Hoovers Magazine May 2017

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Following her dreams Nia Mya Reese, 8, writes and publishes first book

Home with history Hoover-Randle Home, a treasured landmark, opens for special events May 2017 Hooversmagazine.com $4.95

Housing market trends What buyers and sellers should know this year

Limitless learning Upper Limit Learning Center offers tutoring, test prep May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


John Daly


Purchase your tickets today at RegionsTradition.com


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Listening to you helps us see your whole picture. To get great care for your everyday life, you need more than an everyday doctor. Ascension® care teams at St. Vincent’s Primary Care-Hoover take the time to listen so we can understand all aspects of you and your life.

With a convenient location in Hoover, our skilled doctors and staff provide the care you need, where you need it. Schedule an appointment at stvprimarycare.com.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Words of inspiration I’ve met many people who inspire me – people who motivate me to strive for a higher level in my job, in my faith walk, in my relationships and in serving others. I’m sure most of us can list at least a few people we admire for different reasons. I’ve added a new person to my list this month, and I think you will when you get to know her, too. Her name is Nia Mya Reese. She is 8 years old, a second-grader at Deer Valley Elementary School and a published author. Nia Mya wrote her first book, “How to Deal with and Care for Your Annoying Little Brother,” last year. Since the book’s release in December, she has been interviewed by numerous media outlets; has appeared on talk shows in California and New York; has participated in multiple meet-theauthor and book signing sessions at local schools; and has been mentioned in newscasts as far away as Poland. And she has taken everything in stride. Like her parents, Nia Mya had no idea a writing assignment she completed for her first-grade teacher’s

May Issue Copyright 2017 Shelby County Newspapers, Inc. Questions or comments? Call 669-3131 or email info@hooversmagazine.com Cover Photo By Dawn Harrison Cover Design By Connor Bucy

class last year would become the manuscript for a children’s book. When I met Nia Mya and her mother, Cherinita, for our interview, Nia Mya was too full of energy to sit in one spot. She moved around their living room, practicing her gymnastics, waiting for Cherinita to help her pack for her first sleepover with friends that night. She was just a little girl thinking about the weekend, not her newfound book fame. Nia Mya signs each copy of her book with “follow your dreams.” Eight years into her young life, she already grasps the importance of those words. I look forward to seeing where this precious little girl’s drive and enthusiasm for life take her. Be sure to take a look at our other features and sections this month, including the 2017 Builders and Buyers Guide, a must-see for anyone thinking about buying or selling a home in Hoover. n

Emily Sparacino emily.sparacino@hooversmagazine.com Twitter: @HooversMag Facebook.com/HooversMagazine Instagram: HooversMag





Tim Prince

Graham Brooks

Connor Bucy

Meagan Barton

Katie McDowell

Steven Calhoun

Jamie Dawkins

Kari George

Mary Jo Eskridge

Alec Etheredge

Clarke Stackhouse Rachel Henderson

Kristy Brown

Briana Harris

Daniel Holmes

Hailey Dolbare

Amalia Kortright

Hagan Joiner

Stacey Meadows

Keith McCoy

Donna Knott

Emily Sparacino

Kim McCulla

Neal Wagner

Rhett McCreight Ashley Murphy April Spivey Kerrie Thompson

Hoover’s Magazine is published monthly by Shelby County Newspapers Inc., P.O. Box 947, Columbiana, AL 35051. Hoover’s Magazine is a registered trademark. All contents herein are the sole property of Shelby County Newspapers Inc. [the Publisher]. No part of this periodical may be reproduced without written permission from the Publisher. Please address all correspondence (including but not limited to letters, story ideas and requests to reprint materials) to: Editor, Hoover’s Magazine, P.O. Box 947, Columbiana, AL 35051. Hoover’s Magazine is mailed to select households throughout Hoover, and a limited number of free copies are available at local businesses. Please visit Hooversmagazine.com for a list of those locations. Subscriptions are available at a rate of $20.41 for one year by emailing subscribe@hooversmagazine.com, or calling (205) 669-3131, ext. 532. Advertising inquiries may be made by emailing advertise@hooversmagazine.com, or by calling (205) 669-3131, ext. 536.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017


Pampering mothers Spa One Nineteen kicks off another healthy summer season


‘We’ve loved this house’ Family opens Hoover-Randle Home to the public for special events


Sky’s the limit Upper Limit Learning Center offers one-on-one tutoring services May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine • 3




23 33

ARTS & CULTURE 5 Unexpected celebrity Hoover 8-year-old Nia Mya Reese writes and publishes first children’s book


New chapter Amanda Borden embraces new tasks as the director of the Hoover Public Library


FEATURES 22 Pampering mothers Spa One Nineteen kicks off another healthy summer season





• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

‘We’ve loved this house’ Family opens Hoover-Randle Home for special events Sky’s the limit Upper Limit Learning Center offers one-on-one tutoring services Support in crisis YMCA’s Annual Campaign benefits family after tragedy


BUILDERS & BUYERS 23 Housing high


IN EVERY ISSUE 2 Editor’s Note

Which neighborhoods in Hoover are seeing the most growth


The Book Nook


Aldridge Gardens newsletter

2017 Builders and Buyers Guide Real estate, interior design, kitchen and bath, remodeling, outdoor living and organization




Hoover Area Chamber Connection








Why I Love Hoover



Eight-year-old Nia Mya Reese writes first children’s book Cherinita said of her now-8-year-old daughter, a second grader at Deer Valley Elementary School in Hoover. “When she was a baby, I told her she was going to help a lot of people in the world. I just didn’t hen Nia Mya Reese was a know she was going to be doing this so baby, her mother, Cherinita, early.” whispered words of Neither did Nia Mya, but in November encouragement in her ear repeatedly as she 2016, she took a significant step toward rocked her to sleep. “Her name means ‘purpose that is great,’” fulfilling her mother’s prediction by WRITTEN BY EMILY SPARACINO PHOTOS BY DAWN HARRISON AND CONTRIBUTED


ABOVE: Cherinita Reese, left, hugs her 8-year-old daughter, Nia Mya, whose first book was published last year.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


ABOVE: Nia Mya displays pages in her book, “How to Deal with and Care for Your Annoying Little Brother.” RIGHT: Clockwise from left, Nia Mya, Cherinita, Ronald and Ronald Michael stop for a picture during their Spring Break trip to New York City.


becoming a published author. Nia Mya’s book, “How to Deal with and Care for Your Annoying Little Brother,” has gained international attention, earned rave reviews online and landed her on multiple talk shows in New York and California in the last several months. “I didn’t think I would be a celebrity,” Nia Mya said at her family’s home in March, shortly before the Reeses left for a Spring Break trip to New York City—and the filming of another television appearance for Nia Mya. Her book originated as a writing assignment in class. “The assignment started as a class writing topic,” Beth Hankins, Nia Mya’s first-grade teacher at Deer Valley Elementary, wrote in an email. “We were learning about informative writing and I asked the children to think of something they were an expert at doing … to think of

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

something they could teach someone else to do. When topics were being discussed, I reminded the children they needed to be able to ‘teach across their fingers.’ This means to choose a topic, they would need to be able to support it with five good ideas or reasons.” According to Hankins, Nia Mya immediately said, “I am a really good big sister,” and started writing the ways of how she was a great big sister to an annoying little brother. Nia Mya said she probably exceeded the five-point minimum. “I think I wrote more,” she said, as Cherinita agreed with her. “I achieve goals, but I think I go over them a little bit. Well, maybe a lot.” While her classmates chose topics like singing and dancing, Nia Mya chose something—or, more accurately, someone— closer to home: Her 5-year-old brother,

Ronald Michael. “I really want to show people how to deal with and care for an annoying little brother,” she said. “I wasn’t ashamed.” What started as an in-class assignment turned into a book draft for Nia Mya during the summer after first grade. “When summer came and journals were sent home, this little jewel was developed further and now is a bestseller on Amazon,” Hankins said. Cherinita knew Nia Mya’s work was special when she read it. “When I saw it, I said, ‘Nia Mya, I think you just wrote your first self-help book for kids,” Cherinita said. “I think what makes it great is it’s such a pure book from the child’s perspective.” That summer, Nia Mya revised her draft, read the sentences aloud and made other edits to prepare it for publishing.

Meanwhile, Nia Mya’s older cousin, Faith Martin, created illustrations for the book. Martin babysits Nia Mya and Ronald Michael, and “watched that interaction,” Cherinita said. Cherinita researched how to get the manuscript published, and thought the family might go the self-publish route. “I had no idea what to do,” she said. Cherinita reached out to Yorkshire Publishing in Oklahoma for guidance, and received more. “When they saw it, they asked if they could partner with us in getting the book published,” she said of the company. “They have been nothing but excellent.” “How to Deal with and Care for Your Annoying Little Brother” published Nov. 30, 2016, and was released to the public in midDecember, according to Cherinita. It is available for purchase at May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The Reeses smile for another family photo in New York City. Nia Mya’s book stemmed from an inclass writing assignment she completed for her first-grade teacher, Beth Hankins. Nia Mya’s older cousin, Faith Martin, inspired the book’s illustrations. Ronald Michael, 5, and Nia Mya pause for a photo in the M&M store in New York. The Reese siblings smile for a photo before the family’s flight back to Alabama.


Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com and other online retailers. It is also available for check-out at the Hoover Public Library and Deer Valley Elementary School’s library. On March 17, Cherinita said she received an email from Yorkshire Publishing notifying her Nia Mya’s book was ranked above “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” and “The Great Gatsby” on Amazon.com for sales activity that day. In the same month, the book ranked among Amazon’s overall top 100 books. In addition to her TV appearances and news media interviews, Nia Mya has held book signings and meet-the-author sessions at the library and local schools.

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Her book was even mentioned during a newscast in Poland, Cherinita said. “It’s literally reached an international level,” she said. “It’s just gotten extraordinary attraction. It’s super wild.” Cherinita and her husband, Ronald, have been Nia Mya’s unofficial managers throughout the process. They are tasked with reviewing potential engagements, overseeing her schedule and serving as her advocate in business matters involving her book. Nia Mya is already scheduled for several things in 2018. “I try my best to shield her from a lot of stuff to keep her life super normal,” Cherinita said. “I’m kind of a little floored

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


ABOVE: Since her book came out in late 2016, Nia Mya has participated in numerous public and television appearances. RIGHT: Nia Mya and Ronald Michael hug each other in New York City.


by all this.” Nia Mya, who wants to be a prekindergarten teacher when she grows up, has met and inspired more children and adults than she can count. Cherinita said seeing children react to Nia Mya’s success when they talk to her is the most rewarding part of the experience. “It ignites that learning light, that creativity light on the inside of them,” Cherinita said. “She signs all of her books with ‘follow your dreams,’ and I can see that’s exactly what she’s doing – following her dreams.” Hankins said Nia Mya was an “absolute

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

joy to teach” and is a “perfect example of how reading and writing complement each other.” “My greatest joy has been sharing her book with students and seeing her book throughout our classroom in book boxes, our school library and in the hands of children across the world,” Hankins said. “I am honored to be part of this amazing journey with Nia Mya, as I can only imagine what the future holds for this precious little girl.” Marjorie Keeney, Nia Mya’s second-grade teacher, also praised her for her work ethic at school. “Nia Mya is just an all-around great

“I am honored to be part of

this amazing journey with Nia Mya, as I can only imagine what the future holds for this precious little girl.” — Marjorie Keeney student,” Keeney said. “Her love for learning inspires others and she brings out the best in people.” Nia Mya’s brother – the person at the heart of her book – has received more attention than he was expecting, and jokes that she needs to write her next book soon. “He’s very protective of his sister,” Cherinita added. Nia Mya’s special request for the family’s Spring Break trip to the Big Apple was to see the Statue of Liberty. Like other kids, Nia Mya enjoys activities and hobbies besides writing – “gymnastics, art, reading, dancing, playing, swinging, running and jumping,” she said. She has started developing ideas for more books; but, for now, she and her family are simply enjoying the results of her first book’s success. “It’s been a great ride,” Cherinita said. “It’s been an exhilarating ride.” n May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •



• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Amanda Borden embraces new tasks as library director WRITTEN BY EMILY SPARACINO PHOTOS BY DAWN HARRISON


efore Amanda Borden transitioned into the executive director role at the Hoover Public Library in January, her predecessor, Linda Andrews, advised her to make sure she hired the right people for each staff position. “She felt strongly about hiring the right people for the positions,” Borden said of Andrews.

