your principal and I wish you all the best in every facet of your future endeavors. Godspeed!

Brandon Turner, Ed.D. Principal, Chelsea High School

Mia Grace McGiboney

Griffin Eugene Parrish

Bryan Zane Shirley

Mattie Elyse Vail

Jena Kaitlyn McIntire

Landon Scott Pate

Kyler Kaden Simmons

Aidan Robert Valentine

Parker Benjamin McIntyre

Micayla Kathleen Patterson

Thomas Rex Simpson

Jarrel Sevillo Vergara

Ryan David McMullan

Grace Noelle Peacock

Cheyenne Alexis Jacklyn Smith

Ethan Alexander Vickers

Keeghan Grace Messer

Jesslyn Alexis Pendley

Conner Addison Smith

Gabriela Villanueva-Navarro

Charles Justin Messier

Angelo Nicholas Perrero

Wesley Adam Smith

Kyle Andrew Vinson

Gabrielle LePar Meyers

Mackenzie Morgan Pierce

Selena Soto Pedral

Olivia Marie Wagner

Emmalyn Meaghan Miller

Sindy Valentina Pigford

Emma Ashley Spann

Caitlyn Alexandra Walker

Colin Walton Moore

Hannah Elizabeth Pilkerton

Rylee Alexis Speed

Chloe Francesca Walker

Kathryn McCallon Moore

Lorelai Grace-Ann Poe

Caleb Sean Spoors

Maquayla Lanette Walker

Cristopher Moreno-Maldonado

Stuart Craig Porter

Parker Lee Stallings

Sydney Grace Walker

Joseph Moreno-Maldonado

Erin Brooke Prady

Hunter Ryan Stanford

Denetria Leshay Waller

Gabrielle Margrette Morgan

Luke Thomas Price

Conner Drew Stansell

Joseph Austen Waller

Olivia Marie Morgan

William Reed Proctor

Lucas James Franklin Stanton

Ashley Danielle Washington Gage Michael Watts

Melik Jamal Morning

Esther Nanthida Rabenau

Savannah Raye Stapp

Jazmine Elisa Renee Morris

Robert Presley Rebman

Anna Katherine Stickley

Micah Cole Wear

Mason Michael Mosko

Grier Kinsey Reid

Caleb McGowan Taylor

Rachel Isabella Welch

Alexander Hezekiah Mulrooney

Anna Sage Richardson

Madison Leigh Taylor

Samuel Michael Welch

William Dennis Murphy

John Connor Ridderhoff

Jett Matthew Thomas

Jackson Robert Wells

Drake Donavon Murray

Madelyn Brooks Riggins

Noah Seth Thomas

Mya Grace Wells

Mallory Paige Nabors

William McLain Riley

Brian Kaleb Thomason

Isabella Grace Wesson

Makayla Grace Nemec

Aidan Danny Roche

Aaron Tait Thornell

Morganne Grace Wever

Keith Nguyen

Kimberly Rodriguez

Logann Elaine Threatt

William Wallace Whitehurst Ashlyn Grace Whitfield

Natalie Hong Nguyen

Ronald Emmanuel Rowe

Hunter Kyle Tinch

Natalee Elizabeth Norwood

Erlandrya Jonice Rutledge

Ryan Glen Tinch

Brennen Curry Wilder

Ciera Dawn O’Berry

Madison Lee Sadler

Riley Abigail Toups

Charlize Joelle Williams

Davis Lange O’Connell

Andrew Michael Saether

Emily Ann Trawick

Elijah Jerry Williams

Jack Fletcher O’Neal

Luis Gabriel Sanchez

Olivia Evyleen Trout

Jenna Grace Williams Joshua McKinley Williams

Carson Allan Orr

Anna Lynn Sartin

Grant Thomas Tucker

Carlos Uriel Ortiz

Joseph Allan Cannestra Savage

Ava DeeAnne Tumlin

Alexis Camille Wood

Blake Allen Page

Sydney Elizabeth Schwallie

Marquis DJuan Turner

Chloe Danielle Woodruff

Rodrigo Alberto Palacios

Joshua Nations Seaberg

William Cade Turner

John Wesley Woodruff III

Imanol Ijahuri Palma-Francisco

Morgan Rebecca Seabolt

Benjamin Roy Ulderich

Joel Douglas Young

Reed Holden Parish

Gable Conner Senn

Emma Caroline Underwood


Coosa Valley Academy 18 graduates 163 Park Place • Harpersville, AL 35078 Rebels • 195 students • 60 percent of students go on to attend a four-year college

Dear Coosa Valley Academy Senior Class of 2022, My first thought about you as a class is that you have weathered a storm that no one has ever expected (COVID 19). Your high school experience has forced you too grow up fast and become independent far to soon. My thoughts about this unusual adventure that you have taken is that God must have special plans for you. You may be part of the generation that could change the world that would once again stand strong for Christ in our country no matter what happens. My challenge to you as 2022 graduates is to realize that your future is extremely bright and with your endurance for life-changing events will make you accomplish any goal that you desire. As head of school, I am so proud of the fact that I have been with you through this journey. Please know that you hold a special place in my heart and prayers. I love you always.

Pam Lovelady

Headmaster, Coosa Valley Academy

John Cooper Andrews Hayden McClain Dooley Matthew Weston Dooley Lily Bella Golden Abigail Grace Griffith Hunter Wayne Hill Jackson Branam Hollingsworth Brady Shane Jeffreys Canaan Michael Johnson Ruthie Danielle Ledford Katelyn Christine Morris

SYDNEY SIMMONS Valedictorian

Nicholas Cole Shepherd Sydney Elise Simmons

Sarah Madison Taylor

Tyler Grey Sims

Madisyn Faye Thein

Justin Edward Tate

Matthew Seth Wells



Cornerstone Christian School 17 graduates 24975 Alabama 25 • Columbiana, AL 35051 Chargers • 178 students • Ranked the 66th best private school in Alabama

Anna Maria Alexis Flores

Nicolas Aaron Remillard

Aubree Lu Stricklin

Patrick Alexander Carroll

Delandus Oneil Jones

Peyton Griffin

Elli Ann Schober

Savannah Marie Franklin

Emma Claire Jones

Shelana Ruth Hardy

Federico Gianuario

Slade A Foster

Jonah Edward Murphree

Thomas Auston Cleckler

Justus Adams

Warren Seth Goodwin

Kathryn Ann Bragg




Cornerstone Christian

Dear Class of 2022, The Cornerstone Christian School class of 2022 has managed to accomplish much in spite of the circumstances they have had to endure. Most of them have already completed several college-level courses, and they have worked hard to be successful at both the high school and collegiate levels. I have no doubt that they are ready to tackle the challenges of their chosen universities. Many of these students have also been very involved in school activities while maintaining good grades and holding down a part-time job. They are an exceptionally talented and intelligent group of students, and I am so proud of them all. These seniors, like all other seniors this year, have also had to learn to navigate a world that was new to us all. None of them expected to have their last two years of high school in-

terrupted by a pandemic. Yet, as I would expect, these seniors have managed to learn to navigate this strange world and rise to the challenges. To the CCS Class of 2022, I say thank you for your strong, godly leadership during difficult times. Thank you for exemplifying what it means to be a Charger. As you go out into the world, take the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ with you and share it with others. Beyond the doors of this school, you are Cornerstone. Remember who you are and whose you are, and God bless you in this next chapter of your lives.

Margaret Pickett

Director, Cornerstone Christian School



Evangel Christian School 141 graduates 423 Thompson Road • Alabaster, AL 35244 Lightning • Eighth largest graduating class in Shelby County as a home school


Karis Anne Akin

Kaela Joy Camara

Annika Marie Cost

Katrina Lynn-Yvonne Ammon

Hayden Prentice Carpenter

Nora Grace Cotton

Amanda Claire Armistead

Chandler Jameson Carr

Riley Carolyn Deemer

Marc James Ayers

Zachary Wade Chandler

Nathan Ronald Delgado

Jude Allen Barlow

Christian Darryl Chapman

Thomas Brock Dorough

Harris Martin Black

Adrian Matthew Chapman

Mercy Elizabeth Drake

Meghan Alexandra Bouwens

Zachary Andrew Cheatwood

Samuel Wesley Dunn

Jack Reed Burson

Suzanna Elizabeth Cicio

Emily Hope Dutton

Asa Gray Busby

Timothy Joseph Clarke

Haleigh Elizabeth Dyer

Lauren Katherine Bush

Laurel Grace Coleman

Brody Joseph Edwards

Corey Daniel Calvin

Kiley Elizabeth Conneen

Erin Melissa Elliott



Evangel Christian School Kaden Alexis Falkner

Everson Chad Jones

April Marie Murdaugh

Brooks Barron Souders

Elias Bishop Fant

Cassidy Joyce Joyner

Hayden Grant Mutchler

Grayson Barrett Spears Kathryn Ava Stepkoski

Hannah Elizabeth Farringer

Thomas Elijah Koch

Olivia Rentz Naro

Grace Danielle Fisher

Heidi Kaye Kuykendall

Hayden Allen Nelson

Sandra Ruth Stevens

Kaylee Madison Fowler

Zadyn Kenneth LaBreche

Connor Joseph Nettles

Christian Charles Stine

Alyssa Michele Fuller

Aimee MeiXue Lavallet

Samuel John Oddo

Hayden Mathew Strider

Joshua Mykhal Gamble

Christopher Kim Le

Laura Ann Ogle

Sophia Danielle Tamburello Cadie Marie Taunton

Isabelle Joy Garrigan

Abigail Eleanor Lewis

Anna McKaime Patrick

Margaret Redwine Garrigan

Nathaniel Randall Liskey

Joel Stephen Patton

Griffin Reese Taylor

Lydia Elizabeth Gibbs

McKinley Taylor Lowden

Jackson Greer Payne

Mark Andrew Thomas

Tyler Scott Gothard

James Caleb Lumpkin

Grace Noelle Peacock

Presley Reese Thornton

John Paul Hahn

McKenzie Elizabeth Mann

Nathan Michael Perry

Margaret Kathryn Tompkins

Barrett Addison Hampton

Elizabeth Joy Marsh

Jackson Francis Marion Plemons

Josiah Jett Turner

Keeley Alberta Hancock

Cheryl Kaye Marshall

Adam James Price

Reagan Faith Waggoner

Alayna Jordan Hanson

Hailey Marie Martinez

JoHannah MeiHuan Prince

Dylan Charles Weathers

Evy Claire Harlan

Hannah Renee Martinez

Sydnie Danielle Reese

James Blake Werk

Amelia Caitlin Hawkins

Elisabeth Lauren Mason

Anna Lane Robbins

Alyssa Brooke West

Makae Elizabeth Heath

Riley Thomas Mason

John Tyler Roden

John Noah White

Nicholas Edward Hohnstein

Cameron Garrett McDowell

Taylor Layne Rushing

Travis Ford Whitson

Marissa Elise Holsomback

Ashlyn Grace McGinnis

Anna Elisabeth Russell

Hanna Aislin Wilkins

Daniel Calvin Hood

Victoria Christine McNeely

Grace Elizabeth Sands

Shaina Ann Williams

William Davis Hopper

Caden Reid Miller

David Andrew Schmid

Noah Lee Williamson

Logan Warrior Horton

Amelia Hope Milliken

Paul William Schmid

Holly Noel Winchester

Katelyn Faye Hudgins

Emma Carol Mitchell

Jaxson Charles Sellers

Alina Faith Wolnski

Melody Grace Ingram

Caden Scott Mock

William Douglas Shaver

Sarah Katherine Wyers

Jordan Ryleigh Jett

Jesse Dwight Monroe Monk

Kinley Marie Shelton

Logan Reese Young

Landyn Gabriel Johnson

David Alexander Morgan

Zachary Isaac Snow

Micah Vincent Zellner

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Evangel Classical Christian School 17 graduates 423 Thompson Road • Alabaster, AL 35244 345 students • Ranked the 27th best private school in Alabama

Jagger Matthew Benson

Miles Bronwen Maginnis

Caleb Ethan Schuttinga

Sydnee Allexis Carew

Olivia Katherine Mikul

Sarah Joanne Singletary

Elizabeth Grace Druit

Finley Grace Parker

Jedidiah Dale Stephenson

Natalie Peyton Fochtmann

Hannah Elizabeth Plumb

Elizabeth Anne Ivey Stewart

Hallie Grace Goodsell

William Michael Poole

R. Sebastion Wymer

Reagan Margaret Heitschmidt

William Owen Pope WILL POOLE Valedictorian



Evangel Classical Christian School

Dear Class of 2022, We congratulate the ECCS Class of 2022, on a job well done! We are so proud of the fine young men and women you have become. This is both a nostalgic ending and an exhilarating new beginning—a time to reflect on all that you have accomplished,

We are so proud of the fine young men and women you have become.

” ECCS Faculty

awareness of His presence. Live Coram Deo! Be amazed at the good plan He has for and a time to prepare for the less. More importantly, we your life. We love you and will challenges that lie ahead. Al- know that no matter where be praying for you! though we do not know what you go or what you choose the future holds, we do know to do, Christ will be with you, that the freedom of adulthood leading you, strengthening is nearly within your grasp and you, and using you to build that the possibilities are end- His kingdom. Live with an

and Staff

Caleb Schuttinga Evangel Classical School senior Caleb Schuttinga is thankful for his time at Evangel, which has allowed him to learn and grow over the years. “I have been extremely blessed to go to Evangel,” Schuttinga said. “It is a lot of hard work, but all of the teachers care about their students, and help them not just learn, but grow. I have enjoyed having a smaller class (my graduating class has 17 students, and we are a big graduating class compared to years past), because we have gotten to know each other and our grade is close.” During his time at school, Schuttinga has played drums for the school’s chapel team, and in 2022, he became the chapel team leader. Outside of school, Schuttinga has joined Calera Police Department’s Cadet post, where he is taught by the police officers what police do on a day-to-day basis, and they are put in different scenarios police officers encounter daily.

Schuttinga’s favorite subject is math because it makes sense to him and has almost always come easily to him. “Although calculus this year has been very tough, I have enjoyed the challenge,”

Schuttinga said. “I have had a great teacher to help me out, and great classmates to work out the tough problems with.” The person who made the biggest impact on him is his history teacher, who taught

him all throughout high school. “I got to know her in the ninth grade, and she has helped me grow in my faith as a person,” Schuttinga said. “I haven’t always been the best at her class, but she has definitely helped me more than she knows, and she’s a huge inspiration to me.” Schuttinga plans to attend the University of North Alabama this fall to study criminal justice with the hope to eventually become a police officer. “I hope to remember all of the connections I made at Evangel with the teachers and the students, and I want to remember everything I learned in Bible class on how to defend my faith,” Schuttinga said. Schuttinga is the son of Scott Schuttinga, who has worked in law enforcement and helped influence Schuttinga’s desire to work in it himself and Karen Euler, who has shaped him to become who he is today.



