1 minute read
The Question
In the midst of the hardships of 2020, ”“THE QUESTION what has brought you the most joy?
Finding fun in the everyday normal. Finding four-leaf clovers, planting flowers from seeds, exploring backroads in my own little county and chasing sunsets in my own backyard. - Becky Beall Watching families spending time together outdoors as well as putting prayer before fear! - Kimberly Kielbasa My daughter turned one this past week. With quarantine and all I got to see things a lot of working parents miss. Standing, first steps, waving and a handful of first words. - Sabrina Blankenship I got to spend 6 months with my grandson that was born in February. Also, my oldest son was in a horrific car accident, and I was able to be home with him during his recovery. We hired an investigator in Russia to search for birth family of our adopted children, and they found their older biological brother (whom we didn’t know existed!).
- Trista Ehlers
I decided to quit my corporate job of 13 years and start my own apparel company in the middle of a pandemic, TheDaisyMaecompany. com.
- April Olive Working from home and enjoying all the time with my fur babies, since all my children are grown. Also enjoying all the churches going online so we could “visit” them all!
- Bobbie Rachel Vines - Cynthia Lewis Deaver
Wonderful times with my family, and my fabulous faculty/staff at Mt Laurel Elementary who delivered meals to families as well as rocked their Google Meet meetings! - Celita Carmichael Deem