Andrews, who retired in December, can relax knowing the library rests in the capable leadership of Borden, a longtime member of the Hoover Public Library staff. Borden attended Judson College and then graduate school in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Alabama. Borden interned at the Hoover Public Library in 1993. She worked for the Birmingham Public Library for six years, followed by the Pelham Public Library for

LEFT: Hoover Public Library Director Amanda Borden peeks from behind one of her favorite books, “The Prince of Tides,” by Pat Conroy.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


“I’m really drawn

to the story.”

— Amanda Borden Hoover Public Library Director Amanda Borden says she reads mostly fiction. Below are some of Borden’s current favorite books: Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalian I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee The Paris Wife by Paula McLain All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

ABOVE: A stack of books represents some of Borden’s current favorites in literature. RIGHT: Borden helps children decide which books to check out from the library.

The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg

two years. In 2001, she was hired as the Hoover Public Library’s Children’s Department coordinator, and in 2006, she was promoted to one of two assistant directors. On Jan. 1, Borden officially became executive director. Since then, time has “completely flown by” for Borden, who is tasked with overseeing all of the library’s moving parts on a daily basis. “The days pass by so quickly,” she said. “It’s an exciting time for

The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

me. It’s all so fun.” In March, Borden started working on the library’s longrange strategic plan, which will include input from the community. Planting “service outlets,” or satellite library campuses around the city, is something Borden wants to see happen in the next 10 years. “One of the biggest priorities is to branch out,” Borden said. “Our city has grown – our population, our land mass. We would like to have service outlets

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


ABOVE: Borden, left, catches up with Vishal Shah, a library assistant in the library’s Circulation department.


throughout the city.” Borden said the service outlets of the library would serve areas like Greystone that are farthest away from the main library campus. Borden said the library wants to continue to be a center for the arts and community events. “We did sort of become a third space where people come to hang out,” she said. “We were very fortunate to ride that wave.” The library currently houses a performing arts center, East 58 Café on the Plaza, a bookstore and multiple rooms and spaces for weekly programming and visitors

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

looking for a quiet place to read. “I also want to see us have more spaces for the public,” Borden said, and mentioned private workspaces, a maker’s space and a business center. Technology has shaped the library’s service model over the years, and it continues to affect how patrons consume materials. “Most things are now web-based,” Borden said. “Part of our outreach now is social media. Our digital offerings have exploded.” E-books, audiobooks and databases that allow patrons to read newspapers


are popular, as well as BrainHQ, an online system designed to give the mind a boost through exercises in areas including attention, brain speed, memory, intelligence, people skills and navigation. “It’s always critical we do everything we can to stay relevant,” Borden said. “We have to be in tune. If the public is responsive to it, we’re happy.” Even with the digital offerings, however, the library’s circulation of print materials has not decreased much, Borden said. In 2016, 546,000 people came to the library, which circulated 1,437,316 books, a 1-percent increase from 2015. The meeting rooms were used 367 times, with attendance at 7,394.

Patton Chapel ANIMAL


May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


ABOVE: Borden stands at the front entrance of the Hoover Public Library, where she has worked in different capacities since 2001.


The library held 1,207 programs that reached 75,223 people. The Library Theatre celebrated its 25th season last year with performances by Marc Cohn, Dailey & Vincent, Rhythmic Circus, Molly Ringwald, Zoe Speaks, The Celtic Tenors, Alabama Troubadours and Phil Vassar. In addition to hosting well-known performers, the library has made its mark in Hoover’s history. The library’s River Oaks location opened in 1983. Two years later, the library relocated to the Hoover Municipal Center. In 1992, it moved to its current location off Municipal Drive.

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

By 2001, the library had doubled in size, Borden said. Eight years later, the Plaza, theatre and café portions of the library opened. With so many moving parts, no day is “typical” for Borden. In addition to working on the strategic plan and budget, Borden has stayed busy with employee meetings, public relations and the Southern Voices Festival, to name a few. “I consider one of the most important things I’m doing now is listening to staff,” she said. “With new city leadership, we know where we’re going and (are going to) prioritize what’s most important.” n

the book nook

Libraries help build a better world Summer Reading is just around the corner and for 2017 we have a big dream this year - Build a Better World! This is our theme for all age groups. Let’s all work together and have fun while building better readers, a better library, a better community and a better understanding of history and each other as Alabama begins its bicentennial celebration. Deni Owens Last year, we had such a great Nonfiction Librarian time at the inaugural Book It! 5K run and Summer Reading Kick-Off festival that we’re doing it again. On May 20, the Friends of the Library will once again host a 5K run at Veterans Park off Valleydale Road. We’re simplifying the route a bit and moving it up so the race ends at the finish line celebration at the pavilion. The course will still take you around the lake, the beautiful forested areas of the park and up a challenging hill. In addition to the 5K, we’ll also have a new event: an easy stroll that follows a story and is fun for the whole family. We’ll also offer the popular “sleep-in” option which guarantees you a T-shirt without the agony of the run. Register for the 8 a.m. race, story walk or sleep-in option by visiting Hooverlibrary.org/bookit. After the race, the Children’s Summer Reading Kick Off will run from 10 a.m. to noon and feature a petting zoo, a balloon artist, an airbrush tattoo artist, crafts, a variety of bouncy inflatables, building games and yummy snacks. All of this is offered free courtesy of the Friends of Hoover Library – a hard deal to beat if you’re looking for some free fun for the kids on a Saturday! Of course, Summer Reading is not just for children. Once again, our Adult Summer Reading program will offer great incentives to the adult readers in our community. For every five books that you read between May 20 and July 31, you get a chance to win great prizes donated by the Friends of the Library, including gift cards for movies, gas and local restaurants. The books can be fiction or nonfiction, print, audiobook or ebook. We’ll have drawings for a variety of gift card prizes to local restaurants to help reward you for your hard work. n Deni Owens is a librarian in the Nonfiction Department. May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


It’s May and the perfect time to treat yourself or a loved one to membership in Aldridge Gardens! Members enjoy many benefits, including reciprocal benefits at nearly 300 public gardens across the country. Members also receive discounts at Roots, the Aldridge Garden and Gift Shop, on summer camps, community workshops and seminars, and at our plant sale, including the MembersOnly Preview Sale. Members are also invited to our guided bird walks and other members-only events. Like to fish? Except during weddings and other special events, members may fish our lake Monday through Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m. during daylight saving time (spring, summer, and early fall) and 3 to 4:30 p.m. during standard time (late fall and winter). Members also are invited to walk their leashed dogs Monday through Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m. during daylight saving time and 3 to 4:30 p.m. during standard time. Go to aldridgegardens.com for more information about membership and the Gardens.

Members-Only Bird Walk Saturday, April 15, 8-10 a.m. Join Richard and Patricia Ryel for this guided tour for our members to see the many birds in the Gardens. A recent bird walk identified 28 different species. This is a great way to experience nature, to meet new friends, and to enjoy the beauty of the Gardens. Be sure to bring a pair of binoculars! To register for the bird walk, go to aldridgegardens.com.

Summer Camps Are a Fun Way to Learn! Our summer camps are almost full, so register now! Taught by board-certified teachers, all camp sessions contain direct educational components. Our ½ day, week-long camps will run Monday through Friday from June 5 through June 30, 9 a.m. to noon. Camp themes include Observing Your Observing, Construction in Nature, Engineering FUNdamentals, Cool Art, Paper Circuitry, and our ever-popular American Girl Doll camps. For more information and to register, go to aldridgegardens.com.

In the Gallery There are great things to see in the gallery this month! Murray Johnston’s extraordinary art quilts continue to be on view and available for purchase through May. Also, be sure to see our special Frank Fleming sculpture collection. The Eddie and Kay Aldridge Art and Historical Collections Museum is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except when there is a private event inside the house.

20 • Lorna Hoover’sRoad Magazine | May 2017 3530 | Hoover, Alabama 35216 • 205-682-8019 • www.aldridgegardens.com • info@aldridgegardens.com

Hydrangea Propagation Workshop Saturday, May 20 (Rain Date June 3) 9-11am Learn how to propagate hydrangeas! Lead by David Doggett and Willie Edmiston in the Dirr Hydrangea Garden, this class will give you instructions and valuable hands-on experience. Please bring a clear 2-liter soda bottle, along with pruners and scissors for trimming leaves. You will leave with three hydrangea cuttings, ready to grow and to eventually be transplanted into your own garden. For more information and to register, go to aldridgegardens.com.

Start Planning Your Special Day Now! Aldridge Gardens offers a variety of beautiful venues for corporate meetings, retreats, special parties, and weddings. Let our professional event planners help make your day perfect. For information, contact Amanda Baker, Director of Sales & Catering at 205-682-8019 ext. 103 or abaker@aldridgegardens. com. We need your help! To volunteer at Aldridge Gardens, contact Phyllis Giles at 205-682-8019 or volunteer@ aldridgegardens.com.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


health & beauty


Spa One Nineteen kicks off another healthy summer season WRITTEN BY EMILY SALILLAS

May is here! This month Spa One Nineteen is celebrating mothers, graduates, brides and the beginning of another summer season. Here are the five top ways we’ll be marking the month of May at St. Vincent’s One Nineteen: 1. This Mother’s Day, give her the gift of choice. When you purchase a $50 gift card, moms can choose between a 30-minute therapeutic massage or a 50-minute restorative spa pedicure. With every gift card purchased, moms will be entered into a drawing for a $200 spa gift card that she can use to enjoy even more of our luxurious spa services, or browse our spa boutique where you’ll find one-of-a-kind pieces from jewelry and accessories to skin care and clothing. 2. The gift of color. Come experience Glo Minerals – the skin nourishing makeup that covers, corrects and protects. The new spring Living Color Collection has arrived at the spa boutique. Inspired by the beauty of spring, the Glo Minerals new spring collection celebrates the freshness of spring in three color pallets that compliment every skin tone. Color kits include stick shadow, cream blush, lip gloss and a quad-color eye shadow. 3. Our special gatherings. Along with booking this month’s joyfilled pedicure parties for moms, grads and brides, we always provide stress-reducing therapies for those who need a tranquil treatment. From therapeutic massages to facials, our holistic health offerings 22

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

include something for everyone. 4. Our summer supplies. Healthcare includes skincare. In Alabama, summer can be a particularly challenging skincare season. To counter the sun’s harmful effects we offer exceptional sunblock products that protect against both UV rays and infra-red burns. Those seeking a safe summer glow are already booking our professionally-applied St. Tropez spray tans. We also offer a fun selection of hats, beach bags and towels. 5. Our fitness follow-up. Every month we work closely with One Nineteen’s fitness center staff to help clients ease sore muscles that threaten their workouts. Many men consult our male technician for

sports massages. A spa treatment is an ideal self-reward for marking fitness milestones. Ready to book a treatment? Contact us early. May will be a busy month as Spa One Nineteen kicks off another healthy summer season. Spa One Nineteen is located at 7191 Cahaba Valley Road, right off U.S. 280 on Alabama 119. As part of St. Vincent’s One Nineteen and Ascension Health, we are dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care for all. To learn more about Spa One Nineteen, visit onenineteen.com/spa, or call (205) 408-6510. n Emily Salillas is the manager at Spa One Nineteen at St. Vincent’s One Nineteen.


Which neighborhoods in Hoover are seeing the most growth WRITTEN BY LAUREN DOWDLE PHOTOS BY KEITH MCCOY

live in the United States. There are a variety of home types and prices throughout Hoover to oover may be best known attract different buyers. Some popular for its top-ranked schools, neighborhoods include the Preserve, Ross shopping, dining options and Bridge, Magnolia Trace, Kirkman Preserve, central location — but there’s Greystone, Inverness, Russet Woods and so much more to this growing city that Riverchase. continues to make it a popular place to live. “The eclectic areas of Bluff There are also world-class gardens, Park, Green Valley and Shades nature trails, golf courses, entertainment Mountain were established spots and a new sports complex in the before Hoover was Hoover and are very works that bring people here. And these popular among the younger buyers,” says are just a few of the things that helped rank Donna Fitts, RE/MAX Advantage South. Hoover as one of the Top 30 best places to “The neighborhood elementary schools


The most active markets in Hoover include houses zoned to Ross Bridge.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The Preserve offers residents outdoor recreation areas like this play area. Ross Bridge also offers amenities for residents, including a resort, golf course, parks and neighborhood pools. A variety of home types and prices throughout Hoover, including the Preserve, attract different buyers. The Preserve features a vibrant retail and restaurant area. Pictured is one of Ross Bridge’s neighborhood pools.