Helena High School 337 graduates 1310 Hillsboro Parkway • Helena, AL 35080 Huskies • 1,348 students • Ranked the 19th best high school in Alabama

Ethan Luis Acosta Hood

James Tucker Bryan

Noah Sebastian Aleman Garcia

Terri Annette Buckner

Grace Kathryn Curtis

Katie Marie Allison

Emma Grace Bullock

Anthony Utter Daniels Morgan Elizabeth Daniels

Yasmin Alvarez-Corona

Rebecca Justice Bullock

Errol Corwynn Anderson

Emma Delayne Burdette

Aniya Kassie Davis

Kaylee Jade Armstrong

Harper Jackson Busic

William Evan Davis

Oliver Gilford Arn

Kaysn Randall Bustamento

Makenzie Kate Dawson

Gracie Danielle Arnold

Regan Olivia Butler

Alec Christopher Deason

Lexi Brooke Ayala

Nathaniel David Butts

Michael Hunter Devore

Camryn Elizabeth Bailey

Ava Louise Carson

Alexander Michael Dickerson

Charles Jerome Bainter Michael Wesley Keith Banks


Elizabeth Cion Cordero

JACOB RITONDO Valedictorian

Macy Allman Cartee

Emily Nichole Diffley

William Christopher Casas

Jacob Landon Dillard Reagan Elizabeth Dillard

Grayson Brynn Barnett

Benjamin Scott Blevins

Mallory Grace Cato

Meagan Angelina Bates

Matthew Cambron Blocker

Iceberk Bu Cave

Fatomata Binta Djalo

Gwendolyn June Batts

Olivia Elyse Bondurant

Brody Luke Caver

Cole Abram Dorough

Caroline Danielle Beck

Danielle Leigh Borden

Meliyah Lynnee Chance

Ella Ann Dovell

Cameron Cadarius Belcher

Spencer Michael Bozeman

Drew Barrett Chandler

Barrett Hatten Draiss Elise Catherine Dufour

Kimberly Grace Bell

Bennett Luke Michael Bratton

Caleb Alec Clabo

Matthew Wayne Bell

Cheyenne Lauren Braxton

Maryn McKenzie Clark

Joshua Divine Engram

Abby Lauren Bellanca

Sarah Tatiana Breland

Monicah Saharah Clark

Catherine Linda Enslen

Andrew Thomas Berry

Savannah Aurora Breland

Jennifer Madelyn Grace Clayton

Alexandra Brooke Erwin

Brandon Reid Berry

Hunter Allen Bright

Ashlyn Brooke Collett

Mary-Kate Erwin

Ryne Gregory Berry

Meghan Farrar Briley

Austin Michael Collins

Santiago Espinosa-Hoyos

Sydney Marie Blackford

Alex Chase Brown

Corlie Ann-Marie Conzalina

Jackson Palmer Ethridge

Joshua Alan Blake

Killian Dekoda Brown

Ashlynn Alexis Cook

Sara Elizabeth Ezekiel

Makenzie Jordan Blalock

Alexis Nicole Browne

Micah Nathanae Cope

Eddie Frank Fluker


Helena High School

Dear Class of 2022,

you with the next chapter of your life. You are at a point where you get to decide what you want to do for the rest of your life, so choose wisely. My wish for you is that you enjoy the years you have ahead. I hope you always remember your time here at Helena High School and that you come back and visit. As you start the next chapter of your life, be the best that you can be. Be an inspiration to others that are following behind you. In whatever you do, strive to be the best. Sincerely,

To the graduating class of 2022, I wish you the very best in any and all of your future endeavors. I hope that your experience at Helena High School was the absolute best despite COVID. You experienced a pandemic that changed your “normal” high school experience, but you persevered. You should be extremely proud of yourself and know that your resiliency has set you up for success in the future. Whether you are going to a college, planning to travel, or heading to work, my hope for you is that you find your place. I hope that you stay true to yourself and do what makes you happy while contributing to the betterment of society. I hope that you learned valuable skills and lessons here at Helena High School that help Principal, Helena High School

Ashley Bahr

Carter Thomas Folsom

Brayden Benjamin Haynes

Forrest Edward Lawson

Jonathan Russell Ford

John Conner Henderson

Skylar Minh Tri Le

Haley Isabella Morris

Nathan Javon Fuller

Hannah Ruth Henson

Nakayla Violet Lewis

Garrett Mitchell Morton

Paul Davis Kariuki Gachie

Mia Hernandez-Lopez

Natalie Faith Liberman

Lacey Caroline Moss

Haia Mohamed Gad

Elijah James Hill

Bayleigh Elizabeth Little

James Tyler Mowery

Olivia Marie Gaskins

Kameryn Grace Hill

Sydney Brooke Liveoak

Ty Brannon Mullinax

Brayden Garrett George

Nicolas Bryce Hiltbruner

Madelyn Noelle Lockwood

Aidan Naron

Emma Michele Gerson

Addison Christine Holcomb

Joel Allen Logan

Aylisha Rene Nelson

Anthony Gabriel Morales Mujo

Connor Scott Gibbs

Jayden Trevon Holifield

Addie Caroline Lott

Samuel Hampton Neugent

Caroline Oakley Gill

Brian Keith Holland

Noah Allen Love

Maureen Wanjiru Ngugi

Eunice Waithira Gitau

Bella Nicole Holliday

Trenton Heath Lusk

Anna Elizabeth Nichols

Destiney Dariel Givans

Grace Isabelle Huff

Simeon Paul Lynn

Kennedi Elaine Nobles

Kaitlin Elise Glawson

Riley Kate Hulsey

Aiden Nicholas Madden

Sa’Toria Alese North

Madelyn Gracie Gordinier

Deztiney Dreona Hunter

Alexis Nicole Maloney

Tyler Kane Noyes

Connor Matthew Gortney

August Julia Hyde

Emily Abigail Maple

Aubrey Lynn Oakes

Amayah Monai Green

Muringo Waruguru Irungu

Charles Johnathan Marshall

Elisabeth Karen Ann Ochsenfeld

Logan Scott Green

Malik Deion Jackson

Anna Gracie Martin

Andre Aldaya Odom

Dylan Walker Greer

Mallori Rose Janoulis

Connor Scott Martin

Madison Kinkade Odom

Lexie Denise Gregory

Sergio Benjamin Jaramillo

Macey Grace Martin

Jamie Elizabeth Pace

Lucas Ryan Griffice

Leanna Nicole Jenkins

Lindsey Grace May

Justin Lee Palm

Lellwyn Dalton Griffin

Emma Currie Jensen

William Clayton Mayfield

Tyler Blake Parrish

Sophia Noelle Grizzle

Harrison Wright Johnsey

Brody Michael McAbee

Andrew Clayton Parton

Nina Delaine Guy

Devin Alan Johnson

Molly Grace McCugh

Alton Elwood Jazz Patterson

Sarah Mairiz Guzman

Greer Cosby Johnson

Grace Anne McDonald

Hannah Brianne Pearce

Alexandria Suzette Hackney

Braiden Malik Jones

Taylor William McElroy

Alex William Perry

Holly Martine Hamaker

Gianna Shelby Jones

Matthew James McFall

Seth Thomas Pike

Mallory Grace Hamilton

James Cade Jones

Charlie Ann McKinney

Jakob Charles Pinkney

Jace Dylan Hannum

Kamila Sofia Jusino Melendez

Madison Marie McLaughlin

Nikolas Giovani Plumeri

Noelle Leann Hanzich

Jonah Asher-Easlee Karczewski

Kristen Brianne Meeks

Savannah Grace Plunkett

Trey Michael Harless

Kathryn-Beatrice Dare Kirby

Joseph Alexander Meza

Katelyn Maye Porter

Ava Claire Harris

Brooklyn J’Nikol Kirksey

Zoee Jade Middlebrooks

Gage Landon Pritchard

Samuel Alan Harrison

Cameron Joseph Kruse

Aaron Matthew Mills

Connor Chad Pugh

Sandra Renae Harwell

Sarah Hope LaGrone

Krish Jay Modi

William Henderson Pylant Graycee Michelle Quick

Olivia Kathleen Hauge

Billy Richard Lambert

Erin Charlotte Moeller

Max Falconer Havercroft

Aidan Connor Latham

Olivia Faith Moon

Carla Eunice Ramirez

Katherine Claire Hawes

Grant Mark LaVercombe

Brooke Elizabeth Moore

Samantha Nicole Ranson

Michael Shane Hawkins

Emily Claire Lavett

Geremiah Ralph Moore

Amber MacKenzie Ray



Helena High School

Hampton Neugent Helena High School senior Hampton Neugent believes that anyone who wants to pursue excellence, should always bring their best effort in everything they do. “Talent and natural gifts are great, but they can only get you so far,” Neugent said. “If you truly want to achieve excellence, you have to put in the work; you have to earn it.” Neugent has been a member of his youth group’s servant leadership team since ninth grade, and he has led worship on the piano since being in eighth grade. He is also a member of the band at Helena, where he has spent a lot of time the last four years of high school. In 2022, he was selected as a member of the Alabama All-State band for tuba.


“I have really enjoyed my time here at Helena High School,” Neugent said. “The amount of support that the community gives to the high school is incredible and there’s always a packed house at any event I have gone to. One of the highlights from my high school experience was my first half-time show with the band and the sense of accomplishment that I felt as we marched off the field. The power and energy of the music was unlike anything I had ever experienced at that time.” A favorite subject for Neugent Additionally, Neugent also is history because it allows him spends time with the students to learn from the failures and with special needs at his church successes of previous generaand school, and also served as tions, while also watching the a teacher’s aide for the special development of ideas across enneeds classes for one period tire centuries. Someone who had a big imthroughout the school year.

pact on him during high school included a staff member in his youth group, Rushing Watson. “He gave me a lot of wise, Godly advice during my high school career and was always there whenever I needed him,” Neugent said. After graduation, Neugent’s plans include attending the University of Alabama, where he plans to graduate with a music education and history double major. After that, he would like to attend law school and become a special needs lawyer, protecting the rights of people with special needs and helping families ensure their children with special needs are provided for late in life. Hampton is the son of Chris and Angie Neugent.

Anne Margaret Redd

Maura Simpson

Christine Michelle Taylor

Bryson Allen Rhodes

John Christopher Sivley

Reese Kathryn Tew

Kaya Watkins

Mitchell Dalton Rhodes

Hope Caroline Skellie

Colby Phillip Thacker

Kendal Michele Watkins Shelby Nicole Watts

Madison Nicole Waterhouse

Presley Rae Richardson

Charlotte Rose Smith

Parker Denise Thaggard

Jhamarion Demond Ricketts

Gillian Satine Smith

Colbe Lawrence Thomas

Alysa Hope Webb

Jacob Michael Ritondo

Landon James Smith

William Matthew Thomas

Tatum Nicole West

Diego Abraham Rivera De Leon

Maryan Elizabeth Smith

Raegan MaDonna Thrasher

Caden Brant Wheat

Christopher Andrew Robertson

Jackson McKinley Snyder

Kyle Morgan Kelley Tolbert

Emma Leighann Whitten James Alexander Whitten

Lacey Elizabeth Roller

Dylan Lee Spangler

Erin Kyleigh Townes

Jacob Christopher Romans

Adam Gray Spann

Emma Riley Trumbly

Reese Jackson Wilburn

Anna Corena Ruiz

Kenneth Cordell Spears

Madison Alexia Tsimpides

Joshua Shawn Williams

Christopher Allen Russell

Jasmine Lauren Spratling

Corbin Lee Tucker

Thomas Lee Williams

Khalil Ibrahim Sabbah

Hannah Elizabeth Srygley

Emma Kate Turner

Thomas Marvin Williams

Carlos Manuel Sanchez

Ann Marie Stanbridge

McGwire Parke Turner

Isabella Morgan Willie

Lauren Nicole Scarborough

Austin Braden Stansberry

Edward Jace Underwood

Taryn Naomi Wilson

Elizabeth Riley Schultz

Cathryn Faith Stasiak

Eli Martin Van Doren

Carson Riley Wood

Zyla Marie Schwartz

Gabrielle Louise Stegall

Abigail Marie Viola

Peyton Matthew Woodall

Alana Nicole Scott

Bradley Skyler Stevens

Christopher Bradey Wagar

Reagan Wood Young

Allyson Raye Scott

Cameron Christopher Stiltner

Coby James Walker

Shelby Lin Young

Ryan James Scott

Sarah Jessica Stogner

Judson Cole Walker

Angelexi Morgan Yourgules

Alivia Lynn Louise Senne

Ryan Scott Storey

Jeanique Wallace

Justin Robert Yunke

Natalie Marie Sestili

Jacob William Strickland

Sarah Ashley Ward

Sharon Zou

Cade Sullivan Shannon

Caden Lee Sudderth

Madelyn Scot Ware

Heather Lynn Sides

Aaron Mitchell Surcouf

Shawna Marie Warren

Carter Brady Simmons

Natalia Naomi Sylvan

Bailee Amory Washington


Congratulations, 2022 Graduates!

