2 minute read
My Homewood
Homewood City Council Representative
Something New Every Day
Civic Duties
I am honored to currently be serving our city with some of the most awesome citizens. There is always something to learn about my job as a councilperson, and I’m privileged to learn something new from our residents and elected officials every day.
Gluten-Free Life
Eating In + Out
About 10 years ago we discovered three of my four daughters had gluten, dairy and varying other food allergies, and I have since embraced cooking delicious gluten-free meals. But on the days that I can’t, I am either spoiled by my neighbor and chef Karen Rankin, or we find several great dishes for the whole family at Urban Cookhouse (pictured), Maya Mexican Restaurant and Chop Suey Inn.

In the Deep Woods Go Patriots

Supporting Our Athletes
Before social gatherings slowed to a crawl, there was nothing we loved more than watching my husband, Sam, coach baseball or cheering the Patriots on in any sport. I served concessions when my daughter Samantha was a Star Spangled Girl, and when my daughter Zoe played volleyball, I would either cheer from the stands or track the libero for the scorekeeper. My twins Diane and Debra are former HMS cheerleaders who kept me in the stands for football, basketball and the Homewood City Schools Showcase.
My Corner of Homewood
City life and convenience is a plus for me and my family, but I also love the country. We live near the Homewood walking trails, and some days in the summer it feels as if you’re in the deep woods of Shelby County there. If the timing is just right, I can watch the most amazing sunset from my deck.

A Piece of History
Oxmoor Stairs
Our beloved Edgewood next door neighbor Mrs. Monte had to detour around drop off on our block as she walked down Oxmoor. Mr. Monte petitioned the city to build the stairs there, and Homewood built the stairs. Those stairs still flank the corner of West Hawthorne and Oxmoor Road today.