City School System is ranked are the feature attracting the in the state’s Top 4 systems by younger group.” sites like Niche.com, and that New construction is also in demand, with developing continues to draw families to Houses Sold the city. communities like Lake Wilborn “As long as the school system gaining ground. is one of the best in the state, “Market confidence is that’s going to continue to increasing among home Average Sale builders, so they are beginning attract families to Hoover,” Price says Susette Clark-Walker, to re-enter the building Days arena,” Fitts says. “Kirkman RealtySouth. “I tease that I sell on the schools, not houses.” Preserve and Ross Bridge are Market two Hoover subdivisions that “The most active markets include houses zoned to Bluff have proven the demand for Park Elementary School, Ross more new home construction Bridge and Greystone,” Fitts says. “Some opportunities in Hoover. Most of the of the older areas of Hoover, especially new construction homes do lean toward a craftsman style.” Bluff Park, are attracting investors who are buying and rehabbing homes.” Schools are another driving force behind The market has been strong throughout Hoover communities’ growth. The Hoover

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017


$285k 56

the city. During 2016, there were 1,893 houses sold for an average sale price of $285,000 in Hoover. The houses spent an average of 56 days on the market — better than both Jefferson and Shelby counties as a whole, which averaged 68 days and 72 days respectively. “Hoover attracts people at many different stages of their life. Some want lifestyle while others want new homes and others love the older homes because of their uniqueness,” Fitts says. Hoover is also a good option for buyers looking for more affordable options, compared to neighboring cities. “You get more for your money and have lower taxes, compared to Vestavia and Mountain Brook,” Clark-Walker says. The market wavered between a neutral market and seller’s market in 2016, Fitts says. “Last year’s buyer had a difficult time adjusting to the more active market, but it appears that the purchaser is beginning to understand the competitive nature of the 2017 market,” she adds. Something else that’s getting some buyers back into the market is the recently increasing rate. The rising interest rates are giving people on the May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


ABOVE: Along with established homes like these, the Preserve currently has many new homes under construction.


fence about buying a little nudge in that direction. “It shows the economy is improving. It’s only natural it will go back up,” says ClarkWalker, who says she remembers when rates were as high as 15 percent. “They are making people think about buying now and getting back into the market.” The increased interest rates are especially giving first-time homebuyers — typically in the millennial group — a sense of urgency, Fitts says. “The first time homebuyer is impacted more by the increased monthly payment caused by a higher interest rate,” Fitts says. “The Baby Boomers and GenXers are watching the rates, but they seem less concerned about an increase.” Homeowners getting ready to sell can get ideas from new construction about what buyers are looking for in a house. “They can figure out little things they can do to make their home fresher and newer,” Clark-Walker says.

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

“Hoover attracts

people at many different stages of their life.” — Donna Fitts Open floor plans, backyard space and fenced yards are just a few of the items on buyers’ wish lists, Clark-Walker says. “If things are in good condition and priced right, they will move quickly,” Clark-Walker says. “I think it’s a really good market for sellers, but it’s difficult to say it’s a seller’s market.” Whether looking to buy or sell in Hoover, one thing’s clear: The city has a lot to offer. “The housing market in Hoover is the most active in the Birmingham area,” Fitts says. “Considering Hoover is the sixth largest city in Alabama, this should not come as a surprise.” n




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• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

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• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

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• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017



hen Barbara and Ed Randle moved into the former home of City of Hoover founder William H. Hoover in 1989, Barbara assumed the task of

finding the appropriate furnishings to fill it. The Randles were moving from a more contemporary home in Washington, D.C., to the stately, Southern Colonial home on Tyler Road in Hoover’s Bluff Park neighborhood. “I had nothing for this house,” Barbara said. Since then, Barbara has filled the historic home with furniture, textiles, artwork and other décor from her travels around the

ABOVE: The historic Hoover-Randle Home in Bluff Park is now available as a venue for weddings, birthday celebrations, showers and other special events.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: This sitting area is one of many areas in the home that boasts a variety of rich colors, textures and trinkets from around the world. Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato speaks to people gathered at the Hoover-Randle Home for the city’s 50th anniversary kickoff event in March. Barbara’s extensive travels, sometimes to “obscure” countries, she said, have helped her furnish the 70-yearold home. Pictured are the city of Hoover’s incorporation papers.


world, to places like Morocco, Nepal, Qatar, Paris, Europe, London, Venice and China. Each room inside the home is a cheerful amalgam of colors, textures, patterns and cultural themes from faraway foreign lands. The Randles have opened their home to many people over the years. The city held its 50th anniversary kickoff event there in March. Now, however, people can reserve the home for special events – weddings, birthday celebrations, corporate meetings and other special events. The home’s history, combined with the Randles’ attentiveness to its upkeep and appearance, renders it a treasure to the

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

community––and to anyone that visits it for an event. Hoover built the home for his family in 1947, and they occupied it for the next 40 years. The Randles purchased the home in 1987 and moved in two years later, after work on it was completed. It was placed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage in 1990. Then, Barbara started on the enjoyable part of homeownership: Decorating. She took her hunt for furnishings to the international level, too. “I traveled extensively in what I call obscure countries, picking up stuff,” she

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May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Many furnishings are by MacKenzie-Childs. The Randles converted porches into side rooms. Pictured here, at The Club for an anniversary dinner, are William Henry Hoover Sr. (1890-1979) and his wife, Helen Carnes Hoover (1902-1987), with their children, from left, Bill Hoover Jr. (19362009), Helen Hoover Holmes, Thomas Herbert Hoover and Jane Hoover Parrish. The home has a spacious kitchen.


said, adding she has been to China six or seven times. From Chinese calligraphy brushes on a table in the foyer to kantha quilts from India displayed in a corner of the dining room, Barbara has traversed the globe in search of items to add to hers and Ed’s eclectic collection. “We’ve traveled a lot,” Barbara said. Many furnishings in the home are by New York-based company MacKenzieChilds. Artwork adorning the walls compliments the dynamic décor. One painting is by

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Barbara. She has also sewn some of the home’s window treatments and slip covers. “I love textiles,” she said. Over the years, the couple has added onto the original house, creating more space that’s ideal for large gatherings. They converted porches into side rooms. The room the Randles refer to as the library is allegedly where William H. Hoover and whomever was representing the city at the time signed the city of Hoover’s incorporation papers. Barbara said they have never known the

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


best best OF THE



ABOVE: Ed and Barbara Randle purchased the home in 1987 and moved in two years later. The Hoover-Randle Home is on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage.

exact square footage, but marketing materials list the home at 8,000 square feet, situated on 6 acres of “beautifully manicured gardens” and with the following amenities: A large loggia with casual seating and tables, an outdoor chapel, an outdoor fireplace, a sound system, a bar area, a creek with water features, gazebos and fountains. Barbara and Ed have four children. Prior to moving to Washington, D.C., they lived on Foothills Drive in Hoover. They have developed friendships with the late Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hoover’s daughters, Jane Parrish and Helen Holmes, who sometimes visit Barbara at the home. “I just love both of them,” Barbara said. The first wedding at the Hoover-Randle Home was held in April. To book the home for an event, call (205) 957-9540 or Tahara@HooverRandleHome.com. For more information, visit HooverRandleHome.com. The Hoover-Randle Home is located at 2255 Tyler Road in Hoover. “We’ve loved living here,” Barbara said. “We have a great neighborhood, and our neighbors are just wonderful. We’ve loved this house, and just want to keep it wonderful the way we feel like it is.” n 38

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Alex and Mary Grace Pereira opened Upper Limit Learning Center, a tutoring center for local students, in Hoover earlier this year.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Upper Limit Learning Center offers one-on-one tutoring services commercial audio-visual install, and Mary Grace, 28, was a junior high and high school math teacher. quipping students for As a teacher, Mary Grace tutored their futures is a priority students and said it opened her for Alex and Mary Grace eyes to the effectiveness of one-onPereira of Hoover. one attention beyond the classroom It’s also the focus of their setting. tutoring business, Upper Limit “We wanted to fill a need that Learning Center, which opened in many, many schools are having,” February. Alex said. “We’re not specific to “We just have a passion for math, but that’s a focus. We wanted training up the next generation,” to target the students that are Alex said. “Investing in teens, slipping through the cracks, kids getting them involved … that’s that need one-on-one attention. just something I’ve always had a We wanted to find a community passion for.” that has wholesome values and is Before moving to Hoover from growing and has students that have Memphis, Tennessee, to open a need.” Upper Limit, Alex worked in The couple said they found that WRITTEN BY EMILY SPARACINO PHOTOS BY DAWN HARRISON


May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Pictured are the waiting area and office at Upper Limit Learning Center. A framed Dr. Seuss quote hangs on one of the walls at Upper Limit. Tutors at Upper Limit work with materials students already have from school, but they can incorporate supplemental materials and exercises into the sessions, if needed.


in Hoover. At Upper Limit, they offer tutoring for students in kindergarten through 12th grade on any subject, and they conduct test preparation sessions. Staff members are trained and certified to tutor. Tutors have to hold a degree in what they’re teaching, Mary Grace said. Alex described Upper Limit tutors as “the backbone” of the business. “Our vision is to go find the passionate, credentialed person that just wants to invest in a young person’s life,” he said, “To get the student where they never thought they’d be. We’re on a journey. We’re going to hike the mountain together.” Tutoring sessions usually last an hour. Most sessions are held at the center, which is located at 3601-A Lorna Ridge Drive in Hoover, but tutors can go to offsite

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

“We’re on a journey.

We’re going to hike the mountain together.”

— Alex Pereira locations as needed, Alex said. “We are planning online services in the future,” he said. “In this day and age, you’ve got to be mobile.” Upper Limit tutors work with the materials students have in school. They can also provide ACT prep and intervention programs in math and reading. The programs are designed to build on whatever level students are on currently. “We believe you have to meet them where they are,” Mary Grace said. “We


want to show them progress and success right now to enable them to do better in school, pay attention in class and care about what they’re learning.” Upper Limit also caters to students with special needs, such as dyslexia, learning disabilities, autism and other developmental delays. Upper Limit operates in a 1,500-square-foot building and can hold as many as 22 students at one time. Mary Grace has a degree in math secondary education and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and Alex has a master’s degree in business administration, from Grand Canyon University. Upper Limit Learning Center is a Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce member. “We do believe that America was built on small business,” Alex said. “We do want to support the economy and the community in that way.” Upper Limit has open hours every day of the week

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ABOVE: Upper Limit Learning Center is located in the R.B. Harris Building off Lorna Ridge Drive in Hoover.


except Sunday. Summer hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. During the summer, two camps will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.: STEM and Reading camp. Both camps are for grades 1-6, and parents can sign up anytime. More information will be available at Upperlimitlearning.com. Enrichment and tutoring hours will be held from 3-6 p.m. after camps are finished each day. “This is a great time for students to get their summer reading accomplished or work on their summer math packets that are due at the beginning of the school year,” Mary Grace wrote in an email. “We will also use this time to conduct ACT/SAT and ESL tutoring sessions.” Other summer offerings include “Stem Camp: From the Roots Up!” and “Reading Camp: The Book Club.” For Stem Camp, two camp blocks will be

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

held each day, from 10 a.m. to noon and 1-3 p.m. Each day will be different. Students will accomplish several activities related to science, technology, engineering or math; and most days, students will have something they get to take home from what they learned. Reading Camp will consist of four camp blocks each day, from 10-11 a.m., 11 a.m. to noon, 1-2 p.m. and 2-3 p.m. Each day, students will read and discuss thrilling books, or even write a book. They will brush up on their reading skills, such as reading comprehension and skimming, and students will get to develop their literary abilities. Regular hours of operation are MondayThursday, 3-8 p.m.; Friday, 3-6 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For rates or other information, call Upper Limit Learning Center at (205) 783-5103 or visit the business’s social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. n