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Hope Christian School 85 graduates 419 Philippians Boulevard • Pelham, AL 35124 Eagles • 2,000 students • Have three valedictorians this year

Dear Class of 2022,

in our expectations. We magnify Him by having higher, larger, and truer thoughts of Him. Our prayer for each senior is that you will live your life The theme for this year is “Magnify.” What so that others will see a BIG God. God has chodoes it mean to magnify the Lord? It means to sen you and given you a plan for your life. Folmake Him large in our lives. I am sure you have low Him and those you come in contact with on noticed that an object looks small from faraway, a daily basis will see a Big God. but it appears to get larger as you approach it. The object didn’t actually get any bigger, but your perspective, or view of it, changed. We magnify God not by making Him bigger than He already truly is, but by making Him greater in our thoughts, in our affections, in our memories, and

Administration of Hope Christian School



Austin Aaron Seth Acton Gracee Baker Conner Bartlett Marcie Bartlett Kevin Brayden Bates Abigail Brechin Mackenzie Brooks Tristan Bunn Mikayla Cardwell Ella Carter Charlie Carter

Christrina Chappell Joseph Cleveland Michael Coleman Michael Collins Lauren Cupp Wesley Cupp Jonah Davis Harrison Davis Hannah Drew Shelby Edwards Kyle Ellis

HARRISON DAVIS Valedictorian

Easen Evans Caleb Fitzgerald Shelby Franklin Stacey Freeland Landon Gentry Haylee Gibson Jackson Gilbert Ethan Gilbertson Abigail Hale Jacob Handley Paul Harris Luke Harvison


Sarah Catherine Hatley James Caleb Higdon Josiah Hood Mary Catherine Horton Emily Horton Alyssa Hyde Makayla James Morgan Landreth Micah Langston Sophie Leist Kayla Martin

NATALIE MONSON Valedictorian

Orin Michael Martin

Rebecca Stegall

Andrew McCanna

Caroline Stephens

Trevor Mickle

Landen Sulaski

Sara Page Miller

Blayton Tierce

Natalie Monson

Skylar Tripplett

Elisabeth Norsworthy

Elijah Truett

Hannah Osburn

Raymond Tsai

Lane Andrew Owensby

James Connor Vaughn

Ethan Papp

Natasha Velasco

Abby Penn

Mattison Grace Walker

Emma Perry

Hannah Walters

Alicea Petty

Abbey Walton

Kamryn Plunkett

Blayne Whisenhunt

Erika Powell

Collin Grant Whitley

Jerome Radford

Reece Willetts

Kyra Schultz

Alexander Wolfe

Elise Smith

Lindley Woodard

Shannon Smith

Lizabeth Woodard

Brittney Stapp

Sydney Wray



Indian Springs School 70 graduates 190 Woodward Drive • Indian Springs, AL 35124 321 students • Ranked the best private high school in Alabama seven years in a row

Michael Anthony Antoon

Marina Luka Anna Schmidt

Elijah Aroha Baay

Andrew Cheng Schwebel

Anna Caroline Bates

Yiheng Shen

Caroline Lee Beisher

Sadichya Shrestha

Adrienne Elizabeth Belser

Virginia Pendleton Slaughter

Jakob Justus Blesse

Henry Davenport Spradlin

Christopher Lee Bradley

Yijie Sun

Aidan James Clarke

Christian Swaid

Olivia Danielle Clifton

Zola Belle Thompson

Jordan Alexander De Los Santos William Carter Dunaway Ola Mohamad Ali Eloubeidi




Jefferson Sims Tosh Nathan Taylor Tozzi Kennedy Olivia Tyson

William Rains Falconer

Nicholas Zaden Johnson

Addison Lee Miller

Katherine Anne Fitzgibbon

Joseph Blanco Katz

Sofia Genevieve Monteleone

Haocheng Wang

Grace Jordan Flowers

Sela Rose Komisar

Amitis Moradkhani

Aleah Faye Ward Rhyan Barrington Wilby

Seth Nathaniel Faegan Walton

Thomas James French

Catherine Kung

Jackson Steele Nabors

Lucy Elizabeth Gardner

Bruce Nichols Lanier IV

Justin Tyler Nelson

Qingya Yang

Shuqiao Geng

Yifei Li

Rosie Ivy Otter

Reece Thomas Youhn

Andrew Curtis Glassford

Yixiang Luo

Emma Shuyue Peng

Elizabeth Abrasley Zanaty

Constantin Hartmann

Xiaoyi Ma

Sherilynn Drew Peng

Ruoyi Zhang

Olivia Naomi Honeycutt

Emiliano Rafael Martinez

Xaver Maria Peppmeier

Junye Zheng

Yilan Hu

Anna Elizabeth McDaniel

Junkai Qian

Ivan Zhu

Sidharth Reddy Jetty


Tabitha Ann Richie

Yifan Zhu

Hao Wellington Jiang

Harshil Yogesh Mehta

Hayden Olivia Schell


Indian Springs School

Dear Indian Springs School Class of 2022,

transform you. Thank you for making your senior year a success for the Indian Springs community, despite the daunting circumstances facing the world. Your class will be defined not by these circumstances but rather by your unwavering pursuit of excellence in all facets of your lives. Earlier in the year, I asked each of you how you want to be remembered by the Indian Springs community after you graduate. Your reflections were thoughtful, filled with humility, and deeply moving. Much like your individual journeys, your legacy is built upon the relationships that matter most to you. Nurture and prioritize your relationships throughout your life. This is what will allow your legacy to live on well into the future. If you do, you will lead not only a successful life but also a meaningful one. I wish nothing less than that for each of you. Like your parents’ feelings now, the Indian Springs faculty and staff are overwhelmed by great joy and a sense of loss as you prepare to head out into the world. We are excited to see all you accomplish in life, and we will celebrate every significant milestone with you from afar. We will, however, miss you dearly. No matter where life’s twists and turns take you, remember you always have a home at Indian Springs.

It feels like just yesterday that your parents were dropping you off for the first day of your high school career at Indian Springs. The nerves and anticipation of that day have been replaced with growing confidence and a sense of self. Although there have been long and tiring days along the way, in hindsight, we can all agree that the years have flown by. Within a matter of a few short weeks, you will arrive on campus one last time as a student and leave as part of the Indian Springs Alumni Association. Wear this badge proudly, for it is a great accomplishment. Your journey was hard but meaningful. In a final attempt to impart some words of wisdom, remember that most things in life worth doing are hard. Never shy away from hard challenges throughout your life. You will be made better for trying. Graduation is a culminating moment to celebrate a fulfilling journey. Along this journey, you have made forever friends, learned to own your education, celebrated great accomplishments, supported one another in moments of angst and sorrow, and discovered who you are. Your teachers and coaches have poured their hearts into you. I know the faculty and staff at Indian Springs share in the pride and sense of accomplishment that you will feel as you walk across the stage to receive your diploma. You were not alone in your journey. Your friends, family, teacher, and coaches helped shape and Head of School, Indian Springs School

Scott G. Schamberger


8 National Merit Finalists • 8 Presidential Scholar Candidates



Montevallo High School 94 graduates 980 Oak Street • Montevallo, AL 35115 Bulldogs • 437 students • The 26th best high school in the Birmingham-metro area

Nathan Thomas Akins

Isaura Alejandra Hernandez-

Xavier Perez

Matthew Paul Alexander


Tamardreon Keshawn Purnell

Giovanni Altamirez-Roque

Brian Lakota Hughes-Contreras

Quinta Lamarcus Rafter

Joseph Daniel Anderson

Alexis Jalyn Ingram

Dakota Rae Rawlins

Lydia Rose Bass

Breanna Alexandra Jenkins

Dakari Yamese Ray

Simon Brady Baugh

Germond Maurice Johnson

Ashanti LaShawn Reed

GianCarlo Guiseppe Bertolone

Tyler Perez Jones

Nestor Regalado-Hernandez

Alexa Claire Best

Dante Juarez

Tamajah Lyn Riggs

Dani Rose James Blake

Alexis Paige Langley

Berardo De Jesus Rodriquez

Amanda Michelle Boothe Dylan Michael Forrest Boothe


Hunter Michael Boroughs

Leslie Diane Langley

Talia Nicole Rolison

Terion De’Ondre Lilly

Lizbeth Sanches-Nunez

Lakyla Ajane Lofton,

Brithany Samanta Salazar-Ramirez

Wesley David Burdett

Stephen Tucker Edwards

Austin Price Lowery

Victoria Lilly Shelby-Shirley

Nicolas William Clinque

Luke Ezekiel Emiliano

Jamion Dewayne Mack-Prentice

Ahmiayh Laportia Spruel

Aleese DeAnn Copeland

DarMiaya Janae Evans

Jose Angel Martinez-Garcia

Alyssa Rene Stricklin

Jeremi Reid Cordes

Kristopher Earnhardt Ashley Fletcher

Steven Martinez Salgado

Samuel Munyua Thiani Andrew Mason Thompson

Layla Corona

Taven Rashaun Fortune

Clay Albert Massey

Kial Jaquan Cottingham

Olivia Reece Gilbert

Justin Elijah McKenzie

Allison Grace Tryon

Kobe Antion Cottingham

Jorein Omarion Gilbert

Anthony Jerome McMillian

Keenan Sharod Underwood

Alyssa Naomi Craig

Denijah Marie Gilliland

Erik Moctezuma-Cruz

Lesly Monserath Vargas

Vito Joshua Cuoio

Yulliana Isabel Gutierrez Diaz

Ruben D Morris

Omar Antonio Velasco

Cody Lynn Curl

Fatima Kassandra Gutierrez-

Brandon Norberto Gonzalez

Chayla Danielle Walker

Dawson Avery Danzer


Cara Brynn Nolen

John Wesley Wilson

Anna Kathryn Deerman

Taniya Ann Harris

Elijah Lee Nunn

Savannah Fayth-Ilene Wilson

Anna Eve Delawder

Tytianna Amber Harris

Jorge Antonio Ocampo

DaShaun Markell Woody

Richard Cole Dennis,

Jayden LaShun Head

Luke Raymond Oden

Ashley Rubi Zapata-Rabadan

Marcela Guadalupe Diaz-Caceres

Isabelle Marie Headley

Kaitlyn Grace Ozley

William Zou



Montevallo High School

Dear Class of 2022, First, I want to thank you for a wonderful school year. You have stepped out of the shadows of the pandemic and traveled closer to discovering your purpose in life. Many of you have experienced arduous challenges throughout your high school career; however, you didn’t allow the doubt, fear, and anxiety to stop you from conquering your goals. While transitioning into college and/or your career, I pray you will continue to endure the hardships with exceptional effort and

with an optimistic attitude. As the great basketball coach John Wooden once stated, “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turned out.” I truly believe you can make a real difference in this world if you seek what is righteous, maintain an optimistic attitude, and give your best effort. After high school, many of you will move away to seek opportunities in college or careers, but each of you will always cherish the special moments together at Montevallo High School. The faculty and staff at MHS are so proud of you. You have represented your community, school, and parents with pride and dignity. Now, go into the world and do great things!

Steve F. Bromley

Principal, Montevallo High School

Omar Velasco Montevallo High School senior Omar Velasco has grown to love living in a small town. “With everyone knowing each other, it is such a welcoming town,” Velasco said. “Being a part of the band, all of the homecoming events and games have all been exciting highlights for me in Montevallo. I’ve been able to keep the same friend group for years and years.” During his time at Montevallo, Velasco has been a part of the Scholars Bowl Team and Homecoming Committee, both of which he has been involved with since freshman year. Since eighth grade, Velasco has been a part of the school’s marching band, where he was the Low Brass Captain his junior year and band captain as a senior. After eighth grade, he was the first trombone for the rest of his time playing high school. In ninth and 10th grade, Velasco was part of the algebra

I and geometry math teams; his 10th grade year, he joined Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA); he has participated in the school’s Jazz Band since ninth grade; was part of his school’s Underwater Robotics Team; was inducted into MHS Mu Alpha Theta his 11th grade year; and during his junior and senior years, he helped with a decathlon that raised money for charity where he was in charge of an event each year; for his senior year, Velasco

became Montevallo’s Student Government Association President; joined Future Teachers of America (FTA); and joined the University of Montevallo TRIO Upward Bound program, which helped prepare him for college. Velasco also played soccer part of his senior year. Velasco said his favorite part of high school was playing in the band. “Being able to play my trombone was always something I looked forward to,” Velasco said. “Marching Band was something I fell in love with. Being in the stands and performing shows was always the highlight of each year.” Velasco credits Dawn Cabrera with having the best impact on him. “I have known Mrs. Cabrera for five years because of the band,” Velasco said. “Throughout all of the five band directors I have had in my time playing, she has remained a

constant. Constantly being supportive and motivating me to be better than who I am right now. She has given me the assurance that I have been pushing myself and working hard only for the better. I have had her for three years straight for my advanced math classes and I honestly don’t know what I would have done or am going to do without her.” After graduation, Velasco plans to attend UAB, where he is still undecided as to what he would like to study. “I want to be able to go into a career where I am hands-on and interacting with people,” Velasco said. “I am a huge talker, I love meeting and talking to people, and helping them would be phenomenal. My top two picks right now would be to become a nurse or major in genetics. UAB will definitely have the resources for me to be able to find that path.” Velasco is the son of Elisavet and Omar Velasco.



Oak Mountain High School 386 graduates 5476 Caldwell Mill Road • Birmingham, AL 35242 Eagles • 1,531 students • The No. 13 public high school in the state and No. 1 in Shelby County 28


Oak Mountain High School

Dear Class of 2022,

I want to begin by thanking you for the warm welcome given to me and my fam-

ily when we rejoined the Oak Mountain community earlier this school year. It is a joy to get to come to work every day and support such an amazing group of young people. Your performance in the classroom, on the stage, and in the field of play epitomize what makes Oak Mountain High School such a special place.

If the senior class at Oak Mountain High School is in any way a representation of the future of our community, state, and nation, then we should all be excited about what is to come.

You will be leaving high school with an experience that is unique to any group of students that has come before you, but this experience will not define you. You are just beginning your journey and the resiliency that you

have shown over the last 4 years will serve you well as you pursue future endeavors. If the senior class at Oak Mountain High School is in any way a representation of the future of our community, state, and nation, then we should all be excited about what is to come. On behalf of your teachers and all the staff at Oak Mountain High School, we love you and we are proud of you.

Andrew Gunn

Principal, Oak Mountain High School

Alijah Jane Adams

Samuel Donovan Carey

Keegan John Diak

Jackson Fletcher Adamson

Elijah Solomon Carlisto

Daniel Elijah Diaz

Quest Eugene Agee

Anna Tynes Carr

Ella Riley Dice

Johanna Alarcon Hipolito

Taelen Lamarr Carter

James Slater Diffey

Kathryn Elizabeth Alario

Anna Leigh Casebere

Gabriella Eleni DiMarco

Yaseen Abdulla Alhaija

Olivia Rose Chatta

Sha’Myah Danyelle Dixon

Emory Reese Allen

Naomi Lisa Chaves

Katelyn Elisabeth Dooley

Martha Elizabeth Allen

Ismael Choucha

Ethan Robert Douglass

Mitchell Hollis Allen

Makaria Saree Coachman

Sean Colin Downey

Lacey Elizabeth Alligood

Matthew David Coby

John Scott Driskill

Maggie Lall Cole

Evan Davis DuBose

Zachary Devin Anderson Chase Gabrielle Aquilino Noah Arrington


Anthony William Brock Brancato

Kamryn Jayne Coley

Brady Patrick Dunn

Nicholas Wilson Colvert

Candy Mishel Duran Velasquez Jake Houston Dye

Cameron Joel Atkinson

Charleston Ann Brand

Madelin Grace Cooper

Lacey Denise Atkinson

Clythell Bernard Branson II

Mary Katherine Coppock

Alyssa Taylor Ealy

Niya Amour Austin

Davis Moore Branum

Lucas Ryan Corlett

Molly Jane Eanes

Blake Thomas Bailey

Ethan Douglas Brasher

Grayson Patrick Cowart

Carson James Easterling

Joseph Gael Barajas

Nahgeo Jarecus Braxton

Emily Grace Cox

Lizzie Brown Echols

Ana Elaine Barker

Austin Michael Bridges

Madison Elizabeth Crain

Emily Ashlyn Edwards

William Dawson Bass

Abigail Elyse Browning

Silas Zelmon Crenshaw

Joseph Scott Edwards

William Aaron Beard

Jackson Thomas Bruce

Omar Jalan Crooks

Olivia Nicole Eldridge

Lillian Frances Beck

Sabrina Evelyn Brunner

Brandi Danielle Crowder

Samuel Nabil Elhaiga

Samantha Rae Belazeros

Melvin Wayne Brunson III

Collin Lee Crowder

Molly Marie Elia

Nathan Joseph Besch

Kenton James Bueche

Colson Grey Cwynar

Nicholas John Esparza Wilder Graham Evers

Lila Sue Bice

Mason Riley Burnett

John Arthur Dahle Jr.

