Code of conduct

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A P E X Code of Conduct A P E X ​operates as a global business, we are committed to conducting our business products and services around the world in a manner which is exemplary of outstanding , well as enhancement of the Company’s reputation , image, and commercial success A P E X ​expects the companies with whom it does business with and secures products and services from applicable laws and regulations, to treat their employees fairy, with dignity and respect responsible citizens in the countries and communities in which they operate, and … A ​ PEX ​high standards and ethical behavior A P E X ​commits to helping our suppliers create and improve the work environment, by focusing on labor, health, and safety conditions. We want drive our suppliers from standard practices to exceeding our code of conduct. We understand that we are a key factor that is required to improve our suppliers and employees’ need, by providing outstanding training for all levels of employees, to help integrate our values into each suppliers factories. 1. Ethical Standards : We only operate with suppliers and manufactures who comply with superior standards of ethical business behavior, and with rigorous practice, commit to those standards on a daily basis. 2. Legal Requirements : All companies, businesses, suppliers, and manufactures doing business with us must comply to all laws and regulations, including locations where the company operates and conducts business. We will not knowingly operate or use suppliers/ manufactures who operate in violation of any such law or regulation. 3. Anti-Corruption : APEX​ will ONLY do business with suppliers and manufacturers that commit themselves to complete transparency and honesty. In accordance with US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, and other applicable international laws, suppliers may not bribe or otherwise make a improper payments. This means that​ APEX​ suppliers must not, directly or indirectly, offer, pay, promise to pay, authorize the payment of, any financial or other it advantage, or anything else of value, to any person for the purpose of securing and in proper advantage for the supplier or ​APEX​. This includes any attempt to impact the objectivity of third party representatives appointed by A ​ PEX​, to carry out inspections or compliance audit. 4. Environmental Responsibility : Suppliers and manufacturers must comply with the written environmental policies and standards as well as any applicable environmental laws, our codes and benchmarks, and agree to be monitored separately for environmental responsibility. Factories must continuously monitor and communicate with ​APEX, their natural resource and energy usage, emissions, discharges, carbon footprint and disposal of waste and take a progressive approach to minimize negative impacts on their environment as much as possible.

5. Animal Welfare : Suppliers and manufacturers must respect animal welfare and work progressively towards adopting and implementing healthy and humane practices towards animals. 6. Health and Safety : Suppliers and manufacturers shall provide a safe and healthy workplace to prevent accidents and injury. The employer shall take a proactive approach to aid in the health and safety of employees by implementing policies, Systems and training, designed to prevent harm, illness, accident, incident or injury during the course of work or as a result or the operation of the employers facilities. 7. Employment Practices : Working Hours : Employers should not request overtime hours on a regular basis. The sound of regular and overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours or the maximum allowed by the law or the county of manufacture whichever is less. Child Labor : No person shall be employed under the age of 15 or under the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher. Juvenile workers ( ages 15-17) shall not perform work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it’s carried out, is likely to compromise their health, safety or morals. Forced Labor : We do not condone forced labor in any regard. This includes and is not limited to, prison labor, bonded labor, or indentured labor. We require our Suppliers and manufacturers to hire people of 15 years of age or older, while limiting employees under eighteen to not work in hazardous conditions or allow overtime privileges. Discrimination : The men and women employed by the supplier are not subject to discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, promotion or discipline, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, nationality, political opinion, trade union affiliation, social or ethnic origin or any other status protected by country law. Women and men shall receive equal pay for work of equal value. Harassment & Discipline : ​Every employee must be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological, verbal harassment or abuse or to monetary fines or embarrassing act as a disciplinary measures. If problems to persist person of cause may be subject to trial and termination. Wages & Benefits : We seek in favor suppliers who progressively raise employee living standards through improved wage systems, benefits, welfare programs, and other services, which exceeds legal requirements and enhance quality of life . Employees must be compensated for overtime hours at the rate legally required in the country, or manufacturer, or in those countries where such laws do not exist, at a rate exceeding the regular hourly compensation rate.

8. Confidential, Proprietary and Personal Information : All factories, businesses and personnel are subject to signing a contract stating that all pieces, parts, written IP and products must remain on premises and will be checked before leaving each work day. 9. ​Discipline & Punitive Laws : If any employee, Manager or supervisor, Business partner of apex goes against any of our codes of conduct person of guilt maybe subject to suspension and or determination of Business contract. 10. ​Community : APEX ​encourages all suppliers and their employees to get involved in local social and environmental community charity efforts by volunteering time and/or providing other types of support. ​APEX supports grassroots environmental nonprofit and seek a long-term partnerships with suppliers that share the same philanthropic values. 11 Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining : Suppliers and manufacturers shall recognize and respect the right of workers to freedom of association and speech. Also business partners must develop and fully implement effective grievance mechanisms which can resolve internal industrial disputes, employee complaints, and ensure effective, respectful and transparent communication between employees, their representatives and management. 12. Code Communication : All business partners and facilities are required to (​ 1)​ Post the A ​ PEX ​codes and standards and separate APEX ​grievance phone numbers document in a conspicuous place frequented by all employees, in the local languages spoken by the employees supervisors and managers. All employees must undertake documented training efforts to educate current and new employees about the A ​ PEX ​code standards and use of the ​APEX​ grievance phone number. 13. ​Subcontracting : APEX​ does not permit subcontracting without our permission or prior written approval. All samples in bulk production orders must be placed within our facilities that have been pre- approved by ​APEX​. Direct suppliers in manufactures are required to continuously monitor approved subcontractors And sub suppliers for social and environmental responsibility using standards that meet or exceed our cold in benchmarks. Doing Business with ​A P E X​ means that you acknowledge the Company’s Supplier Code of Conduct and commit to doing business with the Company according to these terms. A ​ PEX​ reserves the right to terminate its business relationship with any supplier who is unwilling to comply with this Partners, Supplier and Manufacturer Code of Conducts.

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