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• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017



irmingham police officer Pinkney Tooson III was at work when he received the devastating news his brother Steven L. Tooson had died in a car crash Nov. 12, 2015. Unfortunately, Steven’s death wasn’t the first tragedy Pinkney and his family had dealt with prior to the crash. Steven’s wife, Tionne, died in her sleep in October 2014, leaving him without a spouse and their four children without a

mother. Pinkney and his parents received shared custody of the children, Loveless, 19; Cedric, 16; Stephanie, 13; and Keonna, 12. The family had to make many adjustments, from changing school systems to converting to larger vehicles to coordinating work and school schedules. “I had to really pray to ask God to help me,” Pinkney said. “It just happened, and I had to get myself together.” The Hoover YMCA is a place Pinkney had frequented in the past, and after his brother died, Pinkney approached the staff

ABOVE: The Tooson family pulled together after Steven and Tionne Tooson’s deaths to find stability for their children. The Hoover YMCA played a role in keeping the couple’s children involved in positive activities.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Brothers Steven L. Tooson and Pinkney Tooson III several years ago. Their parents, Pinkney Tooson Jr. and Jeanette Tooson, stepped up to help take care of Steven’s children after he died in 2015, following Tionne’s death in 2014. Steven and Tionne, whose children are Loveless, Cedric, Stephanie and Keonna. Keonna, left, and Stephanie stand with Cedric after one of his football games at Spain Park High School.


about finding a way for his nieces and nephews to participate in activities at the Y. “The YMCA is extremely nice,” he said. “They have been very kind to me and my family. They were that way before. They’ve always been pleasant.” Funds raised through the YMCA of Greater Birmingham’s Annual Campaign have allowed the children to attend programs at the Hoover Y branch. Cindy Reams, membership director at the Hoover Y, said the children were “somewhat reserved and quiet” when she first met them. “I gave them a tour of the branch, and while we were touring the branch, they opened up,” Reams said. “They looked more at ease by the end of the tour. You won’t meet nicer, more well-behaved,

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

“We are very proud

to say that we don’t turn people away just because they can’t afford the services and programs the Y provides.” — Kristie Nix-Moorer polite, appreciative teenagers. They’re just fantastic.” Executive Director Julie Broday agreed, noting how well the children adjusted to changing schools in such a difficult time in

their lives, and how strong their family support system has been. “We saw the The YMCA’s Annual apprehension of going Campaign raises into a whole new school about $800,000 to system,” Broday said. $1 million each year. “Then, we saw them in October. They had lit up. They were excelling in school, excelling in sports. The YMCA “They had made the of Greater adjustment. They’re Birmingham serves remarkable.” more than 60,000 Pinkney described the people a year. children as “very active.” His nieces play basketball and run track at Berry Middle School, and one Since 2014, the of his nephews plays organization has football and runs track at served more than Spain Park High School. 2,500 people by The Annual Campaign teaching them helped ensure they water safety skills could remain involved in a free program. in activities despite their circumstances. “It actually helped them a lot,” Pinkney said. The campaign raises In 2015, the Y roughly $800,000 to taught more than $1 million each year, 5,200 children, according to Kristie teens and adults Nix-Moorer, Annual how to swim or Campaign director for how to lifeguard. the YMCA of Greater Birmingham, which includes 10 membership branches, two resident camps, the association office and a youth center. “We are very proud to say that we don’t turn people away just because they can’t afford the services and programs the Y provides,” NixMoorer said. “We want to make the Y accessible to everyone.” The YMCA of Greater Birmingham serves more than 60,000 people per year, and more than 900 children in the afterschool academy, she said. Since 2014, the organization has served more than 2,500 people by teaching them valuable water safety skills in a free program now available to children and adults. “It really impacts a family’s life negatively if they don’t know how to swim,” she said. “It prevents them

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May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •



ABOVE: A memorial wreath was affixed to the front of the Birmingham school bus Steven Tooson drove before his death.

from engaging in a lot of activities, and it’s also not safe.” In 2015, the Y taught more than 5,200 children, teens and adults how to swim or how to lifeguard. The following information provided by the Y details how funds raised through the Annual Campaign impact the community: $50 gives a child the opportunity to learn how to swim. $100 gives two children the chance to participate in a season of youth sports. $500 provides a young adult with an annual membership at the Y. $600 gives a child the opportunity to experience Y Summer Camp. $750 provides a senior couple with a yearly Y membership. $1,000 or more supplies resources needed to allow the Y to fulfill its mission to serve everyone, regardless of their ability to pay for services and programs. Donations to the Annual Campaign can be made at Ymcabham.org/annual-campaign. The programs have given them an outlet for recreation and for meeting new people, Pinkney said. Pinkney praised Broday, Reams and Y Zumba instructor Cristina Rodriguez for their ongoing kindness. “We appreciate the YMCA for what they’ve done,” Pinkney said. n 50

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


happening in hoover

Carter is a Finley Award winner at HHS In late February, Austin Carter was named the 2016-2017 Finley Award recipient at Hoover High School. Carter is a member of the HHS football and wrestling teams. Each year, Hoover City Schools and the Finley Committee recognize three people for outstanding character. Selections include an employee in the district and a graduating senior from Hoover High School and Spain Park High School. Winners are honored at a district-wide banquet every spring, with grade-level character award winners in grades 3-12 from all Hoover City Schools. The Finley Awards started in 1996 and bear the last name of Robert O. Finley, an educator and coach known for his character.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

SMS Synergy takes first place at competitions Synergy, Simmons Middle School’s award-winning show choir, was recently recognized with firstplace finishes at two competitions. The first was the Capital City Classic show choir competition in Montgomery on Jan. 27, where they competed against five other Alabama schools. Then, on Feb. 10, Synergy again took first place, this time at the inaugural Oak Mountain Invitational Competition at Oak Mountain High School. Synergy competed in the “Varsity” Division. They competed against four other schools including a middle school from Tennessee. Members of Synergy include Riley Brophy, Chey Chadwell, Kathryn Chambers, Rebecca Clark, Brady Coltrane, Ross Cooley,

Chloe Cope, Sadie Cope, Aulana Dudley, Anna Lane Elmore, Griffin Feazell, Alli Ford, Madee Frier, Karina Garcia Martinez, Blakley Glover, James Haberland, Liam Harrell, Taleen Hejazen, Paine Horton, Ali Hyde, Camden Jung, Ella King, Adam Lepkowski, Brooke MacQuarrie, Luke McNeill, Annabelle Morrison, Ella Nunn, Mena Orso, Caroline Owen, Matthew Parrish, Veronica Patrick, Kaelin Pettit, Trey Rayfield, Amelia Richey, Morgan Riley, Haley Robinson, Maria Rumore, Aiden Rupp, Olivia Sasser, Abigail Shipley, Toni Silas, Will Simpson, Noah Small, Mary Claire Vaughan and Jackson White. The director of Simmons Synergy is Dan Cater, and the choreographer is Delle Kincaid.

happening in hoover

Girls basketball team takes third in tournament

Cadette Scouts at POP help “A Cure for Clara” The sixth grade Cadette Girl Scouts from Prince of Peace Catholic School, Brocks Gap Middle School and The Altamont School donated $250 of their 2016 cookie sale proceeds to “A Cure for Clara,” which benefits the Cure GM1 Foundation. The Cadettes discovered “A Cure for Clara” while researching charitable giving as part of achieving their marketing badge. When they learned that their donation could help young Hoover resident and Prince of Peace Church member, 2-and-a-halfyear-old Clara Bragg, they were happy. Clara was diagnosed with GM1 Gangliosidosis in August 2016. There is currently no treatment for this fatal genetic disease; however, a human gene therapy trial which could save the life of Clara and other children with this disease awaits funding. The troop presented the check

to Clara and her mother Jenny at a recent meeting at Prince of Peace. The troop donated 75 percent of their 2016 cookie sales to charity, according to Beth Martin. In addition to giving to “A Cure for Clara,” they gave $100 to the Suki Foundation, $100 to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and $100 to the Prince of Peace Church building fund. Shortly after her diagnosis, Clara’s parents, Jenny and Ryan Bragg, learned researchers had experienced success in animal trials and were awaiting funding to move to a human IV gene therapy trial. The Braggs established ACureforClara.com to help raise funds for the Cure GM1 Foundation to help fund such a clinical trial. A yard sale to benefit Clara was held recently in the POP church parking lot and the POP Mom’s ministry is also actively involved in raising money for “A Cure for Clara.”

The Simmons Middle School seventh grade girls’ basketball team wrapped up their season with a victory over Berry Middle School and took third place in the Metro Tournament. They finished their year with a 15-4 record. The team included Olivia Baxter, Olivia Beckman, Devon Davidson, Jayla Harris, Campbell Hecklinski, Aniya Hubbard, Makhala Lewis, Anna Nichols, Olivia Sasser, Jordan Singer and Caroline Whisenhunt. Coaches for the team were Katie Cargo, Eric Ness and Kandis Thomas.

HSC holds Easter Basket service meeting The Hoover Service Club met March 9 for its Easter Basket Community Service event. The event is the club’s annual preparation of 90 Easter baskets for children served by the United Way Food Bank at Green Valley Baptist Church. May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


happening in hoover

SMES holds Archery program growing Arbor Day tree planting As part of the city of Hoover’s Arbor Day Celebration, the Hoover Beautification Board works with City Forester Colin Conner to plant a tree at Hoover City Schools. Shades Mountain Elementary School held its Arbor Day tree planting in February. Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato attended the ceremony. The city held its annual Arbor Day Celebration on March 4 at Aldridge Gardens.

Hoover’s city archery program, one of the few of its kind in the area, is growing rapidly and producing noteworthy accomplishments. Toni Leo started an archery program in 2012 at Bumpus Middle School, during her final year at the school before retirement. Leo knew Hoover Parks and Recreation officials and after her retirement was asked to start an archery program for the city as a contract employee.

Archery was made part of the city’s summer day camp then into its own program. Leo said she had taught archery for years in schools. Leo, who is certified through the Junior Olympic Archery Development program, has gone into schools to promote the activity, and the popular “Hunger Games” book and movie series, with its female, bow-wielding protagonist, also spurred interest in archery.

Priest, composer to present mission at Prince of Peace Dominican priest and musical composter Fr. Jim Marchionda returned to Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Hoover in March to lead a parish mission with a focus on God’s mercy–a mercy reaching beyond borders of any kind, to all nations, all peoples, and faiths and religions. The three-evening mission ran March 13-15 at 6:30 p.m. each evening in the church sanctuary. Dinner was available in the church’s Deasy Hall, starting at 5:30 p.m. all three evenings. The event was free and open to the public. The refreshingly upbeat Fr. Jim 54

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

employed Scripture, story, sacred song and dynamic preaching as he presented “In the Tender Mercy of Our God.” He wholeheartedly embraces the glorious gift of God’s mercy and shared it with those who attended his Hoover mission, just as Pope Francis is sharing it to the world. This priest, preacher, composer and woodwind instrumentalist has been engaged in full-time parish mission preaching since 1994. His composition, I was Hungry, was sung at the funeral of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Shortly after he conducted the Prince of Peace parish mission in 2015, he was elected to a four-year term as provincial of the Chicago Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great. He now serves the Dominican community in a 14-state region in the Midwest in addition to his parish mission work. “We are very pleased that Fr. Marchionda will return to Prince of Peace for our mission this year,” said Prince of Peace’s pastor Fr. John Fallon. “He was very well received two years ago, and many people urged his return.”