Elise Lee Bickel

Robert Taylor Bush

Sam Thomas Dameron

Kathryn Sofia Fabian

Devyn Asterio Bido

Isabella Bustos

Alexis Faith Daniel

Ansleigh Roi Falkenberry

John Posey Blackwell lll

Tanner Scott Butler

Joshua Seth Daniel

Itzel Felix Correa

Gabrielle Elise Bladon

Abigail Kathleen Buttrey

Brooke Madison Darnall

Ashley Grace Fleming Thomas Moore Fletcher IV

Hannah Marie Sherrer Bostick

Brianna Te’on Byrd

Jordan Wilhelm Darnell

Davis Wade Bou

Andrea Janet Cacho-Jimenez

Addison McLeod Dembowski

Caleb Henry Flowers

Andrew Jacob Bowles

Logan Joseph Camp

Evan Scott Denenberg

Eleanor Elizabeth Forbes

Caleb Masear Bradley

Neil Thomas Honoré Capocci

Reilly Catherine DeShazo

William Brendan Ford



Oak Mountain High School Lewis Parks Fuller

Andrew Steven Hunt

Anna Louise Miller

Joseph Francis Regan

Nikkoz Duran Gabutan

Mikayla Aubrey Inman

Jacob Sullivan Miller

Robbie Clayton Reuse

Makenna Brooke Gamble

Angel Seraphim Irengo

Nya Alayla Miller

Andrew David Reynolds

Grayson Griffin Gammage

Benjamin Barnes Ivey

Virginia Ann Miller

Luke Robertson Richards

Cole Thomas Gangle

Mary Elizabeth Jackman

Skylar Raine Montgomery

Audrey Noelle Lara Richardson

Esmeralda Garduno Munoz

Joshua Boi Jallah

Colin William Moore

Nicolaus Alexander Rigdon

David Ngugi Gathu

Noah Andrew Jenkins

Lauren Elizabeth Moore

Claudia Rivera Diaz

Aubrey Lillian Gaut

Ryan Michael Jenkins

Michael Ray Moore

Jennie Natalia Roberson

Cade Anthony Darron George

Chrisel Marquise Jiles

Steven Conner Moore

James Wyatt Roberts

Ryan Carter Giegel

Jamiah Lynn Johnson

Syncere Uriyah Morgan

John Patrick Roberts

Davis Chappell Gillespie

Riley Kate Johnson

Emily Taylor Morris

Paul Daniel Roberts

Trent Jackson Gilmore

Abigail Waldron Jones

Aubrey Ann Morrow

Aysha Michelle Robinson

Kamari Rashad Givan

Cieasha Naveah Jones

Davis Christopher Morrow

Kori Ayana Robinson

Xander Riley Glenn

Graham Chappell Jones

Evan Cole Morrow

Rebecca Jane Robinson Jack Edward Rodgers

Alexander Todd Golden

Jalyn Love Jones

Rebekah Ashley Moseley

Lizbeth Gonzalez

Jordyn Unique Jones

Samantha Nuran Mueller

Natalia Rodriguez

Michel Yair Gonzalez Navarrete

Brennan Curtis Jordan

Makena Lynn Muggeo

Charlotte Suggs Rogers

Abigail Katherine Gordon

Sarah Marie Katona

Jah’ki Nyair Mullen

John Daniel Rose

Ean Neil Gove

Lauren Avery Kelly

Laura Olivia Nabors

Harrison Ward Roskam

George Houston Graham IV

Michael Joseph Kelly

Benjamin Joel Nation

Ryan Elizabeth Ross

Mary Caroline Gray

Austin Eric Kennedy

Raylie Claire Neeley

Bailey Mackenzie Rowe Ian Carson Rye

Sydney Ashlyn Gray

Emily Ann Key

John Gavin Nelson

Aeryn Syrethia Green

Cameron Michael Khleif

Wesley Mark Neumann

Diya Samal

Hudson Hewett Green

Grace Dain Kim

Westin Davis Newell

Cameryn Estelle Sanchez Abigail Willett Sandidge

Abigail Elizabeth Grissom

Carolynn Jalia Kirkland

BrantLee Thomas Newman

Corbitt Sean Grundhoefer

Lucy Collier Kirkpatrick

Gia Hoang Nguyen

Ryan Joshua Sawyer

Griffin Kyle Guffey

Grace Holland Knowles

Emily Morgan Nichols

Morgan Elaine Scaife

Jade Elizabeth Haizlip

Aiden Paul Laughlin

Noah Perry Nix

Caitlin Simone Scruggs

Ethan Daniel Hammett

Emily Elizabeth Lavelle

Liliana Nuñez

Charles Robert Serra

Tamia Voncile Hardy

Madisyn Nicole Lawrence-Owen

Griffin Davis O’Neal

Bailey Blair Sester

Moses William Harper

Austin James Lee

Maxwell Corbin Oddo

Charity Grace Shaw Elizabeth Martha Shaw

Myles Wesley Harper

Caleb Jarrett Lee

Nora Katherine Ohlson

Carson Raye Harrell

Mary Ashley Lester

Frida Dakota Olvera-Garcia

John Patrick Shaw

Jacob Lawrence Harrington

Melissa Layne Little

Bindiya Panchal

Brendin Christopher Simich Cooper Bratton Sims

Emily Grace Hart

Bailey Elizabeth Long

Leslie Parente Gutierrez

Peyton Claire Hassinger

Jacob Burns Macke

David Alan Parker

Aditi Singh

Clara Grace Hasson

Maddox Boyd Macrory

Grace Lindley Parker

Celia Young Slaughter Emma Carolan Slay

Riley Allen Hawkins

Mary Elizabeth Madden

Emma Rose Pastor

Timothy Mason Haynes

Ethan James Mallory

Kishan Manishbhai Patel

Patrick Samuel Slay

Chase Lewis Hazlewood

Cade McCollum Mansfield

Chloe Lane Patterson

Camryn Janelle Smeraglia

Alexandra Camille Henson

Landon Davis Marcrum

Aaron Nathanael Pendry

Amir Tyshaun Smith

Humberto Hernandez Escobedo

Saul Emilio Martinez Mejia

Kimberly Ann Perry Roberts

Derrick Lydell Smith Jr

Roberto Hernandez Escobedo

Christian Daniel Marty

Ava Elizabeth Petty

Evan Alexander Smith

Kevin Hernandez Pacheco

Cyrus Jesus Lee Marvich

Holly Ngoc Pham

Julia Claire Smith

Maryjayne Olivia Herring

William Conlan Marvin

Jerry Alejandro Plata Huerta

Kathryn Anne Smith


Lily Marie Hilbun

Cade Matthew May

Michael Vincent Portante

Zachary Bryant Smith

Zykeria Fawn Holden

Madeline Michelle Mays

Wade Curtis Porter

Kirk Anderson Smitherman

Brendan Creig Holley

Andrew William McCallister

Tristan Lee Prestridge

Owen Clay Smitherman

Abigail Dawn Holliman

Makayla Johnay McCallum

Carter Sanford Price

Esmeralda Soto-Ceballos

Gracie Mae Hollington

Caroline Elizabeth McCarty

Makenzie Sierra Price

Dawson Tye Speed

Mia Gabrielle Holt

Kendall Savannah McCarty

Grant Henry Rakers

Mary Frances Spina

Lane Elizabeth Hope

Coen Kenneth McDonald

Katherine Elise Rasco

Jackson Thomas Springfield

Maxwell Kai Huff

Christopher Smith McGregor

Keshavkumar Dipakkumar Ray

Niyah Monae Square

Walker Harrell Hughes

Payton Hope Meadors

Lexi Andrea Morgan Ray

Jack Ryley Stanfield

Grace Louise Hummel

Evan Charles Merkle

Kayti Mychal Reaves

Olivia Ann Steed


Oak Mountain High School

Evan DuBose Oak Mountain High School senior Evan DuBose describes his time in high school as “exceptional.” “Even in COVID times,” DuBose said. “The highlight of the four years was sophomore year band season. The results of seeing the effort that was put into getting the show great and come to fruition was a fantastic experience.” DuBose was involved with the band as a tuba player, while he was also involved with math team, junior classical league, Oak Mountain Masters and the SODA club. He has also been involved with writing his own music for many genres with a focus on wind band and orchestral works. His favorite subjects in school are either math or physics and something he has enjoyed due to the excellent teachers who help with the complexity of each subject. “My biggest studying trick is to really not cram if possible and keep studying going as the unit or chapter progresses,” DuBose said. “The funniest part is I almost never did this, but when I did, my grades were almost 100. Class selection tip for the future is not to overestimate yourself. That affects your ability to study later.” Some individuals who had an impact on him included his math teacher Amanda Bittinger, Associate Band Director Travis Bender and Band Director Kevin Ownby.

“These three have set me up for an excellent future in ways I did not think even possible,” DuBose said. “They were constantly supporting my endeavors and pushing me to do better than I was.” After graduation, DuBose plans to study to become an aerospace engineer at Auburn University, where he will then go work for an aerospace company in ei-

ther mechanics/maintenance or design. “I hope to remember all of the amazing friends and teachers I have had who have constantly been there for me,” DuBose said. “I also hope to remember the excellent times I had growing in each class I went through.” DuBose is the son of Danny and Casi DuBose. He has two sisters, Natalie and Anna DuBose.

Colton King Stein

Kenley Elise Thornton

Thomas Garrett Watts

Jaylynn Deron Williams

Joshua Thomas Stidfole

Dalton Jayce Thrasher

Mina Hathaway Webster

Kathryn Reid Williamson Joshua Craig Winn

William Benjamin Stone

Tamia Edcarlnessa Threatt

Hayley Rebecca Wells

Mason James Lee Studdard

Kadee Lee Tunmire

Madelyn Charity Wentowski

Irene Lani Wong

Yousef Mahmoud Suleiman

Matthew Lynn Vickery

Madeline Kate Whisenant

Stephen Glenn Woods

Cassidy Kaye Sumpter

Mattox Mayhew Vines

Cameron Scott Whitaker

Brian Paul Wortmann

Madeline Therese Swaid

Sarah Grace Vines

Grayson Harris White

Jordan Kennedy Wright

Shia Deseray Swain

Allison Brooke Walker

Kaitlyn Brooke White

Wesley Powers Henry Yeatman

Grace Elizabeth Taylor

Bailee Marie Walker

Chloe Elisabeth Wilder

Virginia Anne Yoder

Leighton Grace Taylor

Chapman Layne Wallock

Colin Terrell Wilkins

Khaled Dia Zuaiter

Emma Kate Thomas

Piper Bridget Watson

Connor Lee Wilkins

Jayni Makayla Thompson

Shiree Nicole Watts

Hope Chanel Williams



Pelham High School 288 graduates 2500 Panther Circle • Pelham, AL 35124 Panthers • 1,066 students • Ranked the 29th best high school in Alabama

Alyaa Abdo Abdo

Mirella Bitas

Susana Abigail Chacon-Polanco

Evelyn Carolina Aceves Iniguez

Chase Ryan Blackburn

Zoe Olivia Cherry

Stefany Vanessa Aceves Iniguez

Andrew Richard Bonham

Sakshyat Chhetry

Oscar Eduardo Aguiar

Kaitlyn Lenae Bookwalter

Jason Avery Childress

Heidi Valeria Aguilar Sanchez

Haley Marie Borders

Kristalyn Marie Chism

Caleb Noe Aguilar

Leslie Jazmin Bravo Hernandez

Vanessa Cisneros

Jafet Ruben Aguilar

Keona Talisa Brooks

Christopher Jake Cleaver

Jeninne Jehad Al-Sugi

Ethan Scott Burnett

Litzy Estefani Cono Lopez

Jimmy Arnaldo Alcaino-Criado

Kathya Marianela Caceres Guzman

Gabriela Abigail Constanza Cordova

Tiara Inez Alexander Yadhira Alvarez-Alvarez

LANDON OPITZ Valedictorian

Ruben Angel

Dustin Conner Cain

Ayden Dakota Cook

Fabian Calderon

Irvin Corona-Gonzalez

Trent Gabriel Caldwell

Ansley Kate Cotton

Giselle Arceo

Sandra Judith Barrera Sandoval

Joshua Blake Calvert

Daniel Paris Craig

Jesus Abraham Arceo-Alvarez

Paola Guadalupe Beltran Martinez

Leonardo Camargo Martinez

Fernanda Yadira Cruz Ruiz

Sarah Fay Arestizabal

Brian Benavides Gutierrez

Cristian Rigoberto Campos Amaya

Isaac Emmanuel Cruz

Kleber Alberto Argueta Melendez

Cody Daniel Bethers

Jennifer Canales

Roberto Antonio Davalos

Kevin Ameron Lorenzo Atkins

Haniya Mehak Bhatti

Jazmine Alexus Carrasco

Marisa Elle Davis

Abigail Madison Baisden

Aaron David Bice

Wendoly Sofia Castillo-Tejada

Maxwell Clark Deason



Pelham High School Alexander Jordan Deaver

Gabriel Lewis Gamble Jr.