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May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


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• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017


EC ON I Hooverchamber.org

1694 Montgomery Highway, Suite 108, Hoover, AL 35216 | (205) 988-5672 | (205) 988-8383 FAX www.hooverchamber.org | email: bill@hooverchamber.org

Spectrum Reach to sponsor May 18 Luncheon Hoover Chamber Scholarships to be presented Spectrum Reach will sponsor the May 18 Chamber Luncheon at the Hoover Country Club. Spectrum Reach (formerly Charter Media) creates custom advertising solutions for the modern media landscape. Spectrum Reach helps businesses reach customers no one else can across every screen and then they deliver the analytics to back it up. It’s not about old or new, it’s about what works. In addition, we will be recognizing outstanding students with our 2016-17 Chamber Scholarships. The Hoover Chamber has given out more than $200,000.00 in scholarships through the years, and we plan to increase that amount each year. The Hoover Chamber established a 501 (c )(3) non-profit charitable foundation in 2016, so anyone

$15,000.00 was awarded in Hoover Chamber Foundation scholarships at the May 19, 2016 chamber luncheon, where Alabama Lt. Governor Kay Ivey was our speaker. Shown l-r are 2016 Chamber President Chris Schmidt; Kennan Gawlowicz of Hoover High School; Rowan El-Qishawi of Hoover; Grace Huldtquist of Hoover; Kennedye McGhee of Spain Park; Stephen Ritchey and sister Elena Ritchey of Hoover; Bailey Garrett of Spain Park; and Paul Dangel, Scholarship Committee co-chair. Not shown are Ben Hartmann of Hoover, now attending U. of Alabama; and Terry Shea, Scholarship Committee co-chair. Rowan El-Qishawi was awarded the Inaugural Matthew and Dr. Abby Allen Scholarship of $2,500.00.

can make contributions to the foundation for scholarships, and take the full amount of the contribution off their income taxes

- both state and federal income taxes. Matthew and Dr. Abby Allen

See SPEAKER on page 3

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine • 57 Hoover Area Chamber Connection Newsletter

“Book It!” with the Friends of the Hoover Public Library The Friends of the Hoover Public Library are sponsoring a 5k race at Veterans Park called “Book It!” on Saturday, May 20 at 8 a.m. Participants can run the race, walk, dance or stroll Bryce Thornton, their way through Hoover Public Library the race. There is Business Department even a “sleep in” option for those who want to support the event, but don’t want to be there at 8 a.m. This is about having fun and supporting a great organization. Online registration is required and early registration guarantees a race T-shirt and a discounted entry fee. The registration link can be found at hooverlibrary.org/bookit. Attendees can also take advantage of two more great events. One is the “Story Stroll” for both adults and children. Participants follow a trail while reading a story. When completed, return to the registration table to complete a form and enter for a prize drawing. The other event is the Children’s Summer Reading Kick Off. This carnival-like atmosphere is fun for the whole family. It starts at 10 a.m. and features a petting zoo, a balloon artist, a variety of bouncy inflatables and crafts. Bryce Thornton is the Business Librarian at Hoover Library. You can reach him at 4447816 or brycet@bham.lib.al.us.

Coffee & Contacts Schedule Normally held the 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. May 11, 2017 - Homewood Suites Riverchase

October 12, 2017 - Brook Highland Place

June 8, 2017 - Ridge Crossing Apartments

October 31, 2017 - T. Fox Salon Halloween Treat!

July 13, 2017 - CB&S Bank

November 9, 2017 - Brookdale University Park

August 10, 2017 - Nova Essence Medispa (Patton Creek) September 14, 2017 - Southeastern Bible College

January 11, 2018 - Available February 2018 - Available

Luncheon Sponsorships Normally held the 3rd Thursday of each month, 11:15 a.m. Networking, Noon Luncheon — NOW Meeting at Hoover Country Club May 18, 2017 - Spectrum Reach

September 21, 2017 - Greystone Country Club

June 15, 2017 - Medical West July 20, 2017 - Regions Bank Freedom Award August 17, 2017 - Chick-fil-A

October 19, 2017 - St. Vincent’s Health System November 16, 2017 - American Family Care

Business After Hours Schedule Held the 4th Thursday of each month, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. May 25, 2017 - Inverness Country Club June 22, 2017 - River Highlands of Birmingham June 29, 2017 - Open House - Oasis Car Wash July 27, 2017 - Galleria Woods Retirement Community August 24, 2017 - Expedia CruiseShipCenters

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017 Connection Newsletter Hoover Area Chamber


December 14, 2017 - Vestavia Reserve Luxury Apartments

September 28, 2017 - 100 Inverness Apartments October 26, 2017 - Orange Theory Fitness November & December - None Held January 25, 2018 - Morningside of Vestavia (formerly Chateau Vestavia) February 2018 - Available

A Ground Breaking Ceremony was held for the construction of The Sheffield Group on Friday, March 3, 2017, at 900 Corporate Drive in Meadowbrook, sponsored by TurnerBatson Architects and JOHNSONKREIS Construction. Shown left-to-right are Brad Jones of EGS Real Estate; Kelly Capps Rowen, Ann Capps, Don Capps, and Keith Capps, all of The Sheffield Group; Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato; Dave Reese of TurnerBatson Architects; Jess Johnson of JohnsonKreis Construction; Chamber President Jerome Morgan, Jr.; and Grant Lauderdale of Servis 1st Bank. The Sheffield Group is a provider of workman’s compensation insurance, operating since 1993.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held March 7, 2017 at the new location of Upper Limit Learning Center, 3601-A Lorna Ridge Drive, Hoover 35216. Shown cutting the ribbon are Alex and Mary Grace Pereira, as her mother, Andrea Hammack holds the bow. To the left of Alex is her father, Jeff Hammack. They are joined by several Hoover Chamber ambassadors. Upper Limit Learning Center can be reached at (205) 783-5103 or Alex@ upperlimitlearning.com.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake Pizza on Friday, March 3, 2017, at the new location at 2800 Greystone Commercial Boulevard, in Hoover 35242. Shown cutting the ribbon is manager Kaitlyn Kellogg and Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato, as David Yirkovsky holds the bow. They are joined by several staff team members, as well as several Hoover Chamber ambassadors. This is the eighth Papa Murphy’s Pizza in the Hoover Chamber. This location can be reached at (205) 9008250 or Kaitlyn@pm-al.com.

A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at the all-new Vestavia Reserve Luxury Apartments, just off Cahaba River Road, in Vestavia Hills 35243. Shown cutting the ribbon is Community Manager Jennifer Fisher and Drew Kiinstler as Rachel Mavers holds the bow. They are joined by several Hoover Chamber Ambassadors. They can be reached at Vestaviareservemgr@greystar.com or (205) 977-7767. See the virtual tours at http://vestaviareserve.com A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held Thursday, March 23, 2017 at the Erdos At Home Store, at 4431 Creekside Avenue in the Patton Creek Shopping Center in Hoover. Shown cutting the ribbon is Director of Merchandising Louis Koay Chee Jun and CEO John Erdos (with glasses), as Store Manager Ashley Askew holds the bow. There were joined by several team members and Hoover Chamber ambassadors. Erdos at Home can be reached at (205) 444-0641 or contact Ashley Askew at Ashley. Askew@erdosathome.com. www.erdosathome.com

Speaker: continued from page 1 have contributed $2,500.00 again this year for a scholarship to be presented in their name. In addition, the chamber will be presenting some $10,000.00 in scholarships. Each scholarship winner is invited to attend the chamber luncheon, and to invite their parents as guests of the chamber and the luncheon sponsor, SpectrumReach. Students applying can be from any of the area schools, including all

public and private schools, but must either be a Hoover resident, or at least one parent must be employed by the City of Hoover or a Hoover Chamber member business. To attend the May 18 Chamber Luncheon, please make your reservations no later than Monday, May 15, by calling 988-5672, or emailing Lisa Dunbar at admin@ hooverchamber.org. Networking begins at 11:15 a.m., with the

meeting starting sharply at noon. The Luncheon is $20.00 with advance reservations or $25.00 at the door. Reservations may be cancelled the morning of the luncheon, but an invoice will be sent for those who make reservations and simply do not attend. Location: The Hoover Country Club, 3140 Club Drive, Hoover 35226 (205) 822-0647. www.hoovercountryclub. org

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine • 59 Hoover Area Chamber Connection Newsletter

Chamber Golf Tournament August 28! Mark Your Calendars! The 22nd Annual Hoover Chamber Golf Classic is scheduled for Monday, August 28, 2017 at Riverchase Country Club, and is one of the area’s best tournaments. Without a doubt, the field will be full with some 130 golfers participating. St. Vincent’s Health System is the Title Sponsor again this year. Key sponsorship slots are available, including several Team- and HoleSponsorships. This is the largest fundraising event for the Chamber, with much of proceeds funding thousands of dollars in scholarships for area students through the Chamber Scholarship Fund. It is a great way to support the Chamber while promoting your company to dozens of members, golfers, and volunteers from around the Hoover area. This year, we again have the popular Four-Man Scramble Format, with golfers playing as a four-player team. We will divide

The overall winners of the 21st Annual Chamber Golf Tournament came from the Cigna HealthSpring team of Thomas Glover, Dan Singley, Miles Morris and Charlie Norton. They had a team score of 52, and each winner was awarded a $150.00 gift certificate to the Riverchase Country Club Golf Shop. Shown above, Thomas Glover, Committee Chair Kathleen Spencer, Charlie Norton, Miles Morris. Dan Singley was not available for the photo.

teams into three flights with prizes offered to all four players of the winning teams of the three flights. To help raise funds for our scholarships, we have a tremendous array of prizes in the Raffle! Raffle Tickets are $5.00 each or a book of

five for only $20.00. For more information on sponsorships and registration, contact Bill Powell at 988-5672, or visit the Chamber website golf page at www.hooverchamber.org/sports/ golf/.

New Members — March 2017 Angels Advertising Bridget Baughan, Owner 968-1544 Bento Construction, LLC Elliott Carr, II - 362-7117 (Ragland, AL) Birmingham Orthodontics Jeannie Morton - 453-0843 Bolin Reeves Florist, Inc. Jamie Reeves, Owner - 324-8521

By George Inspections & Services George Sadowski - 907-4732 (McCalla) Champion Home Exteriors Justin Gilbert - 381-5664

Cobbs Allen Cara Conaty - 874-3670

Key to Your Potential Brenda Durham-807-1743

Cornerstone Media Carol Keith - 443-0322

LaQuinta Inn-Hoover Karen Rickerson - 403-0096

Disaster Restoration Tiffany Kemp - 699-5932

Maalouf Trade & Services Sam Maalouf, General Manager -470-7777

Club Pilates GGP Accounting Carrie Becker, General Manager Ronald Stromeyer, Owner - 937-7265 983-2199

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017 Connection Newsletter Hoover Area Chamber


Mighty Green Cannon White - 290-1999

See MEMBERS on page 6

Upcoming Events

May and June 2017 MAY May 2: 7:00 a.m. 35th Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at Hyatt RegencyWynfrey Hotel. This is a City of Hoover event, NOT a Chamber of Commerce event. Attendees must have tickets in advance at $25.00 each. Contact the city of Hoover at (205) 444-7500 for tickets. This is the first Prayer Breakfast for the new mayor, Mayor Frank Brocato. Tickets may also be purchased online at www. thelibrarytheatre.com The chamber will provide tickets for members of the Board of Trustees. May 2: 4:30 p.m. Ribbon Cutting & Open House after extensive remodeling at Galleria Woods Retirement Community, 3850 Galleria Woods Drive, Hoover 35244. Contact Lisa McClung at bmcclung@brookdale.com or (205) 985-7537. May 3: 11:00 a.m. Ribbon Cutting at Skyline Village at Red Mountain, 260 Goodwin Crest Drive, Homewood 35209. Contact Debbie Armstrong at darmstrong@skylinevillageretirement. com or (205) 957-4700. www. skylinevillage.com

Riverchase, 121 Riverchase Parkway East, Hoover 35244. Contact Corey Raley at corey.raley@hilton.com or (205) 637-2900 for information. May 17: 4:30 p.m. Chamber Ambassador Meeting at Chamber Office. Visitors Welcome!

May 18: Hoover Chamber Luncheon at Hoover Country Club. 11:15 a.m. Networking, Noon Luncheon. Please make reservations by Monday, May 15. Those who make reservations requesting a meal be prepared for them, and do not attend will be invoiced, unless canceled prior to the event. $20.00 or $25.00 for non-members or for those without reservations. Lisa@ hooverchamber.org

May 25: 5:30-7:00 p.m. Business after Hours at Inverness Country Club, 1 Country Club Drive, Birmingham 35242. Call (205) 991-8608 for additional information. May 23-28: Southeastern Conference Baseball Tournament at Hoover Met. www.sec.com for tickets!

June 8: 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Coffee & Contacts at Ridge Crossings Apartments, 100 Tree Crossings Parkway, Hoover 35244. Contact Marsha Robinson at (205) 733-9711 or ridge crossings@steadfastliving.com. www.ridgecrossings-living.com

June 15: Hoover Chamber Luncheon at Hoover Country Club. 11:15 a.m. Networking, Noon Luncheon. Please make reservations by Monday, June 13. Those who make reservations requesting a meal be prepared for them, and do not attend will be invoiced, unless canceled prior to the event. $20.00 or $25.00 for non-members or for those without reservations. Lisa@ hooverchamber.org

June 22: 5:30-7:00 p.m. Business after Hours at River Highlands of Birmingham, 1851 Data Drive, Hoover 35244. Contact Erin Helton at (205) 982-7000 or ehelton@riverhighlands. com. www.RiverHighlands.com


May 4: 8:30 a.m. Economic Development Committee Meeting. Visitors Welcome!

June 1: 8:30 a.m. Economic Development Committee Meeting. Visitors Welcome!

May 9 8:30 a.m. Minority Business Council at Chamber Office. Visitors Welcome!

June 1: 4:00-7:00 p.m. Open House at Birmingham Physicians’ Imaging, 1550 Montgomery Highway, Suite L, Hoover 35216. Contact Mildred Waldrop at (205) 823-3366 or mwaldrop@rwbrad.com. www.southerrediologyspecialists.com

May 11: 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Coffee & Contacts at Homewood Suites -

June 6: 8:30 a.m. Minority Business Council at Chamber Office. Visitors Welcome!

June 29: 5:30-7:00 p.m. Open House at Auto Oasis Express Wash, 3631 Lorna Road, Hoover 35244. Contact Kathy & Truitt Luckie at (205) 6370508 or gtluckie@yahoo.com. www. aoexpresswash.com

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine • 61 Hoover Area Chamber Connection Newsletter

Hoover Chamber Officers and Board of Directors

Jerome Morgan, Jr., Oncort Professional Services 2017 President

Jason Cobb, America’s First Federal Credit Union

Chris Schmidt, J.D., Daniel Corporation, 2016 President

Paul Dangel Hyatt Regency Wynfrey Hotel

Joel Smith, Hendrick Hoover Auto Mall, 1st Vice President

Paul Huckeba C B & S Bank

Terry Turner Gentle, Turner & Sexton 2nd Vice President

Ira Levine, CCIM, Levine & Associates

Megan Randolph, CPA, Warren Averett CPAs and Advisors, Treasurer

Tynette Lynch Aldridge Gardens

Kathleen Spencer, Morningside of Vestavia, Secretary

Jeff McDowell McDowell Security Services, LLC

Stephen Preston, Brookwood Baptist Medical Center

Lori Schommer, City of Hoover, City Liaison

Lynn Ray Business Telephones, Inc.

April DeLuca Magic City Law Legal Advisor

Terry Shea, Wrapsody

Mission Statement Amended January 1998. The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce promotes economic growth of business through a strong support system which provides business and community partnerships. Use this logo to place in your advertising for higher name recognition. This logo can be emailed to members for use in advertising, on business cards, and on letterhead or signs.

Members: continued from page 4 Northwestern Mutual Josh Baker - 444-5020 Office Environments Blake Stringer - 569-4313 Palomar Insurance Tessie Waid - 566-1552

Perrigo Dental Office Scott J. Lafont, DDS - 822-7822

Sherwin-Williams Jim Guthrie - 328-7307

Progress Bank - Board of Trustees Chuck Kramer -779-7002

Sleep Outfitters - Galleria Sunny Smith - 995-3144

ServPro of Birmingham - Pelham Office Matt Cook - 664-6990

Tiger Rock Kristin Smith, Manager- 823-1999

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017 Connection Newsletter Hoover Area Chamber


SPOTTED Hoover Senior Center February Luncheon

The Hoover Senior Center held its February luncheon on Feb. 28.

Betty Heald, Gelene Matthews, Rita VanBlommesteyn and Sisy Matthews.

John Greene and Melody Greene.

Tillie Powers and William Smith.

Ann Frazier and Belinda Johnson.

Cindy Burns and Carol McFadden.

Marion and Diane Bamman.

Ginnie Stewart and Betty Heald.

Oude Gresham and Violet Townsend.

Joyce Britnell, Anita Roseman and Linda Colegrove.

Harriet McQueen and Ginger Long. May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Judy M. Merritt 5K and Fun Run


People supported Jefferson State Community College by running or walking in the annual Judy M. Merritt 5K Run & One Mile Fun Run and Family Day on Saturday, March 4 at the college and Veterans Park.

Hanna Patterson, Katie Golden, Hope Bowen and Taylor Dover.

Bonnie Chesten and Karalise Cook.

Lillian Owens.

Emmit Washington and Zach Johnson.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Emily Lanier and MaKayla Kersh.

Destiny Jones, Velma Webb and Nadia Banilohi.

Amanda McDaniel and Liam Stack.

Kristy Healy and Dennis Healy.

Gerri Betts and Joseph Betts.

Destiny Jones, Annelee Baker and Courtney Bailey.

Katie Golden, Taylor Dover, Hannah Patterson and Hope Bowen.

Live Well at Home with a Higher Class of Care We do home care differently Aaron Scott and John Dorsey.

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Grace, Ray and Miles Emmerson.

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Emily Contorno, Maricarmen Nicholas, Destiny Jones and Eva Rodriguez.

www.CanineCountryClub.pet 205-258-CLUB (2582) May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


February Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce Luncheon


The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce’s Public Safety Awards Luncheon was held Feb. 16 at the Hoover Country Club.

Jeff, Laura, Geni, Jim, Austin and Mallory Smith with Sadie Berg.

Jeff Otwell, Mark Thornton, Dan Jackson and Claire Hovater.

Robert, Jessie and Blakely Smith.

Alan Cohen, Daniel Lowe and Clinton Blackmon.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Hannah Cofield, Stacy Conville, Tony Conville and Savannah Conville.

John McDonald and Brittany Hayes.

Julie and Kevin Bentley.

Rocco and Darlene Renno.

Lynn Mauldin and Derrick Murphy.

Mary Perry and Regina Smith.

Susan, Chris and Jerry Fulmer.

Patti Gulledge and Lori Redding.

Jami Patterson, Angela Killingsworth, Lisa McClung and Dawn Sparks. May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •



Hoover’s Arbor Day Celebration The city of Hoover’s 19th Annual Arbor Day Celebration presented by the Hoover Beautification Board was held on the morning of March 4.

Madison Lee, Anna Douglass and Emma Rose Hill.

Ellison Hendrixson, Parker Hendrixson and Joy Wagner.

Laura Edwards and Kelsey Crowe.

Victoria and Sam Smith.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Andrew Fort, Dave Searcy and Donna Spencer.

Colin Conner and Melissa Woods.

Vivian and Lucky Barnett.

Jack, Danielle and Sophia Thomason.

Daniel and Rebecca Hassee.

Ann McAdams, Sara Perry and Pat Lawley.

Mayor Frank Brocato and Frances Brocato.

Betty Daigle, Mable Prescott and Judy McDaniel.


Maely, Micah, David and Meredith Breland. May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Alabama Bluegrass Music Association Showcase of Bands


The Alabama Bluegrass Music Association held its 20th annual Showcase of Bands at Spain Park High School on March 4. It was the first time for the event—which featured performances, impromptu jam sessions, food and more—to be held at SPHS. Barry Snow, Kathy Maddox, Robby Houston, Amanda Gore and Jacob Littleton.

Bobby George and Farren Bates.

Shirley Rollins and Danny Huff.

James Robinson and Carl Robinson.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Jeff Cagle and Hank Hodges.

Kerry Franklin.

Madi Masters.

Gabe Belcher, Lu Wibben, Laura Abercrombie, Landon Cook, Lexi Belcher, Brody Josey, Gayle Yester, Nevaeh Abercrombie and Hayden Cook.

HCS Show Choir Showcase

Rachel Ponder and Hannah Bishop.

Sidney Gedgoudas, Anna Grace Moore and Emily Thomson.

Nicholas Ritchey, Wesley Whetstone and Joshua Baroody.

Kaitlyn Hall, Anna Caulk and Mia Deschenes.

National Day of Prayer Breakfast with speaker

Six Hoover City Schools show choirs performed at the second annual Show Choir Showcase on Friday, Feb. 24 at SPHS. The event featured almost 300 singers, dancers and instrumentalists.

Reese Kolaczek and Kaitlyn Hall.

Anna Lee Pierce and Chandleigh Barton.




Join us for a day of remembrance, including special musical tributes to America’s veterans by the Montevallo Community Chorale.

Brenda Ladun

THURSDAY, MAY 18TH 8-10 A.M. Brenda is well-known in the state, is an exceptional speaker, and as a cancer survivor she has written three very inspiring books rooted in her deep Christian faith. She is very positive about reliance on faith in overcoming adversity and her message is uplifting and hopeful, drawing on her personal experiences and those whose stories she has covered as part of her ongoing television news series “Matters of Faith.”


FREE admission

Gate 11:00 s open a t Vete ran 10:00 Activ s Salute until ities 3:00

Limited seating is available, so order tickets now.

To make a reservation, please call 665-3535 x 1045 or email jwasyluka@americanvillage.org


The National Day of Prayer Breakfast is sponsored by the Lucille Ryals Thompson Colonial Chapel Foundation and cosponsored by the American Village Citizenship Trust.


Include the veterans in your family in the Register of Honor: MONTEVALLO, ALABAMA


May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Brenda Ladun Conquer Cancer Run


The 13th Annual Brenda Ladun Conquer Cancer Run was held Saturday, March 18 at St. Vincent’s One Nineteen.

ABC 33/40 anchor Brenda Ladun with American Cancer Society.

Brenda Ladun and Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato.

Ryan Peek, Deana Peek and Tim Peek.

Ngar Deighton, Ashley Stephens, Aquila Heron, Amy Drolet and Sara Nix.

Hayley Barber, Will Deshazo and Ellen Mitchell.


• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Jackson Davis, Andy Davis and Jeff Daniel.

Jocklyn Tucker, Demetrish Jones, Mattie Tolbert, Talayia Domingue, Cody Domingue, Cheryl Domingue, Adrianna Domingue, Levette Robinson and Anita Bell-Hicks.

Brenda Ladun.

Blake Perry, Grace Perry, Haley Isbell, Gary Aldridge, Bobby Isbell III, Bobby Isbell Jr. and Lynn Isbell.

Kaci Jackson, Amy Kirkland, Rachel Anderson and Laurie Mitchell.

Jeff Locke, Helen Schadt and Evan Ball.

Brenda Ladun with her son.

John and Becky Nichols.

Nick Goudreau, Catherine Goudreau, Mischelle Goudreau and Cathie Bonner.

Amy Kirkland, Kaci Jackson, Katie Cardinals, Laurie Mitchell and Rachel Anderson. May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Tween Scene: Junk Food Smorgasbord


Taste buds were put to the test on March 17 at Tween Scene’s Junk Food Smorgasbord at the Hoover Public Library.

Susan and Alexis Anderson.

Andrew Camp, Elizabeth Camp, Saleema Chagri, Alexis Anderson, Ebrahim Chagri, Abby Plott and Anna Beth Reece.

Andrew, Shelly and Elizabeth Camp.

Ebrahim and Saleema Chagri.

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• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

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LPN’s, RN’s, CNA’s Full-time & part-time • 2nd & 3rd Shift Apply in person: Hatley Health Care 300 Medical Ctr Dr Clanton, AL 35045

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Hardee’s Now Hiring •Crew Members/Hoover •Management/Calera Email resume to: hardees2007@bellsouth.net

Birmingham Hide & Tallow Immediate position for CLASS-B ROUTE DRIVERS FOR LOCAL ROUTE.