Kyla Fayedriana Harris

Andrea Yamileth Deloya-Chavez

Juana Esmeralda Garcia Hernandez

Catherine Anne Hartley

Aida Rose Jones

Yuliana Diaz Vasquez

Leslie Citlali Garcia Hernandez

George Thomas Hassard

Dalton Lee Jones Joseph Neil Jones

Lilyth Starr Joiner

Arlo Daniel Diaz-Ponce

Layla Citlaly Garcia

Elizabeth Ann Hayhurst

Jake Guiseppe Domino

Mackenzie Lynn Garner

Alexandria Reagan Hays

Mary Jaden Jones

Jaxon Cole Drake

Avri Brooks Gillispie

Jaslyn Ariana Heflin

Michael Josiah Jones

Ivetthmaria Duarte

Kate Elizabeth Godfrey

Ashlyn Faith Henderson

Evans Mugwe Kahara

Madelyn Victoria Durrett

Kenneth Jerry Godwin

Jade Makayla Henderson

Denton Charles Keyes

Zackary Charles Egan

Roy Derick Gonzalez Flores

Jorean Migale Henderson

Abby Nicole Kiel

Brooklynne Sheree Engle

Angel Gonzalez Garcia

Christopher Mason Henslee

Martecio Tyon Kinion

Samantha Marie Entrekin

Mariana Gonzalez

Madison Odalis Hercules Rodriguez

Joshua Ford Knight

Sean Patrick Erwin

Pedro Daniel Gonzalez

Jennifer Hernandez-Alvarez

Victoria Alexandra Landaverde

Johnathan Remy Espinoza-Casillas

Karina Jisela Gonzalez-Contreras

Nicholas Eli Higdon


Christian Jordan Esquivel

Sophia Raye Gossage

Coleman Anthony Higginbotham

William Daniel Lankford

Cleber Eren Esquivel-Garcia

Lillian June Green

Jordan Charles Holloway

Noah Hoa Le

Armando Estrada Olivares

Logan Troy Green

Cooper Reed Holly

Devon Li

Taylor Simone Evans

Marissa Tanasha Green

Gabriel Scott Horsley

Aiden Samuel Long

Brayan Gabriel Felix Tiznado

Cassius Oliver Greer

Matthew Phillips Hosmer

Austin Breanna Long

Andrew Steven Fields

Katie Anne Griffin

Laci Madelyn Howard

Margarita Lopez

Gerald Davis Reshawn Finney

Ella Danielle Grimes

Jackson Tyler Ingram

Lesly Pamela Lopez-Reyes

Cristopher Flores Garcia

Anna Elizabeth Groover

Sana Iqbal

Ivan Loredo-Mancilla

Hayley Clarice Ford

Isac Guerra-Rodriguez

Kaitlin Jamison

Kaci Rain Love

Lilla Maryn Fournier

Antony Guzman-Medrano

Natalie Jamison

Margaret Evelyn Lowe Victoria Guadalupe Luna-Carmona

Avery Elise Fuller

Cole Daniel Hall

Mixin Joscelin Jeronimo Hernandez

Kyla Marie Fulton

Abigail Strahan Hancock

Alexis Kalet Jimenez

Jadin Sanie Lykes

McKenzie Lenae Gaiters

Alexander Joseph Hardy

Ashley Jimenez-Mendoza

Sophia Rose Manley

Aiden Drake Gamble

Shelby Leigh Hardy

Ashlyn Suzanne Johnson

Ashlee Cate Mann



Pelham High School Amari Sherrell Marbury

Marvin Roberto Ornelas-Avalos

Grayson Andrew Reid

Brayden Louis Marlowe

Aleza Ortuno-Garcia

Alexandra Katherine Rein

Fallon Isabella Thering

Julia Elizabeth Marshall

Jenna Eve Owens

Gaeton Robinson Rellah

Jonathan Steven Garner Timpa

Omar Eusebio Martinez

Kyle Thomas Page

Alexander Dwight Reynolds

John Andrew Tinsley

Randy Misael Martinez

William Greg Palacios

Kevin Rivera

Ramsay Eli Tomas Gomez

Robert Alexander Terry

Fatima Guadalupe Matias Guzman

Diya Samir Parikh

Johnathan Rodriguez

Hannia Paola Torres Gomez

Cristian Eduardo Matias Rosa

Cameron Joshua Parker

Sarah Alyzabeth Rollins

Lorenzo Antonio Triana-Ubiarco Christhopher Eliel Tutila Herrera

Bobby Alan Maxena Jr.

Steven Will Parker

Citlaly Roman-Barragan

Krishna Vanditha Mayuram

Ashley Lebrasha Parks

Elian Ruiz-Ruiz

Mark Anthony Valladares

Jackson Ellis McCormick

William Stone Peerson

Ra’el Jenkins Ruiz-Zelaya

Angel Eduardo Vargas Castrejon

Kalib Douglas McCoy

Jonathan Pena-Martinez

Robert Sandoval-Mejia

Leslie Vazquez

Ryan Kent McIntyre

Amya Unique Peterson

Alisha Gail Saye

Andrew Scott Vifquain

Thanya Michelle Melendez-

Madalin Kiri Petrock

Savannah Ashley Scarbrough

Kam’yon Jay Wakefield


Taylor Maria Pilcher

Jazlyn Amaya Sharpe

Austin James Wallace

Angel Mendoza-De La Cruz

Michelle Pineda

Kaitlyn Vaughan Shebs

Shay Remington Walsh

Estevan Mendoza-De La Cruz

James Michael Pintaro

Alejandro Daryl Sierra

Bryce Wanagat

Logan Garrett Mikul

Corey Tavon Pitt

Emily Jean Slay

Angelina Marie Watson Kenny Kanyara Waweru

Jonnica Shea Miller

Taylor Jolie Shyanne Pitts

Meredith Kate Smallwood

Carrington Amya Mills

Kasey Michelle Plascencia

Lauren Brooke Smith

Victoria A West

Sandra Paola Miranda-Romo

Chloe Marie Plummer

Lily Grace Smith

Jeff Davis Wilkins

Ameena Momand

Carlos Anibal Polanco Rosa

Noelle Marie Smith

Jordan Adore Williams

Caritina Kaitlynn Mondragon

Audrey Megan Powell

Irving Jared Solis

Traviauna Latrease Williamson

Joshua Lee Moore

Zezoria Shanteria Powell

Omar Sosa-Hernandez

Shawn Roy Winn

Matthew Hamilton Moore

Stormie Erica Price

Halee Madison Southern

Kayuna Sonjae Witherspoon

Valentina Mora Velasquez

Christian Keith Pritchett

Sydney Brianne Stephenson

Emily Noel Woodall

Justin Alexander Escobar Moreno

Courtney Alexandria Proffit

Lillie Grace Stignani

Amiya Kristal Woods

Laureen Ng’Endo Mwangi

Christopher Charles Prosser II

Loudon David Strunk

Chandler Davis Woolweaver

Caleb Jordan Newell

Henry Parker Pruitt

Daniel Jan Szurek

James Alexander Wright

Sadie Marie Nolen

Edwin Quintana-Camayo

Jylen Chandler Tate

Alyssa Marie Wynn

Caitlyn Michelle O’Connor

Steven Dominic Ramos

Myriah Mishele Tate

Landon Smith Opitz

Gavin Alexander Reed

Tristen Jameer Taylor

Nico Ramos Pelham High School senior Nico Ramos credits the warm community at his school to making the work not feel as hard, as well as a school staff that is eager to help. “I hope to not lose the great connections and friendships I have made with the students and staff at Pelham,” Ramos said. “There is not a better community one could ask for.” Ramos has been a part of the football team, the wrestling team, peer helpers club, HOSA club, and he currently works as a manager at a Chick-fil-A. “I can say my favorite part



of high school has been my senior year,” Ramos said. “Seeing the hard work pay off is just so rewarding and motivates more hard work.” Ramos said his favorite subjects are math and science. “I am also interested in other subjects such as philosophy, but the applicability and

necessity of math and science make the choice easy for me,” Ramos said. A typical day for the Pelham senior begins with either a football or wrestling practice or workout, followed by roughly seven hours of school, additional practices, workouts, games, tournaments or a shift at Chick-fil-A. A day

ends with whatever homework or studying needs to be done in preparation for the following school day. Ramos said his most productive study sessions were fueled by black tea and some form of non-lyrical music. Ramos plans to attend Yale University where he will possibly study something STEM-related. Ramos is the son of Twoie Prater-Porter; Steve Ramos and Edward Porter; and has an older brother, Gino Ramos and a younger brother, Mikey Ramos.

Dear Class of 2022, “When life shuts the door, open it. After all, that’s how doors are designed to work.” This quote seems to fit the Class of 2022 perfectly. As I read the quote, I immediately thought of your class and how your high school career has been the most unconventional experience ever! This group has obviously learned to make adjustments and persevere like no other. Your class began with a “normal” freshman year but was followed by closing down school in March of your sophomore year. As juniors, most of you were educated “remotely” and finally you have completed this experience with a somewhat normal senior year interrupted only briefly with small bouts of variants and mask wearing episodes. The Class of 2022 has pushed open every closed door and walked boldly into the next unknown room, not knowing what to expect but with expectations of making the absolute most of it! I have been amazed by your tenacity and entirely envious of your adventurous spirit. I would like to personally congratulate all of you for completing the mission. You did it, and I am extremely proud of each and every one of you! But most sincerely, I would like to thank you. As educators, we have poured our knowledge and wisdom into you, as best we can. We take pride in that accomplishment. However, the Class of 2022 has also poured into the “PHS Village” and unexpectedly, we have learned the most from you. You taught us how to find the good and diminish the bad in every challenge. You showed us what it looks like to appreciate and hold on to the small things, because you know how it feels to have those things taken from you. When we were overwhelmed and exhausted, you chose to demonstrate what it takes to have enthusiasm and relentless energy. Ultimately the most valuable lesson you taught us was to stay focused on our goal. You consistently demanded we push away the outside noise and remain focused on the mission. You impressed upon us the need to deny the critics and avoid the slippery slope of negativity by reminding us of the crucial importance of the overall outcome. If you want to be successful, set your goal and minimize the distractions. You were persistent in reminding us of our worthwhile goal. YOU are the goal. YOU, are the only goal that matters. You matter. I would like to personally thank YOU and congratulate YOU, the 2022 Senior Class of Pelham High School. The PHS spirit, as well as our ultimate quest to be the Best Village, will remain undefeated as long as we remember to focus our attention appropriately. Thank you for the valuable memories, but most importantly for the priceless education!

Congratulations class of 2022!

Kim Kiel

Principal, Pelham High School



Shelby County High School 118 graduates 101 Washington Street • Columbiana, AL 35051 Wildcats • 529 students • Ranked the 103rd best high school in Alabama 36


Shelby County High School

Dear SCHS Class of 2022,

You don’t have to have everything figured out right now, but don’t let fear of the uncertain or unknown keep you from moving forward and discovering the greatness you have to offer

Congratulations! You’ve made it. Your path to this point has been littered with obstacles that few of your predecessors have faced, but you’ve persevered and should hold your heads high. It has been my great honor to be your principal this year, and I appreciate that you have welcomed me with open arms at SCHS. Shelby County High School is a special place, and you have helped make it so. Experiencing normal things like field trips, full stadiums, homecoming, prom, talent shows, and concerts again brought me joy because it brought you joy. You modeled the hope and enthusiasm that your younger peers and our community needed as we emerged from the change and uncertainty of the previous few years. Thank you for leaving a lasting legacy that showcases the best parts of our community. I see the potential on the horizon for all of you. You have each

been blessed with a unique set of talents, temperaments, and convictions, each of which are needed in our world. If you hear nothing else, hear this: You are valuable, needed, and have something to add to our society that only you can. You don’t have to have everything figured out right now, but don’t let fear of the uncertain or unknown keep you from moving forward and discovering the greatness you have to offer. Whatever your next step is, take it with boldness and confidence. And remember, wherever your path takes you, you are always welcome back. Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat. Sincerely,

” Kyle Dudley

Principal, Shelby County High School Jaylen De’Sean Mayfield

Connor Ray Aderholt

Seth Daniel Hall

Gabriel Arias

Olivia Anne Harper

Taylor Ann McCullough

Dalton Michael Armstrong

Robert Linton Harper

Kinzie Nicole McDonald

Kevin Daniel Arteaga

Madison Grace Hockman

Carter Dean McKee

Emily Arteaga-Mancilla

Liberty Morgan Holmes

Justin Hunter Meadows

Jackson Taylor Bailey

Jacob Evan Horton

Seth Coleman Minor

James Kai Higgs Barnett

Emily Janae Howard

Chandler Eugene Mitchell

Paisley Haylen Barrow

Clayton Justis Howell

Demetrius Ladell Norwood

Alasyia Monique Irvin

Mallori Annemarie Padgett

Caitlyn Gabrielle Benson Hunter Chase Benson James Russell Bentley


Dani Kate Blackwell

Logan Thomas Edwards

Layni Jenkins Isbell

Haylee Jade Pate

Hannah Grace Jackson

Hannah Elise Patterson

Kadynce Alloura Jackson

Matthew Connor Pearson

Peter Daniel Bryan

Rudy Escobedo Facundo Escobedo

Julia Ruth Johns

Shannon Dawn Pearson

Je’Coreyan La’Juan Butler

Kobin Josiah Felder

Delaina Shae Johnson

Ethan James Michael Pierce

Lauren Grace Campbell

Madeline Terese Feneck

Tiara Nichole Johnson

Ayana Maria Player

Adam Eason Carlisle

Leah Nicole Fleming

Evan Adam Joiner

Sara Elizabeth Poole

Anna Michelle Carter

Yuliana Nicole Flores-Acevedo

Deandria Quataria Jones

Damien Edward Portis

Jessie Roy Carter

Brianna Earlyne Fowler

Denton Thomas Keller

William Aaron Price

Avery Lane Chitwood

Meghan Hope Franklin

Laci Maleesa Kelley

Victoria Benham Randall

Reagan McKenzie Connell

Patrick Dylan Fuller

Jaquarious Luvonta Kelow

Natalie Brooke Rasco

Riley Andrew Crittenden

Jon Michael Gay

Isabella Chris Korby

Jaedlyn Elizabeth Robinson

Alexandria Elizabeth Cuellar

Lillian Lee Gilliland

Nathaniel Trent Lansford

Lauren Michelle Robinson

Hannah Lasha Cunningham

Jackson Cole Glover

Luke Allen Lewis

Andrew Luis Rodriguez

William Jacob Deaver

Andrea Estefany Gomez

Isabella Abrielle Limon

Caleb Henry Russell

Hannah Michelle Driver

Miriam Isabella Grayson

Kaleigh Rhea Lineberry

Maria Fernanda Salgado-Patino

Emma Grace Dudley

Kaitlyn Elizabeth Guyton

Amairani Marin-Sanchez

Michael Landon Sheffield



Shelby County High School

Anna Carter Shelby County High School senior Anna Carter’s favorite part of high school included homecoming. “Being a part of the Student Government Association allowed me to be involved with the planning of the whole week and putting it all together,” Carter said. “Some of my favorite memories are dressing up during the week with my friends, competing against the other grades, the homecoming football game and the dance.” During her time in school, Carter has played volleyball for six years, four of those were in high school. She has been in the BETA club and the National Honor Society for three years. She has been a Key Club member for four years and a Key Club officer her senior year. She has been in SGA for three years. During those three years, she has been the school chaplain and senior class treasurer. SCHS also has a ladies ensemble program where Carter has participated during the