WELL-ESTABLISHED 100+ YEAR COMPANY NOW HIRING ROUTE DRIVERS. HOME NIGHTS/WEEKENDS. LOOKING FOR HARD WORKING DRIVERS TO JOIN OUR TEAM. CLEAN MVR/BG CHECK REQUIRED. COMPETITIVE PAY & BENEFITS: BCBC, 401K, PAID HOLIDAYS/VACATION, COMPANY FURNISHED UNIFORMS. CALL 205-425-1711 OR EMAIL: adria.lupien@ bhtonline.com B&J Metal Fabricators Professional sheet metal replacement and fabrication on classic cars/ trucks. $65.00/hour for labor Parts/supplies additional Quotes based per job. Media blasting available. Powder coating coming soon. Montevallo area. (205)665-4687 (205)296-9988 US HEALTH ADVISORS New Advisors Wanted •Potential $75K-150K 1st Year Industry Leading Compensation Monthly & Quarterly BONUSES •FREE Company Generated Leads We Offer an Innovative Approach to Individual Health Coverage 205-259-8026 Alabama.Division @ushadvisors.com F/T applicants only FREON 12 WANTED: R12 collecting dust in your garage? We pay CA$H for R12 EPA cert, We pick up Call now for April pickup: (312)291-9169 sell@refrigerant finders.com Hiring CDL-A Drivers Sign-on Bonus + Great Benefits

Local Domicile Work Apply online at: MerchantsFood Service.com/Careers Now accepting applications for experienced caregivers Apply online at www.HCAmatch.com Visit us at www.HomeCareAssistance BirminghamAL.com •3 BR/1BA •1 car garage/separate carport on side •awnings in front&back over patio •New Durante Windows •New Roof •Fenced back-yard •96,500 •Please contact Cindy Dennis with Realty South •205-389-3459 Necesita un ama de casa a tiempo parcial de 3 días por semana. Los deberes incluyen: la limpieza de la casa, compras de supermercado, haciendo recados. Debe tener transporte confiable, debe ser confiable. Deben hablar español y algo de inglés. Sírvanse proporcionar experiencia laboral. La compensación depende de la experiencia. Póngase en contacto con 903-677-0820 para más información o al 903-677-2126 fax Reanudar. Looking for a new home? Look no further Call Alabama Rental Property 205-410-8785 Wiregrass Construction Company is seeking experienced asphalt CDL TRUCK DRIVERS.

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


Must be dependable. Excellent benefits. Interested applicants may apply: 951 Dow Street Pelham, AL 35124 (205)620-4132 or 151 Piper Lane Alabaster, AL 35007 (205)605-0753. 8AM to 5PM, M-F. WCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Tree Nursery Worker Needed Responsible w/mechanical skills. To operate forklift/farm tractors/equipment/ welding/ground maintenance/service equipment/check fluid levels/clean after use. Maintain safe/clean area. Requires valid-DL/reliable transportation. 334-365-2488 Caregivers Needed ASAP! Competitive hourly pay. Call Visiting Angels at (205)719-1996 to discuss. Accepting Applications EXPERIENCED CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS for HAUL in the Alexander City, Prattville, Thorsby and Opelika Areas *Benefits Package *Sign-On Bonus To Apply or for More Information Call (334)368-4956 Evergreen Forest Products, Inc. Security Guard Part-time Must have pistol permit and pistol. $11/hour. Call Carrie 991-4654 or 427-5591 or 205-427-5501 Landscape Assisstant 6:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. Full Time • Monday-Friday Paid health benefits. Looking for a quick learner, with great work ethic! Call Carrie 205-991-4564 or 205-427-5501 TaylorMade Transportation Hiring CDL Drivers for Flatbed Regional Division! BCBS Insurance After 30 Days. To apply call: (334)366-2269 or email: s.smith@taylormadeinc.com


TARGET AUCTION Advanced Real Estate Marketing 800-476-3939 www.targetauction.com CLOCK REPAIR SVS. * Setup * Repair * Maintenance I can fix your Mother’s clock. Alabaster/Pelham Call Stephen (205)663-2822 Immediate Positions!!!! Positions needed: Warehouse • Sales Reps • Assistant Manager • Delivery Drivers • Customer Service. Laid back atmosphere, good pay, plenty of hours available! Company vehicles to qualified individuals! Call Andrew 9am-7pm • Mon-Sat at (205)490-1003 or (205)243-6337 Willing to Learn? We are willing to teach! NOW HIRING All Positions Pelham & Chelsea Great Opportunity Rewarding Career 401K/Health Ins/ Group Benefits Contact: 205-620-4455 cwomack@smithcos.com Machinist Local manufacturer has an immediate opening for an experienced manual machinist and CNC programmer operator. 40+ hours per week, good working environment and company benefits. Competitive salary. EOE Send resume with salary history to: Sealing Equipment Products Co. 123 Airpark Industrial Rd Alabaster, AL 35007 Or email: jeanz@sepcousa.com RENT SPECIAL!! Brick 3/2 located next to Meadow View Elementary Easy access to I-65. W/D hook-ups, dishwasher, carport. Rent $1295. (205)433-9811 Burger King Hiring General, Assistant & Shift Managers

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Top Pay/Monthly Bonus/Vacation/ Medical Benefits. 3yrs fast food experience required. Fax resume: 334-649-1112 Or apply at: www.work4bk.com

ashley@ mainlineheating.com (205)664-4751

Odyssey Early Schools Birmingham’s Best Daycare/Preschool is Seeking Experienced Teachers. 4 Year Degree Preferred. Full-Time. BEST Pay. FULL Benefits (Insurance, Leave, Holidays). Call Annie Fine 205-991-0039.

Homewood Area Package Store Day Shift Clerk/Stocker Must be 21, have retail experience, able to work any shift, holidays & weekends. Good pay. Call M-F, 9-5 (205)585-8900

Noland Health Services Now Hiring RN’s Day & Night Shift Available Noland Hospital Shelby Located in Shelby Baptist Medical Center Alabaster To Apply Visit: www.nolandhealth.com Ignite Your Career with Mspark! For current openings, visit: www.mspark.com/ our-company/careers/ or send resume: apollard@mspark.com. Mspark offers competitive compensation, benefits and a team-oriented work environment. EOE. 280 Location Opening Now Hiring 3 shift Managers Pay Rate $9-$11 20-25 Employees Pay Rate $7.75-$8.50. Must have own transportation and flexible schedule. Apply at recruiting.talentreef.com/ momma-goldbergs-deli (205)503-6190 Shake up your career!!! Are you looking for something new and FUN? Milo’s is always looking for great managers to come join our growing and dynamic team. Apply online at miloshamburgers.com Clerical Position Busy HVAC Company. Drug Free. Apply in Person: Mainline Heating & Air 400 Hillwood Park S, Alabaster Or email resume to:

Welder Training Short Term Licensing Call for Details 866-432-0430 ESDschool.com

DCH Health System Caring. For Life. $5,000 *Sign-on Bonus for full time RNs *For More Info Contact Annie.Miller@dchsystem. com Apply online at: www.dchsystem.com Ready to Work for the #1 Brand in the World? Now Hiring Class A-CDL Drivers for Coca-Cola Bottling United. Go to www.cocacolaunited.com to apply! FOR SALE: Oracal Vinyl and Premium HTV Vinyl by the Foot or by the Yard C&C Trophy & Sign, Inc. 209 6th ST N Clanton BURGER KING JOIN OUR MANAGEMENT TEAM Schuster Enterprises, Inc., a Franchisee of Burger King, is looking for Management professionals who have a desire to join a team where people are the most important asset, where growth is based on ability and where opportunity is abundant. Benefits: Competive Wages, Health & Life Insurance, Paid Vacations, 401(k). Apply online at: www.jointeamschuster.com. (EOE - DRUG FREE WORKPLACE). Beelman Truck Hiring Experienced Mechanics and Drivers. Great pay. Great benefits. Apply online at beelman.com or call 205-665-5507.

Bama Concrete Hiring Mixer Drivers Local deliveries. Class-B+ CDL, 2yrs MINIMUM heavyhaul experience/Clean MVR. Competitive Pay/Great Benefits. Apply in person: 2180 Hwy 87 Alabaster, 35007 Automation Personnel Services Hiring IMMEDIATELY For: Automotive Assembly, General Labor, Production, Clerical, Machine Operator, Quality, Carpentry, Welder, Foundry Positions In: Calera, Clanton, Pelham, Bessemer, McCalla Walk-in applications accepted. Clanton (205)280-0002 Pelham (205)444-9774 Wiley Sanders Truck Lines Inc $1,000 SIGN-ON-BONUS Longevity-Bonus. Quarterly Safe-Driving AWARD. Competitive Pay Package. PAID Orientation. NEW Fleet of Trucks. Call 1-855-777-9785 & ask for Dale or Brandy. Nights/weekends, call Jeffrey: 334-372-5049 Ron: 1-850-454-4276 Richard: 334-492-0803 Become a Dental Asst. in ONLY 8 WEEKS! Please visit our website capstonedentalassisting.com or call (205) 561-8118 and get your career started! Electrician - FT Supreme Electric, local-based company in Pelham. Must be willing to learn & work hard. Go to: supremeelectric-al.com Print employment application under Contact Us. Mail to: Supreme Electric 231 Commerce Pkwy Pelham, AL 35124 or call 205-453-9327.

MASTER MECHANIC with Tools Top pay based on experience. Good diagnostic capabilities a must. Southern Dixie Auto Repair Call 205-312-1047 Order Selectors Food Dist. Center in Pelham Day-Shift: Mon-Fri. 40+ hours/week 10:00AM until finished (varies). Salary: $16-20/hr after training. Benefits: Medical, vision, dental, vacation & 401k. Requirements: •Reading & math skills •Lift 40 lbs. repetitively •Work in -10 Temperature Apply in person: 8:30AM-5:00PM Southeastern Food 201 Parker Drive Pelham, Alabama 35124 resume@ southeasternfood.com HIRING Afternoon Teachers for Christian Early Learning Center, 6wks to 4k in Helena. 2pm-6pm, Mon-Fri. Call 205-426-1910 or email resume to queenmoore1956@ gmail.com Production / Manufacturing Vance, Alabama Starting pay: $12.00 – $14.50 /hr. • Have 2 years+ Production/Manufacturing experience. • Have Recently Lived in Alabama at least 2 years. • Have A High School Diploma or GED. • Are at least 18 years old. Complete your application on line at www.naonsite.com INDUSTRIAL CLEANING IN VANCE Requirements: •18 Years Old •HS Diploma/GED •Able to work variable shifts/ weekends/holidays •Able to lift up to 50lbs constantly, stand on your feet for 8hrs •Able to pass drug screen/ background check Complete your application on line at www.naonsite.com

Montgomery Stockyard Drop Station at Gray & Son’s in Clanton. Call Lane at 205-389-4530. For other hauling arrangements, contact Wes in Harpersville 205-965-8657 Are you a motivated professional? Are you looking for a dynamic career? Are you ready to control your own level of success? See why McKinnons’ is an exciting place to work and grow. Now accepting applications for Sales, Service, and Detail Shop. Apply with the receptionist. 205-755-3430 Marble Valley Manor Affordable 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments for Elderly & Disabled. Many on-site services! 2115 Motes Rd, Sylacauga 256-245-6500 TDD#s: 800-548-2547(V) 800-548-2546(T/A) Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm Equal Opportunity Provider/Employer WE HAVE JOBS! · Machine Operator- Moody · Packers- Moody/ Hoover · Paint Line- Moody · Pickers/PackersAlabaster Lyons HR www.lyonshr.com/ career-search (205)943-4820 Klassy Klean Hiring Cleaning Techs Cleaning homes & businesses. Requirements: good background, drug-free, good work ethics, trustworthy, able to work with a team, positive attitude. Will train. Call 205-685-9883 Kelly Educational Staffing® We’re hiring! • Substitute teachers • Aides • Cafeteria • Clerical • Custodial positions for Shelby County School District and Alabaster City Schools. Please call 205-682-7062 We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer Tree Climber / Bucket Operator Top pay guaranteed. 5 yrs exp. CDL required.