Christopher Dylan Sides

Samuel Ray Tallie

Amanda Mae Simpson

DShonda Elyse Taylor

Brandon Ty Smith

Javier Tellez Espinoza

Emmalee Kay Smith

Alexander Blaine Vansant

Madison Paige Smith

Ava Elise Vansant

Madison Lou Stagner

Devin Maurice Warren

Robin Leigh Stephenson

Rylee Grace Watkins

Destinie Renee Stevens

David Clay Webb

Leah Faith Stewart

Kensley Lynn Wesley

Katelynn Leigh Storey

Kaili Jo Xiao Fan Williams

Justin Andrew Straate

Ryan Allen Woods

Logan Martin Straate

Erik Waldemar Young

Jayda Michelle Sykes


last four years. “My time at Shelby County has been unforgettable,” Carter said. “The classes I have taken the past four years were taught by some of the best teachers I will ever know, and I have made some lifelong friends and memories. Some of the highlights of the past four years involve a lot

of after-school shenanigans. Mid-afternoon rehearsals for our spring concerts; having fun with my friends designing and building our homecoming parade floats to win first place (every year); and volleyball season was my favorite time of the year. There were weeks where we had six games and we would not get home until 11 p.m. My time on the court and those late nights with my teammates will forever stay with me.” Carter said an important study tip she has found helpful is to not wait until the night before to study for a test. “Studying the night before


a test can be so overwhelming and you will not be able to retain everything no matter how many hours you spend on it,” Carter said. “I would recommend starting a few days before your test, slowly trying to memorize little bits at a time, that way you will retain the subject much better, and you will have a better understanding of everything.” Carter said everyone in her family has made an impact on her, including her mom, who inspires her to work hard, and her dad, who inspires her to seek bigger and better things. Her brothers also show her that she can do anything. Carter plans to attend Auburn University in the fall where she will pursue a major in aerospace engineering and minor in a foreign language. Carter is the daughter of Jeff and Michelle Carter. She has two older brothers, Tyler and Tanner. Tyler went to Auburn University and Tanner went to a United States service academy.

Spain Park High School 369 graduates 4700 Jaguar Drive • Birmingham, AL 35242 Jaguars • 1,634 students • Ranked the eighth best high school in Alabama GRADUATION 2022


Spain Park High School


ANUSHKA ARORA Valedictorian

KERRI BARNES Valedictorian


MADISON DANG Valedictorian

CAROLINE DUKE Valedictorian

LYDIA FARIS Valedictorian

WILLIAM GASSER Valedictorian

ROHAN KARTHIK Valedictorian

SARAH LANEY Valedictorian

RILEY LUTHIN Valedictorian

OLIVIA MARDIS Valedictorian

JOSEPH MUDANO Valedictorian

AANYA NOORANI Valedictorian



ZOEY SWALLEY Valedictorian


SARAH YI Valedictorian

Redha Mustafa Abdul Rahman Ahmed

Lindsey Leigh Allen

Leighton Brand Ahrens

Sara Ruble Allen

Zahra Rafeeq Bardai

JaTerria Cherel Alexander-Yowe

Ahmed Khaled Ahmed Almansoop

Kerri Danielle Barnes

Gabriela Mari Allan

Anushka Arora

Alexandria Michelle Baskin

Barbara Ann Allen

John Peter Aufdemorte

Benjamin Carter Baugh

Berkley Elinor Allen

Aaron Matthew Austin

Benjamin Allen Baum

Edward Thornton Allen

Alan Micha Austin

Cadon Jeanae Baylor


Lauren Elizabeth Baker

Spain Park High School

Dear Class of 2022,

We are proud that we have had a hand in shaping your integrity and character. Our goal is that no matter what you choose to do after graduating from Spain Park, you will be outstanding husbands, wives, parents, and leaders in our society. Sincerely,

As the end of the school year approaches, we would like to congratulate you on being presented as a candidate for graduation. The Class of 2022 has been a joy to work with as you have grown and matured beyond our expectations. Our SPHS faculty, staff, and administration have enjoyed guiding and educating your class in preparation for the next phase Principal, Spain Park High School of your lives.

Peter L. Giangrosso

Mallory Grace Becker

Diovanni Anthony Coral

William Bruce Gasser

Tess Dixie Hooper

Christopher Sean Beer

Benjamin Griffin Corley

Eleanor Paxton Gillispie

Jacob Riley Hopper Nathaniel Aaron Hornsby

Connor Daniel Bell

Cameron Ezell Crenshaw

Michael James Glick

Colby Hooks Bennett

Lacey Maria Crews

Brooke Elia Gober

Makayla Denise Horton

Jadah Symone Bibbins

Sally Elizabeth Crews

Emily Elise Goddard

Audrey Elizabeth Huffstetler

Jaylen Isaiah Bibbins

Amber Faith Cross

Connor Samuel Godwin

Matthew Jacob Hughes

Ava Ryan Bierley

Mackenzie Bradley Culpepper

Estefania Gomez Sandoval

Andrew Gregory Hulcher

Cason Mitchell Billings

Sierra Haley Cumens

David Eliel Gonzalez Mendoza

Samir Huneidi

Destine Jahnah Camille Blain

Madison Thanh Nhi Dang

Connor Joseph Grande

Tyler Rashad Hunter

Connor Henry Blair

DeMarcus RaShaun Davis

Wilson Adams Gray

Wilkins Trawick Hunter

Matthew John Blake

Hunter Bryant Davis

Robert Matthew Groce

Tamdoan Thanh Huynh

William Benton Blount

Xavier Donte’ Davison

Alan Noe Guerra-Melendez

Paige Elizabeth Ingersoll

Jackson Reid Boler

Emily Gayle Dedmon

Lillian Belle Gurganus

Walker Philip Jackson

James Brody Bowers

Logan Reed Denson

Ethan Cole Gutowski

Joshua Jacob

Taylor Lillian Boyen

Hunter Allen Desmond

Sameer Shams Hajiani

Kennedy Marie Jarrett

Zachariah Jackson Bragg

Charles Riley Dinsmore

Jad Bashar Hakim

Bradley Scott Jemison, Jr.

Myah Elizabeth Brazeal

William Christopher Donald

Demetris Maurice Hall II

Samantha Jose Johnson-Ortiz

Dannon Cole Brown

Elizabeth Claire Dubois

Jordan Marie Hall

Elijah Davon Johnson

Katherine Anne Brown

Caroline Reese Duke

Kayla De’nea Hall

Maxwell Sterling Johnson

Austin David Mikel Browning

Zion Nelson Dukes

Abigail Catherine Halyard

Emma Kate Jolley

Keon McKinley Buck

Marcus RonDale Dunlap

Isabella Marie Halyard

Morgan Hunter Jolley

Elijah Jackson Burchell

Breanna Lynne Dunn

Walaa Hasan Hamed

Jayla Arianna Jones

Kenna Ashton Burdett

Jillian Clara Edwards

Omar Khalil Hamid

Lyrique Zharne Jones Kaleb Ian Jowers

William Bryce Burdette

Ramsey Salah El-Fallah

Pierce Harris Hanley

Steven Tate Burkholder

Owen Keith Elder

Jayla Amaya Hanson

Rohan Karthik

NaKiyah Shanae Bush

Wyatt Alexander Elliott

Adam Winslow Harkins

James West Key

Hannah Rose Caddo

Madelyn Elizabeth Ellis

Shelby Owen Harp

Ahmad Hussan Khan

Cooper Maddux Cafaro

Veronica Esperanza Ellis

Autumn Elizabeth Harper

Claire Elizabeth Kidd

Isabella May Cafaro

Devin William Ellison

Joshua Tyler Harrington

Germans Krumins

Madelyn Leigh Cain

Aiden Connor Elrod

Amariah Kenlei Harris

Anabelle Alice Kunz Iqra Navroz Ali Ladhani

Isabella Marie Campos

Adam Tyler Faison

Joshua Mark Hawkins

Jieli Elizabeth Yue Candler

Lydia Faris

Kyndal Nikole Heaton

Victor Anh Lam

Nicholas Mark Carlisle

Joshua Michael Fella

Evan Dainwood Hemphill

John Gregory Landers

Konnor Todd Carrie

Madison Skye-Lynn Ferry

Cole Skipworth Henson

Sarah Anne Laney

Jennifer Castro-Martinez

Cameron Alexander Flanigan

Johan Hernandez Castillo

Farrah Daye Lasseter

Anna Elizabeth Caulk

Ce’Aria Elizabeth Ford

Brady Everett Herring

Megan Taylor Lavallet

Camille Amara Chase

Micah Isaiah Ford

Sydney Simone Hewitt

Iziah Arthur Lavender

Jamari Nicole Clemons

Tillman Stirling Ford

Lauren Elizabeth Hibbs

Cortez Allen Leavell

Pierson Turner Cole

Hunter Matisse Forsythe

James Bradley Arnold Higginbotham

Madison Elizabeth Lee

Wade Anthony Coleman

Sierra Lorrajane Fox

Kristin Shea Hill

Britani Yulisbi Leon Cruz

Henry Husain Colli

Makai Deon Freeman

Grant Bennett Hohler

Kennedy Camille Leonard

John Collum Cooke

Lilly Grace Gaddis

Brandon Lamar Holifield, Jr.

Nicole Alejandra Lober

James Robert Copeland IV

Lindsay Felice Beatrice Gardner

Kennedy Simone Holloway

Haley Noelle Lockhart



Spain Park High School

Zahra Margarite Long

Sebastian Tejada Londono

D’Edgar Montreal Lumpkin

Cade Michael Thompson

Benjamin Michael Lumsden

Keeley Grace Thompson

Karli Cathryn Lusain

Emelia Sunshine Tidwell

Riley Garrett Luthin

Chase Baros Tilashalksi

Elena Elizabeth Lynch

George Cole Tims

Gabriel Shane Maddox

Carsyn Childers Tinney

Jake Hudson Majors

Analise Katelyn Toone

Travis Austin Mann

Keonna Jeanette Tooson

Olivia Rose Mardis

Armando Torres-Mauricio

Selma Maric

Katelyn Michael Towey Benjamin Boyd Travis

Emily Grace Marron Kevin DeShon Marshall, Jr.

John Hughes Orr IV

William Andrew Schneider

Joshua Caleb Traywick

Connor Davis May

Lonnie Dillon Orr

Emily Lauren Schultz

Daniel Esteban Trejo Guerrero

Bridget Eva McCurrach

Robert Austin Orr

Kayla Lynn Scott

Richard Edward Trewhella III

Avery Leigh McDonald

Carlos Ernesto Oyuela-Melendez

La Quentin Jamal Scott

Taylor Catharine Trible

Madelyn Olivia McNulty

Cecilia Luz Pagan

Kaitlyn Angelina Sheppard

Richard Benton Turnbull III

William Joseph Meilan

Russell Len Partin

Noah Tyler Shively

Colin James Turner

Nicholas Vincent Milano

Aaditya Nimish Patel

Noah Naseem Shunnara

Khushi Rahim Valliani

Katherine Marie Miles

Ricardo Antonio Perea Colon

Courtney Elizabeth Sidor

Amelia Paige Verdin

Landon Edmon Miller

Abeni Rose Perkins

Kennedy Jamil Simmons

John David Vinson

Isabelle Parker Mitchell

Joseph Hunter Carl Perkinson

Reagan Elizabeth Sipper

Jameson Clay Wade

Savannah Summers Moerke

Mia Elena Phillips

Micah Beau Slonneger

Paris Rayne Wagner

Tyler David Moore

Chantz Amarhi Pickett

Allison Claire Smith

Daniel Seth Walter

Andrew Mitchell Moses

Lily Howell Pirkle

Sawyer Emma Smith

Samuel Wasko III

William Lawrence Moulton

Lydia Grace Plaia

Te’Mya Mone’t Smith

Andrew Wyatt Watson Emma Grace Watson

Amya Nevaeh Moultry

Nathan Patrick Plourde

Sydney Kathleen Soehn

Joseph Mitchell Mudano

Christopher Dunn Prolsdorfer

Charles Rhodes Speake

Katy Marie Weber

Jeremiah Elijah Murry

Miguel Angel Ramirez Rodriguez

Anastazia Amya Stallworth

Caroline Grace Whisenhunt

Jeremiah Preston Myers

Lorena Rangel Almazan

Claire Elizabeth Stansell

John Jeremiah White

Olivia Grace Myers

Michael Alexander Rector

Catherine Elizabeth Stark

William Mason Whitehurst

Kayla Elizabeth Mynatt

Demonte Davyon Rice

Astin Jacob Starr

Mary Ashlee Wilbourne

Bashaar Mohamed Mohsin Nagi

McKenzie Summer Richards

Tucker Zachary Steed

Shelby Elizabeth Wilburn

Sedani Suwanima Nagodawithana

Anna Grace Roberson

Jordan Isaiah Steele

Charles Lin Williams

Martin Andrew Nalls II

Braden Duke Robinson

Destin Isaiah Stephens

Margaret Gail Williams

Ishat Nashita

Keiona Leshaun Robinson

Olivia Alexandra Stephens

Anna Paris Wilson

Steven Keith Nelson, Jr.