Drug Test Required. 205-836-2038 or 205-229-7144 Truck Driver / Debris Loader Operator CDL Required. Full or Part Time. Drug Test Required. 205-836-2038 or 205-229-7144 DRIVERS NEEDED $2,000 Sign On Bonus J & M Tank Lines, Inc. Class-A CDL Local and OTR Drivers. GREAT BENEFITS! Health Insurance $9 Weekly. OTR Drivers Home 2 or More Times Weekly. jmtankjobs.com or call Jeff Sandlin@256-245-3933 Hiring Stylists in Calera Average Pay $12 & Up 205-966-7254 ONLINE AUCTIONS www.GTAOnlineAuctions. com 205-326-0833 Granger, Thagard & Assoc. Jack F. Granger #873 $3000 SIGN ON BONUS NEW PAY SCALE TO QUALIFYING DRIVERS EVERGREEN TRANSPORT, is accepting applications for local drivers in the Calera and Leeds, AL, area. Must have class A CDL, good driving record, 1 yr verifiable tractor trailer experience. Good pay and benefits. Apply in person at 8278 Hwy 25 South, Calera, AL, or call for info 205-668-3316. ASE Auto Technician with Imports (German) experience. Candidate should have: •strong work ethic •own tools Quality & craftsmanship are important. www.empireautohaus.com Plumbing Service & Repair Technician Requirements: •Journeyman’s plumbing card •Experience in Residential/ Commercial service/repair/ drain cleaning/sewer work •Clean-cut/self-motivated •Good communication skills •Clean MVR/background/ drug test Email resume: exie@ eagleservicecompany.com

Coosa Valley Medical Center NOW HIRING! CNAs: Post Acute Care RNs: Med/Surg, all-shifts Email resume to: Blaine.Green@cvhealth.net or to apply, go to www.cvhealth.net LAND FOR SALE 7.8 ACRES IN CHELSEA, AL CHELSEA ROAD/HWY 47 Located near Chelsea Community Center For More Information Call Cooper Trent 205-322-0627 FIREWOOD OAK - $25 Rack HICKORY - $30 Rack Pick up yours today at Columbiana Wood Products 21421 Hwy 25 Columbiana (205) 671-5202 Columbiana Clinic is proud to offer more Cardiac services •2 Cardiologists •Stress Test •Echocardiogram and Ultrasound Call 205-669-3138 FT Presser for Dry Cleaner. Salary, vacation, holidays, health & life insurance. Must have reliable transportation. Call Debbie: 205-588-6521. DELIVERY DRIVERS Local Grocery Distributor in Alabaster seeking qualified drivers. Delivery/unloading to multiple locations. Mon-Fri work week. Requirements: Valid DL, clean driving record. Benefits: Competitive wages, bonuses, benefits, opportunity for advancement. Call 205-397-1782. BTC Wholesale Distributors BRIARWOOD APARTMENTS Now Leasing! Beautiful 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments Mon & Wed 8:30am-4pm 535-A Hicks St Montevallo 205-665-2257 TDD #’s: (V)1-800-548-2547

(T/A)1-800-548-2546 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. General Lawncare Weekly/bi-weekly grass cutting, including large properties, acreage, lake properties. Great rates! Free Estimates! Discounts for multiple properties. Serving Shelby and Chilton Counties. Call Alex: 205-955-3439 Great Jobs ARE Out There...If You Know Where to Look! AIDT recruits, screens and trains qualified applicants for outstanding jobs statewide. All at NO COST to you! Visit www.aidt.edu/jobs today to view your opportunities! Acceptance Loan Company, Inc. Personal Loans! Let us Pay Off Your Title Loans! 224 Cahaba Valley Rd, Pelham 205-663-5821 Owner Operators Wanting Dedicated Year Round Anniston, AL www.pull4klb.com LPNs NEEDED Oxford Healthcare seeking LPNs, RNs, and CNAs to provide patients with in-home care in Pelham, Hoover, Alabaster, Montevallo Call (205)608-1612 or visit helpathome.com Lake Guntersville Cedar Cove Subdivision approx. 3/4acre enclosed boat house / lift Grant Schools $79,500.00 Agents welcome! Metcalf Realty Co. Inc. George Wyatt 205-271-3670 metcalfrealtycoinc.com Full Time and Part Time RN’s Needed for home health in Bibb, Shelby and Chilton counties. Excellent Salary and Benefits. Please send resumes to jobs@rubic.com or call 866-273-3984

May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •



May 1 Calling All Summer Volunteers

officers at the Hoover Country Club at 11 a.m.

May 13 Building Characters That Stand the Test of Time

•Hoover Public Library•

Interested in volunteering this summer? Come to the library on May 1 at 6 p.m. to learn what is expected and find out your assignment. All summer volunteers must attend one season. For Hoover students grades 8-12.

May 2 35th Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast •Hyatt Regency-Wynfrey Hotel•

The 35th Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast will be held May 2 at 7:30 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency-Wynfrey Hotel Ballroom. The Hoover Beautification Board hosts the event, which brings city and elected officials, religious leaders, business leaders and the community together for a faith-based event. This year’s featured speaker is Alabama Supreme Court Justice Glenn Murdock. A table (10 seats) can be purchased for $250. Tickets may be purchased from the Hoover Library Theatre Box Office at (205) 444-7888 or Thelibrarytheatre.com.

May 4 May The Fourth Be With You •Hoover Public Library•

A daylong celebration of the Star Wars universe with crafts, games and a variety of characters. Come and go as you please. Activities will be available all day, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., in the Children’s Department.


•Hoover Public Library•

Building Characters That Stand the Test of Time

will discuss “Flight Patterns” by Karen White on May 7 at 3 p.m. For more •Hoover Public Library• Singer, songwriter and information, call 444-7820. guitarist Debbie Bond has May 8 been part of the Alabama blues scene for over 30 years. Grey Gardens Her 2016 album “Enjoy – documentary the Ride” has gotten rave screening reviews. She will perform at •Hoover Public Library• the library on May 4 at 6:30 The classic film portrait of p.m. Big Edie and her daughter Little Edie, two eccentric May 6 high-society castaways Coffee & Espresso living in a dilapidated New 101: Discussion & York mansion (1976, PG, 95 minutes) will be shown Tasting May 8 at 2 p.m. and 6:30 •Hoover Public Library• Learn about coffee, p.m. Free admission and espresso, different methods refershments. For more of brewing, coffee information, call 444-7840. sustainability practices and May 11 more May 6 at East 59 Café on the Plaza at 10 a.m., Scholarship noon and 2 p.m. Class and Citizenship is $10 and includes light Awards Luncheon snacks and drink tastings. •Hoover Country Club• Limited seating. Reserve a The Hoover Service Club spot at (205) 518-6264. will hold its Scholarship and Citizenship Awards Luncheon May 7 for students from Hoover and Sunday NovelTea Spain Park High School, •Hoover Public Library• Flora Mae Pike Award and This new fiction book group installation of new HSC

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

Debbie Bond

Author Michael Morris will lead a writer’s workshop May 13 at 10:30 a.m. that will feature writing exercises using photographs to develop ideas for historical or contemporary fiction. These exercises focus on developing compelling characters and settings that can be used to launch a short story or even the beginning of a novel. Reservations are required. Call 444-7840.

Restoration Assembly •Hoover Public Library•

Prayer strategies and training will be held May 13 at 11 a.m.

Purl @ the Plaza •Hoover Public Library•

Join old friends and make new ones at this crafty meeting of all fiber enthusiasts May 13 at 1 p.m. Bring yarn and knit, crochet or embroider with the group. The event is free.

May 15 Neuroscience Café: Adolescent Psychosis •Hoover Public Library•

“Identification and Treatment of Psychosis in Young People: Experience from a First Episode Psychosis Clinic” presented

by the UAB Comprehensive Neuroscience Center will be May 15 at 6:30 p.m. The discussion will be led by Dr. Clinton Martin, assistant professor of psychiatry, and Dr. Adrienne Lahti, professor of psychiatry.

May 15. Those who make reservations and do not May 23 attend will be invoiced, Southeastern unless canceled prior to Conference the event. The cost is $20 Baseball or $25 for non-members or Tournament those without reservations. •Hoover Metropolitan Stadium• Call (205) 988-5672 or The Southeastern Conference email lisa@hooverchamber. Baseball Tournament will org for reservations. May 16 be held at the Hoover Hoover Historical Metropolitan Stadium on Trivia Night Society meeting May 23-28. For more Hoover Public •Hoover Public Library• information or to purchase Library The Hoover Historical tickets, visit Sec.com. Society will meet on Tuesday, Compete for prizes in the May 16, at 1:30 p.m. at the library’s monthly trivia night. May 25 Hoover Public Library. Jim May’s trivia night will be Business After Baggett will speak about the a general trivia night. The Hours Hawes Murders of 1888, event is free and will be held Inverness Country Club one of Birmingham’s most at the Plaza. The Hoover Area Chamber infamous murder mysteries. of Commerce will hold May 21 Business After Hours at Andy Spain May 18 Inverness Country Club, •Hoover Public Library• Hoover Chamber Singer songwriter Andy located at 1 Country Club Luncheon in Birmingham. Spain writes eclectic but Drive •Hoover Country Club• Contact Steve Korson accessible songs that merge The Hoover Chamber at (205) 991-8608 or folkways with futurism in Luncheon will be held at HYPERLINK “mailto:steve@ a style he calls “sci-folk.” Hoover Country Club. The free event will be held diamondclubs.com” steve@ Networking starts at 11:15 May 21 at 2:30 p.m. at the diamondclubs.com for more a.m., and the luncheon information. Plaza. starts at noon. RSVP by

May 27 Insatiable Readers: Summer Reading Preview •Hoover Public Library•

Feed your need for nonfiction titles and bookish conversations while you enjoy a cup of coffee at the library on May 27 at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call 444-7840.

Brother Joseph and the Grotto – Alabama documentary screening •Hoover Public Library•

The true fairy tale of a Bavarian monk who built Ave Maria Grotto, a miniature city of recycled materials at Saint Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama (2013, about two hours), will be held May 27 at 2:30 p.m. Free admission and refreshments. For more information, call 444-7840.



5080 Cahaba Valley Trace • Birmingham, AL 35242


May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •


why I love Hoover

“I am humbled to be honored by the very leaders who have taught me so much”


arrie Busby’s life involves teenagers at work and at home, and she likes it that way. “This is a special time for me professionally and personally since I get to be the 12th grade administrator at Hoover High while living with my own senior son, Jake, and rising senior daughter, Riley,” she said. Busby is a 1990 graduate of Pelham High School, a 1994 graduate of the University of Alabama and a 2009 graduate of the University of Montevallo. She and her husband, Scott, met while at PHS, and they have been married for 21 years.

Helping classrooms at Hoover High School. Mr. Hulin tapped me for an administrative position at HHS in January 2013. Q: What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen in education since you first started teaching? A: Swift changes in technology have changed the way teachers teach and students learn.

Q: What would you like to see change top professional organizations for in the years ahead? administrators in Alabama, and the A: I hope to see more innovation support garnered from this organization at the secondary level in learning during my administrative career has communities across subjects as opposed been exceptional and personal. I am to the traditional classroom. Inquiryhumbled to be honored by the very driven, project-based and presentationleaders who have taught me so much oriented learning interest me. about school leadership. Q: What is something interesting Q: How long have you worked in people might not know about you? education, and in what positions? A: Once a teacher, always a teacher. A: I have spent my entire professional When I stayed at home while my kids career at Hoover High School. The were young, I taught group exercise at University of Alabama piloted an several suburban gyms. I taught step, internship program at Hoover High spinning, aquatics, prenatal aquatics and School during Hoover’s first year BodyPump classes and had the best - 1994, and I was chosen to intern time doing something I enjoy while at HHS under the guidance of Jill connecting with people. Q: What do you love about Hoover? Sturgeon, ninth grade English teacher. A: Clearly I value our stellar school After graduation in December, I Q: What do you enjoy doing in your system that graduates college and accepted a long-term substitute leisure time? career-ready young adults who are A: I truly love watching baseball. This eager to give back to the community as position in January. I taught summer time of year I am either watching adults. Hoover also boasts a community school the following summer and was hired as a full-time English my short stop son and his Helena rich with parks and recreation, gardens, teacher in the fall of 1995. Scott Husky teammates or my Hoover Bucs. shopping and entertainment. and I got married the week before Cheering for both teams is something I semester exams in December of that really enjoy. Q: What does it mean to you to be named the Alabama Assistant Principal first year, and after Jake and Riley Q: What is your favorite spot in of the Year by the Alabama Association were born in 1998 and 2000, I stayed home with the kids until 2006 when Hoover, and why? of Secondary School Principals? I returned to the English and Peer A: Hoover High School, of course! n A: AASSP and CLAS are the 80

• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017


May 2017 | Hoover’s Magazine •



• Hoover’s Magazine | May 2017

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