Solomon Andra Robinson

Joshua Rece Stewart

Ehrin Rena Wilson Joseph Drake Wilson


Jaylon Mikal Newton

Giselle Rodriguez

Parker Colton Stone

Jaden Quoc Huy Nguyen

Saibri Denae Ross

Mary Elizabeth Storm

Eden Jade Wolfe

Zaim Naushad Nilgiriwala

Audrey Isabella Rothman

Estelle Wood Straate

John Michael Wolkow Carly Marie Wolsoncroft

Aanya Anish Noorani

Wilson McKay Rowlen

Elizabeth Brooke Stroup

Grace Elizabeth Norman

Niyati DeePak Sakaria

Austin Grace Suber

Robert Lee Wooten

Manus Patrick O’Hare

Je’Taela Shennell Samples

Braxton Garrett Sumpter

Kameren Jamal Wright

Savannah Paige Oakman

Alexis Sanchez-Mendez

Zoey Noel Swalley

Makendra Mariah Wright

Sofia Ariadna Obregon

Juan Manuel Sanchez-Serna

Sara Grace Tabor

Dawson Bradford Yant

Amsi Talmai Olivarez

Kevin Sanchez

Lamya Ziad Taer

Sarah Yi

Yasmine Kalilly Santana Oliveira

Riley Melynn Sandford

Julia Elizabeth Tamburello

Rin Yokomukai

Erin Camille Oliver

David Jeffrey Sauceda

Gabrielle Mae Taylor

Dextyni D’nay Young

Roselyn Nyangi Olulu

Makenzie Elaine Scaturro

Jack William Taylor

Tyler Kenneth Young

Karen Isabella Olvera

Alexander Lee Schifer

Sarah Elizabeth Taylor

Jannah Nimr Zeinou


Thompson High School 540 graduates 1921 Warrior Parkway • Alabaster, AL 35007 Warriors • 2,098 students • The seventh largest high school and 24th best high school in the state 44


Thompson High School









MAYA DENAE BRAGG Valedictorian



LINA GRACE BROWN Valedictorian
















Thompson High School
















RYAN IAN FURLONG Valedictorian












Thompson High School



















OLA MUNIR LUTFI Valedictorian









Thompson High School



















SHRISTHI PANT Valedictorian









Thompson High School




























Thompson High School

MIA ELISE STOWE Valedictorian








JEFFERY TUBBS Valedictorian











EMMA RENAE WHITE Valedictorian








Thompson High School




Conner William Agan



Mariah Elise Bell





Corvon Lamont Burroughs

Mary Grace Connelly

Jordan Aaliyah Agee

Xavier Zykie Benson

Kylee Faith Butts

Ta’Darrius RayShawn Conner

Saul Efrain Aguirre

Jackson Glen Bentley

Christopher Garrett Buzbee

Dequavius Lione Cook

Joshua Alaoui

Addison Faith Benz

Katerin Estefani Caballero Velasquez

Kearis Dantrell Cook

Jeremiah Taylor Alexander

Michael William Bierman

Jose Francisco Calzada-Grande

Lione Dequa Cook

Malik Terry Allan

Carla Andrea Bishop

Joshua David Caminiti

Catherine Gaille Copenhaver

JaAnthony John Allen

Ava Elizabeth Black

Alana Sierra Campbell

Cameron Jacob Corbitt

Sebastian DeJesus Almodovar-

Dru Hannah Blaising

Caroline Kate Canaday

Braydon Rush Creel


Demonte Malik Bobo

Georgia Shianne Carden

Litzy Liceidy Cruz Bautista

Tania Alvarado-Resendiz

Ahmari J Douglas Bolden

Rylee Brooke Carlton

Dylan Bryant Curry

Laney Christiane Amero

Areiona Joyce Michelle Bolton

Aden Carlton Carter

Taylor McKenzie Curtis

Sebastian Arciga

Haley Paige Bonham

Matthew Paul Casey

Marcella Marie Dahm

Juan Enrique Arcos Trinidad

Allison Grace Bowman

Yerick Alexander Castro-Vargas

Zachary Daiquan Davidson

Gina Michelle Arenazas Anaya

Joshua Dillon Bozeman

Aakia Marie Caver

Devan Alexander Davis

Jocelyn Amy Arias

Maya DeNae Bragg

Summer Nicole Cepukenas

JaMarcus Keon Davis

Joseph Harrison Arledge

Mallory Claire Brannum

Keith Emmanuel Chakua

Eleanor Mae DeBlock

Eileen Lilibeth Arteaga

Cade William Braunschweig

Karle Jade Chamberlin

Estefany DeJesus-Bernabe

Caitlin Olivia Attaway

Jayden Michael Brazil

Gavin Harris Chandler

Seth Howard Dean

Jordan Eugene Austin

Samuel Payne Breazeale

HyKhem Pierre Chapman

Allyson Michelle Decker

Adan Angel Ayala-Camacho

Krista Nicole Brewer

Courtney Grace Chatham

David Payne DeLoach

Levi Julien Babb

Nolan Lee Brock

Giselle Chavez

Caleb Blaine Dennis

Jonathan Reid Baggette

Devin Nicholas Brooks

Jacob Allen Cleckler

Noah Allen Dennison

Laila Simone Baker

Tyler Vincent Brooks

Landyn Danielle Cloud

Christian Monte Dickson

Xavier Makei Barnes

Ansley Nicole Brown

Sakiyah Briona Coats

Jacob Andrew Duclos

Jamoriun Jykeim Barrow

Lina Grace Brown

Isaiah Anthony Colbert

Emma Catherine Dunagan

Christian Donlee Bates

Sarah Grace Brown

Shalyn Rashaun Coleman

Iaeryana Kimaeya Dupree

Kenia Monserrat Becerra Martinez

Tristan Brodie Bryan

Maritza Luisa Colin-Miranda

Brisa Azul Duran

David Michael Bell

Nathan Fishman Bullington

Megan Elizabeth Collins

Anna Kristine Eady

Dylan Heath Bell

Emmagrace Louinea Burnett

Victoria Lynne Coney

Riana Faye Edwards



Thompson High School Camila Escareno-Garcia

Laina Grace Gosa

Alysia Nicole Estes

Dakota Joseph Green

Colin Grant Horton

Nicolas Patrick Lozito

Madelyn Grace Estes

Robert Todd Green

Elizabeth Anne Horton

Alexis Enola Aurora Luna

Reagan Elise Etheridge

Tyler Anthony Green

Juan Manuel Huerta-Salazar

Addison Elizabeth Lusco

Kayla Brooke Evans

Judson Scott Greene

Manuel Hurtado Avendano

Ola Munir Lutfi

Taylor Michelle Hornkohl

Emileigh Ann Lowery

Sarah Grace Farmer

Jackson Thomas Gregg

Tucker Cole Hutson

Caroline Maciel

Trequon Deonta Fegans

Lauren Elizabeth Gregory

Sean ONeal Irvin

Devarye Jahri Mack

Laura Danielle Fell

Dylan Michael Griffeth

Leah Paige Irwin

Averi Sanaa Maddox

Jack Phillips Ferrell

Harrison Allen Griffeth

Tayler Amiah Jackson

Natalie Tracey Mandell

Cade Thomas Fite

Emily Diana Griffin

Jillian Abigail James

Sydney Danielle Manning

Tatiana Lisset Flores-Mira

Zoe Elizabeth Grodsky

Robert Carter James

Alison Elizabeth Mantooth

Carson James Foote

Ireland Lenore Grogan

Nikolas Larson Janikowski

Jack Dalton Marshall

Carter Jeffrey Foote

Marcos Alejandro Guardado

Emma Madison Jenkins

Daniel Martin

Kameron Tyrell Ford-Rich

Patrick Terence Hagans

Caitlin Lily Jenness

Jacob Lee Martin

Sandra Nicole Foreman

Kenzey Elise Hall Booker

Henri Giovanni Jimenez-Hernandez

Jason Alonzo Martinez

Sarah Ashley Fortenberry

Colton Edwin Hall

Mary Grace Johnson

James Keegan Mashburn

Cameron Dean Foust

Gregory Kyle Hamilton

Preston Scott Johnson

Lebogang Tumelo Mashego

Brandon Wesley Franklin

Aidan Alexander Hamlin

Tyler Benjamen Johnson

Samia Michal Mason

Kendall Blake Franklin

Jackson Russell Hamlin

Alayna Mykenzie Johnston

Mya Nicole Massey

Bryan David Frazier

Thomas Collins Hamm

Alexis Kamryn Jones

Payton Jade Massey

John Nathaniel Frey

Trevor Samuel Hardy

Ashley Nicole Jones

Sameena Elizabeth Massey

Caylee Nicole Fucci

Bailey Brooke Harless

Asia Faith Jones

Taylor Marie Massey

Lauren Annelle Fucci

Danna Faith Aiying Harpst

Cory Allen Jones

Nadia Danielle Mattiace

Ryan Ian Furlong

Conner Elijah Harrell

Maya Renee Jones

Tess Elizabeth Mayer

Jean Carlo Gallardo-Lopez

Benjamin Brooks Harris

Karina Jazmin Jovel

Casey Michele Mayhall

Victoria Grace Gannuscio

Lee Edward Harris

Allison Monserrat Juarez Dominguez

Chandler Clark Mayo

Keiry Michelle Garcia Flores

Nariah Monet Harris

Teegan Lake Kelley

Kelvin Mbote

Emily Garcia Guerrero

Nia Lyn Harris

Chance Randolph Kerwood

Khyler Jordan Scilingo McAlpine

Raphael Garcia Ramirez

Talya Casha Harris

Lynn Kathryn Killingsworth

Jamiria D’Asia McCarroll

Nathan Garcia-Munoz

Joshua Jacob Harrison

Casey Kamau Kimochu

Logan Justus McConico

Saul Garcia-Rivas

Karston Ian Haywood

William Kyle King

Jayla Leigh McCord

Daphne Andrea Garcia

David Sullivan Heller

Jacob Robert Knight

William Perry McCurdy

Noah Hughes Garner

Emily Brooke Helmke

Carson Lynn Koger

Abigail Grace McGee

Kathryn Louise Garrett

Abigail Elyse Henderson

Evan Casey Kolodziej

Addie Kaelyn McLain

Robert William Garrett

Connor Steven Hendricks

Tyller Jameson Lane

Julie Ann Love McNair

Gage Tanner Geeslin

Cesar Hernandez Jiminez

Christopher Charles Lareau

Devin Scott McNeill

Benjamin Michael Geissler

Bianka Kamily Hernandez-Rugama

Gary L Latham

Pierceson Simone Crawford McShan

Hannah Elizabeth George

Jose Damian Hernandez

Jaylen Deshon Latham

Morgan Diane Mealing

Jasmine Riley Gibson

Melany Patricia Hernandez

James Andrew Latona

Mary Kaitlyn Mears

Hannah Elizabeth Gilbert

Paco Nicholas Hernandez

Landen Blake Lawrence

Jason Medrano-Robles

Bailey Waid Giles

Hannah Gabrielle Hester

Michael Lee Layman

Vanessa Mejia Ruiz

Jamya Arie Gilleylen

Savannah Corin Hill

Anderson Garrett Lee

Summer Alysa Miles

Carly Morgan Glover

Axel Bryan Hinojos Romero

Christion Xavior Lewis

Hannah Grace Miller

Connor David Glover

Brodie William Holcomb

Damion Lamont Lewis

Jaida Aniya Miller

LaShavis Travion Dematress Godfrey

Jackson Douglas Holsomback

Laura Elizabeth Likis

Ryan Anthony Mims


Kaitlyn Alyse Homan

Emily Nicole Lint

Alexander David Mingle

Andrea Guadalupe Godoy-Villano

Ebben James Honeycutt

Daven Blake Littleton

Ethan Corbin Miniard

MyKah Makeya Goins

Lauren Olivia Hopkins

Alexander Danilo Lopez

Olivia Claire Minton

Bryan Gonzalez

Sara Louise Hopper-Haas

Casen Horton Lovett

Karen Yvette Miramontes

Ethan Daniel Goodner

Rowan James Horine

Dakota Grace Lovett

Laila Siamara Miree



Thompson High School Parker Jackson Christopher Mitchell

Kenia Nicole Polo

Mason Christopher Schwab

Kylen Joseph Thompson

William Tyler Mobley

Madison Tate Poplin

Darren Lucas Schwartz

Mackenzie Grace Thrasher

Logan Edward Moncrief

Anna Grace Porter

Alyssa Jade Scott

Phillip Alan Thrasher

Silvano Mondragon-Florencio

Mary Kathryn Potter

Cynthia Jean Scott

Jacob Austin Thurber

Leila Marie Moody

Jordan Christopher Powell

Jackson Clay Scott

Hunter Dale Tidmore

Lauren Elizabeth Moon

Joseph Harvey Precise

Kaitlyn Lanae Seay

Totonio Ty’zaun Timmons

Samantha Brooke Morgan

Kristin Grace Precise

Catherine Dale Shaw

James Reid Tindell

Alexis Marie Morris

Austin Nathaniel Price

Mya Danielle Shepard

Kevin Torres Garcia

DeMya Noel Morton

Ashton Lane Rachels

Kaitlyn Elise Sherman

Madison Scott Touhey

Ethan Scott Morton

Jaxon Parker Rachels

Beverly Hope Shoemake

Jeffery Tubbs

Kendall Ann Moseley

Jessica Nicole Raggio

Kylie Brooke Simmons

Jackson Steele Tucker

Ja’Quarian Deon Moss

Josue Asael Ramirez-Millan

Kayleigh Grace Simpson

Kaleb Chase Turner

William Mitchell Moss

Ruby Brianna Ramirez-Barnett

Addyson Rileigh Sims

Sarah Elizabeth Turner

Kalie Marie Motes

Joanna Margarita Ramirez-Salazar

Christopher Jay Sims

Luke Christopher Underwood

David Lee Moultry

Ray Antonio Ramirez-Tinoco

William Jeffrey Sims

Milian Benjamin Underwood

D’Mya Breanna Moyer

Lindsay Joyce Randall

Arieana Nicole Smith

Caden Aleczander Upton

Seth Riley Mushalansky

Isabela Rangel-Ariciaga

Benjamin Brooks Smith

Joselin Alexis Valdez-Vilchis

Kennedy Cathryn Myers

Clay Farris Ranson

Braden Christian Smith

Kenneth Noel Valiente-Sanchez

Michael Carson Myers

Emyli Claire Reach

Jordan Frederick Smith

Jaxon Cary Van Zandt

Savannah Marie Nabors

Alecia Nicole Reasor

Joshua Mikyle Smith

Fernando Vargas-Moreno

Malek Belgacem Naija

Alexis June Reed

Le’Aisa Yolanda Smith

Guadalupe Soledad Vasquez-Alvarez

Keiri Michelle Navas Sorto

Julia Michael Reed

Tyler Dalton Smith

Kimberly Itzel Vasquez-Alvarez

Catherine Elizabeth Neal

Kylee Cheyenne Reeves

Violet Alexis Smith

Nicholas Ray Vegter

Payton Marie Nowak

Tyler Michael Reid

Morgan Elizabeth Snyder

Lilia Julieta Velazquez-Reyes

Ann Katelyn Noyes

Jaleese Nachelle Rencher

Katharyn Olivia South

Braden Andrew Venda

Ahmed R Obaid

Sydney Michelle Richards

Baylee Kaelynn Southern

Ashlyn Taylor Vice

Sadie McKenna Oglesby

Alexander Edward Richardson

Charles Logan Sprayberry

Evelin Juliana Villalobos Paredes

Madelyn Rose Owens

Carter Allen Rickman

Madison Camille Danielle Shelene

Brian Anthony Villanueva Landaverde

Omar Pacheco-Jimenez

Nathan Jalanie Riddle


Sarai Villatoro Guillen

Joseph Timothy Page

Ezmerelda Michelle Riojas

Kristen Danielle Standlee

Yanni Josiah Vines

Shristhi Pant

Yaquelin Rios-Rodriguez

Tru Quest Staton

Selena Thy Vo

Major Branson Paracca

Marycruz Avalos Rivera

Carson Gregory Steber

Lillian Abigail Vogel

Chelynn Arisse Pargo

John Parker Roach

Gabriel Avery Stevens

Paul Adam Vogel

Nya Faith Parker

Wesley Bryant Roberson

Tian Aiden Stevens

Hannah Elizabeth Vosteen

Kaylyn Rae Parton

Connor Timothy Jackson Robinson

Zachary Mark Stewart

Jackson Miles Wade

Ellouise Rose Pate

Jamie Valeria Robles-Ruiz

Parker Grant Spragg Still

Marissa Kaye Walters

Rachit Kamleshkumar Patel

Alyssa Eneida Rodriguez

Patrick Anthony Stokesbary

Joseph Ayeden Wandel

Kaylie Michelle Pawlowicz

Josie Leanna Rollo

Mia Elise Stowe

Jaylen Dashon Ward

Parrish Lanier Payne

Gracia Marie Roper

Caleb Valencia Suarez

Kaylyn Abigale Wasserman

Justin Jejuan Pegues

Natalie Erin Ruha

Taysia-Lynn Paiau Leaniva Tagovailoa

Cailyn Ameriel Watson

Ryan RaShaad Peppins

Cohen Samuel Russell

Mace Andrew Talerico

Camare’ Amahd Watson

Angie Alexandra Perez-Delgado

Andrew David Rylee

Anna Catherine Tanner

Colton Christopher Watts

Diego Armando Perez

Lainey Caroline Sabo

Amber Marie Tauriac

Steven Zane Weirich

Joanna Perez

Jorge Antonio Salas-Parra

Francisco Jahir Tavera

Bryson Carter Welborn

Luis Fernando Perez

Luis Sanchez-Galvan

Tramel Mendez Taylor

Jayda Elise Wells

Toni Leshae Person

Ines Alejandra Santillan-Olvera

Cydney Rhea Tellis

Colin William Wesson

Jackson Makaya Pickering

James Randall Savage

Christian Miguel Thomas

Anyha Ja’nae White

Aubrey Denise Pigan

Emily Catherine Scales

Serenity Senee’ Thomas

Emma Renae White

Logan Michael Pilkerton

Ethan Kelly Scales

Destiny Gabrielle Thompson

Hannah Kate White

Carrington Leigh Pinson

Abigail McKenzie Schmidt

Kaleb Jamaar Thompson

Jada Nicole White



Thompson High School

Dear Thompson High School Class of 2022, On behalf of the Thompson High School Faculty and Staff, I commend you for achieving this most special feat in your lives. I am immensely blessed to have been your principal during our time together at THS. I am in awe of your success and the first-class way in which you work, perform, and win in the classroom, in your respective activities, and in all facets of your lives. I am so proud of your contributions to our school and community. The positive power of your presence and the impacts of your work are a true legacy infused with excellence. You all will be forever remembered and celebrated for your greatness! The THS Class of 2022 has reached extraordinary levels of academic accomplishment, including strong ACT scores, exceptional AP and honors achievements, and an unprecedented number of students completing a myriad of dual-enrollment courses and earning more college credits than ever before. Furthermore, the Class of 2022 boasts an impressive number of Valedictorians and Salutatorians (181), and a large number of students who have earned career and industry credentials. Members of this senior class are poised for college and ready for career and workforce opportunities. This class will attain one of the most prolific graduation rates, and your college and career readiness and preparations are nothing short of outstanding. You have reached elite levels of winning, dominance, and championship performance in multiple athletics programs. Many of you have won a multitude of county, area, region, and state championships stretching across several sports and activities. This

This class has led the way in creating new organizations and activities at THS, and you have established a strong reputation of hard work, dedication, and a spirit of perseverance like no other.


class has greatly contributed to ever-growing success in our performing and visual arts programs, including achievements at the utmost levels of district, state, and national competitions. This class has led the way in creating new organizations and activities at THS, and you have established a strong reputation of hard work, dedication, and a spirit of perseverance like no other. The Thompson High School Class of 2022 exudes confidence, focus, and a heart to serve others and the community in which you live. You all have been a model of school spirit and pride in your community. The number of leaders in this class are countless, and you all will positively affect the world around you for many years to come. Your pursuit of greatness is inspiring, and I have many examples of your perfect efforts to share with the world. You have built upon excellence that came before you, and you will leave a higher platform than ever for future Warriors to pursue pinnacles of performance and success. As you move forward beyond THS, remember that you all have what it takes to conquer every challenge set before you and to ultimately ascend to the top of the world in which you learn, work, and live. Continue to be courageous and resourceful, and be the Warriors you are destined to be. Congratulations to the amazing Thompson High School Class of 2022!

” Wesley Hester, Ph.D. Warrior Strong,

Principal, Thompson High School

Simon Alexander White

Jenna Felicity Williams

Daria Ashaye Worthy

David Campbell Yoder

Hannah Marie Whittemore

Andrew Cayden Wilson

Jaden Omar Wright

Ana Claire Diane Young

Roderick Elijah Whittier

Briana Janai Wilson

Kyle Bryan Wright

Jonathon Hayden Young

Jordan Kye Wiggins

Marlee Denise Windham

Lacey Diane Wright

Nolen Lei Young

Keyley Reaves Wilcoxson

Madison Brooke Woodruff

William Ashton Wright

Matthew Samuel Youngblood

Brooklyn Elise Wildrick

Trentin Rashad Wooley

Elizabeth Faith Wyatt

Areli Viridiana Zavala-Garcia

Lexi Nicole Willey

Cody Alexander Wooten

Hayden Campbell Yancey


Thompson High School

Addison Lusco Thompson senior Addison Lusco believes no one should ever feel ashamed for asking for help, staying curious or seeking knowledge. “Studying is not a one-size-fits-all method,” Lusco said. “Give yourself grace when you make a mistake or two. Ironically, I am not perfect at understanding that it is OK to be imperfect, but we all deserve grace when we fail. Grace allows for growth.” During her time at Thompson, Lusco was the president of the National Honor Society and History Club, which she started in 2022 and vice president of STEM Girls Club. She was also a member of Model UN, the debate team, Beta Club, Leo Club, Peer Helpers and the Alabaster Teen Council. She was a four-year member and chair of the Connection Column Committee as well, which produces articles for the Alabaster local newsletter. She was also named Best All Around for her senior senior class, a Senior Superlative, a Super Senior, won the title of Prom Queen and was named a salutatorian for the class of 2022. “My time at Thompson can definitely not be described in one word,” Lusco said. “That is the beauty of the high school experience; it is just as paradoxical as growing up can be. One moment it is prototypical, one moment it is completely individual. But overall, my Thompson experience has been very rewarding and full of growth. Some of the highlights have been seeing our football team win the state championship again, running Thomposon’s first-ever History Bowl and winning prom queen.” Lusco has enjoyed senior year because while it did have stressors, she was able to make connections and friendships with her classmates, while also discovering new parts about herself that placed her one step closer to uncovering the person she is meant to be. Lusco said she has been fortunate to have a plethora of amazing teachers who

have become both a mentor and an advocate to her. “I would like to give a particular shoutout to Mr. Jake Huggins, whose never-ending support reinvigorated me with the courage to follow my heart back into creativity,” Lusco said. Lusco plans to go to college and study

both the arts and sciences across the world, and simply: create. “Whether that be an Oscar-winning script or a new vaccine,” Lusco said. “I plan to create in whatever I do.” Lusco is the daughter of Phillip and Suzanne Lusco. She also has two younger brothers, Brayden and Carson Lusco.





Valleydale Christian Academy 30 graduates 2408 Valleydale Road • Hoover, AL 35244 This year’s class has two valedictorians

Dear Class of 2022,

This is an exceptional group, and I love having seen you mature through the years into the great men and women you have become. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you and all of the hard work you I hope to hear more from you through the years. have completed. Love, I hate to see you leave Valleydale Academy, but I know you will go on to make an impressive mark on the world. I wish you so much success and happiness, whether you go into business, college, the military, or any endeavor you attempt. Director, Valleydale Academy

Susan Hubbard,

Kassidy Laine Brannon

Joseph Stetson Martin

Noah Samuel Burton

Blake Thomas McAuliffe

Robert Tristan Carter

Abigail Faith McCollough

Thomas Aspen Carter

Jeremy DeWayne Murphy, Jr.

William Dawson Carter

Zachariah Young Persons

Braley Chase Christolear

Reece David Reaves

Thea Anne Cook

Taylor Bethany Riley

John David(JD) Gonzalez

Colin Alexander Roberts

Briana Rickell Grayson

Ryder Aaron Robbins

Isabella Eve Green

Joshua Carter Rowland

Kensley Tayler Hearn

Mikaela Shian Smith

Madison Grace Heatherly

Amarie India Stitt

Jules Thomas Horne

Jordan Lora Alexandria Stokes

Selena Lavanta Johnson

Sara Christine Ward

Sylvia Celeste Madden

Angeliyah Nevaeh Webster

AMARIE STITT Valedictorian

JORDAN STOKES Valedictorian



Vincent High School 52 graduates 42505 Alabama 25 • Vincent, AL 35178 Yellow Jackets • 244 students • Ranked the 22nd best school in the Birmingham-metro area

Austin Lynn Barber

Matthew Alan House

Dailyn Dawson Partridge

JaHaven Alaih Benson

Cody Wyatt Irby

Dakota Joshua Partridge

JLen Allen Benson

Jenna Kristine Jiles

Peyton Sebastian Presley

Aspyn Laynee Buchanan

Dyllon Isiahia Johnson

Amari Paige Riggins

William Odis Carden

Brandon Jahiem Jordan

Caila Mouri Rivers

Gavin Lee Cohill

Iyonna Monay Keith

Lee Travelle Robertson

Jarion Thomas Cooper

Anna Claire Klingenbeck

Kendal Allen Roddam

Maliyah Jashae Curry

Peyton James Lawley

Toby Eugene Sims

Eyan Yancy Davis

Jermarey Hakeem Lawson

Jacob Troy Smith


Chloe Grace Layton

Evan Lavar Swain

Zoe Breann Lively

Noah Robert Tetreault

Olivia Rayne Marheine

Shawn Lee Tressillian

Caila Nicole Ford

Seth Andrew Graben

Griffin Christopher Martin

Joseph Nuzio Valenti James Colby Weaver

Waylon Robert Dunkin Jordan Antwane Eatmon Houston Wade Fields


William Tanner Godwin

Hannah Alexis Kaye Grimes

Alysha Faith Maxwell

Tylor Christian Goodwin

Maddison Dene Gulde

Derrick Allany Mcginnis

Zoey Reese Young

Roman Cole Gowers

Gavin Hunter Hardin

Hannah Grace Miller

Katerian Tirik Youngblood


Vincent High School

Dear Class of 2022,

First, let me say congratulations to each and every one of you! You have all worked hard and diligently to get to this point, and the highest congratulations are in order. Your high school experience, although unusual, will be something you take with you throughout your life. Your experiences in the halls of Vincent Middle High School will help shape who you are as you begin your college or work career. Take all of it, the good and the bad, and use it to make you fiercer, more resilient, and more capable. Go show the world what it means to be a Vincent Yellow Jacket. Before you leave, I would like to challenge you to strive to make the world around you better. Whether that’s in a different classroom or in the workplace or in the military or with your family or with your friends,

Take all of it, the good and the bad, and use it to make you fiercer, more resilient, and more capable.

show them all the love and compassion that you desire to have shown to you. I am so very proud to have known each of you. Go Yellow Jackets!

Lauren Yancey

Principal, Vincent Middle High School



Westminster School at Oak Mountain 47 graduates 5080 Cahaba Valley Trace • Birmingham, AL 35242 Knights • 551 students • Eighth best private school in the state

Reagan Allen

Sydney “Susu” Gaskins

Miller Anderson

Pearson “PJ” Gaskins

Molly Mixon

Elijah Baggett

Rachel Giadrosich

Karson Morris

Joanna Bean

Cammi Griffith

Gabriel Pigg

Rachel Bensinger

Jackson Haden

William Pigg

Courtney Callahan

David Haskins

Lydia Price

Sam Click

Webster Jackson

Jenna Richardson Luke Richardson

Molly Cobb

Houston Likens

Sydney Raines Davis

Joanna Linder

Parker Robbins

Sam Eddins

Cort Lund

Andrew Robinson

August Edema

Annie Lusk

Lydia Smith

James Hunter Fairly

Molly Luster

John Deric “JD” Thomas

Ian Fanning

Maggie McCallum

Campbell Torgerson

Rett Wilson

Sam Fanning

Andrew McIntire

Bethany Waters

Brenna Zaccagni

McKenzie Fulton

Maggie Messer

Macy White

To the Westminster Graduating Class of 2022, Graduation season at Westminster is a time to reflect on the many accomplishments of our senior class. While we have been blessed to co-labor with many senior classes, your class in particular leaves a special legacy in your wake. There is not a part of the life of the school that has not been positively affected by our seniors. Leadership opportunities were embraced by this class as athletic captains, house chairs, club leaders, and student mentors abound in this group. These skills now make their way to the 15 colleges and universities represented in our senior graduating class. The success found in our senior class included several athletic state titles, recognition as scholar athletes, state-wide art competitions and numerous academic and athletic scholar60

Reave Metcalf



ships. Most recently, these seniors successfully defended their thesis projects before esteemed panels of their teachers and administrators. Without a doubt, these seniors leave a legacy as a class that helped to establish many of the traditions that will be carried on in the life of a Westminster student for years to come. Throughout it all, this class demonstrated a love for one another that, in good times and in bad, never wavered. As representatives of Westminster and, more importantly, of the Kingdom of God we are proud to send these seniors out into the world to positively influence those whom they will encounter in the lives ahead of them. May the Lord of all creation continue to bless and keep you all in your future pursuits!

Adam R. Roate

Head of Upper School, Westminster School at Oak Mountain



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